#include "gdiptest.h"
extern const TCHAR* fileExtList = _T("BMP files\0*.BMP\0" "JPG files\0*.JPG\0" "GIF files\0*.GIF\0" "All files\0*.*\0");
extern const TCHAR* defaultExt = _T("jpg");
TestBrush* TestBrush::CreateNewBrush(INT type) { switch (type) { case SolidColorBrush: return new TestSolidBrush();
case TextureFillBrush: return new TestTextureBrush();
case RectGradBrush: return new TestRectGradBrush();
case RadialGradBrush: return new TestRadialGradBrush();
case TriangleGradBrush: return new TestTriangleGradBrush();
case PathGradBrush: return new TestPathGradBrush();
case HatchFillBrush: return new TestHatchBrush();
// !!! Other brush types
default: NotImplementedBox(); return NULL; } }
// TestSolidBrush
BOOL TestSolidBrush :: ChangeSettings(HWND hwndParent) { BOOL ok = DialogBoxParam(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_SOLIDBRUSH_DLG), hwndParent, AllDialogBox, (LPARAM)((TestDialogInterface*)this));
if (ok) { // initialize a new GDI+ brush with settings
delete brush; Color solidcolor(argb); brush = new SolidBrush(solidcolor);
return TRUE; } return FALSE; };
VOID TestSolidBrush :: Initialize() { argb = 0x80000000;
delete brush; Color solidcolor(argb); brush = new SolidBrush(solidcolor); }
VOID TestSolidBrush :: AddToFile(OutputFile* outfile, INT id) { TCHAR colorStr[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR brushStr[MAX_PATH];
if (id) { _stprintf(&colorStr[0], _T("color%d"), id); _stprintf(&brushStr[0], _T("brush%d"), id); } else { _tcscpy(&colorStr[0], _T("color")); _tcscpy(&brushStr[0], _T("brush")); }
outfile->ColorDeclaration(&colorStr[0], &argb);
outfile->Declaration(_T("SolidBrush"), &brushStr[0], _T("%s"), &colorStr[0]); }
VOID TestSolidBrush :: InitDialog(HWND hwnd) { SetDialogLong(hwnd, IDC_SB_ALPHA, argb >> Color::AlphaShift); }
BOOL TestSolidBrush :: SaveValues(HWND hwnd) { BOOL warning = FALSE;
argb = (argb & ~Color::AlphaMask) | (GetDialogLong(hwnd, IDC_SB_ALPHA) << Color::AlphaShift); if (warning) InitDialog(hwnd);
return warning; }
BOOL TestSolidBrush :: ProcessDialog(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if (msg == WM_COMMAND) { switch(LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDC_OK: if (SaveValues(hwnd)) WarningBeep(); else ::EndDialog(hwnd, TRUE); break;
case IDC_SB_COLORBUTTON: UpdateRGBColor(hwnd, IDC_SB_PIC, argb); break;
case IDC_REFRESH_PIC: UpdateColorPicture(hwnd, IDC_SB_PIC, argb); break;
case IDC_CANCEL: ::EndDialog(hwnd, FALSE); break;
default: return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
// TestTextureBrush
BOOL TestTextureBrush :: ChangeSettings(HWND hwndParent) { BOOL ok = DialogBoxParam(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_TEXTURE_DLG), hwndParent, AllDialogBox, (LPARAM)((TestDialogInterface*)this));
if (ok) { // try open file first
if (!filename || !bitmap) return FALSE;
// initialize a new GDI+ brush with settings
delete brush;
TextureBrush *texBrush = new TextureBrush(bitmap, wrapValue[wrapMode]); texBrush->SetTransform(matrix);
brush = texBrush;
// release bitmap
delete bitmap; bitmap = NULL;
return TRUE; } return FALSE; };
VOID TestTextureBrush :: Initialize() { filename = NULL; wrapMode = Tile; delete matrix; matrix = new Matrix(); ASSERT(!bitmap);
delete brush;
// no image is black
brush = blackBrush->Clone(); }
VOID TestTextureBrush::AddToFile(OutputFile* outfile, INT id) { TCHAR brushStr[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR matrixStr[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR bitmapStr[MAX_PATH];
if (id) { _stprintf(&brushStr[0], _T("brush%d"), id); _stprintf(&matrixStr[0], _T("matrix%d"), id); _stprintf(&bitmapStr[0], _T("bitmap%d"), id); } else { _tcscpy(&brushStr[0], _T("brush")); _tcscpy(&matrixStr[0], _T("matrix")); _tcscpy(&bitmapStr[0], _T("bitmap")); }
outfile->Declaration(_T("Bitmap"), &bitmapStr[0], "%s", outfile->WStr(filename));
outfile->Declaration(_T("TextureBrush"), &brushStr[0], _T("%s, %s"), outfile->Ref(&bitmapStr[0]), wrapStr[wrapMode]);
outfile->SetMatrixDeclaration(&brushStr[0], _T("SetTransform"), &matrixStr[0], matrix); }
