#-----------------------------------------------------------------// # Script: WMIFE.pm # # (c) 2001,2002 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. # # addresses the generic OLE->WMI interface to test various stuff # defined on the given remote box # # Version: <2.01> 06/11/2002 : Serguei Kouzmine # #-----------------------------------------------------------------//
package WMIFE; use lib $ENV{RAZZLETOOLPATH} . "\\PostBuildScripts"; use lib $ENV{RAZZLETOOLPATH}; use PbuildEnv; use Logmsg;
require Exporter; use vars qw( @ISA @EXPORT_OK ); @ISA = ( 'Exporter' ); @EXPORT_OK = qw( $verbose );
my $hPrivileges = {"SeBackupPrivilege" => "Backup", "SeSecurityPrivilege" => "Security", "SeRestorePrivilege" => "Restore", "SeShutdownPrivilege" => "ShutDown", "SeRemoteShutdownPrivilege" => "RemoteShutdown" };
use strict; no strict 'refs'; use Win32::OLE qw(in with); use Win32::OLE::Variant; # use 'in' loop for retrieve WQL cursors
use vars qw( $verbose
$NameSpace $impersonationLevel $authLevel $Privileges $ComputerName $MasterData $Provider $Query $DisplayFields $User $Password $DEBUG $TIMEOUT $sRootKey $sBootTestDataSubKey $sLogonUserDataSubKey ); my $VERSION = "1.1"; $TIMEOUT = 60; $DEBUG = 0; $verbose = ["NO","YES"]; my $SEPARATOR = "\n". join("", map{chr(61)} 0..79). "\n"; $NameSpace = "root\\cimv2"; $sRootKey = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"; $sBootTestDataSubKey = "SOFTWARE\\MICROSOFT\\BOOTTEST"; $sLogonUserDataSubKey = "SOFTWARE\\MICROSOFT\\WINDOWS NT\\CURRENTVERSION\\WINLOGON"; $impersonationLevel = "impersonate"; $authLevel = "pktPrivacy";
$Privileges = join(",", values(%$hPrivileges)); $Provider = q(WbemScripting.SWbemLocator); $MasterData= q(winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=$impersonationLevel,authenticationLevel=$authLevel, ($Privileges)}!
sub ObjectExecMethod{
my ($WbemObjClassName, $MethodName, $ComputerName, $ParameterName, $ParameterValue, $User, $Password) = @_;
# play with the command line expansion # here. $DEBUG and print STDERR "ObjectExecMethod: using PROVIDER: ", $Provider, " " , $User, "\n"; my $WbemLocator = Win32::OLE->new($Provider);
OLEerrmsg("Could not instatiate $Provider") unless defined $WbemLocator;
my $SWbemServices = ($User =~ /\*/) ? $WbemLocator->ConnectServer( $ComputerName, $NameSpace) : $WbemLocator->ConnectServer( $ComputerName, $NameSpace, $User, $Password );
defined $SWbemServices or OLEerrmsg("Cannot connect: $ComputerName, $NameSpace"); # Make sure we are using the appropriate security level OLEerrmsg("Error setting security level") if ( !($SWbemServices->{Security_}->{ImpersonationLevel} = 3) );
map { $SWbemServices->{Security_}->{Privileges}->AddAsString($_) or OLEerrmsg( "Error setting $hPrivileges->$_ privileges"); } keys %$hPrivileges;
# Get the process object on the remote machine my $WbemObject = $SWbemServices->Get($WbemObjClassName);
my $Result = $WbemObject->SetProperty($ParameterName, $ParameterValue) unless !defined($ParameterName); my $ProcessId = \0;
#~ $REALDEBUG and #~ print $SEPARATOR , $WbemObject->Invoke("GetObjectText_"), $SEPARATOR; #~ too much info here
my $ResultArrayRef = [(in $WbemObject->Invoke("Methods_"))];
$DEBUG and print STDERR "$WbemObjClassName: METHODS_:\n";
