* Module Name: font.c * * Created: 28-May-1991 13:01:27 * Author: Gilman Wong [gilmanw] * * Copyright (c) 1990-1999 Microsoft Corporation * \**************************************************************************/
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "exehdr.h"
#include "fot16.h"
#include "winfont.h"
// Stuf for CreateScaleableFontResource
#define CODE_OFFSET 512
#define RESOURCE_OFFSET 1024
#define PRIVRESSIZE 0x80
#define NE_WINDOWS 2
static WCHAR * pwszAllocNtMultiplePath( LPWSTR pwszFileName, FLONG *pfl, ULONG *pcwc, ULONG *pcFiles, BOOL bAddFR, // called by add or remove fr
DWORD *pdwPidTid, // PID/TID for embedded font
// Define an EXE header. This will be hardcoded into the resource file.
#define SIZEEXEHEADER (CJ_EXE_HDR + 25 + 39) // should be 0x80
CONST static BYTE ajExeHeader[SIZEEXEHEADER] = { 0x4d, 0x5a, // unsigned short e_magic;
0x01, 0x00, // unsigned short e_cblp;
0x02, 0x00, // unsigned short e_cp;
0x00, 0x00, // unsigned short e_crlc;
0x04, 0x00, // unsigned short e_cparhdr;
0x0f, 0x00, // unsigned short e_minalloc;
0xff, 0xff, // unsigned short e_maxalloc;
0x00, 0x00, // unsigned short e_ss;
0xb8, 0x00, // unsigned short e_sp;
0x00, 0x00, // unsigned short e_csum;
0x00, 0x00, // unsigned short e_ip;
0x00, 0x00, // unsigned short e_cs;
0x40, 0x00, // unsigned short e_lfarlc;
0x00, 0x00, // unsigned short e_ovno;
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // unsigned short e_res[ERESWDS];
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, SIZEEXEHEADER, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // long e_lfanew;
// [gilmanw]
// I don't know what the rest of this stuff is. Its not
// in the definition of EXE_HDR that we have in gdi\inc\exehdr.h.
// The string is 39 bytes, the other stuff is 25 bytes.
0x0e, 0x1f, 0xba, 0x0e, 0x00, 0xb4, 0x09, 0xcd, 0x21, 0xb8, 0x01, 0x4c, 0xcd, 0x21,
'T','h','i','s',' ', 'i','s',' ', 'a',' ', 'T','r','u','e','T','y','p','e',' ', 'f','o','n','t',',',' ', 'n','o','t',' ', 'a',' ', 'p','r','o','g','r','a','m','.',
0x0d, 0x0d, 0x0a, 0x24, 0x00, 0x4b, 0x69, 0x65, 0x73, 0x61, 0x00 };
// Define a resource table. This will be hardcoded into the resource file.
CONST static USHORT ausFakeResTable[SIZEFAKERESTBL/2] = { ALIGNMENTSHIFT, 0x8007, 1, 0, 0, (RESOURCE_OFFSET+PRIVRESSIZE) >> ALIGNMENTSHIFT, (0x90 >> ALIGNMENTSHIFT), 0x0c50, 0x002c, 0, 0, 0x80cc, 1, 0, 0, RESOURCE_OFFSET >> ALIGNMENTSHIFT, (PRIVRESSIZE >> ALIGNMENTSHIFT), 0x0c50, 0x8001, 0, 0, 0, 0x4607, 0x4e4f, 0x4454, 0x5249 // counted string 'FONTDIR'
// Define a New EXE header. This will be hardcoded into the resource file.
CONST static USHORT ausNewExe[SIZENEWEXE/2] = { NEMAGIC, //dw NEMAGIC ;magic number
0x1005, //db 5, 10h ;version #, revision #
0xffff, //dw -1 ;offset to table entry (to be filled)
0x0002, //dw 2 ;# of bytes in entry table
0x0000, 0x0000, //dd 0 ;checksum of whole file
0x8000, 0x0000, //dw 8000h, 0, 0, 0
0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, //dd 0, 0
0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, //dw 0, 0
0xffff, //dw -1 ;size of non-resident name table
SIZENEWEXE, //dw (size NewExe) ;offset to segment table
SIZENEWEXE, //dw (size NewExe) ;offset to resource table
SIZENEWEXE+SIZEFAKERESTBL, //dw (size NewExe)+SIZEFAKERESTBL ;off to resident name table
0xffff, //dw -1 ;offset to module reference table
0xffff, //dw -1 ;offset to imported names table
0xffff, 0x0000, //dd 0ffffh ;offset to non-resident names table
0x0002, NE_WINDOWS, //db NE_WINDOWS, 0
0x0000, 0x0000, //dw 0, 0, 0, 300h
0x0000, 0x0300 };
// Define font res string.
CONST static BYTE ajFontRes[SIZEFONTRES] = { 'F','O','N','T','R','E','S',':' };
static VOID vNewTextMetricExWToNewTextMetricExA ( NEWTEXTMETRICEXA *pntm, NTMW_INTERNAL *pntmi );
typedef struct _AFRTRACKNODE { WCHAR *pwszPath; struct _AFRTRACKNODE *pafrnNext; UINT id; UINT cLoadCount; } AFRTRACKNODE;
static VOID vConvertLogicalFont( ENUMLOGFONTEXDVW *pelfw, PVOID pv );
ULONG cchCutOffStrLen(PSZ psz, ULONG cCutOff);
ULONG cwcCutOffStrLen ( PWSZ pwsz, ULONG cCutOff );
// GETS ushort at (PBYTE)pv + off. both pv and off must be even
#define US_GET(pv,off) ( *(PUSHORT)((PBYTE)(pv) + (off)) )
#define S_GET(pv,off) ((SHORT)US_GET((pv),(off)))
// Now access to these guys insn't sycnronized but they
// don't ever collide anyhow, and since it's debug stuff who cares.
ULONG bmgulNumMappedViews = 0; ULONG bmgulTotalSizeViews = 0;
* BOOL bMapFileUNICODEClideSide * * Similar to PosMapFile except that it takes unicode file name * * History: * Feb-05-1997 -by- Xudong Wu [tessiew] * Extend the function by adding an extra parameter bNtPath to handle the * NT path name for file mapping. * * 21-May-1991 -by- Bodin Dresevic [BodinD] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
PWSTR pszFilePart = NULL;
// NOTE PERF: this is the mode I want, but appears to be broken, so I had to
// put the slower FILE_STANDARD_INFORMATION mode of query which appears to
// work correctly [bodind]
pfvw->hf = (HANDLE)0; // file handle
pfvw->hSection = (HANDLE)0; // section handle
ObFileName.Buffer = NULL;
// section offset must be initialized to 0 for NtMapViewOfSection to work
if (bNtPath) { RtlInitUnicodeString(&ObFileName, pwszFileName); } else //Dos path name converted to NtpathName
{ RtlDosPathNameToNtPathName_U(pwszFileName, &ObFileName, &pszFilePart, NULL); }
InitializeObjectAttributes( &ObjA, &ObFileName, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, // case insensitive file search
// NtOpenFile fails for some reason if the file is on the net unless I put this
// InpersonateClient/RevertToSelf stuff around it
// peform open call
rc = NtOpenFile ( &pfvw->hf, // store file handle here
FILE_READ_DATA | SYNCHRONIZE, // desired read access
&ObjA, // filename
&iosb, // io result goes here
if (!bNtPath && ObFileName.Buffer) { RtlFreeHeap(RtlProcessHeap(),0,ObFileName.Buffer); }
// check success or fail
if (!NT_SUCCESS(rc) || !NT_SUCCESS(iosb.Status)) { #ifdef DEBUG_THIS_JUNK
DbgPrint("bMapFileUNICODEClideSide(): NtOpenFile error code , rc = 0x%08lx , 0x%08lx\n", rc, iosb.Status); #endif // DEBUG_THIS_JUNK
return FALSE; }
// get the size of the file, the view should be size of the file rounded up
// to a page bdry
rc = NtQueryInformationFile ( pfvw->hf, // IN file handle
&iosb, // OUT io status block
(PVOID)&eof, // OUT buffer to retrun info into
sizeof(eof), // IN size of the buffer
FileStandardInformation // IN query mode
// dont really want the view size, but eof file
pfvw->cjView = eof.EndOfFile.LowPart;
if (!NT_SUCCESS(rc)) { #ifdef DEBUG_THIS_JUNK
DbgPrint("bMapFileUNICODEClideSide(): NtQueryInformationFile error code 0x%08lx\n", rc); #endif // DEBUG_THIS_JUNK
NtClose(pfvw->hf); return FALSE; }
rc = NtCreateSection ( &pfvw->hSection, // return section handle here
SECTION_MAP_READ, // read access to the section
NULL, // size is set to the size of the file when hf != 0
PAGE_READONLY, // read access to commited pages
SEC_COMMIT, // all pages set to the commit state
pfvw->hf // that's the file we are mapping
// check success, close the file if failed
if (!NT_SUCCESS(rc)) { #ifdef DEBUG_THIS_JUNK
DbgPrint("bMapFileUNICODEClideSide(): NtCreateSection error code 0x%08lx\n", rc); #endif // DEBUG_THIS_JUNK
NtClose(pfvw->hf); return FALSE; }
// zero out *ppv so as to force the operating system to determine
// the base address to be returned
pfvw->pvView = (PVOID)NULL; cjView = 0L;
rc = NtMapViewOfSection ( pfvw->hSection, // section we are mapping
NtCurrentProcess(), // process handle
&pfvw->pvView, // place to return the base address of view
0L, // requested # of zero bits in the base address
0L, // commit size, (all of them commited already)
NULL, &cjView, // size of the view should is returned here
ViewUnmap, // do not map the view to child processess
0L, // allocation type flags
PAGE_READONLY // read access to commited pages
if (!NT_SUCCESS(rc)) { #ifdef DEBUG_THIS_JUNK
DbgPrint("bMapFileUNICODEClideSide(): NtMapViewOfSection error code 0x%08lx\n", rc); #endif // DEBUG_THIS_JUNK
NtClose(pfvw->hSection); NtClose(pfvw->hf); return FALSE; }
DbgPrint("cjView = 0x%lx, eof.Low = 0x%lx, eof.High = 0x%lx\n", cjView, eof.EndOfFile.LowPart, eof.EndOfFile.HighPart); #endif // DEBUG_THIS_JUNK
// #define PAGE_SIZE 4096 --- this is now defined in local.h
#define PAGE_ROUNDUP(x) (((x) + PAGE_SIZE - 1) & ~(PAGE_SIZE - 1))
if ( (eof.EndOfFile.HighPart != 0) || (PAGE_ROUNDUP(eof.EndOfFile.LowPart) > cjView) ) { #ifdef DEBUG_THIS_JUNK
DbgPrint( "bMapFileUNICODEClideSide(): eof.HighPart = 0x%lx, eof.LowPart = 0x%lx, cjView = 0x%lx\n", eof.EndOfFile.HighPart, PAGE_ROUNDUP(eof.EndOfFile.LowPart), cjView ); #endif // DEBUG_THIS_JUNK
if (!NT_SUCCESS(rc) || (pfvw->cjView == 0)) { NtClose(pfvw->hSection); NtClose(pfvw->hf); return FALSE; } else if (pfvw->cjView == 0) { #if DBG
DbgPrint("gdisrvl!bMapFileUNICODEClideSide(): WARNING--empty file %ws\n", pwszFileName); #endif
vUnmapFileClideSide(pfvw); return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } }
* vUnmapFileClideSide * * Unmaps file whose view is based at pv * * 14-Dec-1990 -by- Bodin Dresevic [BodinD] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
VOID vUnmapFileClideSide(PCLIENT_SIDE_FILEVIEW pfvw) {
// Now access to these guys insn't sycnronized but they (we hope)
// don't ever collide anyhow, and since it's debug stuff who cares.
bmgulNumMappedViews -= 1; bmgulTotalSizeViews -= PAGE_ROUNDUP(pfvw->cjView); // DbgPrint("UnMapping %lu %lu\n",pfvw->cjView,PAGE_ROUNDUP(pfvw->cjView));
// now close section handle
// close file handle. other processes can now open this file for access
// prevent accidental use
pfvw->pvView = NULL; pfvw->hf = (HANDLE)0; pfvw->hSection = (HANDLE)0; pfvw->cjView = 0; }
* * BOOL bVerifyFOT * * Effects: verify that that a file is valid fot file * * * History: * 29-Jan-1992 -by- Bodin Dresevic [BodinD] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
static BOOL bVerifyFOT ( PCLIENT_SIDE_FILEVIEW pfvw, PWINRESDATA pwrd, FLONG *pflEmbed, DWORD *pdwPidTid ) { PBYTE pjNewExe; // ptr to the beginning of the new exe hdr
PBYTE pjResType; // ptr to the beginning of TYPEINFO struct
ULONG iResID; // resource type id
PBYTE pjData; ULONG ulLength; ULONG ulNameID; ULONG crn;
pwrd->pvView = pfvw->pvView; pwrd->cjView = pfvw->cjView;
// Initialize embed flag to FALSE (not hidden).