VOID TestTextureBrush :: InitDialog(HWND hwnd) { SetDialogText(hwnd, IDC_TEXTURE_FILENAME, filename, FALSE); SetDialogCombo(hwnd, IDC_BRUSH_WRAP, wrapList, numWrap, wrapMode); }
BOOL TestTextureBrush :: SaveValues(HWND hwnd) { BOOL warning = FALSE;
GetDialogText(hwnd, IDC_TEXTURE_FILENAME, &fname[0], MAX_PATH-1);
if (filename) free(filename);
filename = _tcsdup(&fname[0]);
wrapMode = GetDialogCombo(hwnd, IDC_BRUSH_WRAP);
return FALSE; }
BOOL TestTextureBrush :: ProcessDialog(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if (msg == WM_COMMAND) { switch(LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDC_OK: if (SaveValues(hwnd)) WarningBeep(); else ::EndDialog(hwnd, TRUE); break;
OPENFILENAME ofn = { sizeof(OPENFILENAME), hwnd, 0, fileExtList, NULL, 0, 1, &fname[0], MAX_PATH-1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST, 0, 0, defaultExt, NULL, NULL, NULL };
if ((GetOpenFileName(&ofn) == TRUE) && fname[0] != '\0') { HANDLE hFile = CreateFile(fname, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0);
if (!hFile) { WarningBox(_T("Can't open file for reading.")); return TRUE; }
#ifdef UNICODE
LPWSTR wFilename = &fname[0]; #else // !UNICODE
LPWSTR wFilename = (LPWSTR)malloc(sizeof(WCHAR)*(strlen(&fname[0])+1));
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, &fname[0], strlen(&fname[0])+1, wFilename, strlen(&fname[0])+1); #endif
if (bitmap) delete bitmap;
bitmap = new Bitmap(wFilename);
#ifndef UNICODE
free(wFilename); #endif
if (!bitmap || bitmap->GetLastStatus() != Ok) { WarningBox(_T("Can't load bitmap file.")); if (bitmap) delete bitmap; } else { SetDialogText(hwnd, IDC_TEXTURE_FILENAME, &fname[0], FALSE); } } } break;
case IDC_BRUSH_TRANSFORM: { TestTransform transDlg; transDlg.Initialize(&matrix);
transDlg.ChangeSettings(hwnd); } break;
case IDC_CANCEL: ::EndDialog(hwnd, FALSE); break;
default: return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
// TestRectGradBrush
BOOL TestRectGradBrush :: ChangeSettings(HWND hwndParent) { BOOL ok = DialogBoxParam(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_RECTGRAD_DLG), hwndParent, AllDialogBox, (LPARAM)((TestDialogInterface*)this));
if (ok) { // initialize a new GDI+ brush with settings
delete brush;
Color colors[4] = { Color(argb[0]), Color(argb[1]), Color(argb[2]), Color(argb[3]) };
RectangleGradientBrush* rectBrush = new RectangleGradientBrush(rect, (Color*)&colors[0], wrapValue[wrapMode]); rectBrush->SetTransform(matrix); rectBrush->SetHorizontalBlend(horzBlend, horzCount); rectBrush->SetVerticalBlend(vertBlend, vertCount);
brush = rectBrush; return TRUE; } return FALSE; };
VOID TestRectGradBrush :: Initialize() { rect.X = rect.Y = 0; rect.Width = rect.Height = 100;
// !! need editing support for these...
horzCount = 0; horzBlend = NULL; vertCount = 0; vertBlend = NULL;
wrapMode = 0; delete matrix; matrix = new Matrix();
argb[0] = 0xFFFFFFFF; argb[1] = 0xFFFF0000; argb[2] = 0xFF00FF00; argb[3] = 0xFF0000FF; Color colors[4] = { Color(argb[0]), Color(argb[1]), Color(argb[2]), Color(argb[3]) };
delete brush;
RectangleGradientBrush *rectBrush = new RectangleGradientBrush(rect, (Color*)&colors[0], wrapValue[wrapMode]);
rectBrush->SetTransform(matrix); rectBrush->SetHorizontalBlend(horzBlend, horzCount); rectBrush->SetVerticalBlend(vertBlend, vertCount);
brush = rectBrush; }
VOID TestRectGradBrush::AddToFile(OutputFile* outfile, INT id) { TCHAR brushStr[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR rectStr[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR matrixStr[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR colorsStr[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR blend1Str[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR blend2Str[MAX_PATH];
if (id) { _stprintf(&brushStr[0], _T("brush%d"), id); _stprintf(&rectStr[0], _T("rect%db"), id); _stprintf(&matrixStr[0], _T("matrix%d"), id); _stprintf(&colorsStr[0], _T("colors%db"), id); _stprintf(&blend1Str[0], _T("horzBlend%db"), id); _stprintf(&blend2Str[0], _T("vertBlend%db"), id); } else { _tcscpy(&brushStr[0], _T("brush")); _tcscpy(&rectStr[0], _T("rectb")); _tcscpy(&matrixStr[0], _T("matrixb")); _tcscpy(&colorsStr[0], _T("colors")); _tcscpy(&blend1Str[0], _T("horzBlend")); _tcscpy(&blend2Str[0], _T("vertBlend")); }
