Copyright (c) 1985 - 1999, Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file implements the video buffer management.
Therese Stowell (thereses) 6-Nov-1990
Revision History:
ScreenBuffer data structure overview:
each screen buffer has an array of ROW structures. each ROW structure contains the data for one row of text. the data stored for one row of text is a character array and an attribute array. the character array is allocated the full length of the row from the heap, regardless of the non-space length. we also maintain the non-space length. the character array is initialized to spaces. the attribute array is run length encoded (i.e 5 BLUE, 3 RED). if there is only one attribute for the whole row (the normal case), it is stored in the ATTR_ROW structure. otherwise the attr string is allocated from the heap.
ROW - CHAR_ROW - CHAR string \ \ length of char string \ ATTR_ROW - ATTR_PAIR string \ length of attr pair string ROW ROW ROW
ScreenInfo->Rows points to the ROW array. ScreenInfo->Rows[0] is not necessarily the top row. ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.FirstRow contains the index of the top row. That means scrolling (if scrolling entire screen) merely involves changing the FirstRow index, filling in the last row, and updating the screen.
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
//#define PROFILE_GDI
LONG ScrollDCCount; LONG ExtTextOutCount; LONG TextColor = 1;
#define SCROLLDC_CALL ScrollDCCount++
#define TEXTOUT_CALL ExtTextOutCount++
#define TEXTCOLOR_CALL TextColor++
#endif // PROFILE_GDI
#define ITEM_MAX_SIZE 256
// NOTE: we use this to communicate with progman - see Q105446 for details.
typedef struct _PMIconData { DWORD dwResSize; DWORD dwVer; BYTE iResource; // icon resource
// Screen dimensions
int ConsoleFullScreenX; int ConsoleFullScreenY; int ConsoleCaptionY; int MinimumWidthX; SHORT VerticalScrollSize; SHORT HorizontalScrollSize;
SHORT VerticalClientToWindow; SHORT HorizontalClientToWindow;
PCHAR_INFO ScrollBuffer; ULONG ScrollBufferSize; CRITICAL_SECTION ScrollBufferLock;
// this value keeps track of the number of existing console windows.
// if a window is created when this value is zero, the Face Names
// must be reenumerated because no WM_FONTCHANGE message was processed
// if there's no window.
LONG gnConsoleWindows;
BOOL gfInitSystemMetrics;
BOOL UsePolyTextOut;
HRGN ghrgnScroll; LPRGNDATA gprgnData;
ULONG gucWheelScrollLines;
UINT guCaretBlinkTime;
#define GRGNDATASIZE (sizeof(RGNDATAHEADER) + (6 * sizeof(RECTL)))
#define LockScrollBuffer() RtlEnterCriticalSection(&ScrollBufferLock)
#define UnlockScrollBuffer() RtlLeaveCriticalSection(&ScrollBufferLock)
#define SetWindowConsole(hWnd, Console) SetWindowLongPtr((hWnd), GWLP_USERDATA, (LONG_PTR)(Console))
#ifdef LATER
#define IS_IME_KBDLAYOUT(hkl) ((((ULONG_PTR)(hkl)) & 0xf0000000) == 0xe0000000)
VOID GetNonBiDiKeyboardLayout( HKL *phklActive);
VOID FreeConsoleBitmap( IN PSCREEN_INFORMATION ScreenInfo);
NTSTATUS AllocateScrollBuffer( DWORD Size );
VOID FreeScrollBuffer ( VOID );
VOID InternalUpdateScrollBars( IN PSCREEN_INFORMATION ScreenInfo );
#if defined(FE_SB)
VOID SB_ConsolePolyTextOut( IN PSCREEN_INFORMATION ScreenInfo, IN PSMALL_RECT Region ); #endif
VOID InitializeSystemMetrics( VOID ) { RECT WindowSize;
gfInitSystemMetrics = FALSE; SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETWHEELSCROLLLINES, 0, &gucWheelScrollLines, FALSE); ConsoleFullScreenX = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXFULLSCREEN); ConsoleFullScreenY = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYFULLSCREEN); ConsoleCaptionY = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION); VerticalScrollSize = (SHORT)GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL); HorizontalScrollSize = (SHORT)GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYHSCROLL); WindowSize.left = WindowSize.top = 0; WindowSize.right = WindowSize.bottom = 50; AdjustWindowRectEx(&WindowSize, CONSOLE_WINDOW_FLAGS, FALSE, CONSOLE_WINDOW_EX_FLAGS ); VerticalClientToWindow = (SHORT)(WindowSize.right-WindowSize.left-50); HorizontalClientToWindow = (SHORT)(WindowSize.bottom-WindowSize.top-50);
#ifdef LATER
gfIsIMEEnabled = !!GetSystemMetrics(SM_IMMENABLED); RIPMSG1(RIP_VERBOSE, "InitializeSystemMetrics: gfIsIMEEnabled=%d", gfIsIMEEnabled); #endif
guCaretBlinkTime = GetCaretBlinkTime(); }
VOID GetWindowLimits( IN PSCREEN_INFORMATION ScreenInfo, OUT PWINDOW_LIMITS WindowLimits ) { HMONITOR hMonitor; MONITORINFO MonitorInfo = {sizeof(MonitorInfo)}; COORD FontSize;
// If the system metrics have changed or there aren't any console
// windows around, reinitialize the global valeus.
if (gfInitSystemMetrics || gnConsoleWindows == 0) { InitializeSystemMetrics(); }
if (ScreenInfo->Console && (ScreenInfo->Console->hWnd || !(ScreenInfo->Console->Flags & CONSOLE_AUTO_POSITION)) && ((hMonitor = MonitorFromRect(&ScreenInfo->Console->WindowRect, MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY)) != NULL) && GetMonitorInfo(hMonitor, &MonitorInfo)) { WindowLimits->FullScreenSize.X = (SHORT)(MonitorInfo.rcWork.right - MonitorInfo.rcWork.left); WindowLimits->FullScreenSize.Y = (SHORT)(MonitorInfo.rcWork.bottom - MonitorInfo.rcWork.top - ConsoleCaptionY); } else { WindowLimits->FullScreenSize.X = (SHORT)ConsoleFullScreenX; WindowLimits->FullScreenSize.Y = (SHORT)ConsoleFullScreenY; }
if (ScreenInfo->Flags & CONSOLE_TEXTMODE_BUFFER) { FontSize = SCR_FONTSIZE(ScreenInfo); } else { FontSize.X = 1; FontSize.Y = 1; }
WindowLimits->MinimumWindowSize.X = ((MinimumWidthX - VerticalClientToWindow + FontSize.X - 1) / FontSize.X); WindowLimits->MinimumWindowSize.Y = 1; WindowLimits->MaximumWindowSize.X = min(WindowLimits->FullScreenSize.X/FontSize.X, ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.X); WindowLimits->MaximumWindowSize.X = max(WindowLimits->MaximumWindowSize.X, WindowLimits->MinimumWindowSize.X); WindowLimits->MaximumWindowSize.Y = min(WindowLimits->FullScreenSize.Y/FontSize.Y, ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.Y); WindowLimits->MaxWindow.X = WindowLimits->MaximumWindowSize.X*FontSize.X + VerticalClientToWindow; WindowLimits->MaxWindow.Y = WindowLimits->MaximumWindowSize.Y*FontSize.Y + HorizontalClientToWindow; }
VOID InitializeScreenInfo( VOID ) { HDC hDC;
InitializeMouseButtons(); MinimumWidthX = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXMIN);
hDC = CreateDCW(L"DISPLAY", NULL, NULL, NULL); if (hDC != NULL) { UsePolyTextOut = GetDeviceCaps(hDC, TEXTCAPS) & TC_SCROLLBLT; DeleteDC(hDC); } }
this routine figures out what parameters to pass to CreateScreenBuffer, based on the data from STARTUPINFO and the defaults in win.ini, then calls CreateScreenBuffer.
{ CHAR_INFO Fill,PopupFill; COORD dwScreenBufferSize, dwWindowSize; NTSTATUS Status; int FontIndexWant;
if (ConsoleInfo->dwStartupFlags & STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW) { Console->wShowWindow = ConsoleInfo->wShowWindow; } else { Console->wShowWindow = SW_SHOWNORMAL; }
// Get values from consoleinfo (which was initialized through link).
Fill.Attributes = ConsoleInfo->wFillAttribute; Fill.Char.UnicodeChar = (WCHAR)' '; PopupFill.Attributes = ConsoleInfo->wPopupFillAttribute; PopupFill.Char.UnicodeChar = (WCHAR)' ';
dwScreenBufferSize = ConsoleInfo->dwScreenBufferSize; if (!(ConsoleInfo->dwStartupFlags & STARTF_USECOUNTCHARS)) { if (Console->Flags & CONSOLE_NO_WINDOW) { dwScreenBufferSize.X = min(dwScreenBufferSize.X, 80); dwScreenBufferSize.Y = min(dwScreenBufferSize.Y, 25); } } if (dwScreenBufferSize.X == 0) { dwScreenBufferSize.X = 1; } if (dwScreenBufferSize.Y == 0) { dwScreenBufferSize.Y = 1; }
// Grab font
#if defined(FE_SB)
FontIndexWant = FindCreateFont(ConsoleInfo->uFontFamily, ConsoleInfo->FaceName, ConsoleInfo->dwFontSize, ConsoleInfo->uFontWeight, ConsoleInfo->uCodePage ); #else
FontIndexWant = FindCreateFont(ConsoleInfo->uFontFamily, ConsoleInfo->FaceName, ConsoleInfo->dwFontSize, ConsoleInfo->uFontWeight); #endif
// grab window size information
dwWindowSize = ConsoleInfo->dwWindowSize; if (ConsoleInfo->dwStartupFlags & STARTF_USESIZE) { dwWindowSize.X /= FontInfo[FontIndexWant].Size.X; dwWindowSize.Y /= FontInfo[FontIndexWant].Size.Y; } else if (Console->Flags & CONSOLE_NO_WINDOW) { dwWindowSize.X = min(dwWindowSize.X, 80); dwWindowSize.Y = min(dwWindowSize.Y, 25); } if (dwWindowSize.X == 0) dwWindowSize.X = 1; if (dwWindowSize.Y == 0) dwWindowSize.Y = 1;
if (dwScreenBufferSize.X < dwWindowSize.X) dwScreenBufferSize.X = dwWindowSize.X; if (dwScreenBufferSize.Y < dwWindowSize.Y) dwScreenBufferSize.Y = dwWindowSize.Y;
Console->dwWindowOriginX = ConsoleInfo->dwWindowOrigin.X; Console->dwWindowOriginY = ConsoleInfo->dwWindowOrigin.Y;
if (ConsoleInfo->bAutoPosition) { Console->Flags |= CONSOLE_AUTO_POSITION; Console->dwWindowOriginX = CW_USEDEFAULT; } else { Console->WindowRect.left = Console->dwWindowOriginX; Console->WindowRect.top = Console->dwWindowOriginY; Console->WindowRect.right = Console->dwWindowOriginX + dwWindowSize.X * FontInfo[FontIndexWant].Size.X; Console->WindowRect.bottom = Console->dwWindowOriginY + dwWindowSize.Y * FontInfo[FontIndexWant].Size.Y; }
#ifdef i386
if (FullScreenInitialized && !GetSystemMetrics(SM_REMOTESESSION)) { if (ConsoleInfo->bFullScreen) { Console->FullScreenFlags = CONSOLE_FULLSCREEN; } } #endif
if (ConsoleInfo->bQuickEdit) { Console->Flags |= CONSOLE_QUICK_EDIT_MODE; } Console->Flags |= CONSOLE_USE_PRIVATE_FLAGS;
Console->InsertMode = (ConsoleInfo->bInsertMode != FALSE); Console->CommandHistorySize = (SHORT)ConsoleInfo->uHistoryBufferSize; Console->MaxCommandHistories = (SHORT)ConsoleInfo->uNumberOfHistoryBuffers; if (ConsoleInfo->bHistoryNoDup) { Console->Flags |= CONSOLE_HISTORY_NODUP; } else { Console->Flags &= ~CONSOLE_HISTORY_NODUP; } RtlCopyMemory(Console->ColorTable, ConsoleInfo->ColorTable, sizeof( Console->ColorTable ));
#if defined(FE_SB)
// for FarEast version, we want get the code page from registry or shell32,
// so we can specify console codepage by console.cpl or shell32
// default codepage is OEMCP. scotthsu
Console->CP = ConsoleInfo->uCodePage; Console->OutputCP = ConsoleInfo->uCodePage; Console->fIsDBCSCP = CONSOLE_IS_DBCS_ENABLED() && IsAvailableFarEastCodePage(Console->CP); Console->fIsDBCSOutputCP = CONSOLE_IS_DBCS_ENABLED() && IsAvailableFarEastCodePage(Console->OutputCP); #endif
#if defined(FE_IME)
Console->ConsoleIme.ScrollWaitTimeout = guCaretBlinkTime * 2; #endif
TryNewSize: Status = CreateScreenBuffer(&Console->ScreenBuffers, dwWindowSize, FontIndexWant, dwScreenBufferSize, Fill, PopupFill, Console, CONSOLE_TEXTMODE_BUFFER, NULL, NULL, NULL, ConsoleInfo->uCursorSize, ConsoleInfo->FaceName ); if (Status == STATUS_NO_MEMORY) { //
// If we failed to create a large buffer, try again with a small one.
if (dwScreenBufferSize.X > 80 || dwScreenBufferSize.Y > 50) { dwScreenBufferSize.X = min(dwScreenBufferSize.X, 80); dwScreenBufferSize.Y = min(dwScreenBufferSize.Y, 50); dwWindowSize.X = min(dwWindowSize.X, dwScreenBufferSize.X); dwWindowSize.Y = min(dwWindowSize.Y, dwScreenBufferSize.Y); Console->Flags |= CONSOLE_DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE; goto TryNewSize; } }
return Status; }
Routine Description:
This routine allocates and initializes the data associated with a screen buffer. It also creates a window.
ScreenInformation - the new screen buffer.
dwWindowSize - the initial size of screen buffer's window (in rows/columns)
nFont - the initial font to generate text with.
dwScreenBufferSize - the initial size of the screen buffer (in rows/columns).
Return Value:
{ LONG i,j; PSCREEN_INFORMATION ScreenInfo; NTSTATUS Status; PWCHAR TextRowPtr; #if defined(FE_SB)
PBYTE AttrRowPtr; #endif
* Make sure we have a valid font. Bail if no fonts are available. */ ASSERT(nFont < NumberOfFonts); if (NumberOfFonts == 0) { return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; }
ScreenInfo = ConsoleHeapAlloc(SCREEN_TAG, sizeof(SCREEN_INFORMATION)); if (ScreenInfo == NULL) { return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; }
ScreenInfo->Console = Console; ScreenInfo->Flags = Flags; if (ScreenInfo->Flags & CONSOLE_TEXTMODE_BUFFER) {
ASSERT(FontInfo[nFont].FaceName != NULL);
ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.ListOfTextBufferFont = NULL;
Status = StoreTextBufferFontInfo(ScreenInfo, nFont, FontInfo[nFont].Size, FontInfo[nFont].Family, FontInfo[nFont].Weight, FaceName ? FaceName : FontInfo[nFont].FaceName, Console->OutputCP); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ConsoleHeapFree(ScreenInfo); return((ULONG) Status); }
DBGFONTS(("DoCreateScreenBuffer sets FontSize(%d,%d), FontNumber=%x, Family=%x\n", SCR_FONTSIZE(ScreenInfo).X, SCR_FONTSIZE(ScreenInfo).Y, SCR_FONTNUMBER(ScreenInfo), SCR_FAMILY(ScreenInfo)));
if (TM_IS_TT_FONT(FontInfo[nFont].Family)) { ScreenInfo->Flags &= ~CONSOLE_OEMFONT_DISPLAY; } else { ScreenInfo->Flags |= CONSOLE_OEMFONT_DISPLAY; }
ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize = dwScreenBufferSize; GetWindowLimits(ScreenInfo, &WindowLimits); dwScreenBufferSize.X = max(dwScreenBufferSize.X, WindowLimits.MinimumWindowSize.X); dwWindowSize.X = max(dwWindowSize.X, WindowLimits.MinimumWindowSize.X);
ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.ModeIndex = (ULONG)-1; #ifdef i386
if (Console->FullScreenFlags & CONSOLE_FULLSCREEN) { COORD WindowSize; ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.WindowedWindowSize = dwWindowSize; ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.WindowedScreenSize = dwScreenBufferSize; ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.ModeIndex = MatchWindowSize(Console->OutputCP,dwWindowSize,&WindowSize); } #endif
ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.FirstRow = 0; ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows = ConsoleHeapAlloc(SCREEN_TAG, dwScreenBufferSize.Y * sizeof(ROW)); if (ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows == NULL) { RemoveTextBufferFontInfo(ScreenInfo); ConsoleHeapFree(ScreenInfo); return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.TextRows = ConsoleHeapAlloc(SCREEN_TAG, dwScreenBufferSize.X * dwScreenBufferSize.Y * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.TextRows == NULL) { ConsoleHeapFree(ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows); RemoveTextBufferFontInfo(ScreenInfo); ConsoleHeapFree(ScreenInfo); return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } #if defined(FE_SB)
if (!CreateDbcsScreenBuffer(Console, dwScreenBufferSize, &ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.DbcsScreenBuffer)) { ConsoleHeapFree(ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.TextRows); ConsoleHeapFree(ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows); RemoveTextBufferFontInfo(ScreenInfo); ConsoleHeapFree(ScreenInfo); return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; }
AttrRowPtr=ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.DbcsScreenBuffer.KAttrRows; #endif
for (i=0,TextRowPtr=ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.TextRows; i<dwScreenBufferSize.Y; i++,TextRowPtr+=dwScreenBufferSize.X) { ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows[i].CharRow.Left = dwScreenBufferSize.X; ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows[i].CharRow.OldLeft = INVALID_OLD_LENGTH; ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows[i].CharRow.Right = 0; ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows[i].CharRow.OldRight = INVALID_OLD_LENGTH; ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows[i].CharRow.Chars = TextRowPtr; #if defined(FE_SB)
ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows[i].CharRow.KAttrs = AttrRowPtr; #endif
for (j=0;j<dwScreenBufferSize.X;j++) { TextRowPtr[j] = (WCHAR)' '; } #if defined(FE_SB)
if (AttrRowPtr) { RtlZeroMemory(AttrRowPtr, dwScreenBufferSize.X); AttrRowPtr+=dwScreenBufferSize.X; } #endif
ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows[i].AttrRow.Length = 1; ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows[i].AttrRow.AttrPair.Length = dwScreenBufferSize.X; ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows[i].AttrRow.AttrPair.Attr = Fill.Attributes; ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows[i].AttrRow.Attrs = &ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows[i].AttrRow.AttrPair;
} ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.CursorSize = CursorSize; ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.CursorPosition.X = 0; ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.CursorPosition.Y = 0; ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.CursorMoved = FALSE; ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.CursorVisible = TRUE; ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.CursorOn = FALSE; ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.CursorYSize = (WORD)CURSOR_SIZE_IN_PIXELS(SCR_FONTSIZE(ScreenInfo).Y,ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.CursorSize); ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.UpdatingScreen = 0; ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.DoubleCursor = FALSE; ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.DelayCursor = FALSE; ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Flags = SINGLE_ATTRIBUTES_PER_LINE; ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize = dwScreenBufferSize; ScreenInfo->Window.Left = 0; ScreenInfo->Window.Top = 0; ScreenInfo->Window.Right = dwWindowSize.X - 1; ScreenInfo->Window.Bottom = dwWindowSize.Y - 1; if (ScreenInfo->Window.Right >= WindowLimits.MaximumWindowSize.X) { ScreenInfo->Window.Right = WindowLimits.MaximumWindowSize.X-1; dwWindowSize.X = CONSOLE_WINDOW_SIZE_X(ScreenInfo); } if (ScreenInfo->Window.Bottom >= WindowLimits.MaximumWindowSize.Y) { ScreenInfo->Window.Bottom = WindowLimits.MaximumWindowSize.Y-1; dwWindowSize.Y = CONSOLE_WINDOW_SIZE_Y(ScreenInfo); } ScreenInfo->WindowMaximizedX = (dwWindowSize.X == dwScreenBufferSize.X); ScreenInfo->WindowMaximizedY = (dwWindowSize.Y == dwScreenBufferSize.Y); #if defined(FE_SB)
#if defined(_X86_)
ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.MousePosition.X = 0; ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.MousePosition.Y = 0; #endif // i386
ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.CursorBlink = TRUE; ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.CursorDBEnable = TRUE; #endif
} else { Status = CreateConsoleBitmap(GraphicsBufferInfo, ScreenInfo, lpBitmap, hMutex ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ConsoleHeapFree(ScreenInfo); return Status; } ScreenInfo->WindowMaximizedX = TRUE; ScreenInfo->WindowMaximizedY = TRUE; }
ScreenInfo->WindowMaximized = FALSE; ScreenInfo->RefCount = 0; ScreenInfo->ShareAccess.OpenCount = 0; ScreenInfo->ShareAccess.Readers = 0; ScreenInfo->ShareAccess.Writers = 0; ScreenInfo->ShareAccess.SharedRead = 0; ScreenInfo->ShareAccess.SharedWrite = 0; ScreenInfo->CursorHandle = ghNormalCursor; ScreenInfo->CursorDisplayCount = 0; ScreenInfo->CommandIdLow = (UINT)-1; ScreenInfo->CommandIdHigh = (UINT)-1; ScreenInfo->dwUsage = SYSPAL_STATIC; ScreenInfo->hPalette = NULL;
ScreenInfo->ResizingWindow = 0; ScreenInfo->Next = NULL; ScreenInfo->Attributes = Fill.Attributes; ScreenInfo->PopupAttributes = PopupFill.Attributes;
ScreenInfo->WheelDelta = 0;
#if defined(FE_SB)
ScreenInfo->WriteConsoleDbcsLeadByte[0] = 0; ScreenInfo->BisectFlag = 0; if (Flags & CONSOLE_TEXTMODE_BUFFER) { SetLineChar(ScreenInfo); } ScreenInfo->FillOutDbcsLeadChar = 0; ScreenInfo->ConvScreenInfo = NULL; #endif
*ScreenInformation = ScreenInfo; DBGOUTPUT(("SCREEN at %lx\n", ScreenInfo)); return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
VOID PositionConsoleWindow( IN PCONSOLE_INFORMATION Console, IN BOOL Initialize ) { GetWindowRect(Console->hWnd, &Console->WindowRect);
// If this is an autoposition window being initialized, make sure it's
// client area doesn't descend below the tray
if (Initialize && (Console->Flags & CONSOLE_AUTO_POSITION)) { RECT ClientRect; LONG dx = 0; LONG dy = 0; HMONITOR hMonitor; MONITORINFO MonitorInfo = {sizeof(MonitorInfo)};
hMonitor = MonitorFromRect(&Console->WindowRect, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONULL); if (hMonitor && GetMonitorInfo(hMonitor, &MonitorInfo)) { GetClientRect(Console->hWnd, &ClientRect); ClientToScreen(Console->hWnd, (LPPOINT)&ClientRect.left); ClientToScreen(Console->hWnd, (LPPOINT)&ClientRect.right); if (Console->WindowRect.right > MonitorInfo.rcWork.right) { dx = max(min((Console->WindowRect.right - MonitorInfo.rcWork.right), (Console->WindowRect.left - MonitorInfo.rcWork.left)), min((ClientRect.right - MonitorInfo.rcWork.right), (ClientRect.left - MonitorInfo.rcWork.left))); } if (Console->WindowRect.bottom > MonitorInfo.rcWork.bottom) { dy = max(min((Console->WindowRect.bottom - MonitorInfo.rcWork.bottom), (Console->WindowRect.top - MonitorInfo.rcWork.top)), min((ClientRect.bottom - MonitorInfo.rcWork.bottom), (ClientRect.top - MonitorInfo.rcWork.top))); } if (dx || dy) { SetWindowPos(Console->hWnd, NULL, Console->WindowRect.left - dx, Console->WindowRect.top - dy, 0, 0, SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER); } } } }
* Bug 273518 - joejo * * This will allow console windows to set foreground correctly on new * process' it launches, as opposed it just forcing foreground. */ NTSTATUS ConsoleSetActiveWindow( IN PCONSOLE_INFORMATION Console ) { HWND hWnd = Console->hWnd; HANDLE ConsoleHandle = Console->ConsoleHandle;
UnlockConsole(Console); SetActiveWindow(hWnd); return RevalidateConsole(ConsoleHandle, &Console); }
ScreenInfo = Console->ScreenBuffers;
// figure out how big to make the window, given the desired client area
// size. window is always created in textmode.
