Copyright (c) 1985 - 1999, Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file implements command line editing and aliasing.
Therese Stowell (thereses) 22-Mar-1991
Revision History:
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#pragma hdrstop
#if !defined(BUILD_WOW64)
#define FNAME_LENGTH 256
BOOLEAN ExeNameInitialized; RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION ExeNameCriticalSection; WCHAR ExeNameBuffer[FNAME_LENGTH]; USHORT ExeNameLength; // in chars, not bytes
WCHAR StartDirBuffer[MAX_PATH + 1]; USHORT StartDirLength; // in chars, not bytes
if (ExeNameInitialized) { return; }
RtlInitializeCriticalSection(&ExeNameCriticalSection); ExeNameInitialized = TRUE; Peb = NtCurrentPeb(); ImageEntry = (PLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY)Peb->Ldr->InLoadOrderModuleList.Flink; ImageEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(ImageEntry, LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY, InLoadOrderLinks); ExeNameLength = ImageEntry->BaseDllName.Length/sizeof(WCHAR); RtlCopyMemory(ExeNameBuffer, ImageEntry->BaseDllName.Buffer, ImageEntry->BaseDllName.Length ); ExeNameBuffer[ExeNameLength] = CONSOLE_NAME_PATH_TERMINATOR; StartDirLength = Peb->ProcessParameters->CurrentDirectory.DosPath.Length/sizeof(WCHAR); RtlCopyMemory(StartDirBuffer, Peb->ProcessParameters->CurrentDirectory.DosPath.Buffer, Peb->ProcessParameters->CurrentDirectory.DosPath.Length); StartDirBuffer[StartDirLength] = CONSOLE_NAME_PATH_TERMINATOR; }
USHORT GetCurrentExeName( OUT LPWSTR Buffer, IN ULONG BufferLength) { if (!ExeNameInitialized) { Buffer[0] = UNICODE_NULL; return 0; }
RtlEnterCriticalSection(&ExeNameCriticalSection); if (BufferLength > ExeNameLength * sizeof(WCHAR)) { BufferLength = ExeNameLength * sizeof(WCHAR); } RtlCopyMemory(Buffer, ExeNameBuffer, BufferLength); RtlLeaveCriticalSection(&ExeNameCriticalSection); return (USHORT)BufferLength; }
#endif //!defined(BUILD_WOW64)
#if !defined(BUILD_WOW6432)
// Returns bytes, not chars.
USHORT GetExeName( IN OUT LPVOID ExeName, IN BOOLEAN UnicodeApi, OUT PBOOLEAN UnicodeExe) { if (ExeName == NULL) { return 0; }
if (UnicodeApi) { *UnicodeExe = TRUE; return (USHORT)wcslen((LPWSTR)ExeName) * sizeof(WCHAR); } else { *UnicodeExe = FALSE; return (USHORT)strlen((LPSTR)ExeName); } }
BOOL APIENTRY AddConsoleAliasInternal( IN LPVOID Source, IN UINT SourceLength, IN LPVOID Target, IN UINT TargetLength, IN LPVOID ExeName, IN BOOLEAN Unicode )
Source - String to substitute alias string for, in input stream.
Target - String to substitute for source. NULL to delete an existing alias.
ExeName - Exe to set alias in.
Return Value:
TRUE - The operation was successful.
FALSE/NULL - The operation failed. Extended error status is available using GetLastError.
