Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
<!------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
// Copyright 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// File: SmartNav.js
// Description: this file implements a smart navigation mecanism
if (window.__smartNav == null) { window.__smartNav = new Object();
window.__smartNav.update = function() { var sn = window.__smartNav; var fd; document.detachEvent("onstop", sn.stopHif); sn.inPost = false; try { fd = frames["__hifSmartNav"].document; } catch (e) {return;} var fdr = fd.getElementsByTagName("asp_smartnav_rdir"); if (fdr.length > 0) { if (sn.sHif == null) { sn.sHif = document.createElement("IFRAME"); sn.sHif.name = "__hifSmartNav"; sn.sHif.style.display = "none"; } try {window.location = fdr[0].url;} catch (e) {}; return; } var fdurl = fd.location.href; if (fdurl == "javascript:smartnav=1" || fdurl == "about:blank") return; var fdurlb = fdurl.split("?")[0]; if (document.location.href.indexOf(fdurlb) < 0) { document.location.href=fdurl; return; } if (sn.sHif != null) { sn.sHif.removeNode(true); sn.sHif = null; } var fd = frames["__hifSmartNav"].document; var hdm = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; var hk = hdm.childNodes; var tt = null; for (var i = hk.length - 1; i>= 0; i--) { if (hk[i].tagName == "TITLE") { tt = hk[i].outerHTML; continue; } if (hk[i].tagName != "BASEFONT" || hk[i].innerHTML.length == 0) hdm.removeChild(hdm.childNodes[i]); } var kids = fd.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].childNodes; for (var i = 0; i < kids.length; i++) { var tn = kids[i].tagName; var k = document.createElement(tn); k.id = kids[i].id; k.mergeAttributes(kids[i]); switch(tn) { case "TITLE": if (tt == kids[i].outerHTML) continue; k.innerText = kids[i].text; hdm.insertAdjacentElement("afterbegin", k); continue; case "BASEFONT" : if (kids[i].innerHTML.length > 0) continue; break; default: var o = document.createElement("BODY"); o.innerHTML = "<BODY>" + kids[i].outerHTML + "</BODY>"; k = o.firstChild; break; } hdm.appendChild(k); } document.body.clearAttributes(); document.body.id = fd.body.id; document.body.mergeAttributes(fd.body); var newBodyLoad = fd.body.onload; if (newBodyLoad != null) document.body.onload = newBodyLoad; var s = "<BODY>" + fd.body.innerHTML + "</BODY>"; if (sn.hif != null) { var hifP = sn.hif.parentElement; if (hifP != null) sn.sHif=hifP.removeChild(sn.hif); } document.body.innerHTML = s; var sc = document.scripts; for (var i = 0; i < sc.length; i++) { sc[i].text = sc[i].text; } sn.hif = document.all("__hifSmartNav"); if (sn.hif != null) { var hif = sn.hif; sn.hifName = "__hifSmartNav" + (new Date()).getTime(); frames["__hifSmartNav"].name = sn.hifName; sn.hifDoc = hif.contentWindow.document; if (sn.ie5) hif.parentElement.removeChild(hif); window.setTimeout(sn.restoreFocus,0); } if (typeof(window.onload) == "string") { try { eval(window.onload) } catch (e) {}; } else if (window.onload != null) { try { window.onload() } catch (e) {}; } sn.attachForm(); };
window.__smartNav.restoreFocus = function() { if (window.__smartNav.inPost == true) return; var curAe = document.activeElement; var sAeId = window.__smartNav.ae; if (sAeId==null || curAe!=null && (curAe.id==sAeId||curAe.name==sAeId)) return; var ae = document.all(sAeId); if (ae == null) return; try { ae.focus(); } catch(e){}; }
window.__smartNav.saveHistory = function() { if (window.__smartNav.hif != null) window.__smartNav.hif.removeNode(); if (window.__smartNav.sHif != null) document.all[window.__smartNav.siHif].insertAdjacentElement( "BeforeBegin", window.__smartNav.sHif); }
window.__smartNav.stopHif = function() { document.detachEvent("onstop", window.__smartNav.stopHif); var sn = window.__smartNav; if (sn.hif != null) sn.hifDoc = sn.hif.contentWindow.document; if (sn.hifDoc != null) sn.hifDoc.execCommand("stop"); }
window.__smartNav.init = function() { var sn = window.__smartNav; document.detachEvent("onstop", sn.stopHif); document.attachEvent("onstop", sn.stopHif); if (sn.form.__InitDone == true) return; sn.form.__InitDone = true; try { if (window.event.returnValue == false) return;} catch(e) {} sn.inPost = true; if (document.activeElement != null) { var ae = document.activeElement.id; if (ae.length == 0) ae = document.activeElement.name; sn.ae = ae; } else sn.ae = null; try {document.selection.empty();} catch (e) {}
if (sn.hif == null) { sn.hif = document.all("__hifSmartNav"); sn.hifDoc = sn.hif.contentWindow.document; } if (sn.hifDoc != null) sn.hifDoc.designMode = "On"; if (sn.hif.parentElement == null) document.body.appendChild(sn.hif);
var hif = sn.hif; hif.detachEvent("onload", sn.update); hif.attachEvent("onload", sn.update); };
window.__smartNav.submit = function() { window.__smartNav.init(); window.__smartNav.form._submit(); };
window.__smartNav.attachForm = function() { var cf = document.forms; for (var i=0; i<cf.length; i++) { if (cf[i].__smartNavEnabled != null) { window.__smartNav.form = cf[i]; break; } } var snfm = window.__smartNav.form; if (snfm == null) return false; var sft = snfm.target; if (sft.length != 0 && sft.indexOf("__hifSmartNav") != 0) return false;
var sfc = snfm.action.split("?")[0]; var url = window.location.href.split("?")[0]; if (url.lastIndexOf(sfc) + sfc.length != url.length) return false; if (snfm.__formAttached == true) return true; snfm.__formAttached = true; snfm.attachEvent("onsubmit", window.__smartNav.init); snfm._submit = snfm.submit; snfm.submit = window.__smartNav.submit; snfm.target = window.__smartNav.hifName; return true; };
window.__smartNav.hifName = "__hifSmartNav" + (new Date()).getTime(); window.__smartNav.ie5 = navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 5") > 0; var rc = window.__smartNav.attachForm(); var hif = document.all("__hifSmartNav"); if (rc) { var fsn = frames["__hifSmartNav"]; fsn.name = window.__smartNav.hifName; window.__smartNav.siHif = hif.sourceIndex; try { if (fsn.document.location != "javascript:smartnav=1") { fsn.document.designMode = "On"; hif.attachEvent("onload",window.__smartNav.update); window.__smartNav.hif = hif; } } catch (e) { window.__smartNav.hif = hif; } window.attachEvent("onbeforeunload", window.__smartNav.saveHistory); } else window.__smartNav = null; }