ASSERT(ScreenInfo->Flags & CONSOLE_TEXTMODE_BUFFER); WindowSize.cx = CONSOLE_WINDOW_SIZE_X(ScreenInfo)*SCR_FONTSIZE(ScreenInfo).X + VerticalClientToWindow; WindowSize.cy = CONSOLE_WINDOW_SIZE_Y(ScreenInfo)*SCR_FONTSIZE(ScreenInfo).Y + HorizontalClientToWindow; Style = CONSOLE_WINDOW_FLAGS & ~WS_VISIBLE; if (!ScreenInfo->WindowMaximizedX) { WindowSize.cy += HorizontalScrollSize; } else { Style &= ~WS_HSCROLL; } if (!ScreenInfo->WindowMaximizedY) { WindowSize.cx += VerticalScrollSize; } else { Style &= ~WS_VSCROLL; }
// create the window.
Console->WindowRect.left = Console->dwWindowOriginX; Console->WindowRect.top = Console->dwWindowOriginY; Console->WindowRect.right = WindowSize.cx + Console->dwWindowOriginX; Console->WindowRect.bottom = WindowSize.cy + Console->dwWindowOriginY; hWnd = CreateWindowEx(CONSOLE_WINDOW_EX_FLAGS, CONSOLE_WINDOW_CLASS, Console->Title, Style, Console->dwWindowOriginX, Console->dwWindowOriginY, WindowSize.cx, WindowSize.cy, (Console->Flags & CONSOLE_NO_WINDOW) ? HWND_MESSAGE : HWND_DESKTOP, NULL, ghInstance, NULL); if (hWnd == NULL) { NtSetEvent(Console->InitEvents[INITIALIZATION_FAILED],NULL); return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; }
Console->hWnd = hWnd;
SetWindowConsole(hWnd, Console);
// Stuff the client id into the window so USER can find it.
if (NT_SUCCESS(NtQueryInformationThread(Console->ClientThreadHandle, ThreadBasicInformation, &ThreadInfo, sizeof(ThreadInfo), NULL))) {
SetConsolePid(Console->hWnd, HandleToUlong(ThreadInfo.ClientId.UniqueProcess)); SetConsoleTid(Console->hWnd, HandleToUlong(ThreadInfo.ClientId.UniqueThread)); }
// Get the dc.
Console->hDC = GetDC(Console->hWnd);
if (Console->hDC == NULL) { NtSetEvent(Console->InitEvents[INITIALIZATION_FAILED],NULL); DestroyWindow(Console->hWnd); Console->hWnd = NULL; return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } Console->hMenu = GetSystemMenu(Console->hWnd,FALSE);
// modify system menu to our liking.
gnConsoleWindows++; Console->InputThreadInfo->WindowCount++;
#if defined(FE_IME)
SetUndetermineAttribute(Console); #endif
#if defined(FE_SB)
RegisterKeisenOfTTFont(ScreenInfo); #endif
// Set up the hot key for this window
if ((Console->dwHotKey != 0) && !(Console->Flags & CONSOLE_NO_WINDOW)) { SendMessage(Console->hWnd, WM_SETHOTKEY, Console->dwHotKey, 0L); }
// create icon
if (Console->iIconId) {
// We have no icon, try and get one from progman.
PostMessage(HWND_BROADCAST, ProgmanHandleMessage, (WPARAM)Console->hWnd, 1); } if (Console->hIcon == NULL) { Console->hIcon = ghDefaultIcon; Console->hSmIcon = ghDefaultSmIcon; } else if (Console->hIcon != ghDefaultIcon) { SendMessage(Console->hWnd, WM_SETICON, ICON_BIG, (LPARAM)Console->hIcon); SendMessage(Console->hWnd, WM_SETICON, ICON_SMALL, (LPARAM)Console->hSmIcon); }
SetBkMode(Console->hDC,OPAQUE); SetFont(ScreenInfo); SelectObject(Console->hDC, GetStockObject(DC_BRUSH)); SetScreenColors(ScreenInfo, ScreenInfo->Attributes, ScreenInfo->PopupAttributes, FALSE); if (Console->Flags & CONSOLE_NO_WINDOW) { ShowWindowAsync(Console->hWnd, SW_HIDE); #ifdef i386
} else if (Console->FullScreenFlags != 0) { if (Console->wShowWindow == SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE) { ShowWindowAsync(Console->hWnd, Console->wShowWindow); Console->FullScreenFlags = 0; Console->Flags |= CONSOLE_IS_ICONIC; } else { ConvertToFullScreen(Console); if (!NT_SUCCESS(ConsoleSetActiveWindow(Console))) { return STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; }
ChangeDispSettings(Console, Console->hWnd,CDS_FULLSCREEN); } #endif
} else { if (Console->wShowWindow != SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE && Console->wShowWindow != SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE && Console->wShowWindow != SW_HIDE) { if (!NT_SUCCESS(ConsoleSetActiveWindow(Console))) { return STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; } } else if (Console->wShowWindow == SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE) { Console->Flags |= CONSOLE_IS_ICONIC; } ShowWindowAsync(Console->hWnd, Console->wShowWindow); }
InternalUpdateScrollBars(ScreenInfo); if (!(Console->Flags & CONSOLE_IS_ICONIC) && (Console->FullScreenFlags == 0) ) {
PositionConsoleWindow(Console, TRUE); }
#if defined(FE_IME)
if (CONSOLE_IS_IME_ENABLED() && !(Console->Flags & CONSOLE_NO_WINDOW)) { SetTimer(Console->hWnd, SCROLL_WAIT_TIMER, guCaretBlinkTime, NULL); } #endif
Routine Description:
This routine frees the memory associated with a screen buffer.
ScreenInfo - screen buffer data to free.
Return Value:
Note: console handle table lock must be held when calling this routine
{ SHORT i; PCONSOLE_INFORMATION Console = ScreenInfo->Console;
ASSERT(ScreenInfo->RefCount == 0); if (ScreenInfo->Flags & CONSOLE_TEXTMODE_BUFFER) { for (i=0;i<ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.Y;i++) { if (ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows[i].AttrRow.Length > 1) { ConsoleHeapFree(ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows[i].AttrRow.Attrs); } } ConsoleHeapFree(ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.TextRows); ConsoleHeapFree(ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows); #if defined(FE_SB)
DeleteDbcsScreenBuffer(&ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.DbcsScreenBuffer); #endif
RemoveTextBufferFontInfo(ScreenInfo); } else { if (ScreenInfo->hPalette != NULL) { if (GetCurrentObject(Console->hDC, OBJ_PAL) == ScreenInfo->hPalette) { SelectPalette(Console->hDC, Console->hSysPalette, FALSE); } DeleteObject(ScreenInfo->hPalette); } FreeConsoleBitmap(ScreenInfo); } ConsoleHeapFree(ScreenInfo); return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
VOID FindAttrIndex( IN PATTR_PAIR String, IN SHORT Index, OUT PATTR_PAIR *IndexedAttr, OUT PSHORT CountOfAttr )
Routine Description:
This routine finds the nth attribute in a string.
String - attribute string
Index - which attribute to find
IndexedAttr - pointer to attribute within string
CountOfAttr - on output, contains corrected length of indexed attr. for example, if the attribute string was { 5, BLUE } and the requested index was 3, CountOfAttr would be 2.
Return Value:
{ SHORT i;
for (i=0;i<Index;) { i += String->Length; String++; }
if (i>Index) { String--; *CountOfAttr = i-Index; } else { *CountOfAttr = String->Length; } *IndexedAttr = String; }
NTSTATUS MergeAttrStrings( IN PATTR_PAIR Source, IN WORD SourceLength, IN PATTR_PAIR Merge, IN WORD MergeLength, OUT PATTR_PAIR *Target, OUT LPWORD TargetLength, IN SHORT StartIndex, IN SHORT EndIndex, IN PROW Row, IN PSCREEN_INFORMATION ScreenInfo )
Routine Description:
This routine merges two run-length encoded attribute strings into a third.
for example, if the source string was { 4, BLUE }, the merge string was { 2, RED }, and the StartIndex and EndIndex were 1 and 2, respectively, the target string would be { 1, BLUE, 2, RED, 1, BLUE } and the target length would be 3.
Source - pointer to source attribute string
SourceLength - length of source. for example, the length of { 4, BLUE } is 1.
Merge - pointer to attribute string to insert into source
MergeLength - length of merge
Target - where to store pointer to resulting attribute string
TargetLength - where to store length of resulting attribute string
StartIndex - index into Source at which to insert Merge String.
EndIndex - index into Source at which to stop insertion of Merge String
Return Value:
--*/ { PATTR_PAIR SrcAttr,TargetAttr,SrcEnd; PATTR_PAIR NewString; SHORT i;
// if just changing the attr for the whole row
if (MergeLength == 1 && Row->AttrRow.Length == 1) { if (Row->AttrRow.Attrs->Attr == Merge->Attr) { *TargetLength = 1; *Target = &Row->AttrRow.AttrPair; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } if (StartIndex == 0 && EndIndex == (SHORT)(ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.X-1)) { NewString = &Row->AttrRow.AttrPair; NewString->Attr = Merge->Attr; *TargetLength = 1; *Target = NewString; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } }
NewString = ConsoleHeapAlloc(SCREEN_TAG, (SourceLength + MergeLength + 1) * sizeof(ATTR_PAIR)); if (NewString == NULL) { return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; }
// copy the source string, up to the start index.
SrcAttr = Source; SrcEnd = Source + SourceLength; TargetAttr = NewString; i=0; if (StartIndex != 0) { while (i<StartIndex) { i += SrcAttr->Length; *TargetAttr++ = *SrcAttr++; }
// back up to the last pair copied, in case the attribute in the first
// pair in the merge string matches. also, adjust TargetAttr->Length
// based on i, the attribute
// counter, back to the StartIndex. i will be larger than the
// StartIndex in the case where the last attribute pair copied had
// a length greater than the number needed to reach StartIndex.
TargetAttr--; if (i>StartIndex) { TargetAttr->Length -= i-StartIndex; } if (Merge->Attr == TargetAttr->Attr) { TargetAttr->Length += Merge->Length; MergeLength-=1; Merge++; } TargetAttr++; }
// copy the merge string.
RtlCopyMemory(TargetAttr,Merge,MergeLength*sizeof(ATTR_PAIR)); TargetAttr += MergeLength;
// figure out where to resume copying the source string.
while (i<=EndIndex) { ASSERT(SrcAttr != SrcEnd); i += SrcAttr->Length; SrcAttr++; }
// if not done, copy the rest of the source
if (SrcAttr != SrcEnd || i!=(SHORT)(EndIndex+1)) {
// see if we've gone past the right attribute. if so, back up and
// copy the attribute and the correct length.
TargetAttr--; if (i>(SHORT)(EndIndex+1)) { SrcAttr--; if (TargetAttr->Attr == SrcAttr->Attr) { TargetAttr->Length += i-(EndIndex+1); } else { TargetAttr++; TargetAttr->Attr = SrcAttr->Attr; TargetAttr->Length = (SHORT)(i-(EndIndex+1)); } SrcAttr++; }
// see if we can merge the source and target.
else if (TargetAttr->Attr == SrcAttr->Attr) { TargetAttr->Length += SrcAttr->Length; i += SrcAttr->Length; SrcAttr++; } TargetAttr++;
// copy the rest of the source
if (SrcAttr < SrcEnd) { RtlCopyMemory(TargetAttr,SrcAttr,(SrcEnd-SrcAttr)*sizeof(ATTR_PAIR)); TargetAttr += SrcEnd - SrcAttr; } }
*TargetLength = (WORD)(TargetAttr - NewString); *Target = NewString; if (*TargetLength == 1) { *Target = &Row->AttrRow.AttrPair; **Target = *NewString; ConsoleHeapFree(NewString); } return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
// Fire off a winevent to let accessibility apps know what changed.
if (ACTIVE_SCREEN_BUFFER(ScreenInfo)) { ASSERT(EndX < ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.X); if (StartX == EndX && StartY == EndY) { RowIndex = (ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.FirstRow+StartY) % ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.Y; Row = &ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows[RowIndex]; Char = Row->CharRow.Chars[StartX]; FindAttrIndex(Row->AttrRow.Attrs, StartX, &Attr, &CountOfAttr); ConsoleNotifyWinEvent(ScreenInfo->Console, EVENT_CONSOLE_UPDATE_SIMPLE, MAKELONG(StartX, StartY), MAKELONG(Char, Attr->Attr)); } else { ConsoleNotifyWinEvent(ScreenInfo->Console, EVENT_CONSOLE_UPDATE_REGION, MAKELONG(StartX, StartY), MAKELONG(EndX, EndY)); } }
// first see whether we wrote any lines with multiple attributes. if
// we did, set the flags and bail out. also, remember if any of the
// lines we wrote had attributes different from other lines.
RowIndex = (ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.FirstRow+StartY) % ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.Y; for (i=StartY;i<=EndY;i++) { Row = &ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows[RowIndex]; if (Row->AttrRow.Length != 1) { ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Flags &= ~SINGLE_ATTRIBUTES_PER_LINE; return; } if (++RowIndex == ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.Y) { RowIndex = 0; } }
// all of the written lines have the same attribute.
if (ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Flags & SINGLE_ATTRIBUTES_PER_LINE) { return; }
if (StartY == 0 && EndY == (ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.Y-1)) { ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Flags |= SINGLE_ATTRIBUTES_PER_LINE; return; }
RowIndex = ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.FirstRow; for (i=0;i<StartY;i++) { Row = &ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows[RowIndex]; if (Row->AttrRow.Length != 1) { return; } if (++RowIndex == ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.Y) { RowIndex = 0; } Row = &ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows[RowIndex]; } RowIndex = (ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.FirstRow+EndY+1) % ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.Y; for (i=EndY+1;i<ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.Y;i++) { Row = &ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows[RowIndex]; if (Row->AttrRow.Length != 1) { return; } if (++RowIndex == ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.Y) { RowIndex = 0; } } ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Flags |= SINGLE_ATTRIBUTES_PER_LINE; }
VOID ReadRectFromScreenBuffer( IN PSCREEN_INFORMATION ScreenInfo, IN COORD SourcePoint, IN PCHAR_INFO Target, IN COORD TargetSize, IN PSMALL_RECT TargetRect )
Routine Description:
This routine copies a rectangular region from the screen buffer. no clipping is done.
ScreenInfo - pointer to screen info
SourcePoint - upper left coordinates of source rectangle
Target - pointer to target buffer
TargetSize - dimensions of target buffer
TargetRect - rectangle in source buffer to copy
Return Value:
PCHAR_INFO TargetPtr; SHORT i,j,k; SHORT XSize,YSize; BOOLEAN WholeTarget; SHORT RowIndex; PROW Row; PWCHAR Char; PATTR_PAIR Attr; SHORT CountOfAttr;
XSize = (SHORT)(TargetRect->Right - TargetRect->Left + 1); YSize = (SHORT)(TargetRect->Bottom - TargetRect->Top + 1);
TargetPtr = Target; WholeTarget = FALSE; if (XSize == TargetSize.X) { ASSERT (TargetRect->Left == 0); if (TargetRect->Top != 0) { TargetPtr = (PCHAR_INFO) ((PBYTE)Target + SCREEN_BUFFER_POINTER(TargetRect->Left, TargetRect->Top, TargetSize.X, sizeof(CHAR_INFO))); } WholeTarget = TRUE; } RowIndex = (ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.FirstRow+SourcePoint.Y) % ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.Y; for (i=0;i<YSize;i++) { if (!WholeTarget) { TargetPtr = (PCHAR_INFO) ((PBYTE)Target + SCREEN_BUFFER_POINTER(TargetRect->Left, TargetRect->Top+i, TargetSize.X, sizeof(CHAR_INFO))); }
// copy the chars and attrs from their respective arrays
Row = &ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows[RowIndex]; Char = &Row->CharRow.Chars[SourcePoint.X]; FindAttrIndex(Row->AttrRow.Attrs, SourcePoint.X, &Attr, &CountOfAttr ); k=0; #if defined(FE_SB)
if (CONSOLE_IS_DBCS_OUTPUTCP(ScreenInfo->Console)) { PBYTE AttrP = &Row->CharRow.KAttrs[SourcePoint.X]; for (j=0;j<XSize;TargetPtr++) { BYTE AttrR; AttrR = *AttrP++; if (j==0 && AttrR & ATTR_TRAILING_BYTE) { TargetPtr->Char.UnicodeChar = UNICODE_SPACE; AttrR = 0; } else if (j+1 >= XSize && AttrR & ATTR_LEADING_BYTE) { TargetPtr->Char.UnicodeChar = UNICODE_SPACE; AttrR = 0; } else TargetPtr->Char.UnicodeChar = *Char; Char++; TargetPtr->Attributes = Attr->Attr | (WCHAR)(AttrR & ATTR_DBCSSBCS_BYTE) << 8; j+=1; if (++k==CountOfAttr && j<XSize) { Attr++; k=0; CountOfAttr = Attr->Length; } } } else{ #endif
for (j=0;j<XSize;TargetPtr++) { TargetPtr->Char.UnicodeChar = *Char++; TargetPtr->Attributes = Attr->Attr; j+=1; if (++k==CountOfAttr && j<XSize) { Attr++; k=0; CountOfAttr = Attr->Length; } } #if defined(FE_SB)
} #endif
if (++RowIndex == ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.Y) { RowIndex = 0; } } }
VOID CopyRectangle( IN PSCREEN_INFORMATION ScreenInfo, IN PSMALL_RECT SourceRect, IN COORD TargetPoint )
Routine Description:
This routine copies a rectangular region from the screen buffer to the screen buffer. no clipping is done.
ScreenInfo - pointer to screen info
SourceRect - rectangle in source buffer to copy
TargetPoint - upper left coordinates of new location rectangle
Return Value:
{ SMALL_RECT Target; COORD SourcePoint; COORD Size; DBGOUTPUT(("CopyRectangle\n"));
SourcePoint.X = SourceRect->Left; SourcePoint.Y = SourceRect->Top; Target.Left = 0; Target.Top = 0; Target.Right = Size.X = SourceRect->Right - SourceRect->Left; Target.Bottom = Size.Y = SourceRect->Bottom - SourceRect->Top; Size.X++; Size.Y++;
if (ScrollBufferSize < (Size.X * Size.Y * sizeof(CHAR_INFO))) { FreeScrollBuffer(); if (!NT_SUCCESS(AllocateScrollBuffer(Size.X * Size.Y * sizeof(CHAR_INFO)))) { UnlockScrollBuffer(); return; } }
ReadRectFromScreenBuffer(ScreenInfo, SourcePoint, ScrollBuffer, Size, &Target );
WriteRectToScreenBuffer((PBYTE)ScrollBuffer, Size, &Target, ScreenInfo, TargetPoint, 0xFFFFFFFF // ScrollBuffer won't need conversion
); UnlockScrollBuffer(); }
Routine Description:
This routine reads a rectangular region from the screen buffer. The region is first clipped.
ScreenInformation - Screen buffer to read from.
Buffer - Buffer to read into.
ReadRegion - Region to read.
Return Value:
{ COORD TargetSize; COORD TargetPoint,SourcePoint; SMALL_RECT Target;
DBGOUTPUT(("ReadScreenBuffer\n")); //
// calculate dimensions of caller's buffer. have to do this calculation
// before clipping.
