* Module Name: CFuncTest.cpp * * This file contains the code to support the functionality test harness * for GDI+. This includes menu options and calling the appropriate * functions for execution. * * Created: 05-May-2000 - Jeff Vezina [t-jfvez] * * Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation * \**************************************************************************/
#undef UNICODE
#undef _UNICODE
#include "CFuncTest.h"
#include "Resource.h"
#include "CRegression.h"
#include "CHDC.h"
extern CFuncTest g_FuncTest; // Initialized in Main.cpp
extern HBRUSH g_hbrBackground; // Initialized in Main.cpp
extern CRegression g_Regression; // Initialized in Main.cpp
extern CHDC g_HDC; // Initialized in Main.cpp
extern int g_nResult; // Initialized in Main.cpp
CFuncTest::CFuncTest() { m_hWndDlg=NULL; m_hWndMain=NULL; m_bUsePageDelay=true; // Default use page delay or page pause
m_bEraseBkgd=true; // Default erace background
m_bAppendTest=false; // Default append test
m_nPageDelay=1000; // Default page delay
m_nPageRow=0; m_nPageCol=0; }
CFuncTest::~CFuncTest() { EndDialog(m_hWndDlg,0); m_hWndDlg=NULL; m_hWndMain=NULL; }
BOOL CFuncTest::Init(HWND hWndParent) // Initializes functest
{ HWND hWnd; char szDelay[10];
// Create options dialog box
m_hWndDlg=CreateDialogA(GetModuleHandleA(NULL),MAKEINTRESOURCEA(IDD_FUNCTEST),hWndParent,&DlgProc); if (m_hWndDlg==NULL) return false;
// Set default options in dialog box using defaults in constructor
if (m_bUsePageDelay) { hWnd=GetDlgItem(m_hWndDlg,IDC_PAGEDELAY); SendMessageA(hWnd,BM_SETCHECK,(WPARAM)BST_CHECKED,0); } else { hWnd=GetDlgItem(m_hWndDlg,IDC_PAGEPAUSE); SendMessageA(hWnd,BM_SETCHECK,(WPARAM)BST_CHECKED,0); } hWnd=GetDlgItem(m_hWndDlg,IDC_DELAY); SendMessageA(hWnd,WM_SETTEXT,0,(LPARAM)_itoa(m_nPageDelay,szDelay,10)); if (m_bEraseBkgd) { hWnd=GetDlgItem(m_hWndDlg,IDC_ERASEBKGD); SendMessageA(hWnd,BM_SETCHECK,(WPARAM)BST_CHECKED,0); } if (m_bAppendTest) { hWnd=GetDlgItem(m_hWndDlg,IDC_APPENDTEST); SendMessageA(hWnd,BM_SETCHECK,(WPARAM)BST_CHECKED,0); }
return true; }
void CFuncTest::RunOptions() // Toggle options dialog box
{ if (m_hWndDlg!=NULL) { if (!IsWindowVisible(m_hWndDlg)) ShowWindow(m_hWndDlg,SW_SHOW); else ShowWindow(m_hWndDlg,SW_HIDE); } }
BOOL CFuncTest::AddPrimitive(CPrimitive *pPrimitive) // Adds a primitive to the primitive test list in options dialog box
{ HWND hWnd; LRESULT iItem;
SendMessageA(hWnd,LB_SETSEL,(WPARAM)false,0); // Reset selection
iItem=SendMessageA(hWnd,LB_ADDSTRING,0,(LPARAM)pPrimitive->m_szName); if (iItem<0) return false;
SendMessageA(hWnd,LB_SETSEL,(WPARAM)true,0); // Pick top element as selection
// Data is a pointer to the primitive base class
return true; }
BOOL CFuncTest::AddOutput(COutput *pOutput) // Adds an output to the output list in options dialog box
{ HWND hWnd; LRESULT iItem;
SendMessageA(hWnd,LB_SETSEL,(WPARAM)false,0); // Reset selection
