#include "gdiptest.h"
#include <commctrl.h>
extern const TCHAR* formatExtList = _T("CPP files\0*.cpp\0" "Java files\0*.Java\0" "VML files\0*.vml\0" "All files\0*.*\0");
extern const TCHAR* defaultFormatExt = _T("cpp");
// TestDraw
VOID TestDraw::AddPoint(HWND hwnd, Point pt) { if (!curShape) { // no current shape, create one of appropriate type
curShape = TestShape::CreateNewShape(shapeType); curShape->Initialize(NULL);
// save copy of brush & pen in shape
curShape->SetBrush(curBrush->Clone()); curShape->SetPen(curPen->Clone()); } else if (curShape->IsComplete()) { TestShape *lastShape = curShape;
// add current shape to shape stack
// create blank shape of this type
curShape = TestShape::CreateNewShape(shapeType); curShape->Initialize(lastShape);
// save copy of brush & pen in shape
curShape->SetBrush(curBrush->Clone()); curShape->SetPen(curPen->Clone()); }
curShape->AddPoint(hwnd, pt); }
BOOL TestDraw::DoneShape(HWND hwnd) { // we are at regular end point regardless
if (!curShape->IsComplete()) { // if point can't be treated as an 'end point' then treat
// it as a regular control point
curShape->DoneShape(hwnd); }
return curShape->IsComplete(); }
BOOL TestDraw::EndPoint(HWND hwnd, Point pt) { AddPoint(hwnd, pt); return DoneShape(hwnd); }
BOOL TestDraw::RemovePoint(HWND hwnd) { if (!curShape || (curShape && !curShape->RemovePoint(hwnd))) { if (shapeStack.GetCount() > 0) { // the shape is empty, delete it
delete curShape; curShape = shapeStack.Pop();
// !! reset menu option for current shape
return curShape->RemovePoint(hwnd); } }
return FALSE; }
VOID TestDraw::Draw(HWND hwnd) { PAINTSTRUCT ps; RECT rt; HDC hdc;
// !!! when CopyPixels work, cache the graphics up to the
// last shape. We blit that, then the new shape begins.
// posts a WM_ERASEBKGND message
hdc = BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps);
// GDI+ code BEGINS
Graphics *g = new Graphics(hwnd);
GetClientRect(hwnd, &rt); ERectangle rect(rt.left, rt.top, rt.right-rt.left, rt.bottom-rt.top -18); // for status window
// set appropriate clip region
if (useClip) { Region region(rect); region.And(clipRegion); g->SetClip(®ion); } else { g->SetClip(rect); }
// !!! iterate through stack of shapes.
// because of alpha we can't just redraw the last shape,
// otherwise we will blend alpha with ourself and whatever
// else is under us. clear the rectangle and redraw all.
if (redrawAll) { INT count = shapeStack.GetCount(); INT pos; for (pos=0; pos<count; pos++) { TestShape *shape = shapeStack[pos]; if (!shape->GetDisabled()) { // shape must be complete
shape->DrawShape(g); if (keepControlPoints) shape->DrawPoints(g); } } }
if (curShape) { if (curShape->IsComplete()) { curShape->DrawShape(g);
if (keepControlPoints) goto DrawCurShape; } else { DrawCurShape: g->SetClip(rect); curShape->DrawPoints(g); } } delete g;
// GDI+ code ENDS.
EndPaint(hwnd, &ps);
VOID TestDraw::SetClipRegion(HWND hwnd) {
if (!curShape) { WarningBox(_T("Create at least one shape first!")); return; }
// we want to allow the very last shape to clip
// so we add it in here to the stack list.
if (curShape->IsComplete()) { TestShape *lastShape = curShape;
// add current shape to shape stack
// create blank shape of this type
curShape = TestShape::CreateNewShape(shapeType); curShape->Initialize(lastShape);
// save copy of brush & pen in shape
curShape->SetBrush(curBrush->Clone()); curShape->SetPen(curPen->Clone()); }
// notice we repeatly initialize even though we only
// created this once...
clipShapeRegion->Initialize(&shapeStack, curShape, useClip);
if (clipShapeRegion->ChangeSettings(hwnd)) { delete clipRegion; clipRegion = clipShapeRegion->GetClipRegion();
useClip = clipShapeRegion->GetClipBool(); SetMenuCheckCmd(hwnd, MenuOtherPosition, IDM_USECLIP, useClip);
// force redraw of all stacked shapes w/new clip region
InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, TRUE); UpdateWindow(hwnd); }
UpdateStatus(); }
VOID TestDraw::RememberPoint(Point pt) { remPoint = pt; }
VOID TestDraw::MoveControlPoint(Point pt) { // find shape that hits control point.