TargetSize.X = (SHORT)(ReadRegion->Right - ReadRegion->Left + 1); TargetSize.Y = (SHORT)(ReadRegion->Bottom - ReadRegion->Top + 1);
if (TargetSize.X <= 0 || TargetSize.Y <= 0) { return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
// do clipping.
if (ReadRegion->Right > (SHORT)(ScreenInformation->ScreenBufferSize.X-1)) { ReadRegion->Right = (SHORT)(ScreenInformation->ScreenBufferSize.X-1); } if (ReadRegion->Bottom > (SHORT)(ScreenInformation->ScreenBufferSize.Y-1)) { ReadRegion->Bottom = (SHORT)(ScreenInformation->ScreenBufferSize.Y-1); } if (ReadRegion->Left < 0) { TargetPoint.X = -ReadRegion->Left; ReadRegion->Left = 0; } else { TargetPoint.X = 0; }
if (ReadRegion->Top < 0) { TargetPoint.Y = -ReadRegion->Top; ReadRegion->Top = 0; } else { TargetPoint.Y = 0; }
SourcePoint.X = ReadRegion->Left; SourcePoint.Y = ReadRegion->Top; Target.Left = TargetPoint.X; Target.Top = TargetPoint.Y; Target.Right = TargetPoint.X + (ReadRegion->Right - ReadRegion->Left); Target.Bottom = TargetPoint.Y + (ReadRegion->Bottom - ReadRegion->Top); ReadRectFromScreenBuffer(ScreenInformation, SourcePoint, Buffer, TargetSize, &Target ); return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
NTSTATUS WriteScreenBuffer( IN PSCREEN_INFORMATION ScreenInformation, IN PCHAR_INFO Buffer, IN OUT PSMALL_RECT WriteRegion )
Routine Description:
This routine write a rectangular region to the screen buffer. The region is first clipped.
The region should contain Unicode or UnicodeOem chars.
ScreenInformation - Screen buffer to write to.
Buffer - Buffer to write from.
ReadRegion - Region to write.
Return Value:
{ COORD SourceSize; COORD TargetPoint; SMALL_RECT SourceRect;
// Calculate dimensions of caller's buffer; this calculation must be
// done before clipping.
SourceSize.X = (SHORT)(WriteRegion->Right - WriteRegion->Left + 1); SourceSize.Y = (SHORT)(WriteRegion->Bottom - WriteRegion->Top + 1); if (SourceSize.X <= 0 || SourceSize.Y <= 0) { return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
// Ensure that the write region is within the constraints of the screen
// buffer.
if (WriteRegion->Left >= ScreenInformation->ScreenBufferSize.X || WriteRegion->Top >= ScreenInformation->ScreenBufferSize.Y) { return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
// Do clipping.
if (WriteRegion->Right > (SHORT)(ScreenInformation->ScreenBufferSize.X-1)) { WriteRegion->Right = (SHORT)(ScreenInformation->ScreenBufferSize.X-1); } SourceRect.Right = WriteRegion->Right - WriteRegion->Left;
if (WriteRegion->Bottom > (SHORT)(ScreenInformation->ScreenBufferSize.Y-1)) { WriteRegion->Bottom = (SHORT)(ScreenInformation->ScreenBufferSize.Y-1); } SourceRect.Bottom = WriteRegion->Bottom - WriteRegion->Top;
if (WriteRegion->Left < 0) { SourceRect.Left = -WriteRegion->Left; WriteRegion->Left = 0; } else { SourceRect.Left = 0; }
if (WriteRegion->Top < 0) { SourceRect.Top = -WriteRegion->Top; WriteRegion->Top = 0; } else { SourceRect.Top = 0; }
if (SourceRect.Left > SourceRect.Right || SourceRect.Top > SourceRect.Bottom) { return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
TargetPoint.X = WriteRegion->Left; TargetPoint.Y = WriteRegion->Top; WriteRectToScreenBuffer((PBYTE)Buffer, SourceSize, &SourceRect, ScreenInformation, TargetPoint, 0xFFFFFFFF ); return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
NTSTATUS ReadOutputString( IN PSCREEN_INFORMATION ScreenInfo, OUT PVOID Buffer, IN COORD ReadCoord, IN ULONG StringType, IN OUT PULONG NumRecords // this value is valid even for error cases
Routine Description:
This routine reads a string of characters or attributes from the screen buffer.
ScreenInfo - Pointer to screen buffer information.
Buffer - Buffer to read into.
ReadCoord - Screen buffer coordinate to begin reading from.
CONSOLE_ASCII - read a string of ASCII characters. CONSOLE_REAL_UNICODE - read a string of Real Unicode characters. CONSOLE_FALSE_UNICODE - read a string of False Unicode characters. CONSOLE_ATTRIBUTE - read a string of attributes.
NumRecords - On input, the size of the buffer in elements. On output, the number of elements read.
Return Value:
{ ULONG NumRead; SHORT X,Y; SHORT RowIndex; SHORT CountOfAttr; PATTR_PAIR Attr; PROW Row; PWCHAR Char; SHORT j,k; PWCHAR TransBuffer = NULL; PWCHAR BufPtr; #if defined(FE_SB)
PBYTE AttrP; PBYTE TransBufferA,BufPtrA; PCONSOLE_INFORMATION Console = ScreenInfo->Console; #endif
DBGOUTPUT(("ReadOutputString\n")); if (*NumRecords == 0) return STATUS_SUCCESS; NumRead = 0; X=ReadCoord.X; Y=ReadCoord.Y; if (X>=ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.X || X<0 || Y>=ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.Y || Y<0) { *NumRecords = 0; return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
RowIndex = (ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.FirstRow+ReadCoord.Y) % ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.Y;
if (StringType == CONSOLE_ASCII) { TransBuffer = ConsoleHeapAlloc(TMP_TAG, *NumRecords * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (TransBuffer == NULL) { return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } BufPtr = TransBuffer; } else { BufPtr = Buffer; }
#if defined(FE_SB)
if (CONSOLE_IS_DBCS_OUTPUTCP(Console)) { TransBufferA = ConsoleHeapAlloc(TMP_DBCS_TAG, *NumRecords * sizeof(BYTE)); if (TransBufferA == NULL) { if (TransBuffer != NULL) ConsoleHeapFree(TransBuffer); return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } BufPtrA = TransBufferA; } #endif
if ((StringType == CONSOLE_ASCII) || (StringType == CONSOLE_REAL_UNICODE) || (StringType == CONSOLE_FALSE_UNICODE)) { while (NumRead < *NumRecords) {
// copy the chars from its array
Row = &ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows[RowIndex]; Char = &Row->CharRow.Chars[X]; #if defined(FE_SB)
if (CONSOLE_IS_DBCS_OUTPUTCP(Console)) AttrP = &Row->CharRow.KAttrs[X]; #endif
if ((ULONG)(ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.X - X) > (*NumRecords - NumRead)) { RtlCopyMemory(BufPtr,Char,(*NumRecords - NumRead) * sizeof(WCHAR)); #if defined(FE_SB)
if (CONSOLE_IS_DBCS_OUTPUTCP(Console)) RtlCopyMemory(BufPtrA,AttrP,(*NumRecords - NumRead) * sizeof(CHAR)); #endif
NumRead += *NumRecords - NumRead; break; } RtlCopyMemory(BufPtr,Char,(ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.X - X) * sizeof(WCHAR)); BufPtr = (PVOID)((PBYTE)BufPtr + ((ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.X - X) * sizeof(WCHAR))); #if defined(FE_SB)
if (CONSOLE_IS_DBCS_OUTPUTCP(Console)) { RtlCopyMemory(BufPtrA,AttrP,(ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.X - X) * sizeof(CHAR)); BufPtrA = (PVOID)((PBYTE)BufPtrA + ((ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.X - X) * sizeof(CHAR))); } #endif
NumRead += ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.X - X; if (++RowIndex == ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.Y) { RowIndex = 0; } X = 0; Y++; if (Y>=ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.Y) { break; } } #if defined(FE_SB)
if (CONSOLE_IS_DBCS_OUTPUTCP(Console) && (NumRead)) { if (StringType == CONSOLE_ASCII) { Char = BufPtr = TransBuffer; } else { Char = BufPtr = Buffer; } AttrP = BufPtrA = TransBufferA;
if (*BufPtrA & ATTR_TRAILING_BYTE) { j = k = (SHORT)(NumRead - 1); BufPtr++; *Char++ = UNICODE_SPACE; BufPtrA++; NumRead = 1; } else { j = k = (SHORT)NumRead; NumRead = 0; } while (j--) { if (!(*BufPtrA & ATTR_TRAILING_BYTE)) { *Char++ = *BufPtr; NumRead++; } BufPtr++; BufPtrA++; } if (k && *(BufPtrA-1) & ATTR_LEADING_BYTE) { *(Char-1) = UNICODE_SPACE; } } #endif
} else if (StringType == CONSOLE_ATTRIBUTE) { PWORD TargetPtr=BufPtr; while (NumRead < *NumRecords) {
// copy the attrs from its array
Row = &ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows[RowIndex]; #if defined(FE_SB)
if (CONSOLE_IS_DBCS_OUTPUTCP(Console)) AttrP = &Row->CharRow.KAttrs[X]; #endif
FindAttrIndex(Row->AttrRow.Attrs, X, &Attr, &CountOfAttr ); k=0; for (j=X;j<ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.X;TargetPtr++) { #if defined(FE_SB)
if (!CONSOLE_IS_DBCS_OUTPUTCP(Console) ) *TargetPtr = Attr->Attr; else if ((j == X) && (*AttrP & ATTR_TRAILING_BYTE)) *TargetPtr = Attr->Attr; else if (*AttrP & ATTR_LEADING_BYTE){ if ((NumRead == *NumRecords-1)||(j == ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.X-1)) *TargetPtr = Attr->Attr; else *TargetPtr = Attr->Attr | (WCHAR)(*AttrP & ATTR_DBCSSBCS_BYTE) << 8; } else *TargetPtr = Attr->Attr | (WCHAR)(*AttrP & ATTR_DBCSSBCS_BYTE) << 8; #else
*TargetPtr = Attr->Attr; #endif
NumRead++; j+=1; if (++k==CountOfAttr && j<ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.X) { Attr++; k=0; CountOfAttr = Attr->Length; } if (NumRead == *NumRecords) { #if defined(FE_SB)
if (CONSOLE_IS_DBCS_OUTPUTCP(Console)) ConsoleHeapFree(TransBufferA); #endif
return STATUS_SUCCESS; } #if defined(FE_SB)
if (CONSOLE_IS_DBCS_OUTPUTCP(Console)) AttrP++; #endif
} if (++RowIndex == ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.Y) { RowIndex = 0; } X = 0; Y++; if (Y>=ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.Y) { break; } } } else { *NumRecords = 0; #if defined(FE_SB)
if (CONSOLE_IS_DBCS_OUTPUTCP(Console)) ConsoleHeapFree(TransBufferA); #endif
if (StringType == CONSOLE_ASCII) { UINT Codepage; #if defined(FE_SB)
if ((ScreenInfo->Flags & CONSOLE_OEMFONT_DISPLAY) && !(ScreenInfo->Console->FullScreenFlags & CONSOLE_FULLSCREEN)) { if (ScreenInfo->Console->OutputCP != WINDOWSCP) Codepage = USACP; else Codepage = WINDOWSCP; } else { Codepage = ScreenInfo->Console->OutputCP; } #else
if ((ScreenInfo->Flags & CONSOLE_OEMFONT_DISPLAY) && !(ScreenInfo->Console->FullScreenFlags & CONSOLE_FULLSCREEN)) { Codepage = WINDOWSCP; } else { Codepage = ScreenInfo->Console->OutputCP; } #endif
#if defined(FE_SB)
if ((NumRead == 1) && !CONSOLE_IS_DBCS_OUTPUTCP(Console)) #else
if (NumRead == 1) #endif
{ *((PBYTE)Buffer) = WcharToChar(Codepage, *TransBuffer); } else { NumRead = ConvertOutputToOem(Codepage, TransBuffer, NumRead, Buffer, *NumRecords); } ConsoleHeapFree(TransBuffer); } else if (StringType == CONSOLE_REAL_UNICODE && (ScreenInfo->Flags & CONSOLE_OEMFONT_DISPLAY) && !(ScreenInfo->Console->FullScreenFlags & CONSOLE_FULLSCREEN)) { /*
* Buffer contains false Unicode (UnicodeOem) only in Windowed * RasterFont mode, so in this case, convert it to real Unicode. */ FalseUnicodeToRealUnicode(Buffer, NumRead, ScreenInfo->Console->OutputCP ); }
#if defined(FE_SB)
if (CONSOLE_IS_DBCS_OUTPUTCP(Console)) ConsoleHeapFree(TransBufferA); #endif
*NumRecords = NumRead; return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
NTSTATUS GetScreenBufferInformation( IN PSCREEN_INFORMATION ScreenInfo, OUT PCOORD Size, OUT PCOORD CursorPosition, OUT PCOORD ScrollPosition, OUT PWORD Attributes, OUT PCOORD CurrentWindowSize, OUT PCOORD MaximumWindowSize )
Routine Description:
This routine returns data about the screen buffer.
ScreenInfo - Pointer to screen buffer information.
Size - Pointer to location in which to store screen buffer size.
CursorPosition - Pointer to location in which to store the cursor position.
ScrollPosition - Pointer to location in which to store the scroll position.
Attributes - Pointer to location in which to store the default attributes.
CurrentWindowSize - Pointer to location in which to store current window size.
MaximumWindowSize - Pointer to location in which to store maximum window size.
Return Value:
{ WINDOW_LIMITS WindowLimits;
*Size = ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize; *CursorPosition = ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.CursorPosition; ScrollPosition->X = ScreenInfo->Window.Left; ScrollPosition->Y = ScreenInfo->Window.Top; *Attributes = ScreenInfo->Attributes; CurrentWindowSize->X = (SHORT)CONSOLE_WINDOW_SIZE_X(ScreenInfo); CurrentWindowSize->Y = (SHORT)CONSOLE_WINDOW_SIZE_Y(ScreenInfo); if (ScreenInfo->Console->FullScreenFlags & CONSOLE_FULLSCREEN_HARDWARE) { MaximumWindowSize->X = min(80,ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.X); #if defined(FE_SB)
if (CONSOLE_IS_DBCS_OUTPUTCP(ScreenInfo->Console)) { MaximumWindowSize->Y = min(25,ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.Y); } else { MaximumWindowSize->Y = min(50,ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.Y); } #else
MaximumWindowSize->Y = min(50,ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.Y); #endif
} else { GetWindowLimits(ScreenInfo, &WindowLimits); *MaximumWindowSize = WindowLimits.MaximumWindowSize; } return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
VOID UpdateScrollBars( IN PSCREEN_INFORMATION ScreenInfo ) { if (!ACTIVE_SCREEN_BUFFER(ScreenInfo)) { return; }
if (ScreenInfo->Console->Flags & CONSOLE_UPDATING_SCROLL_BARS) return; ScreenInfo->Console->Flags |= CONSOLE_UPDATING_SCROLL_BARS; PostMessage(ScreenInfo->Console->hWnd, CM_UPDATE_SCROLL_BARS, (WPARAM)ScreenInfo, 0 ); }
VOID InternalUpdateScrollBars( IN PSCREEN_INFORMATION ScreenInfo ) { SCROLLINFO si;
ScreenInfo->Console->Flags &= ~CONSOLE_UPDATING_SCROLL_BARS; if (!ACTIVE_SCREEN_BUFFER(ScreenInfo)) { return; }
si.cbSize = sizeof(si); si.fMask = SIF_ALL; si.nPage = CONSOLE_WINDOW_SIZE_Y(ScreenInfo); si.nMin = 0; si.nMax = ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.Y - 1; si.nPos = ScreenInfo->Window.Top; SetScrollInfo(ScreenInfo->Console->hWnd, SB_VERT, &si, TRUE);
si.cbSize = sizeof(si); si.fMask = SIF_ALL; si.nPage = CONSOLE_WINDOW_SIZE_X(ScreenInfo); si.nMin = 0; si.nMax = ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.X - 1; si.nPos = ScreenInfo->Window.Left; SetScrollInfo(ScreenInfo->Console->hWnd, SB_HORZ, &si, TRUE);
// Fire off an event to let accessibility apps know the layout has changed.
ConsoleNotifyWinEvent(ScreenInfo->Console, EVENT_CONSOLE_LAYOUT, 0, 0);
ScreenInfo->ResizingWindow--; }
VOID ScreenBufferSizeChange( IN PSCREEN_INFORMATION ScreenInfo, IN COORD NewSize ) { INPUT_RECORD InputEvent;
InputEvent.EventType = WINDOW_BUFFER_SIZE_EVENT; InputEvent.Event.WindowBufferSizeEvent.dwSize = NewSize; WriteInputBuffer(ScreenInfo->Console, &ScreenInfo->Console->InputBuffer, &InputEvent, 1 ); }
NTSTATUS ResizeScreenBuffer( IN PSCREEN_INFORMATION ScreenInfo, IN COORD NewScreenSize, IN BOOL DoScrollBarUpdate )
Routine Description:
This routine resizes the screen buffer.
ScreenInfo - pointer to screen buffer info.
NewScreenSize - new size of screen.
Return Value:
{ SHORT i,j; BOOLEAN WindowMaximizedX,WindowMaximizedY; SHORT LimitX,LimitY; PWCHAR TextRows,TextRowPtr; BOOL UpdateWindow; SHORT TopRow,TopRowIndex; // new top row of screen buffer
COORD CursorPosition; #if defined(FE_SB)
DBCS_SCREEN_BUFFER NewDbcsScreenBuffer; PBYTE TextRowPtrA; #endif
// Don't allow resize of graphics apps
TextRows = ConsoleHeapAlloc(SCREEN_TAG, NewScreenSize.X * NewScreenSize.Y * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (TextRows == NULL) { return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } #if defined(FE_SB)
if (! CreateDbcsScreenBuffer(ScreenInfo->Console,NewScreenSize,&NewDbcsScreenBuffer)) { ConsoleHeapFree(TextRows); return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } #endif
LimitX = (NewScreenSize.X < ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.X) ? NewScreenSize.X : ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.X; LimitY = (NewScreenSize.Y < ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.Y) ? NewScreenSize.Y : ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.Y; TopRow = 0; if (NewScreenSize.Y <= ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.CursorPosition.Y) { TopRow += ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.CursorPosition.Y - NewScreenSize.Y + 1; } TopRowIndex = (ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.FirstRow+TopRow) % ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.Y; if (NewScreenSize.Y != ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.Y) { PROW Temp; SHORT NumToCopy,NumToCopy2;
// resize ROWs array. first alloc a new ROWs array. then copy the old
// one over, resetting the FirstRow.
Temp = ConsoleHeapAlloc(SCREEN_TAG, NewScreenSize.Y * sizeof(ROW)); if (Temp == NULL) { ConsoleHeapFree(TextRows); #if defined(FE_SB)
DeleteDbcsScreenBuffer(&NewDbcsScreenBuffer); #endif
return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } NumToCopy = ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.Y-TopRowIndex; if (NumToCopy > NewScreenSize.Y) NumToCopy = NewScreenSize.Y; RtlCopyMemory(Temp,&ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows[TopRowIndex],NumToCopy*sizeof(ROW)); if (TopRowIndex!=0 && NumToCopy != NewScreenSize.Y) { NumToCopy2 = TopRowIndex; if (NumToCopy2 > (NewScreenSize.Y-NumToCopy)) NumToCopy2 = NewScreenSize.Y-NumToCopy; RtlCopyMemory(&Temp[NumToCopy], ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows, NumToCopy2*sizeof(ROW) ); } for (i=0;i<LimitY;i++) { if (Temp[i].AttrRow.Length == 1) { Temp[i].AttrRow.Attrs = &Temp[i].AttrRow.AttrPair; } }
// if the new screen buffer has fewer rows than the existing one,
// free the extra rows. if the new screen buffer has more rows
// than the existing one, allocate new rows.
if (NewScreenSize.Y < ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.Y) { i = (TopRowIndex+NewScreenSize.Y) % ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.Y; for (j=NewScreenSize.Y;j<ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.Y;j++) { if (ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows[i].AttrRow.Length > 1) { ConsoleHeapFree(ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows[i].AttrRow.Attrs); } if (++i == ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.Y) { i = 0; } } } else if (NewScreenSize.Y > ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.Y) { for (i=ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.Y;i<NewScreenSize.Y;i++) { Temp[i].AttrRow.Length = 1; Temp[i].AttrRow.AttrPair.Length = NewScreenSize.X; Temp[i].AttrRow.AttrPair.Attr = ScreenInfo->Attributes; Temp[i].AttrRow.Attrs = &Temp[i].AttrRow.AttrPair; } } ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.FirstRow = 0; ConsoleHeapFree(ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows); ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows = Temp; }
// Realloc each row. any horizontal growth results in the last
// attribute in a row getting extended.
