* * Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation * * Module Name: * * CustomLineCap.cpp * * Abstract: * * Implementation of custom line cap class * * Revision History: * * 02/21/00 ikkof * Created it * \**************************************************************************/
#include "precomp.hpp"
* * Function Description: * * ComputeCapLength * * Compute the length of the cap from zero along the + y axis * Typically custom caps will return a negative length. * * Arguments: * * GpPointF *points, the points representing the cap path. * BYTE *types, the types " * INT pointCount how many points in the above arrays. * * Return Value: * REAL -- the length. * * 08/25/2000 [asecchia] * Created it * \**************************************************************************/
static REAL ComputeCapLength( DpPath * path ) { const GpPointF *points = path->GetPathPoints(); const BYTE *types = path->GetPathTypes(); INT pointCount = path->GetPointCount();
REAL length = 0.0f; BOOL isClosed = (types[pointCount-1] & PathPointTypeCloseSubpath) != 0; // Eliminate degenerate paths and uninitialized paths.
if( points && (pointCount>1) ) { REAL curlength = 0.0f; GpArrayIterator<GpPointF> pIt(const_cast<GpPointF *>(points), pointCount); // Get the last item in the list.
pIt.SeekLast(); GpPointF *lastPoint = pIt.CurrentItem(); // Begin at the first item.
pIt.SeekFirst(); GpPointF *curPoint; if(!isClosed) { // if it's not a closed path, skip the last-to-first point line.
lastPoint = pIt.CurrentItem(); } while(!pIt.IsDone()) { curPoint = pIt.CurrentItem(); if(intersect_line_yaxis(*curPoint, *lastPoint, &curlength)) { length = min(length, curlength); } lastPoint = curPoint; pIt.Next(); } } return length; }
GpStatus GpCustomLineCap::ComputeFillCapLength() { FillLength = -ComputeCapLength(FillPath); // Fill paths cannot have a length of zero or less.
if(FillLength < REAL_EPSILON) { return NotImplemented; } return Ok; }
GpStatus GpCustomLineCap::ComputeStrokeCapLength() { StrokeLength = -ComputeCapLength(StrokePath); // Stroke paths can have a length of zero - we explicitly check for
// this and handle it.
if(StrokeLength < -REAL_EPSILON) { return NotImplemented; } return Ok; }
GpCustomLineCap::GpCustomLineCap( const DpPath* fillPath, const DpPath* strokePath, GpLineCap baseCap, REAL baseInset ) : GpFillPath (NULL, 0, PointsBuffer1, TypesBuffer1, CLCAP_BUFFER_SIZE, FillModeWinding, DpPath::PossiblyNonConvex), GpStrokePath(NULL, 0, PointsBuffer2, TypesBuffer2, CLCAP_BUFFER_SIZE, FillModeWinding, DpPath::PossiblyNonConvex) { Initialize();
GpStatus status = Ok;
if(fillPath) { GpPath* gpFillPath = GpPath::GetPath(fillPath); status = SetFillPath(gpFillPath); }
if(status == Ok && strokePath) { GpPath* gpStrokePath = GpPath::GetPath(strokePath); status = SetStrokePath(gpStrokePath); }
if(status == Ok) { switch(baseCap) { case LineCapFlat: case LineCapSquare: case LineCapRound: case LineCapTriangle: BaseCap = baseCap; break;
default: BaseCap = LineCapFlat; break; }
BaseInset = baseInset; } else { Reset(); SetValid(FALSE); m_creationStatus = status; // this defaults to Ok.
} }
VOID GpCustomLineCap::ResetFillPath() { GpFillPath.Reset(FillModeWinding); }
VOID GpCustomLineCap::ResetStrokePath() { GpStrokePath.Reset(FillModeWinding); }
VOID GpCustomLineCap::ReverseFillPath() { GpFillPath.Reverse(); }
VOID GpCustomLineCap::ReverseStrokePath() { GpStrokePath.Reverse(); }
VOID GpCustomLineCap::Reset() { // Clean up and reset to the default state.