*pflEmbed = 0; *pdwPidTid = 0;
// check the magic # at the beginning of the old header
// *.TTF FILES are eliminated on the following check
if (US_GET(pfvw->pvView, OFF_e_magic) != EMAGIC) { return (FALSE); }
pwrd->dpNewExe = (PTRDIFF)READ_DWORD((PBYTE)pfvw->pvView + OFF_e_lfanew);
// make sure that offset is consistent
if ((ULONG)pwrd->dpNewExe > pwrd->cjView) { return FALSE; }
pjNewExe = (PBYTE)pfvw->pvView + pwrd->dpNewExe;
if (US_GET(pjNewExe, OFF_ne_magic) != NEMAGIC) { return (FALSE); }
pwrd->cjResTab = (ULONG)(US_GET(pjNewExe, OFF_ne_restab) - US_GET(pjNewExe, OFF_ne_rsrctab));
if (pwrd->cjResTab == 0L) { // The following test is applied by DOS, so I presume that it is
// legitimate. The assumption is that the resident name table
// FOLLOWS the resource table directly, and that if it points to
// the same location as the resource table, then there are no
// resources. [bodind]
WARNING("No resources in *.fot file\n"); return(FALSE); }
// want offset from pvView, not from pjNewExe => must add dpNewExe
pwrd->dpResTab = (PTRDIFF)US_GET(pjNewExe, OFF_ne_rsrctab) + pwrd->dpNewExe;
// make sure that offset is consistent
if ((ULONG)pwrd->dpResTab > pwrd->cjView) { return FALSE; }
// what really lies at the offset OFF_ne_rsrctab is a NEW_RSRC.rs_align field
// that is used in computing resource data offsets and sizes as a shift factor.
// This field occupies two bytes on the disk and the first TYPEINFO structure
// follows right after. We want pwrd->dpResTab to point to the first
// TYPEINFO structure, so we must add 2 to get there and subtract 2 from
// the length
pwrd->ulShift = (ULONG) US_GET(pfvw->pvView, pwrd->dpResTab); pwrd->dpResTab += 2; pwrd->cjResTab -= 2;
// Now we want to determine where the resource data is located.
// The data consists of a RSRC_TYPEINFO structure, followed by
// an array of RSRC_NAMEINFO structures, which are then followed
// by a RSRC_TYPEINFO structure, again followed by an array of
// RSRC_NAMEINFO structures. This continues until an RSRC_TYPEINFO
// structure which has a 0 in the rt_id field.
pjResType = (PBYTE)pfvw->pvView + pwrd->dpResTab; iResID = (ULONG) US_GET(pjResType,OFF_rt_id);
while(iResID) { // # of NAMEINFO structures that follow = resources of this type
crn = (ULONG)US_GET(pjResType, OFF_rt_nres);
if ((crn == 1) && ((iResID == RT_FDIR) || (iResID == RT_PSZ))) { // this is the only interesting case, we only want a single
// font directory and a single string resource for a ttf file name
pjData = (PBYTE)pfvw->pvView + (US_GET(pjResType,CJ_TYPEINFO + OFF_rn_offset) << pwrd->ulShift); ulLength = (ULONG)US_GET(pjResType,CJ_TYPEINFO + OFF_rn_length) << pwrd->ulShift; ulNameID = (ULONG)US_GET(pjResType,CJ_TYPEINFO + OFF_rn_id);
if (iResID == RT_FDIR) { if (ulNameID != RN_ID_FDIR) { return (FALSE); // *.fon files get eliminated here
pwrd->pjHdr = pjData + 4; // 4 bytes to the beginning of font device header
pwrd->cjHdr = ulLength - 4;
// Used to check if the client thread or process is allowed to
// load this font and get the FRW_EMB_PID and FRW_EMB_TID flags
// Any client thread or process is authorized to load a font if
// the font isn't ebmeded ( i.e. hidden ). If
// FRW_EMB_PID is set then the PID written in the
// copyright string of the must equal that of the client
// process. If the FRW_EMB_TID flag is set then the
// TID written into the copyright
// string must equal that of the client thread.
// Returns TRUE if this client process or thread is authorized
// to load this font or FALSE if it isn't.
// Note: Win 3.1 hack. The LSB of Type is used by Win 3.1 as an engine type
// and font embedding flag. Font embedding is a form of a "hidden
// font file". The MSB of Type is the same as the fsSelection from
// IFIMETRICS. (Strictly speaking, the MSB of Type is equal to the
// LSB of IFIMETRICS.fsSelection).
// now convert flags from the font file format to the ifi format
*pflEmbed = ((READ_WORD(pwrd->pjHdr + OFF_Type) & 0x00ff) & ( PF_TID | PF_ENCAPSULATED));
if (*pflEmbed) { *pflEmbed = (*pflEmbed & PF_TID) ? FRW_EMB_TID : FRW_EMB_PID;
WARNING("bVerifyFOT(): notification--embedded (hidden) TT font\n");
*pdwPidTid = READ_DWORD( pwrd->pjHdr + OFF_Copyright ); } } else // iResID == RT_PSZ
{ ASSERTGDI(iResID == RT_PSZ, "bVerifyFOT!_not RT_PSZ\n");
if (ulNameID != RN_ID_PSZ) { WARNING("bVerifyFOT!_RN_ID_PSZ\n"); return(FALSE); }
pwrd->pszNameTTF = (PSZ)pjData; pwrd->cchNameTTF = strlen(pwrd->pszNameTTF);
if (ulLength < (pwrd->cchNameTTF + 1)) // 1 for terminating '\0'
{ WARNING("bVerifyFOT!_ pwrd->cchNameTTF\n"); return(FALSE); } } } else // this is something we do not recognize as an fot file
{ WARNING("bVerifyFOT!_fot file with crn != 1\n"); return(FALSE); }
// get ptr to the new TYPEINFO struc and the new resource id
pjResType = pjResType + CJ_TYPEINFO + crn * CJ_NAMEINFO; iResID = (ULONG) US_GET(pjResType,OFF_rt_id); } return(TRUE); }
* cGetTTFFromFOT * * Attempts to extract the TTF pathname from a given FOT file. If a return * buffer is provided (pwszTTFName !NULL), then the pathname is copied into * the buffer. Otherwise, if the buffer is NULL, the size of the buffer * (in WCHARs) needed is returned. * * Returns: * The number of characters copied into the return buffer. The number * of WCHARs needed in the buffer if the buffer is NULL. If an error * occurs, zero is returned. * * History: * 22-Apr-1992 -by- Gilman Wong [gilmanw] * Adapted from TTFD. \**************************************************************************/
#define FOT_EXCEPTED 0
#define FOT_NOT_FOT 1
#define FOT_IS_FOT 2
ULONG cGetTTFFromFOT ( WCHAR *pwszFOT, // pointer to incoming FOT name
ULONG cwcTTF, // size of buffer (in WCHAR)
WCHAR *pwszTTF, // return TTF name in this buffer
FLONG *pfl, // flags, indicate the location of the .ttf
FLONG *pflEmbed, // flag, indicating PID or TID
DWORD *pdwPidTid, // PID/TID for embedded font
ULONG cwcFOT = wcslen(pwszFOT);
if (cwcFOT >= 5) // fot file has to have a form x.fot, which is at least 5 wchars long
pwszTmp = &pwszFOT[cwcFOT - 4];
// here we are making the exception for FOT files and we require that the file has an .FOT
// extension for us to even try to recognize it as a valid FOT file.
if (bChkFOT || ( pwszTmp && (pwszTmp[0] == L'.') && (pwszTmp[1] == L'F' || pwszTmp[1] == L'f') && (pwszTmp[2] == L'O' || pwszTmp[2] == L'o') && (pwszTmp[3] == L'T' || pwszTmp[3] == L't')) ) { // Map the file into memory.
if (bMapFileUNICODEClideSide(pwszFOT,&fvw,FALSE)) { //
// Check the validity of this file as fot file
// and if a valid fot file, must extract the name of an underlining ttf
// file. The file could be on the net so we need try excepts.
try { if(bVerifyFOT(&fvw,&wrd,pflEmbed,pdwPidTid)) { // this could except which is why we do it here
vToUnicodeN(awcFile, MAX_PATH, wrd.pszNameTTF, strlen(wrd.pszNameTTF)+1); Result = FOT_IS_FOT; } else { Result = FOT_NOT_FOT; } } except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { WARNING("bVerifyFOT exception accessing font file\n"); Result = FOT_EXCEPTED; }
if(Result == FOT_IS_FOT) {
if (bMakePathNameW(awcPath,awcFile,NULL, pfl)) { //
// Determine pathname length
cNeed = wcslen(awcPath) + 1; pwszFOT = awcPath; }
// cGetTTFFromFOT called by font sweeper.
// TTF file might exist over net but connection has not been established yet.
else if (pfl) { cNeed = wcslen(awcFile) + 1; pwszFOT = awcFile; } } else if(Result != FOT_EXCEPTED) { //
// We have to assume it is another type of file.
// just copy the name in the buffer
cNeed = wcslen(pwszFOT) + 1;
if (pfl) { KdPrint(("cGetTTFFromFOT: Invalid FOT file: %ws\n", pwszFOT)); *pfl |= FONT_ISNOT_FOT; } }
vUnmapFileClideSide(&fvw); } } else { cNeed = cwcFOT + 1;
if (pfl) { KdPrint(("cGetTTFFromFOT: Invalid FOT file: %ws\n", pwszFOT)); *pfl |= FONT_ISNOT_FOT; } }
if (cNeed == 0) { KdPrint(("cGetTTFFromFOT failed for font file %ws\n", pwszFOT)); }
// If return buffer exists and we succeded, copy pathname to it.
if (cNeed && (pwszTTF != (PWSZ) NULL)) { if (cNeed <= cwcTTF) { wcscpy(pwszTTF, pwszFOT); } else { WARNING("gdisrv!cGetTTFFromFOT(): buffer too small\n"); cNeed = 0; } } else { //
// Otherwise, caller just wants us to return the number of characters.
return cNeed;
* * BOOL bInitSystemAndFontsDirectoriesW(WCHAR **ppwcSystemDir, WCHAR **ppwcFontsDir) * * Effects: * * Warnings: * * History: * 30-Oct-1995 -by- Bodin Dresevic [BodinD] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
WCHAR *gpwcSystemDir = NULL; WCHAR *gpwcFontsDir = NULL;
#define WSTR_SYSTEM_SUBDIR L"\\system"
#define WSTR_FONT_SUBDIR L"\\fonts"
BOOL bInitSystemAndFontsDirectoriesW(WCHAR **ppwcSystemDir, WCHAR **ppwcFontsDir) { WCHAR awcWindowsDir[MAX_PATH]; UINT cwchWinPath, cwchSystem, cwchFonts; BOOL bRet = TRUE;
// see if already initialized, if yes we are done.
if (!(*ppwcSystemDir)) { // Compute the windows and font directory pathname lengths (including NULL).
// Note that cwchWinPath may have a trailing '\', in which case we will
// have computed the path length to be one greater than it should be.
