Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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@echo off setlocal ENABLEEXTENSIONS
REM ***************************************************************** REM REM Normal execution time for this script is half a second. If it REM takes longer than that, go to your \nt\tools\<Arch> directory REM and run "regsvr32 .\capicom.dll" REM REM Author: scoyne REM Date: 5/16/2002 REM REM *****************************************************************
set Attempt=1 set GotLock=FALSE
:TRY_AGAIN call :CRITICALSECTION 2> %TEMP%\signtest.lock if %GotLock% EQU FALSE ( if %Attempt% LSS 5 ( sleep 1 set /a Attempt=%Attempt% + 1 goto TRY_AGAIN ) echo Unable to perform test signature at this time. goto EOF ) if %SignTest% EQU FAILURE ( echo ************************************************************ echo You are unable to create a test signature. If this problem echo continues for more than 24 hours, please read the help echo document at http://winweb/wem/docs/BuildVerCerts.doc echo ************************************************************ ) del %TEMP%\signtest.lock >nul 2>&1 goto :EOF
:CRITICALSECTION echo Verifying your ability to create a test signature... set GotLock=TRUE REM Creating test file to sign: copy /y %RazzleToolPath%\signtest.cat %TEMP% 1>&2
REM Test signing the cat file: signtool sign /q %SIGNTOOL_SIGN% %TEMP%\signtest.cat 1>&2 if %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 ( REM SUCCESS set SignTest=SUCCESS ) else ( REM FAILURE set SignTest=FAILURE REM Repro the failure and show us the output this time copy /y %RazzleToolPath%\signtest.cat %TEMP% 1>&2 signtool sign %SIGNTOOL_SIGN% %TEMP%\signtest.cat 2>&1 )
REM Delete the temporary cat file del %TEMP%\signtest.cat >nul 2>&1 REM End Critical Section goto :EOF