* Module Name: CSourceCopy.cpp * * This file contains the code to support the functionality test harness * for GDI+. This includes menu options and calling the appropriate * functions for execution. * * Created: 05-May-2000 - Jeff Vezina [t-jfvez] * * Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation * \**************************************************************************/ #include "CSourceCopy.h"
CSourceCopy::CSourceCopy(BOOL bRegression) { strcpy(m_szName,"SourceCopy"); m_bRegression=bRegression; }
CSourceCopy::~CSourceCopy() { }
void CSourceCopy::Draw(Graphics *g) { // This test demonstrates SetCompositingMode by drawing two overlapping
// rectangles, using SourceCopy, into a temporary bitmap, then drawing
// the bitmap (using SourceOver), onto the screen over a background.
// Make a temporary surface
Bitmap bmTemp((int)(300.0f/150.0f*TESTAREAWIDTH), (int)(300.0f/150.0f*TESTAREAHEIGHT), PixelFormat32bppPARGB); Graphics gTemp(&bmTemp); Graphics *gt=&gTemp; // First, draw a blue checkerboard pattern on the output Graphics
SolidBrush blueBrush(Color::Blue); int i,j; for (i=0;i<3;i++) { for (j=0;j<3;j++) { if ((i+j) & 1) { g->FillRectangle( &blueBrush, (int)((100.0f+i*30.0f)/200.0f*TESTAREAWIDTH), (int)((100.0f+j*30.0f)/200.0f*TESTAREAHEIGHT), (int)(30.0f/200.0f*TESTAREAHEIGHT), (int)(30.0f/200.0f*TESTAREAHEIGHT)); } } }
gt->SetCompositingMode(CompositingModeSourceCopy); gt->SetSmoothingMode(g->GetSmoothingMode());
// Clear the bitmap to the transparent color
// Draw two overlapping rectangles to the temporary surface
SolidBrush halfRedBrush(Color(128, 255, 0, 0)); gt->FillRectangle(&halfRedBrush, (int)(28.0f/150.0f*TESTAREAWIDTH), (int)(84.0f/150.0f*TESTAREAHEIGHT), (int)(90.0f/150.0f*TESTAREAWIDTH), (int)(50.0f/150.0f*TESTAREAHEIGHT));
SolidBrush halfGreenBrush(Color(128, 0, 255, 0)); gt->FillRectangle(&halfGreenBrush, (int)(40.0f/150.0f*TESTAREAWIDTH), (int)(40.0f/150.0f*TESTAREAHEIGHT), (int)(100.0f/150.0f*TESTAREAWIDTH), (int)(60.0f/150.0f*TESTAREAHEIGHT)); // SourceOver the result to the output Graphics
g->DrawImage(&bmTemp, 0, 0, 0, 0, (int)TESTAREAWIDTH, (int)TESTAREAHEIGHT, UnitPixel); }