#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Ctrl.h"
#include "OldAnimation.h"
PRID OldAlphaAnimation::s_pridAlpha = 0; PRID OldScaleAnimation::s_pridScale = 0; PRID OldRectAnimation::s_pridRect = 0; PRID OldRotateAnimation::s_pridRotate = 0;
static const GUID guidAlphaAnimation = { 0x41a2e2f2, 0xf262, 0x41ae, { 0x89, 0xda, 0xb7, 0x9c, 0x8f, 0xf5, 0x94, 0xbb } }; // {41A2E2F2-F262-41ae-89DA-B79C8FF594BB}
static const GUID guidScaleAnimation = { 0xa5b1df84, 0xb9c0, 0x4305, { 0xb9, 0x3a, 0x5b, 0x80, 0x31, 0x86, 0x70, 0x69 } }; // {A5B1DF84-B9C0-4305-B93A-5B8031867069}
static const GUID guidRectAnimation = { 0x8e41c241, 0x3cdf, 0x432e, { 0xa1, 0xae, 0xf, 0x7b, 0x59, 0xdc, 0x82, 0xb } }; // {8E41C241-3CDF-432e-A1AE-0F7B59DC820B}
static const GUID guidRotateAnimation = { 0x78f16dd5, 0xa198, 0x4cd2, { 0xb1, 0x78, 0x31, 0x61, 0x3e, 0x32, 0x12, 0x54 } }; // {78F16DD5-A198-4cd2-B178-31613E321254}
const IID * OldAlphaAnimation::s_rgpIID[] = { &__uuidof(IUnknown), &__uuidof(IAnimation), NULL };
const IID * OldScaleAnimation::s_rgpIID[] = { &__uuidof(IUnknown), &__uuidof(IAnimation), NULL };
const IID * OldRectAnimation::s_rgpIID[] = { &__uuidof(IUnknown), &__uuidof(IAnimation), NULL };
const IID * OldRotateAnimation::s_rgpIID[] = { &__uuidof(IUnknown), &__uuidof(IAnimation), NULL };
***************************************************************************** * * class OldAnimation * ***************************************************************************** \***************************************************************************/
OldAnimation::~OldAnimation() { #if DEBUG_TRACECREATION
Trace("STOP Animation 0x%p @ %d (%d frames)\n", this, GetTickCount(), m_DEBUG_cUpdates); #endif // DEBUG_TRACECREATION
// Ensure proper destruction
AssertMsg(m_hact == NULL, "Action should already be destroyed"); }
HRESULT OldAnimation::Create( IN const GUID * pguid, IN OUT PRID * pprid, IN GANI_DESC * pDesc) // Animation information
{ if (pDesc->pipol != NULL) { pDesc->pipol->AddRef(); m_pipol = pDesc->pipol; }
if (pDesc->pcb != NULL) { pDesc->pcb->AddRef(); m_pcb = pDesc->pcb; }
GMA_ACTION gma; ZeroMemory(&gma, sizeof(gma)); gma.cbSize = sizeof(gma); gma.flDelay = pDesc->act.flDelay; gma.flDuration = pDesc->act.flDuration; gma.flPeriod = pDesc->act.flPeriod; gma.cRepeat = pDesc->act.cRepeat; gma.dwPause = pDesc->act.dwPause; gma.pfnProc = RawActionProc; gma.pvData = this;
m_hact = CreateAction(&gma); if (m_hact == NULL) { return (HRESULT) GetLastError(); }
HRESULT hr = OldExtension::Create(pDesc->hgadChange, pguid, pprid, OldExtension::oAsyncDestroy); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; }
return S_OK; }
void OldAnimation::Destroy(BOOL fFinal) { //
// Mark that we have already started the destruction process and don't need
// to start again. We only want to post the destruction message once.
if (m_fStartDestroy) { return; } m_fStartDestroy = TRUE;
// Give the derived Animation a chance to cleanup
// Check that we are still the Animation attached to this Gadget. We need
// to remove this property immediately. We can not wait for a posted
// message to be processed because we may need to set it right now if we are
// creating a new Animation.
