* * Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft Corporation * * Abstract: * * Brush API related declarations * * Revision History: * * 12/09/1998 davidx * Flesh out Brush interfaces. * * 12/08/1998 andrewgo * Created it. * \**************************************************************************/
#ifndef _BRUSH_HPP
#define _BRUSH_HPP
#define HatchBrush HatchFillBrush
#include "path.hpp" // GpPathGradient needs GpPath.
#include <stddef.h>
#include "..\..\sdkinc\GdiplusColor.h" // IsOpaque needs AlphaMask.
COLORREF ToCOLORREF( const DpBrush * deviceBrush );
enum GpSpecialGradientType { GradientTypeNotSpecial, GradientTypeHorizontal, GradientTypeVertical, GradientTypeDiagonal, GradientTypePathTwoStep, GradientTypePathComplex };
// Abstract base class for various brush types
class GpBrush : public GpObject { protected: VOID SetValid(BOOL valid) { GpObject::SetValid(valid ? ObjectTagBrush : ObjectTagInvalid); }
// Make a copy of the Brush object
virtual GpBrush* Clone() const = 0;
// Virtual destructor
virtual ~GpBrush() {}
// Determine if brushes are equivalent
virtual BOOL IsEqual(const GpBrush * brush) const { return DeviceBrush.Type == brush->DeviceBrush.Type; }
// Get the lock object
GpLockable *GetObjectLock() const { return &Lockable; }
GpBrushType GetBrushType() const { return DeviceBrush.Type; }
const DpBrush * GetDeviceBrush() const { return & DeviceBrush; }
virtual BOOL IsValid() const { return GpObject::IsValid(ObjectTagBrush); }
virtual const DpPath * GetOutlinePath() const { return NULL; }
virtual BOOL IsOpaque(BOOL ColorsOnly = FALSE) const = 0;
//IsSolid currently means that the entire fill has the same ARGB color.
//v2: Think about changing this to mean same RGB color instead.
virtual BOOL IsSolid() const = 0;
virtual BOOL IsNearConstant(BYTE *MinAlpha, BYTE* MaxAlpha) const = 0;
// return Horizontal, Vertical, or (in future path)
virtual GpSpecialGradientType GetSpecialGradientType(const GpMatrix* matrix) const = 0;
virtual ObjectType GetObjectType() const { return ObjectTypeBrush; }
static GpBrush * GetBrush(const DpBrush * brush) { return (GpBrush *) ((BYTE *) brush - offsetof(GpBrush, DeviceBrush)); }
COLORREF ToCOLORREF() const { return ::ToCOLORREF(&DeviceBrush); }
virtual DpOutputSpan* CreateOutputSpan( DpScanBuffer * scan, DpContext *context, const GpRect *drawBounds = NULL) = 0;
void SetGammaCorrection(BOOL useGamma) { DeviceBrush.IsGammaCorrected = useGamma; } BOOL GetGammaCorrection() const { return DeviceBrush.IsGammaCorrected; }
protected: // GDI+ Internal
DpBrush DeviceBrush;
mutable GpLockable Lockable; };
// Represent solid fill brush object
class GpSolidFill : public GpBrush { public:
GpSolidFill(VOID) { DefaultBrush(); }
GpSolidFill(const GpColor& color) : Color(color) { DeviceBrush.Type = BrushTypeSolidColor; DeviceBrush.SolidColor.SetColor(color.GetValue()); SetValid(TRUE); }
~GpSolidFill() {}
virtual UINT GetDataSize() const; virtual GpStatus GetData(IStream * stream) const; virtual GpStatus SetData(const BYTE * dataBuffer, UINT size);
virtual GpStatus ColorAdjust( GpRecolor * recolor, ColorAdjustType type );
GpColor GetColor() const { return Color; }
VOID SetColor(const GpColor& color) { Color = color; DeviceBrush.SolidColor.SetColor(color.GetValue()); }
GpBrush* Clone() const { return new GpSolidFill(Color); }
virtual BOOL IsEqual(const GpSolidFill * brush) const { return Color.IsEqual(brush->Color); }
virtual BOOL IsOpaque(BOOL ColorsOnly = FALSE) const { return DeviceBrush.SolidColor.IsOpaque(); }
virtual BOOL IsSolid() const { //This may have to change if we change the defination of IsSolid.
//See comment at GpBrush::IsSolid() for more info.
return TRUE; }
virtual BOOL IsNearConstant(BYTE *MinAlpha, BYTE* MaxAlpha) const { *MinAlpha = Color.GetAlpha(); *MaxAlpha = *MinAlpha; return TRUE; } virtual GpSpecialGradientType GetSpecialGradientType(const GpMatrix* matrix) const { return GradientTypeNotSpecial; }
virtual DpOutputSpan* CreateOutputSpan( DpScanBuffer * scan, DpContext *context, const GpRect *drawBounds=NULL);
//bhouse: why do we have store a GpColor here?
GpColor Color;
VOID DefaultBrush() { Color.SetValue(Color::Black); DeviceBrush.Type = BrushTypeSolidColor; DeviceBrush.SolidColor.SetColor(Color.GetValue()); SetValid(TRUE); } };
// Abstract brush which is made of an elementary object.
class GpElementaryBrush : public GpBrush { public:
virtual BOOL IsOpaque(BOOL ColorsOnly = FALSE) const = 0;
// Set/get brush transform
GpStatus SetTransform(const GpMatrix& matrix) { GpStatus status = Ok;
// Keep the transform invertible
if (matrix.IsInvertible()) { DeviceBrush.Xform = matrix; UpdateUid(); } else status = InvalidParameter;
return status; }
GpStatus GetTransform(GpMatrix* matrix) const { *matrix = DeviceBrush.Xform;
return Ok; }
GpStatus ResetTransform() { DeviceBrush.Xform.Reset(); UpdateUid();
return Ok; }
GpStatus MultiplyTransform(const GpMatrix& matrix, GpMatrixOrder order = MatrixOrderPrepend);
GpStatus TranslateTransform(REAL dx, REAL dy, GpMatrixOrder order = MatrixOrderPrepend) { DeviceBrush.Xform.Translate(dx, dy, order); UpdateUid();
return Ok; }
GpStatus ScaleTransform(REAL sx, REAL sy, GpMatrixOrder order = MatrixOrderPrepend) { DeviceBrush.Xform.Scale(sx, sy, order); UpdateUid();
return Ok; }
GpStatus ScalePath(REAL sx, REAL sy) { DeviceBrush.Rect.X *= sx; DeviceBrush.Rect.Y *= sy; DeviceBrush.Rect.Height *= sy; DeviceBrush.Rect.Width *= sx; DeviceBrush.Points[0].X = DeviceBrush.Points[0].X * sx; DeviceBrush.Points[0].Y = DeviceBrush.Points[0].Y * sy;
if (DeviceBrush.Path != NULL) { GpMatrix matrix(sx, 0.0f, 0.0f, sy, 0.0f, 0.0f); DeviceBrush.Path->Transform(&matrix); } else if (DeviceBrush.PointsPtr && DeviceBrush.Count > 0) { for (INT i = 0; i < DeviceBrush.Count; i++) { DeviceBrush.PointsPtr[i].X *= sx; DeviceBrush.PointsPtr[i].Y *= sy; } } UpdateUid();
return Ok; } GpStatus RotateTransform(REAL angle, GpMatrixOrder order = MatrixOrderPrepend) { DeviceBrush.Xform.Rotate(angle, order); UpdateUid();
return Ok; }
// Set/get brush wrapping mode
VOID SetWrapMode(GpWrapMode wrapMode) { if (!WrapModeIsValid(wrapMode)) return;
DeviceBrush.Wrap = wrapMode; UpdateUid(); }
GpWrapMode GetWrapMode() const { return DeviceBrush.Wrap; }
// Get source rectangle
VOID GetRect(GpRectF& rect) const { rect = DeviceBrush.Rect; }
// Determine if the brushes are equivalent. Only compare for equivalence
// if both brushes are valid.
