#define EMPTY_GLYPH_FFFF 0xFFFF // Display nothing, neither ink nor width.
// Typedefs for cached funtion pointers in GpFaceRealization.
class GpFaceRealization;
/* used in aatext.cxx and facerealization.cpp : */ #define CJ_CTGD(cx,cy) (ALIGN4(offsetof(GLYPHBITS,aj)) + ALIGN4((cx) * (cy)))
#define ALIGN4(X) (((X) + 3) & ~3)
#define ALIGN(object, p) p = (p + ((UINT)sizeof(object) - 1)) & ~((UINT)sizeof(object) - 1);
inline BOOL IsGridFittedTextRealizationMethod(TextRenderingHint method) { switch (method) { case TextRenderingHintSingleBitPerPixelGridFit: case TextRenderingHintAntiAliasGridFit: case TextRenderingHintClearTypeGridFit: return TRUE;
default: return FALSE; } }
///// GpGlyphMetrics
// Metrics for text handling and glyph placement.
// There are separate records for horizontal and vertical baselines.
struct GpGlyphMetrics {
// Metrics along baseline in 28.4
INT AdvanceWidth; INT LeadingSidebearing; INT TrailingSidebearing; PointF Origin; // Float
struct GpGlyphAABits { GpGlyphAABits * Next; ULONG X, Y; BYTE Bits[1]; // variable size
struct GpGlyphData { GpGlyphMetrics GlyphMetrics[2]; // one for horizontal metrics and one for vertical metrics
union { GLYPHBITS *GlyphBits; // Same as GDI structure at this moment
GpGlyphPath *GlyphPath; GpGlyphAABits *GlyphAABits; // null terminated singly-linked list
}; };
struct GlyphDataBlock { GlyphDataBlock *NextGlyphDataBlock; GpGlyphData GlyphDataArray[GLYPHDATABLOCKCOUNT]; };
// blocks of memory used to store glyphbits
struct GlyphBitsBlock { GlyphBitsBlock *NextGlyphBitsBlock; // next block in the list
UINT SizeGlyphBitsBlock; // Bytes allocated
BYTE Bits[1]; // bits
//// CacheFaceRealization - cache entries referenced by FaceRealization
class EXTFONTOBJ { public: FONTOBJ fobj; // pass to DDI, we need to have it to back compatible with GDI
enum GpGlyphDataCacheType { CacheBits, CachePath, CacheAABits };
class CacheFaceRealization : public EXTFONTOBJ { public:
// New type information
BOOL NoCache; // Cache type -
GpGlyphDataCacheType CacheType; // bits, path or AA bits
BOOL ForcedPath; // was this CacheFaceRealization forced to use path because of huge font size
// claudebe, try to get rid of both, redundant with fontObj flags : should correspond to what is actually realized
TextRenderingHint realizationMethod; ULONG QueryFontDataMode;
// Physical font information (font source).
const GpFontFace *Face; // pointer to physical font entry
// Font transform information.
// DDI callback transform object. A reference to this EXFORMOBJ is passed
// to the driver so that it can callback XFORMOBJ_ services for the notional
// to device transform for this font.
GpMatrix mxForDDI; // xoForDDI's matrix
// cached here upon font realization for fast access
ULONG MaxGlyphByteCount; // (MaxGlyphPixelWidth + 7)/8 * MaxGlyphPixelHeight, or at least it should be for 1 bpp
FD_DEVICEMETRICS DeviceMetrics; // Hinted metric indformation
// Root of per glyph metrics and images
GpGlyphData **GlyphDataArray; // array of pointers to GpGlyphData's
// CacheFaceRealization linked list for a particular face
CacheFaceRealization *NextCacheFaceRealization; CacheFaceRealization *PreviousCacheFaceRealization;
// CacheFaceRealization last recently used linked list
CacheFaceRealization *NextRecentCacheFaceRealization; CacheFaceRealization *PreviousRecentCacheFaceRealization;
// Font cache information.
GlyphDataBlock *FirstGlyphDataBlock; // First block in chain - used for destruction
GlyphBitsBlock *FirstGlyphBitsBlock;
// Info for GlyphDataBlock being constructed
GlyphDataBlock *GlyphDataBlockUnderConstruction; UINT NextFreeGlyphDataIndex; // (All other blocks are already full)
// Info for GlyphBitBlock under construction
GlyphBitsBlock *GlyphBitsBlockUnderConstruction; UINT SizeGlyphBitsBlockUnderConstruction; // Bytes allocated
UINT UsedBytesGlyphBitsBlockUnderConstruction; // Bytes used
// Lookaside cache - holds bits or path and metrics for a single glyph, used whern
// data too big for cache block.