if (m_hgadSubject != NULL) { OnComplete();
#if DBG
OldAnimation * paniExist = static_cast<OldAnimation *> (GetExtension(m_hgadSubject, m_pridListen)); if (paniExist != NULL) { AssertMsg(paniExist == this, "Animations must match"); } #endif // DBG
CleanupChangeGadget(); }
// Destroy the Animation
AssertMsg(!fFinal, "Object is already being destructed"); if (fFinal) { OnAsyncDestroy(); } else { PostAsyncDestroy(); } }
void OldAnimation::OnAsyncDestroy() { AssertMsg(m_fStartDestroy, "Must call Destroy() to start the destruction process."); AssertMsg(!m_fProcessing, "Should not be processing when start destruction");
AssertMsg(m_hgadSubject == NULL, "Animation should already have detached from Gadget"); HACTION hact = m_hact;
// Notify any callback that the Animation is finished
if (m_pcb != NULL) { IAnimation * paniI = static_cast<IAnimation *> (this);
__try { m_pcb->OnComplete(paniI, m_time); } __except(StdExceptionFilter(GetExceptionInformation())) { ExitProcess(GetExceptionCode()); } }
// Set everything to NULL now.
m_hact = NULL; OldExtension::DeleteHandle();
// Stop the Action
if (hact != NULL) { ::DeleteHandle(hact); hact = NULL; }
// Release() our cached interfaces
SafeRelease(m_pipol); SafeRelease(m_pcb); }
STDMETHODIMP_(void) OldAnimation::SetFunction(IInterpolation * pipol) { AssertReadPtr(pipol);
SafeRelease(m_pipol); pipol->AddRef(); m_pipol = pipol; }
STDMETHODIMP_(void) OldAnimation::SetTime(IAnimation::ETime time) { GMA_ACTIONINFO mai;
// TODO: Need to save these values from the last time so that they are
// valid.
mai.hact = m_hact; mai.pvData = this; mai.flDuration = 0.0f;
m_time = time; switch (time) { case IAnimation::tComplete: // Don't do anything
default: case IAnimation::tAbort: case IAnimation::tDestroy: goto Done;
case IAnimation::tEnd: mai.flProgress = 1.0f; break;
case IAnimation::tReset: mai.flProgress = 0.0f; break; }
mai.cEvent = 0; mai.cPeriods = 0; mai.fFinished = FALSE;
m_fProcessing = TRUE; Action(&mai); Assert(m_fProcessing); m_fProcessing = FALSE;
Done: if (m_pcb != NULL) { IAnimation * paniI = static_cast<IAnimation *> (this); m_pcb->OnSetTime(paniI, time); }
::DeleteHandle(m_hact); }
STDMETHODIMP_(void) OldAnimation::SetCallback(IAnimationCallback * pcb) { // pcb can be NULL
if (pcb != NULL) { pcb->AddRef(); m_pcb = pcb; } }
HRESULT OldAnimation::GetInterface(HGADGET hgad, PRID prid, REFIID riid, void ** ppvUnk) { OldAnimation * paniExist = static_cast<OldAnimation *> (GetExtension(hgad, prid)); if (paniExist != NULL) { if (IsEqualIID(riid, __uuidof(IAnimation))) { paniExist->AddRef(); *ppvUnk = static_cast<IAnimation *> (paniExist); return S_OK; } else { return paniExist->QueryInterface(riid, ppvUnk); } }
return DU_E_NOTFOUND; // This Animation doesn't exist on this Gadget.
void OldAnimation::CleanupChangeGadget() { Assert(m_hgadSubject != NULL); Assert(m_pridListen != 0);
Verify(::RemoveGadgetProperty(m_hgadSubject, m_pridListen));
m_hgadSubject = NULL; }
void CALLBACK OldAnimation::RawActionProc( IN GMA_ACTIONINFO * pmai) { OldAnimation * pani = (OldAnimation *) pmai->pvData; pani->AddRef(); Assert(!pani->m_fProcessing);
#if DBG
pani->m_DEBUG_cUpdates++; #endif // DBG
Trace("START RawActionP 0x%p @ %d\n", pani, GetTickCount()); #endif // DEBUG_TRACECREATION
if ((!pani->m_fStartDestroy) && (pani->m_hgadSubject != NULL)) { //
// This ActionProc will be called when the Action is being destroyed, so
// we only want to invoke the Action under certain circumstances.
switch (pani->m_time) { case tComplete: case tEnd: case tReset: //
// All of these are valid to complete. If it isn't in this list, we
// don't want to execute it during a shutdown.
