<?xml version="1.0"?> <doc> <assembly> <name>cscompmgd</name> </assembly> <members> <member name="T:Microsoft.CSharp.ErrorLevel"> <summary> Specifies the severity of a compiler diagnostic. </summary> </member> <member name="F:Microsoft.CSharp.ErrorLevel.None"> <summary> An unknown severity. </summary> </member> <member name="F:Microsoft.CSharp.ErrorLevel.Warning"> <summary> A warning or suggestive diagnostic. </summary> </member> <member name="F:Microsoft.CSharp.ErrorLevel.Error"> <summary> An error diagnostic. </summary> </member> <member name="F:Microsoft.CSharp.ErrorLevel.FatalError"> <summary> A noncontinuable error diagnostic. </summary> </member> <member name="T:Microsoft.CSharp.CompilerError"> <summary> Represents an error or diagnostic message reported by the compiler. </summary> <seealso topic="vctbsCompilerErrorsSC0001ThroughSC9999" title="Compiler Errors CS0001 Through CS9999"/> </member> <member name="F:Microsoft.CSharp.CompilerError.SourceFile"> <summary> Specifies the filename of the source text that caused the diagnostic, or an empty string (""). </summary> </member> <member name="F:Microsoft.CSharp.CompilerError.SourceLine"> <summary> Specifies the line of the source text that caused the diagnostic (1 based), or 0 if there is no line information. </summary> </member> <member name="F:Microsoft.CSharp.CompilerError.SourceColumn"> <summary> Specifies the column of the source text that caused the diagnostic (1 based), or 0 if there is no column information. </summary> </member> <member name="F:Microsoft.CSharp.CompilerError.ErrorNumber"> <summary> Specifies the diagnostic number. </summary> <remarks> See <see topic="vctbsCompilerErrorsSC0001ThroughSC9999" title="Compiler Errors CS0001 Through CS9999"/> for the list of errors and waning numbers returned by the compiler. </remarks> </member> <member name="F:Microsoft.CSharp.CompilerError.ErrorMessage"> <summary> Specifies the diagnostic message text. </summary> </member> <member name="F:Microsoft.CSharp.CompilerError.ErrorLevel"> <summary> Specifies the severity of this diagnostic. </summary> <seealso cref="T:Microsoft.CSharp.ErrorLevel"/> </member> <member name="M:Microsoft.CSharp.CompilerError.ToString"> <summary> <para>Returns a <see cref="T:System.String"/> that represents the current <see cref="T:Microsoft.CSharp.CompilerError"/>.</para> </summary> <returns> <para>A <see cref="T:System.String"/> that represents the current <see cref="T:Microsoft.CSharp.CompilerError"/>.</para> </returns> <remarks> Converts the diagnostic to a string of the following form: <code> [filename(line,column):] AAAAA CSXXXX: message </code> Where AAAAA is either: "warning", "error", or "fatal error", and CSXXXX is the diagnotic number in decimal format. This is the same format seen at the command-line. </remarks> </member> <member name="T:Microsoft.CSharp.Compiler"> <summary> Managed wrapper for the C# compiler. </summary> <remarks> To compile C# code in-process, call <see cref="M:Microsoft.CSharp.Compiler.Compile(System.String[],System.String[],System.String,System.String[],System.Collections.IDictionary)"/>. </remarks> </member> <member name="M:Microsoft.CSharp.Compiler.Compile(System.String[],System.String[],System.String,System.String[],System.Collections.IDictionary)"> <summary> Compile the given C# sources to the specified target file. </summary> <param name="sourceTexts"> An array of type <see langword="string"/>, each with C# code. Each string is the equivalent of a single source file. There must be at least one sourceText element. </param> <param name="sourceTextNames"> An array of type <see langword="string"/> containing the filenames for each sourceText. The filenames are used for compiler diagnostics and debug information. This array is required, but can be locally overridden by use of the <see topic="vclrfLine" title="#line"/> directive. This array must have the same number of elements as the <paramref name="sourceTexts"/> parameter. </param> <param name="target"> The output filename. This argument is required. </param> <param name="imports"> An array of type <see langword="string"/>, with files to reference. This is the same as the <see topic="vcrefIIImportMetadataFromFileList" title="/reference (Import Metadata)"/> compiler option. This parameter can be <see langword="null"/>. </param> <param name="options"> A <see cref="T:System.Collections.IDictionary"/> of compiler options. The key is the short form of the compiler option. The value is the value desired for the option. This parameter can be <see langword="null"/>. Note that not all of the <see topic="vcrefcompileroptions" title="C# Compiler Options"/> are recognized. Recognized options and values: <list type="table"> <listheader> <term>Key Name</term> <description>Usage</description> </listheader> <item> <term>addmodule</term> <description> <para> List of modules to include in this assembly. The module names must be separated by the vertical bar or pipe character. Value must be of type <see cref="T:System.String"/>. </para> <para> See <see topic="vclrfAddmoduleImportMetadata" title="/addmodule (Import Metadata)"/> </para> </description> </item> <item> <term>baseaddress</term> <description> <para> Base address for libraries. Value must be of type <see cref="T:System.UInt32"/>. </para> <para> See <see topic="vcgrfDllbaseSpecifyBaseAddressOfDLL" title="/baseaddress (Specify Base Address of DLL)"/> </para> </description> </item> <item> <term>bugreport</term> <description> <para> Produces bug report file. Value must be of type <see cref="T:System.String"/>. </para> <para> See <see topic="vcerrBugreportReportProblem" title="/bugreport (Report a Problem)"/> </para> </description> </item> <item> <term>checked</term> <description> <para> Set default expression evaluation to checked (or unchecked). Value must be of type <see cref="T:System.Boolean"/>. </para> <para> See <see topic="vclrfCheckedCheckIntegerArthmetic" title="/checked (Check Integer Arithmetic)"/> </para> </description> </item> <item> <term>d</term> <description> <para> List of semicolon separated symbols to define. Value must be of type <see cref="T:System.String"/>. </para> <para> See <see topic="vcrefDPreprocessorDefinition" title="/define (Preprocessor Definition)"/> </para> </description> </item> <item> <term>debug</term> <description> <para> Emit debug information with output. Value must be of type <see cref="T:System.Boolean"/>. Full or pdbonly cannot be specified. </para> <para> See <see topic="vcrefDEmitDebuggingInformation" title="/debug (Emit Debugging Information)"/> </para> </description> </item> <item> <term>doc</term> <description> <para> Filename to put XML comments in. Value must be of type <see cref="T:System.String"/>. </para> <para> See <see topic="vcerrDocProcessDocumentationComments" title="/doc (Process Documentation Comments)"/> </para> </description> </item> <item> <term>filealign</term> <description> <para> PE section alignment size. Value must be of type <see cref="T:System.UInt32"/>. </para> <para> See <see topic="vclrfFilealignSpecifySectionAlignment" title="/filealign (Specify Section Alignment)"/> </para> </description> </item> <item> <term>incr</term> <description> <para> Enable incremental rebuild. Value must be of type <see cref="T:System.Boolean"/>. </para> <para> See <see topic="vcgrfIncrementalEnableIncrementalCompilation" title="/incremental (Enable Incremental Compilation)"/> </para> </description> </item> <item> <term>lib</term> <description> <para> Additional paths to search when locating modules and referenced assemblies. Value must be of type <see cref="T:System.String"/>. </para> <para> See <see topic="vclrfLibSpecifyAssemblyReferenceLocations" title="/lib (Specify Assembly Reference Locations)"/> </para> </description> </item> <item> <term>linkres</term> <description> <para> Link a managed resource to the assembly. Value must be of type <see cref="T:System.String"/>. </para> <para> See <see topic="vclrfLinkresourceLinkToCOMResource" title="/linkresource (Link to .NET Framework Resource)"/> </para> </description> </item> <item> <term>m</term> <description> <para> Type to search in for the Main method. Value must be of type <see cref="T:System.String"/>. </para> <para> See <see topic="vclrfMainSpecifyLocationOfMainFunction" title="/main (Specify Location of Main Method)"/> </para> </description> </item> <item> <term>nostdlib</term> <description> <para> Do