virtual BOOL isEqual(const GpBrush * brush) const { if (GpBrush::IsEqual(brush)) { const GpElementaryBrush * ebrush;
ebrush = static_cast<const GpElementaryBrush *>(brush); return IsValid() && ebrush->IsValid() && ebrush->DeviceBrush.Wrap == DeviceBrush.Wrap && ebrush->DeviceBrush.Xform.IsEqual(&DeviceBrush.Xform); } else { return FALSE; } }
virtual GpSpecialGradientType GetSpecialGradientType(const GpMatrix* matrix) const { return GradientTypeNotSpecial; }
protected: // GDI+ Internal
GpElementaryBrush() { SetValid(FALSE); DeviceBrush.Wrap = WrapModeTile; DeviceBrush.IsGammaCorrected = FALSE; }
GpElementaryBrush(const GpElementaryBrush* brush);
// Represent texture brush object
// A rectangel returned by GetRect() is given by the pixel unit in case of
// GpBitmap and by the inch unit in case of GpMetafile.
class GpTexture : public GpElementaryBrush { public:
// Constructors
GpTexture() { DefaultBrush(); }
GpTexture(GpImage* image, GpWrapMode wrapMode = WrapModeTile) { InitializeBrush(image, wrapMode, NULL); }
GpTexture(GpImage* image, GpWrapMode wrapMode, const GpRectF& rect) { InitializeBrush(image, wrapMode, &rect); }
GpTexture(GpImage *image, const GpRectF& rect, const GpImageAttributes *imageAttributes) { GpWrapMode wrapMode = WrapModeTile; if (imageAttributes) { wrapMode = imageAttributes->DeviceImageAttributes.wrapMode; if (!imageAttributes->HasRecoloring()) { imageAttributes = NULL; } } InitializeBrush(image, wrapMode, &rect, imageAttributes); }
GpBrush* Clone() const { return new GpTexture(this); }
~GpTexture() { if(Image) Image->Dispose(); }
virtual UINT GetDataSize() const; virtual GpStatus GetData(IStream * stream) const; virtual GpStatus SetData(const BYTE * dataBuffer, UINT size);
virtual GpStatus ColorAdjust( GpRecolor * recolor, ColorAdjustType type );
// Get texture brush attributes
GpImage* GetImage() { // !!!
// Notice that we're returning a pointer
// to our internal bitmap object here.
return Image; }
GpImageType GetImageType() const { return ImageType; }
GpBitmap* GetBitmap() const { // !!!
// Notice that we're returning a pointer
// to our internal bitmap object here.
if(ImageType == ImageTypeBitmap) return static_cast<GpBitmap*>(Image); else return NULL; }
GpStatus GetBitmapSize(Size * size) const { GpBitmap * brushBitmap = this->GetBitmap();
if (brushBitmap != NULL) { brushBitmap->GetSize(size); return Ok; } size->Width = size->Height = 0; return InvalidParameter; }
// Check the opacity of bitmap.
BOOL IsOpaque(BOOL ColorsOnly = FALSE) const { DpTransparency transparency;
GpBitmap *bitmap = GetBitmap();
if (bitmap == NULL) { return FALSE; }
if (ColorsOnly) // get real transparency, not cached
{ if (bitmap->GetTransparencyFlags(&transparency, PixelFormat32bppPARGB) != Ok) { transparency = TransparencyUnknown; } } else { if (bitmap->GetTransparencyHint(&transparency) != Ok) { transparency = TransparencyUnknown; } }
switch (transparency) { case TransparencyUnknown: case TransparencySimple: case TransparencyComplex: case TransparencyNearConstant: return FALSE;
case TransparencyOpaque: case TransparencyNoAlpha: return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
BOOL Is01Bitmap() const { DpTransparency transparency; GpBitmap *bitmap = GetBitmap();
if (bitmap == NULL) { return FALSE; }
if (bitmap->GetTransparencyHint(&transparency) != Ok) return FALSE;
switch (transparency) { case TransparencyUnknown: case TransparencyOpaque: case TransparencyNoAlpha: case TransparencyComplex: case TransparencyNearConstant: return FALSE;
case TransparencySimple: return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
virtual BOOL IsSolid() const { //This may have to change if we change the defination of IsSolid.
//See comment at GpBrush::IsSolid() for more info.
return FALSE; }
virtual BOOL IsNearConstant(BYTE *MinAlpha, BYTE* MaxAlpha) const { DpTransparency transparency; GpBitmap *bitmap = GetBitmap(); if (bitmap == NULL) { return FALSE; } ASSERT(bitmap->IsValid()); return (bitmap->GetTransparencyFlags(&transparency, PixelFormat32bppPARGB, MinAlpha, MaxAlpha) == Ok) && transparency == TransparencyNearConstant; } // See if this texture fill is really a picture fill
BOOL IsPictureFill( const GpMatrix * worldToDevice, const GpRect * drawBounds ) const;
// Determine if the brushes are equivalent
virtual BOOL isEqual(const GpBrush * brush) const { // HACKHACK - To avoid a potentially large bitmap comparison,
// treat all texture brushes as different...
return FALSE; }
virtual DpOutputSpan* CreateOutputSpan( DpScanBuffer * scan, DpContext *context, const GpRect *drawBounds=NULL);
GpTexture(const GpTexture *brush);
VOID InitializeBrush( GpImage* image, GpWrapMode wrapMode, const GpRectF* rect, const GpImageAttributes *imageAttributes=NULL); VOID InitializeBrushBitmap( GpBitmap* bitmap, GpWrapMode wrapMode, const GpRectF* rect, const GpImageAttributes *imageAttributes, BOOL useBitmap = FALSE // use the bitmap instead of cloning it?