{ PCSR_CAPTURE_HEADER CaptureBuffer; CONSOLE_API_MSG m; ULONG CapturedMsgPointers; PCONSOLE_ADDALIAS_MSG a = &m.u.AddConsoleAliasW;
a->ConsoleHandle = GET_CONSOLE_HANDLE; a->SourceLength = (USHORT)SourceLength; a->Unicode = Unicode; CapturedMsgPointers = 2;
a->ExeLength = GetExeName(ExeName, Unicode, &a->UnicodeExe); if (a->ExeLength == 0) { SET_LAST_ERROR(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
if (Target != NULL) { a->TargetLength = (USHORT)TargetLength; CapturedMsgPointers += 1; } else { a->Target = NULL; a->TargetLength = 0; }
CaptureBuffer = CsrAllocateCaptureBuffer( CapturedMsgPointers, a->SourceLength + a->TargetLength + a->ExeLength ); if (CaptureBuffer == NULL) { SET_LAST_ERROR(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return FALSE; } CsrCaptureMessageBuffer( CaptureBuffer, (PCHAR) Source, a->SourceLength, (PVOID *) &a->Source );
CsrCaptureMessageBuffer( CaptureBuffer, (PCHAR) ExeName, a->ExeLength, (PVOID *) &a->Exe );
if (Target != NULL) { CsrCaptureMessageBuffer( CaptureBuffer, (PCHAR) Target, a->TargetLength, (PVOID *) &a->Target ); }
CsrClientCallServer( (PCSR_API_MSG)&m, CaptureBuffer, CSR_MAKE_API_NUMBER( CONSRV_SERVERDLL_INDEX, ConsolepAddAlias ), sizeof( *a ) );
CsrFreeCaptureBuffer( CaptureBuffer );
if (!NT_SUCCESS( m.ReturnValue )) { SET_LAST_NT_ERROR(m.ReturnValue); return FALSE; } return TRUE;
#endif //!defined(BUILD_WOW6432)
#if !defined(BUILD_WOW64)
BOOL APIENTRY AddConsoleAliasW( IN LPWSTR Source, IN LPWSTR Target, IN LPWSTR ExeName) { USHORT TargetLength;
if (Target != NULL) { TargetLength = (USHORT) (lstrlenW(Target) * sizeof(WCHAR)); } else { TargetLength = 0; }
return AddConsoleAliasInternal(Source, lstrlenW(Source) * sizeof(WCHAR), Target, TargetLength, ExeName, TRUE); }
BOOL APIENTRY AddConsoleAliasA( IN LPTSTR Source, IN LPTSTR Target, IN LPTSTR ExeName) { USHORT TargetLength;
if (Target != NULL) { TargetLength = (USHORT)lstrlenA(Target); } else { TargetLength = 0; }
return AddConsoleAliasInternal(Source, lstrlenA(Source), Target, TargetLength, ExeName, FALSE); }
#endif //!defined(BUILD_WOW64)
#if !defined(BUILD_WOW6432)
DWORD APIENTRY GetConsoleAliasInternal( IN LPVOID Source, IN UINT SourceLength, OUT LPVOID TargetBuffer, IN UINT TargetBufferLength, IN LPVOID ExeName, IN BOOLEAN Unicode )
Source - Name of alias to query. NULL means query all alias names.
Target - Where to store value of alias. If Source is NULL, then value is one or more null terminated strings terminated by an extra null byte. Each null terminated string is the name of an alias.
Return Value:
Non-zero - The operation was successful, and the return value is the number of characters stored in the Target buffer.
Zero - The operation failed. Extended error status is available using GetLastError.
{ PCSR_CAPTURE_HEADER CaptureBuffer; CONSOLE_API_MSG m; ULONG CapturedMsgPointers; PCONSOLE_GETALIAS_MSG a = &m.u.GetConsoleAliasW;
if (Source == NULL) { SET_LAST_ERROR(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; } a->ConsoleHandle = GET_CONSOLE_HANDLE; a->Unicode = Unicode;
CapturedMsgPointers = 3;
a->ExeLength = GetExeName(ExeName, Unicode, &a->UnicodeExe); if (a->ExeLength == 0) { SET_LAST_ERROR(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
