#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Ctrl.h"
#include "Flow.h"
PRID DuAlphaFlow::s_pridAlpha = 0; PRID DuScaleFlow::s_pridScale = 0; PRID DuRectFlow::s_pridRect = 0; PRID DuRotateFlow::s_pridRotate = 0;
static const GUID guidAlphaFlow = { 0x41a2e2f2, 0xf262, 0x41ae, { 0x89, 0xda, 0xb7, 0x9c, 0x8f, 0xf5, 0x94, 0xbb } }; // {41A2E2F2-F262-41ae-89DA-B79C8FF594BB}
static const GUID guidScaleFlow = { 0xa5b1df84, 0xb9c0, 0x4305, { 0xb9, 0x3a, 0x5b, 0x80, 0x31, 0x86, 0x70, 0x69 } }; // {A5B1DF84-B9C0-4305-B93A-5B8031867069}
static const GUID guidRectFlow = { 0x8e41c241, 0x3cdf, 0x432e, { 0xa1, 0xae, 0xf, 0x7b, 0x59, 0xdc, 0x82, 0xb } }; // {8E41C241-3CDF-432e-A1AE-0F7B59DC820B}
static const GUID guidRotateFlow = { 0x78f16dd5, 0xa198, 0x4cd2, { 0xb1, 0x78, 0x31, 0x61, 0x3e, 0x32, 0x12, 0x54 } }; // {78F16DD5-A198-4cd2-B178-31613E321254}
***************************************************************************** * * Public API * ***************************************************************************** \***************************************************************************/
PRID DUserGetAlphaPRID() { return DuAlphaFlow::s_pridAlpha; }
PRID DUserGetRectPRID() { return DuRectFlow::s_pridRect; }
PRID DUserGetRotatePRID() { return DuRotateFlow::s_pridRotate; }
PRID DUserGetScalePRID() { return DuScaleFlow::s_pridScale; }
***************************************************************************** * * class DuFlow * ***************************************************************************** \***************************************************************************/
HRESULT DuFlow::ApiOnReset(Flow::OnResetMsg * pmsg) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pmsg);
return E_NOTIMPL; }
HRESULT DuFlow::ApiGetKeyFrame(Flow::GetKeyFrameMsg * pmsg) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pmsg);
PromptInvalid("Derived Flow must override");
return E_NOTIMPL; }
HRESULT DuFlow::ApiSetKeyFrame(Flow::SetKeyFrameMsg * pmsg) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pmsg);
PromptInvalid("Derived Flow must override");
return E_NOTIMPL; }
HRESULT DuFlow::ApiOnAction(Flow::OnActionMsg * pmsg) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pmsg);
return E_NOTIMPL; }
***************************************************************************** * * class DuAlphaFlow * ***************************************************************************** \***************************************************************************/
HRESULT DuAlphaFlow::InitClass() { s_pridAlpha = RegisterGadgetProperty(&guidAlphaFlow); return s_pridAlpha != 0 ? S_OK : (HRESULT) GetLastError(); }
HRESULT DuAlphaFlow::PostBuild( IN DUser::Gadget::ConstructInfo * pci) { //
// Get the information from the Gadget
Flow::FlowCI * pDesc = static_cast<Flow::FlowCI *>(pci); Visual * pgvSubject = pDesc->pgvSubject; if (pgvSubject != NULL) { //
// Given a subject, so setup from current attributes
UINT nStyle = 0; pgvSubject->GetStyle(&nStyle);
if (!TestFlag(nStyle, GS_OPAQUE)) { PromptInvalid("AlphaFlow requires GS_OPAQUE"); return E_INVALIDARG; }
float flAlpha = 1.0f; if (TestFlag(nStyle, GS_BUFFERED)) { //
// Gadget is already buffered, so use it current alpha value.
