// Sapilayr TIP CAddDeleteWord implementation.
#include "private.h"
#include "sapilayr.h"
#include "adddelete.h"
#include "mui.h"
WCHAR CAddDeleteWord::m_Delimiter[MAX_DELIMITER] = { 0x0009,0x000A,0x000D,0x0020, 0x0022,0x0023,0x0025,0x0026,0x0027,0x0028,0x0029,0x002A, // "#%&'()*
0x002B,0x002C,0x002D,0x002F,0x003A,0x003B,0x003C,0x003D, // +,-/:;<=
0x003E,0x0040,0x005B,0x005D,0x0021,0x002E,0x003F,0x005E, // >@[]!.?^
0x007B,0x007C,0x007D,0x007E, // {|}~
0x0000 };
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Implementation for CAddDeleteWord
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CAddDeleteWord::CAddDeleteWord(CSapiIMX *psi) { m_psi = psi; m_cpRangeLastUsedIP = NULL; m_fCurIPIsSelection = FALSE;
_pCSpTask = NULL;
m_fMessagePopUp = FALSE; m_fToOpenAddDeleteUI = FALSE; m_fAddDeleteUIOpened = FALSE; m_fInDisplayAddDeleteUI = FALSE; }
CAddDeleteWord::~CAddDeleteWord( ) {
// This function will be called by SR SPEI_SOUND_START callback function
// It will save current selection or IP.
// And compare the current IP with the last saved IP, if both of them are
// not empty, and have the same start anchor, sptip tip will pop up a
// message box to ask if user wants to popup SR Add/Remove Word dialog UI.
// If Add/Delete UI is not opened, we just want to inject feedbackui as usual
HRESULT CAddDeleteWord::SaveCurIPAndHandleAddDelete_InjectFeedbackUI( ) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
m_fAddDeleteUIOpened = FALSE; hr = m_psi->_RequestEditSession(ESCB_SAVECURIP_ADDDELETEUI, TF_ES_READWRITE); return hr; }
HRESULT CAddDeleteWord::_SaveCurIPAndHandleAddDeleteUI(TfEditCookie ec, ITfContext *pic) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CComPtr<ITfRange> cpCurIP; CComPtr<ITfRange> cpLastIP; BOOL fEmptyLast= FALSE; BOOL fEmptyCur = TRUE;
// Save the current IP first.
// if we need to activate this code we need to move this function
// into the hypothesis handler, otherwise we will reactivate the bug
// Cicero 3800 - sticky ip behavior makes typing/talking impractical
// Hence I put a non conditional assert here
m_psi->SaveCurrentIP(ec, pic); #endif
// Compare current IP with last saved IP
// If user selects the same range twice, just open SR Add/remove dialog UI
cpCurIP = m_psi->GetSavedIP( ); cpLastIP = GetLastUsedIP( );
m_fAddDeleteUIOpened = FALSE;
if ( cpCurIP ) { // Save the Org IP by cloning the current IP.
if ( m_cpRangeOrgIP ) m_cpRangeOrgIP.Release( );
hr = cpCurIP->IsEmpty(ec, &fEmptyCur); }
m_fCurIPIsSelection = !fEmptyCur;
if ( (S_OK == hr) && m_fCurIPIsSelection && cpLastIP) { hr = cpLastIP->IsEmpty(ec, &fEmptyLast);
if ( (S_OK == hr) && !fEmptyLast ) { BOOL fEqualStart = FALSE; hr = cpCurIP->IsEqualStart(ec, cpLastIP, TF_ANCHOR_START, &fEqualStart);
if ( (S_OK == hr) && fEqualStart ) { // Open the dialog UI
if ( !m_fMessagePopUp ) {
BOOL fDictStat;
// If Mic status is ON, turn it off.
fDictStat = m_psi->GetDICTATIONSTAT_DictOnOff( );
if ( fDictStat == TRUE) { m_psi->SetDICTATIONSTAT_DictOnOff(FALSE); }
DialogBoxParam(g_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_OPEN_ADD_DELETE), m_psi->_GetAppMainWnd(), DlgProc, (LPARAM)this);
if ( fDictStat ) m_psi->SetDICTATIONSTAT_DictOnOff(TRUE);
m_fMessagePopUp = TRUE; }
if ( m_fToOpenAddDeleteUI ) hr = _HandleAddDeleteWord(ec, pic);
} } } #endif
if ( !m_fAddDeleteUIOpened && !m_fCurIPIsSelection) { BOOL fAware = IsFocusFullAware(m_psi->_tim); hr = m_psi->_AddFeedbackUI(ec, fAware ? DA_COLOR_AWARE : DA_COLOR_UNAWARE, 3); } #endif
return hr; }
// DlgProc
INT_PTR CALLBACK CAddDeleteWord::DlgProc(HWND hDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { INT_PTR iRet = TRUE;
switch (uMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: SetThis(hDlg, lParam); break;
case WM_COMMAND: GetThis(hDlg)->OnCommand(hDlg, wParam, lParam); break;
default: iRet = FALSE; }
return iRet;
// OnCommand
BOOL CAddDeleteWord::OnCommand(HWND hDlg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) {
switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDOK:
m_fToOpenAddDeleteUI = TRUE; EndDialog(hDlg, 1); break;
m_fToOpenAddDeleteUI = FALSE; EndDialog(hDlg, 0); break;
m_fToOpenAddDeleteUI = FALSE; return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
// CAddDeleteWord::_HandleAddDeleteWord
// Handle Add/Delete Word UI related work.