#if defined(FE_SB)
TextRowPtrA=NewDbcsScreenBuffer.KAttrRows; #endif
for (i=0,TextRowPtr=TextRows;i<LimitY;i++,TextRowPtr+=NewScreenSize.X) { RtlCopyMemory(TextRowPtr, ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows[i].CharRow.Chars, LimitX*sizeof(WCHAR)); #if defined(FE_SB)
if (TextRowPtrA) { RtlCopyMemory(TextRowPtrA, ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows[i].CharRow.KAttrs, LimitX*sizeof(CHAR)); } #endif
for (j=ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.X;j<NewScreenSize.X;j++) { TextRowPtr[j] = (WCHAR)' '; }
if (ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows[i].CharRow.Right > NewScreenSize.X) { ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows[i].CharRow.OldRight = INVALID_OLD_LENGTH; ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows[i].CharRow.Right = NewScreenSize.X; } ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows[i].CharRow.Chars = TextRowPtr; #if defined(FE_SB)
ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows[i].CharRow.KAttrs = TextRowPtrA; if (TextRowPtrA) { if (NewScreenSize.X > ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.X) RtlZeroMemory(TextRowPtrA+ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.X, NewScreenSize.X-ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.X); TextRowPtrA+=NewScreenSize.X; } #endif
} for (;i<NewScreenSize.Y;i++,TextRowPtr+=NewScreenSize.X) { for (j=0;j<NewScreenSize.X;j++) { TextRowPtr[j] = (WCHAR)' '; } #if defined(FE_SB)
if (TextRowPtrA) { RtlZeroMemory(TextRowPtrA, NewScreenSize.X); } #endif
ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows[i].CharRow.Chars = TextRowPtr; ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows[i].CharRow.OldLeft = INVALID_OLD_LENGTH; ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows[i].CharRow.OldRight = INVALID_OLD_LENGTH; ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows[i].CharRow.Left = NewScreenSize.X; ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows[i].CharRow.Right = 0; #if defined(FE_SB)
ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows[i].CharRow.KAttrs = TextRowPtrA; if (TextRowPtrA) { TextRowPtrA+=NewScreenSize.X; } #endif
} ConsoleHeapFree(ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.TextRows); ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.TextRows = TextRows; #if defined(FE_SB)
DeleteDbcsScreenBuffer(&ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.DbcsScreenBuffer); ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.DbcsScreenBuffer = NewDbcsScreenBuffer; #endif
if (NewScreenSize.X != ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.X) { for (i=0;i<LimitY;i++) { PATTR_PAIR IndexedAttr; SHORT CountOfAttr;
if (NewScreenSize.X > ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.X) { FindAttrIndex(ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows[i].AttrRow.Attrs, (SHORT)(ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.X-1), &IndexedAttr, &CountOfAttr ); ASSERT (IndexedAttr <= &ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows[i].AttrRow.Attrs[ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows[i].AttrRow.Length-1]); IndexedAttr->Length += NewScreenSize.X - ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.X; } else {
FindAttrIndex(ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows[i].AttrRow.Attrs, (SHORT)(NewScreenSize.X-1), &IndexedAttr, &CountOfAttr ); IndexedAttr->Length -= CountOfAttr-1; if (ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows[i].AttrRow.Length != 1) { ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows[i].AttrRow.Length = (SHORT)(IndexedAttr - ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows[i].AttrRow.Attrs + 1); if (ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows[i].AttrRow.Length != 1) { ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows[i].AttrRow.Attrs = ConsoleHeapReAlloc(SCREEN_TAG, ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows[i].AttrRow.Attrs, ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows[i].AttrRow.Length * sizeof(ATTR_PAIR)); } else { ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows[i].AttrRow.AttrPair = *IndexedAttr; ConsoleHeapFree(ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows[i].AttrRow.Attrs); ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows[i].AttrRow.Attrs = &ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows[i].AttrRow.AttrPair; } } } } }
// if the screen buffer is resized smaller than the saved
// window size, shrink the saved window size.
#ifdef i386
if (ScreenInfo->Console->FullScreenFlags & CONSOLE_FULLSCREEN) { if (NewScreenSize.X < ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.WindowedWindowSize.X) { ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.WindowedWindowSize.X = NewScreenSize.X; } if (NewScreenSize.Y < ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.WindowedWindowSize.Y) { ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.WindowedWindowSize.Y = NewScreenSize.Y; } ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.WindowedScreenSize = NewScreenSize; } #endif
UpdateWindow = FALSE;
// if the screen buffer shrunk beyond the boundaries of the window,
// adjust the window origin.
if (NewScreenSize.X > CONSOLE_WINDOW_SIZE_X(ScreenInfo)) { if (ScreenInfo->Window.Right >= NewScreenSize.X) { ScreenInfo->Window.Left -= ScreenInfo->Window.Right - NewScreenSize.X + 1; ScreenInfo->Window.Right -= ScreenInfo->Window.Right - NewScreenSize.X + 1; UpdateWindow = TRUE; } } else { ScreenInfo->Window.Left = 0; ScreenInfo->Window.Right = NewScreenSize.X - 1; UpdateWindow = TRUE; } if (NewScreenSize.Y > CONSOLE_WINDOW_SIZE_Y(ScreenInfo)) { if (ScreenInfo->Window.Bottom >= NewScreenSize.Y) { ScreenInfo->Window.Top -= ScreenInfo->Window.Bottom - NewScreenSize.Y + 1; ScreenInfo->Window.Bottom -= ScreenInfo->Window.Bottom - NewScreenSize.Y + 1; UpdateWindow = TRUE; } } else { ScreenInfo->Window.Top = 0; ScreenInfo->Window.Bottom = NewScreenSize.Y - 1; UpdateWindow = TRUE; }
#if defined(FE_SB)
// Should be sets ScreenBufferSize before calls SetCursorPosition
// because SetCursorPosition refer ScreenBufferSize.
// Also, FE version refer in InvertPixels.
// kkntbug:11311
ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize = NewScreenSize; #endif
// adjust cursor position if it's no longer with screen buffer
CursorPosition=ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.CursorPosition; if (CursorPosition.X >= NewScreenSize.X) { if (ScreenInfo->OutputMode & ENABLE_WRAP_AT_EOL_OUTPUT) { CursorPosition.X = 0; CursorPosition.Y += 1; } else { CursorPosition.X = NewScreenSize.X-1; } } if (CursorPosition.Y >= NewScreenSize.Y) { CursorPosition.Y = NewScreenSize.Y-1; } #if defined(FE_SB)
// set cursor position Y is ZERO when expand screen buffer with IME open mode
// from screen buffer is one line mode.
// Because, One line screen buffer mode and IME open mode is set -1 as cursor position Y.
if (ScreenInfo->Console->InputBuffer.ImeMode.Open && CursorPosition.Y < 0) { CursorPosition.Y = 0; } #endif
if (CursorPosition.X != ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.CursorPosition.X || CursorPosition.Y != ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.CursorPosition.Y) { SetCursorPosition(ScreenInfo, CursorPosition, FALSE ); }
ASSERT (ScreenInfo->Window.Left >= 0); ASSERT (ScreenInfo->Window.Right < NewScreenSize.X); ASSERT (ScreenInfo->Window.Top >= 0); ASSERT (ScreenInfo->Window.Bottom < NewScreenSize.Y);
ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize = NewScreenSize; ResetTextFlags(ScreenInfo, 0, 0, (SHORT)(ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.X - 1), (SHORT)(ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.Y - 1)); WindowMaximizedX = (CONSOLE_WINDOW_SIZE_X(ScreenInfo) == ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.X); WindowMaximizedY = (CONSOLE_WINDOW_SIZE_Y(ScreenInfo) == ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.Y);
#if defined(FE_IME)
if (CONSOLE_IS_IME_ENABLED()) { if (!NT_SUCCESS(ConsoleImeMessagePump(ScreenInfo->Console, CONIME_NOTIFY_SCREENBUFFERSIZE, (WPARAM)ScreenInfo->Console->ConsoleHandle, (LPARAM)MAKELPARAM(NewScreenSize.X, NewScreenSize.Y) ))) { return STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; } }
if ( (! ScreenInfo->ConvScreenInfo) && (CONSOLE_IS_DBCS_OUTPUTCP(ScreenInfo->Console))) { if (!NT_SUCCESS(ConsoleImeResizeModeSystemScreenBuffer(ScreenInfo->Console,NewScreenSize)) || !NT_SUCCESS(ConsoleImeResizeCompStrScreenBuffer(ScreenInfo->Console,NewScreenSize))) { /*
* If something went wrong, just bail out. */ return STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; } } #endif // FE_IME
if (ScreenInfo->WindowMaximizedX != WindowMaximizedX || ScreenInfo->WindowMaximizedY != WindowMaximizedY) { ScreenInfo->WindowMaximizedX = WindowMaximizedX; ScreenInfo->WindowMaximizedY = WindowMaximizedY; UpdateWindow = TRUE; } if (UpdateWindow) { SetWindowSize(ScreenInfo); }
// Fire off an event to let accessibility apps know the layout has changed.
if (ACTIVE_SCREEN_BUFFER(ScreenInfo)) { ConsoleNotifyWinEvent(ScreenInfo->Console, EVENT_CONSOLE_LAYOUT, 0, 0); }
if (DoScrollBarUpdate) { UpdateScrollBars(ScreenInfo); } if (ScreenInfo->Console->InputBuffer.InputMode & ENABLE_WINDOW_INPUT) { ScreenBufferSizeChange(ScreenInfo,ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize); }
NTSTATUS AllocateScrollBuffer( DWORD Size ) { ScrollBuffer = ConsoleHeapAlloc(SCREEN_TAG, Size); if (ScrollBuffer == NULL) { ScrollBufferSize = 0; return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } ScrollBufferSize = Size; return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
VOID FreeScrollBuffer( VOID ) { ConsoleHeapFree(ScrollBuffer); ScrollBuffer = NULL; ScrollBufferSize = 0; }
NTSTATUS InitializeScrollBuffer( VOID) { NTSTATUS Status;
* It's possible for this function to be called multiple times, if, e.g., * console initialization fails the first time *after* this function is * called. */ if (ghrgnScroll) { return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
ghrgnScroll = CreateRectRgn(0,0,1,1); if (ghrgnScroll == NULL) { RIPMSGF0(RIP_WARNING, "Cannot allocate ghrgnScroll."); return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } gprgnData = ConsoleHeapAlloc(SCREEN_TAG, GRGNDATASIZE); if (gprgnData == NULL) { RIPMSGF0(RIP_WARNING, "Cannot allocate gprgnData."); Status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; goto error; }
Status = AllocateScrollBuffer(DefaultRegInfo.ScreenBufferSize.X * DefaultRegInfo.ScreenBufferSize.Y * sizeof(CHAR_INFO)); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto error; }
Status = RtlInitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount(&ScrollBufferLock, 0x80000000);
error: if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { RIPMSG0(RIP_WARNING, "InitializeScrollBuffer failed, cleaning up"); if (ghrgnScroll) { DeleteObject(ghrgnScroll); ghrgnScroll = NULL; }
if (gprgnData) { ConsoleHeapFree(gprgnData); gprgnData = NULL; } }
UserAssert(!NT_SUCCESS(Status) || ghrgnScroll);
return Status; }
VOID UpdateComplexRegion( IN PSCREEN_INFORMATION ScreenInfo, IN COORD FontSize ) { int iSize,i; LPRECT pRect; SMALL_RECT UpdateRegion; LPRGNDATA pRgnData;
if (ScreenInfo->Flags & CONSOLE_TEXTMODE_BUFFER) { ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Flags &= ~TEXT_VALID_HINT; } pRgnData = gprgnData;
* the dreaded complex region. */ iSize = GetRegionData(ghrgnScroll, 0, NULL); if (iSize > GRGNDATASIZE) { pRgnData = ConsoleHeapAlloc(TMP_TAG, iSize); if (pRgnData == NULL) return; }
if (!GetRegionData(ghrgnScroll, iSize, pRgnData)) { ASSERT(FALSE); if (pRgnData != gprgnData) { ConsoleHeapFree(pRgnData); } return; }
pRect = (PRECT)&pRgnData->Buffer;
* Redraw each rectangle */ for(i=0;i<(int)pRgnData->rdh.nCount;i++,pRect++) { /*
* Convert to chars. We know * this is only get to get converted back during * the textout call. */ UpdateRegion.Left = (SHORT)((pRect->left/FontSize.X)+ \ ScreenInfo->Window.Left); UpdateRegion.Right = (SHORT)(((pRect->right-1)/FontSize.X)+ \ ScreenInfo->Window.Left); UpdateRegion.Top = (SHORT)((pRect->top/FontSize.Y)+ \ ScreenInfo->Window.Top); UpdateRegion.Bottom = (SHORT)(((pRect->bottom-1)/FontSize.Y)+ \ ScreenInfo->Window.Top); /*
* Fill the rectangle with goodies. */ WriteToScreen(ScreenInfo, &UpdateRegion); } if (pRgnData != gprgnData) { ConsoleHeapFree(pRgnData); } }
VOID ScrollScreen( IN PSCREEN_INFORMATION ScreenInfo, IN PSMALL_RECT ScrollRect, IN PSMALL_RECT MergeRect, IN COORD TargetPoint ) { RECT ScrollRectGdi; SMALL_RECT UpdateRegion; COORD FontSize; BOOL Success; RECT BoundingBox; #if defined(FE_SB)
BYTE fBisect = 0; SMALL_RECT UpdateRect; SMALL_RECT TmpBisect; #endif
DBGOUTPUT(("ScrollScreen\n")); if (!ACTIVE_SCREEN_BUFFER(ScreenInfo)) { return; } if (ScreenInfo->Console->FullScreenFlags == 0 && !(ScreenInfo->Console->Flags & (CONSOLE_IS_ICONIC | CONSOLE_NO_WINDOW))) { #if defined(FE_SB)
if (ScreenInfo->BisectFlag){ SMALL_RECT RedrawRect; if (ScrollRect->Top < TargetPoint.Y){ RedrawRect.Top = ScrollRect->Top; RedrawRect.Bottom = TargetPoint.Y+(ScrollRect->Bottom-ScrollRect->Top); } else{ RedrawRect.Top = TargetPoint.Y; RedrawRect.Bottom = ScrollRect->Bottom; } if (ScrollRect->Left < TargetPoint.X){ RedrawRect.Left = ScrollRect->Left; RedrawRect.Right = TargetPoint.X+(ScrollRect->Right-ScrollRect->Left); } else{ RedrawRect.Left = TargetPoint.X; RedrawRect.Right = ScrollRect->Right; } WriteToScreen(ScreenInfo,&RedrawRect); } else{ #endif
ScrollRectGdi.left = ScrollRect->Left-ScreenInfo->Window.Left; ScrollRectGdi.right = (ScrollRect->Right-ScreenInfo->Window.Left+1); ScrollRectGdi.top = ScrollRect->Top-ScreenInfo->Window.Top; ScrollRectGdi.bottom = (ScrollRect->Bottom-ScreenInfo->Window.Top+1); if (ScreenInfo->Flags & CONSOLE_TEXTMODE_BUFFER) { FontSize = SCR_FONTSIZE(ScreenInfo); ScrollRectGdi.left *= FontSize.X; ScrollRectGdi.right *= FontSize.X; ScrollRectGdi.top *= FontSize.Y; ScrollRectGdi.bottom *= FontSize.Y; ASSERT (ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.UpdatingScreen>0); } else { FontSize.X = 1; FontSize.Y = 1; } SCROLLDC_CALL; LockScrollBuffer(); Success = (int)ScrollDC(ScreenInfo->Console->hDC, (TargetPoint.X-ScrollRect->Left)*FontSize.X, (TargetPoint.Y-ScrollRect->Top)*FontSize.Y, &ScrollRectGdi, NULL, ghrgnScroll, NULL);
// Fire off an event to let accessibility apps know we've scrolled.
ConsoleNotifyWinEvent(ScreenInfo->Console, EVENT_CONSOLE_UPDATE_SCROLL, TargetPoint.X - ScrollRect->Left, TargetPoint.Y - ScrollRect->Top);
if (Success) { /*
* Fetch our rectangles. If this is a simple rect then * we have already retrieved the rectangle. Otherwise * we need to call gdi to get the rectangles. We are * optimized for speed rather than size. */ switch (GetRgnBox(ghrgnScroll, &BoundingBox)) { case SIMPLEREGION: UpdateRegion.Left = (SHORT)((BoundingBox.left / FontSize.X) + \ ScreenInfo->Window.Left); UpdateRegion.Right = (SHORT)(((BoundingBox.right-1) / FontSize.X) + \ ScreenInfo->Window.Left); UpdateRegion.Top = (SHORT)((BoundingBox.top / FontSize.Y) + \ ScreenInfo->Window.Top); UpdateRegion.Bottom = (SHORT)(((BoundingBox.bottom-1) / FontSize.Y) + \ ScreenInfo->Window.Top); #if defined(FE_SB)
fBisect = ScreenInfo->BisectFlag; #endif
WriteToScreen(ScreenInfo, &UpdateRegion); break; case COMPLEXREGION: UpdateComplexRegion(ScreenInfo, FontSize); break; }
if (MergeRect) { #if defined(FE_SB)
if (fBisect) ScreenInfo->BisectFlag = fBisect; else fBisect = ScreenInfo->BisectFlag; #endif
WriteToScreen(ScreenInfo, MergeRect); } #if defined(FE_SB)
if (CONSOLE_IS_DBCS_OUTPUTCP(ScreenInfo->Console)) { UpdateRect.Left = TargetPoint.X; UpdateRect.Right = ScrollRect->Right + (TargetPoint.X-ScrollRect->Left); UpdateRect.Top = TargetPoint.Y; UpdateRect.Bottom = ScrollRect->Bottom + (TargetPoint.Y-ScrollRect->Top); if (UpdateRect.Left && UpdateRect.Right+1 < ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.X && UpdateRect.Right-UpdateRect.Left <= 2) { TmpBisect.Left = UpdateRect.Left-1; TmpBisect.Right = UpdateRect.Right+1; TmpBisect.Top = UpdateRect.Top; TmpBisect.Bottom = UpdateRect.Bottom; WriteToScreen(ScreenInfo, &TmpBisect); } else { if (UpdateRect.Left) { TmpBisect.Left = UpdateRect.Left-1; TmpBisect.Right = UpdateRect.Left; TmpBisect.Top = UpdateRect.Top; TmpBisect.Bottom = UpdateRect.Bottom; WriteToScreen(ScreenInfo, &TmpBisect); } if (UpdateRect.Right+1 < ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.X) { TmpBisect.Left = UpdateRect.Right; TmpBisect.Right = UpdateRect.Right+1; TmpBisect.Top = UpdateRect.Top; TmpBisect.Bottom = UpdateRect.Bottom; WriteToScreen(ScreenInfo, &TmpBisect); } } } #endif
} else { #if defined(FE_SB)
if (fBisect) ScreenInfo->BisectFlag = fBisect; else fBisect = ScreenInfo->BisectFlag; #endif
WriteToScreen(ScreenInfo, &ScreenInfo->Window); } UnlockScrollBuffer(); #if defined(FE_SB)
} #endif
} #ifdef i386
else if (ScreenInfo->Console->FullScreenFlags & CONSOLE_FULLSCREEN_HARDWARE) { #if defined(FE_SB)
if (CONSOLE_IS_DBCS_OUTPUTCP(ScreenInfo->Console)) { if (! ScreenInfo->ConvScreenInfo) { if (ScreenInfo->Console->CurrentScreenBuffer == ScreenInfo) { ScrollHW(ScreenInfo, ScrollRect, MergeRect, TargetPoint ); } } else if (ScreenInfo->Console->CurrentScreenBuffer->Flags & CONSOLE_TEXTMODE_BUFFER) { ScrollHW(ScreenInfo, ScrollRect, MergeRect, TargetPoint ); } } else #endif
ScrollHW(ScreenInfo, ScrollRect, MergeRect, TargetPoint ); } #endif
void CopyRow( PROW Row, PROW PrevRow) { if (PrevRow->AttrRow.Length != 1 || Row->AttrRow.Length != 1 || PrevRow->AttrRow.Attrs->Attr != Row->AttrRow.Attrs->Attr) { Row->CharRow.OldRight = INVALID_OLD_LENGTH; Row->CharRow.OldLeft = INVALID_OLD_LENGTH; } else { Row->CharRow.OldRight = PrevRow->CharRow.Right; Row->CharRow.OldLeft = PrevRow->CharRow.Left; } }
SHORT ScrollEntireScreen( IN PSCREEN_INFORMATION ScreenInfo, IN SHORT ScrollValue, IN BOOL UpdateRowIndex )
this routine updates FirstRow and all the OldLeft and OldRight values when the screen is scrolled up by ScrollValue.
{ SHORT RowIndex; int i; int new; int old;
ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Flags |= TEXT_VALID_HINT;
// store index of first row
RowIndex = ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.FirstRow;
// update the oldright and oldleft values
new = (RowIndex + ScreenInfo->Window.Bottom + ScrollValue) % ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.Y; old = (RowIndex + ScreenInfo->Window.Bottom) % ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.Y; for (i = WINDOW_SIZE_Y(&ScreenInfo->Window) - 1; i >= 0; i--) { CopyRow( &ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows[new], &ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows[old]); if (--new < 0) new = ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.Y - 1; if (--old < 0) old = ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.Y - 1; }
// update screen buffer
if (UpdateRowIndex) { ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.FirstRow = (SHORT)((RowIndex + ScrollValue) % ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.Y); }
return RowIndex; }
VOID StreamScrollRegion( IN PSCREEN_INFORMATION ScreenInfo )
Routine Description:
This routine is a special-purpose scroll for use by AdjustCursorPosition.
ScreenInfo - pointer to screen buffer info.