a->SourceLength = (USHORT) SourceLength; a->TargetLength = (USHORT) TargetBufferLength;
CaptureBuffer = CsrAllocateCaptureBuffer( CapturedMsgPointers, a->SourceLength + a->TargetLength + a->ExeLength ); if (CaptureBuffer == NULL) { SET_LAST_ERROR(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return FALSE; }
CsrCaptureMessageBuffer( CaptureBuffer, (PCHAR) ExeName, a->ExeLength, (PVOID *) &a->Exe );
CsrCaptureMessageBuffer( CaptureBuffer, (PCHAR) Source, a->SourceLength, (PVOID *) &a->Source );
CsrCaptureMessageBuffer( CaptureBuffer, (PCHAR) NULL, a->TargetLength, (PVOID *) &a->Target );
CsrClientCallServer( (PCSR_API_MSG)&m, CaptureBuffer, CSR_MAKE_API_NUMBER( CONSRV_SERVERDLL_INDEX, ConsolepGetAlias ), sizeof( *a ) );
if (NT_SUCCESS( m.ReturnValue )) { RtlCopyMemory( TargetBuffer, a->Target, a->TargetLength ); } else { SET_LAST_NT_ERROR(m.ReturnValue); if (m.ReturnValue != STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) { a->TargetLength = 0; } }
CsrFreeCaptureBuffer( CaptureBuffer );
return a->TargetLength;
#endif !defined(BUILD_WOW6432)
#if !defined(BUILD_WOW64)
DWORD APIENTRY GetConsoleAliasW( IN LPWSTR Source, OUT LPWSTR TargetBuffer, IN DWORD TargetBufferLength, IN LPWSTR ExeName ) { return GetConsoleAliasInternal(Source, lstrlenW(Source)*sizeof(WCHAR), TargetBuffer, TargetBufferLength, ExeName, TRUE ); }
DWORD APIENTRY GetConsoleAliasA( IN LPTSTR Source, OUT LPTSTR TargetBuffer, IN DWORD TargetBufferLength, IN LPTSTR ExeName ) { return GetConsoleAliasInternal(Source, lstrlenA(Source), TargetBuffer, TargetBufferLength, ExeName, FALSE ); }
#endif //!defined(BUILD_WOW64)
#if !defined(BUILD_WOW6432)
DWORD APIENTRY GetConsoleAliasesLengthInternal( IN LPVOID ExeName, IN BOOLEAN Unicode ) { CONSOLE_API_MSG m; PCONSOLE_GETALIASESLENGTH_MSG a = &m.u.GetConsoleAliasesLengthW; PCSR_CAPTURE_HEADER CaptureBuffer;
a->ConsoleHandle = GET_CONSOLE_HANDLE; a->Unicode = Unicode; a->ExeLength = GetExeName(ExeName,Unicode,&a->UnicodeExe); if (a->ExeLength == 0) { SET_LAST_ERROR(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return 0; }
CaptureBuffer = CsrAllocateCaptureBuffer(1, a->ExeLength); if (CaptureBuffer == NULL) { SET_LAST_ERROR(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return FALSE; }
CsrCaptureMessageBuffer( CaptureBuffer, (PCHAR) ExeName, a->ExeLength, (PVOID *) &a->Exe ); CsrClientCallServer( (PCSR_API_MSG)&m, CaptureBuffer, CSR_MAKE_API_NUMBER( CONSRV_SERVERDLL_INDEX, ConsolepGetAliasesLength ), sizeof( *a ) ); CsrFreeCaptureBuffer( CaptureBuffer ); if (NT_SUCCESS( m.ReturnValue )) { return a->AliasesLength; } else { SET_LAST_NT_ERROR(m.ReturnValue); return 0; }
#endif //!defined(BUILD_WOW6432)
#if !defined(BUILD_WOW64)
DWORD APIENTRY GetConsoleAliasesLengthW( IN LPWSTR ExeName ) { return GetConsoleAliasesLengthInternal(ExeName, TRUE ); }
DWORD APIENTRY GetConsoleAliasesLengthA( IN LPTSTR ExeName ) { return GetConsoleAliasesLengthInternal(ExeName, FALSE ); }
#endif //!defined(BUILD_WOW64)
#if !defined(BUILD_WOW6432)
DWORD APIENTRY GetConsoleAliasExesLengthInternal( IN BOOLEAN Unicode ) { CONSOLE_API_MSG m; PCONSOLE_GETALIASEXESLENGTH_MSG a = &m.u.GetConsoleAliasExesLengthW;
a->ConsoleHandle = GET_CONSOLE_HANDLE; a->Unicode = Unicode;