$DEBUG and map {&FormatDebugMsg($_->{"Name"}, $_->{"value"})} @$ResultArrayRef;
OLEerrmsg("undefined method: $MethodName") unless grep {/$MethodName/i} map {$_->{"Name"}} @$ResultArrayRef; defined $WbemObject or OLEerrmsg("Could not create remote $WbemObjClassName"); # Now invoke the method $DEBUG and print STDERR $WbemObject->{CommandLine}, "\n"; OLEerrmsg("At $ComputerName, $ParameterName($ParameterValue) => $Result" ) if ($Result = $WbemObject->Invoke($MethodName, $WbemObject->{CommandLine}, undef, undef, $ProcessId)); # ):- $ProcessId not filled up :-( undef $WbemLocator; undef $SWbemServices; undef $WbemObject; Win32::OLE->Uninitialize(); $DEBUG and print STDERR "OK\n"; 0; }
sub ExecQuery{
local ($ComputerName, $Query, $DisplayFields, $User, $Password) = @_; # the "local" keyword is necessary to get search/replace able to do /e switch
my @MasterData = split (/\n/, $MasterData);
my %Caption = map {$_=> $_} @$DisplayFields;
# The values of %Caption must not be identical to the retrieved field names
my $Caption = \%Caption;
grep {s/\$\{?(\w+)\}?/${$1}/ge} @MasterData, $Query; # here we replace all the vars with their values
$MasterData = join("", @MasterData);
$Query =~ s/([^\\])\\([^\\])/$1\\\\$2/g;
my $ResultSet = undef; $DEBUG and print STDERR "ExecQuery: using PROVIDER: ", $Provider, " " , $User, "\n"; my $WbemLocator = Win32::OLE->new($Provider); OLEerrmsg("Could not instatiate $Provider") unless defined $WbemLocator; my $SWbemServices = ($User =~ /\*/) ? $WbemLocator->ConnectServer( $ComputerName, $NameSpace) : $WbemLocator->ConnectServer( $ComputerName, $NameSpace, $User, $Password );
defined $SWbemServices or OLEerrmsg("Cannot connect: $ComputerName, $NameSpace"); # Make sure we are using the appropriate security level OLEerrmsg("Error setting security level") if ( !($SWbemServices->{Security_}->{ImpersonationLevel} = 3) );
map { $SWbemServices->{Security_}->{Privileges}->AddAsString($_) or OLEerrmsg( "Error setting $hPrivileges->$_ privileges"); } keys %$hPrivileges;
$DEBUG and print STDERR "\$Query: ", qq($Query), "\n"; ### ### eval { $ResultSet = Win32::OLE->GetObject($MasterData)->ExecQuery($Query); }; ### $DEBUG and $Query = "" eval { $ResultSet = $SWbemServices->ExecQuery($Query); }; # # my $ResultArrayRef = [(in $ResultSet)] unless ($@);
$ResultArrayRef or print STDERR "Win32::OLE::LastError ", Win32::OLE::LastError, "\n";
my @ResultCursor; # pack ResultSet -> ResultCursor;
map {map {push @ResultCursor, {$Caption->{$_} => $ResultArrayRef->[0]->{$_}}} @$DisplayFields and shift @$ResultArrayRef} (0..$#$ResultArrayRef);
\@ResultCursor; }
# &IsRunning($ProcMask, $runAtHost); # lists processes on the host $runAtHost to # find pattern $ProcMask. # for all process found, collect the # $1 of the search # e.g. you get language of the running postbuiild with # the pattern: # "\\\\POSTBUILDSCRIPTS\\\\PBUILD\\\.CMD\\\"\\s\+\\\-l[: ]\(\\w\{3\}\)"; # # plus some properties of the $ProcessSet # return value: array pointer. The arguments are filtered out by default:
# (/S:\\BLD_WNXF1\RELEASE\GER\3562.X86FRE.MAIN.011002-1901\PRO /TEMPDRIVE:D /#T:7) # PID= 00220 # NAME= winnt32.exe # CMD= \\bld_wnxf1\release\ger\3562.x86fre.main.011002-1901\pro\i386\winnt32.exe /s:\\bld_wnxf1\release\ger\3562.x86fre.main.011002-1901\pro /tempdrive:d /#t:7
sub IsRunning{
