// ReadProfile.cpp - Routine to parse a windows Profile file and setup globals
#include "precomp.hxx"
#include "global.h"
#include "winspool.h"
#include <Tchar.h>
// Pre-defined section names
#define SECTION_CONTROL "Control"
#define SECTION_FONT "Font"
#define SECTION_RENDER "Render"
#define SECTION_FONTLIST "FontList"
#define SECTION_FONTHEIGHT "FontHeight"
#define SECTION_AUTOFONTS "AutoFonts"
#define SECTION_AUTOHEIGHTS "AutoHeights"
#define SECTION_DRIVERSTRING "DriverString"
// Maximum length for a profile value string...
// Enumeration of profile variable types
typedef enum { epitInvalid = 0, // Invalid value
epitBool = 1, // BOOL value
epitInt = 2, // system integer (32 bits on x86) value
epitFloat = 3, // single-precision floating point value
epitDouble = 4, // double-precision floating point value
epitString = 5, // ANSI string value
epitAlign = 6, // StringAlignment value
epitColor = 7 // RGBQUAD color
// profile information structure
typedef struct PROFILEINFO_tag { char szSection[80]; // Section of the profile to read value from
char szVariable[80]; // Name of the variable
PROFILEINFOTYPE type; // Type of the variable
void *pvVariable; // void * to the variable (&g_Foo...)
DWORD dwVariableLength; // size in bytes of the variable (sizeof(g_Foo...))
// Global profile info structure : Add to this table to get a variable from the .INI
PROFILEINFO g_rgProfileInfo[] = { { SECTION_CONTROL, "AutoDrive", epitBool, &g_AutoDrive, sizeof(g_AutoDrive) }, { SECTION_CONTROL, "NumIterations", epitInt, &g_iNumIterations, sizeof(g_iNumIterations) }, { SECTION_CONTROL, "NumRepaints", epitInt, &g_iNumRepaints, sizeof(g_iNumRepaints) }, { SECTION_CONTROL, "NumRenders", epitInt, &g_iNumRenders, sizeof(g_iNumRenders) }, { SECTION_CONTROL, "AutoFonts", epitBool, &g_AutoFont, sizeof(g_AutoFont) }, { SECTION_CONTROL, "AutoHeight", epitBool, &g_AutoHeight, sizeof(g_AutoHeight) }, { SECTION_CONTROL, "TextFile", epitString, &g_szSourceTextFile, sizeof(g_szSourceTextFile) }, { SECTION_CONTROL, "FontOverride", epitBool, &g_FontOverride, sizeof(g_FontOverride) }, { SECTION_API, "DrawString", epitBool, &g_ShowDrawString, sizeof(g_ShowDrawString) }, { SECTION_API, "ShowDriver", epitBool, &g_ShowDriver, sizeof(g_ShowDriver) }, { SECTION_API, "ShowPath", epitBool, &g_ShowPath, sizeof(g_ShowPath) }, { SECTION_API, "ShowFamilies", epitBool, &g_ShowFamilies, sizeof(g_ShowFamilies) }, { SECTION_API, "ShowGlyphs", epitBool, &g_ShowGlyphs, sizeof(g_ShowGlyphs) }, { SECTION_API, "ShowMetric", epitBool, &g_ShowMetric, sizeof(g_ShowMetric) }, { SECTION_API, "ShowGDI", epitBool, &g_ShowGDI, sizeof(g_ShowGDI) }, { SECTION_API, "UseDrawText", epitBool, &g_UseDrawText, sizeof(g_UseDrawText) }, { SECTION_FONT, "FaceName", epitString, &g_szFaceName, sizeof(g_szFaceName) }, { SECTION_FONT, "Height", epitInt, &g_iFontHeight, sizeof(g_iFontHeight) }, { SECTION_FONT, "Unit", epitInt, &g_fontUnit, sizeof(g_fontUnit) }, { SECTION_FONT, "Typographic", epitBool, &g_typographic, sizeof(g_typographic) }, { SECTION_FONT, "Bold", epitBool, &g_Bold, sizeof(g_Bold) }, { SECTION_FONT, "Italic", epitBool, &g_Italic, sizeof(g_Italic) }, { SECTION_FONT, "Underline", epitBool, &g_Underline, sizeof(g_Underline) }, { SECTION_FONT, "Strikeout", epitBool, &g_Strikeout, sizeof(g_Strikeout) }, { SECTION_RENDER, "TextMode", epitInt, &g_TextMode, sizeof(g_TextMode) }, { SECTION_RENDER, "Align", epitAlign, &g_align, sizeof(g_align) }, { SECTION_RENDER, "LineAlign", epitAlign, &g_lineAlign, sizeof(g_lineAlign) }, { SECTION_RENDER, "HotKey", epitInt, &g_hotkey, sizeof(g_hotkey) }, { SECTION_RENDER, "LineTrim", epitInt, &g_lineTrim, sizeof(g_lineTrim) }, { SECTION_RENDER, "NoFitBB", epitBool, &g_NoFitBB, sizeof(g_NoFitBB) }, { SECTION_RENDER, "NoWrap", epitBool, &g_NoWrap, sizeof(g_NoWrap) }, { SECTION_RENDER, "NoClip", epitBool, &g_NoClip, sizeof(g_NoClip) }, { SECTION_RENDER, "Offscreen", epitBool, &g_Offscreen, sizeof(g_Offscreen) }, { SECTION_RENDER, "TextColor", epitColor, &g_TextColor, sizeof(g_TextColor) }, { SECTION_RENDER, "BackColor", epitColor, &g_BackColor, sizeof(g_BackColor) }, { SECTION_AUTOFONTS, "NumFonts", epitInt, &g_iAutoFonts, sizeof(g_iAutoFonts) }, { SECTION_AUTOHEIGHTS, "NumHeights", epitInt, &g_iAutoHeights, sizeof(g_iAutoHeights) }, { SECTION_DRIVERSTRING,"CMapLookup", epitBool, &g_CMapLookup, sizeof(g_CMapLookup) }, { SECTION_DRIVERSTRING,"Vertical", epitBool, &g_Vertical, sizeof(g_Vertical) }, { SECTION_DRIVERSTRING,"RealizedAdvance", epitBool, &g_RealizedAdvance, sizeof(g_RealizedAdvance) }, { SECTION_DRIVERSTRING,"CompensateRes", epitBool, &g_CompensateRes, sizeof(g_CompensateRes) },
{ "INVALID" "INVALID", epitInvalid, NULL, 0 } };
// Routine to read the specified profile file (full-path required) and set the variables
// defined in the above table based on the results.
void ReadProfileInfo(char *szProfileFile) { int iProfile =0; int iRead = 0; char szValue[PROFILEVALUEMAX];
if (!szProfileFile) return;
// Loop through the table of profile information...
while(g_rgProfileInfo[iProfile].pvVariable != NULL) { void *pvValue = g_rgProfileInfo[iProfile].pvVariable; DWORD dwValueLength = g_rgProfileInfo[iProfile].dwVariableLength;
// Read the profile string
iRead = ::GetPrivateProfileStringA( g_rgProfileInfo[iProfile].szSection, g_rgProfileInfo[iProfile].szVariable, NULL, szValue, sizeof(szValue), szProfileFile);
if (iRead > 0) { // Convert the string value to the proper variable type based on
// the specified type in the table of profile information...
switch(g_rgProfileInfo[iProfile].type) { case epitInvalid : { ASSERT(0); } break;
case epitBool : { ASSERT(dwValueLength == sizeof(BOOL));
// Only look at the first character for boolean values...
if (szValue[0] == 'Y' || szValue[0] == 'y' || szValue[0] == 'T' || szValue[0] == 't' || szValue[0] == '1') { *((BOOL *)pvValue) = true; } else { *((BOOL *)pvValue) = false; } } break;
case epitInt : { ASSERT(dwValueLength == sizeof(int));
// Just use atoi here - strips whitespace and supports negative numbers...
