* * Preamble - Preamble routines for MF3216 * * Date: 7/18/91 * Author: Jeffrey Newman (c-jeffn) * * Copyright 1991 Microsoft Corp *****************************************************************************/
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
BOOL bSetWindowOrgAndExtToFrame(PLOCALDC pLocalDC, RECTL frame); extern fnSetVirtualResolution pfnSetVirtualResolution;
BOOL GetFrameBounds(PLOCALDC pLocalDC, PENHMETAHEADER pmf32header, RECTL *frameOut) {
FLOAT ecxPpmmPlay, // cx pixels per millimeter play
ecyPpmmPlay, // cy pixels per millimeter play
ecx01PpmmPlay, // cx pixels per .01 millimeter play
ecy01PpmmPlay, // cy pixels per .01 millimeter play
ecxPelsFrame, // cx play-time frame in device units
ecyPelsFrame, // cy play-time frame in device units
exPelsFrame, // x play-time frame in device units
eyPelsFrame ; // y play-time frame in device units
INT cxFrame, // cx Picture Frame
cyFrame, // cy Picture Frame
xFrame, // x Picture Frame
yFrame ; // y Picture Frame
SIZEL szlFrame ; POINTL ptlFrame ;
ASSERT(frameOut != NULL); // Calculate the play-time (reference) pixels per millimeter.
ecxPpmmPlay = (FLOAT) pLocalDC->cxPlayDevPels / (FLOAT) pLocalDC->cxPlayDevMM ; ecyPpmmPlay = (FLOAT) pLocalDC->cyPlayDevPels / (FLOAT) pLocalDC->cyPlayDevMM ;
// Scale the pixels per millimeter to pixels per .01 millimeters.
ecx01PpmmPlay = ecxPpmmPlay / 100.0f ; ecy01PpmmPlay = ecyPpmmPlay / 100.0f ;
// Pickup the fram origin
xFrame = pmf32header->rclFrame.left ; yFrame = pmf32header->rclFrame.top ;
// Translate the frame origin to play-time-device units.
exPelsFrame = ecx01PpmmPlay * (FLOAT) xFrame ; eyPelsFrame = ecy01PpmmPlay * (FLOAT) yFrame ;
// Convert the Frame origin to play-time-page units.
// (aka reference-logical units.)
ptlFrame.x = (LONG) (exPelsFrame * pLocalDC->xformPDevToPPage.eM11 + 0.5f); ptlFrame.y = (LONG) (eyPelsFrame * pLocalDC->xformPDevToPPage.eM22 + 0.5f);
if (!bCoordinateOverflowTest((PLONG) &ptlFrame, 2)) return(FALSE);
// Calculate the Frame width and height.
cxFrame = pmf32header->rclFrame.right - pmf32header->rclFrame.left ; cyFrame = pmf32header->rclFrame.bottom - pmf32header->rclFrame.top ;
if (cxFrame < 0) { ptlFrame.x += cxFrame; cxFrame = -cxFrame; } if (cyFrame < 0) { ptlFrame.y += cyFrame; cyFrame = -cyFrame; }
// Convert the frame width and height into play-time-device units.
// (aka reference-device units.)
ecxPelsFrame = ecx01PpmmPlay * (FLOAT) cxFrame ; ecyPelsFrame = ecy01PpmmPlay * (FLOAT) cyFrame ;
// Translate the play-time device units into play-time-page units.
// (aka reference-device to reference-logical units.)
// This is an identity transform for MM_ANISOTROPIC mode. For other
// fixed mapping modes, the SetWindowExt record has no effect.