Return Value:
{ SHORT RowIndex; PROW Row; PWCHAR Char; RECT Rect; RECT BoundingBox; int ScreenWidth,ScrollHeight,ScreenHeight; COORD FontSize; SMALL_RECT UpdateRegion; BOOL Success; int i; #if defined(FE_SB)
PBYTE AttrP; #endif
PCONSOLE_INFORMATION Console = ScreenInfo->Console;
RowIndex = ScrollEntireScreen(ScreenInfo,1,TRUE);
Row = &ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows[RowIndex];
// fill line with blanks
Char = &Row->CharRow.Chars[Row->CharRow.Left]; for (i=Row->CharRow.Left;i<Row->CharRow.Right;i++) { *Char = (WCHAR)' '; Char++; } #if defined(FE_SB)
if (CONSOLE_IS_DBCS_OUTPUTCP(Console)){ int LineWidth = Row->CharRow.Right - Row->CharRow.Left; AttrP = &Row->CharRow.KAttrs[Row->CharRow.Left]; if ( LineWidth > 0 ) RtlZeroMemory(AttrP, LineWidth); AttrP += LineWidth; Row->CharRow.OldRight = INVALID_OLD_LENGTH; Row->CharRow.OldLeft = INVALID_OLD_LENGTH; Console->ConsoleIme.ScrollWaitCountDown = Console->ConsoleIme.ScrollWaitTimeout; } #endif
Row->CharRow.Right = 0; Row->CharRow.Left = ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.X;
// set up attributes
if (Row->AttrRow.Length != 1) { ConsoleHeapFree(Row->AttrRow.Attrs); Row->AttrRow.Attrs = &Row->AttrRow.AttrPair; Row->AttrRow.AttrPair.Length = ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.X; Row->AttrRow.Length = 1; } Row->AttrRow.AttrPair.Attr = ScreenInfo->Attributes;
// update screen
if (ACTIVE_SCREEN_BUFFER(ScreenInfo) && Console->FullScreenFlags == 0 && !(Console->Flags & (CONSOLE_IS_ICONIC | CONSOLE_NO_WINDOW))) {
ConsoleHideCursor(ScreenInfo); if (UsePolyTextOut) { WriteRegionToScreen(ScreenInfo, &ScreenInfo->Window); } else { FontSize = SCR_FONTSIZE(ScreenInfo); ScreenWidth = WINDOW_SIZE_X(&ScreenInfo->Window) * FontSize.X; ScreenHeight = WINDOW_SIZE_Y(&ScreenInfo->Window) * FontSize.Y; ScrollHeight = ScreenHeight - FontSize.Y;
Rect.left = 0; Rect.right = ScreenWidth; Rect.top = FontSize.Y; Rect.bottom = ScreenHeight;
// find smallest bounding rectangle
if (ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Flags & TEXT_VALID_HINT) { SHORT MinLeft,MaxRight; MinLeft = ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.X; MaxRight = 0; RowIndex = (ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.FirstRow+ScreenInfo->Window.Top) % ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.Y; for (i=ScreenInfo->Window.Top+1;i<=ScreenInfo->Window.Bottom;i++) { Row = &ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows[RowIndex]; if (Row->CharRow.OldLeft == INVALID_OLD_LENGTH) { MinLeft = 0; } else { if (MinLeft > min(Row->CharRow.Left,Row->CharRow.OldLeft)) { MinLeft = min(Row->CharRow.Left,Row->CharRow.OldLeft); } } if (Row->CharRow.OldRight == INVALID_OLD_LENGTH) { MaxRight = ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.X-1; } else { if (MaxRight < max(Row->CharRow.Right,Row->CharRow.OldRight)) { MaxRight = max(Row->CharRow.Right,Row->CharRow.OldRight); } } if (++RowIndex == ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.Y) { RowIndex = 0; } } Rect.left = MinLeft*FontSize.X; Rect.right = (MaxRight+1)*FontSize.X; }
LockScrollBuffer(); ASSERT (ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.UpdatingScreen>0); Success = (int)ScrollDC(Console->hDC, 0, -FontSize.Y, &Rect, NULL, ghrgnScroll, NULL );
// Fire off an event to let accessibility apps know we've scrolled.
ConsoleNotifyWinEvent(Console, EVENT_CONSOLE_UPDATE_SCROLL, 0, -1);
if (Success && ScreenInfo->Window.Top!=ScreenInfo->Window.Bottom) { #if defined(FE_SB)
if (CONSOLE_IS_DBCS_OUTPUTCP(Console) && ScreenInfo->Attributes & (COMMON_LVB_GRID_HORIZONTAL + COMMON_LVB_GRID_LVERTICAL + COMMON_LVB_GRID_RVERTICAL + COMMON_LVB_REVERSE_VIDEO + COMMON_LVB_UNDERSCORE )){ UpdateRegion = ScreenInfo->Window; UpdateRegion.Top = UpdateRegion.Bottom; ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Flags &= ~TEXT_VALID_HINT; WriteToScreen(ScreenInfo,&UpdateRegion); } else{ #endif
switch (GetRgnBox(ghrgnScroll, &BoundingBox)) { case SIMPLEREGION: if (BoundingBox.left == 0 && BoundingBox.right == ScreenWidth && BoundingBox.top == ScrollHeight && BoundingBox.bottom == ScreenHeight) {
PatBlt(Console->hDC,0,ScrollHeight,ScreenWidth,FontSize.Y,PATCOPY); GdiFlush(); } else { UpdateRegion.Left = (SHORT)((BoundingBox.left/FontSize.X)+ScreenInfo->Window.Left); UpdateRegion.Right = (SHORT)(((BoundingBox.right-1)/FontSize.X)+ScreenInfo->Window.Left); UpdateRegion.Top = (SHORT)((BoundingBox.top/FontSize.Y)+ScreenInfo->Window.Top); UpdateRegion.Bottom = (SHORT)(((BoundingBox.bottom-1)/FontSize.Y)+ScreenInfo->Window.Top); WriteToScreen(ScreenInfo,&UpdateRegion); } break; case COMPLEXREGION: UpdateComplexRegion(ScreenInfo,FontSize); break; } #if defined(FE_SB)
} #endif
} else { WriteToScreen(ScreenInfo,&ScreenInfo->Window); } UnlockScrollBuffer(); } ConsoleShowCursor(ScreenInfo); } #ifdef i386
else if (Console->FullScreenFlags & CONSOLE_FULLSCREEN_HARDWARE) { SMALL_RECT ScrollRect; COORD TargetPoint;
ScrollRect = ScreenInfo->Window; TargetPoint.Y = ScrollRect.Top; ScrollRect.Top += 1; TargetPoint.X = 0; #if defined(FE_SB)
if (CONSOLE_IS_DBCS_OUTPUTCP(Console) ) { if (! ScreenInfo->ConvScreenInfo) { if (ScreenInfo->Console->CurrentScreenBuffer == ScreenInfo) { ScrollHW(ScreenInfo, &ScrollRect, NULL, TargetPoint ); } } else if (ScreenInfo->Console->CurrentScreenBuffer->Flags & CONSOLE_TEXTMODE_BUFFER) { ScrollHW(ScreenInfo, &ScrollRect, NULL, TargetPoint ); } } else #endif
ScrollHW(ScreenInfo, &ScrollRect, NULL, TargetPoint ); ScrollRect.Top = ScrollRect.Bottom - 1; WriteRegionToScreenHW(ScreenInfo,&ScrollRect); } #endif
Routine Description:
This routine copies ScrollRectangle to DestinationOrigin then fills in ScrollRectangle with Fill. The scroll region is copied to a third buffer, the scroll region is filled, then the original contents of the scroll region are copied to the destination.
ScreenInfo - pointer to screen buffer info.
ScrollRectangle - Region to copy
ClipRectangle - Optional pointer to clip region.
DestinationOrigin - Upper left corner of target region.
Fill - Character and attribute to fill source region with.
Return Value:
{ SMALL_RECT TargetRectangle, SourceRectangle; COORD TargetPoint; COORD Size; SMALL_RECT OurClipRectangle; SMALL_RECT ScrollRectangle2,ScrollRectangle3; NTSTATUS Status; PCONSOLE_INFORMATION Console = ScreenInfo->Console;
// here's how we clip:
// Clip source rectangle to screen buffer => S
// Create target rectangle based on S => T
// Clip T to ClipRegion => T
// Create S2 based on clipped T => S2
// Clip S to ClipRegion => S3
// S2 is the region we copy to T
// S3 is the region to fill
if (Fill.Char.UnicodeChar == '\0' && Fill.Attributes == 0) { Fill.Char.UnicodeChar = (WCHAR)' '; Fill.Attributes = ScreenInfo->Attributes; }
// clip the source rectangle to the screen buffer
if (ScrollRectangle->Left < 0) { DestinationOrigin.X += -ScrollRectangle->Left; ScrollRectangle->Left = 0; } if (ScrollRectangle->Top < 0) { DestinationOrigin.Y += -ScrollRectangle->Top; ScrollRectangle->Top = 0; } if (ScrollRectangle->Right >= ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.X) { ScrollRectangle->Right = (SHORT)(ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.X-1); } if (ScrollRectangle->Bottom >= ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.Y) { ScrollRectangle->Bottom = (SHORT)(ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.Y-1); }
// if source rectangle doesn't intersect screen buffer, return.
if (ScrollRectangle->Bottom < ScrollRectangle->Top || ScrollRectangle->Right < ScrollRectangle->Left) { return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
// clip the target rectangle
// if a cliprectangle was provided, clip it to the screen buffer.
// if not, set the cliprectangle to the screen buffer region.
if (ClipRectangle) {
// clip the cliprectangle.
if (ClipRectangle->Left < 0) { ClipRectangle->Left = 0; } if (ClipRectangle->Top < 0) { ClipRectangle->Top = 0; } if (ClipRectangle->Right >= ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.X) { ClipRectangle->Right = (SHORT)(ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.X-1); } if (ClipRectangle->Bottom >= ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.Y) { ClipRectangle->Bottom = (SHORT)(ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.Y-1); } } else { OurClipRectangle.Left = 0; OurClipRectangle.Top = 0; OurClipRectangle.Right = (SHORT)(ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.X-1); OurClipRectangle.Bottom = (SHORT)(ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.Y-1); ClipRectangle = &OurClipRectangle; }
// Create target rectangle based on S => T
// Clip T to ClipRegion => T
// Create S2 based on clipped T => S2
ScrollRectangle2 = *ScrollRectangle; TargetRectangle.Left = DestinationOrigin.X; TargetRectangle.Top = DestinationOrigin.Y; TargetRectangle.Right = (SHORT)(DestinationOrigin.X + (ScrollRectangle2.Right - ScrollRectangle2.Left + 1) - 1); TargetRectangle.Bottom = (SHORT)(DestinationOrigin.Y + (ScrollRectangle2.Bottom - ScrollRectangle2.Top + 1) - 1);
if (TargetRectangle.Left < ClipRectangle->Left) { ScrollRectangle2.Left += ClipRectangle->Left - TargetRectangle.Left; TargetRectangle.Left = ClipRectangle->Left; } if (TargetRectangle.Top < ClipRectangle->Top) { ScrollRectangle2.Top += ClipRectangle->Top - TargetRectangle.Top; TargetRectangle.Top = ClipRectangle->Top; } if (TargetRectangle.Right > ClipRectangle->Right) { ScrollRectangle2.Right -= TargetRectangle.Right - ClipRectangle->Right; TargetRectangle.Right = ClipRectangle->Right; } if (TargetRectangle.Bottom > ClipRectangle->Bottom) { ScrollRectangle2.Bottom -= TargetRectangle.Bottom - ClipRectangle->Bottom; TargetRectangle.Bottom = ClipRectangle->Bottom; }
// clip scroll rect to clipregion => S3
ScrollRectangle3 = *ScrollRectangle; if (ScrollRectangle3.Left < ClipRectangle->Left) { ScrollRectangle3.Left = ClipRectangle->Left; } if (ScrollRectangle3.Top < ClipRectangle->Top) { ScrollRectangle3.Top = ClipRectangle->Top; } if (ScrollRectangle3.Right > ClipRectangle->Right) { ScrollRectangle3.Right = ClipRectangle->Right; } if (ScrollRectangle3.Bottom > ClipRectangle->Bottom) { ScrollRectangle3.Bottom = ClipRectangle->Bottom; }
// if scroll rect doesn't intersect clip region, return.
if (ScrollRectangle3.Bottom < ScrollRectangle3.Top || ScrollRectangle3.Right < ScrollRectangle3.Left) { return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
#if defined(FE_IME)
Console->ConsoleIme.ScrollWaitCountDown = Console->ConsoleIme.ScrollWaitTimeout; #endif // FE_IME
// if target rectangle doesn't intersect screen buffer, skip scrolling
// part.
if (!(TargetRectangle.Bottom < TargetRectangle.Top || TargetRectangle.Right < TargetRectangle.Left)) {
// if we can, don't use intermediate scroll region buffer. do this
// by figuring out fill rectangle. NOTE: this code will only work
// if CopyRectangle copies from low memory to high memory (otherwise
// we would overwrite the scroll region before reading it).
if (ScrollRectangle2.Right == TargetRectangle.Right && ScrollRectangle2.Left == TargetRectangle.Left && ScrollRectangle2.Top > TargetRectangle.Top && ScrollRectangle2.Top < TargetRectangle.Bottom) {
SMALL_RECT FillRect; SHORT LastRowIndex,OldRight,OldLeft; PROW Row;
TargetPoint.X = TargetRectangle.Left; TargetPoint.Y = TargetRectangle.Top; if (ScrollRectangle2.Right == (SHORT)(ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.X-1) && ScrollRectangle2.Left == 0 && ScrollRectangle2.Bottom == (SHORT)(ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.Y-1) && ScrollRectangle2.Top == 1 ) { LastRowIndex = ScrollEntireScreen(ScreenInfo,(SHORT)(ScrollRectangle2.Top-TargetRectangle.Top),TRUE); Row = &ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows[LastRowIndex]; OldRight = Row->CharRow.OldRight; OldLeft = Row->CharRow.OldLeft; } else { LastRowIndex = -1; CopyRectangle(ScreenInfo, &ScrollRectangle2, TargetPoint ); } FillRect.Left = TargetRectangle.Left; FillRect.Right = TargetRectangle.Right; FillRect.Top = (SHORT)(TargetRectangle.Bottom+1); FillRect.Bottom = ScrollRectangle->Bottom; if (FillRect.Top < ClipRectangle->Top) { FillRect.Top = ClipRectangle->Top; } if (FillRect.Bottom > ClipRectangle->Bottom) { FillRect.Bottom = ClipRectangle->Bottom; } FillRectangle(Fill, ScreenInfo, &FillRect );
// After ScrollEntireScreen, the OldRight and OldLeft values
// for the last row are set correctly. however, FillRectangle
// resets them with the previous first row of the screen.
// reset them here.
if (LastRowIndex != -1) { Row->CharRow.OldRight = OldRight; Row->CharRow.OldLeft = OldLeft; }
// update to screen, if we're not iconic. we're marked as
// iconic if we're fullscreen, so check for fullscreen.
if (!(Console->Flags & CONSOLE_IS_ICONIC) || Console->FullScreenFlags & CONSOLE_FULLSCREEN_HARDWARE) { ScrollScreen(ScreenInfo, &ScrollRectangle2, &FillRect, TargetPoint ); } }
// if no overlap, don't need intermediate copy
else if (ScrollRectangle3.Right < TargetRectangle.Left || ScrollRectangle3.Left > TargetRectangle.Right || ScrollRectangle3.Top > TargetRectangle.Bottom || ScrollRectangle3.Bottom < TargetRectangle.Top) { TargetPoint.X = TargetRectangle.Left; TargetPoint.Y = TargetRectangle.Top; CopyRectangle(ScreenInfo, &ScrollRectangle2, TargetPoint ); FillRectangle(Fill, ScreenInfo, &ScrollRectangle3 );
// update to screen, if we're not iconic. we're marked as
// iconic if we're fullscreen, so check for fullscreen.
if (!(Console->Flags & CONSOLE_IS_ICONIC) || Console->FullScreenFlags & CONSOLE_FULLSCREEN_HARDWARE) { ScrollScreen(ScreenInfo, &ScrollRectangle2, &ScrollRectangle3, TargetPoint ); } }
// for the case where the source and target rectangles overlap, we
// copy the source rectangle, fill it, then copy it to the target.
else { SMALL_RECT TargetRect; COORD SourcePoint;
LockScrollBuffer(); Size.X = (SHORT)(ScrollRectangle2.Right - ScrollRectangle2.Left + 1); Size.Y = (SHORT)(ScrollRectangle2.Bottom - ScrollRectangle2.Top + 1); if (ScrollBufferSize < (Size.X * Size.Y * sizeof(CHAR_INFO))) { FreeScrollBuffer(); Status = AllocateScrollBuffer(Size.X * Size.Y * sizeof(CHAR_INFO)); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { UnlockScrollBuffer(); ConsoleShowCursor(ScreenInfo); return Status; } }
TargetRect.Left = 0; TargetRect.Top = 0; TargetRect.Right = ScrollRectangle2.Right - ScrollRectangle2.Left; TargetRect.Bottom = ScrollRectangle2.Bottom - ScrollRectangle2.Top; SourcePoint.X = ScrollRectangle2.Left; SourcePoint.Y = ScrollRectangle2.Top; ReadRectFromScreenBuffer(ScreenInfo, SourcePoint, ScrollBuffer, Size, &TargetRect );
FillRectangle(Fill, ScreenInfo, &ScrollRectangle3 );
SourceRectangle.Top = 0; SourceRectangle.Left = 0; SourceRectangle.Right = (SHORT)(Size.X-1); SourceRectangle.Bottom = (SHORT)(Size.Y-1); TargetPoint.X = TargetRectangle.Left; TargetPoint.Y = TargetRectangle.Top; WriteRectToScreenBuffer((PBYTE)ScrollBuffer, Size, &SourceRectangle, ScreenInfo, TargetPoint, 0xFFFFFFFF ); UnlockScrollBuffer();
// update to screen, if we're not iconic. we're marked as
// iconic if we're fullscreen, so check for fullscreen.
if (!(Console->Flags & CONSOLE_IS_ICONIC) || Console->FullScreenFlags & CONSOLE_FULLSCREEN_HARDWARE) {
// update regions on screen.
ScrollScreen(ScreenInfo, &ScrollRectangle2, &ScrollRectangle3, TargetPoint ); } } } else {
// do fill
FillRectangle(Fill, ScreenInfo, &ScrollRectangle3 );
// update to screen, if we're not iconic. we're marked as
// iconic if we're fullscreen, so check for fullscreen.
if (ACTIVE_SCREEN_BUFFER(ScreenInfo) && !(Console->Flags & CONSOLE_IS_ICONIC) || Console->FullScreenFlags & CONSOLE_FULLSCREEN_HARDWARE) { WriteToScreen(ScreenInfo,&ScrollRectangle3); } } ConsoleShowCursor(ScreenInfo); return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
NTSTATUS SetWindowOrigin( IN PSCREEN_INFORMATION ScreenInfo, IN BOOLEAN Absolute, IN COORD WindowOrigin )
Routine Description:
This routine sets the window origin.
ScreenInfo - pointer to screen buffer info.
Absolute - if TRUE, WindowOrigin is specified in absolute screen buffer coordinates. if FALSE, WindowOrigin is specified in coordinates relative to the current window origin.
WindowOrigin - New window origin.
Return Value:
{ SMALL_RECT NewWindow; COORD WindowSize; RECT BoundingBox; BOOL Success; RECT ScrollRect; SMALL_RECT UpdateRegion; COORD FontSize; PCONSOLE_INFORMATION Console = ScreenInfo->Console;
// calculate window size
WindowSize.X = (SHORT)CONSOLE_WINDOW_SIZE_X(ScreenInfo); WindowSize.Y = (SHORT)CONSOLE_WINDOW_SIZE_Y(ScreenInfo);
// if relative coordinates, figure out absolute coords.
if (!Absolute) { if (WindowOrigin.X == 0 && WindowOrigin.Y == 0) { return STATUS_SUCCESS; } NewWindow.Left = ScreenInfo->Window.Left + WindowOrigin.X; NewWindow.Top = ScreenInfo->Window.Top + WindowOrigin.Y; } else { if (WindowOrigin.X == ScreenInfo->Window.Left && WindowOrigin.Y == ScreenInfo->Window.Top) { return STATUS_SUCCESS; } NewWindow.Left = WindowOrigin.X; NewWindow.Top = WindowOrigin.Y; } NewWindow.Right = (SHORT)(NewWindow.Left + WindowSize.X - 1); NewWindow.Bottom = (SHORT)(NewWindow.Top + WindowSize.Y - 1);
// see if new window origin would extend window beyond extent of screen
// buffer
if (NewWindow.Left < 0 || NewWindow.Top < 0 || NewWindow.Right < 0 || NewWindow.Bottom < 0 || NewWindow.Right >= ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.X || NewWindow.Bottom >= ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.Y) { return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
if (ScreenInfo->Flags & CONSOLE_TEXTMODE_BUFFER) { FontSize = SCR_FONTSIZE(ScreenInfo); ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Flags &= ~TEXT_VALID_HINT; } else { FontSize.X = 1; FontSize.Y = 1; } ConsoleHideCursor(ScreenInfo); if (ACTIVE_SCREEN_BUFFER(ScreenInfo) && Console->FullScreenFlags == 0 && !(Console->Flags & (CONSOLE_IS_ICONIC | CONSOLE_NO_WINDOW))) {
InvertSelection(Console, TRUE); #if defined(FE_SB)
if (CONSOLE_IS_DBCS_OUTPUTCP(Console) && !(Console->ConsoleIme.ScrollFlag & HIDE_FOR_SCROLL)) { ConsoleImeBottomLineUse(ScreenInfo,0); } #endif
if ( ScreenInfo->Flags & CONSOLE_TEXTMODE_BUFFER && UsePolyTextOut && NewWindow.Left == ScreenInfo->Window.Left ) { ScrollEntireScreen(ScreenInfo, (SHORT)(NewWindow.Top - ScreenInfo->Window.Top), FALSE); ScreenInfo->Window = NewWindow; WriteRegionToScreen(ScreenInfo, &NewWindow); } else { #if defined(FE_SB)
RECT ClipRect; #endif
ScrollRect.left = 0; ScrollRect.right = CONSOLE_WINDOW_SIZE_X(ScreenInfo)*FontSize.X; ScrollRect.top = 0; #if defined(FE_SB)
if (CONSOLE_IS_DBCS_OUTPUTCP(Console) && Console->InputBuffer.ImeMode.Open ) { if (ScreenInfo->Window.Top <= NewWindow.Top) ScrollRect.bottom = (CONSOLE_WINDOW_SIZE_Y(ScreenInfo)-1)*FontSize.Y; else ScrollRect.bottom = (CONSOLE_WINDOW_SIZE_Y(ScreenInfo)-2)*FontSize.Y; ClipRect = ScrollRect; ClipRect.bottom = (CONSOLE_WINDOW_SIZE_Y(ScreenInfo)-1)*FontSize.Y; } else #endif
ScrollRect.bottom = CONSOLE_WINDOW_SIZE_Y(ScreenInfo)*FontSize.Y;
#if defined(FE_SB)
if (CONSOLE_IS_DBCS_OUTPUTCP(Console) && ScrollRect.bottom == 0) { UpdateRegion.Left = 0; UpdateRegion.Top = 0; UpdateRegion.Right = CONSOLE_WINDOW_SIZE_X(ScreenInfo); UpdateRegion.Bottom = 0; WriteToScreen(ScreenInfo,&UpdateRegion); } else { #endif
SCROLLDC_CALL; #if defined(FE_SB)
if (CONSOLE_IS_DBCS_OUTPUTCP(Console) && Console->InputBuffer.ImeMode.Open ) { Success = ScrollDC(Console->hDC, (ScreenInfo->Window.Left-NewWindow.Left)*FontSize.X, (ScreenInfo->Window.Top-NewWindow.Top)*FontSize.Y, &ScrollRect, &ClipRect, NULL, &BoundingBox ); } else #endif
Success = ScrollDC(Console->hDC, (ScreenInfo->Window.Left-NewWindow.Left)*FontSize.X, (ScreenInfo->Window.Top-NewWindow.Top)*FontSize.Y, &ScrollRect, NULL, NULL, &BoundingBox );
// Fire off an event to let accessibility apps know we've scrolled.
