<?XML version="1.0" ?> <?job debug="false"?> <package> <job> <comment> <![CDATA[ We recommend the use of Option Explicit inside every set of <SCRIPT></SCRIPT> tags ]]> </comment> <resource id="regbase">HKLM\Software\Microsoft\</resource> <resource id="windows">Windows NT\CurrentVersion\</resource> <resource id="BVTdata">BVT\</resource> <resource id="title">MUI BVT</resource> <resource id="machine">%BOOTTESTMACHINE%</resource> <resource id="skip"> SaveButton ClearButton InputReady </resource>
<runtime> <named name="title" helpstring="dialog title" required="false" type="string"/> <named name="machine" helpstring="Boot test machine" required="false" type="simple"/> <named name="debug" helpstring="debug" required="false" type="simple"/> <named name="showinput" helpstring="parse comment fields (LANG,PRODID,DRIVE,BLDNUM)" required="false" type="string"/> <named name="[h]elp" helpstring="display this message" required="false" type="simple"/> <named name="pkd" helpstring="open second explorer window to go product key" required="false" type="simple"/> <named name="escape" helpstring="escape special characters" required="false" type="simple"/> </runtime> <resource id="tags"> LANG PRODID DRIVE BLDNUM </resource> <resource id="entries"> P_roductID BT_U BT_P </resource> <resource id="blank"> <![CDATA[ <HTML> <HEAD> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> function myOnClick(val){ val.form.BT_U.value = "" val.form.BT_P.value = "" } </SCRIPT> <script language="vbscript"> set window.onBeforeUnload = getref("PostQuitWrnMsg") sub PostQuitWrnMsg bComplete = false spQuitWrnMsg = "The calling script has not indicated " & _ "that it has completed." & _ VBNEWLINE & _ "Closing this window may " & _ "cause the calling script to fail."
For npCnt = 0 to document.forms(0).elements.length - 1 spName = document.forms(0).elements(npCnt).Name If 0 = strComp( "InputReady", spName, VBTEXTCOMPARE) Then bComplete = document.forms(0).elements(npCnt).Value End If Next if bComplete then exit sub window.event.returnvalue = spQuitWrnMsg end sub </script> </HEAD> <BODY BACKGROUND="%IMAGE%" TEXT="WHITE"> </BODY> </HTML> ]]> </resource> <resource id="dyna"> <![CDATA[ <CENTER> <TABLE BORDER="0"> <FORM NAME="InitBOOTTESTMACHINE"> <INPUT NAME="BT_M" TYPE="HIDDEN" SIZE="50" VALUE="%BOOTTESTMACHINE%"> <INPUT NAME="InputReady" TYPE="HIDDEN" SIZE="1" VALUE="0"> <TR><TD COLSPAN="3"><P ALIGN="RIGHT"> <FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE ="5" COLOR="#FFFFFF"><B>%TITLE% %BOOTTESTMACHINE%</B></P></FONT> </TD></TR> <TR><TD COLSPAN="2"><FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE ="4" COLOR="#FFFFFF">User:</FONT></TD> <TD><P ALIGN="RIGHT"><INPUT NAME="BT_U" SIZE="20"></P></TD></TR> <TR><TD COLSPAN="2"><FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE ="4" COLOR="#FFFFFF">Password:</FONT></TD> <TD><P ALIGN="RIGHT"><INPUT TYPE="PASSWORD" NAME="BT_P" SIZE="20"></P></TD></TR> <PRODID> <TR><TD COLSPAN="2"><FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE ="4" COLOR="#FFFFFF">Product ID:</FONT></TD> <TD><P ALIGN="RIGHT"><INPUT NAME="BT_I" SIZE="40" VALUE=""></P></TD></TR> </PRODID> <DRIVE> <TR><TD COLSPAN="2"><FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE ="4" COLOR="#FFFFFF">Drive:</FONT></TD> <TD><P ALIGN="RIGHT"><INPUT NAME="BT_D" SIZE="2" VALUE=""></P></TD></TR> </DRIVE> <BLDNUM> <TR><TD COLSPAN="2"><FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE ="4" COLOR="#FFFFFF">Build:</FONT></TD> <TD><P ALIGN="RIGHT"><INPUT NAME="BT_N" SIZE="2" VALUE=""></P></TD></TR> </BLDNUM>
