#include "precomp.hpp"
#include <shlobj.h>
#include <strsafe.h>
#define FONTFILECACHEREGLOC_W TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\GDIPlus")
#define FONTLOADCACHE_NAMEOBJ "GdiplusFontCacheFileV1"
#define FONT_CACHE_EXTRA_SIZE (8 * 1024)
// Just for tempary use
// Unicode wrappers for win9x - defined in imgutils.hpp (include file conflict)
LONG _RegCreateKey( HKEY rootKey, const WCHAR* keyname, REGSAM samDesired, HKEY* hkeyResult );
LONG _RegSetString( HKEY hkey, const WCHAR* name, const WCHAR* value );
// todo: this should replace _RegGetString and go away to better place (mikhaill 2/14/2002)
LONG _RegGetStringSafe( HKEY hkey, const WCHAR* name, WCHAR* buf, DWORD size ) { LONG status; DWORD regtype; DWORD regsize;
if (OSInfo::IsNT) { // Windows NT - Unicode
regsize = size;
status = RegQueryValueExW( hkey, name, NULL, ®type, (BYTE*) buf, ®size);
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) return status; if (regtype != REG_SZ) return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; DWORD wregsize = regsize/sizeof(WCHAR); if (wregsize == 0 || buf[wregsize-1] != 0) return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; return ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { // Windows 9x - non-Unicode
CHAR ansibuf[MAX_PATH]; AnsiStrFromUnicode nameStr(name);
if (!nameStr.IsValid()) return ERROR_INVALID_DATA;
regsize = MAX_PATH;
status = RegQueryValueExA( hkey, nameStr, NULL, ®type, (BYTE*) ansibuf, ®size);
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) return status; if (regtype != REG_SZ) return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; if (regsize == 0 || ansibuf[regsize-1] != 0 || regsize*sizeof(WCHAR) > size) return ERROR_INVALID_DATA;
BOOL ok = AnsiToUnicodeStr(ansibuf, buf, regsize); return ok ? ERROR_SUCCESS : ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } }
#define SIZED(x) x, sizeof(x)
#define STRCPY_W(dst, src, fail) if ( FAILED( StringCbCopyW ( SIZED(dst), src ) ) ) goto fail
#define STRCAT_W(dst, src, fail) if ( FAILED( StringCbCatW ( SIZED(dst), src ) ) ) goto fail
#define STRCPY_A(dst, src, fail) if ( FAILED( StringCbCopyA ( SIZED(dst), src ) ) ) goto fail
#define STRCAT_A(dst, src, fail) if ( FAILED( StringCbCatA ( SIZED(dst), src ) ) ) goto fail
#define STRCHK_W( src, fail) if ( FAILED( StringCbLengthW( SIZED(src), 0 ) ) ) goto fail
// There are 2 levels synchronization mechanism need to take care
// First level: The lock for GDIPFONTCACHEV1.DAT
// GDIPFONTCACHEV1.DAT is a gloabl file and will be share by different process
// Second level: The lock fof gflFontCacheState and gFontFileCache
// They should be shared by different thread in the same process.
// We define a CriticalSec in gFontFileCache.
// mikhaill 02/15/02: at this time there is no separate critical section for cache file;
// instead the common Globals::TextCriticalSection is used - see comments by claudebe in globals.hpp.