ConsoleNotifyWinEvent(Console, EVENT_CONSOLE_UPDATE_SCROLL, ScreenInfo->Window.Left - NewWindow.Left, ScreenInfo->Window.Top - NewWindow.Top);
if (Success) { UpdateRegion.Left = (SHORT)((BoundingBox.left/FontSize.X)+NewWindow.Left); UpdateRegion.Right = (SHORT)(((BoundingBox.right-1)/FontSize.X)+NewWindow.Left); UpdateRegion.Top = (SHORT)((BoundingBox.top/FontSize.Y)+NewWindow.Top); UpdateRegion.Bottom = (SHORT)(((BoundingBox.bottom-1)/FontSize.Y)+NewWindow.Top); } else { UpdateRegion = NewWindow; }
// new window is ok. store it in screeninfo and refresh screen.
ScreenInfo->Window = NewWindow;
WriteToScreen(ScreenInfo,&UpdateRegion); #if defined(FE_SB)
} #endif
} InvertSelection(Console, FALSE); } #ifdef i386
else if (Console->FullScreenFlags & CONSOLE_FULLSCREEN_HARDWARE && ScreenInfo->Flags & CONSOLE_TEXTMODE_BUFFER) {
// keep mouse pointer on screen
if (ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.MousePosition.X < NewWindow.Left) { ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.MousePosition.X = NewWindow.Left; } else if (ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.MousePosition.X > NewWindow.Right) { ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.MousePosition.X = NewWindow.Right; }
if (ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.MousePosition.Y < NewWindow.Top) { ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.MousePosition.Y = NewWindow.Top; } else if (ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.MousePosition.Y > NewWindow.Bottom) { ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.MousePosition.Y = NewWindow.Bottom; } ScreenInfo->Window = NewWindow; WriteToScreen(ScreenInfo,&ScreenInfo->Window); } #endif
else { // we're iconic
ScreenInfo->Window = NewWindow; }
#if defined(FE_SB)
if (CONSOLE_IS_DBCS_OUTPUTCP(Console) ) { ConsoleImeResizeModeSystemView(Console,ScreenInfo->Window); ConsoleImeResizeCompStrView(Console,ScreenInfo->Window); } #endif
if (ScreenInfo->Flags & CONSOLE_TEXTMODE_BUFFER) { ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Flags |= TEXT_VALID_HINT; }
UpdateScrollBars(ScreenInfo); return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
NTSTATUS ResizeWindow( IN PSCREEN_INFORMATION ScreenInfo, IN PSMALL_RECT WindowDimensions, IN BOOL DoScrollBarUpdate )
Routine Description:
This routine changes the console data structures to reflect the specified window size change. it does not call the user component to update the screen.
ScreenInformation - the new screen buffer.
dwWindowSize - the initial size of screen buffer's window.
nFont - the initial font to generate text with.
dwScreenBufferSize - the initial size of the screen buffer.
Return Value:
{ //
// make sure there's something to do
if (RtlEqualMemory(&ScreenInfo->Window, WindowDimensions, sizeof(SMALL_RECT))) { return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
if (WindowDimensions->Left < 0) { WindowDimensions->Right -= WindowDimensions->Left; WindowDimensions->Left = 0; } if (WindowDimensions->Top < 0) { WindowDimensions->Bottom -= WindowDimensions->Top; WindowDimensions->Top = 0; }
if (WindowDimensions->Right >= ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.X) { WindowDimensions->Right = ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.X; } if (WindowDimensions->Bottom >= ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.Y) { WindowDimensions->Bottom = ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.Y; }
ScreenInfo->Window = *WindowDimensions; ScreenInfo->WindowMaximizedX = (CONSOLE_WINDOW_SIZE_X(ScreenInfo) == ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.X); ScreenInfo->WindowMaximizedY = (CONSOLE_WINDOW_SIZE_Y(ScreenInfo) == ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.Y);
if (DoScrollBarUpdate) { UpdateScrollBars(ScreenInfo); }
if (!(ScreenInfo->Flags & CONSOLE_TEXTMODE_BUFFER)) { return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
if (ACTIVE_SCREEN_BUFFER(ScreenInfo)) { ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Flags &= ~TEXT_VALID_HINT; }
#ifdef i386
if (ScreenInfo->Console->FullScreenFlags & CONSOLE_FULLSCREEN_HARDWARE) {
// keep mouse pointer on screen
if (ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.MousePosition.X < WindowDimensions->Left) { ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.MousePosition.X = WindowDimensions->Left; } else if (ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.MousePosition.X > WindowDimensions->Right) { ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.MousePosition.X = WindowDimensions->Right; }
if (ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.MousePosition.Y < WindowDimensions->Top) { ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.MousePosition.Y = WindowDimensions->Top; } else if (ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.MousePosition.Y > WindowDimensions->Bottom) { ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.MousePosition.Y = WindowDimensions->Bottom; } } #endif
VOID SetWindowSize( IN PSCREEN_INFORMATION ScreenInfo ) { #if defined(FE_IME)
if (ScreenInfo->ConvScreenInfo != NULL) return; #endif
if (ScreenInfo->Console->Flags & CONSOLE_SETTING_WINDOW_SIZE) return; ScreenInfo->Console->Flags |= CONSOLE_SETTING_WINDOW_SIZE; PostMessage(ScreenInfo->Console->hWnd, CM_SET_WINDOW_SIZE, (WPARAM)ScreenInfo, 0x47474747 ); }
if (!(Console->Flags & CONSOLE_IS_ICONIC)) { InternalUpdateScrollBars(ScreenInfo);
WindowStyle = GetWindowLong(Console->hWnd, GWL_STYLE); if (ScreenInfo->WindowMaximized) { WindowStyle |= WS_MAXIMIZE; } else { WindowStyle &= ~WS_MAXIMIZE; } SetWindowLong(Console->hWnd, GWL_STYLE, WindowStyle);
SetWindowPos(Console->hWnd, NULL, 0, 0, Console->WindowRect.right-Console->WindowRect.left, Console->WindowRect.bottom-Console->WindowRect.top, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_DRAWFRAME ); Console->ResizeFlags &= ~SCREEN_BUFFER_CHANGE; } else { Console->ResizeFlags |= SCREEN_BUFFER_CHANGE; } }
NTSTATUS InternalSetWindowSize( IN PCONSOLE_INFORMATION Console, IN PSCREEN_INFORMATION ScreenInfo, IN PSMALL_RECT Window ) { SIZE WindowSize; WORD WindowSizeX, WindowSizeY;
Console->Flags &= ~CONSOLE_SETTING_WINDOW_SIZE; if (Console->CurrentScreenBuffer == ScreenInfo) { if (Console->FullScreenFlags == 0) { //
// Make sure our max screen sizes reflect reality
if (gfInitSystemMetrics) { InitializeSystemMetrics(); }
// figure out how big to make the window, given the desired client area
// size.
ScreenInfo->ResizingWindow++; WindowSizeX = WINDOW_SIZE_X(Window); WindowSizeY = WINDOW_SIZE_Y(Window); if (ScreenInfo->Flags & CONSOLE_TEXTMODE_BUFFER) { WindowSize.cx = WindowSizeX*SCR_FONTSIZE(ScreenInfo).X; WindowSize.cy = WindowSizeY*SCR_FONTSIZE(ScreenInfo).Y; } else { WindowSize.cx = WindowSizeX; WindowSize.cy = WindowSizeY; } WindowSize.cx += VerticalClientToWindow; WindowSize.cy += HorizontalClientToWindow;
if (WindowSizeY != 0) { if (!ScreenInfo->WindowMaximizedX) { WindowSize.cy += HorizontalScrollSize; } if (!ScreenInfo->WindowMaximizedY) { WindowSize.cx += VerticalScrollSize; } }
Console->WindowRect.right = Console->WindowRect.left + WindowSize.cx; Console->WindowRect.bottom = Console->WindowRect.top + WindowSize.cy;
UpdateWindowSize(Console,ScreenInfo); ScreenInfo->ResizingWindow--; } else if (Console->FullScreenFlags & CONSOLE_FULLSCREEN_HARDWARE) { WriteToScreen(ScreenInfo,&ScreenInfo->Window); } #if defined(FE_IME)
if ( (ScreenInfo->Flags & CONSOLE_TEXTMODE_BUFFER) && (CONSOLE_IS_DBCS_OUTPUTCP(Console))) { ConsoleImeResizeModeSystemView(Console,Console->CurrentScreenBuffer->Window); ConsoleImeResizeCompStrView(Console,Console->CurrentScreenBuffer->Window); } #endif // FE_IME
} return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
NTSTATUS SetActiveScreenBuffer( IN PSCREEN_INFORMATION ScreenInfo ) { PSCREEN_INFORMATION OldScreenInfo; PCONSOLE_INFORMATION Console = ScreenInfo->Console;
OldScreenInfo = Console->CurrentScreenBuffer; if (ScreenInfo->Flags & CONSOLE_TEXTMODE_BUFFER) {
#if !defined(_X86_)
if (Console->FullScreenFlags & CONSOLE_FULLSCREEN) { return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } #endif
Console->CurrentScreenBuffer = ScreenInfo;
if (Console->FullScreenFlags == 0) {
// initialize cursor
ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.CursorOn = FALSE;
// set font
SetFont(ScreenInfo); } #if defined(_X86_)
else if (Console->FullScreenFlags & CONSOLE_FULLSCREEN_HARDWARE) {
if (!(Console->Flags & CONSOLE_VDM_REGISTERED)) {
if ( (!(OldScreenInfo->Flags & CONSOLE_TEXTMODE_BUFFER)) || (OldScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.ModeIndex!=ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.ModeIndex)) {
// set video mode and font
SetVideoMode(ScreenInfo); }
//set up cursor
SetCursorInformationHW(ScreenInfo, ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.CursorSize, ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.CursorVisible); SetCursorPositionHW(ScreenInfo, ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.CursorPosition); }
} #endif
} else { Console->CurrentScreenBuffer = ScreenInfo; }
// empty input buffer
if (Console->FullScreenFlags == 0) {
SetScreenColors(ScreenInfo, ScreenInfo->Attributes, ScreenInfo->PopupAttributes, FALSE);
// set window size
// initialize the palette, if we have the focus and we're not fullscreen
if (!(Console->Flags & CONSOLE_IS_ICONIC) && Console->FullScreenFlags == 0) { if (ScreenInfo->hPalette != NULL || OldScreenInfo->hPalette != NULL) { HPALETTE hPalette; BOOL bReset = FALSE; USERTHREAD_USEDESKTOPINFO utudi;
if (GetCurrentThreadId() != Console->InputThreadInfo->ThreadId) { bReset = TRUE; utudi.hThread = Console->InputThreadInfo->ThreadHandle; utudi.drdRestore.pdeskRestore = NULL; NtUserSetInformationThread(NtCurrentThread(), UserThreadUseDesktop, &utudi, sizeof(utudi)); }
if (ScreenInfo->hPalette == NULL) { hPalette = Console->hSysPalette; } else { hPalette = ScreenInfo->hPalette; } SelectPalette(Console->hDC, hPalette, FALSE); SetActivePalette(ScreenInfo);
if (bReset == TRUE) { utudi.hThread = NULL; NtUserSetInformationThread(NtCurrentThread(), UserThreadUseDesktop, &utudi, sizeof(utudi)); } } } }
#if defined(FE_IME)
SetUndetermineAttribute(Console); #endif
// write data to screen
ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Flags &= ~TEXT_VALID_HINT; WriteToScreen(ScreenInfo,&ScreenInfo->Window); return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
VOID SetProcessFocus( IN PCSR_PROCESS Process, IN BOOL Foreground ) { if (Foreground) { CsrSetForegroundPriority(Process); } else { CsrSetBackgroundPriority(Process); } }
VOID SetProcessForegroundRights( IN PCSR_PROCESS Process, IN BOOL Foreground ) { USERTHREAD_FLAGS Flags;
NtUserSetInformationProcess(Process->ProcessHandle, UserProcessFlags, &Flags, sizeof(Flags)); }
VOID ModifyConsoleProcessFocus( IN PCONSOLE_INFORMATION Console, IN BOOL Foreground ) { PCONSOLE_PROCESS_HANDLE ProcessHandleRecord; PLIST_ENTRY ListHead, ListNext;
ListHead = &Console->ProcessHandleList; ListNext = ListHead->Flink; while (ListNext != ListHead) { ProcessHandleRecord = CONTAINING_RECORD( ListNext, CONSOLE_PROCESS_HANDLE, ListLink ); ListNext = ListNext->Flink; SetProcessFocus(ProcessHandleRecord->Process, Foreground); SetProcessForegroundRights(ProcessHandleRecord->Process, Foreground); } }
VOID TrimConsoleWorkingSet( IN PCONSOLE_INFORMATION Console ) { PCONSOLE_PROCESS_HANDLE ProcessHandleRecord; PLIST_ENTRY ListHead, ListNext;
ListHead = &Console->ProcessHandleList; ListNext = ListHead->Flink; while (ListNext != ListHead) { ProcessHandleRecord = CONTAINING_RECORD( ListNext, CONSOLE_PROCESS_HANDLE, ListLink ); ListNext = ListNext->Flink; SetProcessWorkingSetSize(ProcessHandleRecord->Process->ProcessHandle, (SIZE_T)-1, (SIZE_T)-1); } }
NTSTATUS QueueConsoleMessage( PCONSOLE_INFORMATION Console, UINT Message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam )
Routine Description:
This inserts a message into the console's message queue and wakes up the console input thread to process it.
Console - Pointer to console information structure.
Message - Message to store in queue.
wParam - wParam to store in queue.
lParam - lParam to store in queue.
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - STATUS_SUCCESS if everything is OK.
pConMsg = ConsoleHeapAlloc(TMP_TAG, sizeof(CONSOLE_MSG)); if (pConMsg == NULL) { return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; }
pConMsg->Message = Message; pConMsg->wParam = wParam; pConMsg->lParam = lParam;
InsertHeadList(&Console->MessageQueue, &pConMsg->ListLink);
if (!PostMessage(Console->hWnd, CM_CONSOLE_MSG, 0, 0)) { RemoveEntryList(&pConMsg->ListLink); ConsoleHeapFree(pConMsg); return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; }
BOOL UnqueueConsoleMessage( PCONSOLE_INFORMATION Console, UINT *pMessage, WPARAM *pwParam, LPARAM *plParam )
Routine Description:
This routine removes a message from the console's message queue.
Console - Pointer to console information structure.
pMessage - Pointer in which to return Message.
pwParam - Pointer in which to return wParam.
plParam - Pointer in which to return lParam.
Return Value:
BOOL - TRUE if message was found and FALSE otherwise.
if (IsListEmpty(&Console->MessageQueue)) { return FALSE; }
pEntry = RemoveTailList(&Console->MessageQueue); pConMsg = CONTAINING_RECORD(pEntry, CONSOLE_MSG, ListLink);
*pMessage = pConMsg->Message; *pwParam = pConMsg->wParam; *plParam = pConMsg->lParam;
return TRUE; }
VOID CleanupConsoleMessages( PCONSOLE_INFORMATION Console )
Routine Description:
This routine cleans up any console messages still in the queue.
Console - Pointer to console information structure.
Return Value:
{ UINT Message; WPARAM wParam; LPARAM lParam;
while (UnqueueConsoleMessage(Console, &Message, &wParam, &lParam)) { switch (Message) { case CM_MODE_TRANSITION: NtSetEvent((HANDLE)lParam, NULL); NtClose((HANDLE)lParam); break; case CM_SET_IME_CODEPAGE: case CM_SET_NLSMODE: case CM_GET_NLSMODE: if (wParam) { NtSetEvent((HANDLE)wParam, NULL); NtClose((HANDLE)wParam); } break; case EVENT_CONSOLE_CARET: case EVENT_CONSOLE_UPDATE_REGION: case EVENT_CONSOLE_UPDATE_SIMPLE: case EVENT_CONSOLE_UPDATE_SCROLL: case EVENT_CONSOLE_LAYOUT: case EVENT_CONSOLE_START_APPLICATION: case EVENT_CONSOLE_END_APPLICATION: break; default: RIPMSG1(RIP_ERROR, "CleanupConsoleMessages - unknown message 0x%x", Message); break; } } }
VOID ConsoleNotifyWinEvent( IN PCONSOLE_INFORMATION Console, IN DWORD Event, IN LONG idObjectType, IN LONG idObject )
Routine Description:
If this routine is called by the console input thread, it can notify the system about the event by calling NotifyWinEvent directly. Otherwise, it queues the event up for the input thread to deal with.
Console - Pointer to console information structure.
Event - Event that occurred.
idObjectType - Additional data about the event.
idObject - Additional data about the event.
Return Value:
{ //
// If no one's listening then there's no reason to send the winevent.
if (!IsWinEventHookInstalled(Event)) { return; }
// Due to the asynchronous nature of console creation, it's possible we'll get
// here but the InputThreadInfo pointer hasn't been set yet. If that's the case,
// we're certainly not the ConsoleInputThread, so conceptually we'd want to queue
// up the winevent anyway.
if (Console->InputThreadInfo != NULL && HandleToUlong(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueThread) == Console->InputThreadInfo->ThreadId) { NotifyWinEvent(Event, Console->hWnd, idObjectType, idObject); } else { QueueConsoleMessage(Console, Event, idObjectType, idObject); } }
VOID AbortCreateConsole( IN PCONSOLE_INFORMATION Console ) { //
// Signal any process waiting for us that initialization failed
NtSetEvent(Console->InitEvents[INITIALIZATION_FAILED], NULL);
// Now clean up the console structure
CloseHandle(Console->ClientThreadHandle); FreeInputBuffer(&Console->InputBuffer); ConsoleHeapFree(Console->Title); ConsoleHeapFree(Console->OriginalTitle); NtClose(Console->InitEvents[INITIALIZATION_SUCCEEDED]); NtClose(Console->InitEvents[INITIALIZATION_FAILED]); NtClose(Console->TerminationEvent); FreeAliasBuffers(Console); FreeCommandHistoryBuffers(Console); #if defined(FE_SB)
FreeLocalEUDC(Console); DestroyFontCache(Console->FontCacheInformation); #endif
DestroyConsole(Console); }
VOID DestroyWindowsWindow( IN PCONSOLE_INFORMATION Console ) { PSCREEN_INFORMATION Cur,Next; HWND hWnd = Console->hWnd;
gnConsoleWindows--; Console->InputThreadInfo->WindowCount--;
SetWindowConsole(hWnd, NULL);
KillTimer(Console->hWnd, CURSOR_TIMER);
if (Console->hWndProperties) { SendMessage(Console->hWndProperties, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); }
// FE_SB
if (Console->FonthDC) { ReleaseDC(NULL, Console->FonthDC); DeleteObject(Console->hBitmap); } DeleteEUDC(Console);
if (CONSOLE_IS_IME_ENABLED()) { if (!(Console->Flags & CONSOLE_NO_WINDOW)) { KillTimer(Console->hWnd, SCROLL_WAIT_TIMER); } ConsoleImeMessagePump(Console, CONIME_DESTROY, (WPARAM)Console->ConsoleHandle, (LPARAM)NULL ); }
ReleaseDC(NULL, Console->hDC); Console->hDC = NULL;
DestroyWindow(Console->hWnd); Console->hWnd = NULL;
// Tell the worker thread that the window is destroyed.
// Clear out any keyboard messages we have stored away.
if (Console->hIcon != NULL && Console->hIcon != ghDefaultIcon) { DestroyIcon(Console->hIcon); } if (Console->hSmIcon != NULL && Console->hSmIcon != ghDefaultSmIcon) { DestroyIcon(Console->hSmIcon); }
// must keep this thread handle around until after the destroywindow
// call so that impersonation will work.
// once the sendmessage returns, there will be no more input to
// the console so we don't need to lock it.
// also, we've freed the console handle, so no apis may access the console.