my ( $WMIclass, $ProcMask, $Field, $Fields, $runAtHost) = @_;
# filter out arguments $ProcMask = $ProcMask."\\\"\? \(\.\+\)\$" unless $ProcMask=~/\(/; $DEBUG and print STDERR $ProcMask, "\n";
my $ProcessSet; my @result; my $Moniker = "winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\\\HOST\\root\\cimv2"; $Moniker =~ s/HOST/$runAtHost/;
$DEBUG and print STDERR "using MONIKER: ", $Moniker, "\n"; eval { $ProcessSet = Win32::OLE->GetObject($Moniker)->InstancesOf ($WMIclass); };
unless($@){ foreach my $ProcessInst (in $ProcessSet){ push @result, join("\n", uc($1), map {"$_=".$ProcessInst->{$_}} @$Fields), if $ProcessInst->{$Field} =~ m/$ProcMask/gi; } }else{ print STDERR Win32::OLE->LastError, "\n"; } $DEBUG and print STDERR join ("\n", @result) , "\n"; \@result;
# supplyRegData # usage: # $defaultData = { # "DEBUG" => $DEBUG, # "Lang" => $Lang , # ... # } # $volatileData = {} # # &supplyRegData($sTargetcomputer, $REGISTRY_KEY, # $defaultData, $volatileData , $FovWrite); # #
sub supplyRegData{
my ($sTargetcomputer, $sBootTestDataSubKey, $defaultData, $volatileData, $FovWrite) = @_; use strict; use Win32API::Registry 0.21 qw(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
REG_OPTION_VOLATILE REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE KEY_ALL_ACCESS KEY_READ REG_SZ regLastError RegConnectRegistry RegOpenKeyEx RegEnumValue RegQueryInfoKey RegQueryValueEx RegCreateKeyEx RegSetValueEx RegDeleteValue RegCloseKey );
# This provides fairly low-level access to the Win32 System API calls # dealing with the Registry [mostly from WINREG.H]. This is mostly
my $hRootKey = $sRootKey;
{ no strict 'refs'; $hRootKey =~ s/(\w+)/$1/eeg; use strict 'refs'; }
my $sStatusSubKey = "STATUS"; my $ohKey = undef; my $ohSubKey = undef; my $ohStatusSubKey = undef; my $ocValues; my $olValName; my $olValData; my $olSecDesc; my $opValData; my $osValName; my $sValueNames = []; my $sValueName; my $nStatus = undef;
$DEBUG and print STDERR "COMPUTER: ".uc($sTargetcomputer)."\n";
&RegConnectRegistry( $sTargetcomputer, $hRootKey, $ohKey ) or die "Can't open $hRootKey: ", regLastError(),"\n";
$DEBUG and print STDERR "Registry Key: ".$sRootKey."\\$sBootTestDataSubKey\n";
$nStatus = &RegOpenKeyEx( $ohKey, $sBootTestDataSubKey ."\\". $sStatusSubKey, 0, KEY_READ, $ohStatusSubKey ); if (scalar(keys(%$volatileData))){ $sValueName = (keys(%$volatileData))[0]; $opValData = undef; if ($nStatus){ &RegQueryValueEx( $ohStatusSubKey, $sValueName , [], [], $opValData, [] ); # error is ignored. $opValData = "(undef)" unless $opValData; &RegCloseKey($ohStatusSubKey); }
if ($nStatus ){ $DEBUG and print STDERR "\\\\$sTargetcomputer\\$sRootKey\\$sBootTestDataSubKey\\$sStatusSubKey\\$sValueName: ",$opValData, "\n"; $FovWrite or return 1; } }
RegCreateKeyEx($ohKey, $sBootTestDataSubKey, 0, "", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, [], $ohSubKey, []);
RegCloseKey($ohSubKey); &RegOpenKeyEx( $ohKey, $sBootTestDataSubKey , 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, $ohSubKey ) or die "Can't open $sBootTestDataSubKey: \n", regLastError(),"\n";
