Copyright (c) 1985 - 1999, Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file implements the Active IME (Cicero) Class.
Revision History:
#include "private.h"
#include "context.h"
#include "defs.h"
#include "cdimm.h"
#include "globals.h"
BOOL CActiveIMM::_CreateActiveIME() { //
// do the ImeInquire
// Inquire IME's information and UI class name.
_pActiveIME->Inquire(TRUE, &_IMEInfoEx.ImeInfo, _IMEInfoEx.achWndClass, &_IMEInfoEx.dwPrivate);
// Create default input context.
_InputContext._CreateDefaultInputContext(_GetIMEProperty(PROP_PRIVATE_DATA_SIZE), (_GetIMEProperty(PROP_IME_PROPERTY) & IME_PROP_UNICODE) ? TRUE : FALSE, TRUE);
// Create default IME window.
return TRUE; }
BOOL CActiveIMM::_DestroyActiveIME( ) { // Destroy default input context.
// shut down our tip
// Destroy default IME window.
return TRUE; }
// _GetCompositionString
HRESULT CActiveIMM::_GetCompositionString( HIMC hIMC, DWORD dwIndex, DWORD dwCompLen, LONG* lpCopied, LPVOID lpBuf, BOOL fUnicode ) { HRESULT hr; DIMM_IMCLock lpIMC(hIMC); if (FAILED(hr = lpIMC.GetResult())) return hr;
DIMM_IMCCLock<COMPOSITIONSTRING_AIMM12> lpCompStr(lpIMC->hCompStr); if (FAILED(hr = lpCompStr.GetResult())) return hr;
UINT cp; _pActiveIME->GetCodePageA(&cp);
BOOL fSwapGuidMapField = FALSE; DWORD dwSwapLen; DWORD dwSwapOffset;
if (IsGuidMapEnable(lpIMC->hWnd) && (lpIMC->fdwInit & INIT_GUID_ATOM)) { //
// Transrate GUID map attribute.
dwSwapLen = lpCompStr->CompStr.dwCompAttrLen; dwSwapOffset = lpCompStr->CompStr.dwCompAttrOffset; lpCompStr->CompStr.dwCompAttrLen = lpCompStr->dwGuidMapAttrLen; lpCompStr->CompStr.dwCompAttrOffset = lpCompStr->dwGuidMapAttrOffset; fSwapGuidMapField = TRUE; }
if ((!fUnicode && !lpIMC.IsUnicode()) || ( fUnicode && lpIMC.IsUnicode()) ) { /*
* Composition string in input context is of ANSI style when fUnicode is FALSE. * Composition string in input context is of Unicode style when fUnicode is TRUE. */ if (! dwCompLen) { // query required buffer size. not inculde \0.
if (! fUnicode) { hr = _InputContext.GetCompositionString(lpCompStr, dwIndex, lpCopied, sizeof(BYTE)); } else { switch (dwIndex) { case GCS_COMPATTR: // ANSI-only
hr = _InputContext.GetCompositionString(lpCompStr, dwIndex, lpCopied, sizeof(BYTE)); break; default: hr = _InputContext.GetCompositionString(lpCompStr, dwIndex, lpCopied); break; } } } else { hr = S_OK; switch (dwIndex) { case GCS_COMPSTR: case GCS_COMPREADSTR: case GCS_RESULTSTR: case GCS_RESULTREADSTR: if (! fUnicode) { CBCompString bstr(cp, lpCompStr, dwIndex); if (bstr.ReadCompData() != 0) { *lpCopied = (LONG)bstr.ReadCompData((CHAR*)lpBuf, dwCompLen / sizeof(CHAR)) * sizeof(CHAR); } } else { CWCompString wstr(cp, lpCompStr, dwIndex); if (wstr.ReadCompData() != 0) { *lpCopied = (LONG)wstr.ReadCompData((WCHAR*)lpBuf, dwCompLen / sizeof(WCHAR)) * sizeof(WCHAR); } } break; case GCS_COMPATTR: // ANSI-only
{ CBCompAttribute battr(cp, lpCompStr, dwIndex); if (battr.ReadCompData() != 0) { *lpCopied = (LONG)battr.ReadCompData((BYTE*)lpBuf, dwCompLen / sizeof(BYTE)) * sizeof(CHAR); } } break; case GCS_COMPREADCLAUSE: // ANSI-only
{ CBCompClause bclause(cp, lpCompStr, dwIndex); if (bclause.ReadCompData() != 0) { *lpCopied = (LONG)bclause.ReadCompData((DWORD*)lpBuf, dwCompLen / sizeof(DWORD)) * sizeof(DWORD); } } break; case GCS_CURSORPOS: case GCS_DELTASTART: if (! fUnicode) { CBCompCursorPos bpos(cp, lpCompStr, dwIndex); } else { CWCompCursorPos wpos(cp, lpCompStr, dwIndex); } break; default: hr = E_INVALIDARG; *lpCopied = IMM_ERROR_GENERAL; // ala Win32
break; } }
goto _exit; }
* ANSI caller, Unicode input context/composition string when fUnicode is FALSE. * Unicode caller, ANSI input context/composition string when fUnicode is TRUE */ hr = S_OK; switch (dwIndex) { case GCS_COMPSTR: case GCS_COMPREADSTR: case GCS_RESULTSTR: case GCS_RESULTREADSTR: if (! fUnicode) { /*
* Get ANSI string from Unicode composition string. */ CWCompString wstr(cp, lpCompStr, dwIndex); CBCompString bstr(cp, lpCompStr); if (wstr.ReadCompData() != 0) { bstr = wstr; *lpCopied = (LONG)bstr.ReadCompData((CHAR*)lpBuf, dwCompLen / sizeof(CHAR)) * sizeof(CHAR); } } else { /*
