Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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600 lines
16 KiB

  1. <?XML version="1.0" ?>
  2. <?job debug="false"?>
  3. <package>
  4. <job>
  5. <comment>
  6. <![CDATA[
  7. We recommend the use of
  8. Option Explicit inside every set
  9. of <SCRIPT></SCRIPT> tags
  10. ]]>
  11. </comment>
  12. <resource id="regbase">HKLM\Software\Microsoft\</resource>
  13. <resource id="windows">Windows NT\CurrentVersion\</resource>
  14. <resource id="BVTdata">BVT\</resource>
  15. <resource id="title">MUI BVT</resource>
  16. <resource id="machine">%BOOTTESTMACHINE%</resource>
  17. <resource id="skip">
  18. SaveButton
  19. ClearButton
  20. InputReady
  21. </resource>
  22. <runtime>
  23. <named name="title" helpstring="dialog title" required="false" type="string"/>
  24. <named name="machine" helpstring="Boot test machine" required="false" type="simple"/>
  25. <named name="debug" helpstring="debug" required="false" type="simple"/>
  26. <named name="showinput" helpstring="parse comment fields (LANG,PRODID,DRIVE,BLDNUM)" required="false" type="string"/>
  27. <named name="[h]elp" helpstring="display this message" required="false" type="simple"/>
  28. <named name="pkd" helpstring="open second explorer window to go product key" required="false" type="simple"/>
  29. <named name="escape" helpstring="escape special characters" required="false" type="simple"/>
  30. </runtime>
  31. <resource id="tags">
  32. LANG
  33. PRODID
  34. DRIVE
  35. BLDNUM
  36. </resource>
  37. <resource id="entries">
  38. P_roductID
  39. BT_U
  40. BT_P
  41. </resource>
  42. <resource id="blank">
  43. <![CDATA[
  44. <HTML>
  45. <HEAD>
  46. <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
  47. function myOnClick(val){
  48. val.form.BT_U.value = ""
  49. val.form.BT_P.value = ""
  50. }
  51. </SCRIPT>
  52. <script language="vbscript">
  53. set window.onBeforeUnload = getref("PostQuitWrnMsg")
  54. sub PostQuitWrnMsg
  55. bComplete = false
  56. spQuitWrnMsg = "The calling script has not indicated " & _
  57. "that it has completed." & _
  58. VBNEWLINE & _
  59. "Closing this window may " & _
  60. "cause the calling script to fail."
  61. For npCnt = 0 to document.forms(0).elements.length - 1
  62. spName = document.forms(0).elements(npCnt).Name
  63. If 0 = strComp( "InputReady", spName, VBTEXTCOMPARE) Then
  64. bComplete = document.forms(0).elements(npCnt).Value
  65. End If
  66. Next
  67. if bComplete then exit sub
  68. window.event.returnvalue = spQuitWrnMsg
  69. end sub
  70. </script>
  71. </HEAD>
  73. </BODY>
  74. </HTML>
  75. ]]>
  76. </resource>
  77. <resource id="dyna">
  78. <![CDATA[
  79. <CENTER>
  80. <TABLE BORDER="0">
  83. <INPUT NAME="InputReady" TYPE="HIDDEN" SIZE="1" VALUE="0">
  86. </TD></TR>
  87. <TR><TD COLSPAN="2"><FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE ="4" COLOR="#FFFFFF">User:</FONT></TD>
  88. <TD><P ALIGN="RIGHT"><INPUT NAME="BT_U" SIZE="20"></P></TD></TR>