pani->m_fProcessing = TRUE; pani->Action(pmai); Assert(pani->m_fProcessing); pani->m_fProcessing = FALSE; break; } }
if (pmai->fFinished) { pani->m_hact = NULL; pani->Destroy(FALSE); }
Trace("STOP RawActionP 0x%p @ %d\n", pani, GetTickCount()); #endif // DEBUG_TRACECREATION
Assert(!pani->m_fProcessing); pani->Release(); }
void OldAnimation::OnRemoveExisting() { SetTime(IAnimation::tDestroy); }
void OldAnimation::OnDestroyListener() { AddRef();
if (m_hgadListen != NULL) { //
// TODO: Figure out when this case can actually occur. This means that
// the MessageGadget was destroyed, but the caller didn't go through
// OldAnimation::Destroy() to do it.
m_hgadListen = NULL; Destroy(FALSE); } VerifyMsg(Release() > 0, "Must still have lock from beginning of function");
Release(); }
void OldAnimation::OnDestroySubject() { AddRef();
if (m_hgadSubject != NULL) { CleanupChangeGadget();
// The Gadget that we are modifying is being destroyed, so we need
// to stop animating it.
m_time = IAnimation::tDestroy; Destroy(FALSE); }
Release(); }
***************************************************************************** * * class OldAlphaAnimation * ***************************************************************************** \***************************************************************************/
OldAlphaAnimation::~OldAlphaAnimation() { Destroy(TRUE);
Trace("OldAlphaAnimation 0x%p destroyed\n", this); #endif // DEBUG_TRACECREATION
HRESULT OldAlphaAnimation::Create( IN GANI_DESC * pDesc) { HRESULT hr = OldAnimation::Create(&guidAlphaAnimation, &s_pridAlpha, pDesc); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; }
// Get the information from the Gadget
GANI_ALPHADESC * pDescA = (GANI_ALPHADESC *) pDesc; m_nOnComplete = pDescA->nOnComplete; m_fPushToChildren = pDescA->fPushToChildren && (::GetGadget(m_hgadSubject, GG_TOPCHILD) != NULL);
BOOL fBuffered = TestFlag(::GetGadgetStyle(m_hgadSubject), GS_BUFFERED);
if (TestFlag(pDesc->nAniFlags, ANIF_USESTART)) { m_flStart = pDescA->flStart; } else { if (fBuffered) { //
// Gadget is already buffered, so use it current alpha value.
BUFFER_INFO bi; ZeroMemory(&bi, sizeof(bi)); bi.cbSize = sizeof(bi); bi.nMask = GBIM_ALPHA; if (::GetGadgetBufferInfo(m_hgadSubject, &bi)) { m_flStart = ((float) bi.bAlpha) / 255.0f; } else { m_flStart = 1.0f; } } else { m_flStart = 1.0f; } }
if (m_fPushToChildren) { //
// If we are currently alpha blended, we need to turn this off.
if (fBuffered) { ::SetGadgetStyle(m_hgadSubject, 0, GS_BUFFERED); ::SetGadgetStyle(m_hgadSubject, 0, GS_OPAQUE); } //
// Setup each direct child to be buffered for the alpha-blending
BYTE bAlpha = (BYTE) (m_flStart * 255.0f);
HGADGET hgadChild = ::GetGadget(m_hgadSubject, GG_TOPCHILD); while (hgadChild != NULL) { if (!::SetGadgetStyle(hgadChild, GS_BUFFERED | GS_OPAQUE, GS_BUFFERED | GS_OPAQUE)) { return (HRESULT) GetLastError(); }
BUFFER_INFO bi; bi.cbSize = sizeof(bi); bi.nMask = GBIM_ALPHA; bi.bAlpha = bAlpha; if (!SetGadgetBufferInfo(hgadChild, &bi)) { return (HRESULT) GetLastError(); }
hgadChild = ::GetGadget(hgadChild, GG_NEXT); } } else if (!fBuffered) { //
// Need to mark the Gadget as being buffered to perform alpha effects
if (!::SetGadgetStyle(m_hgadSubject, GS_BUFFERED | GS_OPAQUE, GS_BUFFERED | GS_OPAQUE)) { return (HRESULT) GetLastError(); } }
m_flEnd = pDescA->flEnd;
Trace("OldAlphaAnimation 0x%p on 0x%p initialized\n", m_hgadSubject, this); #endif // DEBUG_TRACECREATION
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP_(UINT) OldAlphaAnimation::GetID() const { return ANIMATION_ALPHA; }
