// cicmutex.h
#ifndef CICMUTEX_H
#define CICMUTEX_H
class CCicMutexHelper;
struct CCicMutex { public: BOOL Init(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *psa, TCHAR *psz) { _hMutex = CreateMutex(psa, FALSE, psz); Assert(_hMutex); return _hMutex ? TRUE : FALSE; }
void Uninit() { if (_hMutex) CloseHandle(_hMutex); _hMutex = NULL;
return; }
BOOL Enter() { Assert(_hMutex); DWORD dwWaitResult = WaitForSingleObject(_hMutex, 5000); if (dwWaitResult == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { return TRUE; } else if (dwWaitResult == WAIT_ABANDONED) { TraceMsg(TF_EVENT, "CicMutex abandoned"); return TRUE; }
TraceMsg(TF_EVENT, "CicMutex Time Out");
// assert here to debug stop.
Assert(0); return FALSE; }
void Leave() { Assert(_hMutex); ReleaseMutex(_hMutex); }
private: HANDLE _hMutex; };
class CCicMutexHelperStatic { public: void Init(CCicMutex *pcicmutex) { _pcicmutex = pcicmutex; SetIn(FALSE); }
void Uninit() { Assert(!_fIn); _pcicmutex = NULL; }
BOOL Enter() { BOOL bRet = _pcicmutex->Enter(); SetIn(TRUE); return bRet; }
void Leave() { SetIn(FALSE); _pcicmutex->Leave(); }
BOOL Invalid() { return _pcicmutex ? TRUE : FALSE; }
protected: CCicMutex *_pcicmutex; #ifdef DEBUG
void SetIn(BOOL fIn) {_fIn = fIn;} BOOL _fIn; #else
void SetIn(BOOL fIn) {} #endif
class CCicMutexHelper : public CCicMutexHelperStatic { public: CCicMutexHelper(CCicMutex *pcicmutex = NULL) { #ifdef DEBUG
_fIn = FALSE; #endif
_pcicmutex = NULL; if (pcicmutex) Init(pcicmutex); }
~CCicMutexHelper() { Assert(!_fIn); } };
class CCicFileMappingStatic { public: void BaseInit() { _pv = NULL; _hfm = NULL; }
void Finalize() { if (_fUseMutex) { Close(); //
// mutexhlp could be invalid if Uninit() was called.
if (_mutexhlp.Invalid()) _mutexhlp.Leave(); } else { //
// Close() must be called when client's own mutex is released,
// if _fuseMutex is FALSE.
Assert(!_hfm); } }
void Init(TCHAR *pszFile, CCicMutex *pmutex) { Assert(!_hfm); Assert(!_pv); if (pmutex) _mutexhlp.Init(pmutex);
_pszFile = pszFile; _fCreated = FALSE; _fUseMutex = pmutex ? TRUE : FALSE; }
void Uninit() { _mutexhlp.Uninit(); }
void *Open() { Assert(!_hfm);
if (!_pszFile) { Assert(0); return NULL; }
_hfm = OpenFileMapping(FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, _pszFile);
if (_hfm == NULL) return NULL;
return _Map(); }
void *Create(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *psa, ULONG cbSize, BOOL *pfAlreadyExists) { Assert(!_hfm);
if (!_pszFile) { Assert(0); return NULL; }
_hfm = CreateFileMapping(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, psa, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, cbSize, _pszFile);
if (pfAlreadyExists != NULL) { *pfAlreadyExists = (GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS); }
if (_hfm == NULL) return NULL;
_fCreated = TRUE; return _Map(); }
BOOL Flush(UINT cbSize) { if (!_pv) return FALSE;
return FlushViewOfFile(_pv, cbSize); }
void Close() { if (_pv) UnmapViewOfFile(_pv);
if (_hfm) CloseHandle(_hfm);
_pv = NULL; _hfm = NULL; _fCreated = FALSE; }
void SetName(TCHAR *psz) {_pszFile = psz;}
BOOL Enter() { if (_fUseMutex) if (!_mutexhlp.Enter()) return FALSE;
return TRUE; }
void Leave() { if (_fUseMutex) _mutexhlp.Leave(); }
BOOL IsCreated() { return _fCreated; }
private: void *_Map() { Assert(!_pv); _pv = (void *)MapViewOfFile(_hfm, FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, 0, 0); if (!_pv) { CloseHandle(_hfm); _hfm = NULL; } return _pv; }