* Get Unicode string from ANSI composition string. */ CBCompString bstr(cp, lpCompStr, dwIndex); CWCompString wstr(cp, lpCompStr); if (bstr.ReadCompData() != 0) { wstr = bstr; *lpCopied = (LONG)wstr.ReadCompData((WCHAR*)lpBuf, dwCompLen / sizeof(WCHAR)) * sizeof(WCHAR); } } break; case GCS_COMPATTR: case GCS_COMPREADATTR: if (! fUnicode) { /*
* Get ANSI attribute from Unicode composition attribute. */ CWCompAttribute wattr(cp, lpCompStr, dwIndex); CBCompAttribute battr(cp, lpCompStr); if (wattr.ReadCompData() != 0 && wattr.m_wcompstr.ReadCompData() != 0) { battr = wattr; *lpCopied = (LONG)battr.ReadCompData((BYTE*)lpBuf, dwCompLen / sizeof(BYTE)) * sizeof(BYTE); } } else { /*
* Get Unicode attribute from ANSI composition attribute. */ CBCompAttribute battr(cp, lpCompStr, dwIndex); CWCompAttribute wattr(cp, lpCompStr); if (battr.ReadCompData() != 0 && battr.m_bcompstr.ReadCompData() != 0) { wattr = battr; *lpCopied = (LONG)wattr.ReadCompData((BYTE*)lpBuf, dwCompLen / sizeof(BYTE)) * sizeof(BYTE); } } break; case GCS_COMPREADCLAUSE: case GCS_RESULTCLAUSE: case GCS_RESULTREADCLAUSE: case GCS_COMPCLAUSE: if (! fUnicode) { /*
* Get ANSI clause from Unicode composition clause. */ CWCompClause wclause(cp, lpCompStr, dwIndex); CBCompClause bclause(cp, lpCompStr); if (wclause.ReadCompData() != 0 && wclause.m_wcompstr.ReadCompData() != 0) { bclause = wclause; *lpCopied = (LONG)bclause.ReadCompData((DWORD*)lpBuf, dwCompLen / sizeof(DWORD)) * sizeof(DWORD); } } else { /*
* Get Unicode clause from ANSI composition clause. */ CBCompClause bclause(cp, lpCompStr, dwIndex); CWCompClause wclause(cp, lpCompStr); if (bclause.ReadCompData() != 0 && bclause.m_bcompstr.ReadCompData() != 0) { wclause = bclause; *lpCopied = (LONG)wclause.ReadCompData((DWORD*)lpBuf, dwCompLen / sizeof(DWORD)) * sizeof(DWORD); } } break; case GCS_CURSORPOS: case GCS_DELTASTART: if (! fUnicode) { /*
* Get ANSI cursor/delta start position from Unicode composition string. */ CWCompCursorPos wpos(cp, lpCompStr, dwIndex); CBCompCursorPos bpos(cp, lpCompStr); if (wpos.ReadCompData() != 0 && wpos.m_wcompstr.ReadCompData() != 0) { bpos = wpos; *lpCopied = bpos.GetAt(0); } } else { /*
* Get Unicode cursor/delta start position from ANSI composition string. */ CBCompCursorPos bpos(cp, lpCompStr, dwIndex); CWCompCursorPos wpos(cp, lpCompStr); if (bpos.ReadCompData() != 0 && bpos.m_bcompstr.ReadCompData() != 0) { wpos = bpos; *lpCopied = wpos.GetAt(0); } } break; default: hr = E_INVALIDARG; *lpCopied = IMM_ERROR_GENERAL; // ala Win32
break; }
_exit: if (fSwapGuidMapField) { lpCompStr->CompStr.dwCompAttrLen = dwSwapLen; lpCompStr->CompStr.dwCompAttrOffset = dwSwapOffset; }
return hr; }
// _Internal_SetCompositionString
HRESULT CActiveIMM::_Internal_SetCompositionString( HIMC hIMC, DWORD dwIndex, LPVOID lpComp, DWORD dwCompLen, LPVOID lpRead, DWORD dwReadLen, BOOL fUnicode, BOOL fNeedAWConversion ) { HRESULT hr;
UINT cp; _pActiveIME->GetCodePageA(&cp);
if (! fUnicode) { CBCompString bCompStr(cp, hIMC, (CHAR*)lpComp, dwCompLen); CBCompString bCompReadStr(cp, hIMC, (CHAR*)lpRead, dwReadLen); if (! fNeedAWConversion) { /*
* Composition string in input context is of ANSI style. */ hr = _pActiveIME->SetCompositionString(hIMC,dwIndex, lpComp, dwCompLen, lpRead, dwReadLen); } else { /*
* ANSI caller, Unicode input context/composition string. */ CWCompString wCompStr(cp, hIMC); if (dwCompLen) wCompStr = bCompStr;
CWCompString wCompReadStr(cp, hIMC); if (dwReadLen) wCompReadStr = bCompReadStr;
hr = _pActiveIME->SetCompositionString(hIMC,dwIndex, wCompStr, (DWORD)(wCompStr.GetSize()), wCompReadStr, (DWORD)(wCompReadStr.GetSize())); } } else { CWCompString wCompStr(cp, hIMC, (WCHAR*)lpComp, dwCompLen); CWCompString wCompReadStr(cp, hIMC, (WCHAR*)lpRead, dwReadLen); if (! fNeedAWConversion) { /*
* Composition string in input context is of Unicode style. */ hr = _pActiveIME->SetCompositionString(hIMC,dwIndex, lpComp, dwCompLen, lpRead, dwReadLen); } else { /*
* Unicode caller, ANSI input context/composition string. */ CBCompString bCompStr(cp, hIMC); if (dwCompLen) bCompStr = wCompStr;
CBCompString bCompReadStr(cp, hIMC); if (dwReadLen) bCompReadStr = wCompReadStr;
hr = _pActiveIME->SetCompositionString(hIMC,dwIndex, bCompStr, (DWORD)(bCompStr.GetSize()), bCompReadStr, (DWORD)(bCompReadStr.GetSize())); } }
return hr; }
