Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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479 lines
10 KiB

  4. GpInitialize
  5. GpAbortDoc
  6. GpAddFontResourceA
  7. GpAddFontResourceW
  8. GpAddFontResourceExA
  9. GpAddFontResourceExW
  10. GpAddFontMemResourceEx
  11. GpAngleArc
  12. GpArc
  13. GpBitBlt
  14. GpCancelDC
  15. GpChoosePixelFormat
  16. GpChord
  17. GpCloseMetaFile
  18. GpCloseEnhMetaFile
  19. GpCombineRgn
  20. GpCombineTransform
  21. GpCopyMetaFileA
  22. GpCopyMetaFileW
  23. GpCopyEnhMetaFileA
  24. GpCopyEnhMetaFileW
  25. GpCreateCompatibleBitmap
  26. GpCreateCompatibleDC
  27. GpCreateDCA
  28. GpCreateDCW
  29. GpCreateDiscardableBitmap
  30. GpCreateEllipticRgn
  31. GpCreateEllipticRgnIndirect
  32. GpCreateFontA
  33. GpCreateFontW
  34. GpCreateFontIndirectA
  35. GpCreateFontIndirectW
  36. GpCreateFontIndirectExA
  37. GpCreateFontIndirectExW
  38. GpCreateHatchBrush
  39. GpCreateICA
  40. GpCreateICW
  41. GpCreateMetaFileA
  42. GpCreateMetaFileW
  43. GpCreateEnhMetaFileA
  44. GpCreateEnhMetaFileW
  45. GpCreatePatternBrush
  46. GpCreatePen
  47. GpExtCreatePen
  48. GpCreatePenIndirect
  49. GpCreateRectRgn
  50. GpCreateRectRgnIndirect
  51. GpCreateRoundRectRgn
  52. GpCreateScalableFontResourceA
  53. GpCreateScalableFontResourceW
  54. GpCreateSolidBrush
  55. GpDeleteDC
  56. GpDeleteMetaFile
  57. GpDeleteEnhMetaFile
  58. GpDeleteObject
  59. GpDescribePixelFormat
  60. GpDeviceCapabilitiesExA
  61. GpDeviceCapabilitiesExW = GpDeviceCapabilitiesExA
  62. GpDrawEscape
  63. GpEndDoc
  64. GpEndPage
  65. GpEndFormPage
  66. GpEnumFontFamiliesA
  67. GpEnumFontFamiliesW
  68. GpEnumFontsA
  69. GpEnumFontsW
  70. GpEnumObjects
  71. GpEllipse
  72. GpEqualRgn
  73. GpEscape
  74. GpExtEscape
  75. GpExcludeClipRect
  76. GpExtFloodFill
  77. GpExtCreateRegion
  78. GpExtSelectClipRgn
  79. GpFillRgn
  80. GpFloodFill
  81. GpFrameRgn
  82. GpGdiComment
  83. GpGdiFlush
  84. GpGdiPlayScript
  85. GpGdiPlayDCScript
  86. GpGdiPlayJournal
  87. GpGdiGetBatchLimit
  88. GpGdiSetBatchLimit
  89. GpGetAspectRatioFilterEx
  90. GpGetBitmapDimensionEx
  91. GpGetBkColor
  92. GpGetBkMode
  93. GpGetBrushOrgEx
  94. GpGetCharABCWidthsA
  95. GpGetCharABCWidthsW
  96. GpGetCharABCWidthsFloatA
  97. GpGetCharABCWidthsFloatW
  98. GpGetCharABCWidthsI
  99. GpGetClipBox
  100. GpGetClipRgn
  101. GpGetColorAdjustment
  102. GpGetCurrentObject
  103. GpGetCurrentPositionEx
  104. GpGetDeviceCaps
  105. GpGetFontResourceInfoW
  106. GpGetFontUnicodeRanges = NtGdiGetFontUnicodeRanges
  107. GpGetGlyphIndicesA
  108. GpGetGlyphIndicesW = NtGdiGetGlyphIndicesW
  109. GpGetGraphicsMode
  110. GpGetMapMode
  111. GpGetMetaFileA
  112. GpGetMetaFileW
  113. GpGetMetaRgn
  114. GpGetEnhMetaFileA
  115. GpGetEnhMetaFileW
  116. GpGetEnhMetaFileDescriptionA
  117. GpGetEnhMetaFileDescriptionW
  118. GpGetEnhMetaFileHeader
  119. GpGetEnhMetaFilePaletteEntries
  120. GpGetEnhMetaFilePixelFormat
  121. GpGetFontData
  122. GpGetGlyphOutline=GpGetGlyphOutlineA
  123. GpGetGlyphOutlineA
  124. GpGetGlyphOutlineW
  125. GpGetKerningPairs=GpGetKerningPairsA
  126. GpGetKerningPairsA
  127. GpGetKerningPairsW
  128. GpGetNearestColor
  129. GpGetNearestPaletteIndex
  130. GpGetOutlineTextMetricsA
  131. GpGetOutlineTextMetricsW
  132. GpGetPixel
  133. GpGetPixelFormat
  134. GpGetPolyFillMode