void OldAlphaAnimation::Action(GMA_ACTIONINFO * pmai) { float flPr = pmai->flProgress; float flAlpha = m_pipol->Compute(flPr, m_flStart, m_flEnd);
BYTE bAlpha; if (flAlpha < 0.0f) { bAlpha = (BYTE) 0; } else if (flAlpha > 1.0f) { bAlpha = (BYTE) 255; } else { bAlpha = (BYTE) (flAlpha * 255.0f); }
BUFFER_INFO bi; bi.cbSize = sizeof(bi); bi.nMask = GBIM_ALPHA; bi.bAlpha = bAlpha;
if (m_fPushToChildren) { HGADGET hgadChild = ::GetGadget(m_hgadSubject, GG_TOPCHILD); while (hgadChild != NULL) { SetGadgetStyle(hgadChild, GS_BUFFERED | GS_OPAQUE, GS_BUFFERED | GS_OPAQUE); SetGadgetBufferInfo(hgadChild, &bi); InvalidateGadget(hgadChild);
hgadChild = ::GetGadget(hgadChild, GG_NEXT); } } else { SetGadgetStyle(m_hgadSubject, GS_BUFFERED | GS_OPAQUE, GS_BUFFERED | GS_OPAQUE); SetGadgetBufferInfo(m_hgadSubject, &bi); InvalidateGadget(m_hgadSubject); } }
void OldAlphaAnimation::OnComplete() { if (TestFlag(m_nOnComplete, GANI_ALPHACOMPLETE_OPTIMIZE)) { if ((m_flEnd * 255.0f) >= 245) { if (m_fPushToChildren) { HGADGET hgadChild = ::GetGadget(m_hgadSubject, GG_TOPCHILD); while (hgadChild != NULL) { SetGadgetStyle(hgadChild, 0, GS_BUFFERED); hgadChild = ::GetGadget(hgadChild, GG_NEXT); } } else { SetGadgetStyle(m_hgadSubject, 0, GS_BUFFERED); } InvalidateGadget(m_hgadSubject); } } }
***************************************************************************** * * class OldScaleAnimation * ***************************************************************************** \***************************************************************************/
OldScaleAnimation::~OldScaleAnimation() { Destroy(TRUE);
Trace("OldScaleAnimation 0x%p destroyed\n", this); #endif // DEBUG_TRACECREATION
HRESULT OldScaleAnimation::Create( IN GANI_DESC * pDesc) { HRESULT hr = OldAnimation::Create(&guidScaleAnimation, &s_pridScale, pDesc); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; }
// Get the information from the Gadget
if (TestFlag(pDesc->nAniFlags, ANIF_USESTART)) { m_flStart = pDescS->flStart; } else { float flX, flY; if (!::GetGadgetScale(m_hgadSubject, &flX, &flY)) { return (HRESULT) GetLastError(); }
m_flStart = flX; } m_flEnd = pDescS->flEnd; m_al = pDescS->al;
RECT rcParent; ::GetGadgetRect(m_hgadSubject, &rcParent, SGR_PARENT); m_ptStart.x = rcParent.left; m_ptStart.y = rcParent.top; m_sizeCtrl.cx = rcParent.right - rcParent.left; m_sizeCtrl.cy = rcParent.bottom - rcParent.top;
Trace("OldScaleAnimation 0x%p on 0x%p initialized\n", m_hgadSubject, this); #endif // DEBUG_TRACECREATION
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP_(UINT) OldScaleAnimation::GetID() const { return ANIMATION_SCALE; }
void OldScaleAnimation::Action(GMA_ACTIONINFO * pmai) { float flPr = pmai->flProgress; float flx = m_pipol->Compute(flPr, m_flStart, m_flEnd); float fly = flx; ::SetGadgetScale(m_hgadSubject, flx, fly);
POINT ptNew; ptNew.x = m_ptStart.x - (int) ((m_sizeCtrl.cx * flx - m_sizeCtrl.cx) / 2.0); ptNew.y = m_ptStart.y - (int) ((m_sizeCtrl.cy * fly - m_sizeCtrl.cy) / 2.0); ::SetGadgetRect(m_hgadSubject, ptNew.x, ptNew.y, 0, 0, SGR_MOVE | SGR_PARENT); }
***************************************************************************** * * class OldRectAnimation * ***************************************************************************** \***************************************************************************/
OldRectAnimation::~OldRectAnimation() { Destroy(TRUE);
Trace("OldRectAnimation 0x%p destroyed\n", this); #endif // DEBUG_TRACECREATION
HRESULT OldRectAnimation::Create( IN GANI_DESC * pDesc) { HRESULT hr = OldAnimation::Create(&guidRectAnimation, &s_pridRect, pDesc); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; }