outfile->ColorDeclaration(&colorsStr[0], &argb[0], 4);
outfile->RectangleDeclaration(&rectStr[0], rect);
outfile->Declaration(_T("RectangleGradientBrush"), &brushStr[0], _T("%s, %s, %s"), &rectStr[0], outfile->RefArray(&colorsStr[0]), wrapStr[wrapMode]);
outfile->SetMatrixDeclaration(&brushStr[0], _T("SetTransform"), &matrixStr[0], matrix);
if (horzBlend && horzCount) { outfile->BlankLine();
outfile->SetBlendDeclaration(&brushStr[0], _T("SetHorizontalBlend"), &blend1Str[0], horzBlend, horzCount); }
if (vertBlend && vertCount) { outfile->BlankLine();
outfile->SetBlendDeclaration(&brushStr[0], _T("SetVerticalBlend"), &blend2Str[0], vertBlend, vertCount); } }
VOID TestRectGradBrush :: InitDialog(HWND hwnd) { SetDialogReal(hwnd, IDC_RECTGRAD_X, rect.X); SetDialogReal(hwnd, IDC_RECTGRAD_Y, rect.Y); SetDialogReal(hwnd, IDC_RECTGRAD_WIDTH, rect.Width); SetDialogReal(hwnd, IDC_RECTGRAD_HEIGHT, rect.Height);
SetDialogLong(hwnd, IDC_RECTGRAD_ALPHA1, argb[0] >> Color::AlphaShift); SetDialogLong(hwnd, IDC_RECTGRAD_ALPHA2, argb[1] >> Color::AlphaShift); SetDialogLong(hwnd, IDC_RECTGRAD_ALPHA3, argb[2] >> Color::AlphaShift); SetDialogLong(hwnd, IDC_RECTGRAD_ALPHA4, argb[3] >> Color::AlphaShift); SetDialogCombo(hwnd, IDC_BRUSH_WRAP, wrapList, numWrap, wrapMode);
// !! is this a bug: can't paint colors in this call??
SendMessage(hwnd, WM_COMMAND, IDC_REFRESH_PIC, 0); }
BOOL TestRectGradBrush :: SaveValues(HWND hwnd) { BOOL warning = FALSE;
rect.X = GetDialogReal(hwnd, IDC_RECTGRAD_X); rect.Y = GetDialogReal(hwnd, IDC_RECTGRAD_Y); rect.Width = GetDialogReal(hwnd, IDC_RECTGRAD_WIDTH); rect.Height = GetDialogReal(hwnd, IDC_RECTGRAD_HEIGHT);
argb[0] = (argb[0] & ~Color::AlphaMask) | (GetDialogLong(hwnd, IDC_RECTGRAD_ALPHA1) << Color::AlphaShift); argb[1] = (argb[1] & ~Color::AlphaMask) | (GetDialogLong(hwnd, IDC_RECTGRAD_ALPHA2) << Color::AlphaShift);
argb[2] = (argb[2] & ~Color::AlphaMask) | (GetDialogLong(hwnd, IDC_RECTGRAD_ALPHA3) << Color::AlphaShift);
argb[3] = (argb[3] & ~Color::AlphaMask) | (GetDialogLong(hwnd, IDC_RECTGRAD_ALPHA4) << Color::AlphaShift);
wrapMode = GetDialogCombo(hwnd, IDC_BRUSH_WRAP);
return FALSE; }
BOOL TestRectGradBrush :: ProcessDialog(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if (msg == WM_COMMAND) { switch(LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDC_OK: if (SaveValues(hwnd)) WarningBeep(); else ::EndDialog(hwnd, TRUE); break;
case IDC_RECTGRAD_COLOR1: UpdateRGBColor(hwnd, IDC_RECTGRAD_PIC1, argb[0]); break;
case IDC_RECTGRAD_COLOR2: UpdateRGBColor(hwnd, IDC_RECTGRAD_PIC2, argb[1]); break;
case IDC_RECTGRAD_COLOR3: UpdateRGBColor(hwnd, IDC_RECTGRAD_PIC3, argb[2]); break;
case IDC_RECTGRAD_COLOR4: UpdateRGBColor(hwnd, IDC_RECTGRAD_PIC4, argb[3]); break;
case IDC_REFRESH_PIC: UpdateColorPicture(hwnd, IDC_RECTGRAD_PIC1, argb[0] & ~Color::AlphaMask); UpdateColorPicture(hwnd, IDC_RECTGRAD_PIC2, argb[1] & ~Color::AlphaMask); UpdateColorPicture(hwnd, IDC_RECTGRAD_PIC3, argb[2] & ~Color::AlphaMask); UpdateColorPicture(hwnd, IDC_RECTGRAD_PIC4, argb[3] & ~Color::AlphaMask); break;
case IDC_BRUSH_TRANSFORM: { TestTransform transDlg; transDlg.Initialize(&matrix);
transDlg.ChangeSettings(hwnd); } break;
case IDC_CANCEL: ::EndDialog(hwnd, FALSE); break;
default: return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
// TestRadialGradBrush
BOOL TestRadialGradBrush :: ChangeSettings(HWND hwndParent) { BOOL ok = DialogBoxParam(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_RADGRAD_DLG), hwndParent, AllDialogBox, (LPARAM)((TestDialogInterface*)this));
if (ok) { // initialize a new GDI+ brush with settings
delete brush;
Color centerColor(centerARGB); Color boundaryColor(boundaryARGB);
RadialGradientBrush *radBrush = new RadialGradientBrush(rect, centerColor, boundaryColor, wrapValue[wrapMode]); radBrush->SetTransform(matrix); if (blend && blendCount) radBrush->SetBlend(blend, blendCount); brush = radBrush;
return TRUE; } return FALSE; };
VOID TestRadialGradBrush :: Initialize() { delete matrix; matrix = new Matrix();
rect.X = rect.Y = 0; rect.Width = rect.Height = 100;
// !! need editing support for these...