  135. GpGetRasterizerCaps
  136. GpGetRandomRgn
  137. GpGetRegionData
  138. GpGetRelAbs
  139. GpGetRgnBox
  140. GpGetROP2
  141. GpGetStockObject
  142. GpGetStretchBltMode
  143. GpGetSystemPaletteUse
  144. GpGetTextAlign
  145. GpGetTextCharacterExtra
  146. GpGetTextColor
  147. GpGetDCBrushColor
  148. GpGetDCPenColor
  149. GpGetTextExtentPointA
  150. GpGetTextExtentPointW
  151. GpGetTextExtentPoint32A
  152. GpGetTextExtentPoint32W
  153. GpGetTextExtentExPointA
  154. GpGetTextExtentExPointW
  155. GpGetTextExtentPointI
  156. GpGetTextExtentExPointI
  157. GpGetTextFaceA
  158. GpGetTextFaceW
  159. GpGetTextMetricsA
  160. GpGetTextMetricsW
  161. GpGetViewportExtEx
  162. GpGetViewportOrgEx
  163. GpGetWindowExtEx
  164. GpGetWindowOrgEx
  165. GpGetWorldTransform
  166. GpIntersectClipRect
  167. GpInvertRgn
  168. GpLineDDA
  169. GpLineTo
  170. GpMaskBlt
  171. GpModifyWorldTransform
  172. GpMoveToEx
  173. GpOffsetClipRgn
  174. GpOffsetRgn
  175. GpOffsetViewportOrgEx
  176. GpOffsetWindowOrgEx
  177. GpPaintRgn
  178. GpPatBlt
  179. GpPolyPatBlt
  180. GpPie
  181. GpPlayMetaFile
  182. GpPlayEnhMetaFile
  183. GpPlgBlt
  184. GpPtInRegion
  185. GpPtVisible
  186. GpRealizePalette
  187. GpRectangle
  188. GpRectInRegion
  189. GpRectVisible
  190. GpRemoveFontResourceA
  191. GpRemoveFontResourceW
  192. GpRemoveFontResourceExA
  193. GpRemoveFontResourceExW
  194. GpRemoveFontMemResourceEx
  195. GpResizePalette
  196. GpRestoreDC
  197. GpRoundRect
  198. GpSaveDC
  199. GpScaleViewportExtEx
  200. GpScaleWindowExtEx
  201. GpSelectClipRgn
  202. GpSelectObject
  203. GpSelectBrushLocal
  204. GpSelectFontLocal
  205. GpSelectPalette
  206. GpSetBitmapDimensionEx
  207. GpSetBkColor
  208. GpSetBkMode
  209. GpSetBrushOrgEx
  210. GpSetColorAdjustment
  211. GpSetFontEnumeration
  212. GpSetGraphicsMode
  213. GpSetMapMode
  214. GpSetMapperFlags
  215. GpSetPixel
  216. GpSetPixelFormat
  217. GpSetPixelV
  218. GpSetPolyFillMode
  219. GpSetRectRgn
  220. GpSetRelAbs
  221. GpSetROP2
  222. GpSetStretchBltMode
  223. GpSetSystemPaletteUse
  224. GpSetTextAlign
  225. GpSetTextCharacterExtra
  226. GpSetTextColor
  227. GpSetDCBrushColor
  228. GpSetDCPenColor
  229. GpSetTextJustification
  230. GpSetLayout
  231. GpGetLayout
  232. GpSetLayoutWidth PRIVATE
  233. GpMirrorRgn PRIVATE
  234. GpSetViewportExtEx
  235. GpSetViewportOrgEx
  236. GpSetWindowExtEx
  237. GpSetWindowOrgEx
  238. GpSetWorldTransform
  239. GpStartDocA
  240. GpStartDocW
  241. GpStartPage
  242. GpStartFormPage
  243. GpStretchBlt
  244. GpSwapBuffers
  245. GpTextOutA
  246. GpTextOutW
  247. GpUpdateColors
  248. GpUnrealizeObject
  249. GpFixBrushOrgEx
  250. GpGetDCOrgEx
  251. GpAnimatePalette
  252. GpArcTo
  253. GpBeginPath
  254. GpCloseFigure
  255. GpCreateBitmap
  256. GpCreateBitmapIndirect
  257. GpCreateBrushIndirect
  258. GpCreateDIBitmap
  259. GpCreateDIBPatternBrush
  260. GpCreateDIBPatternBrushPt
  261. GpCreateDIBSection
  262. GpCreateHalftonePalette = NtGdiCreateHalftonePalette
  263. GpCreatePalette
  264. GpCreatePolygonRgn
  265. GpCreatePolyPolygonRgn
  266. GpDPtoLP
  267. GpEndPath
  268. GpEnumMetaFile
  269. GpEnumEnhMetaFile
  270. GpExtTextOutA
  271. GpExtTextOutW
  272. GpPolyTextOutA
  273. GpPolyTextOutW
  274. GpFillPath
  275. GpFlattenPath
  276. GpGetArcDirection
  277. GpGetBitmapBits
  278. GpGetCharWidthA