Point *hitpt = NULL; if (curShape) { if (curShape->MoveControlPoint(remPoint, pt)) return; INT count = shapeStack.GetCount(); INT pos;
for (pos = count-1; pos>=0; pos--) { TestShape* shape = shapeStack[pos];
if (shape->MoveControlPoint(remPoint, pt)) return; } }
// nothing moved
WarningBeep(); }
VOID TestDraw::ChangeBrush(HWND hwnd, INT type) { TestBrush *newBrush = NULL;
if (curBrush && (type == curBrush->GetType())) { // same brush type
// !!! change brush color in middle of drawing?
TestBrush* newBrush = curBrush->Clone();
if (newBrush->ChangeSettings(hwnd)) { delete curBrush; curBrush = newBrush; } } else { // new brush type
SetMenuCheckPos(hwnd, MenuBrushPosition, curBrush->GetType(), FALSE);
newBrush = TestBrush::CreateNewBrush(type);
if (!newBrush) { return; }
newBrush->Initialize(); // keep or discard changed brush settings
if (newBrush->ChangeSettings(hwnd)) { delete curBrush; curBrush = newBrush; // !!! change brush color in middle of drawing
} else { delete newBrush; }
SetMenuCheckPos(hwnd, MenuBrushPosition, curBrush->GetType(), TRUE); }
if (curShape && curShape->GetCount() == 0) { curShape->SetBrush(curBrush->Clone()); }
UpdateStatus(); }
VOID TestDraw::ChangePen(HWND hwnd) { TestPen *newPen = NULL;
if (curPen) { TestPen *newPen = curPen->Clone();
if (newPen->ChangeSettings(hwnd)) { delete curPen; curPen = newPen; } } else { newPen = new TestPen(); newPen->Initialize();
// !!! change pen in middle of drawing?
if (newPen->ChangeSettings(hwnd)) { delete curPen; curPen = newPen; } else { delete newPen; } }
if (curShape && curShape->GetCount() == 0) { curShape->SetPen(curPen->Clone()); }
UpdateStatus(); }
VOID TestDraw::ChangeShape(HWND hwnd, INT type) { TestShape *shape; shape = TestShape::CreateNewShape(type); shape->Initialize(curShape);
// save copy of brush & pen in shape
shape->SetBrush(curBrush->Clone()); shape->SetPen(curPen->Clone());
if (shape->ChangeSettings(hwnd)) { SetMenuCheckPos(hwnd, MenuShapePosition, shapeType, FALSE);
shapeType = type;
// if shape can be completed, complete it, otherwise
// destroy the shape.
if (curShape) { if (!curShape->IsComplete()) { curShape->DoneShape(hwnd); }
if (!curShape->IsComplete() || curShape->IsEmpty()) { delete curShape; curShape = NULL; } }
if (curShape) shapeStack.Add(curShape);
curShape = shape;
SetMenuCheckPos(hwnd, MenuShapePosition, shapeType, TRUE); // removing last incomplete shape, redraw the window.
// OR completed shape, redraw the window
InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, TRUE); UpdateWindow(hwnd); } else { delete shape; }
UpdateStatus(); }
VOID TestDraw :: UpdateStatus(HWND hwnd) { if (hwnd) { if (hwndStatus) { // destroy previous window
DestroyWindow(hwndStatus); hwndStatus = NULL; }
// we only want to destroy this window
if (hwnd == (HWND)-1) return;
hwndStatus = CreateStatusWindow(WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, _T(""), hwnd, 0); // never used?
if (hwndStatus) { TCHAR str[MAX_PATH]; _stprintf(&str[0],"[Last shape: %s] [Brush: %s] [Number of Points: %d]", shapeList[inverseShapeValue[GetShapeType()]], brushList[inverseBrushValue[GetBrushType()]], curShape ? curShape->GetCount() : 0);
// !! for some reason, DrawStatusText didn't work here...
// wouldn't it just call SendMessage() ?!?