FLONG gflFontCacheState; FONTFILECACHE gFontFileCache; HANDLE ghsemFontFileCache = NULL;
ULONG CalcFontFileCacheCheckSum(PVOID pvFile, ULONG cjFileSize); VOID vReleaseFontCacheFile(VOID);
typedef HRESULT (* PSHGETFOLDERPATHA) (HWND hwnd, int csidl, HANDLE hToken, DWORD dwFlags, LPSTR pszPath); typedef HRESULT (* PSHGETFOLDERPATHW) (HWND hwnd, int csidl, HANDLE hToken, DWORD dwFlags, LPWSTR pszPath);
* VOID vReleaseFontCacheFile(VOID) * * Unmap the view of the file * * History * 11-09-99 Yung-Jen Tony Tsai [YungT] * Wrote it. *****************************************************************************/
VOID vReleaseFontCacheFile(VOID) {
if (gFontFileCache.pFile) { UnmapViewOfFile(gFontFileCache.pFile); gFontFileCache.pFile = NULL; }
if (gFontFileCache.hFileMapping) { CloseHandle(gFontFileCache.hFileMapping); gFontFileCache.hFileMapping = 0; }
if (gFontFileCache.hFile) { CloseHandle(gFontFileCache.hFile); gFontFileCache.hFile = 0; } }
* BOOL bOpenFontFileCache() * * Initialize font file cache, open the cacheplus.dat file and create hash table * * History * 11-09-99 Yung-Jen Tony Tsai [YungT] * Wrote it. *****************************************************************************/
BOOL bOpenFontCacheFile(BOOL bOpenOnly, ULONG cjFileSize, BOOL bReAlloc) { HANDLE hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; PBYTE pFile = NULL; BOOL bOK = FALSE; DWORD dwCreation = 0; #if DBG
DWORD dwError = 0; #endif
WCHAR wszFilePath[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR wszPathOnly[MAX_PATH]; CHAR szFilePath[MAX_PATH]; CHAR szPathOnly[MAX_PATH]; BOOL bRegValid = FALSE;
// initialize strings...
wszFilePath[0] = 0; wszPathOnly[0] = 0; szFilePath[0] = 0; szPathOnly[0] = 0;
if (bOpenOnly) { dwCreation = OPEN_EXISTING; } else { dwCreation = CREATE_ALWAYS; }
// First check the registry to see if we can bypass loading SHFolder
HKEY hkey = (HKEY)NULL; const WCHAR wchLocation[] = FONTFILECACHEREGLOC_W; const WCHAR wchValue[] = FONTFILECACHEREGKEY_W; DWORD valueLength = sizeof(wszFilePath);
// If this fails, we cannot access the registry key...
if (_RegCreateKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, wchLocation, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hkey) != ERROR_SUCCESS) hkey = NULL;
if (hkey && _RegGetStringSafe(hkey, wchValue, wszFilePath, valueLength) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // The key exists, so we should read the location of the font file
// from there instead of loading the SHFolder.DLL...
STRCPY_W(wszPathOnly, wszFilePath, fail_1);
// Append the name of cache file
if (Globals::IsNt) { hFile = CreateFileW( wszFilePath, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, dwCreation, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); } else { AnsiStrFromUnicode ansiStr(wszFilePath);
if (ansiStr.IsValid()) { hFile = CreateFileA( ansiStr, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, dwCreation, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); } }
if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) bRegValid = TRUE;
fail_1:; }
if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { // Use SHFolder.DLL to find the proper location for the file if the
// registry key is not present or is incorrect.
if (Globals::IsNt) { // Two steps to get the cache file
// If SHFolder.DLL is existed then we will put the cache file in CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA
// Or put it on %SystemRoot%\system32 for WINNT
// Load SHFolder.DLL
if (!gFontFileCache.hShFolder) gFontFileCache.hShFolder = LoadLibraryW(L"ShFolder.DLL");
// If SHFolder.DLL is existed then we will put the cache file in CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA
if (gFontFileCache.hShFolder) { // Get the function SHGetFolderPath
pfnSHGetFolderPathW = (PSHGETFOLDERPATHW) GetProcAddress(gFontFileCache.hShFolder, "SHGetFolderPathW");
if (pfnSHGetFolderPathW) { // On NT and higher we should use the CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA so that this data
// does not roam...
if ((*pfnSHGetFolderPathW) (NULL, CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA | CSIDL_FLAG_CREATE, NULL, 0, wszFilePath) == E_INVALIDARG) { // CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA not understood, use CSIDL_APPDATA (IE 5.0 not present)
(*pfnSHGetFolderPathW) (NULL, CSIDL_APPDATA | CSIDL_FLAG_CREATE, NULL, 0, wszFilePath); }
// Check whether ShFolder.DLL generated good string
STRCHK_W(wszFilePath, fail_2);
// Keep a copy of the path for registry update...