&RegQueryInfoKey($ohSubKey, [], [], [], [], [], [], $ocValues, $olValName, $olValData, [], [] ) or die "Can't query $sBootTestDataSubKey: ", regLastError(),"\n";
$DEBUG and print STDERR $ocValues, " values found\n";
foreach my $Data (keys(%$defaultData)){ if ($FovWrite){ # tsanders: existing values do not get overwritten. &RegDeleteValue($ohSubKey, $Data); $DEBUG and print STDERR "\t\tDeleting Default Data: \"$Data\"\n\t\t$^E\n"; #ignore the "$^E" here. } &RegSetValueEx($ohSubKey, $Data, 0, REG_SZ, $defaultData->{$Data}, 0 ) or die "Can't RegSetValueEx($Data,...$defaultData->{$Data}: ", regLastError(),"\n"; }
foreach my $nCnt (0..$ocValues-1){ &RegEnumValue($ohSubKey, $nCnt, $osValName, 0, [], [], $opValData, 0 ); push @$sValueNames, $osValName;
foreach $sValueName (@$sValueNames){ &RegQueryValueEx( $ohSubKey, $sValueName , [], [], $opValData, [] ) or die "Can't read $sValueName: ", regLastError(),"\n";
$DEBUG and print STDERR "$sValueName=$opValData\n";
RegCreateKeyEx($ohSubKey, $sStatusSubKey, 0, "", REG_OPTION_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, [], $ohStatusSubKey, []);
foreach my $Data (keys(%$volatileData)){ &RegSetValueEx($ohStatusSubKey, $Data, 0, REG_SZ, $volatileData->{$Data}, 0 ) or die "Can't RegSetValueEx($Data,...$volatileData->{$Data}: ", regLastError(),"\n"; } map {defined($_) and RegCloseKey($_)} ($ohSubKey, $ohKey, $ohStatusSubKey);
0; }
sub OLEerrmsg($) { my $text = shift; errmsg( "$text (". Win32::OLE->LastError(). ")" ); exit 1; }
sub ScheduleTime{
use Time::localtime;
my $shiftTime = shift;
my $tNow = time();
$DEBUG and print STDERR "Current time: " , &localtime->hour(), ":", &localtime->min(), "\n";
$tNow += $shiftTime;
my @result = map {sprintf("%02d", $_)} (&localtime($tNow)-> hour(), &localtime($tNow)-> min(), &localtime($tNow)-> sec(), &localtime($tNow)-> mon() + 1, &localtime($tNow)-> mday(), &localtime($tNow)-> year() + 1900 );
$DEBUG and print STDERR "Schedule time: " , $result[0], ":", $result[1], ":", $result[2], " ", $result[3], "/", $result[4], "/", $result[5], "\n";
\@result; }
sub FormatDebugMsg{
format STDERR = # field name field value @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< $_[0] $_[1] .
write STDERR;
# BackTick # sample usage: &BackTick("dir"); # &BackTick(<<BLOCKBOUNDARY); # ...cmd code... # BLOCKBOUNDARY # passes block of code to the cmd interpreter. # lines are concatenated # comments thrown away # useful stuff when the code is already # developed and just needs to be inserted in place # has limitations.
sub BackTick{ my ($cmd) = @_; my $res = undef; $DEBUG and print STDERR join(" &", grep (!/^:|REM/i, ($cmd =~ /^(.+)/gm))); $cmd = join(" &", grep (!/^:|REM/i, ($cmd =~ /^(.+)/gm))); $res=qx ($cmd); $res; }
sub pPpPinfo{
my @infa = @_; my $opBrws = Win32::OLE->new("WScript.Shell"); $opBrws->Popup(join("\n", @infa), $TIMEOUT , ref($opBrws) . "<- $0,". $VERSION, 0 + 64); undef($opBrws); Win32::OLE->FreeUnusedLibraries(); Win32::OLE->Uninitialize(); 1; }
1; __END__
=head1 NAME
B<WMIFE> - Interface the query engine exposed by WMI
use WMIFE;
&WMIFE::ExecQuery($ComputerName, $Query, [@Fields]); &WMIFE::FormatDebugMsg($Comment, $Field);
Generates the WQL (A.K.A. WMI SQL) query on the remote machine against its namespace.
