Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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@echo off setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION if DEFINED _echo echo on if DEFINED verbose echo on
REM ****************************************************************** REM REM This script updates symbols.cat when the build lab takes backprops REM for symbol files that are in symbols.cab REM REM ******************************************************************
if "%1" == "" goto Usage REM Check the command line for /? -? or ? for %%a in (./ .- .) do if ".%1." == "%%a?." goto Usage
if "%2" == "" ( set lang=usa set mybinaries=%_NTTREE% ) else ( set lang=%2 set mybinaries=%relbins%\%2 )
REM REM Decide which build we are working on REM debug vs. retail and i386 vs. amd64 vs. ia64 REM
if /i "%_BuildArch%" == "x86" ( if /i "%lang%" == "NEC_98" ( set SUBDIR=NEC98 ) else ( set SUBDIR=i386 ) )
if /i "%_BuildArch%" == "ia64" ( set SUBDIR=ia64 )
if /i "%_BuildArch%" == "amd64" ( set SUBDIR=amd64 )
if "%SUBDIR%" == "" ( call errmsg "Environment variables PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE is not recognized" goto errend )
if /i "%_BuildType%" == "chk" ( set FRECHK=Debug ) else ( set FRECHK=Retail )
set catalog=%mybinaries%\symbolcd\cd\symbols\%SUBDIR%\%FRECHK%\symbols.cat set temp.txt=%mybinaries%\symbolcd\%lang%\update.txt
REM REM Find out which symbol files, if any need to be updated in REM the catalog file REM
findstr /il %1 %mybinaries%\symbolcd\%lang%\symbolcd.txt > %temp.txt%
set Resign=FALSE
for /F "tokens=3 delims=," %%a in (%temp.txt%) do ( updcat %catalog% -a %mybinaries%\%%a set Resign=TRUE )
if /i "%Resign%" == "TRUE" ( echo %catalog% needs to be signed and propped goto end ) else ( del %temp.txt% echo No changes were made to %catalog% goto errend )
goto end
:Usage echo. echo Usage: symcatupd ^<file^> [^<language^>] echo. echo file The binary that is being updated. echo associated lists and infs echo cabs Update the out of date cabs echo. echo language Language must be one of the languages in codes.txt. echo If language is not given on the command line, echo usa is the default. echo. goto errend
:errend endlocal REM Set errorlevel to 1 in case of errors during execution. REM Used by the build rule script "symbols.cmd" after calling "symbolcd.cmd". seterror.exe 1 goto :EOF
:end endlocal REM Set errorlevel to 0 when the script finishes successfully. REM Used by the build rule script "symbols.cmd" after calling "symbolcd.cmd". seterror.exe 0 goto :EOF