BUFFER_INFO bi; ZeroMemory(&bi, sizeof(bi)); bi.cbSize = sizeof(bi); bi.nMask = GBIM_ALPHA; HRESULT hr = pgvSubject->GetBufferInfo(&bi); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { flAlpha = ((float) bi.bAlpha) / 255.0f; } }
m_flStart = flAlpha; m_flEnd = flAlpha; } else { //
// No subject, so use some reasonable defaults
m_flStart = 1.0f; m_flEnd = 1.0f; }
Trace("DuAlphaFlow 0x%p on 0x%p initialized\n", pgvSubject, this); #endif // DEBUG_TRACECREATION
return S_OK; }
HRESULT DuAlphaFlow::ApiGetKeyFrame(Flow::GetKeyFrameMsg * pmsg) { if (pmsg->pkf->cbSize != sizeof(AlphaFlow::AlphaKeyFrame)) { PromptInvalid("Incorrect keyframe size"); return E_INVALIDARG; } AlphaFlow::AlphaKeyFrame * pkfA = static_cast<AlphaFlow::AlphaKeyFrame *>(pmsg->pkf);
switch (pmsg->time) { case Flow::tBegin: pkfA->flAlpha = m_flStart; return S_OK;
case Flow::tEnd: pkfA->flAlpha = m_flEnd; return S_OK;
default: PromptInvalid("Invalid time"); return E_INVALIDARG; } }
HRESULT DuAlphaFlow::ApiSetKeyFrame(Flow::SetKeyFrameMsg * pmsg) { if (pmsg->pkf->cbSize != sizeof(AlphaFlow::AlphaKeyFrame)) { PromptInvalid("Incorrect keyframe size"); return E_INVALIDARG; } const AlphaFlow::AlphaKeyFrame * pkfA = static_cast<const AlphaFlow::AlphaKeyFrame *>(pmsg->pkf);
float flAlpha = BoxAlpha(pkfA->flAlpha);
switch (pmsg->time) { case Flow::tBegin: m_flStart = flAlpha; return S_OK;
case Flow::tEnd: m_flEnd = flAlpha; return S_OK;
default: PromptInvalid("Invalid time"); return E_INVALIDARG; } }
HRESULT DuAlphaFlow::ApiOnAction(Flow::OnActionMsg * pmsg) { float flResult = 0.0f; pmsg->pipol->Compute(pmsg->flProgress, m_flStart, m_flEnd, &flResult); SetVisualAlpha(pmsg->pgvSubject, flResult);
return S_OK; }
HRESULT DuAlphaFlow::ApiOnReset(Flow::OnResetMsg * pmsg) { SetVisualAlpha(pmsg->pgvSubject, m_flStart);
return S_OK; }
void DuAlphaFlow::SetVisualAlpha(Visual * pgvSubject, float flAlpha) { AssertMsg((flAlpha <= 1.0f) && (flAlpha >= 0.0f), "Ensure valid alpha");
// Setup Buffer state
BOOL fNewBuffered = (flAlpha * 255.0f) <= 245;
UINT nStyle = 0; VerifyHR(pgvSubject->GetStyle(&nStyle)); BOOL fOldBuffered = TestFlag(nStyle, GS_BUFFERED);
if ((!fOldBuffered) != (!fNewBuffered)) { pgvSubject->SetStyle(fNewBuffered ? GS_BUFFERED : 0, GS_BUFFERED); }
// Set Alpha level
if (fNewBuffered) { BYTE bAlpha; if (flAlpha < 0.0f) { bAlpha = (BYTE) 0; } else if (flAlpha > 1.0f) { bAlpha = (BYTE) 255; } else { bAlpha = (BYTE) (flAlpha * 255.0f); }
BUFFER_INFO bi; bi.cbSize = sizeof(bi); bi.nMask = GBIM_ALPHA; bi.bAlpha = bAlpha;
pgvSubject->SetBufferInfo(&bi); } pgvSubject->Invalidate(); }
***************************************************************************** * * class DuRectFlow * ***************************************************************************** \***************************************************************************/
HRESULT DuRectFlow::InitClass() { s_pridRect = RegisterGadgetProperty(&guidRectFlow); return s_pridRect != 0 ? S_OK : (HRESULT) GetLastError(); }
HRESULT DuRectFlow::PostBuild( IN DUser::Gadget::ConstructInfo * pci) { //
// Get the information from the Gadget
Flow::FlowCI * pDesc = static_cast<Flow::FlowCI *>(pci); Visual * pgvSubject = pDesc->pgvSubject; if (pgvSubject != NULL) { //
