Copyright (c) 1985 - 1999, Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file implements the search functionality.
Jerry Shea (jerrysh) 1-May-1997
Revision History:
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
USHORT SearchForString( IN PSCREEN_INFORMATION ScreenInfo, IN PWSTR SearchString, IN USHORT StringLength, IN BOOLEAN IgnoreCase, IN BOOLEAN Reverse, IN BOOLEAN SearchAndSetAttr, IN ULONG Attr, OUT PCOORD StringPosition // not touched for SearchAndSetAttr case.
) { PCONSOLE_INFORMATION Console; SMALL_RECT Rect; COORD MaxPosition; COORD EndPosition; COORD Position; BOOL RecomputeRow; SHORT RowIndex; PROW Row; USHORT ColumnWidth; WCHAR SearchString2[SEARCH_STRING_LENGTH * 2 + 1]; // search string buffer
Console = ScreenInfo->Console;
MaxPosition.X = ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.X - StringLength; MaxPosition.Y = ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.Y - 1;
// calculate starting position
if (Console->Flags & CONSOLE_SELECTING) { Position.X = min(Console->SelectionAnchor.X, MaxPosition.X); Position.Y = Console->SelectionAnchor.Y; } else if (Reverse) { Position.X = 0; Position.Y = 0; } else { Position.X = MaxPosition.X; Position.Y = MaxPosition.Y; }
// prepare search string
// Raid #113599 CMD:Find(Japanese strings) does not work correctly
ASSERT(StringLength == wcslen(SearchString) && StringLength < ARRAY_SIZE(SearchString2));
pStr = SearchString2; while (*SearchString) { *pStr++ = *SearchString; #if defined(CON_TB_MARK)
// On the screen, one FarEast "FullWidth" character occupies two columns (double width),
// so we have to share two screen buffer elements for one DBCS character.
// For example, if the screen shows "AB[DBC]CD", the screen buffer will be,
// [L'A'] [L'B'] [DBC(Unicode)] [CON_TB_MARK] [L'C'] [L'D']
// (DBC:: Double Byte Character)
// CON_TB_MARK is used to indicate that the column is the trainling byte.
// Before comparing the string with the screen buffer, we need to modify the search
// string to match the format of the screen buffer.
// If we find a FullWidth character in the search string, put CON_TB_MARK
// right after it so that we're able to use NLS functions.
// If KAttribute is used, the above example will look like:
// CharRow.Chars: [L'A'] [L'B'] [DBC(Unicode)] [DBC(Unicode)] [L'C'] [L'D']
// We do no fixup if SearchAndSetAttr was specified. In this case the search buffer has
// come straight out of the console buffer, so is already in the required format.
if (!SearchAndSetAttr && IsConsoleFullWidth(Console->hDC, Console->CP, *SearchString)) { #if defined(CON_TB_MARK)
*pStr++ = CON_TB_MARK; #else
*pStr++ = *SearchString; #endif
} ++SearchString; }
*pStr = L'\0'; ColumnWidth = (USHORT)(pStr - SearchString2); SearchString = SearchString2;
// set the string length in byte
StringLength = ColumnWidth * sizeof(WCHAR);
// search for the string
RecomputeRow = TRUE; EndPosition = Position; do { #if !defined(CON_TB_MARK)
#if DBG
int nLoop = 0; #endif
recalc: #endif
if (Reverse) { if (--Position.X < 0) { Position.X = MaxPosition.X; if (--Position.Y < 0) { Position.Y = MaxPosition.Y; } RecomputeRow = TRUE; } } else { if (++Position.X > MaxPosition.X) { Position.X = 0; if (++Position.Y > MaxPosition.Y) { Position.Y = 0; } RecomputeRow = TRUE; } } if (RecomputeRow) { RowIndex = (ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.FirstRow + Position.Y) % ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.Y; Row = &ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows[RowIndex]; RecomputeRow = FALSE; } #if !defined(CON_TB_MARK)
ASSERT(nLoop++ < 2); if (Row->CharRow.KAttrs && (Row->CharRow.KAttrs[Position.X] & ATTR_TRAILING_BYTE)) { goto recalc; } #endif
if (!MyStringCompareW(SearchString, &Row->CharRow.Chars[Position.X], StringLength, IgnoreCase)) {
// If this operation was a normal user find, then return now. Otherwise set
// the attributes of this match, and continue searching the whole buffer.
