* * Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft Corporation * * Abstract: * * Pen API related declarations * * Revision History: * * 12/09/1998 andrewgo * Flesh out pen interfaces. * * 12/08/1998 andrewgo * Created it. * \**************************************************************************/
#ifndef _PEN_HPP
#define _PEN_HPP
// Abstract base class for various pen types
class GpLineTexture; class GpCustomLineCap;
class GpPen : public GpObject { protected: VOID SetValid(BOOL valid) { GpObject::SetValid(valid ? ObjectTagPen : ObjectTagInvalid); }
// Constructors
GpPen( const GpColor& color, REAL penWidth, GpUnit unit = UnitWorld );
GpPen( const GpBrush* brush, REAL penWidth, GpUnit = UnitWorld );
GpPen( GpLineTexture* lineTexture, REAL penWidth, GpUnit = UnitWorld );
// Make a copy of the pen object
GpPen* Clone();
// Virtual destructor
virtual ~GpPen() { if(Brush) delete Brush;
if(DevicePen.CustomStartCap) delete DevicePen.CustomStartCap;
if(DevicePen.CustomEndCap) delete DevicePen.CustomEndCap;
GpFree(DevicePen.DashArray); GpFree(DevicePen.CompoundArray); }
// Get the lock object
GpLockable *GetObjectLock() const { return &Lockable; }
// Check if the pen object is valid
virtual BOOL IsValid() const { return GpObject::IsValid(ObjectTagPen); }
// Determine if pens are equivalent
virtual BOOL IsEqual(const GpPen * pen) const;
virtual ObjectType GetObjectType() const { return ObjectTypePen; }
virtual UINT GetDataSize() const; virtual GpStatus GetData(IStream * stream) const; virtual GpStatus SetData(const BYTE * dataBuffer, UINT size);
virtual GpStatus ColorAdjust( GpRecolor * recolor, ColorAdjustType type );
// Set/get fill attributes
VOID Set( const GpColor& color, REAL penWidth, GpUnit = UnitWorld );
GpStatus SetColor(GpColor* color);
GpStatus GetColor(ARGB *argb) const;
GpStatus SetBrush(GpBrush* brush);
GpBrush* GetBrush() { return Brush; }
GpBrush* GetClonedBrush() { if(Brush) { return Brush->Clone(); } else return NULL; }
GpPenType GetPenType();
GpStatus SetLineTexture(GpLineTexture* lineTexture); GpLineTexture* GetLineTexture();
// Set/get pen transform
GpStatus SetTransform(const GpMatrix& matrix) { GpStatus status = Ok;
// Keep the transform invertible
if (matrix.IsInvertible()) { DevicePen.Xform = matrix; UpdateUid(); } else status = InvalidParameter;
return status; }
GpStatus GetTransform(GpMatrix* matrix) const { *matrix = DevicePen.Xform;
return Ok; }
GpStatus ResetTransform() { if (!DevicePen.Xform.IsIdentity()) { DevicePen.Xform.Reset(); UpdateUid(); }
return Ok; }
GpStatus MultiplyTransform(const GpMatrix& matrix, GpMatrixOrder order = MatrixOrderPrepend);
GpStatus TranslateTransform(REAL dx, REAL dy, GpMatrixOrder order = MatrixOrderPrepend) { DevicePen.Xform.Translate(dx, dy, order); UpdateUid();
return Ok; }
GpStatus ScaleTransform(REAL sx, REAL sy, GpMatrixOrder order = MatrixOrderPrepend) { DevicePen.Xform.Scale(sx, sy, order); UpdateUid();
return Ok; }
GpStatus RotateTransform(REAL angle, GpMatrixOrder order = MatrixOrderPrepend) { DevicePen.Xform.Rotate(angle, order); UpdateUid();
return Ok; }
// See if the pen has a non-identity transform.