  89. <TR><TD COLSPAN="2"><FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE ="4" COLOR="#FFFFFF">Password:</FONT></TD>
  91. <PRODID>
  92. <TR><TD COLSPAN="2"><FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE ="4" COLOR="#FFFFFF">Product ID:</FONT></TD>
  93. <TD><P ALIGN="RIGHT"><INPUT NAME="BT_I" SIZE="40" VALUE=""></P></TD></TR>
  94. </PRODID>
  95. <DRIVE>
  96. <TR><TD COLSPAN="2"><FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE ="4" COLOR="#FFFFFF">Drive:</FONT></TD>
  97. <TD><P ALIGN="RIGHT"><INPUT NAME="BT_D" SIZE="2" VALUE=""></P></TD></TR>
  98. </DRIVE>
  99. <BLDNUM>
  100. <TR><TD COLSPAN="2"><FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE ="4" COLOR="#FFFFFF">Build:</FONT></TD>
  101. <TD><P ALIGN="RIGHT"><INPUT NAME="BT_N" SIZE="2" VALUE=""></P></TD></TR>
  102. </BLDNUM>
  103. <LANG>
  104. <TR><TD><FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE ="4" COLOR="#FFFFFF">Language:</FONT></TD>
  106. </LANG>
  108. <TR><TD><IMG SRC="%IMAGE%" WIDTH="50"></TD>
  109. <TD COLSPAN="2">
  110. <P ALIGN="RIGHT">
  111. <INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" NAME="SaveButton" VALUE="Save Values">
  112. <INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" NAME="ClearButton" VALUE="Clear" onClick="myOnClick(this)">
  113. </P>
  114. </TD></TR></TABLE>
  115. </FORM>
  116. </CENTER>
  117. ]]>
  118. </resource>
  119. <comment></comment>
  120. <resource id="bgimg">bkg.jpg</resource>
  121. <resource id="comment"><![CDATA[<!--]]></resource>
  122. <resource id="/comment"><![CDATA[-->]]></resource>
  123. <comment>
  124. // document.href='about:blank'
  125. </comment>
  126. <script language="VBScript">
  127. <![CDATA[
  128. Function CurrentPageFieldVal(oiHierObj, siFieldName)
  129. Dim npCnt, npElementNumber, spName
  130. For npCnt = 0 to oiHierObj.forms(0).elements.length - 1
  131. spName = oiHierObj.forms(0).elements(npCnt).Name
  132. If InStr(siFieldName, spName) Then
  133. npElementNumber = npCnt
  134. End If
  135. Next
  136. CurrentPageFieldVal = oiHierObj.forms(0).elements(npElementNumber).value
  137. End Function
  138. Function CurrentPageSetVal(oiHierObj, siFieldName, siValue)
  139. Dim npCnt, npElementNumber, spName
  140. siFieldName = Cstr(siFieldName)
  141. For npCnt = 0 to oiHierObj.forms(0).elements.length - 1
  142. spName = Cstr(oiHierObj.forms(0).elements(npCnt).Name)
  143. If 0 = strComp(siFieldName, spName, VBTEXTCOMPARE) Then
  144. npElementNumber = npCnt
  145. End If
  146. Next
  147. oiHierObj.forms(0).elements(npElementNumber).value = cStr(siValue)
  148. CurrentPagesetdVal = oiHierObj.forms(0).elements(npElementNumber).value
  149. End Function
  150. Sub InsertCommentText(oiHierObj, siText)
  151. oiHierObj.body.insertAdjacentHTML "beforeEnd", siText
  152. End Sub
  153. ]]>
  154. </script>
  155. <script language="VBScript">
  156. <![CDATA[
  157. Function spQthisE(siBarE)
  158. Dim opRxS, opRxX, opRxA, opRxB, opRxC
  159. Set opRxS = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
  160. Set opRxX = CreateObject("VBscript.RegExp")
  161. opRxS.add "!", "^!"