CsrClientCallServer( (PCSR_API_MSG)&m, NULL, CSR_MAKE_API_NUMBER( CONSRV_SERVERDLL_INDEX, ConsolepGetAliasExesLength ), sizeof( *a ) ); if (NT_SUCCESS( m.ReturnValue )) { return a->AliasExesLength; } else { SET_LAST_NT_ERROR(m.ReturnValue); return 0; }
#endif //!defined(BUILD_WOW6432)
#if !defined(BUILD_WOW64)
DWORD APIENTRY GetConsoleAliasExesLengthW( VOID ) { return GetConsoleAliasExesLengthInternal( TRUE ); }
DWORD APIENTRY GetConsoleAliasExesLengthA( VOID ) { return GetConsoleAliasExesLengthInternal( FALSE ); }
#endif //!defined(BUILD_WOW64)
#if !defined(BUILD_WOW6432)
DWORD APIENTRY GetConsoleAliasesInternal( OUT LPVOID AliasBuffer, IN DWORD AliasBufferLength, IN LPVOID ExeName, IN BOOLEAN Unicode ) { CONSOLE_API_MSG m; PCONSOLE_GETALIASES_MSG a = &m.u.GetConsoleAliasesW; PCSR_CAPTURE_HEADER CaptureBuffer;
a->ConsoleHandle = GET_CONSOLE_HANDLE; a->ExeLength = GetExeName(ExeName, Unicode, &a->UnicodeExe); if (a->ExeLength == 0) { SET_LAST_ERROR(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return 0; } a->Unicode = Unicode; a->AliasesBufferLength = AliasBufferLength;
CaptureBuffer = CsrAllocateCaptureBuffer(2, a->ExeLength + AliasBufferLength); if (CaptureBuffer == NULL) { SET_LAST_ERROR(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return 0; }
CsrCaptureMessageBuffer( CaptureBuffer, (PCHAR) ExeName, a->ExeLength, (PVOID *) &a->Exe ); CsrCaptureMessageBuffer( CaptureBuffer, (PCHAR) NULL, a->AliasesBufferLength, (PVOID *) &a->AliasesBuffer ); CsrClientCallServer( (PCSR_API_MSG)&m, CaptureBuffer, CSR_MAKE_API_NUMBER( CONSRV_SERVERDLL_INDEX, ConsolepGetAliases ), sizeof( *a ) ); if (NT_SUCCESS( m.ReturnValue )) { try { RtlCopyMemory( AliasBuffer, a->AliasesBuffer, a->AliasesBufferLength ); } except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { CsrFreeCaptureBuffer( CaptureBuffer ); SET_LAST_ERROR(ERROR_INVALID_ACCESS); return 0; } CsrFreeCaptureBuffer( CaptureBuffer ); return a->AliasesBufferLength; } else { CsrFreeCaptureBuffer( CaptureBuffer ); SET_LAST_NT_ERROR(m.ReturnValue); return 0; }
#endif //!defined(BUILD_WOW6432)
#if !defined(BUILD_WOW64)
DWORD GetConsoleAliasesW( OUT LPWSTR AliasBuffer, IN DWORD AliasBufferLength, IN LPWSTR ExeName ) { return GetConsoleAliasesInternal(AliasBuffer, AliasBufferLength, ExeName, TRUE ); }
DWORD GetConsoleAliasesA( OUT LPTSTR AliasBuffer, IN DWORD AliasBufferLength, IN LPTSTR ExeName ) { return GetConsoleAliasesInternal(AliasBuffer, AliasBufferLength, ExeName, FALSE ); }
#endif //!defined(BUILD_WOW64)
#if !defined(BUILD_WOW6432)
DWORD APIENTRY GetConsoleAliasExesInternal( OUT LPVOID ExeNameBuffer, IN DWORD ExeNameBufferLength, IN BOOLEAN Unicode ) { CONSOLE_API_MSG m; PCONSOLE_GETALIASEXES_MSG a = &m.u.GetConsoleAliasExesW; PCSR_CAPTURE_HEADER CaptureBuffer;
a->ConsoleHandle = GET_CONSOLE_HANDLE; a->AliasExesBufferLength = ExeNameBufferLength; a->Unicode = Unicode; CaptureBuffer = CsrAllocateCaptureBuffer( 1, ExeNameBufferLength ); if (CaptureBuffer == NULL) { SET_LAST_ERROR(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return FALSE; }
CsrCaptureMessageBuffer( CaptureBuffer, (PCHAR) NULL, a->AliasExesBufferLength, (PVOID *) &a->AliasExesBuffer );