STRCPY_W(wszPathOnly, wszFilePath, fail_2);
// Append the name of cache file
// Try to put it on %SystemRoot%\system32 for WINNT
if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { // Get path for system Dircectory
UINT size = GetSystemDirectoryW(wszFilePath, MAX_PATH); if (size >= MAX_PATH) goto fail_3;
// Keep a copy of the path for registry update...
STRCPY_W(wszPathOnly, wszFilePath, fail_3);
// Append the name of the cache file
hFile = CreateFileW(wszFilePath, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, dwCreation, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); fail_3:; } } else { // Windows 9x - non-Unicode
// Two steps to get the cache file
// If SHFolder.DLL is existed then we will put the cache file in CSIDL_APPDATA
// Or put it on %SystemRoot%\system for Win9x
if (!gFontFileCache.hShFolder) gFontFileCache.hShFolder = LoadLibraryA("ShFolder.DLL");
if (gFontFileCache.hShFolder) { PSHGETFOLDERPATHA pfnSHGetFolderPathA;
pfnSHGetFolderPathA = (PSHGETFOLDERPATHA) GetProcAddress(gFontFileCache.hShFolder, "SHGetFolderPathA");
if (pfnSHGetFolderPathA) { (*pfnSHGetFolderPathA) (NULL, CSIDL_APPDATA | CSIDL_FLAG_CREATE, NULL, 0, szFilePath);
// Keep a copy of the path for registry update...
STRCPY_A(szPathOnly, szFilePath, fail_4);
if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { UINT size = GetSystemDirectoryA(szFilePath, MAX_PATH); if (size >= MAX_PATH) goto fail_5;
// Keep a copy of the path for registry update...
STRCPY_A(szPathOnly, szFilePath, fail_5);
if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { // szFilePath contains the ANSI full path, convert to unicode...
AnsiToUnicodeStr(szPathOnly, wszPathOnly, sizeof(wszPathOnly)/sizeof(wszPathOnly[0])); } } }
if (hkey) { if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && !bRegValid) { // wszPathOnly contains the full path to the font cache file
// so write it out to the registry key...
_RegSetString(hkey, wchValue, wszPathOnly); }
RegCloseKey(hkey); }
if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if ((dwCreation == OPEN_EXISTING) && !bReAlloc) { cjFileSize = GetFileSize(hFile, NULL); }
if (cjFileSize != 0xffffffff) { HANDLE hFileMapping;
if (Globals::IsNt) { hFileMapping = CreateFileMappingW(hFile, 0, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, cjFileSize, NULL); } else { hFileMapping = CreateFileMappingA(hFile, 0, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, cjFileSize, NULL); }
if (hFileMapping) {
pFile = (PBYTE)MapViewOfFile(hFileMapping, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, 0, cjFileSize);
// It should not be NULL if it is then we must know something wrong
if (pFile) { gFontFileCache.cjFileSize = cjFileSize; gFontFileCache.hFile = hFile; gFontFileCache.hFileMapping = hFileMapping; gFontFileCache.pFile = (FONTFILECACHEHEADER *) pFile; bOK = TRUE; } else { CloseHandle(hFile); #if DBG
dwError = GetLastError(); TERSE(("Error to map a view of a file %x", dwError)); #endif
} } else { CloseHandle(hFile); #if DBG
dwError = GetLastError(); TERSE(("Error to map a file %x", dwError)); #endif
} } } #if DBG
else { if (!bOpenOnly) { dwError = GetLastError(); TERSE(("Error to create a file %x", dwError)); } } #endif
if (!bOK) { vReleaseFontCacheFile(); }
return bOK; }
* BOOL bReAllocCacheFile(ULONG ulSize) * * ReAlloc font cache buffer * * History * 11/16/99 YungT create it * Wrote it. *****************************************************************************/
BOOL bReAllocCacheFile(ULONG ulSize) { BOOL bOK = FALSE; ULONG ulFileSizeOrg; ULONG ulSizeExtra; ULONG ulFileSize;
ulFileSizeOrg = gFontFileCache.pFile->ulFileSize;
ASSERT(ulSize > gFontFileCache.pFile->ulDataSize);
// Calculate the extra cache we need
ulSizeExtra = QWORD_ALIGN(ulSize - gFontFileCache.pFile->ulDataSize);
ulFileSize = ulFileSizeOrg + ulSizeExtra;
if (gFontFileCache.pFile) { vReleaseFontCacheFile(); }
if (bOpenFontCacheFile(TRUE, ulFileSize, TRUE)) {