// _Internal_SetCompositionAttribute
HRESULT CActiveIMM::_Internal_SetCompositionAttribute( HIMC hIMC, DWORD dwIndex, LPVOID lpComp, DWORD dwCompLen, LPVOID lpRead, DWORD dwReadLen, BOOL fUnicode, BOOL fNeedAWConversion ) { HRESULT hr;
UINT cp; _pActiveIME->GetCodePageA(&cp);
if (! fUnicode) { CBCompAttribute bCompAttr(cp, hIMC, (BYTE*)lpComp, dwCompLen); CBCompAttribute bCompReadAttr(cp, hIMC, (BYTE*)lpRead, dwReadLen); if (! fNeedAWConversion) { /*
* Composition string in input context is of ANSI style. */ { DIMM_IMCLock lpIMC(hIMC); if (FAILED(hr = lpIMC.GetResult())) return hr;
DIMM_IMCCLock<COMPOSITIONSTRING_AIMM12> lpCompStr(lpIMC->hCompStr); if (FAILED(hr = lpCompStr.GetResult())) return hr;
CBCompAttribute himc_battr(cp, lpCompStr, GCS_COMPATTR); CBCompClause himc_bclause(cp, lpCompStr, GCS_COMPCLAUSE); if (FAILED(hr=CheckAttribute(bCompAttr, himc_battr, himc_bclause))) return hr;
CBCompAttribute himc_breadattr(cp, lpCompStr, GCS_COMPREADATTR); CBCompClause himc_breadclause(cp, lpCompStr, GCS_COMPREADCLAUSE); if (FAILED(hr=CheckAttribute(bCompReadAttr, himc_breadattr, himc_breadclause))) return hr; }
hr = _pActiveIME->SetCompositionString(hIMC,dwIndex, bCompAttr, (DWORD)(bCompAttr.GetSize()), bCompReadAttr, (DWORD)(bCompReadAttr.GetSize())); } else { /*
* ANSI caller, Unicode input context/composition string. */ CWCompAttribute wCompAttr(cp, hIMC); CWCompAttribute wCompReadAttr(cp, hIMC); { DIMM_IMCLock lpIMC(hIMC); if (FAILED(hr = lpIMC.GetResult())) return hr;
DIMM_IMCCLock<COMPOSITIONSTRING_AIMM12> lpCompStr(lpIMC->hCompStr); if (FAILED(hr = lpCompStr.GetResult())) return hr;
if (dwCompLen) { wCompAttr = bCompAttr;
CWCompAttribute himc_wattr(cp, lpCompStr, GCS_COMPATTR); CWCompClause himc_wclause(cp, lpCompStr, GCS_COMPCLAUSE); if (FAILED(hr=CheckAttribute(wCompAttr, himc_wattr, himc_wclause))) return hr; }
if (dwReadLen) { wCompReadAttr = bCompReadAttr;
CWCompAttribute himc_wreadattr(cp, lpCompStr, GCS_COMPREADATTR); CWCompClause himc_wreadclause(cp, lpCompStr, GCS_COMPREADCLAUSE); if (FAILED(hr=CheckAttribute(wCompReadAttr, himc_wreadattr, himc_wreadclause))) return hr; } }
hr = _pActiveIME->SetCompositionString(hIMC,dwIndex, wCompAttr, (DWORD)(wCompAttr.GetSize()), wCompReadAttr, (DWORD)(wCompReadAttr.GetSize())); } } else { CWCompAttribute wCompAttr(cp, hIMC, (BYTE*)lpComp, dwCompLen); CWCompAttribute wCompReadAttr(cp, hIMC, (BYTE*)lpRead, dwReadLen); if (! fNeedAWConversion) { /*
* Composition string in input context is of Unicode style. */ { DIMM_IMCLock lpIMC(hIMC); if (FAILED(hr = lpIMC.GetResult())) return hr;
DIMM_IMCCLock<COMPOSITIONSTRING_AIMM12> lpCompStr(lpIMC->hCompStr); if (FAILED(hr = lpCompStr.GetResult())) return hr;
CWCompAttribute himc_wattr(cp, lpCompStr, GCS_COMPATTR); CWCompClause himc_wclause(cp, lpCompStr, GCS_COMPCLAUSE); if (FAILED(hr=CheckAttribute(wCompAttr, himc_wattr, himc_wclause))) return hr;
CWCompAttribute himc_wreadattr(cp, lpCompStr, GCS_COMPREADATTR); CWCompClause himc_wreadclause(cp, lpCompStr, GCS_COMPREADCLAUSE); if (FAILED(hr=CheckAttribute(wCompReadAttr, himc_wreadattr, himc_wreadclause))) return hr; }
hr = _pActiveIME->SetCompositionString(hIMC,dwIndex, wCompAttr, (DWORD)(wCompAttr.GetSize()), wCompReadAttr, (DWORD)(wCompReadAttr.GetSize())); } else { /*
* Unicode caller, ANSI input context/composition string. */ CBCompAttribute bCompAttr(cp, hIMC); CBCompAttribute bCompReadAttr(cp, hIMC); { DIMM_IMCLock lpIMC(hIMC); if (FAILED(hr = lpIMC.GetResult())) return hr;
DIMM_IMCCLock<COMPOSITIONSTRING_AIMM12> lpCompStr(lpIMC->hCompStr); if (FAILED(hr = lpCompStr.GetResult())) return hr;
if (dwCompLen) { bCompAttr = wCompAttr;
CBCompAttribute himc_battr(cp, lpCompStr, GCS_COMPATTR); CBCompClause himc_bclause(cp, lpCompStr, GCS_COMPCLAUSE); if (FAILED(hr=CheckAttribute(bCompAttr, himc_battr, himc_bclause))) return hr; }
if (dwReadLen) { bCompReadAttr = wCompReadAttr;
CBCompAttribute himc_breadattr(cp, lpCompStr, GCS_COMPREADATTR); CBCompClause himc_breadclause(cp, lpCompStr, GCS_COMPREADCLAUSE); if (FAILED(hr=CheckAttribute(bCompReadAttr, himc_breadattr, himc_breadclause))) return hr; } }
hr = _pActiveIME->SetCompositionString(hIMC,dwIndex, bCompAttr, (DWORD)(bCompAttr.GetSize()), bCompReadAttr, (DWORD)(bCompReadAttr.GetSize())); } } return hr; }