Initialize(); ResetFillPath(); ResetStrokePath(); }
GpCustomLineCap::GpCustomLineCap( const GpCustomLineCap* customCap ) : GpFillPath (NULL, 0, PointsBuffer1, TypesBuffer1, CLCAP_BUFFER_SIZE, FillModeWinding, DpPath::PossiblyNonConvex), GpStrokePath(NULL, 0, PointsBuffer2, TypesBuffer2, CLCAP_BUFFER_SIZE, FillModeWinding, DpPath::PossiblyNonConvex) { Initialize();
if(customCap == NULL) return;
GpStatus status = Ok;
status = SetFillPath(customCap->FillPath);
if(status == Ok) status = SetStrokePath(customCap->StrokePath);
if(status == Ok) { GpLineCap baseCap = customCap->BaseCap;
switch(baseCap) { case LineCapFlat: case LineCapSquare: case LineCapRound: case LineCapTriangle: BaseCap = baseCap; break;
default: BaseCap = LineCapFlat; break; }
BaseInset = customCap->BaseInset;
StrokeStartCap = customCap->StrokeStartCap; StrokeEndCap = customCap->StrokeEndCap; StrokeJoin = customCap->StrokeJoin; WidthScale = customCap->WidthScale; } else { Reset(); SetValid(FALSE); m_creationStatus = status; // this defaults to Ok.
} }
GpCustomLineCap::~GpCustomLineCap() { }
GpStatus GpCustomLineCap::SetFillPath( const DpPath* path ) { // If the given path is NULL, empty the fill path.
if(path == NULL) { ResetFillPath(); return Ok; }
INT count = path->GetPointCount();
return SetFillPath(path->GetPathPoints(), path->GetPathTypes(), count); }
GpStatus GpCustomLineCap::SetFillPath( const GpPointF* fillPoints, const BYTE* fillTypes, INT fillCount) { if(fillCount == 0) { ResetFillPath(); return Ok; }
if(fillCount <= 2 || fillPoints == NULL || fillTypes == NULL) return InvalidParameter;
GpPathData pathData;
pathData.Points = const_cast<GpPointF *>(fillPoints); pathData.Types = const_cast<BYTE *>(fillTypes); pathData.Count = fillCount;
GpStatus status = FillPath->SetPathData(&pathData);
if(status == Ok) { status = ComputeFillCapLength(); }
return status; }
GpStatus GpCustomLineCap::GetFillPath( GpPath* path ) const { if(!path) return InvalidParameter;
GpPathData pathData;
pathData.Points = const_cast<GpPointF *>(FillPath->GetPathPoints()); pathData.Types = const_cast<BYTE *>(FillPath->GetPathTypes()); pathData.Count = FillPath->GetPointCount();
return path->SetPathData(&pathData); }
GpStatus GpCustomLineCap::SetStrokePath( const DpPath* path ) { // If the given path is NULL, empty the stroke path.
if(path == NULL) { ResetStrokePath(); return Ok; }
INT count = path->GetPointCount();
return SetStrokePath(path->GetPathPoints(), path->GetPathTypes(), count); }
GpStatus GpCustomLineCap::SetStrokePath( const GpPointF* strokePoints, const BYTE* strokeTypes, INT strokeCount) { if(strokeCount == 0) { ResetStrokePath(); return Ok; }
if(strokeCount <= 1 || strokePoints == NULL || strokeTypes == NULL) return InvalidParameter;
GpPathData pathData;
pathData.Points = const_cast<GpPointF *>(strokePoints); pathData.Types = const_cast<BYTE *>(strokeTypes); pathData.Count = strokeCount;
GpStatus status = StrokePath->SetPathData(&pathData);
if(status == Ok) { status = ComputeStrokeCapLength(); }
return status; }
GpStatus GpCustomLineCap::GetStrokePath( GpPath* path ) const { if(!path) return InvalidParameter;
GpPathData pathData;
pathData.Points = const_cast<GpPointF *>(StrokePath->GetPathPoints()); pathData.Types = const_cast<BYTE *>(StrokePath->GetPathTypes()); pathData.Count = StrokePath->GetPointCount();
return path->SetPathData(&pathData); }
BOOL GpCustomLineCap::IsEqual( const DpCustomLineCap* customLineCap ) const { if(!customLineCap) return FALSE;
const GpCustomLineCap* otherCap; otherCap = static_cast<const GpCustomLineCap*>(customLineCap);
return ( (BaseCap == otherCap->BaseCap) && (BaseInset == otherCap->BaseInset) && (StrokeStartCap == otherCap->StrokeStartCap) && (StrokeEndCap == otherCap->StrokeEndCap) && (StrokeJoin == otherCap->StrokeJoin) && (WidthScale == otherCap->WidthScale) && GpFillPath.IsEqual(&(otherCap->GpFillPath)) && GpStrokePath.IsEqual(&(otherCap->GpStrokePath)) ); }
INT getTransformedPoints( GpPointF* points, BYTE* types, INT count, const GpPointF* srcPoints, const BYTE* srcTypes, INT srcCount, const GpPointF& origin, const GpPointF& tangent, REAL lineWidth, REAL minLineWidth, const GpPointF& hotSpot ) { if(points == NULL && types == NULL) { return 0; }
ASSERT(srcPoints && srcTypes);
if(srcPoints == NULL || srcTypes == NULL) { return 0; }
INT count1 = srcCount; if(count1 > count) { count1 = count; }
if(types) { GpMemcpy(types, srcTypes, count1); }
// Make sure the line width used for the cap path is
// larger than the minimum line width.