// Given a subject, so setup from current attributes
RECT rcGadget; HRESULT hr = pgvSubject->GetRect(SGR_PARENT, &rcGadget); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; }
m_ptStart.x = rcGadget.left; m_ptStart.y = rcGadget.top; m_sizeStart.cx = rcGadget.right - rcGadget.left; m_sizeStart.cy = rcGadget.bottom - rcGadget.top;
m_ptEnd = m_ptStart; m_sizeEnd = m_sizeStart; m_nChangeFlags = 0; } else { //
// No subject, so use some reasonable defaults
AssertMsg((m_ptEnd.x == 0) && (m_ptEnd.y == 0) && (m_sizeEnd.cx == 0) && (m_sizeEnd.cy == 0) && (m_nChangeFlags == 0), "Ensure zero-init"); }
Trace("DuRectFlow 0x%p on 0x%p initialized\n", pgvSubject, this); #endif // DEBUG_TRACECREATION
return S_OK; }
HRESULT DuRectFlow::ApiGetKeyFrame(Flow::GetKeyFrameMsg * pmsg) { if (pmsg->pkf->cbSize != sizeof(RectFlow::RectKeyFrame)) { PromptInvalid("Incorrect keyframe size"); return E_INVALIDARG; } RectFlow::RectKeyFrame * pkfR = static_cast<RectFlow::RectKeyFrame *>(pmsg->pkf);
switch (pmsg->time) { case Flow::tBegin: pkfR->rcPxl.left = m_ptStart.x; pkfR->rcPxl.top = m_ptStart.y; pkfR->rcPxl.right = m_ptStart.x + m_sizeStart.cx; pkfR->rcPxl.bottom = m_ptStart.y + m_sizeStart.cy; pkfR->nChangeFlags = m_nChangeFlags; return S_OK;
case Flow::tEnd: pkfR->rcPxl.left = m_ptEnd.x; pkfR->rcPxl.top = m_ptEnd.y; pkfR->rcPxl.right = m_ptEnd.x + m_sizeEnd.cx; pkfR->rcPxl.bottom = m_ptEnd.y + m_sizeEnd.cy; pkfR->nChangeFlags = 0; return S_OK;
default: PromptInvalid("Invalid time"); return E_INVALIDARG; } }
HRESULT DuRectFlow::ApiSetKeyFrame(Flow::SetKeyFrameMsg * pmsg) { if (pmsg->pkf->cbSize != sizeof(RectFlow::RectKeyFrame)) { PromptInvalid("Incorrect keyframe size"); return E_INVALIDARG; } const RectFlow::RectKeyFrame * pkfR = static_cast<const RectFlow::RectKeyFrame *>(pmsg->pkf); if ((pkfR->nChangeFlags & SGR_VALID_SET) != pkfR->nChangeFlags) { PromptInvalid("Invalid change flags"); return E_INVALIDARG; }
switch (pmsg->time) { case Flow::tBegin: m_ptStart.x = pkfR->rcPxl.left; m_ptStart.y = pkfR->rcPxl.top; m_sizeStart.cx = pkfR->rcPxl.right - pkfR->rcPxl.left; m_sizeStart.cy = pkfR->rcPxl.bottom - pkfR->rcPxl.top; m_nChangeFlags = pkfR->nChangeFlags; return S_OK;
case Flow::tEnd: m_ptEnd.x = pkfR->rcPxl.left; m_ptEnd.y = pkfR->rcPxl.top; m_sizeEnd.cx = pkfR->rcPxl.right - pkfR->rcPxl.left; m_sizeEnd.cy = pkfR->rcPxl.bottom - pkfR->rcPxl.top; m_nChangeFlags = pkfR->nChangeFlags; return S_OK;
default: PromptInvalid("Invalid time"); return E_INVALIDARG; } }
HRESULT DuRectFlow::ApiOnReset(Flow::OnResetMsg * pmsg) { if (m_nChangeFlags != 0) { pmsg->pgvSubject->SetRect(m_nChangeFlags, m_ptStart.x, m_ptStart.y, m_sizeStart.cx, m_sizeStart.cy); }
return S_OK; }
HRESULT DuRectFlow::ApiOnAction(Flow::OnActionMsg * pmsg) { if (m_nChangeFlags != 0) { POINT ptNew; SIZE sizeNew;
ptNew.x = Compute(pmsg->pipol, pmsg->flProgress, m_ptStart.x, m_ptEnd.x); ptNew.y = Compute(pmsg->pipol, pmsg->flProgress, m_ptStart.y, m_ptEnd.y); sizeNew.cx = Compute(pmsg->pipol, pmsg->flProgress, m_sizeStart.cx, m_sizeEnd.cx); sizeNew.cy = Compute(pmsg->pipol, pmsg->flProgress, m_sizeStart.cy, m_sizeEnd.cy);
pmsg->pgvSubject->SetRect(m_nChangeFlags, ptNew.x, ptNew.y, sizeNew.cx, sizeNew.cy); }
return S_OK; }