  162. opRxS.add "%", "^%"
  163. opRxS.add " ", "^ "
  164. With opRxX
  165. .Global = True
  166. .IgnoreCase = True
  167. .Pattern = ""
  168. End With
  169. opRxB = siBarE
  170. For Each opRxA in opRxS.Keys
  171. opRxB = Replace(opRxB, opRxA, opRxS(opRxA))
  172. Next
  173. If bpDebug Then
  174. If opRxX.Test(opRxB) then
  175. WSCript.echo "Replaced:", _
  176. QQUOT & siBarE & QQUOT, _
  177. QQUOT & opRxB & QQUOT
  178. End If
  179. End If
  180. Set opRxS = Nothing
  181. Set opRxX = Nothing
  182. spQthisE = opRxB
  183. End Function
  184. ]]>
  185. </script>
  186. <script language="VBScript">
  187. <![CDATA[
  188. Function ReadResource(sPresId)
  189. On Error resume next
  190. Dim WshShell
  191. Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
  192. Dim sPRes, asRes, uRes, tsRes
  193. sPREs = GetResource(sPresId)
  194. If Err.number <> 0 Then
  195. Wscript.echo err.number & " " & err.description
  196. ' The Error description are not informative when failed getresource
  197. IF Err.number = 7 Then
  198. Wscript.echo chr(9) & "Null resource: " & _
  199. sPresId
  200. End If
  201. IF Err.number = 5 Then
  202. Wscript.echo chr(9) & "Undefined resource: " & _
  203. sPresId
  204. End If
  205. Wscript.quit
  206. End If
  207. asRes = Split(WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(sPRes), VBNEWLINE)
  208. Set ures = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
  209. For Each tsRes in asRes
  210. If 0 <> Len(tsRes) Then
  211. uRes(tsRes) = 1
  212. End If
  213. Next
  214. Dim tResource
  215. tResource = uRes.Keys
  216. If uBound(tResource) = 0 Then
  217. ReadResource = tResource(0)
  218. Else
  219. ReadResource = tResource
  220. End If
  221. Set WshShell = Nothing
  222. Set uRes = Nothing
  223. End Function
  224. ]]>
  225. </script>
  226. <script language="VBScript">
  227. <![CDATA[
  228. Sub ofSvFCVAsdrt
  229. _
  230. npReady = CurrentPageFieldVal(opContainerObject, "InputReady")
  231. spP_roductID = CurrentPageFieldVal(opContainerObject, "BT_P")
  232. If spP_roductID <> "" Then
  233. npReady = 1
  234. Call CurrentPageSetVal(opContainerObject, "InputReady", npReady)
  235. End If
  236. _
  237. End Sub
  238. Function sGetKeyValue (siRegKey)
  239. _
  240. on Error Resume Next
  241. sGetKeyValue = opShell.RegRead(siRegKey)
  242. if err.number <>0 Then
  243. sGetKeyValue = NULL
  244. End If
  245. _
  246. End Function
  247. Function mkTemp(siExtension)
  248. Dim spRndName, snDotPos, opFilesys, opshell
  249. Dim opLocSyz, opTextFyle
  250. Set opLocSyz = CreateObject("WinNTSystemInfo")
  251. Set opShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
  252. Set opFilesys = CreateObject("Scripting.FilesystemObject")
  253. Randomize ' Initialize random-number generator
  254. spRndName = cStr(Rnd)
  255. snDotPos = InstrRev(spRndName, ".", 1, VBTEXTCOMPARE) + 1
  256. mkTemp = opFilesys.BuildPath(opShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%TEMP%"), Mid(spRndName, snDotPos) & _
  257. "." & siExtension)
  258. Set opTextFyle = opFilesys.CreateTextFile(mkTemp, true)
  259. opTextFyle.WriteLine getResource("comment") & _
  260. " " & _
  261. opLocSyz.DomainName & _
  262. "\"& _
  263. opLocSyz.UserName & _
  264. " " & _
  265. getResource("/comment")
  266. opTextFyle.Close
  267. Set opShell = Nothing
  268. Set opFilesys = Nothing
  269. If bpDebug then
  270. WSCript.echo mkTemp
  271. End If
  272. End Function
  273. ]]>
  274. </script>
  275. <script language="VBScript">
  276. <![CDATA[
  277. Option Explicit
  278. Const csQuote = """"
  279. Dim opNetwork, opWManager, opIexplore, opIexplore2, opShell, opFilesys
  280. Dim sbgimg, sBareScriptName, sPathScriptName, opGNamArgs
  281. Dim spTextBodyDisplay, opBlStreem, spBlunkPige, sBlunkDot, sScriptPath
  282. Set opGNamArgs = WScript.Arguments.Named
  283. '' skip some form fields here...
