* Module Name: Main.cpp * * This file contains the code to support the functionality test harness * for GDI+. This includes menu options and calling the appropriate * functions for execution. * * Created: 28-Apr-2000 - Jeff Vezina [t-jfvez] * * Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation * \**************************************************************************/
#undef UNICODE
#undef _UNICODE
#include <windows.h>
#include <commctrl.h>
#include <objbase.h>
#include <gdiplus.h>
#include "CFuncTest.h"
#include "resource.h"
CFuncTest g_FuncTest; // FuncTest (handles test runs)
HBRUSH g_hbrBackground=NULL; // Main window background color
HWND g_hWndMain=NULL; // Main window
int g_nResult=0; // Result of test run
// Include all the outputs (classes derived from COutput)
#include "CHWND.h"
#include "CHDC.h"
#include "CFile.h"
#include "CBitmap.h"
#include "CDIB.h"
#include "CDirect3D.h"
#include "CPrinter.h"
#include "CMetafile.h"
// Include all the primitives (classes derived from CPrimitive)
#include "CPolygons.h"
#include "CBitmaps.h"
#include "CCachedBitmap.h"
#include "CCompoundLines.h"
#include "CContainer.h"
#include "CContainerClip.h"
#include "CDashes.h"
#include "CPathGradient.hpp"
#include "CDash.hpp"
#include "CLines.hpp"
#include "CGradients.h"
#include "CHatch.h"
#include "CImaging.h"
#include "CRecolor.h"
#include "CInsetLines.h"
#include "CMixedObjects.h"
#include "CPaths.h"
#include "CPrimitives.h"
#include "CRegions.h"
#include "CText.h"
#include "CRegression.h"
#include "CSourceCopy.h"
#include "CExtra.h"
// Include all the settings (classes derived from CSetting)
#include "CAntialias.h"
#include "CHalfPixel.h"
#include "CQuality.h"
#include "CHalftone.h"
#include "CChecker.h"
#include "CRotate.h"
#include "CBKGradient.h"
#include "CHatch.h"
#include "../gpinit.inc"
// Create global objects for each individual output
// First constructor param is the regression flag
// If true, the test will take part of the regression suite
CHWND g_HWND(true); CHDC g_HDC(true); CDirect3D g_Direct3D(false); CPrinter g_Printer(false); CDIB g_DIB1(true,1); CDIB g_DIB2(false,2); CDIB g_DIB4(true,4); CDIB g_DIB8(true,8); CDIB g_DIB16(true,16); CDIB g_DIB24(true,24); CDIB g_DIB32(true,32); CFile g_File1(false,1); CFile g_File2(false,2); CFile g_File4(false,4); CFile g_File8(false,8); CFile g_File16(false,16); CFile g_File24(false,24); CFile g_File32(false,32);
CBitmap g_Bitmap1(false, PixelFormat1bppIndexed); CBitmap g_Bitmap4(false, PixelFormat4bppIndexed); CBitmap g_Bitmap8(false, PixelFormat8bppIndexed); CBitmap g_Bitmap16Gray(false, PixelFormat16bppGrayScale); CBitmap g_Bitmap16555(false, PixelFormat16bppRGB555); CBitmap g_Bitmap16565(false, PixelFormat16bppRGB565); CBitmap g_Bitmap161555(false, PixelFormat16bppARGB1555); CBitmap g_Bitmap24(false, PixelFormat24bppRGB); CBitmap g_Bitmap32RGB(false, PixelFormat32bppRGB); CBitmap g_Bitmap32ARGB(false, PixelFormat32bppARGB); CBitmap g_Bitmap32PARGB(false, PixelFormat32bppPARGB); CBitmap g_Bitmap48RGB(false, PixelFormat48bppRGB); CBitmap g_Bitmap64ARGB(false, PixelFormat64bppARGB); CBitmap g_Bitmap64PARGB(false, PixelFormat64bppPARGB);
CMetafile g_MetafileEMF(false, MetafileTypeEmf); CMetafile g_MetafileEMFPlus(false, MetafileTypeEmfPlusOnly); CMetafile g_MetafileEMFPlusDual(true, MetafileTypeEmfPlusDual);
CMetafile g_MetafileEMFF(false, MetafileTypeEmf, true); CMetafile g_MetafileEMFPlusF(false, MetafileTypeEmfPlusOnly, true); CMetafile g_MetafileEMFPlusDualF(true, MetafileTypeEmfPlusDual, true);
CRegression g_Regression(true);
// Create global objects for each individual setting
// First constructor param is the regression flag
// If true, the test will take part of the regression suite