CsrClientCallServer( (PCSR_API_MSG)&m, CaptureBuffer, CSR_MAKE_API_NUMBER( CONSRV_SERVERDLL_INDEX, ConsolepGetAliasExes ), sizeof( *a ) ); if (NT_SUCCESS( m.ReturnValue )) { try { RtlCopyMemory( ExeNameBuffer, a->AliasExesBuffer, a->AliasExesBufferLength ); } except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { CsrFreeCaptureBuffer( CaptureBuffer ); SET_LAST_ERROR(ERROR_INVALID_ACCESS); return 0; } CsrFreeCaptureBuffer( CaptureBuffer ); return a->AliasExesBufferLength; } else { CsrFreeCaptureBuffer( CaptureBuffer ); SET_LAST_NT_ERROR(m.ReturnValue); return 0; }
#endif //!defined(BUILD_WOW6432)
#if !defined(BUILD_WOW64)
DWORD GetConsoleAliasExesW( OUT LPWSTR ExeNameBuffer, IN DWORD ExeNameBufferLength ) { return GetConsoleAliasExesInternal(ExeNameBuffer, ExeNameBufferLength, TRUE ); }
DWORD GetConsoleAliasExesA( OUT LPTSTR ExeNameBuffer, IN DWORD ExeNameBufferLength ) { return GetConsoleAliasExesInternal(ExeNameBuffer, ExeNameBufferLength, FALSE ); }
#endif //!defined(BUILD_WOW64)
#if !defined(BUILD_WOW6432)
VOID APIENTRY ExpungeConsoleCommandHistoryInternal( IN LPVOID ExeName, IN BOOLEAN Unicode ) { CONSOLE_API_MSG m; PCONSOLE_EXPUNGECOMMANDHISTORY_MSG a = &m.u.ExpungeConsoleCommandHistoryW; PCSR_CAPTURE_HEADER CaptureBuffer;
a->ConsoleHandle = GET_CONSOLE_HANDLE; a->Unicode = Unicode; a->ExeLength = GetExeName(ExeName, Unicode, &a->UnicodeExe); if (a->ExeLength == 0) { SET_LAST_ERROR(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return; }
CaptureBuffer = CsrAllocateCaptureBuffer(1, a->ExeLength); if (CaptureBuffer == NULL) { SET_LAST_ERROR(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return; }
CsrCaptureMessageBuffer( CaptureBuffer, (PCHAR) ExeName, a->ExeLength, (PVOID *) &a->Exe );
CsrClientCallServer( (PCSR_API_MSG)&m, CaptureBuffer, CSR_MAKE_API_NUMBER( CONSRV_SERVERDLL_INDEX, ConsolepExpungeCommandHistory ), sizeof( *a ) ); CsrFreeCaptureBuffer( CaptureBuffer );
#endif //!defined(BUILD_WOW6432)
#if !defined(BUILD_WOW64)
VOID ExpungeConsoleCommandHistoryW( IN LPWSTR ExeName ) { ExpungeConsoleCommandHistoryInternal(ExeName,TRUE); }
VOID ExpungeConsoleCommandHistoryA( IN LPTSTR ExeName ) { ExpungeConsoleCommandHistoryInternal(ExeName,FALSE); }
#endif //!defined(BUILD_WOW64)
#if !defined(BUILD_WOW6432)
BOOL APIENTRY SetConsoleNumberOfCommandsInternal( IN DWORD Number, IN LPVOID ExeName, IN BOOLEAN Unicode ) { CONSOLE_API_MSG m; PCONSOLE_SETNUMBEROFCOMMANDS_MSG a = &m.u.SetConsoleNumberOfCommandsW; PCSR_CAPTURE_HEADER CaptureBuffer;
a->ConsoleHandle = GET_CONSOLE_HANDLE; a->NumCommands = Number; a->Unicode = Unicode; a->ExeLength = GetExeName(&ExeName,Unicode,&a->UnicodeExe); if (a->ExeLength == 0) { SET_LAST_ERROR(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return 0; }
CaptureBuffer = CsrAllocateCaptureBuffer(1, a->ExeLength); if (CaptureBuffer == NULL) { SET_LAST_ERROR(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return FALSE; }
CsrCaptureMessageBuffer( CaptureBuffer, (PCHAR) ExeName, a->ExeLength, (PVOID *) &a->Exe );
CsrClientCallServer( (PCSR_API_MSG)&m, CaptureBuffer, CSR_MAKE_API_NUMBER( CONSRV_SERVERDLL_INDEX, ConsolepSetNumberOfCommands ), sizeof( *a ) ); CsrFreeCaptureBuffer( CaptureBuffer ); if (NT_SUCCESS( m.ReturnValue )) { return TRUE; } else { SET_LAST_NT_ERROR(m.ReturnValue); return FALSE; }
#endif //!defined(BUILD_WOW6432)