GpGlyphData *LookasideGlyphData; // Same as GDI structure at this moment
SIZE_T LookasideByteCount; // size of current lookaside buffer
// claudebe : still need to be updated to use the global cache size limit :
UINT cBlocksMax; // max # of blocks allowed
UINT cBlocks; // # of blocks allocated so far
//// FaceRealization
// Represents a font at a given size (?on a given device?)
class GpFaceRealization { private: mutable CacheFaceRealization *prface; GpStatus Status; INT Style; BOOL LimitSubpixel;
// Constructors -- Lock the CacheFaceRealization.
GpFaceRealization() : prface (NULL), Status (InvalidParameter) {}
GpFaceRealization( const GpFontFace *pface, INT style, const GpMatrix *matrix, const SizeF dpi, TextRenderingHint renderMethod, BOOL bPath, BOOL bCompatibleWidth, /* we want ClearType compatible width when we come from DrawDriverString */ BOOL bSideways /* for far east vertical writing, run of glyph layed out sideways,
used to do the italic simulation in the right direction */ );
// Destructor -- Unlocks the CacheFaceRealization
// To clone another GpFaceRealiztion from Bits to Path
void CloneFaceRealization( const GpFaceRealization * pfaceRealizaton, BOOL bPath );
// GetStatus - Called following instantiation to check that construction worked.
GpStatus GetStatus() const {return Status;}
INT GetStyle() const {
#if DBG
INT style = 0;
if ( prface->Face->pifi->fsSelection & FM_SEL_BOLD || prface->fobj.flFontType & FO_SIM_BOLD) { style |= FontStyleBold; }
if ( prface->Face->pifi->fsSelection & FM_SEL_ITALIC || prface->fobj.flFontType & FO_SIM_ITALIC_SIDEWAYS || prface->fobj.flFontType & FO_SIM_ITALIC) { style |= FontStyleItalic; }
ASSERT(style == (Style & (FontStyleBold | FontStyleItalic))); #endif
return Style; }
BOOL bInit( const GpFontFace *pface, INT style, const GpMatrix *matrix, SizeF dpi, TextRenderingHint textMode, BOOL bPath, BOOL bCompatibleWidth, /* we want ClearType compatible width when we come from DrawDriverString */ BOOL bSideways /* for far east vertical writing, run of glyph layed out sideways,
used to do the italic simulation in the right direction */ );
// bDelete -- Removes an CacheFaceRealization
BOOL DeleteRealizedFace();
// Reuse an CacheFaceRealization
BOOL ReuseRealizedFace();
// bInitCache -- Initialize the cache
BOOL bInitCache() const; BOOL AllocateCache() const;
// vDeleteCache -- Delete the CACHE from existence.
VOID vDeleteCache() const;
BOOL noCache() const {return prface->NoCache ;}
// FindRealizedFace -- check to see whether there is existing realization
// on the CacheFaceRealization list in the GpFontFile.
BOOL FindRealizedFace( FD_XFORM *fdx, const GpFontFace *fontFace, BOOL needPaths, FLONG fl ) const;
// RealizeFont -- Initializer; for IFI, calls driver to realize
// font represented by PFE.
BOOL Realize( SizeF dpi, const GpFontFace *pfe, INT style, // style - which may require simulation
PFD_XFORM pfdx, // font xform (Notional to Device)
FLONG fl, // these two really modify the xform
BOOL bNeedPaths );
// Valid -- Returns TRUE if object was successfully locked
BOOL IsValid () { return(prface != 0); }
ULONG QueryFontDataMode() const { return prface->QueryFontDataMode; }
// return the font face for this RFace
const GpFontFace * GetFontFace() const {return(prface->Face);}
// Is it in private font file table or not
BOOL IsPrivate() const {return prface->Face->IsPrivate();}
// pfdx -- Return pointer to the notional to device font transform.
FD_XFORM *pfdx() const {return (&prface->fobj.fdx);}
// pfo -- Return pointer to the font object
FONTOBJ *pfo() const {return(&prface->fobj);}
// kill driver realization of the font, i.e. "FONT CONTEXT" in the old lingo.
// Method calling DrvDestroyFont before CacheFaceRealization is killed itself.