blendCount = 0; blend = NULL;
wrapMode = 0; matrix->Reset();
centerARGB = 0xFFFFFFFF; boundaryARGB = 0xFF000000; Color centerColor(centerARGB); Color boundaryColor(boundaryARGB); delete brush;
RadialGradientBrush *radBrush = new RadialGradientBrush(rect, centerColor, boundaryColor, wrapValue[wrapMode]);
radBrush->SetTransform(matrix); radBrush->SetBlend(blend, blendCount);
brush = radBrush; }
VOID TestRadialGradBrush::AddToFile(OutputFile* outfile, INT id) { TCHAR brushStr[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR matrixStr[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR rectStr[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR color1Str[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR color2Str[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR blendStr[MAX_PATH];
if (id) { _stprintf(&brushStr[0], _T("brush%d"), id); _stprintf(&matrixStr[0], _T("matrix%d"), id); _stprintf(&rectStr[0], _T("rect%db"), id); _stprintf(&color1Str[0], _T("centerColor%db"), id); _stprintf(&color2Str[0], _T("boundaryColor%db"), id); _stprintf(&blendStr[0], _T("radialBlend%db"), id); } else { _tcscpy(&brushStr[0], _T("brush")); _tcscpy(&matrixStr[0], _T("matrix")); _tcscpy(&rectStr[0], _T("rectb")); _tcscpy(&color1Str[0], _T("centerColor")); _tcscpy(&color2Str[0], _T("boundaryColor")); _tcscpy(&blendStr[0], _T("radialBlend")); }
outfile->ColorDeclaration(&color1Str[0], ¢erARGB, 0);
outfile->ColorDeclaration(&color2Str[0], &boundaryARGB, 0);
outfile->RectangleDeclaration(&rectStr[0], rect);
outfile->Declaration(_T("RadialGradientBrush"), &brushStr[0], _T("%s, %s, %s, %s"), &rectStr[0], &color1Str[0], &color2Str[0], wrapStr[wrapMode]);
outfile->SetMatrixDeclaration(&brushStr[0], _T("SetTransform"), &matrixStr[0], matrix);
if (blend && blendCount) { outfile->BlankLine();
outfile->SetBlendDeclaration(&brushStr[0], _T("SetBlend"), &blendStr[0], blend, blendCount); } }
VOID TestRadialGradBrush :: InitDialog(HWND hwnd) { SetDialogReal(hwnd, IDC_RADGRAD_X, rect.X); SetDialogReal(hwnd, IDC_RADGRAD_Y, rect.Y); SetDialogReal(hwnd, IDC_RADGRAD_WIDTH, rect.Width); SetDialogReal(hwnd, IDC_RADGRAD_HEIGHT, rect.Height);
SetDialogLong(hwnd, IDC_RADGRAD_CENTERALPHA, centerARGB >> Color::AlphaShift); SetDialogLong(hwnd, IDC_RADGRAD_BOUNDARYALPHA, boundaryARGB >> Color::AlphaShift); SetDialogCombo(hwnd, IDC_BRUSH_WRAP, wrapList, numWrap, wrapMode); }
BOOL TestRadialGradBrush :: SaveValues(HWND hwnd) { BOOL warning = FALSE;
rect.X = GetDialogReal(hwnd, IDC_RADGRAD_X); rect.Y = GetDialogReal(hwnd, IDC_RADGRAD_Y); rect.Width = GetDialogReal(hwnd, IDC_RADGRAD_WIDTH); rect.Height = GetDialogReal(hwnd, IDC_RADGRAD_HEIGHT);
centerARGB = (centerARGB & ~Color::AlphaMask) | (GetDialogLong(hwnd, IDC_RADGRAD_CENTERALPHA) << Color::AlphaShift); boundaryARGB = (boundaryARGB & ~Color::AlphaMask) | (GetDialogLong(hwnd, IDC_RADGRAD_BOUNDARYALPHA) << Color::AlphaShift);
wrapMode = GetDialogCombo(hwnd, IDC_BRUSH_WRAP);
return FALSE; }
BOOL TestRadialGradBrush :: ProcessDialog(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if (msg == WM_COMMAND) { switch(LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDC_OK: if (SaveValues(hwnd)) WarningBeep(); else ::EndDialog(hwnd, TRUE); break;
case IDC_RADGRAD_CENTER: UpdateRGBColor(hwnd, IDC_RADGRAD_PICC, centerARGB); break;
case IDC_RADGRAD_BOUNDARY: UpdateRGBColor(hwnd, IDC_RADGRAD_PICB, boundaryARGB); break;
case IDC_REFRESH_PIC: UpdateColorPicture(hwnd, IDC_RADGRAD_PICC, centerARGB & ~Color::AlphaMask); UpdateColorPicture(hwnd, IDC_RADGRAD_PICB, boundaryARGB & ~Color::AlphaMask); break; case IDC_BRUSH_TRANSFORM: { TestTransform transDlg; transDlg.Initialize(&matrix);
transDlg.ChangeSettings(hwnd); } break;
case IDC_CANCEL: ::EndDialog(hwnd, FALSE); break;
default: return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