CAntialias g_Antialias(true); CHalfPixel g_HalfPixel(true); CQuality g_Quality(true); CCompositingMode g_CompositingMode(true); CHalftone g_Halftone(true); CChecker g_Checker(true); CRotate g_Rotate13(true,13); CRotate g_Rotate45(true,45); CBKGradient g_BKGradient(true); CHatch g_Hatch(true);
LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hWnd,UINT Msg,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) // Main window proc
{ switch (Msg) { case WM_COMMAND: // Process menu buttons
switch(LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDM_RUN: g_FuncTest.Run(); break; case IDM_REGRESSION: g_FuncTest.RunRegression(); break; case IDM_OPTIONS: g_FuncTest.RunOptions(); break; case IDM_QUIT: { HWND hwnd = g_hWndMain; g_hWndMain = NULL; DestroyWindow(hwnd); } break; } break; case WM_DESTROY: PostQuitMessage(0); break; }
return DefWindowProcA(hWnd,Msg,wParam,lParam); }
void WindowUninit() // Uninitializes window
{ if (g_hbrBackground!=NULL) // Destroy background brush
{ DeleteObject((HGDIOBJ)g_hbrBackground); g_hbrBackground=NULL; } if (g_hWndMain!=NULL) // Destroy main window
{ DestroyWindow(g_hWndMain); g_hWndMain=NULL; } }
BOOL WindowInit() // Creates window and starts up app
{ WNDCLASSA wc; HINSTANCE hInst=GetModuleHandleA(NULL);
// Create white background brush
wc.style = 0; wc.lpfnWndProc = WndProc; wc.cbClsExtra = 0; wc.cbWndExtra = 0; wc.hInstance = hInst; wc.hIcon = LoadIconA(GetModuleHandle(NULL),MAKEINTRESOURCEA(ID_APP)); wc.hCursor = LoadCursorA(NULL,MAKEINTRESOURCEA(32512)); wc.hbrBackground = g_hbrBackground; wc.lpszMenuName = MAKEINTRESOURCEA(IDR_MENU1); wc.lpszClassName = "Functest"; if (!RegisterClassA(&wc)) return false;
if (g_hWndMain==NULL) return false;
UpdateWindow(g_hWndMain); ShowWindow(g_hWndMain,SW_SHOW);
return true; }
* main(argc, argv[]) * * Sets up the message loop. * * History: * 04-07-91 - Created - KentD * 04-28-00 - Modified - Jeff Vezina (t-jfvez) * \***************************************************************************/ __cdecl main(int argc,PCHAR argv[]) { MSG msg;
if (!gGdiplusInitHelper.IsValid()) { return 0; } CoInitialize(NULL);
if (!WindowInit()) return 0; if (!g_FuncTest.Init(g_hWndMain)) return 0;
// Init all primitives, graphics types, and graphics settings
g_HWND.Init(); g_HDC.Init(); g_Direct3D.Init(); g_Printer.Init(); g_DIB1.Init(); g_DIB2.Init(); g_DIB4.Init(); g_DIB8.Init(); g_DIB16.Init(); g_DIB24.Init(); g_DIB32.Init(); g_File1.Init(); g_File2.Init(); g_File4.Init(); g_File8.Init(); g_File16.Init(); g_File24.Init(); g_File32.Init();
g_Bitmap1.Init(); g_Bitmap4.Init(); g_Bitmap8.Init(); g_Bitmap16Gray.Init(); g_Bitmap16555.Init(); g_Bitmap16565.Init(); g_Bitmap161555.Init(); g_Bitmap24.Init(); g_Bitmap32RGB.Init(); g_Bitmap32ARGB.Init(); g_Bitmap32PARGB.Init(); g_Bitmap48RGB.Init(); g_Bitmap64ARGB.Init(); g_Bitmap64PARGB.Init();
g_MetafileEMF.Init(); g_MetafileEMFPlus.Init(); g_MetafileEMFPlusDual.Init(); g_MetafileEMFF.Init(); g_MetafileEMFPlusF.Init(); g_MetafileEMFPlusDualF.Init();
g_Antialias.Init(); g_Quality.Init(); g_CompositingMode.Init(); g_HalfPixel.Init(); g_Halftone.Init(); g_Checker.Init(); g_Rotate13.Init(); g_Rotate45.Init(); g_BKGradient.Init(); g_Hatch.Init();
// Put initializations into cextra.cpp, so that individual
// developers can implement their own file for private usage.
for (int i=1;i<argc;i++) { if ((_stricmp(argv[i],"/?")==0) || (_stricmp(argv[i],"?")==0) || (_stricmp(argv[i],"-?")==0)) { printf("Functest command line parameters:\n"); printf("/? - Show the command line parameters\n"); printf("/regression - Run the regression test immediately\n"); return 1; } else if (_stricmp(argv[i],"/regression")==0) { g_FuncTest.RunRegression(); SendMessageA(g_FuncTest.m_hWndMain,WM_CLOSE,0,0); return g_nResult; } }
while (GetMessageA(&msg,NULL,0,0)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessageA(&msg); }
return g_nResult; }
#define UNICODE
#define _UNICODE