<TR><TD><IMG SRC="%IMAGE%" WIDTH="50"></TD> <TD COLSPAN="2"> <P ALIGN="RIGHT"> <INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" NAME="SaveButton" VALUE="Save Values"> <INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" NAME="ClearButton" VALUE="Clear" onClick="myOnClick(this)"> </P> </TD></TR></TABLE> </FORM> </CENTER> ]]> </resource> <comment></comment> <resource id="bgimg">bkg.jpg</resource> <resource id="comment"><![CDATA[<!--]]></resource> <resource id="/comment"><![CDATA[-->]]></resource>
<comment> // document.href='about:blank' </comment>
<script language="VBScript"> <![CDATA[
Function CurrentPageFieldVal(oiHierObj, siFieldName) Dim npCnt, npElementNumber, spName
For npCnt = 0 to oiHierObj.forms(0).elements.length - 1 spName = oiHierObj.forms(0).elements(npCnt).Name If InStr(siFieldName, spName) Then npElementNumber = npCnt End If Next CurrentPageFieldVal = oiHierObj.forms(0).elements(npElementNumber).value End Function
Function CurrentPageSetVal(oiHierObj, siFieldName, siValue)
Dim npCnt, npElementNumber, spName siFieldName = Cstr(siFieldName) For npCnt = 0 to oiHierObj.forms(0).elements.length - 1 spName = Cstr(oiHierObj.forms(0).elements(npCnt).Name) If 0 = strComp(siFieldName, spName, VBTEXTCOMPARE) Then npElementNumber = npCnt End If Next oiHierObj.forms(0).elements(npElementNumber).value = cStr(siValue) CurrentPagesetdVal = oiHierObj.forms(0).elements(npElementNumber).value
End Function
Sub InsertCommentText(oiHierObj, siText) oiHierObj.body.insertAdjacentHTML "beforeEnd", siText End Sub
<script language="VBScript"> <![CDATA[
Function spQthisE(siBarE)
Dim opRxS, opRxX, opRxA, opRxB, opRxC Set opRxS = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") Set opRxX = CreateObject("VBscript.RegExp")
opRxS.add "!", "^!" opRxS.add "%", "^%" opRxS.add " ", "^ " With opRxX .Global = True .IgnoreCase = True .Pattern = "" End With opRxB = siBarE For Each opRxA in opRxS.Keys opRxB = Replace(opRxB, opRxA, opRxS(opRxA)) Next If bpDebug Then If opRxX.Test(opRxB) then WSCript.echo "Replaced:", _ QQUOT & siBarE & QQUOT, _ QQUOT & opRxB & QQUOT End If End If Set opRxS = Nothing Set opRxX = Nothing spQthisE = opRxB End Function
]]> </script>
<script language="VBScript"> <![CDATA[
Function ReadResource(sPresId)
On Error resume next Dim WshShell
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Dim sPRes, asRes, uRes, tsRes
sPREs = GetResource(sPresId)
If Err.number <> 0 Then
Wscript.echo err.number & " " & err.description ' The Error description are not informative when failed getresource IF Err.number = 7 Then Wscript.echo chr(9) & "Null resource: " & _ sPresId End If IF Err.number = 5 Then Wscript.echo chr(9) & "Undefined resource: " & _ sPresId End If Wscript.quit End If
asRes = Split(WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(sPRes), VBNEWLINE)
Set ures = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
For Each tsRes in asRes
If 0 <> Len(tsRes) Then
uRes(tsRes) = 1
End If Next
Dim tResource
tResource = uRes.Keys
If uBound(tResource) = 0 Then ReadResource = tResource(0) Else ReadResource = tResource End If