gFontFileCache.pFile->ulFileSize = ulFileSize; gFontFileCache.pFile->ulDataSize = ulSize;
gFontFileCache.pCacheBuf = (PBYTE) gFontFileCache.pFile + SZ_FONTCACHE_HEADER();
bOK = TRUE; }
return bOK; }
* BOOL FontFileCacheReadRegistry() * * Decide we need to open registry or not when load from cache * * History * 07-28-2k Yung-Jen Tony Tsai [YungT] * Wrote it. *****************************************************************************/
BOOL FontFileCacheReadRegistry() { return gFontFileCache.bReadFromRegistry; }
* VOID FontFileCacheFault() * * Fault reprot for Engine font cache. * * History * 11-15-99 Yung-Jen Tony Tsai [YungT] * Wrote it. *****************************************************************************/
VOID FontFileCacheFault() { gflFontCacheState = FONT_CACHE_ERROR_MODE; }
* PVOID FontFileCacheAlloc(ULONG ulFastCheckSum, ULONG ulSize) * * Alloc the cached buffer for font driver * * History * 11-15-99 Yung-Jen Tony Tsai [YungT] * Wrote it. *****************************************************************************/
PVOID FontFileCacheAlloc(ULONG ulSize) {
if (ghsemFontFileCache == NULL) return pvIfi;
if (gflFontCacheState & FONT_CACHE_CREATE_MODE) {
if ( (QWORD_ALIGN(ulSize) < gFontFileCache.pFile->ulDataSize) || bReAllocCacheFile(ulSize)) { pvIfi = (PVOID) gFontFileCache.pCacheBuf;
// Gaurantee the cache pointer is at 8 byte boundary
gFontFileCache.pFile->ulDataSize = ulSize; } else { gflFontCacheState = FONT_CACHE_ERROR_MODE; }
} }
return pvIfi; }
* PVOID FontFileCacheLookUp(ULONG FastCheckSum, ULONG *pcjData) * * Lookup font cache * * History * 11-15-99 Yung-Jen Tony Tsai [YungT] * Wrote it. *****************************************************************************/
PVOID FontFileCacheLookUp(ULONG *pcjData) { PBYTE pCache = NULL;
*pcjData = 0;
if (ghsemFontFileCache == NULL) return pCache;
if (gflFontCacheState & FONT_CACHE_LOOKUP_MODE) { ASSERT(gFontFileCache.pFile); ASSERT(gFontFileCache.pCacheBuf == ((PBYTE) gFontFileCache.pFile + SZ_FONTCACHE_HEADER())); *pcjData = gFontFileCache.pFile->ulDataSize; pCache = gFontFileCache.pCacheBuf;
gFontFileCache.pCacheBuf += QWORD_ALIGN(*pcjData); }
return (PVOID) pCache; }
* VOID GetFontFileCacheState() * * Clean font file cache after load or update the cache file. * * History * 11-12-99 Yung-Jen Tony Tsai [YungT] * Wrote it. *****************************************************************************/
FLONG GetFontFileCacheState() { return gflFontCacheState; }
* VOID vCloseFontFileCache() * * Clean font file cache after load or update the cache file. * * History * 11-12-99 Yung-Jen Tony Tsai [YungT] * Wrote it. *****************************************************************************/
VOID vCloseFontFileCache() {
// do paranoid check
if (!ghsemFontFileCache) return;
if (gflFontCacheState & FONT_CACHE_MASK) {
if (gflFontCacheState & FONT_CACHE_CREATE_MODE) { // Close the file, we are done recreating it
if (gFontFileCache.pFile) { gFontFileCache.pFile->CheckSum = CalcFontFileCacheCheckSum((PVOID) ((PBYTE) gFontFileCache.pFile + 4), (gFontFileCache.cjFileSize - 4)); } } }
if (gFontFileCache.hShFolder) { FreeLibrary(gFontFileCache.hShFolder); gFontFileCache.hShFolder = NULL; }
ReleaseSemaphore(ghsemFontFileCache, 1, NULL);
ghsemFontFileCache = NULL;
gflFontCacheState = 0; }
* ULONG CalcFontFileCacheCheckSum(PVOID pvFile, ULONG cjFileSize) * * Helper function for query fonts information from font registry * * History * 11-11-99 Yung-Jen Tony Tsai [YungT] * Wrote it. *****************************************************************************/
ULONG CalcFontFileCacheCheckSum(PVOID pvFile, ULONG cjFileSize) { ULONG sum; PULONG pulCur,pulEnd;
pulCur = (PULONG) pvFile;
__try { for (sum = 0, pulEnd = pulCur + cjFileSize / sizeof(ULONG); pulCur < pulEnd; pulCur += 1) { sum += 256 * sum + *pulCur; } } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { sum = 0; // oh well, not very unique.