iItem=SendMessageA(hWnd,LB_ADDSTRING,0,(LPARAM)pOutput->m_szName); if (iItem<0) return false;
SendMessageA(hWnd,LB_SETSEL,(WPARAM)true,0); // Pick top element as selection
// Data is a pointer to the output base class
return true; }
BOOL CFuncTest::AddSetting(CSetting *pSetting) // Adds a setting to the settings list in options dialog box
{ HWND hWnd; LRESULT iItem;
hWnd=GetDlgItem(m_hWndDlg,IDC_SETTINGS); iItem=SendMessageA(hWnd,LB_ADDSTRING,0,(LPARAM)pSetting->m_szName); if (iItem<0) return false;
// Data is a pointer to the setting base class
return true; }
RECT CFuncTest::GetTestRect(int nCol,int nRow) { RECT Rect;
// Create test area rect
Rect.top=nRow*(int)TESTAREAHEIGHT; Rect.left=nCol*(int)TESTAREAWIDTH; Rect.right=Rect.left+(int)TESTAREAWIDTH; Rect.bottom=Rect.top+(int)TESTAREAHEIGHT;
return Rect; }
void CFuncTest::RunTest(COutput *pOutput,CPrimitive *pPrimitive) // Runs one test using the given output, primitive, and settings that have m_bUseSetting=true
{ char szBuffer[256]; MSG Msg; Graphics *g=NULL; CSetting *pSetting; RECT Rect; HDC hDC; HWND hWnd; int iItem; LRESULT cItemMax; int nX; int nY; BOOL bFirstSetting=true;
__try { sprintf(szBuffer,"%s on %s",pPrimitive->m_szName,pOutput->m_szName);
Rect=GetTestRect(m_nPageCol,m_nPageRow); // Get test area
// Clear test area
if (m_bEraseBkgd) { hDC=GetDC(m_hWndMain); FillRect(hDC,&Rect,g_hbrBackground); ReleaseDC(m_hWndMain,hDC); }
// Initialize output and get graphics pointer
// Let pOutput modify the nX,nY in case we are drawing to a dib, we do not
// want to be translating.
nX=Rect.left; nY=Rect.top; g=pOutput->PreDraw(nX,nY); if (g==NULL) return;
// Move test to test area
// Set each setting in the list box
hWnd=GetDlgItem(m_hWndDlg,IDC_SETTINGS); cItemMax=SendMessageA(hWnd,LB_GETCOUNT,0,0); for (iItem=0;iItem<cItemMax;iItem++) { pSetting=(CSetting*)SendMessageA(hWnd,LB_GETITEMDATA,(WPARAM)iItem,0); pSetting->Set(g); if (pSetting->m_bUseSetting) { if (bFirstSetting) { strcat(szBuffer," ("); bFirstSetting=false; } else { strcat(szBuffer,", "); } strcat(szBuffer,pSetting->m_szName); } } if (!bFirstSetting) strcat(szBuffer,")");
// We do have some primitives (CachedBitmap) which don't respect the
// world transform so we need some way to access the offset to the
// test rectangle.
pPrimitive->SetOffset(nX, nY);
// Draw primitive test
// Destroy graphics pointer
delete g;
// Finish off the output
// Write description of test
hDC=GetDC(m_hWndMain); SetBkMode(hDC,TRANSPARENT); DrawTextA(hDC,szBuffer,-1,&Rect,DT_CENTER|DT_WORDBREAK); ReleaseDC(m_hWndMain,hDC);
// Determine page col/row where next test will be drawn
GetClientRect(m_hWndMain,&Rect); m_nPageCol++; if (m_nPageCol*TESTAREAWIDTH+TESTAREAWIDTH>Rect.right) { m_nPageCol=0; m_nPageRow++; if (m_nPageRow*TESTAREAHEIGHT+TESTAREAHEIGHT>Rect.bottom) // If graphics page is full, wait or pause
{ m_nPageRow=0; if (m_bUsePageDelay) Sleep(m_nPageDelay); // Wait
else { // Pause for next input message
// Clear old input messages