// free screen buffers
for (Cur=Console->ScreenBuffers;Cur!=NULL;Cur=Next) { Next = Cur->Next; FreeScreenBuffer(Cur); }
FreeAliasBuffers(Console); FreeCommandHistoryBuffers(Console);
// free input buffer
FreeInputBuffer(&Console->InputBuffer); ConsoleHeapFree(Console->Title); ConsoleHeapFree(Console->OriginalTitle); NtClose(Console->InitEvents[INITIALIZATION_SUCCEEDED]); NtClose(Console->InitEvents[INITIALIZATION_FAILED]); NtClose(Console->TerminationEvent); if (Console->hWinSta != NULL) { CloseDesktop(Console->hDesk); CloseWindowStation(Console->hWinSta); } if (Console->VDMProcessHandle) { CloseHandle(Console->VDMProcessHandle); } ASSERT(!(Console->Flags & CONSOLE_VDM_REGISTERED));
#if defined(FE_SB)
FreeLocalEUDC(Console); DestroyFontCache(Console->FontCacheInformation); #endif
DestroyConsole(Console); }
VOID VerticalScroll( IN PCONSOLE_INFORMATION Console, IN PSCREEN_INFORMATION ScreenInfo, IN WORD ScrollCommand, IN WORD AbsoluteChange ) { COORD NewOrigin;
NewOrigin.X = ScreenInfo->Window.Left; NewOrigin.Y = ScreenInfo->Window.Top; switch (ScrollCommand) { case SB_LINEUP: NewOrigin.Y--; break; case SB_LINEDOWN: NewOrigin.Y++; break; case SB_PAGEUP: #if defined(FE_IME)
// MSKK July.22.1993 KazuM
// Plan of bottom line reservation for console IME.
if (ScreenInfo->Console->InputBuffer.ImeMode.Open) { ASSERT(ScreenInfo->Flags & CONSOLE_TEXTMODE_BUFFER); if (!(ScreenInfo->Flags & CONSOLE_TEXTMODE_BUFFER)) { return; } NewOrigin.Y-=CONSOLE_WINDOW_SIZE_Y(ScreenInfo)-2; ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Flags &= ~TEXT_VALID_HINT; ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Flags |= CONSOLE_CONVERSION_AREA_REDRAW; } else #endif // FE_IME
NewOrigin.Y-=CONSOLE_WINDOW_SIZE_Y(ScreenInfo)-1; break; case SB_PAGEDOWN: #if defined(FE_IME)
// MSKK July.22.1993 KazuM
// Plan of bottom line reservation for console IME.
if ( ScreenInfo->Console->InputBuffer.ImeMode.Open ) { NewOrigin.Y+=CONSOLE_WINDOW_SIZE_Y(ScreenInfo)-2; ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Flags &= ~TEXT_VALID_HINT; ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Flags |= CONSOLE_CONVERSION_AREA_REDRAW; } else #endif // FE_IME
NewOrigin.Y+=CONSOLE_WINDOW_SIZE_Y(ScreenInfo)-1; break; case SB_THUMBTRACK: Console->Flags |= CONSOLE_SCROLLBAR_TRACKING; NewOrigin.Y= AbsoluteChange; break; case SB_THUMBPOSITION: UnblockWriteConsole(Console, CONSOLE_SCROLLBAR_TRACKING); NewOrigin.Y= AbsoluteChange; break; case SB_TOP: NewOrigin.Y=0; break; case SB_BOTTOM: NewOrigin.Y=(WORD)(ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.Y-CONSOLE_WINDOW_SIZE_Y(ScreenInfo)); break;
default: return; }
NewOrigin.Y = (WORD)(max(0,min((SHORT)NewOrigin.Y, (SHORT)ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.Y-(SHORT)CONSOLE_WINDOW_SIZE_Y(ScreenInfo)))); SetWindowOrigin(ScreenInfo, (BOOLEAN)TRUE, NewOrigin ); }
VOID HorizontalScroll( IN PSCREEN_INFORMATION ScreenInfo, IN WORD ScrollCommand, IN WORD AbsoluteChange ) { COORD NewOrigin;
NewOrigin.X = ScreenInfo->Window.Left; NewOrigin.Y = ScreenInfo->Window.Top; switch (ScrollCommand) { case SB_LINEUP: NewOrigin.X--; break; case SB_LINEDOWN: NewOrigin.X++; break; case SB_PAGEUP: NewOrigin.X-=CONSOLE_WINDOW_SIZE_X(ScreenInfo)-1; break; case SB_PAGEDOWN: NewOrigin.X+=CONSOLE_WINDOW_SIZE_X(ScreenInfo)-1; break; case SB_THUMBTRACK: case SB_THUMBPOSITION: NewOrigin.X= AbsoluteChange; break; case SB_TOP: NewOrigin.X=0; break; case SB_BOTTOM: NewOrigin.X=(WORD)(ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.X-CONSOLE_WINDOW_SIZE_X(ScreenInfo)); break;
default: return; }
NewOrigin.X = (WORD)(max(0,min((SHORT)NewOrigin.X, (SHORT)ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.X-(SHORT)CONSOLE_WINDOW_SIZE_X(ScreenInfo)))); SetWindowOrigin(ScreenInfo, (BOOLEAN)TRUE, NewOrigin ); }
* If guCaretBlinkTime is -1, we don't want to blink the caret. However, we * need to make sure it gets drawn, so we'll set a short timer. When that * goes off, we'll hit CursorTimerRoutine, and it'll do the right thing if * guCaretBlinkTime is -1. */ VOID SetCaretTimer( HWND hWnd) { static CONST DWORD dwDefTimeout = 0x212;
SetTimer(hWnd, CURSOR_TIMER, guCaretBlinkTime == -1 ? dwDefTimeout : guCaretBlinkTime, NULL); }
Console = GetWindowConsole(hWnd); if (Console != NULL) { //
// Set up our thread so we can impersonate the client
// while processing the message.
CSR_SERVER_QUERYCLIENTTHREAD()->ThreadHandle = Console->ClientThreadHandle;
// If the console is terminating, don't bother processing messages
// other than CM_DESTROY_WINDOW.
if (Console->Flags & CONSOLE_TERMINATING) { LockConsole(Console); DestroyWindowsWindow(Console); return 0; }
// Make sure the console pointer is still valid
ScreenInfo = Console->CurrentScreenBuffer; } try { if (Console == NULL || ScreenInfo == NULL) { switch (Message) { case WM_GETMINMAXINFO: { //
// createwindow issues a WM_GETMINMAXINFO
// message before we have the windowlong set up
// with the console pointer. we need to allow
// the created window to be bigger than the
// default size by the scroll size.
LPMINMAXINFO lpmmi = (LPMINMAXINFO)lParam; lpmmi->ptMaxTrackSize.y += HorizontalScrollSize; lpmmi->ptMaxTrackSize.x += VerticalScrollSize; } break;
default: goto CallDefWin; } } else if (Message == ProgmanHandleMessage && lParam == 0) { //
// NOTE: lParam will be 0 if progman is sending it and
// 1 if console is sending it. This is a workaround for
// a progman bug. progman sends a progmanhandlemessage
// twice for each window in the system each time one is
// requested (for one window).
if ((HWND)wParam != hWnd && Console->bIconInit) { ATOM App,Topic; CHAR szItem[ITEM_MAX_SIZE+1]; PCHAR lpItem; ATOM aItem; HANDLE ConsoleHandle;
if (!(Console->Flags & CONSOLE_TERMINATING)) { ConsoleHandle = Console->ConsoleHandle; Console->hWndProgMan = (HWND)wParam; UnlockConsole(Console); App = GlobalAddAtomA("Shell"); Topic = GlobalAddAtomA("AppIcon"); SendMessage(Console->hWndProgMan, WM_DDE_INITIATE, (WPARAM)hWnd, MAKELONG(App, Topic) );
// If the console is still valid, continue getting icon.
Status = RevalidateConsole(ConsoleHandle, &Console); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Console->bIconInit = FALSE; lpItem = _itoa((int)Console->iIconId, szItem, 10); aItem = GlobalAddAtomA(lpItem); PostMessage(Console->hWndProgMan, WM_DDE_REQUEST, (WPARAM)hWnd, MAKELONG(CF_TEXT, aItem)); } } } } else { switch (Message) { case WM_DROPFILES: DoDrop (wParam,Console); break; case WM_MOVE: if (!IsIconic(hWnd)) { PositionConsoleWindow(Console, (Console->WindowRect.left == CW_USEDEFAULT)); #if defined(FE_IME)
if (CONSOLE_IS_DBCS_OUTPUTCP(Console)) { ConsoleImeResizeModeSystemView(Console,ScreenInfo->Window); ConsoleImeResizeCompStrView(Console,ScreenInfo->Window); } #endif // FE_IME
} break; case WM_SIZE:
if (wParam != SIZE_MINIMIZED) {
// both SetWindowPos and SetScrollRange cause WM_SIZE
// messages to be issued. ignore them if we have already
// figured out what size the window should be.
if (!ScreenInfo->ResizingWindow) { ScreenInfo->WindowMaximized = (wParam == SIZE_MAXIMIZED);
if (Console->ResizeFlags & SCREEN_BUFFER_CHANGE) { UpdateWindowSize(Console,ScreenInfo); } PositionConsoleWindow(Console, (Console->WindowRect.left == CW_USEDEFAULT)); #if defined(FE_IME)
if (CONSOLE_IS_DBCS_OUTPUTCP(Console)) { ConsoleImeResizeModeSystemView(Console,ScreenInfo->Window); ConsoleImeResizeCompStrView(Console,ScreenInfo->Window); } #endif // FE_IME
if (Console->ResizeFlags & SCROLL_BAR_CHANGE) { InternalUpdateScrollBars(ScreenInfo); Console->ResizeFlags &= ~SCROLL_BAR_CHANGE; } } } else {
// Console is going iconic. Trim working set of all
// processes in the console
break; case WM_DDE_ACK: if (Console->bIconInit) { Console->hWndProgMan = (HWND)wParam; } break; case WM_DDE_DATA: { DDEDATA *lpDDEData; LPPMICONDATA lpIconData; HICON hIcon; HANDLE hDdeData; BOOL bRelease; WPARAM atomTemp;
UnpackDDElParam(WM_DDE_DATA, lParam, (WPARAM *)&hDdeData, &atomTemp);
if (hDdeData == NULL) { break; } lpDDEData = (DDEDATA *)GlobalLock(hDdeData); ASSERT(lpDDEData->cfFormat == CF_TEXT); lpIconData = (LPPMICONDATA)lpDDEData->Value; hIcon = CreateIconFromResourceEx(&lpIconData->iResource, 0, TRUE, 0x30000, 0, 0, LR_DEFAULTSIZE); if (hIcon) { if (Console->hIcon != NULL && Console->hIcon != ghDefaultIcon) { DestroyIcon(Console->hIcon); } Console->hIcon = hIcon; SendMessage(hWnd, WM_SETICON, ICON_BIG, (LPARAM)hIcon);
if (Console->hSmIcon != NULL) { if (Console->hSmIcon != ghDefaultSmIcon) { DestroyIcon(Console->hSmIcon); } Console->hSmIcon = NULL; SendMessage(hWnd, WM_SETICON, ICON_SMALL, (LPARAM)NULL); } }
if (lpDDEData->fAckReq) {
PostMessage(Console->hWndProgMan, WM_DDE_ACK, (WPARAM)hWnd, ReuseDDElParam(lParam, WM_DDE_DATA, WM_DDE_ACK, 0x8000, atomTemp)); }
bRelease = lpDDEData->fRelease; GlobalUnlock(hDdeData); if (bRelease){ GlobalFree(hDdeData); } PostMessage(Console->hWndProgMan, WM_DDE_TERMINATE, (WPARAM)hWnd, 0 ); if (Console->Flags & CONSOLE_IS_ICONIC) { // force repaint of icon
InvalidateRect(hWnd, NULL, TRUE); } } break; case WM_ACTIVATE:
// if we're activated by a mouse click, remember it so
// we don't pass the click on to the app.
if (LOWORD(wParam) == WA_CLICKACTIVE) { Console->Flags |= CONSOLE_IGNORE_NEXT_MOUSE_INPUT; } goto CallDefWin; break; case WM_DDE_TERMINATE: break; // FE_IME
if (!NT_SUCCESS(ConsoleImeMessagePumpWorker(Console, ConimeMessage, (WPARAM)Console->ConsoleHandle, (LPARAM)lParam, &lResult)) || !lResult) {
break; } } #ifdef LATER
else if (IS_IME_KBDLAYOUT(lParam)) { // IME keyboard layout should be avoided
// if the console is not IME enabled.
break; } // Call the default window proc and let it handle
// the keyboard layout activation.
goto CallDefWin;
break; // end FE_IME
case WM_INPUTLANGCHANGE: Console->hklActive = (HKL)lParam; // FE_IME
if (CONSOLE_IS_IME_ENABLED()) { if (!NT_SUCCESS(ConsoleImeMessagePump(Console, CONIME_INPUTLANGCHANGE, (WPARAM)Console->ConsoleHandle, (LPARAM)Console->hklActive ))) { break; } else{ GetImeKeyState(Console, NULL) ; } } // end FE_IME
goto CallDefWin;
case WM_SETFOCUS: ModifyConsoleProcessFocus(Console, TRUE); SetConsoleReserveKeys(hWnd, Console->ReserveKeys); Console->Flags |= CONSOLE_HAS_FOCUS;
HandleFocusEvent(Console, TRUE); if (!Console->hklActive) { SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETDEFAULTINPUTLANG, 0, &Console->hklActive, FALSE); GetNonBiDiKeyboardLayout(&Console->hklActive); } ActivateKeyboardLayout(Console->hklActive, 0); // FE_IME
if (CONSOLE_IS_IME_ENABLED()) { // v-HirShi Sep.15.1995 Support Console IME
if (!NT_SUCCESS(ConsoleImeMessagePump(Console, CONIME_SETFOCUS, (WPARAM)Console->ConsoleHandle, (LPARAM)Console->hklActive ))) { break; }
if (Console->InputBuffer.hWndConsoleIME) { /*
* Open property window by ImmConfigureIME. * Never set focus on console window * so, set focus to property window. */ HWND hwnd = GetLastActivePopup(Console->InputBuffer.hWndConsoleIME); if (hwnd != NULL) SetForegroundWindow(hwnd); } } // FE_IME
break; case WM_KILLFOCUS: ModifyConsoleProcessFocus(Console, FALSE); SetConsoleReserveKeys(hWnd, CONSOLE_NOSHORTCUTKEY); Console->Flags &= ~CONSOLE_HAS_FOCUS;
if (ScreenInfo->Flags & CONSOLE_TEXTMODE_BUFFER) { ConsoleHideCursor(ScreenInfo); ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.UpdatingScreen -= 1; // counteract HideCursor
} KillTimer(hWnd, CURSOR_TIMER); HandleFocusEvent(Console,FALSE);
if (CONSOLE_IS_IME_ENABLED()) { // v-HirShi Sep.16.1995 Support Console IME
if (!NT_SUCCESS(ConsoleImeMessagePump(Console, CONIME_KILLFOCUS, (WPARAM)Console->ConsoleHandle, (LPARAM)NULL ))) { break; } } // end FE_IME
break; case WM_PAINT:
// ICONIC bit is not set if we're fullscreen and don't
// have the hardware
ConsoleHideCursor(ScreenInfo); hDC = BeginPaint(hWnd, &ps); if (Console->Flags & CONSOLE_IS_ICONIC || Console->FullScreenFlags == CONSOLE_FULLSCREEN) { RECT rc; UINT cxIcon, cyIcon; GetClientRect(hWnd, &rc); cxIcon = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXICON); cyIcon = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYICON);
rc.left = (rc.right - cxIcon) >> 1; rc.top = (rc.bottom - cyIcon) >> 1;
DrawIcon(hDC, rc.left, rc.top, Console->hIcon); } else { if (ScreenInfo->Flags & CONSOLE_TEXTMODE_BUFFER) { PaintRect.Left = (SHORT)((ps.rcPaint.left/SCR_FONTSIZE(ScreenInfo).X)+ScreenInfo->Window.Left); PaintRect.Right = (SHORT)((ps.rcPaint.right/SCR_FONTSIZE(ScreenInfo).X)+ScreenInfo->Window.Left); PaintRect.Top = (SHORT)((ps.rcPaint.top/SCR_FONTSIZE(ScreenInfo).Y)+ScreenInfo->Window.Top); PaintRect.Bottom = (SHORT)((ps.rcPaint.bottom/SCR_FONTSIZE(ScreenInfo).Y)+ScreenInfo->Window.Top); } else { PaintRect.Left = (SHORT)(ps.rcPaint.left+ScreenInfo->Window.Left); PaintRect.Right = (SHORT)(ps.rcPaint.right+ScreenInfo->Window.Left); PaintRect.Top = (SHORT)(ps.rcPaint.top+ScreenInfo->Window.Top); PaintRect.Bottom = (SHORT)(ps.rcPaint.bottom+ScreenInfo->Window.Top); } ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Flags &= ~TEXT_VALID_HINT; WriteToScreen(ScreenInfo,&PaintRect); } EndPaint(hWnd,&ps); ConsoleShowCursor(ScreenInfo); break; case WM_CLOSE: if (!(Console->Flags & CONSOLE_NO_WINDOW) || !(Console->Flags & CONSOLE_WOW_REGISTERED)) { HandleCtrlEvent(Console,CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT); } break; case WM_ERASEBKGND:
// ICONIC bit is not set if we're fullscreen and don't
// have the hardware
if (Console->Flags & CONSOLE_IS_ICONIC || Console->FullScreenFlags == CONSOLE_FULLSCREEN) { Message = WM_ICONERASEBKGND; goto CallDefWin; } break;
case WM_SETTINGCHANGE: { DWORD dwCaretBlinkTime = GetCaretBlinkTime();
if (dwCaretBlinkTime != guCaretBlinkTime) { KillTimer(hWnd, CURSOR_TIMER); guCaretBlinkTime = dwCaretBlinkTime; SetCaretTimer(hWnd); } } /* Fall through */
case WM_DISPLAYCHANGE: gfInitSystemMetrics = TRUE;
case WM_SETCURSOR: if (lParam == -1) {
// the app changed the cursor visibility or shape.
// see if the cursor is in the client area.
POINT Point; HWND hWndTmp; GetCursorPos(&Point); hWndTmp = WindowFromPoint(Point); if (hWndTmp == hWnd) { lParam = DefWindowProc(hWnd,WM_NCHITTEST,0,MAKELONG((WORD)Point.x, (WORD)Point.y)); } } if ((WORD)lParam == HTCLIENT) { if (ScreenInfo->CursorDisplayCount < 0) { SetCursor(NULL); } else { SetCursor(ScreenInfo->CursorHandle); } } else { goto CallDefWin; } break; case WM_GETMINMAXINFO: { LPMINMAXINFO lpmmi = (LPMINMAXINFO)lParam; COORD FontSize; WINDOW_LIMITS WindowLimits;
GetWindowLimits(ScreenInfo, &WindowLimits); if (ScreenInfo->Flags & CONSOLE_TEXTMODE_BUFFER) { FontSize = SCR_FONTSIZE(ScreenInfo); } else { FontSize.X = 1; FontSize.Y = 1; } lpmmi->ptMaxSize.x = lpmmi->ptMaxTrackSize.x = WindowLimits.MaxWindow.X; if (!ScreenInfo->WindowMaximizedY) { lpmmi->ptMaxTrackSize.x += VerticalScrollSize; lpmmi->ptMaxSize.x += VerticalScrollSize; } while (lpmmi->ptMaxSize.x > WindowLimits.FullScreenSize.X + VerticalClientToWindow) { lpmmi->ptMaxSize.x -= FontSize.X; } lpmmi->ptMaxSize.y = lpmmi->ptMaxTrackSize.y = WindowLimits.MaxWindow.Y; if (!ScreenInfo->WindowMaximizedX) { lpmmi->ptMaxTrackSize.y += HorizontalScrollSize; lpmmi->ptMaxSize.y += HorizontalScrollSize; } while (lpmmi->ptMaxSize.y > WindowLimits.FullScreenSize.Y + HorizontalClientToWindow) { lpmmi->ptMaxSize.y -= FontSize.Y; } lpmmi->ptMinTrackSize.x = WindowLimits.MinimumWindowSize.X * FontSize.X + VerticalClientToWindow; lpmmi->ptMinTrackSize.y = HorizontalClientToWindow; } break; case WM_QUERYDRAGICON: Status = (LRESULT)Console->hIcon; break; case WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING: { LPWINDOWPOS WindowPos = (LPWINDOWPOS)lParam; DWORD fMinimized;
* This message is sent before a SetWindowPos() operation * occurs. We use it here to set/clear the CONSOLE_IS_ICONIC * bit appropriately... doing so in the WM_SIZE handler * is incorrect because the WM_SIZE comes after the * WM_ERASEBKGND during SetWindowPos() processing, and the * WM_ERASEBKGND needs to know if the console window is * iconic or not. */ fMinimized = IsIconic(hWnd); if (fMinimized) { if (!(Console->Flags & CONSOLE_IS_ICONIC)) { Console->Flags |= CONSOLE_IS_ICONIC;
// If the palette is something other than default,
// select the default palette in. Otherwise, the
// screen will repaint twice each time the icon
// is painted.
if (ScreenInfo->hPalette != NULL && Console->FullScreenFlags == 0) { SelectPalette(Console->hDC, Console->hSysPalette, FALSE); UnsetActivePalette(ScreenInfo); } } } else { if (Console->Flags & CONSOLE_IS_ICONIC) { Console->Flags &= ~CONSOLE_IS_ICONIC;
// If the palette is something other than default,
// select the default palette in. Otherwise, the
// screen will repaint twice each time the icon
// is painted.
if (ScreenInfo->hPalette != NULL && Console->FullScreenFlags == 0) { SelectPalette(Console->hDC, ScreenInfo->hPalette, FALSE); SetActivePalette(ScreenInfo); } } } if (!ScreenInfo->ResizingWindow && (WindowPos->cx || WindowPos->cy) && !fMinimized) { ProcessResizeWindow(ScreenInfo,Console,WindowPos); } } break; case WM_CONTEXTMENU: if (DefWindowProc(hWnd, WM_NCHITTEST, 0, lParam) == HTCLIENT) { TrackPopupMenuEx(Console->hHeirMenu, TPM_RIGHTBUTTON, GET_X_LPARAM(lParam), GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam), hWnd, NULL); } else { goto CallDefWin; } break; case WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN: // allow user to move window even when bigger than the screen
switch (wParam & 0x00FF) { case HTCAPTION: UnlockConsole(Console); Unlock = FALSE; SetActiveWindow(hWnd); SendMessage(hWnd, WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_MOVE | wParam, lParam); break; default: goto CallDefWin; } break; #if defined (FE_IME)
// Sep.16.1995 Support Console IME
case WM_KEYDOWN: case WM_KEYUP: case WM_CHAR: case WM_DEADCHAR: HandleKeyEvent(Console,hWnd,Message,wParam,lParam); break; case WM_SYSKEYDOWN: case WM_SYSKEYUP: case WM_SYSCHAR: case WM_SYSDEADCHAR: if (HandleSysKeyEvent(Console, hWnd, Message, wParam, lParam, &Unlock)) { goto CallDefWin; } break; case WM_COMMAND: //
// If this is an edit command from the context menu, treat
// it like a sys command.