// _Internal_SetCompositionClause
HRESULT CActiveIMM::_Internal_SetCompositionClause( IN HIMC hIMC, IN DWORD dwIndex, IN LPVOID lpComp, IN DWORD dwCompLen, IN LPVOID lpRead, IN DWORD dwReadLen, IN BOOL fUnicode, IN BOOL fNeedAWConversion ) { HRESULT hr;
UINT cp; _pActiveIME->GetCodePageA(&cp);
if (! fUnicode) { CBCompClause bCompClause(cp, hIMC, (DWORD*)lpComp, dwCompLen); CBCompClause bCompReadClause(cp, hIMC, (DWORD*)lpRead, dwReadLen); if (! fNeedAWConversion) { /*
* Composition string in input context is of ANSI style. */ { DIMM_IMCLock lpIMC(hIMC); if (FAILED(hr = lpIMC.GetResult())) return hr;
DIMM_IMCCLock<COMPOSITIONSTRING_AIMM12> lpCompStr(lpIMC->hCompStr); if (FAILED(hr = lpCompStr.GetResult())) return hr;
CBCompClause himc_bclause(cp, lpCompStr, GCS_COMPCLAUSE); if (FAILED(hr=CheckClause(bCompClause, himc_bclause))) return hr;
CBCompClause himc_breadclause(cp, lpCompStr, GCS_COMPREADCLAUSE); if (FAILED(hr=CheckClause(bCompReadClause, himc_breadclause))) return hr; }
hr = _pActiveIME->SetCompositionString(hIMC,dwIndex, bCompClause, (DWORD)(bCompClause.GetSize()), bCompReadClause, (DWORD)(bCompReadClause.GetSize())); } else { /*
* ANSI caller, Unicode input context/composition string. */ CWCompClause wCompClause(cp, hIMC); CWCompClause wCompReadClause(cp, hIMC); { DIMM_IMCLock lpIMC(hIMC); if (FAILED(hr = lpIMC.GetResult())) return hr;
DIMM_IMCCLock<COMPOSITIONSTRING_AIMM12> lpCompStr(lpIMC->hCompStr); if (FAILED(hr = lpCompStr.GetResult())) return hr;
if (dwCompLen) { wCompClause = bCompClause;
CWCompClause himc_wclause(cp, lpCompStr, GCS_COMPCLAUSE); if (FAILED(hr=CheckClause(wCompClause, himc_wclause))) return hr; }
if (dwReadLen) { wCompReadClause = bCompReadClause;
CWCompClause himc_wclause(cp, lpCompStr, GCS_COMPREADCLAUSE); if (FAILED(hr=CheckClause(wCompReadClause, himc_wclause))) return hr; } }
hr = _pActiveIME->SetCompositionString(hIMC,dwIndex, wCompClause, (DWORD)(wCompClause.GetSize()), wCompReadClause, (DWORD)(wCompReadClause.GetSize())); } } else { CWCompClause wCompClause(cp, hIMC, (DWORD*)lpComp, dwCompLen); CWCompClause wCompReadClause(cp, hIMC, (DWORD*)lpRead, dwReadLen); if (! fNeedAWConversion) { /*
* Composition string in input context is of Unicode style. */ { DIMM_IMCLock lpIMC(hIMC); if (FAILED(hr = lpIMC.GetResult())) return hr;
DIMM_IMCCLock<COMPOSITIONSTRING_AIMM12> lpCompStr(lpIMC->hCompStr); if (FAILED(hr = lpCompStr.GetResult())) return hr;
CWCompClause himc_wclause(cp, lpCompStr, GCS_COMPCLAUSE); if (FAILED(CheckClause(wCompClause, himc_wclause))) return E_FAIL;
CWCompClause himc_wreadclause(cp, lpCompStr, GCS_COMPREADCLAUSE); if (FAILED(CheckClause(wCompReadClause, himc_wreadclause))) return E_FAIL; }
hr = _pActiveIME->SetCompositionString(hIMC,dwIndex, wCompClause, (DWORD)(wCompClause.GetSize()), wCompReadClause, (DWORD)(wCompReadClause.GetSize())); } else { /*
* Unicode caller, ANSI input context/composition string. */ CBCompClause bCompClause(cp, hIMC); CBCompClause bCompReadClause(cp, hIMC); { DIMM_IMCLock lpIMC(hIMC); if (FAILED(hr = lpIMC.GetResult())) return hr;
DIMM_IMCCLock<COMPOSITIONSTRING_AIMM12> lpCompStr(lpIMC->hCompStr); if (FAILED(hr = lpCompStr.GetResult())) return hr;
if (dwCompLen) { bCompClause = wCompClause;
CBCompClause himc_bclause(cp, lpCompStr, GCS_COMPCLAUSE); if (FAILED(hr=CheckClause(bCompClause, himc_bclause))) return hr; }
if (dwReadLen) { bCompReadClause = wCompReadClause;
CBCompClause himc_bclause(cp, lpCompStr, GCS_COMPREADCLAUSE); if (FAILED(hr=CheckClause(bCompReadClause, himc_bclause))) return hr; } }
hr = _pActiveIME->SetCompositionString(hIMC,dwIndex, bCompClause, (DWORD)(bCompClause.GetSize()), bCompReadClause, (DWORD)(bCompReadClause.GetSize())); } }
return hr; }
HRESULT CActiveIMM::_Internal_ReconvertString( IN HIMC hIMC, IN DWORD dwIndex, IN LPVOID lpComp, IN DWORD dwCompLen, IN LPVOID lpRead, IN DWORD dwReadLen, IN BOOL fUnicode, IN BOOL fNeedAWConversion, OUT LRESULT* plResult // = NULL
) { HRESULT hr; LPVOID lpOrgComp = lpComp; LPVOID lpOrgRead = lpRead;
UINT cp; _pActiveIME->GetCodePageA(&cp);
HWND hWnd = NULL; if (dwIndex == IMR_CONFIRMRECONVERTSTRING || dwIndex == IMR_RECONVERTSTRING || dwIndex == IMR_DOCUMENTFEED) { DIMM_IMCLock imc(hIMC); if (FAILED(hr = imc.GetResult())) return hr;
hWnd = imc->hWnd; }
if (! fUnicode) { if (! fNeedAWConversion) { /*
* Composition string in input context is of ANSI style. */ if (dwIndex != IMR_CONFIRMRECONVERTSTRING && dwIndex != IMR_RECONVERTSTRING && dwIndex != IMR_DOCUMENTFEED) { hr = _pActiveIME->SetCompositionString(hIMC,dwIndex, lpComp, dwCompLen, lpRead, dwReadLen); } else { *plResult = ::SendMessageA(hWnd, WM_IME_REQUEST, dwIndex, (LPARAM)lpComp); } } else { /*
* ANSI caller, Unicode input context/composition string. */ CBReconvertString bReconvStr(cp, hIMC, (LPRECONVERTSTRING)lpComp, dwCompLen); CWReconvertString wReconvStr(cp, hIMC); if (bReconvStr.m_bcompstr.ReadCompData()) { wReconvStr = bReconvStr; }
CBReconvertString bReconvReadStr(cp, hIMC, (LPRECONVERTSTRING)lpRead, dwReadLen); CWReconvertString wReconvReadStr(cp, hIMC); if (bReconvReadStr.m_bcompstr.ReadCompData()) { wReconvReadStr = bReconvReadStr; }
BOOL fCompMem = FALSE, fReadMem = FALSE; LPRECONVERTSTRING _lpComp = NULL; DWORD _dwCompLen = wReconvStr.ReadCompData(); if (_dwCompLen) { _lpComp = (LPRECONVERTSTRING) new BYTE[ _dwCompLen ]; if (_lpComp) { fCompMem = TRUE; wReconvStr.ReadCompData(_lpComp, _dwCompLen); } } LPRECONVERTSTRING _lpRead = NULL; DWORD _dwReadLen = wReconvReadStr.ReadCompData(); if (_dwReadLen) { _lpRead = (LPRECONVERTSTRING) new BYTE[ _dwReadLen ]; if (_lpRead) { fReadMem = TRUE; wReconvStr.ReadCompData(_lpRead, _dwReadLen); } }
if (dwIndex != IMR_CONFIRMRECONVERTSTRING && dwIndex != IMR_RECONVERTSTRING && dwIndex != IMR_DOCUMENTFEED) { hr = _pActiveIME->SetCompositionString(hIMC,dwIndex, _lpComp, _dwCompLen, _lpRead, _dwReadLen); } else { *plResult = ::SendMessageA(hWnd, WM_IME_REQUEST, dwIndex, (LPARAM)_lpComp); }
if (fCompMem) delete [] _lpComp; if (fReadMem) delete [] _lpRead; } } else { if (! fNeedAWConversion) { /*
* Composition string in input context is of Unicode style. */ if (dwIndex != IMR_CONFIRMRECONVERTSTRING && dwIndex != IMR_RECONVERTSTRING && dwIndex != IMR_DOCUMENTFEED) { hr = _pActiveIME->SetCompositionString(hIMC,dwIndex, lpComp, dwCompLen, lpRead, dwReadLen); } else { *plResult = ::SendMessageW(hWnd, WM_IME_REQUEST, dwIndex, (LPARAM)lpComp); } } else { /*
* Unicode caller, ANSI input context/composition string. */ CWReconvertString wReconvStr(cp, hIMC, (LPRECONVERTSTRING)lpComp, dwCompLen); CBReconvertString bReconvStr(cp, hIMC); if (wReconvStr.m_wcompstr.ReadCompData()) { bReconvStr = wReconvStr; }
CWReconvertString wReconvReadStr(cp, hIMC, (LPRECONVERTSTRING)lpRead, dwReadLen); CBReconvertString bReconvReadStr(cp, hIMC); if (wReconvReadStr.m_wcompstr.ReadCompData()) { bReconvReadStr = wReconvReadStr; }
BOOL fCompMem = FALSE, fReadMem = FALSE; LPRECONVERTSTRING _lpComp = NULL; DWORD _dwCompLen = bReconvStr.ReadCompData(); if (_dwCompLen) { _lpComp = (LPRECONVERTSTRING) new BYTE[ _dwCompLen ]; if (_lpComp) { fCompMem = TRUE; bReconvStr.ReadCompData(_lpComp, _dwCompLen); } } LPRECONVERTSTRING _lpRead = NULL; DWORD _dwReadLen = bReconvReadStr.ReadCompData(); if (_dwReadLen) { _lpRead = (LPRECONVERTSTRING) new BYTE[ _dwReadLen ]; if (_lpRead) { fReadMem = TRUE; bReconvStr.ReadCompData(_lpRead, _dwReadLen); } }
if (dwIndex != IMR_CONFIRMRECONVERTSTRING && dwIndex != IMR_RECONVERTSTRING && dwIndex != IMR_DOCUMENTFEED) { hr = _pActiveIME->SetCompositionString(hIMC,dwIndex, _lpComp, _dwCompLen, _lpRead, _dwReadLen); } else { *plResult = ::SendMessageW(hWnd, WM_IME_REQUEST, dwIndex, (LPARAM)_lpComp); }
if (fCompMem) delete [] _lpComp; if (fReadMem) delete [] _lpRead; } }
* Check if need ANSI/Unicode back conversion */ if (fNeedAWConversion) { switch (dwIndex) { case SCS_QUERYRECONVERTSTRING: case IMR_RECONVERTSTRING: case IMR_DOCUMENTFEED: if (lpOrgComp) { if (! fUnicode) { CWReconvertString wReconvStr(cp, hIMC, (LPRECONVERTSTRING)lpComp, dwCompLen); CBReconvertString bReconvStr(cp, hIMC); if (wReconvStr.m_wcompstr.ReadCompData()) { bReconvStr = wReconvStr; bReconvStr.m_bcompstr.ReadCompData((CHAR*)lpOrgComp, (DWORD)bReconvStr.m_bcompstr.ReadCompData()); } } else { CBReconvertString bReconvStr(cp, hIMC, (LPRECONVERTSTRING)lpComp, dwCompLen); CWReconvertString wReconvStr(cp, hIMC); if (bReconvStr.m_bcompstr.ReadCompData()) { wReconvStr = bReconvStr; wReconvStr.m_wcompstr.ReadCompData((WCHAR*)lpOrgComp, (DWORD)wReconvStr.m_wcompstr.ReadCompData()); } } } if (lpOrgRead) { if (! fUnicode) { CWReconvertString wReconvReadStr(cp, hIMC, (LPRECONVERTSTRING)lpRead, dwReadLen); CBReconvertString bReconvReadStr(cp, hIMC); if (wReconvReadStr.m_wcompstr.ReadCompData()) { bReconvReadStr = wReconvReadStr; bReconvReadStr.m_bcompstr.ReadCompData((CHAR*)lpOrgComp, (DWORD)bReconvReadStr.m_bcompstr.ReadCompData()); } } else { CBReconvertString bReconvReadStr(cp, hIMC, (LPRECONVERTSTRING)lpRead, dwReadLen); CWReconvertString wReconvReadStr(cp, hIMC); if (bReconvReadStr.m_bcompstr.ReadCompData()) { wReconvReadStr = bReconvReadStr; wReconvReadStr.m_wcompstr.ReadCompData((WCHAR*)lpOrgComp, (DWORD)wReconvReadStr.m_wcompstr.ReadCompData()); } } } break; } }
return hr; }
HRESULT CActiveIMM::_Internal_CompositionFont( DIMM_IMCLock& imc, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL fUnicode, BOOL fNeedAWConversion, LRESULT* plResult ) { UINT cp; _pActiveIME->GetCodePageA(&cp);
if (! fUnicode) { if (! fNeedAWConversion) { /*
* Composition string in input context is of ANSI style. */ *plResult = ::SendMessageA(imc->hWnd, WM_IME_REQUEST, wParam, lParam); } else { /*
* ANSI caller, Unicode input context/composition string. */ LOGFONTA LogFontA; *plResult = ::SendMessageA(imc->hWnd, WM_IME_REQUEST, wParam, (LPARAM)&LogFontA); LFontAtoLFontW(&LogFontA, (LOGFONTW*)lParam, cp); } } else { if (! fNeedAWConversion) { /*
* Composition string in input context is of Unicode style. */ *plResult = ::SendMessageW(imc->hWnd, WM_IME_REQUEST, wParam, lParam); } else { /*
* Unicode caller, ANSI input context/composition string. */ LOGFONTW LogFontW; *plResult = ::SendMessageW(imc->hWnd, WM_IME_REQUEST, wParam, (LPARAM)&LogFontW); LFontWtoLFontA(&LogFontW, (LOGFONTA*)lParam, cp); } }
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CActiveIMM::_Internal_QueryCharPosition( DIMM_IMCLock& imc, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL fUnicode, BOOL fNeedAWConversion, LRESULT* plResult ) { if (! fUnicode) { if (! fNeedAWConversion) { /*
* Composition string in input context is of ANSI style. */ *plResult = ::SendMessageA(imc->hWnd, WM_IME_REQUEST, wParam, lParam); } else { /*
* ANSI caller, Receiver Unicode application. */ IMECHARPOSITION* ipA = (IMECHARPOSITION*)lParam; DWORD dwSaveCharPos = ipA->dwCharPos; _GetCompositionString((HIMC)imc, GCS_CURSORPOS, 0, (LONG*)&ipA->dwCharPos, NULL, TRUE); *plResult = ::SendMessageA(imc->hWnd, WM_IME_REQUEST, wParam, (LPARAM)ipA); ipA->dwCharPos = dwSaveCharPos; } } else { if (! fNeedAWConversion) { /*
* Composition string in input context is of Unicode style. */ *plResult = ::SendMessageW(imc->hWnd, WM_IME_REQUEST, wParam, lParam); } else { /*
* Unicode caller, Receiver ANSI application. */ IMECHARPOSITION* ipW = (IMECHARPOSITION*)lParam; DWORD dwSaveCharPos = ipW->dwCharPos; _GetCompositionString((HIMC)imc, GCS_CURSORPOS, 0, (LONG*)&ipW->dwCharPos, NULL, FALSE); *plResult = ::SendMessageW(imc->hWnd, WM_IME_REQUEST, wParam, (LPARAM)ipW); ipW->dwCharPos = dwSaveCharPos; } }
return S_OK; }
// _SetCompositionString
HRESULT CActiveIMM::_SetCompositionString( HIMC hIMC, DWORD dwIndex, LPVOID lpComp, DWORD dwCompLen, LPVOID lpRead, DWORD dwReadLen, BOOL fUnicode ) { HRESULT hr; BOOL fNeedAWConversion; BOOL fIMCUnicode; IMTLS *ptls = IMTLS_GetOrAlloc();
TraceMsg(TF_API, "CActiveIMM::SetCompositionString");
{ DIMM_IMCLock lpIMC(hIMC); if (FAILED(hr = lpIMC.GetResult())) return hr;
DIMM_IMCCLock<COMPOSITIONSTRING_AIMM12> lpCompStr(lpIMC->hCompStr); if (FAILED(hr = lpCompStr.GetResult())) return hr;
if (lpCompStr->CompStr.dwSize < sizeof(COMPOSITIONSTRING)) return E_FAIL;
fIMCUnicode = lpIMC.IsUnicode(); }
* Check if we need Unicode conversion */ if ((!fUnicode && !fIMCUnicode) || ( fUnicode && fIMCUnicode) ) { /*
* No ANSI conversion needed when fUnicode is FALSE. * No Unicode conversion needed when fUnicode is TRUE. */ fNeedAWConversion = FALSE; } else { fNeedAWConversion = TRUE; }
switch (dwIndex) { case SCS_SETSTR: hr = _Internal_SetCompositionString(hIMC, dwIndex, lpComp, dwCompLen, lpRead, dwReadLen, fUnicode, fNeedAWConversion); break; case SCS_CHANGEATTR: hr = _Internal_SetCompositionAttribute(hIMC, dwIndex, lpComp, dwCompLen, lpRead, dwReadLen, fUnicode, fNeedAWConversion); break; case SCS_CHANGECLAUSE: hr = _Internal_SetCompositionClause(hIMC, dwIndex, lpComp, dwCompLen, lpRead, dwReadLen, fUnicode, fNeedAWConversion); break; case SCS_SETRECONVERTSTRING: case SCS_QUERYRECONVERTSTRING:
if (_GetIMEProperty(PROP_SCS_CAPS) & SCS_CAP_SETRECONVERTSTRING) { hr = _Internal_ReconvertString(hIMC, dwIndex, lpComp, dwCompLen, lpRead, dwReadLen, fUnicode, fNeedAWConversion); } else if (ptls != NULL) { LANGID langid;
if (PRIMARYLANGID(langid) == LANG_KOREAN) { hr = _Internal_ReconvertString(hIMC, dwIndex, lpComp, dwCompLen, lpRead, dwReadLen, fUnicode, fNeedAWConversion); } }
break; default: hr = E_INVALIDARG; break; }
return hr; }
void CActiveIMM::LFontAtoLFontW( LPLOGFONTA lpLogFontA, LPLOGFONTW lpLogFontW, UINT uCodePage ) { INT i;
memcpy(lpLogFontW, lpLogFontA, sizeof(LOGFONTA)-LF_FACESIZE);
i = MultiByteToWideChar(uCodePage, // hIMC's code page
MB_PRECOMPOSED, lpLogFontA->lfFaceName, strlen(lpLogFontA->lfFaceName), lpLogFontW->lfFaceName, LF_FACESIZE); lpLogFontW->lfFaceName[i] = L'\0'; return; }
void CActiveIMM::LFontWtoLFontA( LPLOGFONTW lpLogFontW, LPLOGFONTA lpLogFontA, UINT uCodePage ) { INT i;
memcpy(lpLogFontA, lpLogFontW, sizeof(LOGFONTA)-LF_FACESIZE);
i = WideCharToMultiByte(uCodePage, // hIMC's code page
0, lpLogFontW->lfFaceName, wcslen(lpLogFontW->lfFaceName), lpLogFontA->lfFaceName, LF_FACESIZE-1, NULL, NULL); lpLogFontA->lfFaceName[i] = '\0'; return; }
HRESULT CActiveIMM::_GetCompositionFont( IN HIMC hIMC, IN LOGFONTAW* lplf, IN BOOL fUnicode )
AIMM Composition Font API Methods
{ TraceMsg(TF_API, "CActiveIMM::GetCompositionFont");
DWORD dwProcessId; BOOL fImcUnicode; UINT uCodePage;
if (FAILED(_pActiveIME->GetCodePageA(&uCodePage))) return E_FAIL;
if (!_InputContext.ContextLookup(hIMC, &dwProcessId, &fImcUnicode)) { TraceMsg(TF_WARNING, "CActiveIMM::_GetCompositionFont: Invalid hIMC %lx", hIMC); return E_FAIL; }
if (fUnicode) { if (! fImcUnicode) { LOGFONTA LogFontA, *pLogFontA; pLogFontA = &LogFontA; if (SUCCEEDED(_GetCompositionFont(hIMC, (LOGFONTAW*)pLogFontA, FALSE))) { LFontAtoLFontW(pLogFontA, &lplf->W, uCodePage); return S_OK; }
return E_FAIL; } } else { if (fImcUnicode) { LOGFONTW LogFontW, *pLogFontW; pLogFontW = &LogFontW; if (SUCCEEDED(_GetCompositionFont(hIMC, (LOGFONTAW*)pLogFontW, TRUE))) { LFontWtoLFontA(pLogFontW, &lplf->A, uCodePage); return S_OK; }
return E_FAIL; } }
HRESULT hr; DIMM_IMCLock lpIMC(hIMC); if (FAILED(hr = lpIMC.GetResult())) return hr;
return _InputContext.GetCompositionFont(lpIMC, lplf, fUnicode); }
HRESULT CActiveIMM::_SetCompositionFont( IN HIMC hIMC, IN LOGFONTAW* lplf, IN BOOL fUnicode )
AIMM Composition Font API Methods
{ HRESULT hr; HWND hWnd;
TraceMsg(TF_API, "CActiveIMM::SetCompositionFont");
DWORD dwProcessId; BOOL fImcUnicode; UINT uCodePage;
if (FAILED(_pActiveIME->GetCodePageA(&uCodePage))) return E_FAIL;
if (!_InputContext.ContextLookup(hIMC, &dwProcessId, &fImcUnicode)) { TraceMsg(TF_WARNING, "CActiveIMM::_SetCompositionFont: Invalid hIMC %lx", hIMC); return E_FAIL; }
if (fUnicode) { if (! fImcUnicode) { LOGFONTA LogFontA, *pLogFontA; pLogFontA = &LogFontA; LFontWtoLFontA(&lplf->W, pLogFontA, uCodePage);
return _SetCompositionFont(hIMC, (LOGFONTAW*)pLogFontA, FALSE); } } else { if (fImcUnicode) { LOGFONTW LogFontW, *pLogFontW; pLogFontW = &LogFontW; LFontAtoLFontW(&lplf->A, pLogFontW, uCodePage);
return _SetCompositionFont(hIMC, (LOGFONTAW*)pLogFontW, TRUE); } }
{ DIMM_IMCLock lpIMC(hIMC); if (FAILED(hr = lpIMC.GetResult())) return hr;
hr = _InputContext.SetCompositionFont(lpIMC, lplf, fUnicode);
hWnd = lpIMC->hWnd; }
* inform IME and Apps Wnd about the change of composition font. */ _SendIMENotify(hIMC, hWnd, NI_CONTEXTUPDATED, 0L, IMC_SETCOMPOSITIONFONT, IMN_SETCOMPOSITIONFONT, 0L);
return hr; }
HRESULT CActiveIMM::_RequestMessage( IN HIMC hIMC, IN WPARAM wParam, IN LPARAM lParam, OUT LRESULT *plResult, IN BOOL fUnicode )
AIMM Request Message API Methods
{ TraceMsg(TF_API, "CActiveIMM::RequestMessage");
DIMM_IMCLock imc(hIMC); if (FAILED(hr = imc.GetResult())) return hr;
// NT4 and Win2K doesn't have thunk routine of WM_IME_REQUEST message.
// Any string data doesn't convert between ASCII <--> Unicode.
// Responsibility of string data type have receiver window proc (imc->hWnd) of this message.
// If ASCII wnd proc, then returns ASCII string.
// Otherwise if Unicode wnd proc, returns Unicode string.
BOOL bUnicodeTarget = ::IsWindowUnicode(imc->hWnd);
BOOL fNeedAWConversion;
* Check if we need Unicode conversion */ if ((!fUnicode && !bUnicodeTarget) || ( fUnicode && bUnicodeTarget) ) { /*
* No ANSI conversion needed when fUnicode is FALSE. * No Unicode conversion needed when fUnicode is TRUE. */ fNeedAWConversion = FALSE; } else { fNeedAWConversion = TRUE; }
switch (wParam) { case IMR_CONFIRMRECONVERTSTRING: case IMR_RECONVERTSTRING: case IMR_DOCUMENTFEED: hr = _Internal_ReconvertString(hIMC, (DWORD)wParam, (LPVOID)lParam, ((LPRECONVERTSTRING)lParam)->dwSize, NULL, 0, fUnicode, fNeedAWConversion, plResult); break; case IMR_COMPOSITIONFONT: hr = _Internal_CompositionFont(imc, wParam, lParam, fUnicode, fNeedAWConversion, plResult); break; case IMR_QUERYCHARPOSITION: hr = _Internal_QueryCharPosition(imc, wParam, lParam, fUnicode, fNeedAWConversion, plResult); break; }
return hr; }
* EnumInputContext callback */ /* static */ BOOL CALLBACK CActiveIMM::_SelectContextProc( HIMC hIMC, LPARAM lParam ) { SCE *psce = (SCE *)lParam; CActiveIMM *_this = GetTLS(); // consider: put TLS in lParam!
if (_this == NULL) return FALSE;
BOOL bIsRealIme_SelKL; BOOL bIsRealIme_UnSelKL;
if (bIsRealIme_SelKL = _this->_IsRealIme(psce->hSelKL)) return FALSE;
bIsRealIme_UnSelKL = _this->_IsRealIme(psce->hUnSelKL);
* Reinitialize the input context for the selected layout. */ DWORD dwPrivateSize = _this->_GetIMEProperty(PROP_PRIVATE_DATA_SIZE); _this->_InputContext.UpdateInputContext(hIMC, dwPrivateSize);
* Select the input context */ _this->_AImeSelect(hIMC, TRUE, bIsRealIme_SelKL, bIsRealIme_UnSelKL);
return TRUE; }
/* static */ BOOL CALLBACK CActiveIMM::_UnSelectContextProc( HIMC hIMC, LPARAM lParam ) { SCE *psce = (SCE *)lParam; CActiveIMM *_this = GetTLS(); // consider: put TLS in lParam!
if (_this == NULL) return FALSE;
BOOL bIsRealIme_SelKL; BOOL bIsRealIme_UnSelKL;
if (bIsRealIme_UnSelKL = _this->_IsRealIme(psce->hUnSelKL)) return FALSE;
bIsRealIme_SelKL = _this->_IsRealIme(psce->hSelKL);
_this->_AImeSelect(hIMC, FALSE, bIsRealIme_SelKL, bIsRealIme_UnSelKL);
return TRUE; }
/* static */ BOOL CALLBACK CActiveIMM::_NotifyIMEProc( HIMC hIMC, LPARAM lParam ) { CActiveIMM *_this = GetTLS(); // consider: put TLS in lParam!
if (_this == NULL) return FALSE;
if (_this->_IsRealIme()) return FALSE;
_this->_AImeNotifyIME(hIMC, NI_COMPOSITIONSTR, (DWORD)lParam, 0);
return TRUE; }
/* static */ BOOL CALLBACK CActiveIMM::_UnSelectCheckProc( HIMC hIMC, LPARAM lParam ) { CActiveIMM *_this = GetTLS(); // consider: put TLS in lParam!
if (_this == NULL) return FALSE;
return TRUE; } #endif UNSELECTCHECK
/* static */ BOOL CALLBACK CActiveIMM::_EnumContextProc( HIMC hIMC, LPARAM lParam ) { CContextList* _hIMC_List = (CContextList*)lParam; if (_hIMC_List) { CContextList::CLIENT_IMC_FLAG client_flag = CContextList::IMCF_NONE; _hIMC_List->SetAt(hIMC, client_flag); } return TRUE; }