cwchWinPath = GetSystemWindowsDirectoryW(awcWindowsDir, MAX_PATH); if( cwchWinPath ){
// the cwchWinPath value does not include the terminating zero
if (awcWindowsDir[cwchWinPath - 1] == L'\\') { cwchWinPath -= 1; } awcWindowsDir[cwchWinPath] = L'\0'; // make sure to zero terminate
cwchSystem = cwchWinPath + sizeof(WSTR_SYSTEM_SUBDIR)/sizeof(WCHAR); cwchFonts = cwchWinPath + sizeof(WSTR_FONT_SUBDIR)/sizeof(WCHAR);
if (*ppwcSystemDir = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, (cwchSystem+cwchFonts) * sizeof(WCHAR))) { *ppwcFontsDir = &((*ppwcSystemDir)[cwchSystem]); wcscpy(*ppwcSystemDir,awcWindowsDir); wcscpy(*ppwcFontsDir,awcWindowsDir);
// Append the system and font subdirectories
lstrcatW(*ppwcSystemDir, WSTR_SYSTEM_SUBDIR); lstrcatW(*ppwcFontsDir, WSTR_FONT_SUBDIR); } else { bRet = FALSE; } } else { bRet = FALSE; } } return bRet; }
* vConverLogFont * * * * Converts a LOGFONTA into an equivalent ENUMLOGFONTEXDVW structure. * * * * History: * * Thu 15-Aug-1991 13:01:33 by Kirk Olynyk [kirko] * * Wrote it. * \**************************************************************************/
VOID vConvertLogFont( ENUMLOGFONTEXDVW *pelfexdvw, LOGFONTA *plf ) { ENUMLOGFONTEXW *pelfw = &pelfexdvw->elfEnumLogfontEx; ULONG cchMax;
// this one does everyting but the lfFaceName;
// do lfFaceName
cchMax = cchCutOffStrLen((PSZ) plf->lfFaceName, LF_FACESIZE); RtlZeroMemory(pelfw->elfLogFont.lfFaceName , LF_FACESIZE * sizeof(WCHAR) );
// translate the face name
vToUnicodeN((LPWSTR) pelfw->elfLogFont.lfFaceName, cchMax, (LPSTR) plf->lfFaceName, cchMax); if (cchMax == LF_FACESIZE) pelfw->elfLogFont.lfFaceName[LF_FACESIZE - 1] = L'\0'; // truncate so NULL will fit
else pelfw->elfLogFont.lfFaceName[cchMax] = L'\0';
* vConvertLogFontW * * * * Converts a LOGFONTW to an ENUMLOGFONTEXDVW * * * * History: * * Fri 16-Aug-1991 14:02:05 by Kirk Olynyk [kirko] * * Wrote it. * \**************************************************************************/
VOID vConvertLogFontW( ENUMLOGFONTEXDVW *pelfw, LOGFONTW *plfw ) { // this one does everything except for lfFaceName
// do lfFaceName
RtlCopyMemory( pelfw->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfLogFont.lfFaceName, plfw->lfFaceName, LF_FACESIZE * sizeof(WCHAR) );
* vConvertLogicalFont * * * * Simply copies over all of the fields of a LOGFONTA or LOGFONTW * * to the fields of a target ENUMLOGFONTEXDVW. The only exception is * * the FaceName which must be dealt with by another routine. * * * * History: * * Fri 16-Aug-1991 14:02:14 by Kirk Olynyk [kirko] * * Wrote it. * \**************************************************************************/ static VOID vConvertLogicalFont( ENUMLOGFONTEXDVW *pelfw, PVOID pv ) { pelfw->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfLogFont.lfHeight = ((LOGFONTA*)pv)->lfHeight; pelfw->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfLogFont.lfWidth = ((LOGFONTA*)pv)->lfWidth; pelfw->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfLogFont.lfEscapement = ((LOGFONTA*)pv)->lfEscapement; pelfw->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfLogFont.lfOrientation = ((LOGFONTA*)pv)->lfOrientation; pelfw->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfLogFont.lfWeight = ((LOGFONTA*)pv)->lfWeight; pelfw->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfLogFont.lfItalic = ((LOGFONTA*)pv)->lfItalic; pelfw->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfLogFont.lfUnderline = ((LOGFONTA*)pv)->lfUnderline; pelfw->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfLogFont.lfStrikeOut = ((LOGFONTA*)pv)->lfStrikeOut; pelfw->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfLogFont.lfCharSet = ((LOGFONTA*)pv)->lfCharSet; pelfw->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfLogFont.lfOutPrecision = ((LOGFONTA*)pv)->lfOutPrecision; pelfw->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfLogFont.lfClipPrecision = ((LOGFONTA*)pv)->lfClipPrecision; pelfw->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfLogFont.lfQuality = ((LOGFONTA*)pv)->lfQuality; pelfw->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfLogFont.lfPitchAndFamily = ((LOGFONTA*)pv)->lfPitchAndFamily;
// lfFaceName is done in the calling routine
pelfw->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfFullName[0] = 0; pelfw->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfStyle[0] = 0; pelfw->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfScript[0] = 0;
pelfw->elfDesignVector.dvReserved = STAMP_DESIGNVECTOR; pelfw->elfDesignVector.dvNumAxes = 0;
* * BOOL bConvertLogFontWToLogFontA(LOGFONTA *plfw, LOGFONTW *plfa) * * History: * 10-Dec-1996 -by- Bodin Dresevic [BodinD] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
BOOL bConvertLogFontWToLogFontA(LOGFONTA *plfa, LOGFONTW *plfw) { ULONG cchMax;
plfa->lfHeight = plfw->lfHeight ; plfa->lfWidth = plfw->lfWidth ; plfa->lfEscapement = plfw->lfEscapement ; plfa->lfOrientation = plfw->lfOrientation ; plfa->lfWeight = plfw->lfWeight ; plfa->lfItalic = plfw->lfItalic ; plfa->lfUnderline = plfw->lfUnderline ; plfa->lfStrikeOut = plfw->lfStrikeOut ; plfa->lfCharSet = plfw->lfCharSet ; plfa->lfOutPrecision = plfw->lfOutPrecision ; plfa->lfClipPrecision = plfw->lfClipPrecision ; plfa->lfQuality = plfw->lfQuality ; plfa->lfPitchAndFamily = plfw->lfPitchAndFamily ;
cchMax = cwcCutOffStrLen(plfw->lfFaceName, LF_FACESIZE);
return (bToASCII_N(plfa->lfFaceName, LF_FACESIZE, plfw->lfFaceName, cchMax)); }
* bConvertEnumLogFontExWToEnumLogFontExA * * * * Simply copies over all of the fields of ENUMLOGFONTEXDVW * * to the fields of a target ENUMLOGFONTEXDVA. It is all wrapped up here * * because the ENUMLOGFONTEXDV may move around a bit. This makes * * using MOVEMEM a little tricky. * * * * History: * * Fri 16-Aug-1991 14:02:14 by Kirk Olynyk [kirko] * * Wrote it. * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL bConvertEnumLogFontExWToEnumLogFontExA(ENUMLOGFONTEXA *pelfexa,ENUMLOGFONTEXW *pelfexw) { ULONG cchMax;
if (!bConvertLogFontWToLogFontA(&pelfexa->elfLogFont, &pelfexw->elfLogFont)) { // conversion to ascii failed, return error
WARNING("bConvertLogFontWToLogFontA failed\n"); return(FALSE); }
cchMax = cwcCutOffStrLen(pelfexw->elfFullName, LF_FULLFACESIZE);
if(!bToASCII_N(pelfexa->elfFullName, LF_FULLFACESIZE, pelfexw->elfFullName, cchMax )) { // conversion to ascii failed, return error
WARNING("bConvertEnumLogFontExWToEnumLogFontExA: bToASCII failed\n"); return(FALSE); } pelfexa->elfFullName[LF_FULLFACESIZE-1]=0; // zero terminate
cchMax = cwcCutOffStrLen(pelfexw->elfStyle, LF_FACESIZE);
if(!bToASCII_N(pelfexa->elfStyle, LF_FACESIZE, pelfexw->elfStyle, cchMax)) { // conversion to ascii failed, return error
WARNING("bConvertEnumLogFontExWToEnumLogFontExA: bToASCII failed\n"); return(FALSE); }
cchMax = cwcCutOffStrLen(pelfexw->elfScript, LF_FACESIZE);
if(!bToASCII_N(pelfexa->elfScript, LF_FACESIZE, pelfexw->elfScript, cchMax )) { // conversion to ascii failed, return error
WARNING("bConvertEnumLogFontExWToEnumLogFontExA: bToASCII_N failed\n"); return(FALSE); }
return (TRUE); }
* bConvertEnumLogFontExDv_AtoW * * * * Simply copies over all of the fields of ENUMLOGFONTEXDVW * * to the fields of a target ENUMLOGFONTEXDV. It is all wrapped up here * * because the fields may move around a bit. This make * * using MOVEMEM a little tricky. * * * * History: * * Fri 16-Aug-1991 14:02:14 by Kirk Olynyk [kirko] * * Wrote it. * \**************************************************************************/
VOID vConvertEnumLogFontExDvAtoW( ENUMLOGFONTEXDVW *pelfw, ENUMLOGFONTEXDVA *pelfa ) { ULONG cchMax;
pelfw->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfLogFont.lfHeight = pelfa->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfLogFont.lfHeight ; pelfw->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfLogFont.lfWidth = pelfa->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfLogFont.lfWidth ; pelfw->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfLogFont.lfEscapement = pelfa->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfLogFont.lfEscapement ; pelfw->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfLogFont.lfOrientation = pelfa->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfLogFont.lfOrientation ; pelfw->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfLogFont.lfWeight = pelfa->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfLogFont.lfWeight ; pelfw->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfLogFont.lfItalic = pelfa->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfLogFont.lfItalic ; pelfw->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfLogFont.lfUnderline = pelfa->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfLogFont.lfUnderline ; pelfw->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfLogFont.lfStrikeOut = pelfa->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfLogFont.lfStrikeOut ; pelfw->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfLogFont.lfCharSet = pelfa->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfLogFont.lfCharSet ; pelfw->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfLogFont.lfOutPrecision = pelfa->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfLogFont.lfOutPrecision ; pelfw->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfLogFont.lfClipPrecision = pelfa->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfLogFont.lfClipPrecision ; pelfw->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfLogFont.lfQuality = pelfa->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfLogFont.lfQuality ; pelfw->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfLogFont.lfPitchAndFamily = pelfa->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfLogFont.lfPitchAndFamily ;
RtlZeroMemory( pelfw->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfLogFont.lfFaceName , LF_FACESIZE * sizeof(WCHAR) ); cchMax = cchCutOffStrLen((PSZ)pelfa->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfLogFont.lfFaceName, LF_FACESIZE);
vToUnicodeN ( pelfw->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfLogFont.lfFaceName, cchMax, pelfa->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfLogFont.lfFaceName, cchMax );
if (cchMax == LF_FACESIZE) { // truncate so NULL will fit
pelfw->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfLogFont.lfFaceName[LF_FACESIZE - 1] = L'\0'; } else { pelfw->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfLogFont.lfFaceName[cchMax] = L'\0'; }
RtlZeroMemory( pelfw->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfFullName , LF_FACESIZE * sizeof(WCHAR) );
cchMax = cchCutOffStrLen((PSZ)pelfa->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfFullName, LF_FULLFACESIZE); vToUnicodeN ( pelfw->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfFullName, cchMax, pelfa->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfFullName, cchMax );
if (cchMax == LF_FULLFACESIZE) { // truncate so NULL will fit
pelfw->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfFullName[LF_FULLFACESIZE - 1] = L'\0'; } else { pelfw->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfFullName[cchMax] = L'\0'; }
RtlZeroMemory( pelfw->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfStyle , LF_FACESIZE * sizeof(WCHAR) ); cchMax = cchCutOffStrLen((PSZ)pelfa->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfStyle, LF_FACESIZE); vToUnicodeN ( pelfw->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfStyle, cchMax, pelfa->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfStyle, cchMax ); if (cchMax == LF_FACESIZE) { // truncate so NULL will fit
pelfw->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfStyle[LF_FACESIZE - 1] = L'\0'; } else { pelfw->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfStyle[cchMax] = L'\0'; }
RtlZeroMemory( pelfw->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfScript , LF_FACESIZE * sizeof(WCHAR) ); cchMax = cchCutOffStrLen((PSZ)pelfa->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfScript, LF_FACESIZE); vToUnicodeN ( pelfw->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfScript, cchMax, pelfa->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfScript, cchMax ); if (cchMax == LF_FACESIZE) { // truncate so NULL will fit
pelfw->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfScript[LF_FACESIZE - 1] = L'\0'; } else { pelfw->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfScript[cchMax] = L'\0'; }
// copy minimal amount of stuff from design vector
RtlCopyMemory(&pelfw->elfDesignVector, &pelfa->elfDesignVector, SIZEOFDV(pelfa->elfDesignVector.dvNumAxes)); }
* ulEnumFontsOpen * * History: * 08-Aug-1992 -by- Gilman Wong [gilmanw] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
ULONG_PTR ulEnumFontsOpen ( HDC hdc, LPWSTR pwszFaceName, ULONG lfCharSet, ULONG iEnumType, // enumfonts, enumfontfamilies or enumfontfamiliesex
FLONG flWin31Compat, ULONG *pulCount ) {
ULONG cwchFaceName;
ULONG cjData;
cwchFaceName = (pwszFaceName != (PWSZ) NULL) ? (wcslen(pwszFaceName) + 1) : 0;
return NtGdiEnumFontOpen(hdc,iEnumType,flWin31Compat, cwchFaceName,pwszFaceName, lfCharSet,pulCount);
* vEnumFontsClose * * History: * 08-Aug-1992 -by- Gilman Wong [gilmanw] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
VOID vEnumFontsClose (ULONG_PTR ulEnumHandle) { NtGdiEnumFontClose(ulEnumHandle); }
* * vConvertAxesListW2AxesListA * * * History: * 18-Nov-1996 -by- Bodin Dresevic [BodinD] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
VOID vConvertAxesListW2AxesListA(AXESLISTA *paxlA, AXESLISTW *paxlW) { ULONG iAxis = 0;
paxlA->axlReserved = paxlW->axlReserved; paxlA->axlNumAxes = paxlW->axlNumAxes;
for (iAxis = 0; iAxis < paxlW->axlNumAxes; iAxis ++) { ULONG cch;
paxlA->axlAxisInfo[iAxis].axMinValue = paxlW->axlAxisInfo[iAxis].axMinValue; paxlA->axlAxisInfo[iAxis].axMaxValue = paxlW->axlAxisInfo[iAxis].axMaxValue;
cch = cwcCutOffStrLen(paxlW->axlAxisInfo[iAxis].axAxisName, MM_MAX_AXES_NAMELEN);
bToASCII_N(paxlA->axlAxisInfo[iAxis].axAxisName, MM_MAX_AXES_NAMELEN, paxlW->axlAxisInfo[iAxis].axAxisName, cch);
} }
* * int iAnsiCallback ( * * History: * 28-Jan-1993 -by- Bodin Dresevic [BodinD] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
int iAnsiCallback ( ENUMFONTDATAW *pefdw, ULONG iEnumType, FONTENUMPROCA lpFontFunc, LPARAM lParam ) { // full size structures with MAX_MM_AXES arrays
// on the stack, probably bigger then needed.