// The Frame is Inclusive-Inclusive so add 1 to make the WindowExt
// Inclusive-Exclusive
szlFrame.cx = (LONG) (ecxPelsFrame + 1.5f); szlFrame.cy = (LONG) (ecyPelsFrame + 1.5f); if (!bCoordinateOverflowTest((PLONG) &szlFrame, 2)) return(FALSE);
frameOut->left = ptlFrame.x; frameOut->top = ptlFrame.y; frameOut->right = szlFrame.cx + ptlFrame.x; frameOut->bottom = szlFrame.cy + ptlFrame.y; return(TRUE); }
* DoHeader - Emit the Win16 metafile header *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL APIENTRY DoHeader(PLOCALDC pLocalDC, PENHMETAHEADER pemfheader) { BOOL b ;
RECTL frameBounds; b = bInitHandleTableManager(pLocalDC, pemfheader) ; if (b == FALSE) goto error_exit ;
b = bInitXformMatrices(pLocalDC, pemfheader, &frameBounds) ; if (b == FALSE) goto error_exit ;
if (pfnSetVirtualResolution == NULL) { INT swap; // On Win9x create the helper DC here
pLocalDC->hdcHelper = CreateCompatibleDC (NULL); if (pLocalDC->hdcHelper == (HDC) 0) { return FALSE; }
pLocalDC->hbmpMem = CreateCompatibleBitmap(pLocalDC->hdcHelper, frameBounds.right - frameBounds.left, frameBounds.bottom - frameBounds.top); if (pLocalDC->hbmpMem == (HBITMAP) 0) { return FALSE; }
SelectObject(pLocalDC->hdcHelper, pLocalDC->hbmpMem); frameBounds.right -= frameBounds.left; frameBounds.bottom -= frameBounds.top; frameBounds.left = frameBounds.top = 0; }
// The metafile will always be memory based.
pLocalDC->mf16Header.mtType = MEMORYMETAFILE ; pLocalDC->mf16Header.mtVersion = 0x300 ; // magic number for Win3.0
pLocalDC->mf16Header.mtHeaderSize = sizeof (METAHEADER) / 2 ;
// Init fields to 0. They will be updated at the end of translation.
pLocalDC->mf16Header.mtSize = 0 ; pLocalDC->mf16Header.mtNoObjects = 0 ; pLocalDC->mf16Header.mtMaxRecord = 0 ; // NOTE: We need a max record size.
pLocalDC->mf16Header.mtNoParameters = 0 ;
// Emit the MF16 metafile header to the metafile.
b = bEmit(pLocalDC, &pLocalDC->mf16Header, sizeof(METAHEADER)) ; if (b == FALSE) goto error_exit ;
if (pLocalDC->flags & INCLUDE_W32MF_COMMENT) { b = bHandleWin32Comment(pLocalDC) ; if (b == FALSE) goto error_exit ; }
// Prepare the transform for the 16-bit metafile. See comments in
// xforms.c.
// Emit the Win16 MapMode record
b = bEmitWin16SetMapMode(pLocalDC, LOWORD(pLocalDC->iMapMode)) ; if (b == FALSE) goto error_exit ;
// Set the Win16 metafile WindowExt to the size of the frame
// in play-time device units.
b = bSetWindowOrgAndExtToFrame(pLocalDC, frameBounds) ; if (b == FALSE) { RIPS("MF3216: DoHeader, bSetWindowOrgAndExtToFrame failure\n") ; goto error_exit ; }
error_exit: return(b) ; }
* Calculate and Emit into the Win16 metafile a Window origin * and extent drawing order * that will set the Window Origin and Extent to the size of the picture frame in * play-time-page (reference-logical) units. *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL bSetWindowOrgAndExtToFrame(PLOCALDC pLocalDC, RECTL frame) { // Set the Window origin.
if (!bEmitWin16SetWindowOrg(pLocalDC, (SHORT) frame.left, (SHORT) frame.top)) { RIPS("MF3216: bEmitWin16SetWindowOrg failed\n") ; return(FALSE); }
if (!bEmitWin16SetWindowExt(pLocalDC, (SHORT) (frame.right - frame.left), (SHORT) (frame.bottom - frame.top))) { RIPS("MF3216: bEmitWin16SetWindowExt failed\n") ; return(FALSE); } return(TRUE); }
* UpdateMf16Header - Update the metafile header with the: * metafile size, * number of objects, * the max record size. *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL bUpdateMf16Header(PLOCALDC pLocalDC) { BOOL b ; INT iCpTemp ;
// Fill in the missing info in the Win16 metafile header.
pLocalDC->mf16Header.mtSize = pLocalDC->ulBytesEmitted / 2 ; pLocalDC->mf16Header.mtNoObjects = (WORD) (pLocalDC->nObjectHighWaterMark + 1) ; pLocalDC->mf16Header.mtMaxRecord = pLocalDC->ulMaxRecord ;
// Reset the output buffer index to the beginning of the buffer.
iCpTemp = pLocalDC->ulBytesEmitted ; pLocalDC->ulBytesEmitted = 0 ;
// re-emit the Win16 metafile header.
b = bEmit(pLocalDC, &pLocalDC->mf16Header, (DWORD) sizeof (pLocalDC->mf16Header)) ;
pLocalDC->ulBytesEmitted = iCpTemp ;
return (b) ;