// TestTriangleGradBrush
BOOL TestTriangleGradBrush :: ChangeSettings(HWND hwndParent) { BOOL ok = DialogBoxParam(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_TRIGRAD_DLG), hwndParent, AllDialogBox, (LPARAM)((TestDialogInterface*)this));
if (ok) { // initialize a new GDI+ brush with settings
delete brush;
Color colors[3] = { Color(argb[0]), Color(argb[1]), Color(argb[2]) };
TriangleGradientBrush *triBrush = new TriangleGradientBrush( (Point*)&pts[0], (Color*)&colors[0], wrapValue[wrapMode]);
triBrush->SetTransform(matrix); triBrush->SetBlend0(blend[0], count[0]); triBrush->SetBlend1(blend[1], count[1]); triBrush->SetBlend2(blend[2], count[2]); brush = triBrush;
return TRUE; } return FALSE; };
VOID TestTriangleGradBrush :: Initialize() { delete matrix; matrix = new Matrix();
pts[0].X = 10; pts[0].Y = 10; pts[1].X = 90; pts[1].Y = 10; pts[2].X = 50; pts[2].Y = 100;
blend[0] = blend[1] = blend[2] = NULL; count[0] = count[1] = count[2] = 0; argb[0] = 0x80FF0000; argb[1] = 0x8000FF00; argb[2] = 0x800000FF; Color colors[3] = { Color(argb[0]), Color(argb[1]), Color(argb[2]) };
wrapMode = 0; delete brush;
TriangleGradientBrush *triBrush = new TriangleGradientBrush( (Point*)(&pts[0]), (Color*)(&colors[0]), wrapValue[wrapMode]);
triBrush->SetTransform(matrix); triBrush->SetBlend0(blend[0], count[0]); triBrush->SetBlend1(blend[1], count[1]); triBrush->SetBlend2(blend[2], count[2]); brush = triBrush; }
VOID TestTriangleGradBrush::AddToFile(OutputFile* outfile, INT id) { INT pos;
TCHAR brushStr[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR matrixStr[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR ptsStr[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR colorsStr[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR blendStr[3][MAX_PATH];
if (id) { _stprintf(&brushStr[0], _T("brush%d"), id); _stprintf(&matrixStr[0], _T("matrix%db"), id); _stprintf(&ptsStr[0], _T("pts%db"), id); _stprintf(&colorsStr[0], _T("colors%db"), id); _stprintf(&blendStr[0][0], _T("blend%db01"), id); _stprintf(&blendStr[1][0], _T("blend%db12"), id); _stprintf(&blendStr[2][0], _T("blend%db20"), id); } else { _tcscpy(&brushStr[0], _T("brush")); _tcscpy(&brushStr[0], _T("matrixb")); _tcscpy(&ptsStr[0], _T("ptsb")); _tcscpy(&colorsStr[0], _T("colors")); _tcscpy(&blendStr[0][0], _T("blend01")); _tcscpy(&blendStr[1][0], _T("blend12")); _tcscpy(&blendStr[2][0], _T("blend20")); }
outfile->PointDeclaration(&ptsStr[0], &pts[0], 3);
outfile->ColorDeclaration(&colorsStr[0], &argb[0], 3);
outfile->Declaration(_T("TriangleGradientBrush"), &brushStr[0], _T("%s, %s, %s"), outfile->RefArray(&ptsStr[0]), outfile->RefArray(&colorsStr[0]), wrapStr[wrapMode]);
outfile->SetMatrixDeclaration(&brushStr[0], _T("SetTransform"), &matrixStr[0], matrix);
if (blend[0] && count[0]) { outfile->BlankLine(); outfile->SetBlendDeclaration(&brushStr[0], _T("SetBlend01"), &blendStr[0][0], blend[0], count[0]); }
if (blend[1] && count[1]) { outfile->BlankLine();
outfile->SetBlendDeclaration(&brushStr[0], _T("SetBlend12"), &blendStr[1][0], blend[1], count[1]); }
if (blend[2] && count[2]) { outfile->BlankLine();
outfile->SetBlendDeclaration(&brushStr[0], _T("SetBlend20"), &blendStr[2][0], blend[2], count[2]); } }
VOID TestTriangleGradBrush :: InitDialog(HWND hwnd) { TCHAR tmp[MAX_PATH];
_stprintf(tmp, "(%.f,%.f)", pts[0].X, pts[0].Y); SetDialogText(hwnd, IDC_TRIGRAD_PT1, &tmp[0], FALSE); _stprintf(tmp, "(%.f,%.f)", pts[1].X, pts[1].Y); SetDialogText(hwnd, IDC_TRIGRAD_PT2, &tmp[0], FALSE); _stprintf(tmp, "(%.f,%.f)", pts[2].X, pts[2].Y); SetDialogText(hwnd, IDC_TRIGRAD_PT3, &tmp[0], FALSE); SetDialogCombo(hwnd, IDC_BRUSH_WRAP, wrapList, numWrap, wrapMode); }
BOOL TestTriangleGradBrush :: SaveValues(HWND hwnd) { BOOL warning = FALSE;
wrapMode = GetDialogCombo(hwnd, IDC_BRUSH_WRAP);