REAL width = lineWidth; if(lineWidth < minLineWidth) { width = minLineWidth; }
if(points) { GpPointF* dstPts = points; const GpPointF* srcPts = srcPoints;
REAL m11, m12, m21, m22, tx, ty; m11 = width*tangent.Y; m21 = width*tangent.X; m12 = - width*tangent.X; m22 = width*tangent.Y; // Adjust the origin according to the hot spot.
tx = hotSpot.X*(1.0f - width); ty = hotSpot.Y*(1.0f - width); REAL savedTx = tx; tx = tx*tangent.Y + ty*tangent.X + origin.X; ty = - savedTx*tangent.X + ty*tangent.Y + origin.Y;
// Transform the points.
for(INT i = 0; i < count1; i++) { dstPts->X = m11*srcPts->X + m21*srcPts->Y + tx; dstPts->Y = m12*srcPts->X + m22*srcPts->Y + ty;
dstPts++; srcPts++; } }
return count1; }
INT GpCustomLineCap::GetTransformedFillCap( GpPointF* points, BYTE* types, INT count, const GpPointF& origin, const GpPointF& tangent, REAL lineWidth, REAL minimumWidth ) const { INT fillCount = GetFillPointCount(); if(fillCount <= 0) return 0;
// Calculate the minimum line width and hot spot.
// FillHotSpot is defined relative to the minimumWidth.
REAL minLineWidth = minimumWidth; GpPointF hotSpot;
hotSpot.X = minimumWidth*FillHotSpot.X; hotSpot.Y = minimumWidth*FillHotSpot.Y;
return getTransformedPoints( points, types, count, GetFillPoints(), GetFillTypes(), fillCount, origin, tangent, lineWidth, minLineWidth, hotSpot); }
INT GpCustomLineCap::GetTransformedStrokeCap( INT cCapacity, // In, initial pPoints & pTypes capacity
GpPointF ** pPoints, // In/out, may be reallocated here
BYTE ** pTypes, // In/out, may be reallocated here
INT * pCount, // In/out, may change here if flattened
const GpPointF& origin, const GpPointF& tangent, REAL lineWidth, REAL minimumWidth ) const { INT strokeCount = GetStrokePointCount();
if(strokeCount <= 0 || lineWidth <= 0) return 0; if (!pPoints || !pTypes || !pCount) return 0;
// Calculate the minimum line width and hot spot.
// StrokeHotSpot is defined relative to the minimumWidth.
GpPointF hotSpot;
hotSpot.X = minimumWidth*StrokeHotSpot.X; hotSpot.Y = minimumWidth*StrokeHotSpot.Y;
strokeCount = getTransformedPoints( *pPoints, *pTypes, *pCount, GetStrokePoints(), GetStrokeTypes(), strokeCount, origin, tangent, lineWidth, minimumWidth, hotSpot);
// The widener expects a flattened path
GpPath path(*pPoints, *pTypes, strokeCount, FillModeWinding); if (Ok == path.Flatten(NULL, FlatnessDefault)) { // Flattening succeeded
strokeCount = path.GetPointCount(); if (strokeCount > cCapacity) { // Reallocate the points and types arrays
GpPointF * ptfTemp = (GpPointF*) GpRealloc(*pPoints, strokeCount*sizeof(GpPointF)); if (ptfTemp) *pPoints = ptfTemp; else strokeCount = 0; BYTE * pbTemp = (BYTE*)GpRealloc(*pTypes, strokeCount); if (pbTemp) *pTypes = pbTemp; else strokeCount = 0; }
if (strokeCount) { // Replace with the flattened points
GpMemcpy(*pPoints, path.GetPathPoints(), strokeCount*sizeof(GpPointF)); GpMemcpy(*pTypes, path.GetPathTypes(), strokeCount); } *pCount = strokeCount;
} // end if flattening succeeded
return strokeCount; }
REAL GpCustomLineCap::GetRadius( REAL lineWidth, REAL minimumWidth ) const { INT fillCount = GetFillPointCount(); INT strokeCount = GetStrokePointCount();
if((fillCount <= 0 && strokeCount <= 0) || lineWidth <= 0) return 0;
INT maxCount = max(fillCount, strokeCount);
const INT buffCount = 32; GpPointF pointBuff[buffCount]; BYTE typeBuff[buffCount]; GpPointF* points = NULL; BYTE* types = NULL;
if(maxCount <= buffCount) { points = &pointBuff[0]; types = &typeBuff[0]; } else { points = (GpPointF*) GpMalloc(maxCount*sizeof(GpPointF)); types = (BYTE*) GpMalloc(maxCount); }
REAL maxR = 0;
if(points && types) { GpPointF origin(0, 0); GpPointF tangent(0, 1);
REAL minLineWidth; GpPointF hotSpot; REAL d; INT count; if(fillCount > 0) { // Calculate the minimum line width and hot spot.