// Get the information from the Gadget
UINT nGetFlags = SGR_VALID_GET & pDescR->nChangeFlags; if (nGetFlags == 0) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
if (TestFlag(pDesc->nAniFlags, ANIF_USESTART)) { m_ptStart = pDescR->ptStart; m_sizeStart = pDescR->sizeStart; } else { RECT rcGadget; if (!::GetGadgetRect(m_hgadSubject, &rcGadget, nGetFlags)) { return (HRESULT) GetLastError(); }
m_ptStart.x = rcGadget.left; m_ptStart.y = rcGadget.top; m_sizeStart.cx = rcGadget.right - rcGadget.left; m_sizeStart.cy = rcGadget.bottom - rcGadget.top; }
m_ptEnd = pDescR->ptEnd; m_sizeEnd = pDescR->sizeEnd; m_nChangeFlags = pDescR->nChangeFlags;
Trace("OldRectAnimation 0x%p on 0x%p initialized\n", m_hgadSubject, this); #endif // DEBUG_TRACECREATION
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP_(UINT) OldRectAnimation::GetID() const { return ANIMATION_RECT; }
void OldRectAnimation::Action(GMA_ACTIONINFO * pmai) { POINT ptNew; SIZE sizeNew; float flProgress = pmai->flProgress;
ptNew.x = Compute(m_pipol, flProgress, m_ptStart.x, m_ptEnd.x); ptNew.y = Compute(m_pipol, flProgress, m_ptStart.y, m_ptEnd.y); sizeNew.cx = Compute(m_pipol, flProgress, m_sizeStart.cx, m_sizeEnd.cx); sizeNew.cy = Compute(m_pipol, flProgress, m_sizeStart.cy, m_sizeEnd.cy);
SetGadgetRect(m_hgadSubject, ptNew.x, ptNew.y, sizeNew.cx, sizeNew.cy, m_nChangeFlags); }
***************************************************************************** * * class OldRotateAnimation * ***************************************************************************** \***************************************************************************/
OldRotateAnimation::~OldRotateAnimation() { Destroy(TRUE);
Trace("OldRotateAnimation 0x%p destroyed\n", this); #endif // DEBUG_TRACECREATION
HRESULT OldRotateAnimation::Create( IN GANI_DESC * pDesc) { HRESULT hr = OldAnimation::Create(&guidRotateAnimation, &s_pridRotate, pDesc); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; }
// Get the information from the Gadget
if (TestFlag(pDesc->nAniFlags, ANIF_USESTART)) { m_flStart = pDescR->flStart; } else { if (!::GetGadgetRotation(m_hgadSubject, &m_flStart)) { return (HRESULT) GetLastError(); } }
m_flEnd = pDescR->flEnd; m_nDir = pDescR->nDir;
// Adjust the starting and ending angles so that we "move" in the correct
// direction. We do this by adding or subtracting full rotations depending
// on the "move" we are trying to accomplish.
switch (m_nDir) { case GANI_ROTATEDIRECTION_SHORT: if (m_flStart < m_flEnd) { while ((m_flEnd - m_flStart) > (float) PI) { m_flStart += (float) (2 * PI); } } else { while ((m_flStart - m_flEnd) > (float) PI) { m_flStart -= (float) (2 * PI); } } break;
case GANI_ROTATEDIRECTION_LONG: if (m_flStart < m_flEnd) { while ((m_flStart - m_flEnd) < (float) PI) { m_flEnd -= (float) (2 * PI); } } else { while ((m_flEnd - m_flStart) < (float) PI) { m_flEnd += (float) (2 * PI); } } break;
case GANI_ROTATEDIRECTION_CW: while (m_flStart > m_flEnd) { m_flEnd += (float) (2 * PI); } break;
case GANI_ROTATEDIRECTION_CCW: while (m_flStart < m_flEnd) { m_flStart += (float) (2 * PI); } break; }
Trace("OldRotateAnimation 0x%p on 0x%p initialized\n", m_hgadSubject, this); #endif // DEBUG_TRACECREATION
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP_(UINT) OldRotateAnimation::GetID() const { return ANIMATION_ROTATE; }
void OldRotateAnimation::Action(GMA_ACTIONINFO * pmai) { float flProgress = pmai->flProgress; float flAngleNew = Compute(m_pipol, flProgress, m_flStart, m_flEnd);
SetGadgetRotation(m_hgadSubject, flAngleNew); }