return FALSE; }
BOOL TestTriangleGradBrush :: ProcessDialog(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if (msg == WM_COMMAND) { switch(LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDC_OK: if (SaveValues(hwnd)) WarningBeep(); else ::EndDialog(hwnd, TRUE); break;
case IDC_TRIGRAD_BUTTON: { EnableDialogControl(hwnd, IDC_TRIGRAD_BUTTON, FALSE);
// create gradient edit shape
TestTriangleGradShape *triGradShape = new TestTriangleGradShape();
triGradShape->Initialize(&pts[0], &argb[0], (REAL**)&blend, &count[0]); // create new draw object for window
// and initialize it with this shape
TestGradDraw *gradDraw = new TestGradDraw(); gradDraw->Initialize(triGradShape);
if (gradDraw->ChangeSettings(hwnd)) { memcpy(&pts[0], triGradShape->GetPoints(), sizeof(Point)*3); memcpy(&argb[0], triGradShape->GetARGB(), sizeof(ARGB)*3);
INT newCount[3];
memcpy(&newCount[0], triGradShape->GetBlendCount(), sizeof(INT)*3);
REAL** newBlend = triGradShape->GetBlend();
for (INT i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (count[i] && blend[i]) { count[i] = 0; free(blend[i]); blend[i] = NULL; }
count[i] = newCount[i]; blend[i] = (REAL*) malloc(sizeof(REAL)*count[i]); memcpy(blend[i], newBlend[i], sizeof(REAL)*count[i]); }
// update points in dialog box
// update color pictures
InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, TRUE);
} // ChangeSettings(hwnd);
delete triGradShape; delete gradDraw;
EnableDialogControl(hwnd, IDC_TRIGRAD_BUTTON, TRUE); EnableDialogControl(hwnd, IDC_OK, TRUE); EnableDialogControl(hwnd, IDC_CANCEL, TRUE);
// update color pictures if necessary
UpdateWindow(hwnd); InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, FALSE); break; }
case IDC_REFRESH_PIC: UpdateColorPicture(hwnd, IDC_TRIGRAD_PIC1, argb[0] & ~Color::AlphaMask); UpdateColorPicture(hwnd, IDC_TRIGRAD_PIC2, argb[1] & ~Color::AlphaMask); UpdateColorPicture(hwnd, IDC_TRIGRAD_PIC3, argb[2] & ~Color::AlphaMask); break; case IDC_BRUSH_TRANSFORM: { TestTransform transDlg; transDlg.Initialize(&matrix);
transDlg.ChangeSettings(hwnd); } break;
case IDC_CANCEL: ::EndDialog(hwnd, FALSE); break;
default: return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
// TestPathGradBrush
BOOL TestPathGradBrush :: ChangeSettings(HWND hwndParent) { BOOL ok = DialogBoxParam(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_POLYGRAD_DLG), hwndParent, AllDialogBox, (LPARAM)((TestDialogInterface*)this));
if (ok) { // initialize a new GDI+ brush with settings
delete brush;
PathGradientBrush *polyBrush = new PathGradientBrush((Point*)&pts[1], pts.GetCount()-1);
polyBrush->SetTransform(matrix); polyBrush->SetWrapMode(wrapValue[wrapMode]);
// polyBrush->SetSurroundBlend(surroundBlend, surroundCount);
polyBrush->SetBlend(centerBlend, centerCount);
Color centerColor(argb[0]); polyBrush->SetCenterColor(argb[0]);
for (INT pos = 1; pos < argb.GetCount(); pos++) { Color color(argb[pos]); polyBrush->SetSurroundColor(color, pos-1); } brush = polyBrush;
return TRUE; } return FALSE; };
VOID TestPathGradBrush :: Initialize() { delete matrix; matrix = new Matrix();
pts.Add(Point(100,100)); pts.Add(Point(100,50)); pts.Add(Point(150,150)); pts.Add(Point(50,150));
surroundBlend = centerBlend = NULL; surroundCount = centerCount = 0; argb.Reset();
argb.Add((ARGB)0x80000000); argb.Add((ARGB)0x80FF0000); argb.Add((ARGB)0x8000FF00); argb.Add((ARGB)0x800000FF);
wrapMode = 0;
// initialize a new GDI+ brush with settings
delete brush;
PathGradientBrush *polyBrush = new PathGradientBrush((Point*)&pts[1], pts.GetCount()-1);
polyBrush->SetTransform(matrix); polyBrush->SetWrapMode(wrapValue[wrapMode]);
Color centerColor(argb[0]); polyBrush->SetCenterColor(argb[0]);
for (INT pos = 1; pos < argb.GetCount(); pos++) { Color color(argb[pos]); polyBrush->SetSurroundColor(color, pos-1); } brush = polyBrush; }