NTMW_INTERNAL *pntmi = (NTMW_INTERNAL *)((BYTE*)pefdw + pefdw->dpNtmi); DESIGNVECTOR *pdvSrc = &(pefdw->elfexw.elfDesignVector);
// copy out design vector
RtlCopyMemory(&elfexa.elfDesignVector, pdvSrc, SIZEOFDV(pdvSrc->dvNumAxes));
// convert AXESLIST to ansi
vConvertAxesListW2AxesListA(&ntma.etmAxesList, &pntmi->entmw.etmAxesList);
if (!bConvertEnumLogFontExWToEnumLogFontExA(&elfexa.elfEnumLogfontEx, &pefdw->elfexw.elfEnumLogfontEx)) { WARNING("gdi32!EFCallbackWtoA(): ENUMLOGFONT conversion failed\n"); return 0; }
vNewTextMetricExWToNewTextMetricExA(&ntma.etmNewTextMetricEx, pntmi);
return lpFontFunc( (LOGFONTA *)&elfexa, (TEXTMETRICA *)&ntma, pefdw->flType, lParam );
* iScaleEnum * * The Win95 Universal printer driver (UNIDRV) has scalable fonts, but does * not set the scalable capability flags in TEXTCAPS. Instead, it enumerates * back scalable printer fonts at several different (fixed) point sizes. * * We support this by detecting, on the server-side, when we are enumerating * a scalable printer and setting the ENUMFONT_SCALE_HACK flag in the flType * field of the ENUMFONTDATAW structure. * * For more details, refer to the Win95 sources found on \\tal\msdos in * \src\win\drivers\printer\universa\unidrv\enumobj.c. Specifically, the * function of interest is UniEnumDFonts(). * * Returns: * Value returned by callback if successful, 0 otherwise. * * History: * 08-Jan-1996 -by- Gilman Wong [gilmanw] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
#define EFI_UNICODE 1
CONST int giEnumPointList[] = {6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 18, 24, 30, 36, 48};
int iScaleEnum( HDC hdc, FONTENUMPROCW lpFontFunc, ENUMFONTDATAW *pefd, LPARAM lParam, ULONG iEnumType, FLONG fl ) { int i, cPointSizes = sizeof(giEnumPointList) / sizeof(int); int iHeight; int iXdpi, iYdpi; int iRet;
// make the structure on the stack is DWORD aligned
DWORD efd[CJ_EFDW0/sizeof(DWORD)];
iXdpi = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSX); iYdpi = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSY);
for (i = 0; i < cPointSizes; i++) { // this has to be true because for these device fonts no
// extra mm data will ever be needed, only logfont and ntmi
NTMW_INTERNAL *pntmi, *pntmiDef; TEXTMETRICW *ptmw, *ptmwDef; LOGFONTW *plfw, *plfwDef;
ASSERTGDI(pefd->cjEfdw <= sizeof(efd), "iScaleEnum size problem\n"); RtlCopyMemory(pefdLocal, pefd, pefd->cjEfdw);
pntmi = (NTMW_INTERNAL *)((BYTE*)pefdLocal + pefdLocal->dpNtmi); pntmiDef = (NTMW_INTERNAL *)((BYTE*)pefd + pefd->dpNtmi); ptmw = (TEXTMETRICW *) &pntmi->entmw.etmNewTextMetricEx; ptmwDef = (TEXTMETRICW *) &pntmiDef->entmw.etmNewTextMetricEx; plfw = (LOGFONTW *) &pefdLocal->elfexw; plfwDef = (LOGFONTW *) &pefd->elfexw;
// Scale TEXTMETRIC to match enumerated height.
iHeight = MulDiv(giEnumPointList[i], iYdpi, 72); ptmw->tmHeight = iHeight; ptmw->tmAscent = MulDiv(ptmwDef->tmAscent, iHeight, ptmwDef->tmHeight); ptmw->tmInternalLeading = MulDiv(ptmwDef->tmInternalLeading, iHeight, ptmwDef->tmHeight); ptmw->tmExternalLeading = MulDiv(ptmwDef->tmExternalLeading, iHeight, ptmwDef->tmHeight); ptmw->tmAveCharWidth = MulDiv(ptmwDef->tmAveCharWidth, iHeight, ptmwDef->tmHeight); ptmw->tmMaxCharWidth = MulDiv(ptmwDef->tmMaxCharWidth, iHeight, ptmwDef->tmHeight);
// Scale LOGFONT to match enumerated height.
plfw->lfHeight = MulDiv(plfwDef->lfHeight, iHeight, ptmwDef->tmHeight); plfw->lfWidth = MulDiv(plfwDef->lfWidth, iHeight, ptmwDef->tmHeight);
// Invoke the callback function.
if (fl & EFI_UNICODE) { iRet = lpFontFunc( (LOGFONTW *) plfw, (TEXTMETRICW *) ptmw, pefd->flType, lParam ); } else { iRet = iAnsiCallback (pefdLocal, iEnumType, (FONTENUMPROCA)lpFontFunc, lParam); }
// Break out early if callback returned error.
if (!iRet) break; }
return iRet; }
* EnumFontsInternalW * * History: * Mon 17-Aug-1998 -by- Bodin Dresevic [BodinD] * update: since 1992 this function was rewritten quite a few times * * 08-Aug-1992 -by- Gilman Wong [gilmanw] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
int WINAPI EnumFontsInternalW ( HDC hdc, // enumerate for this device
LPCWSTR pwszFaceName, // use this family name (but Windows erroneously calls in face name *sigh*)
ULONG lfCharSet, // only used with EnumFontFamiliesEx,
FONTENUMPROCW lpFontFunc, // callback
LPARAM lParam, // user defined data
ULONG iEnumType, // who is calling....
FLONG fl ) { BOOL bMore; // set TRUE if more data to process
ULONG_PTR ulEnumID; // server side font enumeration handle
int iRet = 1; // return value from callback
ULONG cjEfdw; // capacity of memory data window
ULONG cjEfdwRet; // size of data returned
PENUMFONTDATAW pefdw; // font enumeration data buffer
PENUMFONTDATAW pefdwScan; // use to parse data buffer
PENUMFONTDATAW pefdwEnd; // limit of data buffer
FLONG flWin31Compat; // Win3.1 app hack backward compatibility flags
// Get the compatibility flags.
flWin31Compat = (FLONG) GetAppCompatFlags(NULL);
// Open a font enumeration. The font enumeration is uniquely identified
// by the identifier returned by ulEnumFontOpen().
ulEnumID = ulEnumFontsOpen( hdc, (LPWSTR)pwszFaceName, lfCharSet, iEnumType, flWin31Compat, &cjEfdw);
if (!ulEnumID) { GdiSetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); return 0; }
if (cjEfdw == 0) { vEnumFontsClose(ulEnumID); return iRet; }
// alloc memory
if (!(pefdw = (PENUMFONTDATAW) LOCALALLOC(cjEfdw))) { WARNING("gdi32!EnumFontsInternalW(): could not allocate memory for enumeration\n"); GdiSetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); vEnumFontsClose(ulEnumID); return 0; }
if (NtGdiEnumFontChunk(hdc,ulEnumID,cjEfdw,&cjEfdwRet,pefdw)) {
// Scan through the data buffer.
ASSERTGDI(cjEfdwRet <= cjEfdw, "NtGdiEnumFontChunk problem\n");
pefdwScan = pefdw; pefdwEnd = (ENUMFONTDATAW *)((BYTE *)pefdw + cjEfdwRet);
while (pefdwScan < pefdwEnd) { // GACF_ENUMTTNOTDEVICE backward compatibility hack.
// If this flag is set, we need to mask out the DEVICE_FONTTYPE
// if this is a TrueType font.
if ( (flWin31Compat & GACF_ENUMTTNOTDEVICE) && (pefdwScan->flType & TRUETYPE_FONTTYPE) ) pefdwScan->flType &= ~DEVICE_FONTTYPE;
// The Win95 UNIDRV printer driver enumerates scalable fonts at
// several different sizes. The server sets the ENUMFONT_SCALE_HACK
// flag if we need to emulate that behavior.
if ( pwszFaceName && (pefdwScan->flType & ENUMFONT_SCALE_HACK)) { // Clear the hack flag before calling. Caller doesn't need to
// see this (internal use only) flag.
pefdwScan->flType &= ~ENUMFONT_SCALE_HACK;
iRet = iScaleEnum(hdc, lpFontFunc, pefdwScan, lParam, iEnumType, fl);
} else { // Do the callback with data pointed to by pefdwScan.
if (fl & EFI_UNICODE) { NTMW_INTERNAL *pntmi = (NTMW_INTERNAL *)((BYTE*)pefdwScan + pefdwScan->dpNtmi);
iRet = lpFontFunc( (LOGFONTW *)&pefdwScan->elfexw, (TEXTMETRICW *)&pntmi->entmw, pefdwScan->flType, lParam );
} else { iRet = iAnsiCallback (pefdwScan, iEnumType, (FONTENUMPROCA)lpFontFunc, lParam);
} }
// Break out of for-loop if callback returned 0.
if (!iRet) { break; }
pefdwScan = (ENUMFONTDATAW *)((BYTE *)pefdwScan + pefdwScan->cjEfdw); } }
// Deallocate font enumeration data.
// Remember to close the font enumeration handle.
// Leave.
return iRet; }
* EnumFontsW * * History: * 08-Aug-1992 -by- Gilman Wong [gilmanw] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
int WINAPI EnumFontsW ( HDC hdc, // enumerate for this device
LPCWSTR pwszFaceName, // use this family name (but Windows erroneously calls in face name *sigh*)
FONTENUMPROCW lpFontFunc, // callback
LPARAM lParam // user defined data
) { FIXUP_HANDLE(hdc);
return EnumFontsInternalW( hdc, pwszFaceName, DEFAULT_CHARSET, lpFontFunc, lParam, TYPE_ENUMFONTS, EFI_UNICODE ); }
* EnumFontFamiliesW * * History: * 08-Aug-1992 -by- Gilman Wong [gilmanw] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
int WINAPI EnumFontFamiliesW ( HDC hdc, // enumerate for this device
LPCWSTR pwszFaceName, // use this family name (but Windows erroneously calls in face name *sigh*)
FONTENUMPROCW lpFontFunc, // callback
LPARAM lParam // user defined data
) { FIXUP_HANDLE(hdc);
return EnumFontsInternalW( hdc, pwszFaceName, DEFAULT_CHARSET, lpFontFunc, lParam, TYPE_ENUMFONTFAMILIES, EFI_UNICODE );
* EnumFontFamiliesExW * * History: * * Mon 10-Jul-1995 -by- Bodin Dresevic [BodinD] * Wrote it: * \**************************************************************************/
int WINAPI EnumFontFamiliesExW ( HDC hdc, LPLOGFONTW plf, FONTENUMPROCW lpFontFunc, LPARAM lParam, DWORD dw ) { PWSZ pwszFaceName = NULL;
if (plf && (plf->lfFaceName[0] != L'\0')) pwszFaceName = plf->lfFaceName;
return EnumFontsInternalW( hdc, pwszFaceName, plf ? plf->lfCharSet : DEFAULT_CHARSET, lpFontFunc, lParam, TYPE_ENUMFONTFAMILIESEX, EFI_UNICODE );
* * int EnumFontsInternalA * * History: * 28-Jan-1993 -by- Bodin Dresevic [BodinD] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
int EnumFontsInternalA ( HDC hdc, // enumerate for this device
LPCSTR pszFaceName, // use this family name (but Windows erroneously calls in face name *sigh*),
ULONG lfCharSet, FONTENUMPROCA lpFontFunc, // callback
LPARAM lParam, // user defined data
ULONG iEnumType ) { PWSZ pwszFaceName; int iRet; ULONG cchFaceName;
// If a string was passed in, we need to convert it to UNICODE.
if ( pszFaceName != (PSZ) NULL ) { // Allocate memory for Unicode string.
cchFaceName = lstrlenA(pszFaceName) + 1;
if ( (pwszFaceName = (PWSZ) LOCALALLOC(cchFaceName * sizeof(WCHAR))) == (PWSZ) NULL ) { WARNING("gdi32!EnumFontsA(): could not allocate memory for Unicode string\n"); GdiSetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return 0; }
// Convert string to Unicode.
vToUnicodeN ( pwszFaceName, cchFaceName, pszFaceName, cchFaceName ); }
// Otherwise, keep it NULL.
else { pwszFaceName = (PWSZ) NULL; }
// Call Unicode version.
iRet = EnumFontsInternalW( hdc, pwszFaceName, lfCharSet, (FONTENUMPROCW)lpFontFunc, lParam, iEnumType, 0 // not unicode
// Release Unicode string buffer.