if (!SearchAndSetAttr) { *StringPosition = Position; return ColumnWidth; } else {
Rect.Top = Rect.Bottom = Position.Y; Rect.Left = Position.X; Rect.Right = Rect.Left + ColumnWidth - 1;
ColorSelection( Console, &Rect, Attr); } } } while (!((Position.X == EndPosition.X) && (Position.Y == EndPosition.Y)));
return 0; // the string was not found
INT_PTR FindDialogProc( HWND hWnd, UINT Message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { PCONSOLE_INFORMATION Console; PSCREEN_INFORMATION ScreenInfo; USHORT StringLength; USHORT ColumnWidth; WCHAR szBuf[SEARCH_STRING_LENGTH + 1]; COORD Position; BOOLEAN IgnoreCase; BOOLEAN Reverse;
switch (Message) { case WM_INITDIALOG: SetWindowLongPtr(hWnd, DWLP_USER, lParam); SendDlgItemMessage(hWnd, ID_FINDSTR, EM_LIMITTEXT, ARRAY_SIZE(szBuf)-1, 0); CheckRadioButton(hWnd, ID_FINDUP, ID_FINDDOWN, ID_FINDDOWN); return TRUE; case WM_COMMAND: switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDOK: StringLength = (USHORT)GetDlgItemText(hWnd, ID_FINDSTR, szBuf, ARRAY_SIZE(szBuf)); if (StringLength == 0) { break; } IgnoreCase = IsDlgButtonChecked(hWnd, ID_FINDCASE) == 0; Reverse = IsDlgButtonChecked(hWnd, ID_FINDDOWN) == 0; Console = (PCONSOLE_INFORMATION)GetWindowLongPtr(hWnd, DWLP_USER); ScreenInfo = Console->CurrentScreenBuffer; ColumnWidth = SearchForString( ScreenInfo, szBuf, StringLength, IgnoreCase, Reverse, FALSE, 0, &Position); if (ColumnWidth != 0) {
// Clear any old selections
if (Console->Flags & CONSOLE_SELECTING) { ClearSelection(Console); }
// Make the new selection
Console->Flags |= CONSOLE_SELECTING; Console->SelectionFlags = CONSOLE_MOUSE_SELECTION | CONSOLE_SELECTION_NOT_EMPTY; InitializeMouseSelection(Console, Position); Console->SelectionRect.Right = Console->SelectionRect.Left + ColumnWidth - 1; MyInvert(Console,&Console->SelectionRect); SetWinText(Console,msgSelectMode,TRUE);
// Make sure the hilited text will be visible
if (Console->SelectionRect.Left < ScreenInfo->Window.Left) { Position.X = Console->SelectionRect.Left; } else if (Console->SelectionRect.Right > ScreenInfo->Window.Right) { Position.X = Console->SelectionRect.Right - CONSOLE_WINDOW_SIZE_X(ScreenInfo) + 1; } else { Position.X = ScreenInfo->Window.Left; } if (Console->SelectionRect.Top < ScreenInfo->Window.Top) { Position.Y = Console->SelectionRect.Top; } else if (Console->SelectionRect.Bottom > ScreenInfo->Window.Bottom) { Position.Y = Console->SelectionRect.Bottom - CONSOLE_WINDOW_SIZE_Y(ScreenInfo) + 1; } else { Position.Y = ScreenInfo->Window.Top; } SetWindowOrigin(ScreenInfo, TRUE, Position); return TRUE; } else {
// The string wasn't found
Beep(800, 200); } break; case IDCANCEL: EndDialog(hWnd, 0); return TRUE; } break; default: break; } return FALSE; }
VOID DoFind( IN PCONSOLE_INFORMATION Console) { ++DialogBoxCount; DialogBoxParam(ghInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(ID_FINDDLG), Console->hWnd, FindDialogProc, (LPARAM)Console); --DialogBoxCount; }