VOID TestPathGradBrush :: AddToFile(OutputFile* outfile, INT id) { INT pos;
if (id) { _stprintf(&brushStr[0], _T("brush%d"), id); _stprintf(&matrixStr[0], _T("matrix%d"), id); _stprintf(&ptsStr[0], _T("pts%db"), id); _stprintf(&colorStr[0], _T("centerColor%db"), id); _stprintf(&blendStr[0], _T("radialBlend%db01"), id); } else { _tcscpy(&brushStr[0], _T("brush")); _tcscpy(&matrixStr[0], _T("matrixb")); _tcscpy(&ptsStr[0], _T("ptsb")); _tcscpy(&colorStr[0], _T("centerColor")); _tcscpy(&blendStr[0], _T("radialBlend")); }
outfile->PointDeclaration(&ptsStr[0], &pts[1], pts.GetCount()-1);
outfile->Declaration(_T("PathGradientBrush"), &brushStr[0], _T("%s, %d, %s"), outfile->RefArray(&ptsStr[0]), pts.GetCount()-1, wrapStr[wrapMode]);
if (id) { _stprintf(&ptsStr[0], _T("centerpt%db"), id); _stprintf(&colorStr[0], _T("centerColor%db"), id); } else { _tcscpy(&ptsStr[0], _T("centerpt")); _stprintf(&colorStr[0], _T("centerColor")); }
outfile->SetMatrixDeclaration(&brushStr[0], _T("SetTransform"), &matrixStr[0], matrix);
outfile->SetPointDeclaration(&brushStr[0], _T("SetCenterPoint"), &ptsStr[0], &pts[0]);
outfile->SetColorDeclaration(&brushStr[0], _T("SetCenterColor"), &colorStr[0], &argb[0]);
if (centerBlend && centerCount) { outfile->BlankLine(); outfile->SetBlendDeclaration(&brushStr[0], _T("SetRadialBlend"), &blendStr[0], centerBlend, centerCount); }
// No surround blend since outer edge blend is fixed by
// by radial blend
for (pos = 1; pos < pts.GetCount()-1; pos++) { if (id) _stprintf(&colorStr[0], _T("color%db%d"), id, pos); else _stprintf(&colorStr[0], _T("color%d"), pos);
outfile->ColorDeclaration(&colorStr[0], &argb[pos]);
outfile->ObjectCommand(&brushStr[0], _T("SetSurroundColor"), _T("%s, %d"), &colorStr[0], pos-1); } }
VOID TestPathGradBrush :: InitDialog(HWND hwnd) { TCHAR tmp[MAX_PATH];
HWND hwndList = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_POLYGRAD_POINTLIST);
INT count = SendMessage(hwndList, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
while (count) { // remove all items in list and repopulate
count = SendMessage(hwndList, LB_DELETESTRING, 0, 0); }
for (INT pos = 0; pos < pts.GetCount(); pos++) { if (!pos) _stprintf(tmp,"Center (%.f,%.f), Color=%08X", pts[0].X, pts[0].Y, argb[0]); else _stprintf(tmp,"Point (%.f,%.f), Color=%08X", pts[pos].X, pts[pos].Y, argb[pos]); SendMessage(hwndList, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (WPARAM)tmp); }
SetDialogCombo(hwnd, IDC_BRUSH_WRAP, wrapList, numWrap, wrapMode); }
BOOL TestPathGradBrush :: SaveValues(HWND hwnd) { BOOL warning = FALSE;
wrapMode = GetDialogCombo(hwnd, IDC_BRUSH_WRAP);
return FALSE; }
BOOL TestPathGradBrush :: ProcessDialog(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if (msg == WM_COMMAND) { switch(LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDC_OK: if (SaveValues(hwnd)) WarningBeep(); else ::EndDialog(hwnd, TRUE); break;
case IDC_POLYGRAD_BUTTON: { EnableDialogControl(hwnd, IDC_POLYGRAD_BUTTON, FALSE); EnableDialogControl(hwnd, IDC_OK, FALSE); EnableDialogControl(hwnd, IDC_CANCEL, FALSE); // create gradient edit shape
TestPathGradShape *polyGradShape = new TestPathGradShape();
polyGradShape->Initialize(&pts, &argb, surroundBlend, surroundCount, centerBlend, centerCount); // create new draw object for window
// and initialize it with this shape
TestGradDraw *gradDraw = new TestGradDraw(); gradDraw->Initialize(polyGradShape);
if (gradDraw->ChangeSettings(hwnd)) { pts.Reset(); argb.Reset();
pts.AddMultiple(polyGradShape->GetPoints(), polyGradShape->GetCount()); argb.AddMultiple(polyGradShape->GetARGB(), polyGradShape->GetCount());
if (surroundBlend) free(surroundBlend);
if (centerBlend) free(centerBlend);
surroundCount = polyGradShape->GetSurroundBlendCount(); centerCount = polyGradShape->GetCenterBlendCount();
