// formerly pffobj.cxx
#include "precomp.hpp"
INT APIENTRY EngPlusMultiByteToWideChar( UINT CodePage, LPWSTR WideCharString, INT BytesInWideCharString, LPSTR MultiByteString, INT BytesInMultiByteString ) { return MultiByteToWideChar(CodePage, 0, MultiByteString,BytesInMultiByteString, WideCharString, BytesInWideCharString/sizeof(WCHAR) ); // returns zero on error
INT APIENTRY EngWideCharToMultiByte( UINT CodePage, LPWSTR WideCharString, INT BytesInWideCharString, LPSTR MultiByteString, INT BytesInMultiByteString ) { return WideCharToMultiByte( CodePage, 0, WideCharString, BytesInWideCharString, MultiByteString,BytesInMultiByteString, NULL, NULL ); }
VOID APIENTRY EngGetCurrentCodePage( PUSHORT pOemCodePage, PUSHORT pAnsiCodePage ) { *pAnsiCodePage = (USHORT) GetACP(); *pOemCodePage = (USHORT) GetOEMCP(); }
if ((pffv->mapCount == 0) && pffv->pvView) { if (pffv->pwszPath) { UnmapViewOfFile(pffv->pvView); pffv->pvView = NULL; } } }
if (pffv->mapCount) { pffv->mapCount++; if (ppjBuf) { *ppjBuf = (PULONG)pffv->pvView; } if (pcjBuf) { *pcjBuf = pffv->cjView; } return TRUE; }
if (pffv->pwszPath) { HANDLE hFile;
if (Globals::IsNt) { hFile = CreateFileW(pffv->pwszPath, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); } else // Windows 9x - non-Unicode
{ AnsiStrFromUnicode ansiPath(pffv->pwszPath);
if (ansiPath.IsValid()) { hFile = CreateFileA(ansiPath, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); } else { hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } }
if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ULARGE_INTEGER lastWriteTime; if (GetFileTime(hFile, NULL, NULL, (FILETIME *) &lastWriteTime.QuadPart) && lastWriteTime.QuadPart == pffv->LastWriteTime.QuadPart) {
*pcjBuf = GetFileSize(hFile, NULL);
if (*pcjBuf != -1) { HANDLE hFileMapping = CreateFileMappingA(hFile, 0, PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0, NULL); // "mappingobject");
if (hFileMapping) { *ppjBuf = (PULONG)MapViewOfFile(hFileMapping, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0); if (*ppjBuf) { bRet = TRUE; pffv->pvView = *ppjBuf; pffv->cjView = *pcjBuf; pffv->mapCount = 1; } CloseHandle(hFileMapping); } } } CloseHandle(hFile); } }
return bRet; }
GpFontFile *LoadFontMemImage( WCHAR* fontImageName, BYTE* fontMemoryImage, INT fontImageSize ) { ULONG cwc = UnicodeStringLength(fontImageName) + 1; FONTFILEVIEW *pffv; if ((pffv = (FONTFILEVIEW *)GpMalloc(sizeof(FONTFILEVIEW))) == NULL) return NULL; else { PVOID pvImage; if ((pvImage = (PVOID)GpMalloc(fontImageSize)) == NULL) { GpFree(pffv); return NULL; } GpMemcpy(pvImage, fontMemoryImage, fontImageSize); pffv->LastWriteTime.QuadPart = 0; pffv->pvView = pvImage; pffv->cjView = fontImageSize; pffv->mapCount = 1; pffv->pwszPath = NULL; return (LoadFontInternal(fontImageName, cwc, pffv, TRUE)); } }
GpFontFile *LoadFontFile(WCHAR *awcPath) { // convert font file name to fully qualified path
ULONG cwc = UnicodeStringLength(awcPath) + 1; // for term. zero
if ((pffv = (FONTFILEVIEW *)GpMalloc(sizeof(FONTFILEVIEW))) == NULL) { return NULL; }
pffv->LastWriteTime.QuadPart = 0; pffv->pvView = NULL; pffv->cjView = 0; pffv->mapCount = 0; pffv->pwszPath = awcPath;
if (Globals::IsNt) { hFile = CreateFileW(pffv->pwszPath, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); } else // Windows 9x - non-Unicode
{ AnsiStrFromUnicode ansiPath(pffv->pwszPath);
if (ansiPath.IsValid()) { hFile = CreateFileA(ansiPath, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); } else { hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } }
if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (!(pffv->cjView = GetFileSize(hFile, NULL))) { CloseHandle(hFile); goto error; }
if (!GetFileTime(hFile, NULL, NULL, (FILETIME *) &pffv->LastWriteTime.QuadPart)) { CloseHandle(hFile); goto error; }
CloseHandle(hFile); return (LoadFontInternal(awcPath, cwc, pffv, FALSE)); }
GpFree(pffv); return NULL; }
GpFontFile *LoadFontInternal( WCHAR * awcPath, ULONG cwc, FONTFILEVIEW * pffv, BOOL bMem ) { GpFontFile *pFontFile = NULL;
ULONG_PTR hffNew = ttfdSemLoadFontFile(// 1, // #OF FILES
(ULONG_PTR *)&pffv, (ULONG) Globals::LanguageID // for english US
if (hffNew) { ULONG cFonts = ttfdQueryNumFaces(hffNew);
if (cFonts && cFonts != FD_ERROR) { ULONG cjFontFile = offsetof(GpFontFile, aulData) + cFonts * sizeof(GpFontFace) + cFonts * sizeof(ULONG_PTR) + cwc * sizeof(WCHAR);
pFontFile = (GpFontFile *)GpMalloc(cjFontFile); if (!pFontFile) { ttfdSemUnloadFontFile(hffNew); if (pffv->pwszPath == NULL) GpFree(pffv->pvView); GpFree(pffv); return NULL; }
pFontFile->SizeOfThis = cjFontFile;
// Connect GpFontFile's sharing the same hash bucket
pFontFile->SetNext(NULL); pFontFile->SetPrev(NULL);
// Point family names to appropriate memory
pFontFile->AllocateNameHolders( (WCHAR **)( (BYTE *)pFontFile + offsetof(GpFontFile, aulData) + cFonts * sizeof(GpFontFace)), cFonts);
// pwszPathname_ points to the Unicode upper case path
// name of the associated font file which is stored at the
// end of the data structure.
pFontFile->pwszPathname_ = (WCHAR *)((BYTE *)pFontFile + offsetof(GpFontFile, aulData) + cFonts * sizeof(ULONG_PTR) + cFonts * sizeof(GpFontFace));
UnicodeStringCopy(pFontFile->pwszPathname_, awcPath); pFontFile->cwc = cwc; // total for all strings
// state
pFontFile->flState = 0; // state (ready to die?)
pFontFile->cLoaded = 1; pFontFile->cRealizedFace = 0; // total number of RFONTs
pFontFile->bRemoved = FALSE; // number of referring FontFamily objects
// RFONT list
pFontFile->prfaceList = NULL; // pointer to head of doubly linked list
// driver information
pFontFile->hff = hffNew; // font driver handle to font file, RETURNED by DrvLoadGpFontFile
// identifies the font driver, it could be a printer driver as well
// ULONG ulCheckSum; // checksum info used for UFI's
// fonts in this file (and filename slimed in)
pFontFile->cFonts = cFonts; // number of fonts (same as chpfe)
pFontFile->pfv = pffv; // FILEVIEW structure, passed to DrvLoadFontFile
if (pFontFile->pfv->pwszPath) // not a memory image
{ pFontFile->pfv->pwszPath = pFontFile->pwszPathname_; } // loop over pfe's, init the data:
GpFontFace *pfe = (GpFontFace *)pFontFile->aulData; for (ULONG iFont = 0; iFont < cFonts; iFont++) { pfe[iFont].pff = pFontFile; // pointer to physical font file object
pfe[iFont].iFont = iFont + 1; // index of the font for IFI or device, 1 based
pfe[iFont].flPFE = 0; //!!! REVIEW carefully
if ((pfe[iFont].pifi = ttfdQueryFont(hffNew, (iFont + 1), &pfe[iFont].idifi)) == NULL ) { VERBOSE(("Error setting pifi for entry %d.", iFont));
ttfdSemUnloadFontFile(hffNew); GpFree(pFontFile); if (pffv->pwszPath == NULL) GpFree(pffv->pvView); GpFree(pffv); return NULL; }
pfe[iFont].NumGlyphs = 0;
pfe[iFont].NumGlyphs = pfe[iFont].pifi->cig;
pfe[iFont].cGpFontFamilyRef = 0;
pfe[iFont].lfCharset = DEFAULT_CHARSET;
if (pfe[iFont].InitializeImagerTables() == FALSE) { VERBOSE(("Error initializing imager tables for entry %d.", iFont));
ttfdSemUnloadFontFile(hffNew); GpFree(pFontFile); if (pffv->pwszPath == NULL) GpFree(pffv->pvView); GpFree(pffv); return NULL; }