Set WshShell = Nothing Set uRes = Nothing
End Function ]]> </script>
<script language="VBScript"> <![CDATA[
Sub ofSvFCVAsdrt _ npReady = CurrentPageFieldVal(opContainerObject, "InputReady") spP_roductID = CurrentPageFieldVal(opContainerObject, "BT_P")
If spP_roductID <> "" Then npReady = 1 Call CurrentPageSetVal(opContainerObject, "InputReady", npReady) End If _ End Sub
Function sGetKeyValue (siRegKey) _ on Error Resume Next sGetKeyValue = opShell.RegRead(siRegKey) if err.number <>0 Then sGetKeyValue = NULL End If _ End Function
Function mkTemp(siExtension)
Dim spRndName, snDotPos, opFilesys, opshell Dim opLocSyz, opTextFyle Set opLocSyz = CreateObject("WinNTSystemInfo") Set opShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Set opFilesys = CreateObject("Scripting.FilesystemObject") Randomize ' Initialize random-number generator spRndName = cStr(Rnd) snDotPos = InstrRev(spRndName, ".", 1, VBTEXTCOMPARE) + 1 mkTemp = opFilesys.BuildPath(opShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%TEMP%"), Mid(spRndName, snDotPos) & _ "." & siExtension)
Set opTextFyle = opFilesys.CreateTextFile(mkTemp, true)
opTextFyle.WriteLine getResource("comment") & _ " " & _ opLocSyz.DomainName & _ "\"& _ opLocSyz.UserName & _ " " & _ getResource("/comment")
Set opShell = Nothing Set opFilesys = Nothing
If bpDebug then WSCript.echo mkTemp End If
End Function
]]> </script>
<script language="VBScript"> <![CDATA[
Option Explicit
Const csQuote = """" Dim opNetwork, opWManager, opIexplore, opIexplore2, opShell, opFilesys Dim sbgimg, sBareScriptName, sPathScriptName, opGNamArgs Dim spTextBodyDisplay, opBlStreem, spBlunkPige, sBlunkDot, sScriptPath
Set opGNamArgs = WScript.Arguments.Named
'' skip some form fields here... Dim opdSkipFNames, spFieldSkip Set opdSkipFNames = createObject("Scripting.Dictionary") For each spFieldSkip in ReadResource("skip") opdSkipFNames.add ucase(spFieldSkip), 1 Next Dim spEscape spEscape = opGNamArgs.Exists("escape") If opGNamArgs.Exists("help") or opGNamArgs.Exists("h") Then WScript.Arguments.showUsage WScript.quit End If
Set opFilesys = CreateObject("Scripting.FilesystemObject") spBlunkPige = mkTemp("html") Const cForReading = 1, cForWriting = 2, cForAppending = 8
Set opBlStreem = opFilesys.OpenTextFile(spBlunkPige, cForAppending, True ,0)
sPathScriptName = opFilesys.GetAbsolutePathName(WScript.ScriptFullName ) sBareScriptName = opFilesys.GetFileName(sPathScriptName) sScriptPath = Replace(sPathScriptName,"\" & sBareScriptName, "",1,1) sbgimg = Replace(_ opFilesys.BuildPath( sScriptPath, _ GetResource("bgimg")), _ "\", _ "/") spTextBodyDisplay = Replace(GetResource("dyna"), "%IMAGE%", sbgimg)
sBlunkDot = Replace(GetResource("blank"), "%IMAGE%", sbgimg) opBlStreem.Write sBlunkDot opBlStreem.Close Set opNetwork = Wscript.CreateObject("Wscript.network") Set opIexplore = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") If bpDebug Then WScript.echo TypeName(opIexplore) End If '' showinput must be better checked. If opGNamArgs.Exists("pkd") then Set opIexplore2 = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") end If Set opWManager = CreateObject("Shell.Application") Set opWManager = Nothing Set opShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
'' Set opWinMan = CreateObject("window.manager") ' is it a XP regression or a feature?