// FillHotSpot is defined relative to the minimumWidth.
minLineWidth = minimumWidth;
hotSpot.X = minimumWidth*FillHotSpot.X; hotSpot.Y = minimumWidth*FillHotSpot.Y;
count = getTransformedPoints( points, types, fillCount, GetFillPoints(), GetFillTypes(), fillCount, origin, tangent, lineWidth, minLineWidth, hotSpot);
REAL i; GpPointF* pts = points; maxR = pts->X*pts->X + pts->Y*pts->Y;
for(i = 1, pts++; i < count; i++, pts++) { d = pts->X*pts->X + pts->Y*pts->Y;
if(d > maxR) maxR = d; } }
if(strokeCount > 0) { // Calculate the minimum line width and hot spot.
// FillHotSpot is defined relative to the minimumWidth.
minLineWidth = minimumWidth; hotSpot.X = minimumWidth*StrokeHotSpot.X; hotSpot.Y = minimumWidth*StrokeHotSpot.Y;
count = getTransformedPoints( points, types, strokeCount, GetStrokePoints(), GetStrokeTypes(), strokeCount, origin, tangent, lineWidth, minLineWidth, hotSpot);
GpPath strokePath(points, types, count, FillModeWinding); GpRectF rect; strokePath.GetBounds(&rect); REAL sharpestAngle = strokePath.GetSharpestAngle();
REAL delta0 = max(lineWidth*WidthScale, minimumWidth); REAL delta = delta0/2;
if(StrokeJoin == LineJoinMiter || StrokeJoin == LineJoinMiterClipped) { REAL miterLimit = StrokeMiterLimit;
delta = delta0*miterLimit;
if(delta > 20) { delta = GpPen::ComputeMiterLength( sharpestAngle, miterLimit );
delta *= delta0; } }
REAL left, right, top, bottom; left = rect.X - delta; right = rect.X + delta; top = rect.Y - delta; bottom = rect.Y + delta;
d = left*left + top*top; if(d > maxR) maxR = d; d = left*left + bottom*bottom; if(d > maxR) maxR = d; d = right*right + top*top; if(d > maxR) maxR = d; d = right*right + bottom*bottom; if(d > maxR) maxR = d; } } else { //!!! Do something when the memory is not available.
if(points != &pointBuff[0]) GpFree(points);
if(types != &typeBuff[0]) GpFree(types);
if(maxR > 0) maxR = REALSQRT(maxR);
return maxR; }
GpAdjustableArrowCap::GpAdjustableArrowCap( const GpAdjustableArrowCap* arrowCap ) : GpCustomLineCap(arrowCap) { if(arrowCap) { Height = arrowCap->Height; Width = arrowCap->Width; MiddleInset = arrowCap->MiddleInset; FillState = arrowCap->FillState; } else { SetDefaultValue(); } Update(); }
GpStatus GpAdjustableArrowCap::GetPathData( GpPathData* pathData, REAL height, REAL width, REAL middleInset, BOOL isFilled ) { if(pathData == NULL) return InvalidParameter;
GpPointF* points = pathData->Points; BYTE* types = pathData->Types;
points[0].X = width/2; points[0].Y = - height; points[1].X = 0; points[1].Y = 0; points[2].X = - width/2; points[2].Y = - height; points[3].X = 0; points[3].Y = - height + middleInset;
types[0] = PathPointTypeStart; types[1] = PathPointTypeLine; types[2] = PathPointTypeLine; types[3] = PathPointTypeLine;
INT lastIndex = 2;
if(middleInset != 0 && isFilled) lastIndex = 3;
if(isFilled) types[lastIndex] |= PathPointTypeCloseSubpath;
pathData->Count = lastIndex + 1;
return Ok; }
GpStatus GpAdjustableArrowCap::Update() { GpPointF points[4]; BYTE types[4]; GpPathData pathData; pathData.Points = &points[0]; pathData.Types = &types[0]; pathData.Count = 3;
BaseCap = LineCapTriangle; BaseInset = (Width != 0) ? (Height / Width) : 0;
GetPathData(&pathData, Height, Width, MiddleInset, FillState);
GpPath path(FillModeWinding); path.SetPathData(&pathData);
if(FillState) { // Fill path only.