SendMessage(hwndStatus, SB_SETTEXT, 0 | 0, (LPARAM)(LPTSTR)str); } }
VOID TestDraw :: SaveAsFile(HWND hWnd) { static TCHAR fname[MAX_PATH] = _T("");
OPENFILENAME ofn = { sizeof(OPENFILENAME), hWnd, 0, formatExtList, NULL, 0, 1, &fname[0], MAX_PATH-1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST, 0, 0, defaultFormatExt, NULL, NULL, NULL };
if ((GetSaveFileName(&ofn) == TRUE) && fname[0] != '\0') { OutputFile* outfile = OutputFile::CreateOutputFile(fname); if (outfile) { outfile->GraphicsProcedure(); outfile->BeginIndent(); outfile->GraphicsDeclaration(); outfile->BlankLine();
outfile->SetMatrixDeclaration(_T("g"), _T("SetWorldTransform"), _T("worldMatrix"), worldMatrix);
INT count = shapeStack.GetCount(); for (INT pos=0; pos<count; pos++) { TestShape *shape = shapeStack[pos]; ASSERT(shape->IsComplete());
outfile->EndIndent(); }
if (curShape && curShape->IsComplete()) { outfile->BlankLine();
outfile->EndIndent(); }
delete outfile;
WarningBox(_T("Graphics source code saved.")); } else WarningBox(_T("Can't create file for writing.")); }
UpdateStatus(); }
// TestGradDraw
VOID TestGradDraw::AddPoint(HWND hwnd, Point pt) { gradShape->AddPoint(hwnd, pt); }
BOOL TestGradDraw::DoneShape(HWND hwnd) { // pop-up dialog box to configure point parameters
return TRUE; }
BOOL TestGradDraw::EndPoint(HWND hwnd, Point pt) { return gradShape->EndPoint(hwnd, pt); }
BOOL TestGradDraw::RemovePoint(HWND hwnd) { return gradShape->RemovePoint(hwnd); }
VOID TestGradDraw::Draw(HWND hwnd) { PAINTSTRUCT ps; RECT rt; HDC hdc;
// !!! when CopyPixels work, cache the graphics up to the
// last shape. We blit that, then the new shape begins.
hdc = BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps);
// GDI+ code BEGINS
Graphics *g = new Graphics(hwnd);
GetClientRect(hwnd, &rt); ERectangle rect(rt.left, rt.top, rt.right-rt.left, rt.bottom-rt.top); g->SetClip(rect); g->SetRenderingHint(TRUE);
gradShape->DrawShape(g); gradShape->DrawPoints(g); delete g;
// GDI+ code ENDS.
EndPaint(hwnd, &ps); }
VOID TestGradDraw::SetClipRegion(HWND hwnd) { }
VOID TestGradDraw::RememberPoint(Point pt) { remPoint = pt; }
VOID TestGradDraw::MoveControlPoint(Point pt) { if (!gradShape->MoveControlPoint(remPoint, pt)) WarningBeep(); }
VOID TestGradDraw :: UpdateStatus(HWND hwnd) { }
VOID TestGradDraw :: SaveAsFile(HWND hwnd) { }
BOOL TestGradDraw :: ChangeSettings(HWND hwndParent) { HWND hWnd; MSG msg; HMENU hMenu = LoadMenu(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_GRADBRUSH));
hWnd = CreateWindow( szWindowClass, _T("Gradient Brush Shape"), WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | WS_VISIBLE, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, 300, 200, (HWND)hwndParent, (HMENU)hMenu, // menu handle
(HINSTANCE)hInst, (LPVOID)(static_cast<TestDrawInterface*>(this)));
if (!hWnd) { return FALSE; }
ShowWindow(hWnd, SW_SHOWNORMAL); UpdateWindow(hWnd);
HACCEL hAccelTable = LoadAccelerators(hInst, (LPCTSTR)IDC_GDIPTEST);
// Main message loop:
while (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) { if (!TranslateAccelerator(msg.hwnd, hAccelTable, &msg)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } }
return msg.wParam; }
VOID TestGradDraw::Initialize() { DebugBreak(); }
VOID TestGradDraw::Initialize(TestGradShape *newGradShape) { gradShape = newGradShape; }
VOID TestGradDraw::Reset(HWND hwnd) { NotImplementedBox(); }
VOID TestGradDraw::Instructions(HWND hwnd) { NotImplementedBox(); }