#if !defined(BUILD_WOW64)
BOOL SetConsoleNumberOfCommandsW( IN DWORD Number, IN LPWSTR ExeName ) { return SetConsoleNumberOfCommandsInternal(Number, ExeName, TRUE ); }
BOOL SetConsoleNumberOfCommandsA( IN DWORD Number, IN LPTSTR ExeName ) { return SetConsoleNumberOfCommandsInternal(Number, ExeName, FALSE ); }
#endif //!defined(BUILD_WOW64)
#if !defined(BUILD_WOW6432)
DWORD APIENTRY GetConsoleCommandHistoryLengthInternal( IN LPVOID ExeName, IN BOOLEAN Unicode ) { CONSOLE_API_MSG m; PCONSOLE_GETCOMMANDHISTORYLENGTH_MSG a = &m.u.GetConsoleCommandHistoryLengthW; PCSR_CAPTURE_HEADER CaptureBuffer;
a->ConsoleHandle = GET_CONSOLE_HANDLE; a->Unicode = Unicode; a->ExeLength = GetExeName(ExeName, Unicode, &a->UnicodeExe); if (a->ExeLength == 0) { SET_LAST_ERROR(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return 0; }
CaptureBuffer = CsrAllocateCaptureBuffer(1, a->ExeLength); if (CaptureBuffer == NULL) { SET_LAST_ERROR(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return 0; }
CsrCaptureMessageBuffer( CaptureBuffer, (PCHAR) ExeName, a->ExeLength, (PVOID *) &a->Exe );
CsrClientCallServer( (PCSR_API_MSG)&m, CaptureBuffer, CSR_MAKE_API_NUMBER( CONSRV_SERVERDLL_INDEX, ConsolepGetCommandHistoryLength ), sizeof( *a ) ); CsrFreeCaptureBuffer( CaptureBuffer ); return a->CommandHistoryLength;
#endif //!defined(BUILD_WOW6432)
#if !defined(BUILD_WOW64)
DWORD GetConsoleCommandHistoryLengthW( IN LPWSTR ExeName ) { return GetConsoleCommandHistoryLengthInternal(ExeName, TRUE ); }
DWORD GetConsoleCommandHistoryLengthA( IN LPTSTR ExeName ) { return GetConsoleCommandHistoryLengthInternal(ExeName, FALSE ); }
#endif //!defined(BUILD_WOW64)
#if !defined(BUILD_WOW6432)
DWORD APIENTRY GetConsoleCommandHistoryInternal( OUT LPVOID Commands, IN DWORD CommandBufferLength, IN LPVOID ExeName, IN BOOLEAN Unicode ) { CONSOLE_API_MSG m; PCONSOLE_GETCOMMANDHISTORY_MSG a = &m.u.GetConsoleCommandHistoryW; PCSR_CAPTURE_HEADER CaptureBuffer;
a->ConsoleHandle = GET_CONSOLE_HANDLE; a->CommandBufferLength = CommandBufferLength; a->ExeLength = GetExeName(ExeName, Unicode, &a->UnicodeExe); a->Unicode = Unicode; if (a->ExeLength == 0) { SET_LAST_ERROR(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return 0; }
CaptureBuffer = CsrAllocateCaptureBuffer(2, CommandBufferLength + a->ExeLength); if (CaptureBuffer == NULL) { SET_LAST_ERROR(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return 0; }
CsrCaptureMessageBuffer( CaptureBuffer, (PCHAR) ExeName, a->ExeLength, (PVOID *) &a->Exe );
CsrCaptureMessageBuffer( CaptureBuffer, (PCHAR) NULL, a->CommandBufferLength, (PVOID *) &a->CommandBuffer ); CsrClientCallServer( (PCSR_API_MSG)&m, CaptureBuffer, CSR_MAKE_API_NUMBER( CONSRV_SERVERDLL_INDEX, ConsolepGetCommandHistory ), sizeof( *a ) ); if (NT_SUCCESS( m.ReturnValue )) { try { RtlCopyMemory( Commands, a->CommandBuffer, a->CommandBufferLength ); } except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { CsrFreeCaptureBuffer( CaptureBuffer ); SET_LAST_ERROR(ERROR_INVALID_ACCESS); return 0; } CsrFreeCaptureBuffer( CaptureBuffer ); return a->CommandBufferLength; } else { CsrFreeCaptureBuffer( CaptureBuffer ); SET_LAST_NT_ERROR(m.ReturnValue); return 0; }
#endif //!defined(BUILD_WOW6432)
#if !defined(BUILD_WOW64)