// This function will be called when user clicks the speech language bar menu
// and select Add/Delete Word(s)... item.
HRESULT CAddDeleteWord::_HandleAddDeleteWord( TfEditCookie ec,ITfContext *pic ) {
HRESULT hr = S_OK; WCHAR *pwzNewWord=NULL; CComPtr<ITfRange> cpCurRange = NULL; ULONG cchSize; BOOL fEmptySelection=TRUE;
// Get the current Selection
TraceMsg(TF_GENERAL, "_HandleAddDeleteWord is called");
if ( pic == NULL ) return E_FAIL;
GetSelectionSimple(ec, pic, &cpCurRange);
// Check to see if the current selection is empty.
if ( cpCurRange!= NULL ) { hr = cpCurRange->IsEmpty(ec, &fEmptySelection); if ( hr != S_OK ) return hr; }
// If the current Selection is not empty, we need to get the correct word to send to the Add/Remove dialog
// as its initial word.
if (( cpCurRange != NULL ) && !fEmptySelection ) { ULONG i, j, iKeep; BOOL fDelimiter;
// Get the text of the selection.
// Follow the below rules to get the right word.
// If the current selection is longer than MAX_SELECED wchars of string, discard the rest.
// If there is a delimiter ( space, tab, ... ) inside the selection, take the part prior to the first
// delimiter as the right word.
pwzNewWord = (WCHAR *) cicMemAllocClear( (MAX_SELECTED+1) * sizeof(WCHAR) ); if ( pwzNewWord == NULL ) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; return hr; }
hr = cpCurRange->GetText(ec, 0, pwzNewWord, MAX_SELECTED, &cchSize);
if ( hr != S_OK ) { // GetRangeText returns wrong, release the allocated memory
cicMemFree(pwzNewWord); return hr; }
pwzNewWord[cchSize] = L'\0';
// Get the first delimiter if there is one.
fDelimiter = FALSE; iKeep = 0;
for ( i=0; i < cchSize; i++) { for ( j=0; j<MAX_DELIMITER; j++) { if ( m_Delimiter[j] == 0x0000) break; if ( pwzNewWord[i] == m_Delimiter[j]) { fDelimiter = TRUE; iKeep = i; break; } } if ( fDelimiter == TRUE ) break; } if ( fDelimiter ) { cchSize = iKeep; pwzNewWord[cchSize] = L'\0'; } } else { pwzNewWord = NULL; cchSize = 0; }
hr = DisplayAddDeleteUI(pwzNewWord, cchSize);
if ( pwzNewWord != NULL ) { cicMemFree(pwzNewWord); }
return hr; }
// CAddDeleteWord::_DisplayAddDeleteUI
// Display the Add/Delete UI with pwszInitWord.
HRESULT CAddDeleteWord::DisplayAddDeleteUI(WCHAR *pwzInitWord, ULONG cchSize) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (m_fInDisplayAddDeleteUI) { return hr; } m_fInDisplayAddDeleteUI = TRUE;
if (pwzInitWord != NULL) m_dstrInitWord.Append(pwzInitWord, cchSize);
PostMessage(m_psi->_GetWorkerWnd(), WM_PRIV_ADDDELETE, 0, 0);
return hr; }
HRESULT CAddDeleteWord::_DisplayAddDeleteUI(void) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; WCHAR pwzTitle[64];
// Display the UI
pwzTitle[0] = '\0'; CicLoadStringWrapW(g_hInst, IDS_UI_ADDDELETE, pwzTitle, ARRAYSIZE(pwzTitle));
CComPtr<ISpRecognizer> cpRecoEngine;
m_psi->GetSpeechTask(&_pCSpTask, FALSE);
if ( _pCSpTask ) { hr = _pCSpTask->GetSAPIInterface(IID_ISpRecognizer, (void **)&cpRecoEngine); if (S_OK == hr && cpRecoEngine) {
// If Mic status is ON, turn it off.
DWORD dwDictStatBackup = m_psi->GetDictationStatBackup();
DWORD dwBefore; CComPtr<ITfThreadMgr> cpTim = m_psi->_tim;
if (S_OK != GetCompartmentDWORD(cpTim, GUID_COMPARTMENT_SPEECH_DISABLED, &dwBefore, FALSE) ) { dwBefore = 0; } SetCompartmentDWORD(m_psi->_GetId(), cpTim, GUID_COMPARTMENT_SPEECH_DISABLED, TF_DISABLE_DICTATION, FALSE); cpRecoEngine->DisplayUI(m_psi->_GetAppMainWnd(), pwzTitle, SPDUI_AddRemoveWord, m_dstrInitWord, m_dstrInitWord.Length() * sizeof(WCHAR));
m_fAddDeleteUIOpened = TRUE; SetCompartmentDWORD(m_psi->_GetId(), cpTim, GUID_COMPARTMENT_SPEECH_DISABLED, dwBefore, FALSE);
// After Add/Remove work is done, restore the previous Mic status.
SetCompartmentDWORD(m_psi->_GetId(), cpTim, GUID_COMPARTMENT_SPEECH_DICTATIONSTAT, dwDictStatBackup, FALSE); } } m_fInDisplayAddDeleteUI = FALSE;
return hr;