while (GetInputState()) PeekMessageA(&Msg,NULL,0,0,PM_REMOVE);
// Wait for new input message
while (!GetInputState()) Sleep(100); } } } }__except(EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION,1){ printf("%s caused AV\n",szBuffer); g_nResult=1; // Return 1 if there was an AV
} }
void CFuncTest::InitRun() // Initialise test run, grabs all info from the options dialog box
{ HWND hWnd; char szDelay[10]; RECT Rect; HDC hDC;
// Hide options dialog
// ShowWindow(m_hWndDlg,SW_HIDE);
// Grab options
hWnd=GetDlgItem(m_hWndDlg,IDC_PAGEDELAY); if (SendMessageA(hWnd,BM_GETCHECK,0,0)==BST_CHECKED) m_bUsePageDelay=true; else m_bUsePageDelay=false;
hWnd=GetDlgItem(m_hWndDlg,IDC_DELAY); SendMessageA(hWnd,WM_GETTEXT,(WPARAM)10,(LPARAM)szDelay); m_nPageDelay=atoi(szDelay);
hWnd=GetDlgItem(m_hWndDlg,IDC_ERASEBKGD); if (SendMessageA(hWnd,BM_GETCHECK,0,0)==BST_CHECKED) m_bEraseBkgd=true; else m_bEraseBkgd=false;
hWnd=GetDlgItem(m_hWndDlg,IDC_APPENDTEST); if (SendMessageA(hWnd,BM_GETCHECK,0,0)==BST_CHECKED) m_bAppendTest=true; else m_bAppendTest=false;
// Erase entire main window
if (!m_bAppendTest && m_bEraseBkgd) { GetClientRect(m_hWndMain,&Rect); hDC=GetDC(m_hWndMain); FillRect(hDC,&Rect,g_hbrBackground); ReleaseDC(m_hWndMain,hDC); }
if (!m_bAppendTest) { // Reset page row/col
m_nPageRow=0; m_nPageCol=0; } }
void CFuncTest::EndRun() { int nX; int nY; RECT rTestArea; RECT rWindow; HDC hDC;
hDC=GetDC(m_hWndMain); GetClientRect(m_hWndMain,&rWindow);
// Draw lines on bottom right corner of last test
// Figure out what was the last m_nPageCol and m_nPageRow
nX=m_nPageCol-1; nY=m_nPageRow; if (nX<0) { nX=(rWindow.right/(int)TESTAREAWIDTH)-1; nY--; if (nY<0) { nY=(rWindow.bottom/(int)TESTAREAHEIGHT)-1; } } // Get the x,y coordinates
nX=nX*(int)TESTAREAWIDTH; nY=nY*(int)TESTAREAHEIGHT; // Draw both lines
// Clear the rest of the test areas on page
if (m_bEraseBkgd) { nX=m_nPageCol; nY=m_nPageRow; while ((nX>0) || (nY>0)) { rTestArea=GetTestRect(nX,nY); FillRect(hDC,&rTestArea,g_hbrBackground); nX++; if (nX*TESTAREAWIDTH+TESTAREAWIDTH>rWindow.right) { nX=0; nY++; if (nY*TESTAREAHEIGHT+TESTAREAHEIGHT>rWindow.bottom) // If graphics page is full
{ nY=0; } } } }
ReleaseDC(m_hWndMain,hDC); }
void CFuncTest::Run() // Runs all selected tests
{ COutput *pOutput; CPrimitive *pPrimitive; CSetting *pSetting; HWND hWnd; HWND hWndOutput; int iOutput; LRESULT cOutputMax; int iItem; LRESULT cItemMax;
InitRun(); // Init test run
// Do the selected output loop
hWndOutput=GetDlgItem(m_hWndDlg,IDC_OUTPUTS); cOutputMax=SendMessageA(hWndOutput,LB_GETCOUNT,0,0); for (iOutput=0;iOutput<cOutputMax;iOutput++) { pOutput=(COutput*)SendMessageA(hWndOutput,LB_GETITEMDATA,(WPARAM)iOutput,0); if (SendMessageA(hWndOutput,LB_GETSEL,(WPARAM)iOutput,0)<=0) continue;
// Set each setting according to what is selected in the list box
hWnd=GetDlgItem(m_hWndDlg,IDC_SETTINGS); cItemMax=SendMessageA(hWnd,LB_GETCOUNT,0,0); for (iItem=0;iItem<cItemMax;iItem++) { pSetting=(CSetting*)SendMessageA(hWnd,LB_GETITEMDATA,(WPARAM)iItem,0);