if ( pwszFaceName != (PWSZ) NULL ) { LOCALFREE(pwszFaceName); }
return iRet; }
* * int WINAPI EnumFontsA * * * History: * 28-Jan-1993 -by- Bodin Dresevic [BodinD] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
int WINAPI EnumFontsA ( HDC hdc, // enumerate for this device
LPCSTR pszFaceName, // use this family name (but Windows erroneously calls in face name *sigh*)
FONTENUMPROCA lpFontFunc, // callback
LPARAM lParam // user defined data
) { FIXUP_HANDLE(hdc);
return EnumFontsInternalA ( hdc, pszFaceName, DEFAULT_CHARSET, lpFontFunc, lParam, TYPE_ENUMFONTS );
* EnumFontFamiliesA * * History: * 28-Jan-1993 -by- Bodin Dresevic [BodinD] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
int WINAPI EnumFontFamiliesA ( HDC hdc, // enumerate for this device
LPCSTR pszFaceName, // use this family name (but Windows erroneously calls in face name *sigh*)
FONTENUMPROCA lpFontFunc, // callback
LPARAM lParam // user defined data
) { return EnumFontsInternalA ( hdc, // enumerate for this device
pszFaceName, // use this family name (but Windows erroneously calls in face name *sigh*)
DEFAULT_CHARSET, lpFontFunc, // callback
lParam, // user defined data
* EnumFontFamiliesExA * * History: * * Mon 10-Jul-1995 -by- Bodin Dresevic [BodinD] * Wrote it: * \**************************************************************************/
int WINAPI EnumFontFamiliesExA ( HDC hdc, LPLOGFONTA plf, FONTENUMPROCA lpFontFunc, LPARAM lParam, DWORD dw ) { LPSTR pszFaceName = NULL;
if (plf && (plf->lfFaceName[0] != '\0')) pszFaceName = plf->lfFaceName;
return EnumFontsInternalA ( hdc, // enumerate for this device
pszFaceName, // use this family name (but Windows erroneously calls in face name *sigh*)
plf ? plf->lfCharSet : DEFAULT_CHARSET, lpFontFunc, // callback
lParam, // user defined data
* GetFontResourceInfoW * * Client side stub. * * History: * 2-Sep-1993 -by- Gerrit van Wingerden [gerritv] * Made this a "W" function. * 15-Jul-1991 -by- Gilman Wong [gilmanw] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
BOOL GetFontResourceInfoW ( LPWSTR lpPathname, LPDWORD lpBytes, LPVOID lpBuffer, DWORD iType) { ULONG cjBuffer = *lpBytes; int cRet = 0; FLONG flEmbed; DWORD dwPidTid;
if ( (lpPathname != NULL) && ((cjBuffer == 0) || (lpBuffer != NULL)) ) { if( iType == GFRI_TTFILENAME ) { WCHAR awcPathname[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR awcTTF[MAX_PATH];
if (bMakePathNameW(awcPathname, lpPathname, NULL, NULL)) { ULONG size;
if (size = cGetTTFFromFOT(awcPathname, MAX_PATH, awcTTF, NULL, &flEmbed, &dwPidTid, TRUE)) { // For the case of GFRI_TTFILENAME, the file need not be already
// loaded. Which means a PFF may or may not exist for this file.
*lpBytes = size * sizeof(WCHAR);
if (cjBuffer) { // Also return the name if it fits
// if awcPathnmae points to a bad FOT file, awcTTF will contain the same FOT file name
// passed to the cGetTTTFromFOT. In this case, we want to return FALSE.
if ((cjBuffer >= *lpBytes) && ((size < 5) || _wcsicmp(&awcTTF[size-5], L".FOT"))) { RtlMoveMemory(lpBuffer, awcTTF, *lpBytes); } else { // Buffer is too small - error !
// or bad FOT file, no TTF file
*lpBytes = 0; } }
cRet = (*lpBytes != 0); } } } else { // First get a real NT path Name before calling to the kernel
ULONG cwc,cFiles; FLONG fl = 0; // essential initialization
WCHAR *pwszNtPath;
if (pwszNtPath = pwszAllocNtMultiplePath(lpPathname, &fl, &cwc, &cFiles, FALSE, &dwPidTid, TRUE)) { cRet = NtGdiGetFontResourceInfoInternalW( pwszNtPath, cwc, cFiles, cjBuffer, lpBytes, lpBuffer, iType); LOCALFREE(pwszNtPath); } } }
return( cRet ); }
* bMakePathNameW (PWSZ pwszDst, PWSZ pwszSrc, PWSZ *ppwszFilePart) * * Converts the filename pszSrc into a fully qualified pathname pszDst. * The parameter pszDst must point to a WCHAR buffer at least * MAX_PATH*sizeof(WCHAR) bytes in size. * * An attempt is made find the file first in the new win95 directory * %windows%\fonts (which also is the first directory in secure font path, * if one is defined) and then we do the old fashioned windows stuff * where SearchPathW searches directories in usual order * * ppwszFilePart is set to point to the last component of the pathname (i.e., * the filename part) in pwszDst. If this is null it is ignored. * * Returns: * TRUE if sucessful, FALSE if an error occurs. * * History: * Mon 02-Oct-1995 -by- Bodin Dresevic [BodinD] * update: added font path stuff * 30-Sep-1991 -by- Gilman Wong [gilmanw] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
BOOL bMakePathNameW ( WCHAR *pwszDst, WCHAR *pwszSrc, WCHAR **ppwszFilePart, FLONG *pfl ) { WCHAR * pwszD, * pwszS, * pwszF; BOOL bOk; ULONG ulPathLength = 0; // essential to initialize
ULONG cwcSystem; ULONG cwcDst; WCHAR *pwcTmp;
if (pfl) *pfl = 0;
if (ppwszFilePart == NULL) { ppwszFilePart = &pwszF; }
// init unicode path for the fonts directory, %windir%\fonts that is:
// This is always defined in NT versions > 3.51.
ENTERCRITICALSECTION(&semLocal); bOk = bInitSystemAndFontsDirectoriesW(&gpwcSystemDir, &gpwcFontsDir); LEAVECRITICALSECTION(&semLocal);
// bInitFontDirectoryW logs the error code and prints warning, just exit
if (!bOk) return FALSE;
ASSERTGDI(gpwcFontsDir, "gpwcFontsDir not initialized\n");
// if relative path
if ( (pwszSrc[0] != L'\\') && !((pwszSrc[1] == L':') && (pwszSrc[2] == L'\\')) ) { if (pfl) { *pfl |= FONT_RELATIVE_PATH; }
// find out if the font file is in %windir%\fonts
ulPathLength = SearchPathW ( gpwcFontsDir, pwszSrc, NULL, MAX_PATH, pwszDst, ppwszFilePart);
if (ulPathLength >= MAX_PATH) { WARNING("bMakePathNameW: path from SearchPathW is too long\n"); return FALSE; }
DbgPrint("SPW1: pwszSrc = %ws\n", pwszSrc); if (ulPathLength) DbgPrint("SPW1: pwszDst = %ws\n", pwszDst); #endif // DEBUG_PATH
// Search for file using default windows path and return full pathname.
// We will only do so if we did not already find the font in the
// %windir%\fonts directory or if pswzSrc points to the full path
// in which case search path is ignored
if (ulPathLength == 0) { if (ulPathLength = SearchPathW ( NULL, pwszSrc, NULL, MAX_PATH, pwszDst, ppwszFilePart)) { if (ulPathLength >= MAX_PATH) { WARNING("bMakePathNameW: path from SearchPathW is too long\n"); return FALSE; }
// let us figure it out if the font is in the
// system directory, or somewhere else along the path:
if (pfl) { cwcSystem = wcslen(gpwcSystemDir); cwcDst = wcslen(pwszDst);
if (cwcDst > (cwcSystem + 1)) // + 1 for L'\\'
{ if (!_wcsnicmp(pwszDst, gpwcSystemDir, cwcSystem)) { pwcTmp = &pwszDst[cwcSystem]; if (*pwcTmp == L'\\') { pwcTmp++; // skip it and see if there are any more of these in pszDst
for (;(pwcTmp < &pwszDst[cwcDst]) && (*pwcTmp != L'\\'); pwcTmp++) ; if (*pwcTmp != L'\\') *pfl |= FONT_IN_SYSTEM_DIR; } } } }
DbgPrint("SPW2: pwszSrc = %ws\n", pwszSrc); if (ulPathLength) DbgPrint("SPW2: pwszDst = %ws\n", pwszDst); #endif // DEBUG_PATH
} else { if (pfl) { *pfl |= FONT_IN_FONTS_DIR; } }
// finally we test to see if this is one of these fonts that were moved
// by setup during upgrade from system to fonts dir,
// but the registry entry for that font
// contained full path to system so that the code above would not have found
// this font. This code is only called by font sweeper as signified by
// pfl != NULL. More desription follows below
// This part of routine handles the upgrade situation where NT 3.51 font applet
// wrote the full path of the .fot file that lives in %windir%\system
// directory in the registry. This redundant situation happens
// when tt fonts are installed under 3.51 but ttf's are not copied
// to %windir%\system directory. Some ill behaved apps also write the
// full path of .fot files in the system directory in the registry.
// On upgrade for 4.0 the system setup copies all .fot files from
// system to fonts directory. bMakePathNameW will therefore fail to find
// the fot file because the file was moved to fonts by setup AND full,
// no longer correct path to fot file, is passed to this routine.
// That is why we try to find out if the full path is the one
// describing system dir and if so, retry to find .fot in fonts dir.
if (pfl && (ulPathLength == 0)) { // first check if the full path to .fot file points to the
// file which USED to be in the system directory.
ULONG cwcFileName = wcslen(pwszSrc); cwcSystem = wcslen(gpwcSystemDir);
if ((cwcFileName + 1) > cwcSystem) // + 1 for L'\\'
{ if (!_wcsnicmp(gpwcSystemDir, pwszSrc, cwcSystem)) { pwszSrc += cwcSystem; if (pwszSrc[0] == L'\\') { pwszSrc += 1; // skip L'\\'
// make sure there are no more directory separators L'\\' in
// the remaining path, ie. that this is indeed a relative path
for (pwcTmp = pwszSrc; *pwcTmp != L'\0'; pwcTmp++) if (*pwcTmp == L'\\') break;
// now check if the .fot file has been moved to fonts dir
if (*pwcTmp == L'\0') { ulPathLength = SearchPathW ( gpwcFontsDir, pwszSrc, NULL, MAX_PATH, pwszDst, ppwszFilePart);
if (ulPathLength >= MAX_PATH) { WARNING("bMakePathNameW: path from SearchPathW is too long\n"); return FALSE; }
if (ulPathLength) *pfl |= FONT_IN_FONTS_DIR; } } } } }
// If search was successful return TRUE:
return (ulPathLength != 0); }
* * BOOL IsWinPERemoteBootDrive( PCWSTR Drive ) * * History: * July 19, 2001. acosma - Added routine. * \**************************************************************************/
static BOOL IsWinPERemoteBootDrive( PCWSTR Drive ) /*++
Routine Description:
Finds out if we are currently running on WinPE booted remotely.
Return value:
TRUE if this is a WinPE remote boot otherwise FALSE.
--*/ { static BOOL Result = FALSE; static BOOL Initialized = FALSE; static WCHAR WindowsDrive = 0;
if (!Initialized) { WCHAR WindowsDir[MAX_PATH] = {0};
Initialized = TRUE; if (GetWindowsDirectoryW(WindowsDir, sizeof(WindowsDir)/sizeof(WCHAR))) { WindowsDir[3] = 0;
WindowsDrive = WindowsDir[0]; //
// If the drive type is DRIVE_REMOTE then we have booted from
// network.
Result = (GetDriveTypeW(WindowsDir) == DRIVE_REMOTE); if (Result) { OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES Obja; UNICODE_STRING KeyName; HKEY hKey = NULL; NTSTATUS Status;
RtlInitUnicodeString(&KeyName, L"\\REGISTRY\\MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\MiniNT"); InitializeObjectAttributes(&Obja, &KeyName, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL);
Status = NtOpenKey(&hKey, KEY_READ, &Obja);
if ( NT_SUCCESS (Status) ) { Result = TRUE; NtClose(hKey); } else { Result = FALSE; } } } }
// Is this WinPE remote boot and is the passed in drive valid & its windows drive?
return (Result && Drive && Drive[0] && (WindowsDrive == Drive[0])); }
* * BOOL bFileIsOnTheHardDrive(PWCHAR pwszFullPathName) * * History: * Fri 22-Jul-1994 -by- Gerrit van Wingerden [gerritv] * Stole it from BodinD \**************************************************************************/
BOOL bFileIsOnTheHardDrive(WCHAR *inputpwszFullPathName) { const WCHAR * pwszFullPathName = inputpwszFullPathName; WCHAR awcDrive[4]; if (pwszFullPathName[1] != (WCHAR)':') { // the file path has the form \\foo\goo. Even though this could be
// a share on the local hard drive, this is not very likely. It is ok
// for the sake of simplicity to consider this a remote drive.