SetFillPath(&path); SetStrokePath(NULL); } else { // Stroke path only.
SetStrokePath(&path); SetFillPath(NULL); }
return Ok; }
ObjectType GpCustomLineCap::GetObjectType() const { return ObjectTypeCustomLineCap; }
#define GDIP_CAPFLAGS_FILLPATH 0x00000001
class CustomLineCapData : public ObjectTypeData { public: INT32 Flags; INT32 BaseCap; REAL BaseInset; INT32 StrokeStartCap; INT32 StrokeEndCap; INT32 StrokeJoin; REAL StrokeMiterLimit; REAL WidthScale; GpPointF FillHotSpot; GpPointF StrokeHotSpot; };
UINT GpCustomLineCap::GetDataSize() const { ASSERT(IsValid());
UINT size = sizeof(CustomLineCapData); INT fillPathSize = 0; INT strokePathSize = 0; if ((GetFillPointCount() > 2) && ((fillPathSize = FillPath->GetDataSize()) > 0)) { ASSERT((fillPathSize & 0x03) == 0); size += sizeof(INT32) + fillPathSize; } if ((GetStrokePointCount() > 2) && ((strokePathSize = StrokePath->GetDataSize()) > 0)) { ASSERT((strokePathSize & 0x03) == 0); size += sizeof(INT32) + strokePathSize; }
return size; }
GpStatus GpCustomLineCap::GetData( IStream * stream ) const { ASSERT(IsValid());
INT flags = 0; INT fillPathSize = 0; INT strokePathSize = 0; if ((GetFillPointCount() > 2) && ((fillPathSize = FillPath->GetDataSize()) > 0)) { ASSERT((fillPathSize & 0x03) == 0); flags |= GDIP_CAPFLAGS_FILLPATH; } if ((GetStrokePointCount() > 2) && ((strokePathSize = StrokePath->GetDataSize()) > 0)) { ASSERT((strokePathSize & 0x03) == 0); flags |= GDIP_CAPFLAGS_STROKEPATH; }
CustomLineCapData capData; capData.Type = GetType(); capData.Flags = flags; capData.BaseCap = BaseCap; capData.BaseInset = BaseInset; capData.StrokeStartCap = StrokeStartCap; capData.StrokeEndCap = StrokeEndCap; capData.StrokeJoin = StrokeJoin; capData.StrokeMiterLimit = StrokeMiterLimit; capData.WidthScale = WidthScale; capData.FillHotSpot = FillHotSpot; capData.StrokeHotSpot = StrokeHotSpot; stream->Write(&capData, sizeof(capData), NULL);
if (flags & GDIP_CAPFLAGS_FILLPATH) { stream->Write(&fillPathSize, sizeof(INT32), NULL); FillPath->GetData(stream); }
if (flags & GDIP_CAPFLAGS_STROKEPATH) { stream->Write(&strokePathSize, sizeof(INT32), NULL); StrokePath->GetData(stream); }
return Ok; }
GpStatus GpCustomLineCap::SetData( const BYTE * dataBuffer, UINT size ) { this->Reset();
if (dataBuffer == NULL) { WARNING(("dataBuffer is NULL")); return InvalidParameter; }
if (size < sizeof(CustomLineCapData)) { WARNING(("size too small")); return InvalidParameter; }
const CustomLineCapData * capData; capData = reinterpret_cast<const CustomLineCapData *>(dataBuffer);
ASSERT((CustomLineCapType)(capData->Type) == CustomLineCapTypeDefault);
if (!capData->MajorVersionMatches()) { WARNING(("Version number mismatch")); return InvalidParameter; }
BaseCap = (GpLineCap)capData->BaseCap; BaseInset = capData->BaseInset; StrokeStartCap = (GpLineCap)capData->StrokeStartCap; StrokeEndCap = (GpLineCap)capData->StrokeEndCap; StrokeJoin = (GpLineJoin)capData->StrokeJoin; StrokeMiterLimit = capData->StrokeMiterLimit; WidthScale = capData->WidthScale; FillHotSpot = capData->FillHotSpot; StrokeHotSpot = capData->StrokeHotSpot;
dataBuffer += sizeof(CustomLineCapData); size -= sizeof(CustomLineCapData);