Sample objects that reside on the remote box $ComputerName are:
* local files [/.//ROOT/CIMV2/CIM_DATAFILE], * running processes [/.//ROOT/CIMV2/WIN32_PROCESSES], * registry entries [/.//ROOT/DEFAULT/STDREGPROV].
The WMI is functional even in the absence of logon sessions on $ComputerName.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 FormatDebugMsg($fieldName, $FieldValue)
Nice (?) formatting of the RDB like table field output (A.K.A. browse view):
Name perl.exe Description perl.exe ProcessID 2920 ParentProce 2692 ExecutableP d:\ntt\tools\perl\bin\perl.exe ...
=head2 ExecQuery($ComputerName, $Query, $DisplayFields)
Execute the WMI WQL query against the namespace of the remote machine where $ComputerName is the name of the machine which namespaces are about to be queried. $Query the string representing the query, with the dollarsigned names placeholders for parameters $DisplayFields reference to the field list to retusn the result
The return value is a reference to the like the RDB cursor. (array of hashes where keys are described in $DisplayFields array). If no data is returned from the query the returned value is a reference to undefined value.
=head2 ObjectExecMethod($MethodName, $ComputerName, $ParameterName, $ParameterValue, $User, $Password
Access the namespace on the remote box $ComputerName, and execute the method $MethodName of the class $WbemObjClassName (currently only for Win32_Process). Supply the parameter(s) via name/value. PErfurm the call under $User account, proving the password.
=head2 Sample calls:
=head2 To list files in the root directory of the logical disk labeled $Drive of the machine $Machine
$Results = &WMIFE::ExecQuery($Machine, qq(SELECT * FROM cim_Datafile WHERE Drive="$Drive" AND Path="\\\\" "), [qw(Drive Path Name)]);
=head2 To list logical disks of the machine $Machine
$Results = &WMIFE::ExecQuery($Machine, qq(SELECT * FROM Win32_LogicalDisk WHERE DriveType=3), [qw(Name Description)]);
=head2 To list the running processes
$Results = &WMIFE::ExecQuery($ComputerName, qq(SELECT * FROM Win32_Process), [qw(Name Description ProcessID ParentProcessId ExecutablePath )]);
=head2 To view installed software
$Results = &WMIFE::ExecQuery($ComputerName, qq(SELECT * FROM Win32_Product), [qw(Name Vendor Version)]);
=head2 To verify administrators group
$Results = &WMIFE::ExecQuery($ComputerName, qq(SELECT * FROM Win32_GroupUser WHERE GroupComponent="Win32_Group.Domain=\\"$ComputerName\\",Name=\\"Administrators\\""), [qw(GroupComponent)]);
=head2 To browse the process dependency hierarchy $Results = &WMIFE::ExecQuery($ComputerName, qq(SELECT * FROM CIM_ProcessExecutable), [qw(Antecedent Dependent)]);
=head2 Query who is currently logged to somewhere.
$Results = &WMIFE::ExecQuery($ENV{"COMPUTERNAME"}, # interactive session qq(SELECT * FROM Win32_LogonSession WHERE LogonType=2), [qw(LogonId LogonType)]);
foreach my $Result (@$Results){ $DEBUG and map {&WMIFE::FormatDebugMsg($_, $Result->{$_})} keys (%$Result);
push @Ids, $Result->{"LogonId"}; }
$Results = &WMIFE::ExecQuery($ENV{"COMPUTERNAME"}, # Difficult to build the WHERE condition. qq(SELECT * FROM Win32_LoggedOnUser), [qw(Antecedent Dependent)]); my @Users = (); my $User = undef; my $LoggedUser = undef; my @LoggedUsers = (); # a little bit ugly.
