#ifndef __GDIPSCSAVE_H
#define __GDIPSCSAVE_H
#include <windows.h>
#include <objbase.h>
#include <scrnsave.h>
#include "resource.h"
//#include <imaging.h>
#include <gdiplus.h>
using namespace Gdiplus;
//#include <stdio.h>
#define MINVEL 1 /* minimum number of fractals */
#define MAXVEL 10 /* maximum number of fractals */
#define DEFVEL 3 /* default number of fractals */
#define REDRAWTIME 2000 /* number of milliseconds between redraws */
#define MAXHEIGHWAYLEVEL 14 /* Maximum number of levels for heighway dragon */
#define MINHEIGHWAYLEVEL 7 /* Minimum number of levels for heighway dragon */
DWORD nNumFracts = DEFVEL; /* number of fractals variable */ DWORD nFractType = 0; /* Type of fractal to draw */ WCHAR szAppName[APPNAMEBUFFERLEN]; /* .ini section name */ WCHAR szTemp[20]; /* temporary array of characters */ BOOL fMandelbrot = FALSE; /* TRUE if mandelbrot sets used */
#define HKEY_PREFERENCES TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\ScreenSaver\\Preferences")
//FILE *stream;
VOID FillSierpinski(Graphics *g, PointF one, PointF two, PointF three, int level, Brush *pBrush, Pen *pPen); VOID DrawSierpinski(HDC hDC, HWND hwnd, RECT rc, int iColor); VOID DrawHieghway(HDC hDC, HWND hwnd, RECT rc, int iColor); VOID IterateHieghway(PointF *points, PointF *newpoints, int *iSize); VOID DrawTree(HDC hDC, HWND hwnd, RECT rc, int iColor); VOID DrawBranch(HWND hwnd, Graphics *g, GraphicsPath *path, int iLevel, PointF *scale, REAL *rotate, PointF *translate, int iBranches, int iColor); VOID DrawJulia(HDC hDC, HWND hwnd, RECT rc, int iColor, BOOL fMandelbrot); ARGB IndexToSpectrum(INT index); INT SpectrumToIndex(ARGB argb); INT MakeColor(INT c1, INT c2, INT deltamax); INT MakeColor(INT c1, INT c2, INT c3, INT c4, INT deltamax); BYTE MakeAlpha(BYTE a1, BYTE a2, INT deltamax); BYTE MakeAlpha(BYTE a1, BYTE a2, BYTE a3, BYTE a4, INT deltamax); BOOL HalfPlasma(HWND& hwnd, Graphics& g,BitmapData &bmpd, INT x0, INT y0, INT x1, INT y1,REAL scale); VOID DrawPlasma(HDC hDC, HWND hwnd, RECT rc, int iColor); VOID GetFractalConfig (DWORD *nType, DWORD *nSize); VOID SetFractalConfig (DWORD nType, DWORD nSize);