if ((wParam < cmCopy) || (wParam > cmSelectAll)) { break; } // FALL THRU
case WM_SYSCOMMAND: if (wParam >= ScreenInfo->CommandIdLow && wParam <= ScreenInfo->CommandIdHigh) { HandleMenuEvent(Console, (DWORD)wParam); } else if (wParam == cmMark) { DoMark(Console); } else if (wParam == cmCopy) { DoCopy(Console); } else if (wParam == cmPaste) { DoPaste(Console); } else if (wParam == cmScroll) { DoScroll(Console); } else if (wParam == cmFind) { DoFind(Console); } else if (wParam == cmSelectAll) { DoSelectAll(Console); } else if (wParam == cmControl) { PropertiesDlgShow(Console, TRUE); } else if (wParam == cmDefaults) { PropertiesDlgShow(Console, FALSE); } else if ((wParam == SC_RESTORE || wParam == SC_MAXIMIZE) && Console->Flags & CONSOLE_VDM_HIDDEN_WINDOW) { Console->Flags &= ~CONSOLE_VDM_HIDDEN_WINDOW; SendMessage(Console->hWnd, CM_MODE_TRANSITION, FULLSCREEN, 0L); } else { goto CallDefWin; } break; case WM_TIMER: #if defined(FE_IME)
if (wParam == SCROLL_WAIT_TIMER) { ASSERT(CONSOLE_IS_IME_ENABLED()); if ((ScreenInfo->Console->ConsoleIme.ScrollFlag & (HIDE_FOR_SCROLL)) && (ScreenInfo->Console->ConsoleIme.ScrollWaitCountDown > 0) ) { if ((ScreenInfo->Console->ConsoleIme.ScrollWaitCountDown -= guCaretBlinkTime) <= 0) { ConsoleImeBottomLineInUse(ScreenInfo); } } break; } #endif
CursorTimerRoutine(ScreenInfo); ScrollIfNecessary(Console, ScreenInfo); break; case WM_HSCROLL: HorizontalScroll(ScreenInfo, LOWORD(wParam), HIWORD(wParam)); break; case WM_VSCROLL: VerticalScroll(Console, ScreenInfo, LOWORD(wParam), HIWORD(wParam)); break; case WM_INITMENU: HandleMenuEvent(Console, WM_INITMENU); InitializeMenu(Console); break; case WM_MENUSELECT: if (HIWORD(wParam) == 0xffff) { HandleMenuEvent(Console, WM_MENUSELECT); } break; case WM_MOUSEMOVE: case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: case WM_LBUTTONUP: case WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK: case WM_RBUTTONDOWN: case WM_RBUTTONUP: case WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK: case WM_MBUTTONDOWN: case WM_MBUTTONUP: case WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK: case WM_MOUSEWHEEL: if (HandleMouseEvent(Console, ScreenInfo, Message, wParam, lParam)) { if (Message != WM_MOUSEWHEEL) { goto CallDefWin; } } else { break; }
* Don't handle zoom. */ if (wParam & MK_CONTROL) { goto CallDefWin; }
Status = 1; if (gfInitSystemMetrics) { InitializeSystemMetrics(); }
ScreenInfo->WheelDelta -= (short)HIWORD(wParam); if (abs(ScreenInfo->WheelDelta) >= WHEEL_DELTA && gucWheelScrollLines > 0) {
COORD NewOrigin; SHORT dy;
NewOrigin.X = ScreenInfo->Window.Left; NewOrigin.Y = ScreenInfo->Window.Top;
* Limit a roll of one (1) WHEEL_DELTA to scroll one (1) * page. If in shift scroll mode then scroll one page at * a time regardless. */
if (!(wParam & MK_SHIFT)) { dy = (int) min( (UINT) CONSOLE_WINDOW_SIZE_Y(ScreenInfo) - 1, gucWheelScrollLines); } else { dy = CONSOLE_WINDOW_SIZE_Y(ScreenInfo) - 1; }
if (dy == 0) { dy++; }
dy *= (ScreenInfo->WheelDelta / WHEEL_DELTA); ScreenInfo->WheelDelta %= WHEEL_DELTA;
NewOrigin.Y += dy; if (NewOrigin.Y < 0) { NewOrigin.Y = 0; } else if (NewOrigin.Y + CONSOLE_WINDOW_SIZE_Y(ScreenInfo) > ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.Y) { NewOrigin.Y = ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize.Y - CONSOLE_WINDOW_SIZE_Y(ScreenInfo); }
SetWindowOrigin(ScreenInfo, TRUE, NewOrigin); } break;
case WM_PALETTECHANGED: if (Console->FullScreenFlags == 0) { if (ScreenInfo->hPalette != NULL) { SetActivePalette(ScreenInfo); if (ScreenInfo->Flags & CONSOLE_GRAPHICS_BUFFER) { WriteRegionToScreenBitMap(ScreenInfo, &ScreenInfo->Window); } } else { SetScreenColors(ScreenInfo, ScreenInfo->Attributes, ScreenInfo->PopupAttributes, TRUE); } } break; #if defined(_X86_)
// This message is sent by the system to tell console that
// the fullscreen state of a window has changed.
// In some cases, this message will be sent in response to
// a call from console to change to fullscreen (Atl-Enter)
// or may also come directly from the system (switch of
// focus from a windowed app to a fullscreen app).
Status = DisplayModeTransition(wParam,Console,ScreenInfo); #if defined(FE_IME)
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Status = ImeWmFullScreen(wParam,Console,ScreenInfo); } #endif // FE_IME
break; #endif
case CM_SET_WINDOW_SIZE: if (lParam == 0x47474747) { Status = InternalSetWindowSize(Console, (PSCREEN_INFORMATION)wParam, &ScreenInfo->Window ); } break; case CM_BEEP: if (lParam == 0x47474747) { Beep(800, 200); } break; case CM_UPDATE_SCROLL_BARS: InternalUpdateScrollBars(ScreenInfo); break; case CM_UPDATE_TITLE: SetWindowText(hWnd, Console->Title); break; case CM_CONSOLE_MSG: if (!UnqueueConsoleMessage(Console, &Message, &wParam, &lParam)) { break; } switch (Message) {
#if defined(_X86_)
if (wParam == FULLSCREEN) { if (Console->FullScreenFlags == 0) { ConvertToFullScreen(Console); Console->FullScreenFlags |= CONSOLE_FULLSCREEN; ChangeDispSettings(Console, hWnd, CDS_FULLSCREEN); } } else { if (Console->FullScreenFlags & CONSOLE_FULLSCREEN) { ConvertToWindowed(Console); Console->FullScreenFlags &= ~CONSOLE_FULLSCREEN; ChangeDispSettings(Console, hWnd, 0);
ShowWindow(hWnd, SW_RESTORE); } }
UnlockConsole(Console); Unlock = FALSE;
NtSetEvent((HANDLE)lParam, NULL); NtClose((HANDLE)lParam); break; #endif
#if defined (FE_IME)
case CM_SET_IME_CODEPAGE: { if (!LOWORD(lParam)) { // Input code page
Status = SetImeCodePage(Console); } else { // Output code page
Status = SetImeOutputCodePage(Console, ScreenInfo, HIWORD(lParam)); }
if (wParam) { NtSetEvent((HANDLE)wParam, NULL); NtClose((HANDLE)wParam); } break; } case CM_SET_NLSMODE: Status = SetImeKeyState(Console, ImmConversionFromConsole((DWORD)lParam)); if (wParam) { NtSetEvent((HANDLE)wParam, NULL); NtClose((HANDLE)wParam); } break; case CM_GET_NLSMODE: if (Console->InputThreadInfo->hWndConsoleIME) { ASSERT(CONSOLE_IS_IME_ENABLED());
if (!NT_SUCCESS(GetImeKeyState(Console, NULL))) { if (wParam) { NtSetEvent((HANDLE)wParam, NULL); NtClose((HANDLE)wParam); } break; } if (wParam) { NtSetEvent((HANDLE)wParam, NULL); NtClose((HANDLE)wParam); } } else if (lParam < 10) { /*
* try get conversion mode until ready ConIME. */ Status = QueueConsoleMessage(Console, CM_GET_NLSMODE, wParam, lParam+1 ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (wParam) { NtSetEvent((HANDLE)wParam, NULL); NtClose((HANDLE)wParam); } } } else { if (wParam) { NtSetEvent((HANDLE)wParam, NULL); NtClose((HANDLE)wParam); } } break; #endif // FE_IME
#if defined(_X86_)
* This is called by win32k.sys to request a display mode * transition. */
RIPMSG0(RIP_WARNING, "WindowProc - CM_MODE_TRANSITION"); if (wParam == FULLSCREEN) { if (Console->FullScreenFlags == 0) { ConvertToFullScreen(Console); Console->FullScreenFlags |= CONSOLE_FULLSCREEN; ChangeDispSettings(Console, hWnd, CDS_FULLSCREEN); } } else { if (Console->FullScreenFlags & CONSOLE_FULLSCREEN) { ConvertToWindowed(Console); Console->FullScreenFlags &= ~CONSOLE_FULLSCREEN; ChangeDispSettings(Console, hWnd, 0);
ShowWindow(hWnd, SW_RESTORE); } }
UnlockConsole(Console); Unlock = FALSE;
break; #endif // _X86_
case CM_HIDE_WINDOW: ShowWindowAsync(hWnd, SW_MINIMIZE); break; case CM_PROPERTIES_START: Console->hWndProperties = (HWND)wParam; break; case CM_PROPERTIES_UPDATE: PropertiesUpdate(Console, (HANDLE)wParam); break; case CM_PROPERTIES_END: Console->hWndProperties = NULL; break; #if defined(FE_IME)
case WM_COPYDATA: if (CONSOLE_IS_IME_ENABLED() && CONSOLE_IS_DBCS_OUTPUTCP(Console)) { Status = ImeControl(Console,(HWND)wParam,(PCOPYDATASTRUCT)lParam); } break; // v-HirShi Sep.18.1995 Support Console IME
case WM_ENTERMENULOOP: if (Console->Flags & CONSOLE_HAS_FOCUS) { Console->InputBuffer.ImeMode.Unavailable = TRUE; if (CONSOLE_IS_IME_ENABLED()) { if (!NT_SUCCESS(ConsoleImeMessagePump(Console, CONIME_KILLFOCUS, (WPARAM)Console->ConsoleHandle, (LPARAM)NULL ))) { break; } } } break;
case WM_EXITMENULOOP: if (Console->Flags & CONSOLE_HAS_FOCUS) { if (CONSOLE_IS_IME_ENABLED()) { if (!NT_SUCCESS(ConsoleImeMessagePump(Console, CONIME_SETFOCUS, (WPARAM)Console->ConsoleHandle, (LPARAM)Console->hklActive ))) { break; } } Console->InputBuffer.ImeMode.Unavailable = FALSE; } break;
case WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE: if (Console->Flags & CONSOLE_HAS_FOCUS) { Console->InputBuffer.ImeMode.Unavailable = TRUE; } break;
case WM_EXITSIZEMOVE: if (Console->Flags & CONSOLE_HAS_FOCUS) { Console->InputBuffer.ImeMode.Unavailable = FALSE; } break; #endif // FE_IME
CallDefWin: default: if (Unlock && Console != NULL) { UnlockConsole(Console); Unlock = FALSE; } Status = DefWindowProc(hWnd,Message,wParam,lParam); break; } } } finally { if (Unlock && Console != NULL) { UnlockConsole(Console); } }
return Status; }
* Drag and Drop support functions for console window */
Routine Description:
This routine retrieves the filenames of dropped files. It was copied from shelldll API DragQueryFile. We didn't use DragQueryFile () because we don't want to load Shell32.dll in CSR
Arguments: Same as DragQueryFile
Return Value:
--*/ UINT ConsoleDragQueryFile( IN HANDLE hDrop, IN PVOID lpFile, IN UINT cb) { UINT i = 0; LPDROPFILESTRUCT lpdfs; BOOL fWide;
lpdfs = (LPDROPFILESTRUCT)GlobalLock(hDrop);
if (lpdfs && lpdfs != hDrop) { try { fWide = (LOWORD(lpdfs->pFiles) == sizeof(DROPFILES)); if (fWide) { //
// This is a new (NT-compatible) HDROP
fWide = lpdfs->fWide; // Redetermine fWide from struct
// since it is present.
if (fWide) { LPWSTR lpList;
lpList = (LPWSTR)((LPBYTE)lpdfs + lpdfs->pFiles);
i = lstrlenW(lpList);
if (!i) goto Exit;
cb--; if (cb < i) i = cb;
lstrcpynW((LPWSTR)lpFile, lpList, i + 1); } else { LPSTR lpList;
// This is Win31-style HDROP or an ANSI NT Style HDROP
lpList = (LPSTR)((LPBYTE)lpdfs + lpdfs->pFiles);
i = lstrlenA(lpList);
if (!i) { goto Exit; }
cb--; if (cb < i) { i = cb; }
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, lpList, -1, (LPWSTR)lpFile, cb);
} } except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { RIPMSG1(RIP_WARNING, "CONSRV: WM_DROPFILES raised exception 0x%x", GetExceptionCode()); i = 0; } Exit: GlobalUnlock(hDrop); GlobalFree(hDrop); }
return i; }
Routine Description:
This routine is called when ConsoleWindowProc receives a WM_DROPFILES message. It initially calls ConsoleDragQueryFile() to calculate the number of files dropped and then ConsoleDragQueryFile() is called to retrieve the filename. DoStringPaste() pastes the filename to the console window
Arguments: wParam - Identifies the structure containing the filenames of the dropped files. Console - Pointer to CONSOLE_INFORMATION structure
Return Value: None
--*/ VOID DoDrop( WPARAM wParam, PCONSOLE_INFORMATION Console) { WCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH]; BOOL fAddQuotes;
if (ConsoleDragQueryFile((HANDLE)wParam, szPath, ARRAY_SIZE(szPath))) { fAddQuotes = (wcschr(szPath, L' ') != NULL); if (fAddQuotes) { DoStringPaste(Console, L"\"", 1); } DoStringPaste(Console, szPath, wcslen(szPath)); if (fAddQuotes) { DoStringPaste(Console, L"\"", 1); } } }
BOOL CreateDbcsScreenBuffer( IN PCONSOLE_INFORMATION Console, IN COORD dwScreenBufferSize, OUT PDBCS_SCREEN_BUFFER DbcsScreenBuffer) { if (CONSOLE_IS_DBCS_OUTPUTCP(Console)) { DbcsScreenBuffer->TransBufferCharacter = ConsoleHeapAlloc(SCREEN_DBCS_TAG, (dwScreenBufferSize.X * dwScreenBufferSize.Y * sizeof(WCHAR)) + sizeof(WCHAR)); if (DbcsScreenBuffer->TransBufferCharacter == NULL) { return FALSE; }
DbcsScreenBuffer->TransBufferAttribute = ConsoleHeapAlloc(SCREEN_DBCS_TAG, (dwScreenBufferSize.X * dwScreenBufferSize.Y * sizeof(BYTE)) + sizeof(BYTE)); if (DbcsScreenBuffer->TransBufferAttribute == NULL) { ConsoleHeapFree(DbcsScreenBuffer->TransBufferCharacter); return FALSE; }
DbcsScreenBuffer->TransWriteConsole = ConsoleHeapAlloc(SCREEN_DBCS_TAG, (dwScreenBufferSize.X * dwScreenBufferSize.Y * sizeof(WCHAR)) + sizeof(WCHAR)); if (DbcsScreenBuffer->TransWriteConsole == NULL) { ConsoleHeapFree(DbcsScreenBuffer->TransBufferAttribute); ConsoleHeapFree(DbcsScreenBuffer->TransBufferCharacter); return FALSE; }
DbcsScreenBuffer->KAttrRows = ConsoleHeapAlloc(SCREEN_DBCS_TAG, dwScreenBufferSize.X * dwScreenBufferSize.Y * sizeof(BYTE)); if (DbcsScreenBuffer->KAttrRows == NULL) { ConsoleHeapFree(DbcsScreenBuffer->TransWriteConsole); ConsoleHeapFree(DbcsScreenBuffer->TransBufferAttribute); ConsoleHeapFree(DbcsScreenBuffer->TransBufferCharacter); return FALSE; } } else { DbcsScreenBuffer->TransBufferCharacter = NULL; DbcsScreenBuffer->TransBufferAttribute = NULL; DbcsScreenBuffer->TransWriteConsole = NULL; DbcsScreenBuffer->KAttrRows = NULL; }
return TRUE; }
BOOL DeleteDbcsScreenBuffer( IN PDBCS_SCREEN_BUFFER DbcsScreenBuffer ) { if (DbcsScreenBuffer->KAttrRows) { ConsoleHeapFree(DbcsScreenBuffer->TransBufferCharacter); ConsoleHeapFree(DbcsScreenBuffer->TransBufferAttribute); ConsoleHeapFree(DbcsScreenBuffer->TransWriteConsole); ConsoleHeapFree(DbcsScreenBuffer->KAttrRows); }
return TRUE; }
BOOL ReCreateDbcsScreenBufferWorker( IN PCONSOLE_INFORMATION Console, IN PSCREEN_INFORMATION ScreenInfo ) { SHORT i; PBYTE KAttrRowPtr; COORD dwScreenBufferSize; DBCS_SCREEN_BUFFER NewDbcsScreenBuffer;
ASSERT(ScreenInfo->Flags & CONSOLE_TEXTMODE_BUFFER); if (!(ScreenInfo->Flags & CONSOLE_TEXTMODE_BUFFER)) { return FALSE; }
dwScreenBufferSize = ScreenInfo->ScreenBufferSize;
if (!CreateDbcsScreenBuffer(Console, dwScreenBufferSize, &NewDbcsScreenBuffer)) { return FALSE; }
KAttrRowPtr = NewDbcsScreenBuffer.KAttrRows; for (i = 0; i < dwScreenBufferSize.Y; i++) { ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.Rows[i].CharRow.KAttrs = KAttrRowPtr; if (KAttrRowPtr) { RtlZeroMemory(KAttrRowPtr, dwScreenBufferSize.X); KAttrRowPtr += dwScreenBufferSize.X; } } ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.DbcsScreenBuffer = NewDbcsScreenBuffer;
return TRUE; }
BOOL ReCreateDbcsScreenBuffer( IN PCONSOLE_INFORMATION pConsole, IN UINT OldCodePage) { BOOL fResult = FALSE; PDBCS_SCREEN_BUFFER_TRACKER pDbcsScreenBuffer; PSCREEN_INFORMATION pScreenInfo; UINT nScreen; UINT i; #if DBG
UINT nScreenSave; #endif
// If DbcsBuffers don't need to be modified, just bail out.
if (!IsAvailableFarEastCodePage(OldCodePage) == !CONSOLE_IS_DBCS_OUTPUTCP(pConsole) ) return TRUE;
// Count the number of screens allocated.
for (nScreen = 0, pScreenInfo = pConsole->ScreenBuffers; pScreenInfo; pScreenInfo = pScreenInfo->Next) { //
// Ignore graphic mode buffer.
if (pScreenInfo->Flags & CONSOLE_TEXTMODE_BUFFER) { ++nScreen; } } #if DBG
nScreenSave = nScreen; #endif
// Allocate the temporary buffer to store the old values
pDbcsScreenBuffer = ConsoleHeapAlloc(TMP_DBCS_TAG, sizeof(*pDbcsScreenBuffer) * nScreen); if (pDbcsScreenBuffer == NULL) { RIPMSG0(RIP_WARNING, "ReCreateDbcsScreenBuffer: not enough memory."); return FALSE; }
// Try to allocate or de-allocate the necessary DBCS buffers
for (nScreen = 0, pScreenInfo = pConsole->ScreenBuffers; pScreenInfo; pScreenInfo = pScreenInfo->Next) { ASSERT(nScreen < nScreenSave); // make sure ScreenBuffers are not changed
// We only handle the text mode screen buffer.
if (pScreenInfo->Flags & CONSOLE_TEXTMODE_BUFFER) { //
// Save the previous value just in case something goes bad.
#if DBG
pDbcsScreenBuffer[nScreen].pScreenInfo = pScreenInfo; #endif
pDbcsScreenBuffer[nScreen++].data = pScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.DbcsScreenBuffer;
if (!ReCreateDbcsScreenBufferWorker(pConsole, pScreenInfo)) { //
// If we fail to ReCreate the DbcsScreenBuffer,
// free all allocation to this point, and restore the orginal.
RIPMSG0(RIP_WARNING, "ReCreateDbcsScreenBuffer: failed to recreate dbcs screen buffer.");
for (i = 0, pScreenInfo = pConsole->ScreenBuffers; i < nScreen; pScreenInfo = pScreenInfo->Next) { ASSERT(pScreenInfo);
if (pScreenInfo->Flags & CONSOLE_TEXTMODE_BUFFER) { ASSERT(pDbcsScreenBuffer[i].pScreenInfo == pScreenInfo); if (i < nScreen - 1) { ASSERT(pScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.DbcsScreenBuffer.KAttrRows != pDbcsScreenBuffer[i].data.KAttrRows); DeleteDbcsScreenBuffer(&pScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.DbcsScreenBuffer); }
pScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo.DbcsScreenBuffer = pDbcsScreenBuffer[i++].data; } } goto exit; } } }
// All allocation succeeded. Now we can delete the old allocation.
for (i = 0; i < nScreen; ++i) { DeleteDbcsScreenBuffer(&pDbcsScreenBuffer[i].data); }
fResult = TRUE;
exit: ConsoleHeapFree(pDbcsScreenBuffer);
return fResult; }
// Checks if the primary language of this keyborad layout is BiDi or not.
BOOL IsNotBiDILayout( HKL hkl) { BOOL bRet = TRUE; LANGID LangID = PRIMARYLANGID(HandleToUlong(hkl));
if (LangID == LANG_ARABIC || LangID == LANG_HEBREW) { bRet = FALSE; }
return bRet; }
VOID GetNonBiDiKeyboardLayout( HKL *phklActive) { HKL hkl = *phklActive; HKL hklActive = *phklActive;
if (IsNotBiDILayout(hkl)) { return; }
// Start with the default one.
ActivateKeyboardLayout(hkl, 0); // We know that the default is not good, activate the next.
ActivateKeyboardLayout((HKL)HKL_NEXT, 0);
// Loop until you find a none BiDi one or endof list.
while (hkl = GetKeyboardLayout(0)) { if ((hkl == hklActive) || IsNotBiDILayout(hkl)) { *phklActive = hkl; break; } ActivateKeyboardLayout((HKL)HKL_NEXT, 0); } }
#if defined(FE_SB)
#define WWSB_NOFE
#include "_output.h"
#undef WWSB_NOFE
#define WWSB_FE
#include "_output.h"
#undef WWSB_FE
#endif // FE_SB