// The only side effect of this is that in this unlikely case the font
// would get unloaded at logoff and reloaded at logon time
return FALSE; }
// make a zero terminated string with drive string
// to be feed into GetDriveType api. The string has to have the form: "x:\"
awcDrive[0] = pwszFullPathName[0]; // COPY DRIVE LETTER
awcDrive[1] = pwszFullPathName[1]; // COPY ':'
awcDrive[2] = (CHAR)'\\'; // obvious
awcDrive[3] = (CHAR)'\0'; // zero terminate
if ( IsWinPERemoteBootDrive(awcDrive) ) { // If we are in WinPE and this is a remote boot then always return true
// to this so that we don't wait until logon to load fonts, since in
// WinPE we don't logon, and the system drive is a net drive but we
// already have credentials to access it since the OS is booting from
// there
// Doing this after checking for the \\foo\goo so that we don't accidentaly
// try to load fonts that ARE really on some net share in the
// Remote boot WinPE case.
return TRUE; }
// for this pupose, only net drives are not considered hard drives
// so that we can boot of Bernoulli removable drives
switch (GetDriveTypeW((LPCWSTR)awcDrive)) { case DRIVE_REMOVABLE: case DRIVE_FIXED: case DRIVE_CDROM: case DRIVE_RAMDISK: return 1; default: return 0; }
static WCHAR * pwszAllocNtMultiplePath( LPWSTR pwszFileName, FLONG *pfl, ULONG *pcwc, ULONG *pcFiles, BOOL bAddFR, // called by add or remove fr
DWORD *pdwPidTid, // PID/TID for embedded font
BOOL bChkFOT ) {
BOOL bDoIt = FALSE; BOOL bReturn = TRUE; ULONG cwc; ULONG iFile; ULONG cFiles = 1; // number of paths separated by | separator
WCHAR *pwszOneFile; WCHAR *pwchMem; WCHAR *pwcNtPaths; FLONG flTmp = 0; // essential initialization
FLONG fl = (pfl ? *pfl : 0); // essential initialization
FLONG flEmbed = 0; UINT cbCombinedPaths = 0;
// scan the string to figure out how many individual file names are
// in the input string:
for (pwszOneFile = pwszFileName; *pwszOneFile; pwszOneFile++) { if (*pwszOneFile == PATH_SEPARATOR) cFiles++; }
// allocate memory where NtPathNames are going to be stored:
// we allow only file names with MAX_PATH-1 characters or less
// after all the path transformations
cbCombinedPaths = cFiles * sizeof(WCHAR) * MAX_PATH; pwchMem = (WCHAR *)LOCALALLOC(cbCombinedPaths);
if (pwchMem) { // set the pointers for the loop:
pwcNtPaths = pwchMem; pwszOneFile = pwszFileName; // reset this from the loop above
cwc = 0; // measure the whole NtPaths string
bDoIt = TRUE;
for (iFile = 0; iFile < cFiles; iFile++) { WCHAR awchOneFile[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR awcPathName[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR awcTTF[MAX_PATH];
WCHAR *pwcTmp = awchOneFile;
// copy the file to the buffer on the stack and zero terminate it
// the whole point of this is just to ensure zero termination
while ((*pwszOneFile != L'\0') && (*pwszOneFile != PATH_SEPARATOR)) { *pwcTmp = *pwszOneFile; ++pwcTmp, ++pwszOneFile;
if (pwcTmp - awchOneFile >= MAX_PATH) { WARNING("pwszAllocNtMultiplePath: source path is too long\n"); bDoIt = FALSE; goto failure; } }
pwszOneFile++; // skip the separator or terminating zero
*pwcTmp = L'\0'; // zero terminate
if ( bMakePathNameW(awcPathName, awchOneFile,NULL,NULL) && cGetTTFFromFOT(awcPathName, MAX_PATH, awcTTF, NULL, &flEmbed, pdwPidTid, bChkFOT) ) { // we have to make sure that the font lies in the font path
// if one is defined. This needs to be done before converting
// to NtPathNames because the names in the registry are "dos"
// path names, not Nt path names
// the next portion of code is only done for AddFontResourceCase
if (bAddFR) { if (bFileIsOnTheHardDrive(awcTTF)) flTmp |= AFRW_ADD_LOCAL_FONT; else flTmp |= AFRW_ADD_REMOTE_FONT; }
// let us check the error return here:
bReturn = RtlDosPathNameToNtPathName_U(awcTTF, &UniStr, NULL, NULL);
// get the size out of the unicode string,
// update cwc, copy out, and then free the memory
if (bReturn && (UniStr.Buffer)) { cwcThis = (UniStr.Length/sizeof(WCHAR) + 1); if (cwcThis <= MAX_PATH) { cwc += cwcThis;
RtlCopyMemory(pwcNtPaths, UniStr.Buffer, UniStr.Length);
if (iFile < (cFiles - 1)) pwcNtPaths[cwcThis - 1] = PATH_SEPARATOR; else pwcNtPaths[cwcThis - 1] = L'\0';
pwcNtPaths += cwcThis; } else { WARNING("pwszAllocNtMultiplePath: path from RtlDosPathNameToNtPathName_U is too long\n"); bDoIt = FALSE; }
RtlFreeHeap(RtlProcessHeap(),0,UniStr.Buffer); } else { bDoIt = FALSE; } } else { bDoIt = FALSE; } if (!bDoIt) break; } // end of the "for" loop
// now check if we are going to reject the font because
// only local or only remote fonts are requested to be loaded
if (bDoIt && bAddFR) { switch (fl & (AFRW_ADD_REMOTE_FONT|AFRW_ADD_LOCAL_FONT)) { case AFRW_ADD_REMOTE_FONT: // we say that the font is remote if AT LEAST ONE of the files
// is remote.
if (!(flTmp & AFRW_ADD_REMOTE_FONT)) bDoIt = FALSE; break; case AFRW_ADD_LOCAL_FONT: // conversely, we say that it is local when it is not remote,
// that is when ALL files are local
if (flTmp & AFRW_ADD_REMOTE_FONT) bDoIt = FALSE; break;
case (AFRW_ADD_REMOTE_FONT|AFRW_ADD_LOCAL_FONT): RIP("AddFontResourceW, bogus flag combination"); bDoIt = FALSE; break; default:
// flag if this font should be removed at the log off time
if (flTmp & AFRW_ADD_REMOTE_FONT) { // always remove fonts on the net on the log off,
// whether they be listed in the registry or not.
// The point is that even if they are listed, drive letters
// may change if a different user logs on. If this font is
// NOT in the registry, it is a temporary remote font added
// by an app, so we want it removed on the next log off.
*pfl |= AFRW_ADD_REMOTE_FONT; } else { // do not remove, even if not in the registry, i.e. even
// if this is a temp. font added by some app. This is ok
// since this is a local font, drive letter destinations
// do not change even when a different user logs on. Note
// that this is little bit different that 3.51 behavior.
// This way every font is marked at AddFontResource time
// for whether it should be removed or not at log off time.
// This makes time consuming registry searches at log off
// time unnecessary. The drawback is that the next user
// to log on may still have local temp fonts loaded
// from a previous user's session
*pfl |= AFRW_ADD_LOCAL_FONT; } break; } } }
if (!bDoIt) { *pcwc = 0; *pcFiles = 0;
if (pwchMem) { LOCALFREE(pwchMem); pwchMem = NULL; } } else // success
{ *pcwc = cwc; *pcFiles = cFiles;
// set flag for embedded fonts
*pfl |= flEmbed;
ASSERTGDI((flEmbed & (FRW_EMB_PID|FRW_EMB_TID)) == flEmbed, "Embedded fonts: flEmbed\n"); ASSERTGDI((!flEmbed) || (cFiles == 1), "Embedded fonts but cFiles != 1\n"); }
return pwchMem; }
int GdiAddFontResourceW ( LPWSTR pwszFileName, // ptr. to unicode filename string
FLONG fl, DESIGNVECTOR *pdv ) { int iRet = 0; ULONG cFiles, cwc; WCHAR *pwszNtPath; DWORD dwPidTid;
if (pwszNtPath = pwszAllocNtMultiplePath(pwszFileName, &fl, &cwc, &cFiles, TRUE, &dwPidTid, FALSE)) {
iRet = NtGdiAddFontResourceW(pwszNtPath,cwc, cFiles,fl,dwPidTid, pdv);
if (!iRet) { pwszNtPath = NULL; cFiles = 0; cwc = 0; dwPidTid = 0; if (pwszNtPath = pwszAllocNtMultiplePath(pwszFileName, &fl, &cwc, &cFiles, TRUE, &dwPidTid, TRUE)) {
iRet = NtGdiAddFontResourceW(pwszNtPath,cwc, cFiles,fl,dwPidTid, pdv); LOCALFREE(pwszNtPath);
} } }
return iRet; }
* * int WINAPI AddFontResource(LPSTR psz) * * History: * 13-Aug-1991 -by- Bodin Dresevic [BodinD] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
int WINAPI AddFontResourceA(LPCSTR psz) { return AddFontResourceExA(psz,0, NULL); }
* * int WINAPI AddFontResourceExA(LPSTR psz, DWORD dwFlag, PVOID NULL) * * History: * 29-Aug-1996 -by- Xudong Wu [TessieW] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
int WINAPI AddFontResourceExA(LPCSTR psz, DWORD fl, PVOID pvResrved) { int iRet = 0; WCHAR awcPathName[MAX_PATH]; ULONG cch, cwc; WCHAR *pwcPathName = NULL; DESIGNVECTOR * pdv = NULL;
// check invalid flag
if ( fl & ~(FR_PRIVATE | FR_NOT_ENUM) ) { GdiSetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return 0; }
// protect ourselves from bogus pointers, win95 does it
try { cch = lstrlenA(psz) + 1; if (cch <= MAX_PATH) { pwcPathName = awcPathName; cwc = MAX_PATH; } else { pwcPathName = (WCHAR *)LOCALALLOC(cch * sizeof(WCHAR)); cwc = cch; }
if (pwcPathName) { vToUnicodeN(pwcPathName, cwc, psz, cch); iRet = 1; } } except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { iRet = 0; }
if (iRet) iRet = GdiAddFontResourceW(pwcPathName,(FLONG)fl, pdv);
if (pwcPathName && (pwcPathName != awcPathName)) LOCALFREE(pwcPathName);
return iRet; }
* int WINAPI AddFontMemResourceEx() * * Font image pointed by pFileView is loaded as private font * (FR_PRIVATE | FR_NOT_ENUM) to the system private font tale. * * If succeeds, it returns an index to the global memory font * link list, otherwise it returns zero. * * History: * 20-May-1997 -by- Xudong Wu [TessieW] * Wrote it. \****************************************************************/
HANDLE WINAPI AddFontMemResourceEx ( PVOID pFileView, DWORD cjSize, PVOID pvResrved, DWORD* pNumFonts) { DWORD cjDV = 0; DESIGNVECTOR * pdv = NULL;
// check size and pointer
if ((cjSize == 0) || (pFileView == NULL) || (pNumFonts == NULL)) { GdiSetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return 0; }
if (pdv) { cjDV = SIZEOFDV(pdv->dvNumAxes); }
return (NtGdiAddFontMemResourceEx(pFileView, cjSize, pdv, cjDV, pNumFonts)); }
* * int WINAPI AddFontResourceTracking(LPSTR psz) * * This routine calls AddFontResource and, if succesful, keeps track of the * call along with an unique id identifying the apps. Later when the app * goes away, WOW will call RemoveNetFonts to remove all of these added fonts * if there are on a net share. * * History: * Fri 22-Jul-1994 -by- Gerrit van Wingerden [gerritv] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
int AddFontResourceTracking(LPCSTR psz, UINT id) { INT iRet; AFRTRACKNODE *afrtnNext; WCHAR awcPathBuffer[MAX_PATH],*pTmp; WCHAR awcPathName[MAX_PATH]; BOOL bResult;
vToUnicodeN(awcPathName, MAX_PATH, psz, lstrlenA(psz) + 1);
iRet = GdiAddFontResourceW(awcPathName, 0 , NULL);
if( iRet == 0 ) { // we failed so just return
return(iRet); }
// now get the full pathname of the font
if (!bMakePathNameW(awcPathBuffer,awcPathName, &pTmp, NULL)) { WARNING("AddFontResourceTracking unable to create path\n"); return(iRet); }
// if this isn't a network font just return
if( bFileIsOnTheHardDrive( awcPathBuffer ) ) { return(iRet); }
// now search the list
for( afrtnNext = pAFRTNodeList; afrtnNext != NULL; afrtnNext = afrtnNext->pafrnNext ) { if( ( !_wcsicmp( awcPathBuffer, afrtnNext->pwszPath ) ) && ( id == afrtnNext->id )) { // we've found an entry so update the count and get out of here
afrtnNext->cLoadCount += 1; return(iRet); } }
// if we got here this font isn't yet in the list so we need to add it
afrtnNext = (AFRTRACKNODE *) LOCALALLOC( sizeof(AFRTRACKNODE) + ( sizeof(WCHAR) * ( wcslen( awcPathBuffer ) + 1)) );
if( afrtnNext == NULL ) { WARNING("AddFontResourceTracking unable to allocate memory\n"); return(iRet); }
// link it in
afrtnNext->pafrnNext = pAFRTNodeList; pAFRTNodeList = afrtnNext;
// the path string starts just past afrtnNext in our recently allocated buffer
afrtnNext->pwszPath = (WCHAR*) (&afrtnNext[1]); lstrcpyW( afrtnNext->pwszPath, awcPathBuffer );
afrtnNext->id = id; afrtnNext->cLoadCount = 1;
* * int RemoveFontResourceEntry( UINT id, CHAR *pszFaceName ) * * Either search for an entry for a particlur task id and font file or and * decrement the load count for it or, if pszPathName is NULL unload all * fonts loaded by the task. * * History: * Fri 22-Jul-1994 -by- Gerrit van Wingerden [gerritv] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