return ( sum < 2 ) ? 2 : sum; // 0 is reserved for device fonts
// 1 is reserved for TYPE1 fonts
* ULONG QueryFontReg(ULARGE_INTEGER *pFontRegLastWriteTime, ULONG *pulFonts) * * Helper function for query fonts information from font registry * * History * 11-15-99 Yung-Jen Tony Tsai [YungT] * Wrote it. *****************************************************************************/
BOOL QueryFontReg(ULARGE_INTEGER *pFontRegLastWriteTime) { BOOL bOK = FALSE; ULONG ulFonts;
HKEY hkey;
LONG error = (Globals::IsNt) ? RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, Globals::FontsKeyW, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hkey) : RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, Globals::FontsKeyA, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hkey);
if (error == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // There is no difference between A or W APIs at this case.
error = RegQueryInfoKeyA(hkey, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ulFonts, NULL, NULL, NULL, (FILETIME *)pFontRegLastWriteTime);
if (error == ERROR_SUCCESS) { bOK = TRUE; }
RegCloseKey(hkey); }
return bOK; }
* BOOL bCreateFontFileCache() * * Initialize font file cache, open the cacheplus.dat file and create hash table * * History * 11-09-99 Yung-Jen Tony Tsai [YungT] * Wrote it. *****************************************************************************/
BOOL bCreateFontCacheFile(ULARGE_INTEGER FntRegLWT) { ULONG ulSize; BOOL bOk = FALSE;
if (gFontFileCache.pFile) { vReleaseFontCacheFile(); }
if(bOpenFontCacheFile(FALSE, ulSize, FALSE)) { gFontFileCache.pFile->ulLanguageID = (ULONG) Globals::LanguageID; gFontFileCache.pFile->CheckSum = 0; gFontFileCache.pFile->ulMajorVersionNumber = FONTFILECACHE_VER; gFontFileCache.pFile->FntRegLWT.QuadPart = FntRegLWT.QuadPart; gFontFileCache.pFile->ulFileSize = ulSize; gFontFileCache.pFile->ulDataSize = FONT_CACHE_EXTRA_SIZE; bOk = TRUE; }
return bOk; }
#if DBG
* BOOL bFontFileCacheDisabled() * * Tempary routine for performance evaluation * * History * 11-29-99 Yung-Jen Tony Tsai [YungT] * Wrote it. *****************************************************************************/
BOOL bFontFileCacheDisabled() { return FALSE; } #endif
BOOL bScanRegistry() { ASSERT(!Globals::IsNt);
BOOL bOK = TRUE; ULONG index = 0; ULONG registrySize = 0; ULONG numExpected;
// Open the key
HKEY hkey;
PBYTE pCached = (PBYTE) gFontFileCache.pFile + SZ_FONTCACHE_HEADER();
if (*((ULONG *) pCached) != 0xBFBFBFBF) return FALSE;
LONG error = RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, Globals::FontsKeyA, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hkey);
if (error == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
DWORD allDataSize = 0; error = RegQueryInfoKeyA(hkey, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &numExpected, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hkey); return FALSE; }
PBYTE pRegistryData;
registrySize = *((ULONG *) (pCached + 4)) ;
pRegistryData = pCached + 8;
while (index < numExpected) { DWORD regType = 0; DWORD labelSize = MAX_PATH; DWORD dataSize = MAX_PATH; CHAR label[MAX_PATH]; BYTE data[MAX_PATH];
error = RegEnumValueA(hkey, index, label, &labelSize, NULL, ®Type, data, &dataSize);
if (error == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) { bOK = FALSE; break; }
if (allDataSize >= registrySize) { bOK = FALSE; break; }
if (memcmp(pRegistryData, data, dataSize)) { bOK = FALSE; break; }
pRegistryData += dataSize;
allDataSize += dataSize;
index ++; }
if (bOK && (allDataSize == registrySize)) return TRUE; }
return FALSE;
} /*****************************************************************************
* VOID InitFontFileCache() * * Initialize font file cache, open the cacheplus.dat file and create hash table * * History * 11-09-99 Yung-Jen Tony Tsai [YungT] * Wrote it. *****************************************************************************/
VOID InitFontFileCache() { ULARGE_INTEGER FntRegLWT = { 0, 0};
if (gflFontCacheState) { return; }
#if DBG
// Only for performance evaluation.