DWORD GetConsoleCommandHistoryW( OUT LPWSTR Commands, IN DWORD CommandBufferLength, IN LPWSTR ExeName ) { return GetConsoleCommandHistoryInternal(Commands, CommandBufferLength, ExeName, TRUE ); }
DWORD GetConsoleCommandHistoryA( OUT LPTSTR Commands, IN DWORD CommandBufferLength, IN LPTSTR ExeName ) { return GetConsoleCommandHistoryInternal(Commands, CommandBufferLength, ExeName, FALSE ); }
#endif //!defined(BUILD_WOW64)
#if !defined(BUILD_WOW6432)
BOOL APIENTRY SetConsoleCommandHistoryMode( IN DWORD Flags ) { CONSOLE_API_MSG m; PCONSOLE_SETCOMMANDHISTORYMODE_MSG a = &m.u.SetConsoleCommandHistoryMode;
a->ConsoleHandle = GET_CONSOLE_HANDLE; a->Flags = Flags;
CsrClientCallServer( (PCSR_API_MSG)&m, NULL, CSR_MAKE_API_NUMBER( CONSRV_SERVERDLL_INDEX, ConsolepSetCommandHistoryMode ), sizeof( *a ) ); if (NT_SUCCESS( m.ReturnValue )) { return TRUE; } else { SET_LAST_NT_ERROR(m.ReturnValue); return FALSE; } }
DWORD APIENTRY GetConsoleTitleInternal( OUT PVOID lpConsoleTitle, IN DWORD nSize, IN BOOLEAN Unicode ) { CONSOLE_API_MSG m; PCONSOLE_GETTITLE_MSG a = &m.u.GetConsoleTitle; PCSR_CAPTURE_HEADER CaptureBuffer;
if (nSize == 0) { return 0; } a->ConsoleHandle = GET_CONSOLE_HANDLE; a->TitleLength = nSize; a->Unicode = Unicode; CaptureBuffer = CsrAllocateCaptureBuffer( 1, a->TitleLength ); if (CaptureBuffer == NULL) { return 0; } CsrCaptureMessageBuffer( CaptureBuffer, NULL, a->TitleLength, (PVOID *) &a->Title ); CsrClientCallServer( (PCSR_API_MSG)&m, CaptureBuffer, CSR_MAKE_API_NUMBER( CONSRV_SERVERDLL_INDEX, ConsolepGetTitle ), sizeof( *a ) ); if (NT_SUCCESS( m.ReturnValue )) { try { RtlCopyMemory( lpConsoleTitle, a->Title, a->TitleLength); } except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { CsrFreeCaptureBuffer( CaptureBuffer ); SET_LAST_ERROR(ERROR_INVALID_ACCESS); return 0; } } else { CsrFreeCaptureBuffer( CaptureBuffer ); SET_LAST_NT_ERROR (m.ReturnValue); return 0; } CsrFreeCaptureBuffer( CaptureBuffer ); return a->TitleLength;
#endif //!defined(BUILD_WOW6432)
#if !defined(BUILD_WOW64)
DWORD APIENTRY GetConsoleTitleA( LPSTR lpConsoleTitle, DWORD nSize ) { DWORD NumBytes; NumBytes = GetConsoleTitleInternal(lpConsoleTitle, nSize-sizeof(CHAR), // allow room for null
FALSE ); if (NumBytes) { lpConsoleTitle[NumBytes] = '\0'; // NULL terminate
} return NumBytes; }
DWORD APIENTRY GetConsoleTitleW( LPWSTR lpConsoleTitle, DWORD nSize ) { DWORD NumBytes; NumBytes = GetConsoleTitleInternal(lpConsoleTitle, (nSize-1)*sizeof(WCHAR), // allow room for null
TRUE ); if (NumBytes) { NumBytes /= sizeof(WCHAR); lpConsoleTitle[NumBytes] = CONSOLE_NAME_PATH_TERMINATOR; // NULL terminate
} return NumBytes; }
#endif //!defined(BUILD_WOW64)
#if !defined(BUILD_WOW6432)
BOOL APIENTRY SetConsoleTitleInternal( IN CONST VOID *lpConsoleTitle, IN DWORD TitleLength, // in bytes
a->ConsoleHandle = GET_CONSOLE_HANDLE; a->TitleLength = TitleLength; a->Unicode = Unicode; CaptureBuffer = CsrAllocateCaptureBuffer( 1, a->TitleLength ); if (CaptureBuffer == NULL) { return FALSE; } CsrCaptureMessageBuffer( CaptureBuffer, (PCHAR) lpConsoleTitle, a->TitleLength, (PVOID *) &a->Title ); CsrClientCallServer( (PCSR_API_MSG)&m, CaptureBuffer, CSR_MAKE_API_NUMBER( CONSRV_SERVERDLL_INDEX, ConsolepSetTitle ), sizeof( *a ) );
CsrFreeCaptureBuffer( CaptureBuffer );
if (NT_SUCCESS( m.ReturnValue )) { return TRUE; } else { SET_LAST_NT_ERROR (m.ReturnValue); return FALSE; }
#endif //!defined(BUILD_WOW6432)
#if !defined(BUILD_WOW64)
BOOL APIENTRY SetConsoleTitleA( LPCSTR lpConsoleTitle ) { DWORD TitleLength; try { TitleLength = strlen(lpConsoleTitle); } except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { SET_LAST_ERROR(ERROR_INVALID_ACCESS); return FALSE; } return SetConsoleTitleInternal(lpConsoleTitle, TitleLength, FALSE); }
BOOL APIENTRY SetConsoleTitleW( LPCWSTR lpConsoleTitle ) { DWORD TitleLength; try { TitleLength = wcslen(lpConsoleTitle)*sizeof(WCHAR); } except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { SET_LAST_ERROR(ERROR_INVALID_ACCESS); return FALSE; } return SetConsoleTitleInternal(lpConsoleTitle, TitleLength, TRUE); }
DWORD GetConsoleInputExeNameA( IN DWORD nBufferLength, OUT LPSTR lpBuffer ) { PUNICODE_STRING Unicode; ANSI_STRING AnsiString; NTSTATUS Status; UNICODE_STRING UnicodeString; WCHAR TempExeNameBuffer[FNAME_LENGTH]; DWORD n;
n = GetConsoleInputExeNameW(FNAME_LENGTH, TempExeNameBuffer); if (n != 0 && n < FNAME_LENGTH) { RtlInitUnicodeString(&UnicodeString, TempExeNameBuffer); AnsiString.Buffer = lpBuffer; AnsiString.Length = 0; AnsiString.MaximumLength = (USHORT)nBufferLength; Status = RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString(&AnsiString, &UnicodeString, FALSE); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (Status == STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW) { SET_LAST_ERROR(ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW); return n+1; } else { SET_LAST_ERROR(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } } } return n; }
DWORD GetConsoleInputExeNameW( IN DWORD nBufferLength, OUT LPWSTR lpBuffer ) { DWORD n;
n = ExeNameLength; if (n >= nBufferLength) { SET_LAST_ERROR(ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW); return n+1; }
try { RtlEnterCriticalSection(&ExeNameCriticalSection); RtlCopyMemory(lpBuffer, ExeNameBuffer, n*sizeof(WCHAR)); lpBuffer[n] = UNICODE_NULL; } finally { RtlLeaveCriticalSection(&ExeNameCriticalSection); }
return TRUE; }
BOOL SetConsoleInputExeNameA( IN LPSTR lpExeName ) { PUNICODE_STRING Unicode; ANSI_STRING AnsiString; NTSTATUS Status;
Unicode = &NtCurrentTeb()->StaticUnicodeString; RtlInitAnsiString(&AnsiString,lpExeName); Status = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString(Unicode,&AnsiString,FALSE); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (Status == STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW) { SET_LAST_ERROR(ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE); } else { SET_LAST_ERROR(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } return FALSE; }
return SetConsoleInputExeNameW(Unicode->Buffer); }
BOOL SetConsoleInputExeNameW( IN LPWSTR lpExeName ) { DWORD n;
n = lstrlenW(lpExeName); if (n == 0 || n >= FNAME_LENGTH) { SET_LAST_ERROR(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
RtlEnterCriticalSection(&ExeNameCriticalSection); try { RtlCopyMemory(ExeNameBuffer,lpExeName,n*sizeof(WCHAR)); ExeNameLength = (USHORT)n; } finally { RtlLeaveCriticalSection(&ExeNameCriticalSection); }
return TRUE; }
#endif //!defined(BUILD_WOW64)