#ifndef _FONTFACE_
#define _FONTFACE_
class GpFontFile;
class ShapingCache; // implemented in ..\text\uniscribe\shaping
struct ShapingCacheFactory { GpStatus Create(const GpFontFace *face); void Destroy(); ShapingCache *Cache; };
///// GpFontFace
class GpFontFace {
public: FontStyle GetFaceStyle(void) const { switch (pifi->fsSelection & (FM_SEL_BOLD | FM_SEL_ITALIC)) { case FM_SEL_BOLD: return FontStyleBold; case FM_SEL_ITALIC: return FontStyleItalic; case FM_SEL_BOLD | FM_SEL_ITALIC: return FontStyleBoldItalic; default: return FontStyleRegular; } }
BOOL SimBold() const { BOOL ret = FALSE;
if (pifi->dpFontSim) { FONTSIM *pfs = (FONTSIM*) ((BYTE*)pifi + pifi->dpFontSim);
ret = (pifi->fsSelection & FM_SEL_ITALIC) ? (BOOL) pfs->dpBoldItalic : (BOOL) pfs->dpBold; } return (ret); }
BOOL SimItalic() const { BOOL ret = FALSE;
if (pifi->dpFontSim) { FONTSIM *pfs = (FONTSIM*) ((BYTE*)pifi + pifi->dpFontSim);
ret = (pifi->fsSelection & FM_SEL_BOLD) ? (BOOL) pfs->dpBoldItalic : (BOOL) pfs->dpItalic; } return (ret); }
void IncGpFontFamilyRef(void) { cGpFontFamilyRef++; } void DecGpFontFamilyRef(void) { cGpFontFamilyRef--; }
// The following internal class variables are public because they
// are initialised and manipulated by classless code ported from GDI.
// Location of font.
GpFontFile *pff; // pointer to physical font file object
ULONG iFont; // index of the font for IFI or device, 1 based
// Font data.
GP_IFIMETRICS *pifi; // pointer to ifimetrics
ULONG idifi; // id returned by driver for IFIMETRICS
// information needed to support ETO_GLYPHINDEX mode of ExtTextOut.
ULONG NumGlyphs;
// Ref count for GpFontFamily objects that point to this GpFontFace
ULONG cGpFontFamilyRef;
mutable BYTE lfCharset;
static int CALLBACK EnumFontFamExProcA( const ENUMLOGFONTEXA *lpelfe, // logical-font data
const NEWTEXTMETRICEXA *lpntme, // physical-font data
int FontType, // type of font
LPARAM lParam // application-defined data
static int CALLBACK EnumFontFamExProcW( const ENUMLOGFONTEXW *lpelfe, // logical-font data
const NEWTEXTMETRICEXW *lpntme, // physical-font data
int FontType, // type of font
LPARAM lParam // application-defined data
// Text support
UINT16 GetDesignEmHeight() const {return pifi->fwdUnitsPerEm;} UINT16 GetDesignCellAscent() const {return pifi->fwdWinAscender;} UINT16 GetDesignCellDescent() const {return pifi->fwdWinDescender;} UINT16 GetDesignLineSpacing() const {return max(pifi->fwdMacAscender-pifi->fwdMacDescender+pifi->fwdMacLineGap, pifi->fwdWinAscender+pifi->fwdWinDescender);} UINT16 GetDesignUnderscoreSize() const {return pifi->fwdUnderscoreSize;} INT16 GetDesignUnderscorePosition() const {return pifi->fwdUnderscorePosition;} UINT16 GetDesignStrikeoutSize() const {return pifi->fwdStrikeoutSize;} INT16 GetDesignStrikeoutPosition() const {return pifi->fwdStrikeoutPosition;}
GpStatus GetFontData(UINT32 tag, INT* size, BYTE** pjTable) const;
void ReleaseFontData() const;
BYTE GetCharset(HDC hdc) const;