int iValue = atoi(szValue);
*((int *)pvValue) = iValue; } break;
case epitFloat : { ASSERT(dwValueLength == sizeof(float));
// Just use atof here - strips whitespace...
float fltValue = (float)atof(szValue);
*((float *)pvValue) = fltValue; } break;
case epitDouble : { ASSERT(dwValueLength == sizeof(double));
// Just use atof here - strips whitespace...
double dblValue = atof(szValue);
*((double *)pvValue) = dblValue; } break;
case epitString : { // Just use strncpy. NOTE : Truncates if necessary and does NOT support full UNICODE
strncpy((char *)pvValue, szValue, dwValueLength); } break;
case epitColor : { // We will only handle HEX color values here:
int i; ARGB color = 0;
for(i=0;i<8;i++) { if (szValue[i] == 0) break; // move along...
color <<= 4;
if (szValue[i] >= '0' && szValue[i] <= '9') { color += szValue[i] - '0'; } else if (szValue[i] >='a' && szValue[i] <= 'f') { color += (szValue[i] - 'a') + 10; } else if (szValue[i] >='A' && szValue[i] <= 'F') { color += (szValue[i] - 'A') + 10; } }
*((ARGB *)pvValue) = color; } break;
case epitAlign : { ASSERT(dwValueLength == sizeof(StringAlignment));
switch(szValue[0]) { case 'n' : case 'N' : { // Near Alignment (left or top for US English)
*((StringAlignment *)pvValue) = StringAlignmentNear; } break;
case 'c' : case 'C' : { // Center Alignment
*((StringAlignment *)pvValue) = StringAlignmentCenter; } break;
case 'F' : case 'f' : { // Far Alignment (right or bottom for US English)
*((StringAlignment *)pvValue) = StringAlignmentFar; } break; } } break; } }
iProfile++; }
// Get the enumerated fonts list (if any)
if (g_AutoFont) { int iFont = 0;
if (g_iAutoFonts > MAX_AUTO_FONTS) g_iAutoFonts = MAX_AUTO_FONTS;
for(iFont=0;iFont<g_iAutoFonts;iFont++) { char szFontIndex[MAX_PATH]; char szValue[MAX_PATH];
wsprintfA(szFontIndex, "Font%d", iFont+1);
// Read the profile string
::GetPrivateProfileStringA( SECTION_AUTOFONTS, szFontIndex, NULL, szValue, sizeof(g_rgszAutoFontFacenames[iFont]), szProfileFile);
#ifdef UNICODE
MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, szValue, -1, g_rgszAutoFontFacenames[iFont], lstrlenA(szValue) ); #else
strcpy(g_rgszAutoFontFacenames[iFont], szValue); #endif
} }
// Get the enumerated font heights (if any)
if (g_AutoHeight) { int iHeight = 0;
if (g_iAutoHeights > MAX_AUTO_HEIGHTS) g_iAutoHeights = MAX_AUTO_HEIGHTS;
for(iHeight=0;iHeight<g_iAutoHeights;iHeight++) { char szHeightIndex[MAX_PATH]; char szValue[MAX_PATH];
wsprintfA(szHeightIndex, "Height%d", iHeight+1);
// Read the profile string
::GetPrivateProfileStringA( SECTION_AUTOHEIGHTS, szHeightIndex, NULL, szValue, sizeof(szValue), szProfileFile);
g_rgiAutoHeights[iHeight] = atoi(szValue); } }
// Combine various booleans into proper bit-flags
g_DriverOptions = (g_CMapLookup ? DriverStringOptionsCmapLookup : 0) | (g_Vertical ? DriverStringOptionsVertical : 0) | (g_RealizedAdvance ? DriverStringOptionsRealizedAdvance : 0) ;
g_formatFlags = (g_NoFitBB ? StringFormatFlagsNoFitBlackBox : 0) | (g_NoWrap ? StringFormatFlagsNoWrap : 0) | (g_NoClip ? StringFormatFlagsNoClip : 0); }