Dim spTitle, siTitle, siMachine, spMachine spTitle = GetResource("title") siTitle = WSCript.Arguments.Named("title") If siTitle <> "" Then spTitle = siTitle End If
spMachine = GetResource("machine") siMachine = WSCript.Arguments.Named("machine")
spMachine = Replace(spMachine, "%BOOTTESTMACHINE%", opNetwork.ComputerName & "1") If siMachine <> "" Then spMachine = siMachine End If
spTextBodyDisplay = Replace(spTextBodyDisplay , "%TITLE%", spTitle, 1, 10) spTextBodyDisplay = Replace(spTextBodyDisplay , "%BOOTTESTMACHINE%", spMachine, 1, 10) Set opNetwork = Nothing
Dim bpShwCm Dim bpDebug: bpDebug = False
If opGNamArgs.Exists("debug") then bpDebug = True End If
If opGNamArgs.Exists("showinput") then Dim spInputField For each spInputField in Split(opGNamArgs("showinput"), ",") '' PARSING COMMENT IDS TOO DIFFICULT WITH NO MSXML '' SAVE IT FOR ANOTHER VERSION Dim opOpComX Dim opClComX Set opOpComX = CreateObject("VBscript.Regexp") Set opClComX = CreateObject("VBscript.Regexp") With opOpComX .Pattern = "<" & ucase(spInputField) & ">" .Ignorecase = True .Global = True End With With opClComX .Pattern = "</" & ucase(spInputField) & ">" .Ignorecase = True .Global = True End With spTextBodyDisplay = opOpcomX.Replace(spTextBodyDisplay,"") spTextBodyDisplay = opClcomX.Replace(spTextBodyDisplay,"") Set opClComX = Nothing Set opOpComX = Nothing
Next End If
For Each spInputField in ReadResource("tags") Set opOpComX = CreateObject("VBscript.Regexp") Set opClComX = CreateObject("VBscript.Regexp") With opOpComX .Pattern = "<" & ucase(spInputField) & ">" .Ignorecase = True .Global = True End With With opClComX .Pattern = "</" & ucase(spInputField) & ">" .Ignorecase = True .Global = True End With spTextBodyDisplay = opOpcomX.Replace(spTextBodyDisplay,getResource("comment")) spTextBodyDisplay = opClcomX.Replace(spTextBodyDisplay,getResource("/comment")) Set opClComX = Nothing Set opOpComX = Nothing Next
If bpDebug Then WScript.echo spTextBodyDisplay End If
With opIexplore
.width = 535 .height = 255 .top = 0 .left = 0 .menubar = false .statusbar = false .resizable = false .visible = false .toolbar = false .navigate ("file://" & _ spBlunkPige ) .document.bgcolor = "#8899CF" End With
opIexplore.top = opIexplore.document.parentWindow.screen.availHeight - _ opIexplore.height opIexplore.left = opIexplore.document.parentWindow.screen.availWidth - _ opIexplore.width
WScript.Sleep 25
With opIexplore .visible=1 .document.title = "Initialisation: " End With
WScript.Sleep 25
With opIexplore .document.body.innerHTML=spTextBodyDisplay .visible=0 End with WScript.Sleep 25 opIexplore.visible=1
If opGNamArgs.Exists("pkd") Then '' Use the second IE window to navigate to pkd page when PRODID is to be '' filled WScript.Sleep 100 With opIexplore2
.width = 720 .height = 640 .top = 0 .left = 0 .menubar = false .statusbar = true .resizable = true .toolbar = true .navigate ("About:blank") .document.title = "Initialisation: " .visible = false
End With
opIexplore2.navigate ("http://pkd/") opIexplore2.visible=1
End If
Dim opContainerObject
Set opContainerObject = opIexplore.document
Dim spP_roductID Dim npReady: npReady = 0 opContainerObject.all.SaveButton.onClick = GetRef("ofSvFCVAsdrt")
Do While npReady <> 1 WSCript.sleep(10) Loop
InsertCommentText opIexplore.document, "<P ALIGN=""RIGHT""><FONT FACE=""Arial"">Done...</FONT></P>"
WScript.Sleep 100 Dim siOutputField Dim spOutputField, npCnt
siOutputField = CSTR((WScript.Arguments.Named("field")))
For npCnt = 0 to opContainerObject.forms(0).elements.length - 1 spOutputField = opContainerObject.forms(0).elements(npcnt).Name If ("" = siOutputField AND NOT opdSkipFNames.Exists(ucase(spOutputField)) ) _ OR 0 = strComp(spOutputField, siOutputField, VBTEXTCOMPARE) _ Then If Not spEscape Then WSCript.echo spOutputField, _ "=", _ CurrentPageFieldVal( _ opContainerObject,spOutputField)
Else WSCript.echo spOutputField, _ "=", _ spQthisE(CurrentPageFieldVal( _ opContainerObject,spOutputField))
End If End If Next
If opGNamArgs.Exists("pkd") then opIexplore2.quit Set opIexplore2 = Nothing End If
opIexplore.quit Set opIexplore = Nothing
Set opShell = Nothing Set opGNamArgs = Nothing If bpDebug Then WSCript.echo "opFilesys.DeleteFile" , spBlunkPige End If opFilesys.DeleteFile spBlunkPige Set opFilesys = Nothing
]]> </script>
</job> </package>