const IntMap<UINT16> &GetCmap() const {return *Cmap;} const IntMap<UINT16> &GetDesignAdvance() const {return *DesignAdvance;} const IntMap<UINT16> *GetDesignVerticalAdvance() const {return DesignVerticalAdvance;} BOOL RequiresFullTextImager() const {return RequiresFullText;} UINT16 GetMissingGlyph() const {return MissingGlyph;} UINT16 GetBlankGlyph() const {return BlankGlyph;} BYTE *GetGSUB() const {return Gsub;} BYTE *GetGPOS() const {return Gpos;} BYTE *GetGDEF() const {return Gdef;} BYTE *GetMort() const {return Mort;} UINT16 GetVerticalSubstitutionCount() const {return VerticalSubstitutionCount;} const UINT16 *GetVerticalSubstitutionOriginals() const {return VerticalSubstitutionOriginals;} const UINT16 *GetVerticalSubstitutionSubstitutions() const {return VerticalSubstitutionSubstitutions;}
void GetGlyphDesignAdvances( IN const UINT16 *glyphs, //
IN INT glyphCount, //
IN INT style, // Causes adjustment for algorithmic style emulation
IN BOOL vertical, // Use vtmx, not htmx
IN REAL tracking, // Expansion factor
OUT UINT16 *advances //
) const;
void GetGlyphDesignAdvancesIdeal( IN const UINT16 *glyphs, //
IN INT glyphCount, //
IN INT style, // Causes adjustment for algorithmic style emulation
IN BOOL vertical, // Use vtmx, not htmx
IN REAL designToIdeal, // Scale factor for each advance width
IN REAL tracking, // Expansion factor
OUT INT *advances //
) const;
inline ShapingCache *GetShapingCache() const { return Shaping.Cache; }
void FreeImagerTables();
BOOL IsAliasName() { BOOL bOk = FALSE;
if (pifi->flInfo & FM_INFO_FAMILY_EQUIV) { bOk = TRUE; }
return bOk; }
WCHAR * GetAliasName() { size_t length;
length = UnicodeStringLength((WCHAR *)(((BYTE*) pifi) + pifi->dpwszFamilyName)) + 1;
if (!(pifi->flInfo & FM_INFO_FAMILY_EQUIV)) { return (WCHAR *) NULL; }
return((WCHAR *)(((BYTE*) pifi) + pifi->dpwszFamilyName) + length); }
BOOL IsPrivate() const { return bPrivateFace;} BOOL IsSymbol() const { return bSymbol;}
void SetPrivate(BOOL bPrivate) { bPrivateFace = bPrivate;} void SetSymbol(BOOL symbol) { bSymbol = symbol;}
BOOL InitializeImagerTables();
void SetSupportedCodePages(__int64 codePages) { SupportedCodePages = ((codePages & 0xFF00000000000000) >> 24); SupportedCodePages |= ((codePages & 0x00FF000000000000) >> 8 ); SupportedCodePages |= ((codePages & 0x0000FF0000000000) << 8 ); SupportedCodePages |= ((codePages & 0x000000FF00000000) << 24); SupportedCodePages |= ((codePages & 0x00000000FF000000) >> 24); SupportedCodePages |= ((codePages & 0x0000000000FF0000) >> 8 ); SupportedCodePages |= ((codePages & 0x000000000000FF00) << 8 ); SupportedCodePages |= ((codePages & 0x00000000000000FF) << 24); }
BOOL IsCodePageSupported(UINT codePage);
private: mutable IntMap<UINT16> *Cmap; mutable IntMap<UINT16> *DesignAdvance; mutable IntMap<UINT16> *DesignVerticalAdvance; mutable IntMap<UINT16> *DesignTopSidebearing;
mutable ShapingCacheFactory Shaping;
mutable BOOL RequiresFullText;
mutable UINT16 MissingGlyph; mutable UINT16 BlankGlyph;
BOOL bPrivateFace;
mutable BOOL bSymbol; mutable __int64 SupportedCodePages;
mutable BYTE *Gsub; // OTL glyph substitution table
mutable BYTE *Gpos; // OTL glyph positioning table
mutable BYTE *Gdef; // OTL glyph definition table
mutable BYTE *Mort; // legacy vertical substitution table
mutable UINT16 VerticalSubstitutionCount; // Number of substitutable glyphs
mutable const UINT16 *VerticalSubstitutionOriginals; // Pointer into cached GSUB
mutable const UINT16 *VerticalSubstitutionSubstitutions; // Pointer into cached GSUB
#endif // FONTFACE