Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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102 lines
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  1. @REM -----------------------------------------------------------------
  2. @REM
  3. @REM tsclient.cmd - NadimA, MadanA
  4. @REM Build terminal server client bits every build
  5. @REM
  6. @REM Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
  7. @REM
  8. @REM -----------------------------------------------------------------
  9. @if defined _CPCMAGIC goto CPCBegin
  10. @perl -x "%~f0" %*
  11. @goto :EOF
  12. #!perl
  13. use strict;
  14. use lib $ENV{RAZZLETOOLPATH} . "\\PostBuildScripts";
  15. use lib $ENV{RAZZLETOOLPATH};
  16. use PbuildEnv;
  17. use ParseArgs;
  18. sub Usage { print<<USAGE; exit(1) }
  19. tsclient [-l <language>]
  20. Build terminal server client bits.
  21. USAGE
  22. parseargs('?' => \&Usage);
  23. # *** TEMPLATE CODE ***
  24. $ENV{"_CPCMAGIC"}++;exit(system($0)>>8);
  25. __END__
  26. @:CPCBegin
  27. @set _CPCMAGIC=
  29. @if not defined DEBUG echo off
  30. @REM *** CMD SCRIPT BELOW ***
  31. REM
  32. REM Invoke the web building script
  33. REM
  34. if defined ia64 pushd %_NTPostBld%\tsclient\win32\ia64
  35. if defined amd64 pushd %_NTPostBld%\tsclient\win32\amd64
  36. if defined 386 pushd %_NTPostBld%\tsclient\win32\i386
  37. call ExecuteCmd.cmd "tscwebgen.cmd"
  38. popd
  39. REM
  40. REM Only do this for X86 builds for now. Win64 will come later
  41. REM repropagation will have to come into play for that
  42. REM
  43. if defined ia64 goto :TS64
  44. if defined amd64 goto :TS64
  45. if NOT defined 386 goto :EOF
  46. REM
  47. REM Build the tsclient MSI data cab
  48. REM
  49. pushd %_NTPostBld%\tsclient\win32\i386
  50. call ExecuteCmd.cmd "tscmsigen.cmd"
  51. popd
  52. :TS64
  53. REM
  54. REM Propagate the TS Client files to the root of binaries.
  55. REM This is done via a makefile binplace to tsclient\congeal.
  56. REM
  57. call logmsg.cmd "Copying/renaming TS Client files and copying the root of binaries."
  58. set makefile_path=%_NTPostBld%\tsclient\congeal
  59. if not exist %makefile_path%\mkrsys (
  60. call errmsg.cmd "Unable to find %makefile_path%\mkrsys."
  61. goto :EOF
  62. )
  63. set tscbin=%_NTPostBld%\tsclient
  64. REM
  65. REM Run nmake on the tsclient\congeal makefile.
  66. REM
  67. pushd %makefile_path%
  68. if errorlevel 1 (
  69. call errmsg.cmd "Unable to change directory to %makefile_path%."
  70. goto :EOF
  71. )
  72. REM
  73. REM No 16 bit TS Client for FE languages.
  74. REM
  75. set NO_WIN16_TSCLIENT=
  76. perl %RazzleToolPath%\cklang.pm -l:%lang% -c:@FE
  77. if %errorlevel% EQU 0 set NO_WIN16_TSCLIENT=1
  78. call ExecuteCmd.cmd "nmake /nologo /f %makefile_path%\mkrsys tscbin=%tscbin%"
  79. popd