void RemoveFontResourceEntry( UINT id, WCHAR *pwszPathName ) { AFRTRACKNODE *afrtnNext,**ppafrtnPrev; BOOL bMore = TRUE;
while( bMore ) {
for( afrtnNext = pAFRTNodeList, ppafrtnPrev = &pAFRTNodeList; afrtnNext != NULL; afrtnNext = afrtnNext->pafrnNext ) { if( (( pwszPathName == NULL ) || ( !_wcsicmp( pwszPathName, afrtnNext->pwszPath ))) && ( id == afrtnNext->id )) { // we've found an entry so break
break; }
ppafrtnPrev = &(afrtnNext->pafrnNext);
if( afrtnNext == NULL ) { bMore = FALSE; } else { if( pwszPathName == NULL ) { // we need to call RemoveFontResource LoadCount times to remove this font
while( afrtnNext->cLoadCount ) { RemoveFontResourceW( afrtnNext->pwszPath ); afrtnNext->cLoadCount -= 1; } } else { afrtnNext->cLoadCount -= 1;
// we're only decrementing the ref count so we are done
bMore = FALSE; }
// now unlink it and a free the memory if the ref count is zero
if( afrtnNext->cLoadCount == 0 ) { *ppafrtnPrev = afrtnNext->pafrnNext; LOCALFREE(afrtnNext); }
* * int RemoveFontResourceTracking(LPSTR psz) * * History: * Fri 22-Jul-1994 -by- Gerrit van Wingerden [gerritv] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
int RemoveFontResourceTracking(LPCSTR psz, UINT id) { INT iRet; WCHAR awcPathBuffer[MAX_PATH],*pTmp; WCHAR awcPathName[MAX_PATH]; BOOL bResult;
vToUnicodeN(awcPathName, MAX_PATH, psz, lstrlenA(psz) + 1);
#if DBG
DbgPrint("We made it to RemoveFontsResourceTracking %s\n", psz); #endif
iRet = RemoveFontResourceW( awcPathName );
if( iRet == 0 ) { // we failed so just return
return(iRet); }
// now get the full pathname of the font
if (!bMakePathNameW(awcPathBuffer, awcPathName, &pTmp, NULL)) { WARNING("RemoveFontResourceTracking unable to create path\n"); return(iRet); }
#if DBG
DbgPrint("Path is %ws\n", awcPathBuffer); #endif
// if this isn't a network font just return
if( bFileIsOnTheHardDrive( awcPathBuffer ) ) { return(iRet); }
// now search the list decrement the reference count
RemoveFontResourceEntry( id, awcPathBuffer );
return(iRet); }
void UnloadNetworkFonts( UINT id ) { RemoveFontResourceEntry( id, NULL ); }
* * int WINAPI AddFontResourceW(LPWSTR pwsz) * * History: * 13-Aug-1991 -by- Bodin Dresevic [BodinD] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
int WINAPI AddFontResourceW(LPCWSTR pwsz) { return GdiAddFontResourceW((LPWSTR) pwsz, 0 , NULL); }
* * int WINAPI AddFontResourceExW * * History: * 29-Aug-1996 -by- Xudong Wu [TessieW] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
int WINAPI AddFontResourceExW(LPCWSTR pwsz, DWORD fl, PVOID pvResrved) { DESIGNVECTOR * pdv = NULL; // check invalid flag
if (fl & ~(FR_PRIVATE | FR_NOT_ENUM)) { GdiSetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return 0; }
return GdiAddFontResourceW((LPWSTR) pwsz, (FLONG)fl , pdv); }
* * BOOL WINAPI RemoveFontResource(LPSTR psz) * * * History: * 13-Aug-1991 -by- Bodin Dresevic [BodinD] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
BOOL WINAPI RemoveFontResourceA(LPCSTR psz) { return RemoveFontResourceExA(psz,0, NULL); }
* * BOOL WINAPI RemoveFontResourceExA * * Note: Process should use the same flag with the one for AddFontResourceExA * to remove the font resource * * History: * 27-Sept-1996 -by- Xudong Wu [TessieW] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
BOOL WINAPI RemoveFontResourceExA(LPCSTR psz, DWORD fl, PVOID pvResrved) { BOOL bRet = FALSE; WCHAR awcPathName[MAX_PATH]; ULONG cch, cwc; WCHAR *pwcPathName = NULL; DESIGNVECTOR * pdv = NULL; // check invalid flag
if (fl & ~(FR_PRIVATE | FR_NOT_ENUM)) { GdiSetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return 0; }
// protect ourselves from bogus pointers, win95 does it
try { cch = lstrlenA(psz) + 1; if (cch <= MAX_PATH) { pwcPathName = awcPathName; cwc = MAX_PATH; } else { pwcPathName = (WCHAR *)LOCALALLOC(cch * sizeof(WCHAR)); cwc = cch; }
if (pwcPathName) { vToUnicodeN(pwcPathName, cwc, psz, lstrlenA(psz) + 1); bRet = 1; } } except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { bRet = 0; }
if (bRet) bRet = RemoveFontResourceExW(pwcPathName,fl, NULL);
if (pwcPathName && (pwcPathName != awcPathName)) LOCALFREE(pwcPathName);
return bRet; }
* * BOOL WINAPI RemoveFontResourceW(LPWSTR pwsz) * * History: * 13-Aug-1991 -by- Bodin Dresevic [BodinD] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
BOOL WINAPI RemoveFontResourceW(LPCWSTR pwsz) { return RemoveFontResourceExW(pwsz,0, NULL); }
* * BOOL WINAPI RemoveFontResourceExW * * Note: needs to pass fl and dwPidTid for Embedded fonts * History: * 27-Sept-1996 -by- Xudong Wu [TessieW] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
BOOL WINAPI RemoveFontResourceExW(LPCWSTR pwsz, DWORD dwfl, PVOID pvResrved) {
BOOL bRet = FALSE; ULONG cFiles, cwc; FLONG fl = dwfl; WCHAR *pwszNtPath; DWORD dwPidTid; DESIGNVECTOR * pdv = NULL; // check invalid flag
if (fl & ~(FR_PRIVATE | FR_NOT_ENUM)) { GdiSetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return 0; }
if (pwsz) { if (pwszNtPath = pwszAllocNtMultiplePath((LPWSTR)pwsz, &fl, &cwc, &cFiles, FALSE, &dwPidTid, TRUE)) { bRet = NtGdiRemoveFontResourceW(pwszNtPath, cwc, cFiles, fl, dwPidTid, pdv); LOCALFREE(pwszNtPath); } } return bRet;
* * BOOL WINAPI RemoveFontMemResourceEx() * * Note: current process can only remove the memory fonts loaded * by itself. * * History: * 20-May-1997 -by- Xudong Wu [TessieW] * Wrote it. \****************************************************************/
BOOL WINAPI RemoveFontMemResourceEx(HANDLE hMMFont) { if (hMMFont == 0) { GdiSetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
return (NtGdiRemoveFontMemResourceEx(hMMFont)); }
* CreateScalableFontResourceA * * Client side stub (ANSI version) to GreCreateScalableFontResourceW. * * History: * 16-Feb-1992 -by- Gilman Wong [gilmanw] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
BOOL APIENTRY CreateScalableFontResourceA( DWORD flHidden, // mark file as embedded font
LPCSTR lpszResourceFile, // name of file to create
LPCSTR lpszFontFile, // name of font file to use
LPCSTR lpszCurrentPath) // path to font file
{ // Allocate stack space for UNICODE version of input strings.
WCHAR awchResourceFile[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR awchFontFile[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR awchCurrentPath[MAX_PATH];
// Parameter checking.
if ( (lpszFontFile == (LPSTR) NULL) || (lpszResourceFile == (LPSTR) NULL) ) { WARNING("gdi!CreateScalableFontResourceA(): bad parameter\n"); GdiSetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (FALSE); }
// Convert input strings to UNICODE.
vToUnicodeN(awchResourceFile, MAX_PATH, lpszResourceFile, lstrlenA(lpszResourceFile)+1); vToUnicodeN(awchFontFile, MAX_PATH, lpszFontFile, lstrlenA(lpszFontFile)+1);
// Note: Whereas the other parameters may be not NULL, lpszCurrentPath
// may be NULL. Therefore, we need to treat it a little
// differently.
if ( lpszCurrentPath != (LPSTR) NULL ) { vToUnicodeN(awchCurrentPath, MAX_PATH, lpszCurrentPath, lstrlenA(lpszCurrentPath)+1); } else { awchCurrentPath[0] = L'\0'; // equivalent to NULL pointer for this call
// Call to UNICODE version of call.
return (CreateScalableFontResourceW ( flHidden, awchResourceFile, awchFontFile, awchCurrentPath ) ); }
* CreateScalableFontResourceInternalW * * Creates a font resource file that contains the font directory and the name * of the name of the scalable font file. * * The flEmbed flag marks the created file as hidden (or embedded). When an * embedded font file is added to the system, it is hidden from enumeration * and may be mapped to only if the bit is set in the LOGFONT. * * With regard to pwszCurrentPath and pwszFontFile, two cases are valid: * * 1. pwszCurrentPath is a path (relative, full, etc.) * pwszFontFile is only FILENAME.EXT * * In this case, pwszFontFile is stored in the resource file. The caller * is responsible for copying the .TTF file to the \windows\system * directory. * * 2. pwszCurrentPath is NULL or a pointer to NULL * pwszFontFile is a FULL pathname * * In this case, pwszFontFile is stored in the resource file. The * file must always exist at this pathname. * * Returns: * TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise. * * History: * 12-Apr-1995 Gerrit van Wingerden [gerritv] * Moved it to client side for kernel mode. * 10-Feb-1992 -by- Gilman Wong [gilmanw] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
#define vToASCIIN( pszDst, cch, pwszSrc, cwch) \
{ \ RtlUnicodeToMultiByteN((PCH)(pszDst), (ULONG)(cch), (PULONG)NULL, \ (PWSZ)(pwszSrc), (ULONG)((cwch)*sizeof(WCHAR))); \ (pszDst)[(cch)-1] = 0; \ }
BOOL CreateScalableFontResourceInternalW ( FLONG flEmbed, // fl
LPCWSTR lpwszResourceFile, LPCWSTR lpwszFontFile, LPCWSTR lpwszCurrentPath ) { BOOL bFullPath = TRUE; //!localW nIsNotFullPath
ULONG cwchFileName = 0; // localW nFileNameLength
ULONG cwchFullPath = 0; // localW nFullPathLength
ULONG cwchModuleName = 0; // localW nModuleNameLength
PWSZ pwszModuleName; // localD lpModuleName
PTRDIFF dpwszFullPath; // lovalW wFullPath
ULONG cjFontDir; // localW nSizeFontDir
ULONG cchFaceName; // localW nFaceNameLength
PSZ pszFaceName; // localD lpFaceName
PBYTE pjOutObj; // localD <lpFontDir, lpOutObj>
HANDLE hResFile; // localW hResFile
WCHAR awchFullPath[MAX_PATH]; // localV pFullPath, PATH_LENGTH
PWSZ pwszFullPath; PWSZ pwszTmp; ULONG cwch; BYTE ajFontDir[CJ_FONTDIR]; PSZ pszTmp; BYTE ajOutObj[CJ_OUTOBJ]; USHORT usTmp;
// Parameter check.
if ( (lpwszFontFile == (LPWSTR) NULL) || (lpwszResourceFile == (LPWSTR) NULL) ) { WARNING("CreateScalableFontResourceInternalW(): bad parameter\n"); return (FALSE); }
// If not a NULL ptr, put current path in the full path.
pwszFullPath = awchFullPath;
if ( lpwszCurrentPath != (LPWSTR) NULL ) { // Copy current path including the NULL.
pwszTmp = (PWSZ) lpwszCurrentPath;
while ( *pwszFullPath++ = *pwszTmp++ ); cwchFullPath = (ULONG) (pwszTmp - lpwszCurrentPath); // number of characters copied
// Back up pointer to the terminating NULL (we have to append here).
pwszFullPath--; cwchFullPath--;
// If any non-NULL characters were copied, then check to make sure path ends with '\'.
if (cwchFullPath != 0) { if (awchFullPath[cwchFullPath - 1] != L'\\') { // Put in the '\' and NULL and update character count.
*pwszFullPath++ = L'\\'; *pwszFullPath = 0x0000; cwchFullPath++;
// Path info was copied, so we didn't have a full path.
bFullPath = FALSE; }
// Append the file name
pwszTmp = (PWSZ) lpwszFontFile;
while ( *pwszFullPath++ = *pwszTmp++ );
// Note: lengths include the NULL.
cwchFullPath += (ULONG) (pwszTmp - lpwszFontFile); // add on number of characters copied
cwchFileName = (ULONG) (pwszTmp - lpwszFontFile); // number of characters copied
// [Win 3.1 compatibility]
// Win 3.1 is paranoid. They parse the full pathname backward to look for
// filename (without path), just in case both lpwszCurrentPath and
// pwszFileName (with a path) is passed in.
// Adjust pointer to terminating NULL.
// Move pointer to beginning of filename alone. Figure out the length
// of just the filename.
pwszTmp = pwszFullPath;
// Note: loop terminates when beginning of string is reached or
// the first '\' is encountered.
for (cwch = cwchFullPath; (cwch != 0) && (*pwszTmp != L'\\'); cwch--, pwszTmp-- );
pwszTmp++; // backed up one too far
cwchFileName = cwchFullPath - cwch; // cwch is length of just path
// The filename is the module name, so set the pointer at current position.
pwszModuleName = pwszTmp;
// Figure out the length of module name (filename with no extention).
// NULL is not counted (nor does it exist!).