if (bFontFileCacheDisabled()) { goto CleanUp; } #endif
// If the named semaphore object existed before the function call,
// the function returns a handle to the existing object and
// GetLastError returns ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS.
ghsemFontFileCache = CreateSemaphoreA( NULL, 1, 1, FONTLOADCACHE_NAMEOBJ);
// Something wrong, we can not go with font file cache
if (ghsemFontFileCache == NULL) { goto CleanUp; } else { // Wait 5 seconds until the semaphore released.
// No further attempts to create font file cache on timeout.
// This does not mean deial of service - just will work
// slower using GpFontTable::LoadAllFontsFromRegistry(FALSE).
DWORD dwr = WaitForSingleObject(ghsemFontFileCache, 5000); if (dwr == WAIT_TIMEOUT) goto CleanUp; }
gFontFileCache.pFile = NULL;
// now open the TT Fonts key :
if (!QueryFontReg(&FntRegLWT)) { goto CleanUp; }
if (bOpenFontCacheFile(TRUE, 0, FALSE)) {
// File did not change from last time boot.
if (gFontFileCache.pFile->CheckSum && gFontFileCache.cjFileSize == gFontFileCache.pFile->ulFileSize && gFontFileCache.pFile->CheckSum == CalcFontFileCacheCheckSum((PVOID) ((PBYTE) gFontFileCache.pFile + 4), (gFontFileCache.cjFileSize - 4)) && gFontFileCache.pFile->ulMajorVersionNumber == FONTFILECACHE_VER && gFontFileCache.pFile->ulLanguageID == (ULONG) Globals::LanguageID && // If locale changed, we need to re-create the cache
gFontFileCache.pFile->FntRegLWT.QuadPart == FntRegLWT.QuadPart && // If registry has been updated we need to re-create the cache file
(FntRegLWT.QuadPart != 0 || bScanRegistry()) ) { gflFontCacheState = FONT_CACHE_LOOKUP_MODE; } else { if(bCreateFontCacheFile(FntRegLWT)) { // If something will not match, then it means we need to create FNTCACHE again
gflFontCacheState = FONT_CACHE_CREATE_MODE; } } } else {
// If there is no GDIPFONTCACHE.DAT file
// Then we need to create it.
if(bCreateFontCacheFile(FntRegLWT)) { gflFontCacheState = FONT_CACHE_CREATE_MODE;
} }
// Semaphore initialized
if (gflFontCacheState & FONT_CACHE_MASK) {
// Initialize the start pointer of current Cache table
gFontFileCache.pCacheBuf = (PBYTE) gFontFileCache.pFile + SZ_FONTCACHE_HEADER();
if (FntRegLWT.QuadPart == (ULONGLONG) 0) gFontFileCache.bReadFromRegistry = TRUE; else gFontFileCache.bReadFromRegistry = FALSE; } else { gflFontCacheState = 0;
// Clean up the memory
if (gFontFileCache.pFile) { vReleaseFontCacheFile(); }
if (ghsemFontFileCache) { ReleaseSemaphore(ghsemFontFileCache, 1, NULL); CloseHandle( ghsemFontFileCache); ghsemFontFileCache = NULL; }