// Set the font family name from the first font entry
pFontFile->SetFamilyName(iFont, ((WCHAR *)(((BYTE*) pfe[iFont].pifi) + pfe[iFont].pifi->dpwszFamilyName))); } } }
if (pFontFile == NULL) { if (pffv->pwszPath == NULL) GpFree(pffv->pvView); GpFree(pffv); }
return pFontFile; }
VOID UnloadFontFile(GpFontFile *pFontFile) { return; }
* bMakePathNameW (PWSZ pwszDst, PWSZ pwszSrc, PWSZ *ppwszFilePart) * * Converts the filename pszSrc into a fully qualified pathname pszDst. * The parameter pszDst must point to a WCHAR buffer at least * MAX_PATH*sizeof(WCHAR) bytes in size. * * An attempt is made find the file first in the new win95 directory * %windows%\fonts (which also is the first directory in secure font path, * if one is defined) and then we do the old fashioned windows stuff * where SearchPathW searches directories in usual order * * ppwszFilePart is set to point to the last component of the pathname (i.e., * the filename part) in pwszDst. If this is null it is ignored. * * Returns: * TRUE if sucessful, FALSE if an error occurs. * * History: * Mon 02-Oct-1995 -by- Bodin Dresevic [BodinD] * update: added font path stuff * 30-Sep-1991 -by- Gilman Wong [gilmanw] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/ extern "C" int __cdecl HackStrncmp( const char *str1, const char *str2, size_t count ) ;
BOOL MakePathName( WCHAR *dst, WCHAR *src ) { WCHAR* pwszF; ULONG path_length = 0; // essential to initialize
if (OSInfo::IsNT) {
// ASSERTGDI(Globals::FontsDir, "gpwcFontsDir not initialized\n");
// if relative path
if ( (src[0] != L'\\') && !((src[1] == L':') && (src[2] == L'\\')) ) { // find out if the font file is in %windir%\fonts
path_length = SearchPathW( Globals::FontsDirW, src, NULL, MAX_PATH, dst, &pwszF);
TERSE(("SPW1: pwszSrc = %ws", src)); if (path_length) TERSE(("SPW1: pwszDst = %ws", dst)); #endif // DEBUG_PATH
// Search for file using default windows path and return full pathname.
// We will only do so if we did not already find the font in the
// %windir%\fonts directory or if pswzSrc points to the full path
// in which case search path is ignored
if (path_length == 0) { path_length = SearchPathW ( NULL, src, NULL, MAX_PATH, dst, &pwszF); #ifdef DEBUG_PATH
TERSE(("SPW2: pwszSrc = %ws", src)); if (path_length) TERSE(("SPW2: pwszDst = %ws", dst)); #endif // DEBUG_PATH
} } else { /* Windows 9x */ CHAR* pwszFA;
memset(srcA, 0, sizeof(srcA)); memset(dstA, 0, sizeof(dstA)); memset(file_partA, 0, sizeof(file_partA));
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, src, UnicodeStringLength(src), srcA, MAX_PATH, 0, 0);
// ASSERTGDI(Globals::FontsDir, "gpwcFontsDir not initialized\n");
// if relative path
if ( (srcA[0] != '\\') && !((srcA[1] == ':') && (srcA[2] == '\\')) ) { // find out if the font file is in %windir%\fonts
path_length = SearchPathA( Globals::FontsDirA, srcA, NULL, MAX_PATH, dstA, (char**)&pwszFA);
// Search for file using default windows path and return full pathname.
// We will only do so if we did not already find the font in the
// %windir%\fonts directory or if pswzSrc points to the full path
// in which case search path is ignored
if (path_length == 0) { path_length = SearchPathA ( NULL, srcA, NULL, MAX_PATH, dstA, &pwszFA); #ifdef DEBUG_PATH
TERSE(("SPW2: pwszSrc = %ws", src)); if (path_length) TERSE(("SPW2: pwszDst = %ws", dst)); #endif // DEBUG_PATH
} MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, dstA, strlen(dstA), dst, MAX_PATH); dst[path_length] = 0; /* null termination */
// If search was successful return TRUE:
return (path_length != 0); }