***************************************************************************** * * class DuRotateFlow * ***************************************************************************** \***************************************************************************/
HRESULT DuRotateFlow::InitClass() { s_pridRotate = RegisterGadgetProperty(&guidRotateFlow); return s_pridRotate != 0 ? S_OK : (HRESULT) GetLastError(); }
HRESULT DuRotateFlow::PostBuild( IN DUser::Gadget::ConstructInfo * pci) { //
// Get the information from the Gadget
Flow::FlowCI * pDesc = static_cast<Flow::FlowCI *>(pci); Visual * pgvSubject = pDesc->pgvSubject; if (pgvSubject != NULL) { //
// Given a subject, so setup from current attributes
float flRotation; HRESULT hr = pgvSubject->GetRotation(&flRotation); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; }
m_flRawStart = flRotation; m_flRawEnd = flRotation; m_flActualStart = flRotation; m_flActualEnd = flRotation; } else { //
// No subject, so use some reasonable defaults
AssertMsg((m_flRawStart == 0.0f) && (m_flRawEnd == 0.0f), "Ensure zero-init"); }
m_nDir = RotateFlow::dMin;
Trace("DuRotateFlow 0x%p on 0x%p initialized\n", pgvSubject, this); #endif // DEBUG_TRACECREATION
return S_OK; }
HRESULT DuRotateFlow::ApiGetKeyFrame(Flow::GetKeyFrameMsg * pmsg) { if (pmsg->pkf->cbSize != sizeof(RotateFlow::RotateKeyFrame)) { PromptInvalid("Incorrect keyframe size"); return E_INVALIDARG; } RotateFlow::RotateKeyFrame * pkfR = static_cast<RotateFlow::RotateKeyFrame *>(pmsg->pkf);
switch (pmsg->time) { case Flow::tBegin: pkfR->flRotation = m_flRawStart; pkfR->nDir = m_nDir; return S_OK;
case Flow::tEnd: pkfR->flRotation = m_flRawEnd; pkfR->nDir = m_nDir; return S_OK;
default: PromptInvalid("Invalid time"); return E_INVALIDARG; } }
HRESULT DuRotateFlow::ApiSetKeyFrame(Flow::SetKeyFrameMsg * pmsg) { if (pmsg->pkf->cbSize != sizeof(RotateFlow::RotateKeyFrame)) { PromptInvalid("Incorrect keyframe size"); return E_INVALIDARG; } const RotateFlow::RotateKeyFrame * pkfR = static_cast<const RotateFlow::RotateKeyFrame *>(pmsg->pkf);
switch (pmsg->time) { case Flow::tBegin: m_flRawStart = pkfR->flRotation; m_nDir = pkfR->nDir; MarkDirty(); return S_OK;
case Flow::tEnd: m_flRawEnd = pkfR->flRotation; m_nDir = pkfR->nDir; MarkDirty(); return S_OK;
default: PromptInvalid("Invalid time"); return E_INVALIDARG; } }
HRESULT DuRotateFlow::ApiOnReset(Flow::OnResetMsg * pmsg) { ComputeAngles();
return S_OK; }
HRESULT DuRotateFlow::ApiOnAction(Flow::OnActionMsg * pmsg) { ComputeAngles();
pmsg->pgvSubject->SetRotation(Compute(pmsg->pipol, pmsg->flProgress, m_flActualStart, m_flActualEnd));
return S_OK; }
* * DuRotateFlow::ComputeAngles * * ComputeAngles() updates the angles to conform to the desired direction. * This is lazily computed, allowing the application to specify the angles * and direction in any order, then snapping the angles when actually needed. * \***************************************************************************/
void DuRotateFlow::ComputeAngles() { if (!m_fDirty) { return; }
// Adjust the starting and ending angles so that we "move" in the correct
// direction. We do this by adding or subtracting full rotations depending
// on the "move" we are trying to accomplish.