BOOL HasTransform() const { return !DevicePen.Xform.IsIdentity(); }
// Set/get line caps: start, end, and dash
VOID SetStartCap(GpLineCap startCap) { DevicePen.StartCap = startCap; if(DevicePen.CustomStartCap) { delete DevicePen.CustomStartCap; DevicePen.CustomStartCap = NULL; } UpdateUid(); }
VOID SetEndCap(GpLineCap endCap) { DevicePen.EndCap = endCap; if(DevicePen.CustomEndCap) { delete DevicePen.CustomEndCap; DevicePen.CustomEndCap = NULL; } UpdateUid(); }
GpLineCap GetStartCap() const { return DevicePen.StartCap; }
GpLineCap GetEndCap() const { return DevicePen.EndCap; }
VOID SetLineCap(GpLineCap startCap, GpLineCap endCap, GpDashCap dashCap) { DevicePen.StartCap = startCap; DevicePen.EndCap = endCap; SetDashCap(dashCap); UpdateUid(); }
GpStatus SetCustomStartCap(const GpCustomLineCap* customCap); GpStatus GetCustomStartCap(GpCustomLineCap** customCap); GpStatus SetCustomEndCap(const GpCustomLineCap* customCap); GpStatus GetCustomEndCap(GpCustomLineCap** customCap);
// Set/get line join
VOID SetLineJoin(GpLineJoin lineJoin) { DevicePen.Join = lineJoin; UpdateUid(); }
GpLineJoin GetLineJoin() const { return DevicePen.Join; }
VOID SetMiterLimit(REAL miterLimit) { DevicePen.MiterLimit = max(1.0f, miterLimit); UpdateUid(); }
REAL GetMiterLimit() const { return DevicePen.MiterLimit; }
GpStatus SetPenAlignment(GpPenAlignment penMode) { // Compound Inset pens aren't implemented yet.
// The code for correctly handling minimum width compound sub lines
// is missing.
if((penMode==PenAlignmentInset) && (DevicePen.CompoundCount!=0)) { return NotImplemented; } DevicePen.PenAlignment = penMode; UpdateUid(); return Ok; }
GpPenAlignment GetPenAlignment() const { return DevicePen.PenAlignment; }
// Set/get dash attributes
GpDashStyle GetDashStyle() const { return DevicePen.DashStyle; }
GpDashCap GetDashCap() const { // Note: Internally we use a GpLineCap type to store the dash cap type.
// So we need to convert between GpLineCap and GpDashCap.
// However, we should change the internal usage to GpDashCap in v2.
// - JBronsk
GpDashCap dashCap = DashCapFlat; switch (DevicePen.DashCap) { case LineCapRound: dashCap = DashCapRound; break; case LineCapTriangle: dashCap = DashCapTriangle; break; // all others map to DashCapFlat
} return dashCap; } VOID SetDashCap(GpDashCap dashCap);
GpStatus SetDashStyle(GpDashStyle dashStyle);
VOID SetDashOffset(REAL dashOffset) { DevicePen.DashOffset = dashOffset; UpdateUid(); }
REAL GetDashOffset() const { return DevicePen.DashOffset; }
INT GetDashCount() const { return DevicePen.DashCount; }
GpStatus GetDashArray(REAL* dashArray, INT count) const;
DpPen * GetDevicePen() { return & DevicePen; }
VOID SetWidth(REAL penWidth) { DevicePen.Width = penWidth; UpdateUid(); }
REAL GetWidth() const { return DevicePen.Width; }
REAL GetMaximumJoinWidth( REAL sharpestAngle, const GpMatrix* matrix, REAL dpiX, REAL dpiY) const;
REAL GetMaximumCapWidth( const GpMatrix* matrix, REAL dpiX, REAL dpiY) const;
VOID SetUnit(GpUnit unit) { // UnitDisplay is device-dependent and cannot be used for a pen size
ASSERT(unit != UnitDisplay);
DevicePen.Unit = unit; UpdateUid(); }
GpUnit GetUnit() const { return DevicePen.Unit; }
GpStatus SetDashArray(const REAL* dashArray, INT count);
INT GetCompoundCount() const { return DevicePen.CompoundCount; }
GpStatus SetCompoundArray(const REAL* compoundArray, INT count);
GpStatus GetCompoundArray(REAL* compoundArray, INT count);
BOOL IsOpaque() const { return Brush->IsOpaque(); }
BOOL IsSolid() const { return Brush->IsSolid(); }
COLORREF ToCOLORREF() const { return Brush->ToCOLORREF(); }
REAL GetCapDelta();
static GpPen * GetPen(const DpPen * pen) { return (GpPen *) ((BYTE *) pen - offsetof(GpPen, DevicePen)); }
static REAL ComputeMiterLength( REAL angle, REAL miterLimit );
VOID AdjustDashArrayForCaps( REAL dashUnit, REAL *dashArray, INT dashCount ) const;
REAL GetDashCapInsetLength( REAL dashUnit ) const; private:
VOID InitDefaultState(REAL penWidth, GpUnit unit); GpStatus SetDashStyleWithDashCap(GpDashStyle dashStyle, GpLineCap dashCap);
// GetMaximumWidth is used only for UnitWorld.
GpStatus GetMaximumWidth(REAL* width, const GpMatrix* matrix) const;
mutable GpLockable Lockable;
GpBrush * Brush;
DpPen DevicePen;
GpPen() { DevicePen.InitDefaults(); SetValid(TRUE); }
GpPen(const GpPen* pen); };
#endif _PEN_HPP