Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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@REM standard cmd script header lines @echo off setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
REM REM syncone.cmd REM REM this program will spawn a window to sync a single project after waiting REM for an event named "syncwait.admin" for the admin project, for instance REM
set /a ExitCode=0
REM make sure we are passed an argument if "%1" == "" ( echo Insufficient arguments passed, exiting. echo Expecting a project location from %SDXROOT%. set /a ExitCode=!ExitCode! + 1 goto :ErrEnd ) set ThisPath=%1 if "%2" NEQ "" ( echo Wrong number of args given, exiting. echo Expecting a project location from %SDXROOT%. set /a ExitCode=!ExitCode! + 1 goto :ErrEnd )
set ThisPath=%ThisPath:\=-% perl %RazzleToolPath%\PostBuildScripts\cmdevt.pl -h syncwait.%ThisPath%
sd sync ...
REM error check if "%ErrorLevel%" NEQ "0" ( set /a ExitCode=!ExitCode! + 1 goto :ErrEnd )
echo No errors encountered.
goto :End
:End perl %RazzleToolPath%\PostBuildScripts\cmdevt.pl -s syncwait.%ThisPath% endlocal goto :EOF
:ErrEnd echo Finished with %ExitCode% error(s). REM write the error to the log file if defined LogFile ( echo Sync in %SDXROOT%\%ThisPath% failed. >> %LogFile% ) else ( echo Sync in %SDXROOT%\%ThisPath% failed. >> %SDXROOT%\fullsync.err echo See %SDXROOT%\fullsync.err for error information. ) call :End seterror.exe 1