#--------------------------------------------------------------------- package RelQuality; # # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. # # Version: 1.00 (11/15/2001) : SuemiaoR # # Purpose: Update/retrive NT release qulity information. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- use strict; use vars qw($VERSION);
$VERSION = '1.00'; use File::Basename; use Logmsg; use comlib;
##### Define order of raise qualities my %qualityOrder = ( pre => 1, bvt => 2, tst => 3, sav => 4, idw => 5, ids => 6, idc => 7 ); # # This is a wrapper to glob that expects and # returns paths using '\' as the path separator # sub globex ($) { my $match_criteria = shift; return if ( !defined $match_criteria );
# Need to use '/' for UNC paths, so just convert to all '/''s $match_criteria =~ s/\\/\//g;
# Return the results, converting back to '\' return grep { s/\//\\/g } glob( $match_criteria ); }
#--------------------------------------------------------------------- sub IsValid { my ( $pQuality ) = @_; return 1 if ( exists $qualityOrder{lc $pQuality } ); return 0; } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sub AllQlyFiles { my ( $pPath, $pFiles ) = @_;
@{$pFiles} = grep { $_ if ( ! -d $_ ) } globex( "$pPath\\*.qly" ); return 1; } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sub AllQualities { my ( $pPath, $pBuildName ) = @_;
my ( @allFiles, @allQualities );
##### Get existing QLY files &AllQlyFiles( $pPath, \@allFiles ); for my $theFile ( @allFiles ) { basename( $theFile ) =~ /^([^\.]+)\.qly$/; my ( $fileQuality ) = $1; my @qlyInfo = &comlib::ReadFile( $theFile ); push( @allQualities, $fileQuality) if ( $qlyInfo[0] =~ /$pBuildName/i ); } return @allQualities; } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sub Exist { my ( $pPath, $pBuildName, $pQuality ) = @_;
my @allQualities = &AllQualities( $pPath, $pBuildName ); for my $theQly ( @allQualities ) { return 1 if( lc $theQly eq $pQuality ); } return 0; } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sub Which { my ( $pPath, $pBuildName, $pRetQly) = @_;
my @allQualities = &AllQualities( $pPath, $pBuildName ); $$pRetQly = $allQualities[0] if( @allQualities == 1 ); return 1; } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sub Add { my ( $pPath, $pBuildName, $pQuality ) = @_;
if( &Exist( $pPath, $pBuildName, $pQuality ) ) { wrnmsg( "Found [$pQuality.qly], skip adding the file." ); return 1; }
##### Create new QLY file if( ! (open QLYFILE, "> $pPath\\$pQuality.qly" ) ) { errmsg( "Could not open [$pPath\\$pQuality.qly] for write ($!)." ); return 0; } dbgmsg( "Adding [$pPath\\$pQuality.qly]..." ); print QLYFILE "$pBuildName\n"; close QLYFILE; return 1; } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sub Delete { my ( $pPath, $pQuality ) = @_;
my $file = "$pPath\\$pQuality.qly";
if( system( "dir /b $file >nul 2>nul" ) ) { wrnmsg( "[$file] is not existing, skip deleting the file." ); return 1; } if( system( "del $file >nul 2>nil" ) ) { errmsg( "Could not delete $file ($!)." ); return 0; } return 1; } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sub Update { my ( $pPath, $pBuildName, $pReqQly ) = @_; if ( !&IsValid( $pReqQly ) ) { errmsg( "Invalid [$pReqQly ] quality, exit." ); return 0; }
my @allQualities = &AllQualities($pPath, $pBuildName ); ##### Remove any QLY files that don't match current status ##### -- there should never be more than one, but we ##### should handle that case correctly my $tobeAdd = 1; for my $theQly ( @allQualities ) { if ( !exists $qualityOrder{lc $theQly } ) { wrnmsg( "Invalid quality file [$theQly.qly] found, deleting..."); return 0 if( !&Delete( $pPath, $theQly )); next; } #####Same quality with request if( lc $theQly eq lc $pReqQly ) { dbgmsg( "Same quality [$pReqQly] found, skip adding..." ); $tobeAdd = 0; next; } #####Different quality with request if ( !&AllowQualityTransition( $theQly, $pReqQly ) ) { errmsg( "Not allowed to go from [$theQly] to [$pReqQly] quality!" ); return 0; } #####Remove the previous QLY file return 0 if( !&Delete( $pPath, $theQly )); } #####Add the requested QLY file return 0 if( $tobeAdd && !&Add( $pPath, $pBuildName, $pReqQly ) ); return 1; } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sub AllowQualityTransition { my ( $pLastQly, $pReqQly ) = @_;
##### Allow transition to sav from any previous quality return 1 if ( lc $pReqQly eq 'sav' ); ###### Allow transition from pre/bvt to any quality return 1 if( lc $pLastQly eq "pre" ||lc $pLastQly eq "bvt" ); ##### Don't allow transition from anything else to pre/bvt return 0 if ( lc $pReqQly eq "pre" || lc $pReqQly eq "bvt" ); ###### Otherwise allow transitions based on order specified in %qualityOrder return 1 if ( $qualityOrder{lc $pReqQly} >= $qualityOrder{lc $pLastQly} ); return 0; } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- =head1 NAME
RelQuality - Access/Update release quality Information.
use RelQuality;
AllQlyFiles( $path, @return_files)
where $path is the location of the quality files. where @return_files is the return array contains all the quality file names in the given $path.
AllQualities( $path, $buildname )
where $path is the location of the quality files. where $buildname is the searach criteria that used to match the content in quality file. return all the qualities exist in $path and match $buildname.
Exist( $path, $buildname, $quality )
where $path is the location of the quality files. where $buildname is the searach criteria that used to match the content in quality file. where $quality is the inquiry candidate. return true if $quality is existing for $buildname in $path. Otherwise, return false.
Which( $path, $buildname, $return_quality )
where $path is the location of the quality files. where $buildname is the searach criteria that used to match the content in quality file. where $return_quality is the return quality value for $buildname in $path.
Add( $path, $buildname, $quality )
where $path is the location of the quality files. where $buildname is used to be saved in quality file. where $quality is part of the file name to be created.
Delete( $path, $quality )
where $path is the location of the quality files. where $quality is part of the file name to be deleted.
Upadte( $path, $buildname, $quality )
where $path is the location of the quality files. where $buildname is the searach criteria that used to match the content in quality file. where $quality used to update qulity file name by given $buildname in $path.
AllowQualityTransition( $q1, $q2 )
where $q1 is the quality to be replaced. where $q2 is the quality to replace. return true if the replace order is allowed. Otherwise, return false.
used to access or update release quality information.
=head1 AUTHOR
Suemiao Rossignol <[email protected]>
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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