  284. Dim opdSkipFNames, spFieldSkip
  285. Set opdSkipFNames = createObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
  286. For each spFieldSkip in ReadResource("skip")
  287. opdSkipFNames.add ucase(spFieldSkip), 1
  288. Next
  289. Dim spEscape
  290. spEscape = opGNamArgs.Exists("escape")
  291. If opGNamArgs.Exists("help") or opGNamArgs.Exists("h") Then
  292. WScript.Arguments.showUsage
  293. WScript.quit
  294. End If
  295. Set opFilesys = CreateObject("Scripting.FilesystemObject")
  296. spBlunkPige = mkTemp("html")
  297. Const cForReading = 1, cForWriting = 2, cForAppending = 8
  298. Set opBlStreem = opFilesys.OpenTextFile(spBlunkPige, cForAppending, True ,0)
  299. sPathScriptName = opFilesys.GetAbsolutePathName(WScript.ScriptFullName )
  300. sBareScriptName = opFilesys.GetFileName(sPathScriptName)
  301. sScriptPath = Replace(sPathScriptName,"\" & sBareScriptName, "",1,1)
  302. sbgimg = Replace(_
  303. opFilesys.BuildPath( sScriptPath, _
  304. GetResource("bgimg")), _
  305. "\", _
  306. "/")
  307. spTextBodyDisplay = Replace(GetResource("dyna"), "%IMAGE%", sbgimg)
  308. sBlunkDot = Replace(GetResource("blank"), "%IMAGE%", sbgimg)
  309. opBlStreem.Write sBlunkDot
  310. opBlStreem.Close
  311. Set opNetwork = Wscript.CreateObject("Wscript.network")
  312. Set opIexplore = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
  313. If bpDebug Then
  314. WScript.echo TypeName(opIexplore)
  315. End If
  316. '' showinput must be better checked.
  317. If opGNamArgs.Exists("pkd") then
  318. Set opIexplore2 = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
  319. end If
  320. Set opWManager = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
  321. Set opWManager = Nothing
  322. Set opShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
  323. '' Set opWinMan = CreateObject("window.manager")
  324. ' is it a XP regression or a feature?
  325. Dim spTitle, siTitle, siMachine, spMachine
  326. spTitle = GetResource("title")
  327. siTitle = WSCript.Arguments.Named("title")
  328. If siTitle <> "" Then
  329. spTitle = siTitle
  330. End If
  331. spMachine = GetResource("machine")
  332. siMachine = WSCript.Arguments.Named("machine")
  333. spMachine = Replace(spMachine, "%BOOTTESTMACHINE%", opNetwork.ComputerName & "1")
  334. If siMachine <> "" Then
  335. spMachine = siMachine
  336. End If
  337. spTextBodyDisplay = Replace(spTextBodyDisplay , "%TITLE%", spTitle, 1, 10)
  338. spTextBodyDisplay = Replace(spTextBodyDisplay , "%BOOTTESTMACHINE%", spMachine, 1, 10)
  339. Set opNetwork = Nothing
  340. Dim bpShwCm
  341. Dim bpDebug: bpDebug = False
  342. If opGNamArgs.Exists("debug") then
  343. bpDebug = True
  344. End If
  345. If opGNamArgs.Exists("showinput") then
  346. Dim spInputField
  347. For each spInputField in Split(opGNamArgs("showinput"), ",")
  350. Dim opOpComX
  351. Dim opClComX
  352. Set opOpComX = CreateObject("VBscript.Regexp")
  353. Set opClComX = CreateObject("VBscript.Regexp")
  354. With opOpComX
  355. .Pattern = "<" & ucase(spInputField) & ">"
  356. .Ignorecase = True
  357. .Global = True
  358. End With
  359. With opClComX
  360. .Pattern = "</" & ucase(spInputField) & ">"
  361. .Ignorecase = True
  362. .Global = True
  363. End With
  364. spTextBodyDisplay = opOpcomX.Replace(spTextBodyDisplay,"")
  365. spTextBodyDisplay = opClcomX.Replace(spTextBodyDisplay,"")
  366. Set opClComX = Nothing
  367. Set opOpComX = Nothing
  368. Next
  369. End If
  370. For Each spInputField in ReadResource("tags")
  371. Set opOpComX = CreateObject("VBscript.Regexp")
  372. Set opClComX = CreateObject("VBscript.Regexp")