foreach my $Id (grep {/\d+/} @Ids){ foreach my $Result (@$Results){ $User = $Result->{"Antecedent"}; if ($User =~ /\S/){ push @Users, $User; } if ((grep {/\b$Id\b/} $Result->{"Dependent"})){ $LoggedUser = pop @Users; push @LoggedUsers, $LoggedUser; $DEBUG and &WMIFE::FormatDebugMsg("win32_user", $LoggedUser); $DEBUG and &WMIFE::FormatDebugMsg("win32_logonSession", $Id); } } } map {($user, $domain) = (/Win32_Account.Domain=\"(\w+)\",Name=\"(\w+)\"/); $DEBUG and print $user, "\t" , $domain,"\n"; } @LoggedUsers;
=head2 To list the $Result contents, the following framework may be used:
use WMIFE;
&WMIFE::ExecQuery($ENV{"COMPUTERNAME"}, qq(SELECT * FROM Win32_BootConfiguration), [qw(Caption BootDirectory Description)]);
foreach my $Result (@$Results){ map {&WMIFE::FormatDebugMsg($_, $Result->{$_})} keys (%$Result); }
=head2 To design the new query
please use the %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WBEM\wbemtest.exe vendor shell for accessing and querying the WMI classes and then use the query string designed in that shell as an argument to the Perl qq() [double backslashes]
Some queries may take long time to execute, before being sufficiently refined.
=head1 SEE ALSO
Whole bunch of tools interfacing WMI is in progress. Note that the Perl interface to WMI is not as powerful as VBSCRIPT/JSCRIPT since there is no working examples for P/P (A.K.A. object sinking) and in general any interface(s) other than SQL. the design of such sample code might prove to be complicated indeed.
=head2 supplyRegData($sTargetcomputer, $Lang, $BldNum, $Sku, $Drive, $BuildName, $Unattend, $FovWrite)
Write the data to the REGISTRY of the Boot test machine to start the execution of test build installation.
The REGISTRY path where the data is stored is:
The data includes the following fields:
-------------+----------------------------------------------------------- $Lang | fields are used to find the test bits, in the form: $BuildName | $Drive\$Lang\$BuildName $BldNum | $BldNum, $Sku and $Lang are used to verify the $Sku | REGISTRY data is actual for the build being installed. $Drive | target drive for winnt32.exe $Unattend | location of the answer file
The data is written by the postbuild on the build machine (NTDEV\NTBUILD), and is later consumed from boot machine side by (NTDEV\<AUTOGENERATED> user). The registry access across the network hence the use of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. The default REGISTRY key names are:
Running regedit.exe will show the following data:
+----------------------------------------------- |Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 | |[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\BOOTTEST] |"_BuildArch"="x86" |"_BuildType"="fre" |"_BldSku"="SRV" |"_BldName"="3615.x86fre.main.020306-1639" |"_BldDrive"="D" |"Unattend"="unattend.txt" |"LANG"="GER" |"_BldNum"="3615" | |[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\BOOTTEST\Status] |"COMPUTERNAME"="BLD_WNXF1" +-----------------------------------------------
The Status subkey is to prevent concurrent execution of the more than one test build install on the single test machine. The function will return the data observed e.g. \\sergueik4\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\BOOTTEST\STATUS\COMPUTERNAME: SERGUEIK2
To ignore the presence of the Status set $FovWrite = 1. Booting test machine (but not logging off of the user) will cause Status key to disappear.
=head2 &ScheduleTime($Delay)
Calculate the time/date for execution of the scheduled tasks in $Delay secs from NOW. Example usage:
use WMIFE; $WMIFE::DEBUG = 1; my $DELAY1 = 1800; # delay in 1800 secs = 30 min my $string = "/st %HH%:%MM%:%SS% /sd %mm%/%dd%/%yyyy%" ; my $marker = ["HH" , "MM", "SS", "mm", "dd", "yyyy"]; # this is the way to set the date/time of scheduled task my $ScheduleTime = &WMIFE::ScheduleTime($DELAY1); print STDERR "\"$string\"\t"; map {$string =~ s/\%$marker->[$_]\%/$ScheduleTime->[$_]/g;} (0..$#$marker); print STDERR "\"$string\"\n";
Current time: 15:51 Schedule time: 16:21:32 03/25/2002 "/st %HH%:%MM%:%SS% /sd %mm%/%dd%/%yyyy%" "/st 16:21:32 /sd 03/25/2002"
=head1 AUTHOR Serguei Kouzmine sergueik@microsoft.com
=cut 1;