not auto-reference mscorlib.dll. Value must be of type <see cref="T:System.Boolean"/>. </para> <para> See <see topic="vcrefNostdlibDoNotImportStandardLibrary" title="/nostdlib (Do Not Import Standard Library)"/> </para> </description> </item> <item> <term>nowarn</term> <description> <para> List of semicolon separated warning numbers to not report. Value must be of type <see cref="T:System.String"/>. </para> <para> See <see topic="vcerrNowarnSuppressSpecifiedWarnings" title="/nowarn (Suppress Specified Warnings)"/> </para> </description> </item> <item> <term>o</term> <description> <para> Enable compiler optimizations. Value must be of type <see cref="T:System.Boolean"/>. </para> <para> See <see topic="vcrefUEnabledisableOptimizations" title="/optimize (Enable/disable Optimizations)"/> </para> </description> </item> <item> <term>r</term> <description> <para> Referenced assemblies. Value must be of type <see cref="T:System.String"/>. If more than one assembly is specified, the file name must be separated by the vertical bar or pipe character. </para> <para> See <see topic="vcrefIIImportMetadataFromFileList" title="/reference (Import Metadata)"/> </para> </description> </item> <item> <term>res</term> <description> <para> Embed a managed resource. Value must be of type <see cref="T:System.String"/>. </para> <para> See <see topic="vcrefResAttachResourceFileToOutput" title="/resource (Embed Resource File to Output)"/> </para> </description> </item> <item> <term>target</term> <description> <para> Output file target type, one of the following: "library", "exe", "winexe", or "module". Value must be of type <see cref="T:System.String"/>. </para> <para> See <see topic="vclrfTargetSpecifyOutputFileFormat" title="/target (Specify Output File Format)"/> </para> </description> </item> <item> <term>unsafe</term> <description> <para> Allow unsafe constructs. Value must be of type <see cref="T:System.Boolean"/>. </para> <para> See <see topic="vclrfUnsafeEnableUnsafeMode" title="/unsafe (Enable Unsafe Mode)"/> </para> </description> </item> <item> <term>w</term> <description> <para> Warning level (0-4). Value must be of type <see cref="T:System.String"/>. </para> <para> See <see topic="vcrefWWarningLevel" title="/warn (Specify Warning Level)"/> </para> </description> </item> <item> <term>warnaserror</term> <description> <para> Report warning diagnostics as errors. Value must be of type <see cref="T:System.Boolean"/>. </para> <para> See <see topic="vcerrWarnAsError" title="/warnaserror (Treat Warnings as Errors)"/> </para> </description> </item> <item> <term>win32icon</term> <description> <para> Win32 icon for auto generated Win32 resource. Value must be of type <see cref="T:System.String"/>. </para> <para> See <see topic="vcerrWin32iconImportIcoFile" title="/win32icon (Import a .ico File)"/> </para> </description> </item> <item> <term>win32res</term> <description> <para> Win32 resource file. Value must be of type <see cref="T:System.String"/>. </para> <para> See <see topic="vclrfWin32resImportWin32ResourceFile" title="/win32res (Import a Win32 Resource File)"/> </para> </description> </item> </list> </param> <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"> <para> <paramref name="sourceTexts"/> is <see langword="null"/>. </para> <para>-or-</para> <para> <paramref name="sourceTextNames"/> is <see langword="null"/>. </para> <para>-or-</para> <para> <paramref name="target"/> is <see langword="null"/>. </para> </exception> <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException"> <para> <paramref name="sourceTexts"/> is an empty array. </para> <para>-or-</para> <para> <paramref name="sourceTextNames"/> is not the same size as <paramref name="sourceText"/>. </para> </exception> <returns> Returns diagnostice messages as an array of type <see cref="T:Microsoft.CSharp.CompilerError"/>. If the array is empty or all elements are warnings then the compilation succeeded. </returns> <seealso topic="vcrefcompileroptions" title="C# Compiler Options"/> <seealso topic="vctbsCompilerErrorsSC0001ThroughSC9999" title="Compiler Errors CS0001 Through CS9999"/> <seealso cref="T:Microsoft.CSharp.CompilerError"/> </member> </members> </doc>