// Note: loop terminates when end of string is reached or
// '.' is encountered.
for (cwch = 0; (cwch < cwchFileName) && (*pwszTmp != L'.'); cwch++, pwszTmp++ );
// Truncate length to 8 because Win 3.1 does (probably an EXE format
// requirement).
cwchModuleName = min(cwch, 8);
// If a full path was passed in via pwszFileName, then set offset to it.
if ( bFullPath ) { dpwszFullPath = 0; }
// Otherwise, set offset to filename alone.
else { dpwszFullPath = (PTRDIFF)(pwszModuleName - awchFullPath); // this is win64 safe cast!
cwchFullPath = cwchFileName; }
// Allocate memory on the stack for the Font Directory resource structure.
RtlZeroMemory((PVOID) ajFontDir, (UINT) CJ_FONTDIR);
// Call GreMakeFontDir to create a Font Directory resource.
{ UNICODE_STRING unicodeString; PWSZ pwsz;
RtlDosPathNameToNtPathName_U(awchFullPath, &unicodeString, NULL, NULL);
cjFontDir = NtGdiMakeFontDir(flEmbed, ajFontDir, sizeof(ajFontDir), unicodeString.Buffer, (unicodeString.Length + 1) * sizeof(*(unicodeString.Buffer)) );
if (unicodeString.Buffer) { RtlFreeHeap(RtlProcessHeap(),0,unicodeString.Buffer); } }
if ( cjFontDir == (ULONG ) 0 ) { WARNING("CreateScalableFontResourceInternalW(): fontdir creation failed\n"); return (FALSE); }
// Find the facename and facename length in the font directory.
pszTmp = (PSZ) (ajFontDir + SIZEFFH + 4 + 1);
while (*pszTmp++); // skip the family name.
pszFaceName = pszTmp;
// Note: count does not include NULL in this case.
for (cchFaceName = 0; *pszTmp; pszTmp++, cchFaceName++);
// Allocate memory on the stack for the font resource file memory image.
RtlZeroMemory((PVOID) ajOutObj, (UINT) CJ_OUTOBJ);
pjOutObj = ajOutObj;
// Copy generic EXE header into output image.
RtlCopyMemory(pjOutObj, ajExeHeader, SIZEEXEHEADER);
// Copy generic New EXE header into output image.
RtlCopyMemory(pjOutObj + SIZEEXEHEADER, ausNewExe, SIZENEWEXE);
// Copy the fake resource table into output image.
// Patch up field, Font Directory Size Index (as a count of aligned pages).
// Patch offsets to imported names table and module reference table.
usTmp = (USHORT) (cwchModuleName + READ_WORD(pjOutObj + SIZEEXEHEADER + OFF_ne_restab) + 6);
WRITE_WORD((pjOutObj + SIZEEXEHEADER + OFF_ne_imptab), usTmp); WRITE_WORD((pjOutObj + SIZEEXEHEADER + OFF_ne_modtab), usTmp);
// Patch offset to entry table.
usTmp += (USHORT) cwchFileName + 1; WRITE_WORD((pjOutObj + SIZEEXEHEADER + OFF_ne_enttab), usTmp);
// Patch offset to and size of non-resident name table.
usTmp += SIZEEXEHEADER + 4; WRITE_DWORD((pjOutObj + SIZEEXEHEADER + OFF_ne_nrestab), (DWORD) usTmp);
WRITE_WORD((pjOutObj + SIZEEXEHEADER + OFF_ne_cbnrestab), SIZEFONTRES + 4 + cchFaceName);
// Now write some data after the exe headers and fake resource table.
// Write out module name length and module name.
*pjOutObj++ = (BYTE) cwchModuleName; // win 3.1 assumes < 256, so will we
// Note: Writing cwchModuleName+1 characters because cwchModuleName
// does not include space for a NULL character.
vToASCIIN((PSZ) pjOutObj, (UINT) cwchModuleName + 1, pwszModuleName, (UINT) cwchModuleName + 1);
pjOutObj += cwchModuleName & 0x00ff; // enforce < 256 assumption
// Pad with 5 bytes of zeroes.
*pjOutObj++ = 0; *pjOutObj++ = 0; *pjOutObj++ = 0; *pjOutObj++ = 0; *pjOutObj++ = 0;
// Write out file name length and file name.
*pjOutObj++ = (BYTE) cwchFileName; // win 3.1 assumes < 256, so will we
vToASCIIN((PSZ) pjOutObj, (UINT) cwchFileName, pwszModuleName, (UINT) cwchFileName);
pjOutObj += cwchFileName & 0x00ff; // enforce < 256 assumption
// Pad with 4 bytes of zeroes.
*pjOutObj++ = 0; *pjOutObj++ = 0; *pjOutObj++ = 0; *pjOutObj++ = 0;
// Write out size of non-resident name table and the table itself.
*pjOutObj++ = (BYTE) (SIZEFONTRES + 4 + cchFaceName);
RtlCopyMemory(pjOutObj, ajFontRes, SIZEFONTRES); pjOutObj += SIZEFONTRES;
RtlCopyMemory(pjOutObj, pszFaceName, (UINT) cchFaceName); pjOutObj += cchFaceName;
// Pad with 8 bytes of zeroes.
RtlZeroMemory(pjOutObj, 8); pjOutObj += 8;
// Store some bogus code. (Just an x86 RET instruction).
pjOutObj = ajOutObj + CODE_OFFSET; *pjOutObj++ = 0xc3; // RET OpCode.
*pjOutObj++ = 0x00;
// Copy the "full path name" into the resource position.
pjOutObj = ajOutObj + RESOURCE_OFFSET;
vToASCIIN((PSZ) pjOutObj, (UINT) cwchFullPath, awchFullPath + dpwszFullPath, (UINT) cwchFullPath);
pjOutObj += cwchFullPath;
// Pad to paragraph boundary with zeroes.
RtlZeroMemory(pjOutObj, PRIVRESSIZE - cwchFullPath);
pjOutObj += PRIVRESSIZE - cwchFullPath;
// Finally, copy the font directory.
RtlCopyMemory(pjOutObj, ajFontDir, cjFontDir); pjOutObj += cjFontDir;
// Add add a one paragraph padding of zeroes.
RtlZeroMemory(pjOutObj, 16);
// Create the file.
// Write memory image to the file.
ULONG cjWasWritten;
if (WriteFile(hResFile, ajOutObj, CJ_OUTOBJ, (LPDWORD) &cjWasWritten, NULL) ) { if (CloseHandle(hResFile) != 0) { return (TRUE); } else { WARNING("CreateScalableFontResourceInternalW(): error closing file\n"); } } else { WARNING("CreateScalableFontResourceInternalW(): error writing to file\n"); }
// Close the file on error
CloseHandle(hResFile); }
return (FALSE);
* CreateScalableFontResourceW * * Client side stub to GreCreateScalableFontResourceW. * * History: * 16-Feb-1992 -by- Gilman Wong [gilmanw] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
BOOL APIENTRY CreateScalableFontResourceW ( DWORD flHidden, // mark file as embedded font
LPCWSTR lpwszResourceFile, // name of file to create
LPCWSTR lpwszFontFile, // name of font file to use
LPCWSTR lpwszCurrentPath) // path to font file
{ BOOL bRet = FALSE; ULONG cjData;
ULONG cwchResourceFile; ULONG cwchFontFile; ULONG cwchCurrentPath;
WCHAR awchResourcePathName[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR awcPathName[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR awcFileName[MAX_PATH]; PWSZ pwszFilePart; BOOL bMadePath;
// Parameter checking.
if ( (lpwszFontFile == (LPWSTR) NULL) || (lpwszResourceFile == (LPWSTR) NULL) ) { WARNING("gdi!CreateScalableFontResourceW(): bad parameter\n"); GdiSetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (FALSE); }
// To simplify the client server parameter validation, if lpwszCurrentPath
// is NULL, make it instead point to NULL.
if ( lpwszCurrentPath == (LPWSTR) NULL ) lpwszCurrentPath = L"";
// Need to convert paths and pathnames to full qualified paths and pathnames
// here on the client side because the "current directory" is not the same
// on the server side.
// Case 1: lpwszCurrentPath is NULL, so we want to transform lpwszFontFile
// into a fully qualified path name and keep lpwszCurrentPath NULL.
if ( *lpwszCurrentPath == L'\0' ) { // Construct a fully qualified path name.
if (!bMakePathNameW(awcPathName, (LPWSTR) lpwszFontFile, &pwszFilePart, NULL)) { WARNING("gdi!CreateScalableFontResourceW(): could not construct src full pathname (1)\n"); GdiSetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (FALSE); }
lpwszFontFile = awcPathName; }
// Case 2: lpwszCurrentPath points to path of font file, so we want to make
// lpwszCurrentPath into a fully qualified path (not pathnmame) and
// lpwszFontFile into the file part of the fully qualified path NAME.
else { // Concatenate lpwszCurrentPath and lpwszFontFile to make a partial (maybe
// even full) path. Keep it temporarily in awcFileName.
lstrcpyW(awcFileName, lpwszCurrentPath); if ( lpwszCurrentPath[wcslen(lpwszCurrentPath) - 1] != L'\\' ) lstrcatW(awcFileName, L"\\"); // append '\' to path if needed
lstrcatW(awcFileName, lpwszFontFile);
// Construct a fully qualified path name.
if (!bMakePathNameW(awcPathName, awcFileName, &pwszFilePart,NULL)) { WARNING("gdi!CreateScalableFontResourceW(): could not construct src full pathname (2)\n"); GdiSetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (FALSE); }
// Copy out the filename part.
lstrcpyW(awcFileName, pwszFilePart);
// Remove the filename part from the path name (so that it is now just
// a fully qualified PATH). We do this by turning the first character
// of the filename part into a NULL, effectively cutting this part off.
*pwszFilePart = L'\0';
// Change the pointers to point at our buffers.
lpwszCurrentPath = awcPathName; lpwszFontFile = awcFileName; }
// Convert the resource filename to a fully qualified path name.
if ( !GetFullPathNameW(lpwszResourceFile, MAX_PATH, awchResourcePathName, &pwszFilePart) ) { WARNING("gdi!CreateScalableFontResourceW(): could not construct dest full pathname\n"); GdiSetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return (FALSE); } else { lpwszResourceFile = awchResourcePathName; }
return(CreateScalableFontResourceInternalW( flHidden, lpwszResourceFile, lpwszFontFile, lpwszCurrentPath )); }
* GetRasterizerCaps * * Client side stub to GreGetRasterizerCaps. * * History: * 17-Feb-1992 -by- Gilman Wong [gilmanw] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
BOOL APIENTRY GetRasterizerCaps ( OUT LPRASTERIZER_STATUS lpraststat, // pointer to struct
IN UINT cjBytes // copy this many bytes into struct
) { return(NtGdiGetRasterizerCaps(lpraststat,cjBytes)); }
* SetFontEnumeration * * * * Client side stub to GreSetFontEnumeration. * * * * History: * * 09-Mar-1992 -by- Gilman Wong [gilmanw] * * Wrote it. * \**************************************************************************/
ULONG SetFontEnumeration(ULONG ulType) { return(NtGdiSetFontEnumeration(ulType)); }
* vNewTextMetricWToNewTextMetric * * History: * 20-Aug-1991 -by- Bodin Dresevic [BodinD] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/ static VOID vNewTextMetricExWToNewTextMetricExA ( NEWTEXTMETRICEXA *pntmexa, NTMW_INTERNAL *pntmi ) { NEWTEXTMETRICW *pntmw = &pntmi->entmw.etmNewTextMetricEx.ntmTm; NEWTEXTMETRICA *pntma = &pntmexa->ntmTm;
pntma->tmHeight = pntmw->tmHeight ; // DWORD
pntma->tmAscent = pntmw->tmAscent ; // DWORD
pntma->tmDescent = pntmw->tmDescent ; // DWORD
pntma->tmInternalLeading = pntmw->tmInternalLeading ; // DWORD
pntma->tmExternalLeading = pntmw->tmExternalLeading ; // DWORD
pntma->tmAveCharWidth = pntmw->tmAveCharWidth ; // DWORD
pntma->tmMaxCharWidth = pntmw->tmMaxCharWidth ; // DWORD
pntma->tmWeight = pntmw->tmWeight ; // DWORD
pntma->tmOverhang = pntmw->tmOverhang ; // DWORD
pntma->tmDigitizedAspectX = pntmw->tmDigitizedAspectX ; // DWORD
pntma->tmDigitizedAspectY = pntmw->tmDigitizedAspectY ; // DWORD
pntma->tmItalic = pntmw->tmItalic ; // BYTE
pntma->tmUnderlined = pntmw->tmUnderlined ; // BYTE
pntma->tmStruckOut = pntmw->tmStruckOut ; // BYTE
pntma->ntmFlags = pntmw->ntmFlags ; pntma->ntmSizeEM = pntmw->ntmSizeEM ; pntma->ntmCellHeight = pntmw->ntmCellHeight ; pntma->ntmAvgWidth = pntmw->ntmAvgWidth ; pntma->tmPitchAndFamily = pntmw->tmPitchAndFamily ; // BYTE
pntma->tmCharSet = pntmw->tmCharSet ; // BYTE
pntma->tmFirstChar = pntmi->tmdNtmw.chFirst; pntma->tmLastChar = pntmi->tmdNtmw.chLast ; pntma->tmDefaultChar = pntmi->tmdNtmw.chDefault; pntma->tmBreakChar = pntmi->tmdNtmw.chBreak;
// finally copy font signature, required by EnumFontFamiliesEx
pntmexa->ntmFontSig = pntmi->entmw.etmNewTextMetricEx.ntmFontSig; }