//// DspPerf.CPP - Test and display performance
#include "precomp.hxx"
#include "global.h"
#if defined(i386)
double TimeDrawString( Graphics *g, RectF *textRect ) { StringFormat format(g_formatFlags); format.SetAlignment(g_align); format.SetLineAlignment(g_lineAlign); format.SetHotkeyPrefix(g_hotkey);
REAL tab[3] = {textRect->Width/4, textRect->Width*3/16, textRect->Width*1/8};
format.SetTabStops(0.0, sizeof(tab)/sizeof(REAL), tab);
Color blackColor(0, 0, 0); SolidBrush blackBrush(blackColor); Pen blackPen(&blackBrush, 1.0);
Font font(&FontFamily(g_style[0].faceName), REAL(g_style[0].emSize), g_style[0].style, g_fontUnit);
// Once to load the cache
g->DrawString(g_wcBuf, g_iTextLen, &font, *textRect, &format, g_textBrush);
ShowCursor(FALSE); g->Flush(FlushIntentionSync); GdiFlush();
__int64 timeAtStart; _asm { _emit 0FH _emit 31H mov dword ptr timeAtStart+4,edx mov dword ptr timeAtStart,eax }
// Now paint again repeatedly and measure the time taken
for (INT i=0; i<g_PerfRepeat; i++) { g->DrawString(g_wcBuf, g_iTextLen, &font, *textRect, &format, g_textBrush); }
g->Flush(FlushIntentionSync); GdiFlush();
__int64 timeAtEnd; _asm { _emit 0FH _emit 31H mov dword ptr timeAtEnd+4,edx mov dword ptr timeAtEnd,eax }
return (timeAtEnd - timeAtStart) / 1000000.0; }
double TimeDrawText( Graphics *g, INT x, INT y, INT width, INT height ) { g->Flush(FlushIntentionSync); // Th is may not be necessary.
HDC hdc = g->GetHDC();
HFONT hfont = CreateFontW( -(INT)(g_style[0].emSize + 0.5), 0, // int nWidth, // average character width
0, // int nEscapement, // angle of escapement
0, // int nOrientation, // base-line orientation angle
g_style[0].style & FontStyleBold ? 700 : 400, g_style[0].style & FontStyleItalic ? 1 : 0, g_style[0].style & FontStyleUnderline ? 1 : 0, g_style[0].style & FontStyleStrikeout ? 1 : 0, 0, // DWORD fdwCharSet, // character set identifier
0, // DWORD fdwOutputPrecision, // output precision
0, // DWORD fdwClipPrecision, // clipping precision
NONANTIALIASED_QUALITY, // DWORD fdwQuality, // output quality
0, // DWORD fdwPitchAndFamily, // pitch and family
g_style[0].faceName ); HFONT hOldFont = (HFONT) SelectObject(hdc, hfont);
RECT textRECT; textRECT.left = x; textRECT.top = y; textRECT.right = x + width; textRECT.bottom = y + height;
SetBkMode(hdc, TRANSPARENT);
DrawTextW( hdc, g_wcBuf, g_iTextLen, &textRECT, DT_EXPANDTABS | DT_WORDBREAK );
ShowCursor(FALSE); GdiFlush();
__int64 timeAtStart; _asm { _emit 0FH _emit 31H mov dword ptr timeAtStart+4,edx mov dword ptr timeAtStart,eax }
// Now paint again repeatedly and measure the time taken
for (INT i=0; i<g_PerfRepeat; i++) { DrawTextW( hdc, g_wcBuf, g_iTextLen, &textRECT, DT_EXPANDTABS | DT_WORDBREAK ); }
__int64 timeAtEnd; _asm { _emit 0FH _emit 31H mov dword ptr timeAtEnd+4,edx mov dword ptr timeAtEnd,eax }
ShowCursor(TRUE); DeleteObject(SelectObject(hdc, hOldFont));
return (timeAtEnd - timeAtStart) / 1000000.0; }
double TimeExtTextOut( Graphics *g, INT x, INT y, INT width, INT height ) { HDC hdc = g->GetHDC();
HFONT hfont = CreateFontW( -(INT)(g_style[0].emSize + 0.5), 0, // int nWidth, // average character width
0, // int nEscapement, // angle of escapement
0, // int nOrientation, // base-line orientation angle
g_style[0].style & FontStyleBold ? 700 : 400, g_style[0].style & FontStyleItalic ? 1 : 0, g_style[0].style & FontStyleUnderline ? 1 : 0, g_style[0].style & FontStyleStrikeout ? 1 : 0, 0, // DWORD fdwCharSet, // character set identifier
0, // DWORD fdwOutputPrecision, // output precision