VOID vDestroyRealizedFace();
// vGetCache -- Claims the cache semaphore
VOID vGetCache () { // EnterCriticalSection(&prface->FaceRealizationCritSection);
// vReleaseCache -- Releases the cache semaphore
VOID vReleaseCache () {
if ( prface->LookasideGlyphData != NULL ) { GpFree((PVOID) prface->LookasideGlyphData); prface->LookasideByteCount = 0; prface->LookasideGlyphData = NULL; }
// LeaveCriticalSection(&prface->FaceRealizationCritSection);
ULONG GetGlyphsSupported() const { if (prface && prface->Face) { return (prface->Face->NumGlyphs); } return 0; }
GpStatus GetGlyphStringDeviceAdvanceVector( const UINT16 *glyphs, INT glyphCount, BOOL vertical, REAL *deviceAdvances ) const;
GpStatus GetGlyphStringDeviceAdvanceVector( const UINT16 *glyphs, INT glyphCount, BOOL vertical, INT *deviceAdvances // Returned in 28.4
) const;
GpStatus GetGlyphStringIdealAdvanceVector( const UINT16 *glyphs, INT glyphCount, REAL deviceToIdeal, BOOL vertical, INT *idealAdvances ) const;
GpStatus GetGlyphStringSidebearings( const UINT16 *glyphs, INT glyphCount, BOOL vertical, BOOL reverse, // For example right-to-left
INT *leadingSidebearing, // 28.4
INT *trailingSidebearing // 28.4
) const;
GpStatus GetGlyphStringVerticalOriginOffsets( IN const UINT16 *glyphs, IN INT glyphCount, OUT PointF *offsets ) const;
// GetGlyphPath
GpStatus GetGlyphPath( const UINT16 glyphIndice, GpGlyphPath **pGlyphPath, PointF *sidewaysOffset ) const;
// GetGlyphPos
INT GetGlyphPos( const INT cGlyphs, // How many glyphs Client want to request
const UINT16 *glyphIndex, // An array of glyph index
GpGlyphPos *pgpos, // An array of GLYPHPOS
const PointF *glyphOrigin, // X,Y positions for sub-pixel calculation
INT *cParsed, // How many glyphs we parsed
BOOL sideways // e.g. FE characters in vertical text
) const;
// Realization mode
inline TextRenderingHint RealizationMethod() const {return(prface->realizationMethod);}
// IisPathFont -- Is this a path font?
inline BOOL IsPathFont() const {return(prface->CacheType == CachePath);}
VOID FlushCache() const;
// Construction hack used by GpFaceRealizationTMP during CacheFaceRealization cleanup
void Setprface(CacheFaceRealization *rface) {prface = rface;} CacheFaceRealization *Getprface() const {return prface;}
INT GetXMin() const {return prface->DeviceMetrics.xMin;}; INT GetXMax() const {return prface->DeviceMetrics.xMax;}; INT GetYMin() const {return prface->DeviceMetrics.yMin;}; INT GetYMax() const {return prface->DeviceMetrics.yMax;}; BOOL IsHorizontalTransform() const {return prface->DeviceMetrics.HorizontalTransform;}; BOOL IsVerticalTransform() const {return prface->DeviceMetrics.VerticalTransform;}; BOOL IsFixedPitch() const {return (prface->Face->pifi->flInfo & FM_INFO_OPTICALLY_FIXED_PITCH);};
BOOL GetLimitSubpixel() { return LimitSubpixel; } void SetLimitSubpixel(BOOL limitSubpixel) { LimitSubpixel = limitSubpixel; }
GpStatus CheckGlyphStringMetricsCached(const UINT16 *glyphs, INT glyphCount) const;
// vInsert -- Insert this CacheFaceRealization onto the head of an CacheFaceRealization doubly linked list.
VOID vInsert (CacheFaceRealization **pprfaceHead);
// vRemove -- Remove this CacheFaceRealization from an CacheFaceRealization doubly linked list.
VOID vRemove (CacheFaceRealization **pprfaceHead);
// Access to cached glyph data
GpGlyphData *GetGlyphDataCached(UINT16 glyphIndex, BOOL allowFlush) const;
GpGlyphData *GetGlyphDataLookaside(UINT16 glyphIndex) const;
BOOL CheckMetricsCache() const; VOID *pgbCheckGlyphCache(SIZE_T cjNeeded) const;
VOID ConvertGLYPHDATAToGpGlyphMetrics( IN INT glyphIndex, IN GLYPHDATA *pgd, OUT GpGlyphData *pgpgd ) const;
GpStatus IsMetricsCached(UINT16 glyph, ULONG * pcjNeeded) const;
BOOL InsertGlyphBits(UINT16 glyph, ULONG cjNeeded, BOOL bFlushOk) const; BOOL InsertGlyphPath(UINT16 glyph, BOOL allowFlush) const;
// bMatchFDXForm -- Is pfdx identical to current font xform?
inline BOOL MatchFDXForm(FD_XFORM *pfdx) const { return(!memcmp((PBYTE)pfdx, (PBYTE)&prface->fobj.fdx, sizeof(FD_XFORM))); }
// Calculating sub-pixel position
BOOL GetAAGlyphDataCached( UINT16 glyphIndex, GpGlyphPos * pgpos, BOOL allowFlush, INT x, INT y, BOOL sideways // e.g. FE characters in vertical text
) const; };
class GpFaceRealizationTMP : public GpFaceRealization { public: GpFaceRealizationTMP(CacheFaceRealization *_prface) {Setprface(_prface);} ~GpFaceRealizationTMP() {Setprface(NULL);} };
class GpCacheFaceRealizationList { public: GpCacheFaceRealizationList() { head = NULL; count = 0; } ~GpCacheFaceRealizationList();
void AddMostRecent(CacheFaceRealization *prface);
void RemoveFace(CacheFaceRealization *prface);
CacheFaceRealization *ReuseLeastRecent (void);
INT GetCount() {return count; }
private: CacheFaceRealization *head; INT count; };