if (surroundCount) { surroundBlend = (REAL*) malloc(sizeof(REAL)*surroundCount); memcpy(surroundBlend, polyGradShape->GetSurroundBlend(), sizeof(REAL)*surroundCount); } else surroundBlend = NULL;
if (centerCount) { centerBlend = (REAL*) malloc(sizeof(REAL)*centerCount); memcpy(centerBlend, polyGradShape->GetCenterBlend(), sizeof(REAL)*centerCount); } else centerBlend = NULL;
// update points in dialog box
// update color pictures
InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, TRUE);
} // ChangeSettings(hwnd);
delete polyGradShape; delete gradDraw;
EnableDialogControl(hwnd, IDC_POLYGRAD_BUTTON, TRUE); EnableDialogControl(hwnd, IDC_OK, TRUE); EnableDialogControl(hwnd, IDC_CANCEL, TRUE);
// update color pictures if necessary
UpdateWindow(hwnd); InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, FALSE); break; } case IDC_BRUSH_TRANSFORM: { TestTransform transDlg; transDlg.Initialize(&matrix);
transDlg.ChangeSettings(hwnd); } break;
case IDC_CANCEL: ::EndDialog(hwnd, FALSE); break;
default: return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
// TestHatchBrush
BOOL TestHatchBrush :: ChangeSettings(HWND hwndParent) { BOOL ok = DialogBoxParam(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_HATCH_DLG), hwndParent, AllDialogBox, (LPARAM)((TestDialogInterface*)this));
if (ok) { // initialize a new GDI+ brush with settings
delete brush; Color foreColor(foreArgb); Color backColor(backArgb); hatch = 0;
brush = new HatchBrush(hatchValue[hatch], foreColor, backColor);
return TRUE; } return FALSE; };
VOID TestHatchBrush :: Initialize() { foreArgb = 0xFF000000; backArgb = 0xFFFFFFFF;
delete brush; Color foreColor(foreArgb); Color backColor(backArgb); hatch = 0;
brush = new HatchBrush(hatchValue[hatch], foreColor, backColor); }
VOID TestHatchBrush::AddToFile(OutputFile* outfile, INT id) { TCHAR brushStr[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR color1Str[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR color2Str[MAX_PATH];
if (id) { _stprintf(&brushStr[0], _T("brush%d"), id); _stprintf(&color1Str[0], _T("foreColor%db"), id); _stprintf(&color2Str[0], _T("backColor%db"), id); } else { _tcscpy(&brushStr[0], _T("brush")); _tcscpy(&color1Str[0], _T("foreColor")); _tcscpy(&color2Str[0], _T("backColor")); }
outfile->ColorDeclaration(&color1Str[0], &foreArgb);
outfile->ColorDeclaration(&color2Str[0], &backArgb);
outfile->Declaration(_T("HatchBrush"), &brushStr[0], _T("%s, %s, %s"), &color1Str[0], &color2Str[0], hatchStr[hatch]); }
VOID TestHatchBrush :: InitDialog(HWND hwnd) { SetDialogLong(hwnd, IDC_HATCH_FOREALPHA, foreArgb >> Color::AlphaShift);
SetDialogLong(hwnd, IDC_HATCH_BACKALPHA, backArgb >> Color::AlphaShift);
SetDialogCombo(hwnd, IDC_HATCH_STYLE, hatchList, numHatch, hatch); }
BOOL TestHatchBrush :: SaveValues(HWND hwnd) { BOOL warning = FALSE;
foreArgb = (foreArgb & ~Color::AlphaMask) | (GetDialogLong(hwnd, IDC_HATCH_FOREALPHA) << Color::AlphaShift);
backArgb = (backArgb & ~Color::AlphaMask) | (GetDialogLong(hwnd, IDC_HATCH_BACKALPHA) << Color::AlphaShift);
hatch = GetDialogCombo(hwnd, IDC_HATCH_STYLE); if (warning) InitDialog(hwnd);
return warning; }
BOOL TestHatchBrush :: ProcessDialog(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if (msg == WM_COMMAND) { switch(LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDC_OK: if (SaveValues(hwnd)) WarningBeep(); else ::EndDialog(hwnd, TRUE); break;
case IDC_HATCH_FORECOLOR: UpdateRGBColor(hwnd, IDC_HATCH_FOREPIC, foreArgb); break;
case IDC_HATCH_BACKCOLOR: UpdateRGBColor(hwnd, IDC_HATCH_BACKPIC, backArgb); break;
case IDC_REFRESH_PIC: UpdateColorPicture(hwnd, IDC_HATCH_FOREPIC, foreArgb); UpdateColorPicture(hwnd, IDC_HATCH_BACKPIC, backArgb); break;
case IDC_CANCEL: ::EndDialog(hwnd, FALSE); break;
default: return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }