Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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// cuischem.cpp
// = UIF scheme implementation =
#include "private.h"
#include "cuisys.h"
// gloval variables
static class CUIFSystemInfo *vpSysInfo = NULL;
// misc def
#define COLOR_WHITE RGB( 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF )
#define COLOR_BLACK RGB( 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 )
/*=============================================================================*/ /* */ /* C U I F S Y S T E M M E T R I C */ /* */ /*=============================================================================*/
// CUIFSystemInfo
// = system info =
class CUIFSystemInfo { public: CUIFSystemInfo( void ) { m_OSVerInfo.dwMajorVersion = 4; m_OSVerInfo.dwMinorVersion = 0; m_OSVerInfo.dwBuildNumber = 0; m_OSVerInfo.dwPlatformId = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS; m_cBitsPixelScreen = 8; m_fHighContrast = FALSE; m_fHighContrastMenus = FALSE; }
~CUIFSystemInfo( void ) { }
void Initialize( void ) { GetOSVersion(); GetSystemMetrics(); }
void Update( void ) { GetSystemMetrics(); }
__inline DWORD GetOSPlatformId( void ) { return m_OSVerInfo.dwPlatformId; }
__inline DWORD GetOSMajorVersion( void ) { return m_OSVerInfo.dwMajorVersion; }
__inline DWORD GetOSMinorVersion( void ) { return m_OSVerInfo.dwMinorVersion; } __inline int GetBitsPixelScreen( void ) { return m_cBitsPixelScreen; }
__inline BOOL FHighContrast( void ) { return m_fHighContrast; }
__inline BOOL FHighContrastMenus( void ) { return m_fHighContrastMenus; }
protected: OSVERSIONINFO m_OSVerInfo; int m_cBitsPixelScreen; BOOL m_fHighContrast; BOOL m_fHighContrastMenus;
void GetOSVersion( void ) { m_OSVerInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(m_OSVerInfo); GetVersionEx( &m_OSVerInfo ); }
void GetSystemMetrics( void ) { HDC hDC = GetDC( NULL ); COLORREF crBtnText; COLORREF crBtnFace; HIGHCONTRAST hicntr; // device caps
m_cBitsPixelScreen = GetDeviceCaps( hDC, BITSPIXEL ); // system paramater info
MemSet( &hicntr, 0, sizeof(HIGHCONTRAST) ); hicntr.cbSize = sizeof(HIGHCONTRAST); SystemParametersInfo( SPI_GETHIGHCONTRAST, sizeof(HIGHCONTRAST), &hicntr, 0 ); m_fHighContrast = ((hicntr.dwFlags & HCF_HIGHCONTRASTON) != 0); // misc
crBtnText = GetSysColor( COLOR_BTNTEXT ); crBtnFace = GetSysColor( COLOR_BTNFACE ); m_fHighContrastMenus = (m_fHighContrast || ((crBtnText == COLOR_BLACK) && (crBtnFace == COLOR_WHITE)) || ((crBtnText == COLOR_WHITE) && (crBtnFace == COLOR_BLACK))); // finished
ReleaseDC( NULL, hDC ); } };
/*=============================================================================*/ /* */ /* E X P O R T E D F U N C T I O N S */ /* */ /*=============================================================================*/
/* I N I T U I F S Y S */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void InitUIFSys( void ) { if (vpSysInfo = new CUIFSystemInfo()) vpSysInfo->Initialize(); }
/* D O N E U I F S Y S */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void DoneUIFSys( void ) { if (vpSysInfo != NULL) { delete vpSysInfo; vpSysInfo = NULL; } }
/* U P D A T E U I F S Y S */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void UpdateUIFSys( void ) { if (vpSysInfo != NULL) { vpSysInfo->Update(); } }
/* U I F I S W I N D O W S N T */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL UIFIsWindowsNT( void ) { if (vpSysInfo != NULL) { return (vpSysInfo->GetOSPlatformId() == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT); } else { return FALSE; } }
/* U I F I S L O W C O L O R */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL UIFIsLowColor( void ) { if (vpSysInfo != NULL) { return (vpSysInfo->GetBitsPixelScreen() <= 8); } else { return TRUE; } }
/* U I F I S H I G H C O N T R A S T */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL UIFIsHighContrast( void ) { if (vpSysInfo != NULL) { return vpSysInfo->FHighContrastMenus(); // use FHighContrastMenus, not FHighContrast
} else { return FALSE; } }