if (SendMessageA(hWnd,LB_GETSEL,(WPARAM)iItem,0)>0) pSetting->m_bUseSetting=true; else pSetting->m_bUseSetting=false; }
// Draw each primitive selected in the list box
hWnd=GetDlgItem(m_hWndDlg,IDC_PRIMITIVES); cItemMax=SendMessageA(hWnd,LB_GETCOUNT,0,0); for (iItem=0;iItem<cItemMax;iItem++) { pPrimitive=(CPrimitive*)SendMessageA(hWnd,LB_GETITEMDATA,(WPARAM)iItem,0);
if (SendMessageA(hWnd,LB_GETSEL,(WPARAM)iItem,0)>0) RunTest(pOutput,pPrimitive); } }
EndRun(); }
void CFuncTest::RunRegression() // Runs regression test suite
{ COutput *pOutput; CPrimitive *pPrimitive; CSetting *pSetting; HWND hWnd; HWND hWndOutput; int iOutput; LRESULT cOutputMax; int iItem; LRESULT cItemMax;
InitRun(); // Init test run
// Do the output regression loop
hWndOutput=GetDlgItem(m_hWndDlg,IDC_OUTPUTS); cOutputMax=SendMessageA(hWndOutput,LB_GETCOUNT,0,0); for (iOutput=0;iOutput<cOutputMax;iOutput++) { pOutput=(COutput*)SendMessageA(hWndOutput,LB_GETITEMDATA,(WPARAM)iOutput,0); if (!pOutput->m_bRegression) continue;
ClearAllSettings(); RunTest(pOutput,&g_Regression); }
// Do the primitive regression loop
hWnd=GetDlgItem(m_hWndDlg,IDC_PRIMITIVES); cItemMax=SendMessageA(hWnd,LB_GETCOUNT,0,0); for (iItem=0;iItem<cItemMax;iItem++) { pPrimitive=(CPrimitive*)SendMessageA(hWnd,LB_GETITEMDATA,(WPARAM)iItem,0); if (!pPrimitive->m_bRegression) continue;
ClearAllSettings(); RunTest(&g_HDC,pPrimitive); }
// Do the settings regression loop
hWnd=GetDlgItem(m_hWndDlg,IDC_SETTINGS); cItemMax=SendMessageA(hWnd,LB_GETCOUNT,0,0); for (iItem=0;iItem<cItemMax;iItem++) { pSetting=(CSetting*)SendMessageA(hWnd,LB_GETITEMDATA,(WPARAM)iItem,0); if (!pSetting->m_bRegression) continue;
ClearAllSettings(); pSetting->m_bUseSetting=true; RunTest(&g_HDC,&g_Regression); }
EndRun(); }
void CFuncTest::ClearAllSettings() // Clear all settings to m_bUseSetting=false
{ CSetting *pSetting; HWND hWnd; LRESULT cItemMax; int iItem;
// Set all settings off
hWnd=GetDlgItem(m_hWndDlg,IDC_SETTINGS); cItemMax=SendMessageA(hWnd,LB_GETCOUNT,0,0); for (iItem=0;iItem<cItemMax;iItem++) { pSetting=(CSetting*)SendMessageA(hWnd,LB_GETITEMDATA,(WPARAM)iItem,0); pSetting->m_bUseSetting=false; } }
INT_PTR CALLBACK CFuncTest::DlgProc(HWND hWndDlg,UINT Msg,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) // Options dialog proc
{ switch (Msg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: return true; case WM_COMMAND: if (HIWORD(wParam)==BN_CLICKED) { switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDC_RUN: g_FuncTest.Run(); return true; case IDC_REGRESSION: g_FuncTest.RunRegression(); return true; } } else if (HIWORD(wParam)==LBN_DBLCLK) { switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDC_PRIMITIVES: g_FuncTest.Run(); return true; } } break; case WM_CLOSE: ShowWindow(hWndDlg,SW_HIDE); return true; }
return false; }
#define UNICODE
#define _UNICODE