Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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#ifndef _LEARNDOC_H
#define _LEARNDOC_H
#include "sapilayr.h"
class CSapiIMX; class CSpTask;
// This structure will keep the feed state for specified dim.
typedef struct _DimRef { ITfDocumentMgr *pDim; BOOL _fFeed; } DIMREF;
class __declspec(novtable) CLearnFromDoc { public: CLearnFromDoc(CSapiIMX *psi); virtual ~CLearnFromDoc( );
BOOL GetLearnFromDoc( ) { return _fLearnFromDoc; } void UpdateLearnDocState( );
HRESULT HandleLearnFromDoc(ITfDocumentMgr *pDim = NULL);
ULONG _GetDocBlockSize( );
HRESULT _HandleLearnFromDoc(TfEditCookie ec,ITfContext *pic, ITfDocumentMgr *pDim); HRESULT _GetNextRangeEditSession( ); HRESULT _HandleNextRange(TfEditCookie ec, ULONG cchSizeRange); HRESULT _GetNextRangeContent(TfEditCookie ec, ULONG cchSizeRange); HRESULT _FeedContentRangeToSR( ); HRESULT _UpdateRecoContextInterestSet(BOOL fLearnFromDoc );
BOOL _HasMoreContent( ) { return _fMoreContent; }
HRESULT _AddDimToList(ITfDocumentMgr *pDim, BOOL fFed ); HRESULT _RemoveDimFromList(ITfDocumentMgr *pDim); HRESULT _SetDimFeedState(ITfDocumentMgr *pDim, BOOL fFed ); HRESULT _IsDimAlreadyFed(ITfDocumentMgr *pDim, BOOL *fFeed); HRESULT _ClearDimList( ); HRESULT _ResetDimListFeedState( );
CSapiIMX *m_psi; WCHAR *m_pwszDocBlock; ULONG _cchBlockSize; ULONG _cchContent; // size of the real document block content in WCHAR.
CComPtr<ITfRange> _cpStartRange; // This is for Cicero App's Doc Content Range.
BOOL _fMoreContent; ITfContext *_pic; CSpTask *_pCSpTask; // PerfConsider: we may need to change this CPtrArray to CPtrStruct.
CPtrArray<DIMREF> _rgDim; BOOL _fLearnFromDoc; };
#endif // _LEARNDOC_H