m_flActualStart = m_flRawStart; m_flActualEnd = m_flRawEnd;
switch (m_nDir) { case RotateFlow::dShort: if (m_flActualStart < m_flActualEnd) { while ((m_flActualEnd - m_flActualStart) > (float) PI) { m_flActualStart += (float) (2 * PI); } } else { while ((m_flActualStart - m_flActualEnd) > (float) PI) { m_flActualStart -= (float) (2 * PI); } } break;
case RotateFlow::dLong: if (m_flActualStart < m_flActualEnd) { while ((m_flActualStart - m_flActualEnd) < (float) PI) { m_flActualEnd -= (float) (2 * PI); } } else { while ((m_flActualEnd - m_flActualStart) < (float) PI) { m_flActualEnd += (float) (2 * PI); } } break;
case RotateFlow::dCW: while (m_flActualStart > m_flActualEnd) { m_flActualEnd += (float) (2 * PI); } break;
case RotateFlow::dCCW: while (m_flActualStart < m_flActualEnd) { m_flActualStart += (float) (2 * PI); } break; }
m_fDirty = FALSE; }
***************************************************************************** * * class DuScaleFlow * ***************************************************************************** \***************************************************************************/
HRESULT DuScaleFlow::InitClass() { s_pridScale = RegisterGadgetProperty(&guidScaleFlow); return s_pridScale != 0 ? S_OK : (HRESULT) GetLastError(); }
HRESULT DuScaleFlow::PostBuild( IN DUser::Gadget::ConstructInfo * pci) { //
// Get the information from the Gadget
Flow::FlowCI * pDesc = static_cast<Flow::FlowCI *>(pci); Visual * pgvSubject = pDesc->pgvSubject; if (pgvSubject != NULL) { //
// Given a subject, so setup from current attributes
float flX, flY; HRESULT hr = pgvSubject->GetScale(&flX, &flY); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; }
m_flStart = flX; m_flEnd = flX; } else { //
// No subject, so use some reasonable defaults
m_flStart = 1.0f; m_flEnd = 1.0f; }
Trace("DuScaleFlow 0x%p on 0x%p initialized\n", pgvSubject, this); #endif // DEBUG_TRACECREATION
return S_OK; }
HRESULT DuScaleFlow::ApiGetKeyFrame(Flow::GetKeyFrameMsg * pmsg) { if (pmsg->pkf->cbSize != sizeof(ScaleFlow::ScaleKeyFrame)) { PromptInvalid("Incorrect keyframe size"); return E_INVALIDARG; } ScaleFlow::ScaleKeyFrame * pkfS = static_cast<ScaleFlow::ScaleKeyFrame *>(pmsg->pkf);
switch (pmsg->time) { case Flow::tBegin: pkfS->flScale = m_flStart; return S_OK;
case Flow::tEnd: pkfS->flScale = m_flEnd; return S_OK;
default: PromptInvalid("Invalid time"); return E_INVALIDARG; } }
HRESULT DuScaleFlow::ApiSetKeyFrame(Flow::SetKeyFrameMsg * pmsg) { if (pmsg->pkf->cbSize != sizeof(ScaleFlow::ScaleKeyFrame)) { PromptInvalid("Incorrect keyframe size"); return E_INVALIDARG; } const ScaleFlow::ScaleKeyFrame * pkfS = static_cast<const ScaleFlow::ScaleKeyFrame *>(pmsg->pkf);
switch (pmsg->time) { case Flow::tBegin: m_flStart = pkfS->flScale; return S_OK;
case Flow::tEnd: m_flEnd = pkfS->flScale; return S_OK;
default: PromptInvalid("Invalid time"); return E_INVALIDARG; } }
HRESULT DuScaleFlow::ApiOnReset(Flow::OnResetMsg * pmsg) { pmsg->pgvSubject->SetScale(m_flStart, m_flStart);
return S_OK; }
HRESULT DuScaleFlow::ApiOnAction(Flow::OnActionMsg * pmsg) { float flx = Compute(pmsg->pipol, pmsg->flProgress, m_flStart, m_flEnd); float fly = flx; pmsg->pgvSubject->SetScale(flx, fly);
return S_OK; }
***************************************************************************** * * Public API * ***************************************************************************** \***************************************************************************/
PRID DUserGetAlphaPRID() { PromptInvalid("Not implemented without MsgTable support"); return 0; }
PRID DUserGetRectPRID() { PromptInvalid("Not implemented without MsgTable support"); return 0; }
PRID DUserGetRotatePRID() { PromptInvalid("Not implemented without MsgTable support"); return 0; }
PRID DUserGetScalePRID() { PromptInvalid("Not implemented without MsgTable support"); return 0; }