0, // DWORD fdwClipPrecision, // clipping precision
NONANTIALIASED_QUALITY, // DWORD fdwQuality, // output quality
0, // DWORD fdwPitchAndFamily, // pitch and family
g_style[0].faceName ); HFONT hOldFont = (HFONT) SelectObject(hdc, hfont);
RECT textRECT; textRECT.left = x; textRECT.top = y; textRECT.right = x + width; textRECT.bottom = y + height;
SetBkMode(hdc, TRANSPARENT);
ExtTextOutW( hdc, textRECT.left, textRECT.top, ETO_IGNORELANGUAGE, &textRECT, g_wcBuf, g_iTextLen, NULL );
ShowCursor(FALSE); GdiFlush();
__int64 timeAtStart; _asm { _emit 0FH _emit 31H mov dword ptr timeAtStart+4,edx mov dword ptr timeAtStart,eax }
// Now paint again repeatedly and measure the time taken
for (INT i=0; i<g_PerfRepeat; i++) { ExtTextOutW( hdc, textRECT.left, textRECT.top, ETO_IGNORELANGUAGE, &textRECT, g_wcBuf, g_iTextLen, NULL ); }
__int64 timeAtEnd; _asm { _emit 0FH _emit 31H mov dword ptr timeAtEnd+4,edx mov dword ptr timeAtEnd,eax }
ShowCursor(TRUE); DeleteObject(SelectObject(hdc, hOldFont));
return (timeAtEnd - timeAtStart) / 1000000.0; }
#endif // defined(i386)
void PaintPerformance( HDC hdc, int *piY, RECT *prc, int iLineHeight) {
int icpLineStart; // First character of line
int icpLineEnd; // End of line (end of buffer or index of CR character)
HFONT hFont; HFONT hOldFont; LOGFONT lf;
// Establish available width and height in device coordinates
int plainTextWidth = prc->right - prc->left; int plainTextHeight = prc->bottom - *piY;
// Paint some simple text, and then repaint it several times measuring the
// time taken.
Graphics g(hdc); Matrix matrix;
g.ResetTransform(); g.SetPageUnit(UnitPixel); g.TranslateTransform(REAL(prc->left), REAL(*piY)); g.SetSmoothingMode(g_SmoothingMode);
g.SetTextContrast(g_GammaValue); g.SetTextRenderingHint(g_TextMode);
// Clear the background
RectF rEntire(0, 0, REAL(plainTextWidth), REAL(plainTextHeight)); SolidBrush whiteBrush(Color(0xff, 0xff, 0xff)); g.FillRectangle(g_textBackBrush, rEntire);
// Apply selected world transform, adjusted a little from the top left
// of the available area.
g.SetTransform(&g_WorldTransform); g.TranslateTransform( REAL(prc->left + plainTextWidth/20), REAL(*piY + plainTextHeight/20), MatrixOrderAppend);
#if defined(i386)
double drawString = TimeDrawString( &g, &RectF( 0.0, 0.0, REAL(plainTextWidth*18.0/20.0), REAL(plainTextHeight*5.0/20.0) ) );
double drawText = TimeDrawText( &g, prc->left + plainTextWidth/20, *piY + 6*plainTextHeight/20, (18 * plainTextWidth)/20, (5 * plainTextHeight)/20 );
double extTextOut = TimeExtTextOut( &g, prc->left + plainTextWidth/20, *piY + 12*plainTextHeight/20, (18 * plainTextWidth)/20, (2 * plainTextHeight)/20 );
// Display the time taken
RectF statisticsRect( 0.0, REAL(plainTextHeight*15.0/20.0), REAL(plainTextWidth*18.0/20.0), REAL(plainTextHeight*5.0/20.0) );
Font font(&FontFamily(L"Verdana"), 12, 0, UnitPoint);
char drawStringFormatted[20]; _gcvt(drawString, 10, drawStringFormatted); char drawTextFormatted[20]; _gcvt(drawText, 10, drawTextFormatted); char extTextOutFormatted[20]; _gcvt(extTextOut, 10, extTextOutFormatted);
WCHAR str[200]; wsprintfW(str, L"Time taken to display %d times: DrawString %S, DrawText %S, ExtTextOut %S megaticks\n", g_PerfRepeat, drawStringFormatted, drawTextFormatted, extTextOutFormatted ); g.DrawString(str, -1, &font, statisticsRect, NULL, g_textBrush);
Font font(&FontFamily(L"Verdana"), 12, 0, UnitPoint); g.DrawString(L"Perf test available only on i386 Intel architecture", -1, &font, PointF(0.0,0.0), NULL, g_textBrush);
*piY += plainTextHeight; }