); VOID DefaultBrush() { InitializeBrushBitmap(NULL, WrapModeTile, NULL, NULL); }
GpImageType ImageType; GpImage * Image; // brush image
class GpGradientBrush : public GpElementaryBrush { public: virtual VOID GetColors(GpColor* colors) const = 0; virtual INT GetNumberOfColors() const = 0; virtual BOOL UsesDefaultColorArray() const = 0; virtual BOOL IsOpaque(BOOL ColorsOnly = FALSE) const = 0;
virtual GpStatus SetBlend( const REAL* blendFactors, const REAL* blendPositions, INT count) { return NotImplemented; }
// Determine if the brushes are equivalent
virtual BOOL isEqual(const GpBrush * brush) const { if (GpElementaryBrush::IsEqual(brush)) { const DpBrush * deviceBrush = brush->GetDeviceBrush();
return deviceBrush->Rect.Equals(DeviceBrush.Rect); } else { return FALSE; } }
virtual GpStatus BlendWithWhite() { return NotImplemented; }
GpStatus SetSigmaBlend(REAL focus, REAL scale = 1.0f);
GpStatus SetLinearBlend(REAL focus, REAL scale = 1.0f);
GpGradientBrush() { GpMemset(&DeviceBrush.Rect, 0, sizeof(DeviceBrush.Rect)); }
GpGradientBrush( const GpGradientBrush* brush ) : GpElementaryBrush(brush) { GpMemset(&DeviceBrush.Rect, 0, sizeof(DeviceBrush.Rect)); }
GpStatus GetSigmaBlendArray( REAL focus, REAL scale, INT* count, REAL* blendFactors, REAL* blendPositions);
GpStatus GetLinearBlendArray( REAL focus, REAL scale, INT* count, REAL* blendFactors, REAL* blendPositions); };
// Represent rectangular gradient brush object
class GpRectGradient : public GpGradientBrush { friend class DpOutputGradientSpan; friend class DpOutputOneDGradientSpan; friend class DpOutputLinearGradientSpan;
// Constructors
GpRectGradient(VOID) { DefaultBrush(); }
GpRectGradient( const GpRectF& rect, const GpColor* colors, GpWrapMode wrapMode = WrapModeTile) { InitializeBrush(rect, colors, wrapMode); }
virtual GpBrush* Clone() const { return new GpRectGradient(this); }
~GpRectGradient() { GpFree(DeviceBrush.BlendFactors[0]); GpFree(DeviceBrush.BlendFactors[1]); GpFree(DeviceBrush.BlendPositions[0]); GpFree(DeviceBrush.BlendPositions[1]); GpFree(DeviceBrush.PresetColors); }
virtual UINT GetDataSize() const; virtual GpStatus GetData(IStream * stream) const; virtual GpStatus SetData(const BYTE * dataBuffer, UINT size);
virtual GpStatus ColorAdjust( GpRecolor * recolor, ColorAdjustType type );
virtual GpStatus BlendWithWhite(); // Get/set colors
VOID GetColors(GpColor* colors) const { ASSERT(colors);
colors[0] = DeviceBrush.Colors[0]; colors[1] = DeviceBrush.Colors[1]; colors[2] = DeviceBrush.Colors[2]; colors[3] = DeviceBrush.Colors[3]; }
VOID SetColors(const GpColor* colors) { ASSERT(colors);
DeviceBrush.Colors[0] = colors[0]; DeviceBrush.Colors[1] = colors[1]; DeviceBrush.Colors[2] = colors[2]; DeviceBrush.Colors[3] = colors[3]; UpdateUid(); }
INT GetNumberOfColors() const {return 4;} BOOL UsesDefaultColorArray() const {return TRUE;} // Get/set blend factors
// If the blendFactors.length = 1, then it's treated
// as the falloff parameter. Otherwise, it's the array
// of blend factors.
INT GetHorizontalBlendCount() { return DeviceBrush.BlendCounts[0]; }
GpStatus GetHorizontalBlend( REAL* blendFactors, REAL* blendPositions, INT count );
GpStatus SetHorizontalBlend( const REAL* blendFactors, const REAL* blendPositions, INT count );
INT GetVerticalBlendCount() { return DeviceBrush.BlendCounts[1]; }
GpStatus GetVerticalBlend( REAL* blendFactors, REAL* blendPositions, INT count );
virtual GpStatus SetVerticalBlend( const REAL* blendFactors, const REAL* blendPositions, INT count );
BOOL HasPresetColors() const { return DeviceBrush.UsesPresetColors; }
// Check the opacity of this brush element. It is opaque only if
// ALL of the colors are opaque.
BOOL IsOpaque(BOOL ColorsOnly = FALSE) const { BOOL opaque = ColorsOnly || DeviceBrush.Wrap != WrapModeClamp;
if (HasPresetColors()) { INT i=0; while (opaque && (i < DeviceBrush.BlendCounts[0])) { opaque = opaque && GpColor(DeviceBrush.PresetColors[i]).IsOpaque(); i++; } } else { opaque = opaque && DeviceBrush.Colors[0].IsOpaque() && DeviceBrush.Colors[1].IsOpaque() && DeviceBrush.Colors[2].IsOpaque() && DeviceBrush.Colors[3].IsOpaque(); }
return opaque; }
virtual BOOL IsSolid() const { //This may have to change if we change the defination of IsSolid.
//See comment at GpBrush::IsSolid() for more info.
return FALSE; }
virtual BOOL IsNearConstant(BYTE* MinAlpha, BYTE* MaxAlpha) const { if (HasPresetColors()) { *MaxAlpha = GpColor(DeviceBrush.PresetColors[0]).GetAlpha(); *MinAlpha = *MaxAlpha; for (INT i=1; i<DeviceBrush.BlendCounts[0]; i++) { *MaxAlpha = max(*MaxAlpha, GpColor(DeviceBrush.PresetColors[i]).GetAlpha()); *MinAlpha = min(*MinAlpha, GpColor(DeviceBrush.PresetColors[i]).GetAlpha()); } } else { *MinAlpha = min(min(DeviceBrush.Colors[0].GetAlpha(), DeviceBrush.Colors[1].GetAlpha()), min(DeviceBrush.Colors[2].GetAlpha(), DeviceBrush.Colors[3].GetAlpha())); *MaxAlpha = max(max(DeviceBrush.Colors[0].GetAlpha(), DeviceBrush.Colors[1].GetAlpha()), max(DeviceBrush.Colors[2].GetAlpha(), DeviceBrush.Colors[3].GetAlpha())); } return (*MaxAlpha - *MinAlpha < NEARCONSTANTALPHA); } virtual BOOL IsEqual(const GpBrush * brush) const;
virtual DpOutputSpan* CreateOutputSpan( DpScanBuffer * scan, DpContext *context, const GpRect *drawBounds=NULL);
GpRectGradient(const GpRectGradient* brush);
VOID InitializeBrush( const GpRectF& rect, const GpColor* colors, GpWrapMode wrapMode ) { DeviceBrush.Type = (BrushType) BrushTypeLinearGradient; // BrushRectGrad;
DeviceBrush.Wrap = wrapMode; DeviceBrush.Rect = rect; DeviceBrush.UsesPresetColors = FALSE;
DeviceBrush.BlendCounts[0] = 1; DeviceBrush.BlendCounts[1] = 1; DeviceBrush.BlendFactors[0] = NULL; DeviceBrush.BlendFactors[1] = NULL; DeviceBrush.BlendPositions[0] = NULL; DeviceBrush.BlendPositions[1] = NULL; DeviceBrush.Falloffs[0] = 1; DeviceBrush.Falloffs[1] = 1; DeviceBrush.PresetColors = NULL;
if(!WrapModeIsValid(wrapMode) || rect.Width <= 0 || rect.Height <= 0) { SetValid(FALSE); return; }
SetValid(TRUE); SetColors(colors); }
VOID DefaultBrush(VOID) { DeviceBrush.Type = (BrushType) BrushTypeLinearGradient; //BrushRectGrad;
DeviceBrush.Wrap = WrapModeTile; DeviceBrush.UsesPresetColors = FALSE; GpMemset(&DeviceBrush.Rect, 0, sizeof(Rect));
GpColor color; // NULL brush
DeviceBrush.Colors[0] = color; DeviceBrush.Colors[1] = color; DeviceBrush.Colors[2] = color; DeviceBrush.Colors[3] = color;
DeviceBrush.BlendCounts[0] = 1; DeviceBrush.BlendCounts[1] = 1; DeviceBrush.BlendFactors[0] = NULL; DeviceBrush.BlendFactors[1] = NULL; DeviceBrush.BlendPositions[0] = NULL; DeviceBrush.BlendPositions[1] = NULL; DeviceBrush.Falloffs[0] = 1; DeviceBrush.Falloffs[1] = 1; DeviceBrush.PresetColors = NULL;
// Defaults used for GpLineGradient
DeviceBrush.IsAngleScalable = FALSE; DeviceBrush.Points[0].X = DeviceBrush.Points[0].Y = 0; DeviceBrush.Points[1].X = DeviceBrush.Points[1].Y = 0;
SetValid(FALSE); }
class GpLineGradient : public GpRectGradient { friend class DpOutputGradientSpan; friend class DpOutputOneDGradientSpan;
// Constructors
GpLineGradient(VOID) { DefaultBrush(); }
GpLineGradient( const GpPointF& point1, const GpPointF& point2, const GpColor& color1, const GpColor& color2, GpWrapMode wrapMode = WrapModeTile );
GpLineGradient( const GpRectF& rect, const GpColor& color1, const GpColor& color2, LinearGradientMode mode, GpWrapMode wrapMode = WrapModeTile );
GpLineGradient( const GpRectF& rect, const GpColor& color1, const GpColor& color2, REAL angle, BOOL isAngleScalable = FALSE, GpWrapMode wrapMode = WrapModeTile );
GpLineGradient( const GpRectF& rect, const GpColor* colors, GpWrapMode wrapMode = WrapModeTile) :GpRectGradient(rect, colors, wrapMode) { }
GpBrush* Clone() const { return new GpLineGradient(this); }
virtual GpStatus BlendWithWhite();
// Note: ChangeLinePoints works dramatically differently than SetLinePoints.