GpStatus status = Ok;
if (capData->Flags & GDIP_CAPFLAGS_FILLPATH) { if (size < sizeof(INT32)) { WARNING(("size too small")); return InvalidParameter; }
UINT pathSize = ((INT32 *)dataBuffer)[0]; dataBuffer += sizeof(INT32); size -= sizeof(INT32);
if (size < pathSize) { WARNING(("size too small")); return InvalidParameter; }
if ((status = FillPath->SetData(dataBuffer, pathSize)) != Ok) { return status; }
if(Ok == status) { status = ComputeFillCapLength(); }
dataBuffer += pathSize; size -= pathSize; }
if (capData->Flags & GDIP_CAPFLAGS_STROKEPATH) { if (size < sizeof(INT32)) { WARNING(("size too small")); return InvalidParameter; }
UINT pathSize = ((INT32 *)dataBuffer)[0]; dataBuffer += sizeof(INT32); size -= sizeof(INT32);
if (size < pathSize) { WARNING(("size too small")); return InvalidParameter; }
status = StrokePath->SetData(dataBuffer, pathSize);
if(Ok == status) { status = ComputeStrokeCapLength(); }
dataBuffer += pathSize; size -= pathSize; }
UpdateUid(); return status; }
class AdjustableArrowCapData : public ObjectTypeData { public: REAL Width; REAL Height; REAL MiddleInset; INT32 FillState; INT32 StrokeStartCap; INT32 StrokeEndCap; INT32 StrokeJoin; REAL StrokeMiterLimit; REAL WidthScale; GpPointF FillHotSpot; GpPointF StrokeHotSpot; };
UINT GpAdjustableArrowCap::GetDataSize() const { ASSERT(IsValid());
return sizeof(AdjustableArrowCapData); }
GpStatus GpAdjustableArrowCap::GetData( IStream * stream ) const { ASSERT(IsValid());
AdjustableArrowCapData arrowCapData;
arrowCapData.Type = GetType(); arrowCapData.Width = Width; arrowCapData.Height = Height; arrowCapData.MiddleInset = MiddleInset; arrowCapData.FillState = FillState; arrowCapData.StrokeStartCap = StrokeStartCap; arrowCapData.StrokeEndCap = StrokeEndCap; arrowCapData.StrokeJoin = StrokeJoin; arrowCapData.StrokeMiterLimit = StrokeMiterLimit; arrowCapData.WidthScale = WidthScale; arrowCapData.FillHotSpot = FillHotSpot; arrowCapData.StrokeHotSpot = StrokeHotSpot; stream->Write(&arrowCapData, sizeof(arrowCapData), NULL); return Ok; }
GpStatus GpAdjustableArrowCap::SetData( const BYTE * dataBuffer, UINT size ) { this->Reset();
if (dataBuffer == NULL) { WARNING(("dataBuffer is NULL")); return InvalidParameter; }
if (size < sizeof(AdjustableArrowCapData)) { WARNING(("size too small")); return InvalidParameter; }
const AdjustableArrowCapData * arrowCapData; arrowCapData = reinterpret_cast<const AdjustableArrowCapData *>(dataBuffer);
ASSERT((CustomLineCapType)(arrowCapData->Type) == CustomLineCapTypeAdjustableArrow);
if (!arrowCapData->MajorVersionMatches()) { WARNING(("Version number mismatch")); return InvalidParameter; }
Width = arrowCapData->Width; Height = arrowCapData->Height; MiddleInset = arrowCapData->MiddleInset; FillState = arrowCapData->FillState; StrokeStartCap = (GpLineCap)arrowCapData->StrokeStartCap; StrokeEndCap = (GpLineCap)arrowCapData->StrokeEndCap; StrokeJoin = (GpLineJoin)arrowCapData->StrokeJoin; StrokeMiterLimit = arrowCapData->StrokeMiterLimit; WidthScale = arrowCapData->WidthScale; FillHotSpot = arrowCapData->FillHotSpot; StrokeHotSpot = arrowCapData->StrokeHotSpot;
UpdateUid(); return Ok; }