protected: TCHAR *_pszFile; void *_pv; private: HANDLE _hfm; BOOL _fCreated; BOOL _fUseMutex; CCicMutexHelperStatic _mutexhlp; };
class CCicFileMapping : public CCicFileMappingStatic { public: CCicFileMapping(TCHAR *pszFile = NULL, CCicMutex *pmutex = NULL) { BaseInit(); Init(pszFile, pmutex ); }
virtual ~CCicFileMapping() { Finalize(); } };
class CCicEvent { public: CCicEvent(TCHAR *psz = NULL) { _psz = psz; _hEvent = NULL; }
~CCicEvent() { Uninit(); }
BOOL Create(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *psa, TCHAR *psz = NULL) { if (psz) { Assert(!_psz); _psz = psz; }
if (!_psz) { Assert(0); return FALSE; }
_hEvent = CreateEvent(psa, FALSE, FALSE, _psz);
#ifdef DEBUG
TraceMsg(TF_EVENT, "%s CCicEvent::Create %x %s", _szModule, _hEvent, _psz); #endif
Assert(_hEvent); return _hEvent ? TRUE : FALSE; }
BOOL Open(TCHAR *psz = NULL) { if (psz) { Assert(!_psz); _psz = psz; } Assert(!_hEvent); Assert(_psz);
_hEvent = OpenEvent(EVENT_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, _psz); #ifdef DEBUG
TraceMsg(TF_EVENT, "%s CCicEvent::Open %x %s", _szModule, _hEvent, _psz); #endif
// Assert(_hEvent);
#ifdef DEBUG
if (!_hEvent) { DWORD dwError = GetLastError(); TraceMsg(TF_EVENT, "OpenEvent error = %x %s\r\n", dwError, _psz); } #endif
return _hEvent ? TRUE : FALSE; }
void Uninit() { #ifdef DEBUG
TraceMsg(TF_EVENT, "%s CCicEvent::Close %x %s", _szModule, _hEvent, _psz); #endif
if (_hEvent) CloseHandle(_hEvent); _hEvent = NULL; return; }
BOOL Wait(DWORD dwMillisecouds) { #ifdef DEBUG
TraceMsg(TF_EVENT, "%s CCicEvent::Wait %x %s", _szModule, _hEvent, _psz); #endif
DWORD dwWaitResult = WaitForSingleObject(_hEvent, dwMillisecouds); if (dwWaitResult == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { return TRUE; }
#ifdef DEBUG
TraceMsg(TF_EVENT, "%s CCicEvent Time Out", _szModule); #endif
// assert here to debug stop.
// Assert(0);
return FALSE; }
DWORD EventCheck() { Assert(_hEvent); return WaitForSingleObject(_hEvent, 0); }
DWORD MsgWait(DWORD dwWaitTime, DWORD dwWakeMask, DWORD dwFlags = 0) { Assert(_hEvent); #ifdef DEBUG
TraceMsg(TF_EVENT, "%s CCicEvent::MsgWait %x %s", _szModule, _hEvent, _psz); #endif
DWORD dwWaitResult; dwWaitResult = MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(1, &_hEvent, FALSE, dwWaitTime, dwWakeMask); #ifdef DEBUG
if (dwWaitResult == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { TraceMsg(TF_EVENT, "%s CCicEvent Time Out::timeout val=%d", _szModule, dwWaitTime); } #endif
return dwWaitResult; }
void Set() { #ifdef DEBUG
TraceMsg(TF_EVENT, "%s CCicEvent::Set %x %s", _szModule, _hEvent, _psz); #endif
SetEvent(_hEvent); }
void Reset() { #ifdef DEBUG
TraceMsg(TF_EVENT, "%s CCicEvent::ReSet %x %s", _szModule, _hEvent, _psz); #endif
ResetEvent(_hEvent); }
void SetName(TCHAR *psz) {_psz = psz;}
private: HANDLE _hEvent;
#ifdef DEBUG
TCHAR _szModule[MAX_PATH]; #endif
protected: TCHAR *_psz; };
class CCicTimer { public: CCicTimer(DWORD dwMilliSeconds, BOOL fStart = TRUE) { _dwTimeOut = dwMilliSeconds / 10; _dwTimeToWait = (DWORD)(-1); _dwStartTime = (DWORD)(-1); if (fStart) Start(); }
void Start() { _dwStartTime = GetTickCount() / 10; _dwTimeToWait = _dwStartTime + _dwTimeOut; }
BOOL IsTimerAtZero() { DWORD dwNow = GetTickCount() / 10; if (_dwTimeToWait < dwNow) return TRUE; return FALSE; }
BOOL IsTimerPass(DWORD dwWaitSec) { DWORD dwNow = GetTickCount() / 10; dwWaitSec /= 10; if (dwNow - _dwStartTime > dwWaitSec) return TRUE; return FALSE; }
private: DWORD _dwTimeToWait; DWORD _dwStartTime; DWORD _dwTimeOut; };
#endif // CICMUTEX_H