// ChangeLinePoints is more like the constructor that takes points.
GpStatus GpLineGradient::ChangeLinePoints( const GpPointF& point1, const GpPointF& point2, BOOL isAngleScalable );
GpStatus SetLinePoints(const GpPointF& point1, const GpPointF& point2); GpStatus GetLinePoints(GpPointF* points);
VOID SetLineColors(const GpColor& color1, const GpColor& color2) { DeviceBrush.Colors[0] = color1; DeviceBrush.Colors[1] = color2; DeviceBrush.Colors[2] = color1; DeviceBrush.Colors[3] = color2; UpdateUid(); }
VOID GetLineColors(GpColor* colors) { colors[0] = DeviceBrush.Colors[0]; colors[1] = DeviceBrush.Colors[1]; }
// Get/set blend factors
// If the blendFactors.length = 1, then it's treated
// as the falloff parameter. Otherwise, it's the array
// of blend factors.
INT GetBlendCount() { return GetHorizontalBlendCount(); }
GpStatus GetBlend(REAL* blendFactors, REAL* blendPositions, INT count) { return GetHorizontalBlend(blendFactors, blendPositions, count); }
GpStatus SetBlend( const REAL* blendFactors, const REAL* blendPositions, INT count ) { return SetHorizontalBlend(blendFactors, blendPositions, count); }
// Setting Vertical Blend factor is not allowed.
GpStatus SetVerticalBlend( const REAL* blendFactors, const REAL* blendPositions, INT count ) { ASSERT(0); return GenericError; }
// Get/set preset blend-factors
INT GetPresetBlendCount();
GpStatus GetPresetBlend( GpColor* blendColors, REAL* blendPositions, INT count);
GpStatus SetPresetBlend( const GpColor* blendColors, const REAL* blendPositions, INT count);
virtual GpSpecialGradientType GetSpecialGradientType(const GpMatrix* matrix) const { GpMatrix m;
GpMatrix::MultiplyMatrix(m, DeviceBrush.Xform, *matrix);
if (m.IsTranslateScale()) { return GradientTypeVertical; } else if (REALABS(m.GetM11()) < CPLX_EPSILON && REALABS(m.GetM12()) >= CPLX_EPSILON && REALABS(m.GetM21()) >= CPLX_EPSILON && REALABS(m.GetM22()) < CPLX_EPSILON) { return GradientTypeHorizontal; } else { return GradientTypeDiagonal; } }
GpLineGradient(const GpLineGradient* brush);
GpStatus SetLineGradient( const GpPointF& point1, const GpPointF& point2, const GpRectF& rect, const GpColor& color1, const GpColor& color2, REAL angle, BOOL isAngleScalable = FALSE, GpWrapMode wrapMode = WrapModeTile ); };
// Represent radial gradient brush object
#if 0
class GpRadialGradient : public GpGradientBrush { friend class DpOutputGradientSpan; friend class DpOutputOneDGradientSpan;
// Constructors
GpRadialGradient(VOID) { DefaultBrush(); }
GpRadialGradient( const GpRectF& rect, const GpColor& centerColor, const GpColor& boundaryColor, GpWrapMode wrapMode = WrapModeClamp ) { InitializeBrush(rect, centerColor, boundaryColor, wrapMode); }
GpBrush* Clone() const { return new GpRadialGradient(this); }
~GpRadialGradient() { GpFree(DeviceBrush.BlendFactors[0]); GpFree(DeviceBrush.BlendPositions[0]); GpFree(DeviceBrush.PresetColors); }
virtual UINT GetDataSize() const; virtual GpStatus GetData(IStream * stream) const; virtual GpStatus SetData(const BYTE * dataBuffer, UINT size);
virtual GpStatus ColorAdjust( GpRecolor * recolor, ColorAdjustType type );
// Get/set color attributes
VOID SetCenterColor(const GpColor& color) { DeviceBrush.Colors[0] = color; UpdateUid(); }
VOID SetBoundaryColor(const GpColor& color) { DeviceBrush.Colors[1] = color; UpdateUid(); }
GpColor GetCenterColor() const { return DeviceBrush.Colors[0]; }
GpColor GetBoundaryColor() const { return DeviceBrush.Colors[1]; }
VOID GetColors(GpColor* colors) const { colors[0] = DeviceBrush.Colors[0]; colors[1] = DeviceBrush.Colors[1]; }
INT GetNumberOfColors() const {return 2;} BOOL UsesDefaultColorArray() const {return TRUE;}
// Get/set falloff / blend-factors
INT GetBlendCount() { return DeviceBrush.BlendCounts[0]; }
GpStatus GetBlend( REAL* blendFactors, REAL* blendPositions, INT count) const;
GpStatus SetBlend( const REAL* blendFactors, const REAL* blendPosition, INT count );
// Get/set preset blend-factors
BOOL HasPresetColors() const { return DeviceBrush.UsesPresetColors; }
INT GetPresetBlendCount() const;
GpStatus GetPresetBlend( GpColor* blendColors, REAL* blendPositions, INT count) const;
GpStatus SetPresetBlend( const GpColor* blendColors, const REAL* blendPositions, INT count);
// Check the opacity of this brush element.
virtual BOOL IsOpaque(BOOL ColorsOnly = FALSE) const { // This gradient brush is opaque only if
// all the colors are opaque and wrap mode is not WrapModeClamp.
// In case of WrapModeClamp mode, we need alpha channel to do
// clipping outside of the oval.
return (DeviceBrush.Colors[0].IsOpaque() && DeviceBrush.Colors[1].IsOpaque() && (ColorsOnly || DeviceBrush.Wrap != WrapModeClamp)); }
virtual BOOL IsSolid() const { //This may have to change if we change the defination of IsSolid.
//See comment at GpBrush::IsSolid() for more info.
return FALSE; }
virtual BOOL IsNearConstant(BYTE* MinAlpha, BYTE* MaxAlpha) const { *MinAlpha = min(DeviceBrush.Colors[0].GetAlpha(), DeviceBrush.Colors[1].GetAlpha()); *MaxAlpha = max(DeviceBrush.Colors[0].GetAlpha(), DeviceBrush.Colors[1].GetAlpha()); return (*MaxAlpha - *MinAlpha < NEARCONSTANTALPHA); } virtual BOOL IsEqual(const GpBrush * brush) const;
virtual DpOutputSpan* CreateOutputSpan( DpScanBuffer * scan, DpContext *context, const GpRect *drawBounds=NULL);
GpRadialGradient(const GpRadialGradient *brush);
VOID InitializeBrush( const GpRectF& rect, const GpColor& centerColor, const GpColor& boundaryColor, GpWrapMode wrapMode ) { DeviceBrush.Type = (BrushType)-1; //BrushRadialGrad;
DeviceBrush.Wrap = wrapMode; DeviceBrush.Rect = rect; DeviceBrush.UsesPresetColors = FALSE;
DeviceBrush.Colors[0] = centerColor; DeviceBrush.Colors[1] = boundaryColor; DeviceBrush.BlendFactors[0] = NULL; DeviceBrush.BlendPositions[0] = NULL; DeviceBrush.BlendCounts[0] = 1; DeviceBrush.Falloffs[0] = 1; DeviceBrush.PresetColors = NULL;
SetValid(WrapModeIsValid(wrapMode) && rect.Width > 0 && rect.Height > 0); }
VOID DefaultBrush(VOID) { DeviceBrush.Type = (BrushType)-1; //BrushRadialGrad;
GpMemset(&DeviceBrush.Rect, 0, sizeof(DeviceBrush.Rect)); DeviceBrush.Wrap = WrapModeTile; DeviceBrush.UsesPresetColors = FALSE; GpColor color(255, 255, 255); // Opaque white
DeviceBrush.Colors[0] = color; DeviceBrush.Colors[1] = color; DeviceBrush.BlendFactors[0] = NULL; DeviceBrush.BlendPositions[0] = NULL; DeviceBrush.BlendCounts[0] = 1; DeviceBrush.Falloffs[0] = 1; DeviceBrush.PresetColors = NULL; SetValid(FALSE); }
}; #endif
// Represent triangle gradient brush object
#if 0
class GpTriangleGradient : public GpGradientBrush { friend class DpOutputTriangleGradientSpan;
// Constructors
GpTriangleGradient(VOID) { DefaultBrush(); }
GpTriangleGradient( const GpPointF* points, const GpColor* colors, GpWrapMode wrapMode = WrapModeClamp ) { InitializeBrush( points, colors, wrapMode); }
GpBrush* Clone() const { return new GpTriangleGradient(this); }
~GpTriangleGradient() { GpFree(DeviceBrush.BlendFactors[0]); GpFree(DeviceBrush.BlendFactors[1]); GpFree(DeviceBrush.BlendFactors[2]); GpFree(DeviceBrush.BlendPositions[0]); GpFree(DeviceBrush.BlendPositions[1]); GpFree(DeviceBrush.BlendPositions[2]); }
virtual UINT GetDataSize() const; virtual GpStatus GetData(IStream * stream) const; virtual GpStatus SetData(const BYTE * dataBuffer, UINT size);
virtual GpStatus ColorAdjust( GpRecolor * recolor, ColorAdjustType type );
// Get/set colors
VOID GetColors(GpColor* colors) const { colors[0] = DeviceBrush.Colors[0]; colors[1] = DeviceBrush.Colors[1]; colors[2] = DeviceBrush.Colors[2]; }
VOID SetColors(const GpColor* colors) { DeviceBrush.Colors[0] = colors[0]; DeviceBrush.Colors[1] = colors[1]; DeviceBrush.Colors[2] = colors[2]; UpdateUid(); }
// Get/set triangle
VOID GetTriangle(GpPointF* points) const { points[0] = DeviceBrush.Points[0]; points[1] = DeviceBrush.Points[1]; points[2] = DeviceBrush.Points[2]; }
VOID SetTriangle(const GpPointF* points) { DeviceBrush.Points[0] = points[0]; DeviceBrush.Points[1] = points[1]; DeviceBrush.Points[2] = points[2]; UpdateUid(); }
INT GetNumberOfColors() const {return 3;} BOOL UsesDefaultColorArray() const {return TRUE;}
// Get/set falloff / blend-factors
INT GetBlendCount0() const { return DeviceBrush.BlendCounts[0]; }
INT GetBlendCount1() const { return DeviceBrush.BlendCounts[1]; }
INT GetBlendCount2() const { return DeviceBrush.BlendCounts[2]; }
//!!! bhouse We really don't need all of these GetBlendX methods. We
// should just implement a single GetBlend() which takes an index.
// With the change to the data layout, the argument for this method
// is stronger. This should remove a bunch of redundant code.
GpStatus GetBlend0( REAL* blendFactors, REAL* blendPositions, INT count) const;
GpStatus SetBlend0( const REAL* blendFactors, const REAL* blendPositions, INT count);
GpStatus GetBlend1( REAL* blendFactors, REAL* blendPositions, INT count) const;
GpStatus SetBlend1( const REAL* blendFactors, const REAL* blendPositions, INT count);
GpStatus GetBlend2( REAL* blendFactors, REAL* blendPositions, INT count) const;
GpStatus SetBlend2( const REAL* blendFactors, const REAL* blendPositions, INT count);
// Check the opacity of this brush element.
virtual BOOL IsOpaque(BOOL ColorsOnly = FALSE) const { // This gradient brush is opaque only if
// all the colors are opaque.
// In case of WrapModeClamp mode, we need alpha channel to do
// clipping outside of the triangle.
return (DeviceBrush.Colors[0].IsOpaque() && DeviceBrush.Colors[1].IsOpaque() && DeviceBrush.Colors[2].IsOpaque() && (ColorsOnly || DeviceBrush.Wrap != WrapModeClamp)); }
virtual BOOL IsSolid() const { //This may have to change if we change the defination of IsSolid.
//See comment at GpBrush::IsSolid() for more info.
return FALSE; }
virtual BOOL IsNearConstant(BYTE* MinAlpha, BYTE* MaxAlpha) const { *MinAlpha = min(DeviceBrush.Colors[0].GetAlpha(), DeviceBrush.Colors[1].GetAlpha()); *MinAlpha = min(*MinAlpha, DeviceBrush.Colors[2].GetAlpha());
*MaxAlpha = max(DeviceBrush.Colors[0].GetAlpha(), DeviceBrush.Colors[1].GetAlpha()); *MaxAlpha = min(*MaxAlpha, DeviceBrush.Colors[2].GetAlpha()); return (*MaxAlpha - *MinAlpha < NEARCONSTANTALPHA); } virtual BOOL IsEqual(const GpBrush * brush) const;
virtual DpOutputSpan* CreateOutputSpan( DpScanBuffer * scan, DpContext *context, const pRect *drawBounds=NULL);
protected: // GDI+ Internal
GpTriangleGradient(const GpTriangleGradient* brush);
VOID InitializeBrush( const GpPointF* points, const GpColor* colors, GpWrapMode wrapMode ) { DeviceBrush.Type = (BrushType)-1; //BrushTriangleGrad;
DeviceBrush.Wrap = wrapMode;
// Set the blending and fall off factors.
DeviceBrush.Falloffs[0] = 1; DeviceBrush.Falloffs[1] = 1; DeviceBrush.Falloffs[2] = 1; DeviceBrush.BlendCounts[0] = 1; DeviceBrush.BlendCounts[1] = 1; DeviceBrush.BlendCounts[2] = 1; DeviceBrush.BlendFactors[0] = NULL; DeviceBrush.BlendFactors[1] = NULL; DeviceBrush.BlendFactors[2] = NULL; DeviceBrush.BlendPositions[0] = NULL; DeviceBrush.BlendPositions[1] = NULL; DeviceBrush.BlendPositions[2] = NULL;
GpMemcpy(&DeviceBrush.Points[0], points, 3*sizeof(GpPointF));
GpMemcpy(&DeviceBrush.Colors[0], colors, 3*sizeof(GpColor));
// Get the boundary rectangle.
REAL xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax;
xmin = min(DeviceBrush.Points[0].X, DeviceBrush.Points[1].X); xmax = max(DeviceBrush.Points[0].X, DeviceBrush.Points[1].X); ymin = min(DeviceBrush.Points[0].Y, DeviceBrush.Points[1].Y); ymax = max(DeviceBrush.Points[0].Y, DeviceBrush.Points[1].Y); xmin = min(xmin, DeviceBrush.Points[2].X); xmax = max(xmax, DeviceBrush.Points[2].X); ymin = min(ymin, DeviceBrush.Points[2].Y); ymax = max(ymax, DeviceBrush.Points[2].Y); DeviceBrush.Rect.X = xmin; DeviceBrush.Rect.Width = xmax - xmin; DeviceBrush.Rect.Y = ymin; DeviceBrush.Rect.Height = ymax - ymin;
if(!WrapModeIsValid(wrapMode) || DeviceBrush.Rect.Width <= 0 || DeviceBrush.Rect.Height <= 0) { SetValid(FALSE); return; } SetValid(TRUE); }
VOID DefaultBrush() { DeviceBrush.Type = (BrushType)-1; //BrushTriangleGrad;
GpMemset(&DeviceBrush.Points, 0, 3*sizeof(GpPointF)); DeviceBrush.Wrap = WrapModeClamp;
GpColor color(255, 255, 255); // Opaque white
DeviceBrush.Colors[0] = color; DeviceBrush.Colors[1] = color; DeviceBrush.Colors[2] = color;
GpMemset(&DeviceBrush.Rect, 0, sizeof(DeviceBrush.Rect));
DeviceBrush.Falloffs[0] = 1; DeviceBrush.Falloffs[1] = 1; DeviceBrush.Falloffs[2] = 1; DeviceBrush.BlendCounts[0] = 1; DeviceBrush.BlendCounts[1] = 1; DeviceBrush.BlendCounts[2] = 1; DeviceBrush.BlendFactors[0] = NULL; DeviceBrush.BlendFactors[1] = NULL; DeviceBrush.BlendFactors[2] = NULL; DeviceBrush.BlendPositions[0] = NULL; DeviceBrush.BlendPositions[1] = NULL; DeviceBrush.BlendPositions[2] = NULL;
SetValid(FALSE); }
}; #endif
// Represent polygon gradient brush object
class GpPathGradient : public GpGradientBrush { friend class DpOutputPathGradientSpan; friend class DpOutputOneDPathGradientSpan;
// Constructors
GpPathGradient() { DefaultBrush(); }
GpPathGradient( const GpPointF* points, INT count, GpWrapMode wrapMode = WrapModeClamp ) { InitializeBrush( points, count, wrapMode); }
GpPathGradient( const GpPath* path, GpWrapMode wrapMode = WrapModeClamp ) { DefaultBrush(); DeviceBrush.Wrap = wrapMode; if(path) { DeviceBrush.Path = new GpPath((GpPath*) path); PrepareBrush(); } else DeviceBrush.Path = NULL; }
BOOL IsRectangle() const;
GpBrush* Clone() const { return new GpPathGradient(this); }
~GpPathGradient() { if(DeviceBrush.Path) delete DeviceBrush.Path; else GpFree(DeviceBrush.PointsPtr);
GpFree(DeviceBrush.ColorsPtr); GpFree(DeviceBrush.BlendFactors[0]); GpFree(DeviceBrush.BlendPositions[0]); GpFree(DeviceBrush.PresetColors);
if(MorphedBrush) delete MorphedBrush; }
virtual UINT GetDataSize() const; virtual GpStatus GetData(IStream * stream) const; virtual GpStatus SetData(const BYTE * dataBuffer, UINT size);
virtual GpStatus ColorAdjust( GpRecolor * recolor, ColorAdjustType type );
virtual GpStatus BlendWithWhite();
// Get/set colors
VOID GetCenterColor(GpColor* color) const { if(color) *color = DeviceBrush.Colors[0]; }
VOID SetCenterColor(const GpColor& color) { DeviceBrush.Colors[0] = color; UpdateUid(); }
GpStatus GetSurroundColor(GpColor* color, INT index) const { if(color && index >= 0 && index < DeviceBrush.Count) { if(DeviceBrush.OneSurroundColor) *color = DeviceBrush.ColorsPtr[0]; else *color = DeviceBrush.ColorsPtr[index]; return Ok; } else return InvalidParameter; }
GpStatus SetSurroundColor(GpColor& color, INT index); GpStatus SetSurroundColors(const GpColor* colors);
GpStatus GetSurroundColors(GpColor* colors) const { GpStatus status = InvalidParameter;
if(IsValid() && colors) { GpMemcpy(colors, DeviceBrush.ColorsPtr, DeviceBrush.Count*sizeof(GpColor)); status = Ok; }
return status; }
// Get/set polygon
GpStatus GetPolygon(GpPointF* points) { GpStatus status = InvalidParameter;
ASSERT(DeviceBrush.Count > 0);
if(IsValid() && points && DeviceBrush.Count > 0) { GpMemcpy(points, DeviceBrush.PointsPtr, DeviceBrush.Count*sizeof(GpPointF)); status = Ok; }
return status; }
GpStatus SetPolygon(const GpPointF* points) { GpStatus status = InvalidParameter;
ASSERT(DeviceBrush.Count > 0);
if(IsValid() && points && DeviceBrush.Count > 0) { GpMemcpy(DeviceBrush.PointsPtr, points, DeviceBrush.Count*sizeof(GpPointF));
UpdateUid(); status = Ok; }
return status; }
GpStatus GetPoint(GpPointF* point, INT index) const { if(point && index >= 0 && index < DeviceBrush.Count) { *point = DeviceBrush.PointsPtr[index]; return Ok; } else return GenericError; }
GpStatus SetPoint(GpPointF& point, INT index) { if(index >= 0 && index < DeviceBrush.Count) { DeviceBrush.PointsPtr[index] = point; UpdateUid(); return Ok; } else return InvalidParameter; }
GpStatus GetCenterPoint(GpPointF* point) const { if(point) { *point = DeviceBrush.Points[0]; return Ok; } else return InvalidParameter; }
GpStatus SetCenterPoint(const GpPointF& point) { DeviceBrush.Points[0] = point; UpdateUid(); return Ok; }
GpStatus GetInflationFactor(REAL* inflation) const { if (inflation) { *inflation = InflationFactor; return Ok; } else { return InvalidParameter; } } GpStatus SetInflationFactor(REAL inflation) { InflationFactor = inflation; UpdateUid(); return Ok; }
GpStatus GetFocusScales(REAL* xScale, REAL* yScale) { if(xScale && yScale) { *xScale = DeviceBrush.FocusScaleX; *yScale = DeviceBrush.FocusScaleY;
return Ok; } else return InvalidParameter; }
GpStatus SetFocusScales(REAL xScale, REAL yScale) { DeviceBrush.FocusScaleX = xScale; DeviceBrush.FocusScaleY = yScale;
UpdateUid(); return Ok; }
// Number of Surround Points and Colors.
INT GetNumberOfPoints() const {return DeviceBrush.Count;} INT GetNumberOfColors() const {return DeviceBrush.Count;} BOOL UsesDefaultColorArray() const {return FALSE;} // Don't use
// the default array.
VOID GetColors(GpColor* colors) const // Implement a vurtual function.
{ GetSurroundColors(colors); }
// Get/set falloff / blend-factors
BOOL HasPresetColors() const { return DeviceBrush.UsesPresetColors; }
INT GetBlendCount() const { return DeviceBrush.BlendCounts[0]; }
GpStatus GetBlend(REAL* blendFactors, REAL* blendPositions, INT count) const; GpStatus SetBlend(const REAL* blendFactors, const REAL* blendPositions, INT count);
// Get/set preset blend-factors
INT GetPresetBlendCount() const;
GpStatus GetPresetBlend( GpColor* blendColors, REAL* blendPositions, INT count) const;
GpStatus SetPresetBlend( const GpColor* blendColors, const REAL* blendPositions, INT count);
// Check if the Path Gradient is rectangular.
BOOL IsRectangular() const { const GpPointF *points; INT count; if (DeviceBrush.Path != NULL) { return DeviceBrush.Path->IsRectangular(); } else { count = DeviceBrush.Count; points = DeviceBrush.PointsPtr; }
if (count > 0 && points != NULL) { for (INT i=0; i<count; i++) { INT j = (i+1) % count;
if (REALABS(points[i].X-points[j].X) > REAL_EPSILON && REALABS(points[i].Y-points[j].Y) > REAL_EPSILON) { // Points are not at 90 degree angles, not rectangular.
return FALSE; } }
return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
// Check the opacity of this brush element.
virtual BOOL IsOpaque(BOOL ColorsOnly = FALSE) const { // This gradient brush is opaque only if
// all the colors are opaque (including the center color
// which is DeviceBrush.Colors[0]).
// In case of WrapModeClamp mode, we need alpha channel to do
// clipping outside of the polygon.
BOOL test;
if(ColorsOnly || DeviceBrush.Wrap != WrapModeClamp) { test = (ColorsOnly || IsRectangle()) && DeviceBrush.Colors[0].IsOpaque(); INT i = 0; INT count = DeviceBrush.UsesPresetColors ? DeviceBrush.BlendCounts[0] : DeviceBrush.Count;
while(i < count && test) { if (DeviceBrush.UsesPresetColors) { test = (DeviceBrush.PresetColors[i] & Color::AlphaMask) == Color::AlphaMask; } else { test = DeviceBrush.ColorsPtr[i].IsOpaque(); } i++; } } else test = FALSE;
return test; }
virtual GpSpecialGradientType GetSpecialGradientType(const GpMatrix* matrix) const { if (DeviceBrush.UsesPresetColors) { ARGB color1 = DeviceBrush.Colors[0].GetValue(); // Center color
ARGB color2 = DeviceBrush.PresetColors[0]; // 1st Preset Color
for (INT i=1; i<DeviceBrush.BlendCounts[0]; i++) { ARGB color = DeviceBrush.PresetColors[i];
if ((color1 != color) && (color2 != color)) { if (color1 == color2) { color2 = color; } else { return GradientTypePathComplex; } } } } else { if (DeviceBrush.OneSurroundColor || DeviceBrush.Count <= 2) { return GradientTypePathTwoStep; }
GpColor *color1 = &(DeviceBrush.ColorsPtr[0]); GpColor *color2 = &(DeviceBrush.ColorsPtr[1]);
for (INT i=2; i<DeviceBrush.Count; i++) { GpColor *color = &(DeviceBrush.ColorsPtr[i]);
if (!color1->IsEqual(*color) && !color2->IsEqual(*color)) { if (color1->IsEqual(*color2)) { color2 = color; } else { return GradientTypePathComplex; } } } }
return GradientTypePathTwoStep; }
virtual BOOL IsSolid() const { //This is not optimal but is such a rare case that it probably
//shouldn't be fixed as long as we keep the defination of IsSolid
//that we are currently using. See comment at GpBrush::IsSolid for
return FALSE; }
virtual BOOL IsNearConstant(BYTE* MinAlpha, BYTE* MaxAlpha) const { if (HasPresetColors()) { *MaxAlpha = DeviceBrush.Colors[0].GetAlpha(); *MinAlpha = *MaxAlpha; for (INT i=0; i<DeviceBrush.BlendCounts[0]; i++) { *MaxAlpha = max(*MaxAlpha, GpColor(DeviceBrush.PresetColors[i]).GetAlpha()); *MinAlpha = min(*MinAlpha, GpColor(DeviceBrush.PresetColors[i]).GetAlpha()); } } else { if (DeviceBrush.OneSurroundColor) { *MaxAlpha = max((DeviceBrush.ColorsPtr[0]).GetAlpha(), // surround
(DeviceBrush.Colors[0]).GetAlpha()); // center
*MinAlpha = min((DeviceBrush.ColorsPtr[0]).GetAlpha(), // surround
(DeviceBrush.Colors[0]).GetAlpha()); // center }
} else { *MaxAlpha = DeviceBrush.Colors[0].GetAlpha(); *MinAlpha = *MaxAlpha; for (INT i=0; i<DeviceBrush.Count; i++) { *MaxAlpha = max(*MaxAlpha, DeviceBrush.ColorsPtr[i].GetAlpha()); *MinAlpha = min(*MinAlpha, DeviceBrush.ColorsPtr[i].GetAlpha()); } } } return (*MaxAlpha - *MinAlpha < NEARCONSTANTALPHA); } virtual BOOL IsEqual(const GpBrush * brush) const;
virtual DpOutputSpan* CreateOutputSpan( DpScanBuffer * scan, DpContext *context, const GpRect *drawBounds=NULL);
protected: // GDI+ Internal
GpPathGradient(const GpPathGradient* brush);
VOID PrepareBrush();
VOID InitializeBrush( const GpPointF* points, INT count, GpWrapMode wrapMode = WrapModeClamp ) { DeviceBrush.Type = BrushTypePathGradient; DeviceBrush.Wrap = wrapMode; SetValid(FALSE); DeviceBrush.OneSurroundColor = TRUE; DeviceBrush.UsesPresetColors = FALSE;
MorphedBrush = NULL; DeviceBrush.Path = NULL; DeviceBrush.PointsPtr = NULL; DeviceBrush.ColorsPtr = NULL;
// Set the blending and fall off factors.
DeviceBrush.Falloffs[0] = 1; DeviceBrush.BlendCounts[0] = 1; DeviceBrush.BlendFactors[0] = NULL; DeviceBrush.BlendPositions[0] = NULL; DeviceBrush.PresetColors = NULL;
if(!WrapModeIsValid(wrapMode) || count <= 0 || points == NULL) { DeviceBrush.Count = 0; return; }
DeviceBrush.Count = count;
// Get the boundary rectangle.
REAL xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, x0, y0;
x0 = xmin = xmax = points[0].X; y0 = ymin = ymax = points[0].Y;
for(INT i = 1; i < DeviceBrush.Count; i++) { x0 += points[i].X; y0 += points[i].Y; xmin = min(xmin, points[i].X); xmax = max(xmax, points[i].X); ymin = min(ymin, points[i].Y); ymax = max(ymax, points[i].Y); }
DeviceBrush.Rect.X = xmin; DeviceBrush.Rect.Width = xmax - xmin; DeviceBrush.Rect.Y = ymin; DeviceBrush.Rect.Height = ymax - ymin;
if(DeviceBrush.Rect.Width <= 0 || DeviceBrush.Rect.Height <= 0) return;
// The default center point is the center of gravity.
DeviceBrush.Points[0].X = x0 / DeviceBrush.Count; DeviceBrush.Points[0].Y = y0 / DeviceBrush.Count;
DeviceBrush.PointsPtr = (GpPointF*) GpMalloc(DeviceBrush.Count * sizeof(GpPointF));
if(!DeviceBrush.PointsPtr) { DeviceBrush.Count = 0; return; }
DeviceBrush.ColorsPtr = (GpColor*) GpMalloc(DeviceBrush.Count * sizeof(GpColor));
if(!DeviceBrush.ColorsPtr) { GpFree(DeviceBrush.PointsPtr); DeviceBrush.PointsPtr = NULL; DeviceBrush.Count = 0; return; }
// If this comes so far, both Points and Colors are valid.
GpMemcpy(&DeviceBrush.PointsPtr[0], points, DeviceBrush.Count*sizeof(GpPointF));
GpMemset(&DeviceBrush.ColorsPtr[0], 255, DeviceBrush.Count*sizeof(GpColor));
DeviceBrush.FocusScaleX = 0; DeviceBrush.FocusScaleY = 0;
InflationFactor = 0.0f;
SetValid(TRUE); }
VOID DefaultBrush(VOID) { DeviceBrush.Type = BrushTypePathGradient; SetValid(FALSE); DeviceBrush.OneSurroundColor = TRUE; DeviceBrush.Wrap = WrapModeClamp; DeviceBrush.UsesPresetColors = FALSE;
DeviceBrush.Path = NULL; DeviceBrush.PointsPtr = NULL; DeviceBrush.ColorsPtr = 0; DeviceBrush.Count = 0;
// The default center point is the center of gravity.
GpMemset(&DeviceBrush.Rect, 0, sizeof(GpRectF)); GpMemset(&DeviceBrush.Points, 0, sizeof(GpPointF)); GpMemset(&DeviceBrush.Colors, 255, sizeof(GpColor));
DeviceBrush.FocusScaleX = 0; DeviceBrush.FocusScaleY = 0;
// Set the blending and fall off factors.
DeviceBrush.Falloffs[0] = 1; DeviceBrush.BlendCounts[0] = 1; DeviceBrush.BlendFactors[0] = NULL; DeviceBrush.BlendPositions[0] = NULL; DeviceBrush.PresetColors = NULL;
MorphedBrush = NULL; InflationFactor = 0.0f; }
// This does not update the Uid of the object because it's defined as const
// But the object doesn't really change anyway
GpStatus Flatten(GpMatrix* matrix) const;
virtual const DpPath * GetOutlinePath( VOID ) const { return DeviceBrush.Path; }
protected: GpBrush* MorphedBrush; DynByteArray FlattenTypes; DynPointFArray FlattenPoints; REAL InflationFactor; };
// Represent hatch brush object
class GpHatch : public GpBrush { friend class DpOutputHatchSpan;
// Constructors
GpHatch(VOID) { DefaultBrush(); }
GpHatch(GpHatchStyle hatchStyle, const GpColor& foreColor) { InitializeBrush(hatchStyle, foreColor, 0); }
GpHatch( GpHatchStyle hatchStyle, const GpColor& foreColor, const GpColor& backColor) { InitializeBrush(hatchStyle, foreColor, backColor); }
GpBrush* Clone() const { return new GpHatch(this); }
~GpHatch() {}
virtual UINT GetDataSize() const; virtual GpStatus GetData(IStream * stream) const; virtual GpStatus SetData(const BYTE * dataBuffer, UINT size);
virtual GpStatus ColorAdjust( GpRecolor * recolor, ColorAdjustType type );
virtual BOOL IsOpaque(BOOL ColorsOnly = FALSE) const { // This brush is opaque only if
// all the colors are opaque.
return (DeviceBrush.Colors[0].IsOpaque() && DeviceBrush.Colors[1].IsOpaque()); }
virtual BOOL IsSolid() const { //This may have to change if we change the defination of IsSolid.
//See comment at GpBrush::IsSolid() for more info.
return FALSE; }
virtual BOOL IsNearConstant(BYTE* MinAlpha, BYTE* MaxAlpha) const { *MinAlpha = min(DeviceBrush.Colors[0].GetAlpha(), DeviceBrush.Colors[1].GetAlpha()); *MaxAlpha = max(DeviceBrush.Colors[0].GetAlpha(), DeviceBrush.Colors[1].GetAlpha()); return (*MaxAlpha - *MinAlpha < NEARCONSTANTALPHA); } virtual BOOL IsEqual(const GpBrush * brush) const;
virtual DpOutputSpan* CreateOutputSpan( DpScanBuffer * scan, DpContext *context, const GpRect *drawBounds=NULL);
virtual GpSpecialGradientType GetSpecialGradientType(const GpMatrix* matrix) const { return GradientTypeNotSpecial; }
GpHatchStyle GetHatchStyle() { return DeviceBrush.Style; }
GpStatus GetForegroundColor(GpColor* color) { ASSERT(color != NULL); *color = DeviceBrush.Colors[0];
return Ok; }
GpStatus GetBackgroundColor(GpColor* color) { ASSERT(color != NULL); *color = DeviceBrush.Colors[1];
return Ok; }
VOID SetStretchFactor(INT stretch) { StretchFactor = stretch; }
GpHatch(const GpHatch* brush);
VOID InitializeBrush( GpHatchStyle hatchStyle, const GpColor& foreColor, const GpColor& backColor ) { DeviceBrush.Type = BrushTypeHatchFill; DeviceBrush.Style = hatchStyle; DeviceBrush.Colors[0] = foreColor; DeviceBrush.Colors[1] = backColor; StretchFactor = 1; InitializeData(); SetValid(TRUE); }
VOID DefaultBrush() { InitializeBrush(HatchStyle50Percent, GpColor(Color::Black), GpColor(Color::White)); }
VOID InitializeData();
INT StretchFactor; };
#endif _BRUSH_HPP