  373. With opOpComX
  374. .Pattern = "<" & ucase(spInputField) & ">"
  375. .Ignorecase = True
  376. .Global = True
  377. End With
  378. With opClComX
  379. .Pattern = "</" & ucase(spInputField) & ">"
  380. .Ignorecase = True
  381. .Global = True
  382. End With
  383. spTextBodyDisplay = opOpcomX.Replace(spTextBodyDisplay,getResource("comment"))
  384. spTextBodyDisplay = opClcomX.Replace(spTextBodyDisplay,getResource("/comment"))
  385. Set opClComX = Nothing
  386. Set opOpComX = Nothing
  387. Next
  388. If bpDebug Then
  389. WScript.echo spTextBodyDisplay
  390. End If
  391. With opIexplore
  392. .width = 535
  393. .height = 255
  394. .top = 0
  395. .left = 0
  396. .menubar = false
  397. .statusbar = false
  398. .resizable = false
  399. .visible = false
  400. .toolbar = false
  401. .navigate ("file://" & _
  402. spBlunkPige )
  403. .document.bgcolor = "#8899CF"
  404. End With
  405. opIexplore.top = opIexplore.document.parentWindow.screen.availHeight - _
  406. opIexplore.height
  407. opIexplore.left = opIexplore.document.parentWindow.screen.availWidth - _
  408. opIexplore.width
  409. WScript.Sleep 25
  410. With opIexplore
  411. .visible=1
  412. .document.title = "Initialisation: "
  413. End With
  414. WScript.Sleep 25
  415. With opIexplore
  416. .document.body.innerHTML=spTextBodyDisplay
  417. .visible=0
  418. End with
  419. WScript.Sleep 25
  420. opIexplore.visible=1
  421. If opGNamArgs.Exists("pkd") Then
  422. '' Use the second IE window to navigate to pkd page when PRODID is to be
  423. '' filled
  424. WScript.Sleep 100
  425. With opIexplore2
  426. .width = 720
  427. .height = 640
  428. .top = 0
  429. .left = 0
  430. .menubar = false
  431. .statusbar = true
  432. .resizable = true
  433. .toolbar = true
  434. .navigate ("About:blank")
  435. .document.title = "Initialisation: "
  436. .visible = false
  437. End With
  438. opIexplore2.navigate ("http://pkd/")
  439. opIexplore2.visible=1
  440. End If
  441. Dim opContainerObject
  442. Set opContainerObject = opIexplore.document
  443. Dim spP_roductID
  444. Dim npReady: npReady = 0
  445. opContainerObject.all.SaveButton.onClick = GetRef("ofSvFCVAsdrt")
  446. Do While npReady <> 1
  447. WSCript.sleep(10)
  448. Loop
  449. InsertCommentText opIexplore.document, "<P ALIGN=""RIGHT""><FONT FACE=""Arial"">Done...</FONT></P>"
  450. WScript.Sleep 100
  451. Dim siOutputField
  452. Dim spOutputField, npCnt
  453. siOutputField = CSTR((WScript.Arguments.Named("field")))
  454. For npCnt = 0 to opContainerObject.forms(0).elements.length - 1
  455. spOutputField = opContainerObject.forms(0).elements(npcnt).Name
  456. If ("" = siOutputField AND NOT opdSkipFNames.Exists(ucase(spOutputField)) ) _
  457. OR 0 = strComp(spOutputField, siOutputField, VBTEXTCOMPARE) _
  458. Then
  459. If Not spEscape Then
  460. WSCript.echo spOutputField, _
  461. "=", _
  462. CurrentPageFieldVal( _
  463. opContainerObject,spOutputField)
  464. Else
  465. WSCript.echo spOutputField, _
  466. "=", _
  467. spQthisE(CurrentPageFieldVal( _
  468. opContainerObject,spOutputField))
  469. End If
  470. End If
  471. Next
  472. If opGNamArgs.Exists("pkd") then
  473. opIexplore2.quit
  474. Set opIexplore2 = Nothing
  475. End If
  476. opIexplore.quit
  477. Set opIexplore = Nothing
  478. Set opShell = Nothing
  479. Set opGNamArgs = Nothing
  480. If bpDebug Then
  481. WSCript.echo "opFilesys.DeleteFile" , spBlunkPige
  482. End If
  483. opFilesys.DeleteFile spBlunkPige
  484. Set opFilesys = Nothing
  485. WScript.quit
  486. ]]>
  487. </script>
  488. </job>
  489. </package>