  279. GpGetCharWidthW
  280. GpGetCharWidth32A
  281. GpGetCharWidth32W
  282. GpGetCharWidthFloatA
  283. GpGetCharWidthFloatW
  284. GpGetCharWidthI
  285. GpGetDIBColorTable
  286. GpGetDIBits
  287. GpGetMetaFileBitsEx
  288. GpGetMiterLimit
  289. GpGetEnhMetaFileBits
  290. GpGetObjectA
  291. GpGetObjectW
  292. GpGetObjectType
  293. GpGetPaletteEntries
  294. GpGetPath
  295. GpGetSystemPaletteEntries
  296. GpGetWinMetaFileBits
  297. GpLPtoDP
  298. GpPathToRegion
  299. GpPlayMetaFileRecord
  300. GpPlayEnhMetaFileRecord
  301. GpPolyBezier
  302. GpPolyBezierTo
  303. GpPolyDraw
  304. GpPolygon
  305. GpPolyline
  306. GpPolylineTo
  307. GpPolyPolygon
  308. GpPolyPolyline
  309. GpResetDCA
  310. GpResetDCW
  311. GpSelectClipPath
  312. GpSetAbortProc
  313. GpSetBitmapBits
  314. GpSetDIBColorTable
  315. GpSetDIBits
  316. GpSetDIBitsToDevice
  317. GpSetMetaFileBitsEx
  318. GpSetEnhMetaFileBits
  319. GpSetMiterLimit
  320. GpSetPaletteEntries
  321. GpSetWinMetaFileBits
  322. GpStretchDIBits
  323. GpStrokeAndFillPath
  324. GpStrokePath
  325. GpWidenPath
  326. GpAbortPath
  327. GpSetArcDirection
  328. GpSetMetaRgn
  329. GpGetBoundsRect
  330. GpSetBoundsRect
  331. ; new Chicago APIs
  332. GpSetICMMode
  333. GpEnumICMProfilesA
  334. GpEnumICMProfilesW
  335. GpCheckColorsInGamut
  336. GpGetColorSpace
  337. GpGetLogColorSpaceA
  338. GpGetLogColorSpaceW
  339. GpCreateColorSpaceA
  340. GpCreateColorSpaceW
  341. GpSetColorSpace
  342. GpDeleteColorSpace
  343. GpGetICMProfileA
  344. GpGetICMProfileW
  345. GpSetICMProfileA
  346. GpSetICMProfileW
  347. GpGetDeviceGammaRamp
  348. GpSetDeviceGammaRamp
  349. GpColorMatchToTarget
  350. GpUpdateICMRegKeyA
  351. GpUpdateICMRegKeyW
  352. GpColorCorrectPalette
  353. GpgdiPlaySpoolStream
  354. GpEnumFontFamiliesExA
  355. GpEnumFontFamiliesExW
  356. GpGetCharacterPlacementA
  357. GpGetCharacterPlacementW
  358. GpGetFontLanguageInfo
  359. GpTranslateCharsetInfo
  360. GpGetTextCharsetInfo = NtGdiGetTextCharsetInfo
  361. GpGetTextCharset
  362. GpSetMagicColors = NtGdiSetMagicColors
  363. GpEnableEUDC = NtGdiEnableEudc
  364. GpEudcLoadLinkW
  365. GpEudcUnloadLinkW
  366. GpGetEUDCTimeStamp PRIVATE
  367. GpGetEUDCTimeStampExW PRIVATE
  368. GpGetStringBitmapA PRIVATE
  369. GpGetStringBitmapW PRIVATE
  370. GpQueryFontAssocStatus PRIVATE
  371. GpGetFontAssocStatus
  372. ; for user-mode printer drivers
  373. GdiArtificialDecrementDriver
  374. EngAssociateSurface
  375. EngCreateBitmap
  376. EngCreateDeviceSurface
  377. EngCreateDeviceBitmap
  378. EngDeleteSurface
  379. EngUnlockSurface
  380. EngLockSurface
  381. EngCreatePalette
  382. EngDeletePalette
  383. EngEraseSurface
  384. EngMarkBandingSurface
  385. EngCopyBits
  386. EngStretchBlt
  387. EngStretchBltROP
  388. EngBitBlt
  389. EngPlgBlt
  390. EngAlphaBlend
  391. EngGradientFill
  392. EngTransparentBlt
  393. EngPaint
  394. EngStrokePath
  395. EngFillPath
  396. EngStrokeAndFillPath
  397. EngLineTo
  398. EngTextOut
  399. EngDeletePath
  400. EngCreateClip
  401. EngDeleteClip
  402. XLATEOBJ_cGetPalette
  403. XLATEOBJ_piVector
  404. XLATEOBJ_iXlate
  405. XLATEOBJ_hGetColorTransform
  406. CLIPOBJ_bEnum
  407. CLIPOBJ_cEnumStart
  408. CLIPOBJ_ppoGetPath
  409. BRUSHOBJ_ulGetBrushColor
  410. BRUSHOBJ_pvAllocRbrush
  411. BRUSHOBJ_pvGetRbrush
  412. BRUSHOBJ_hGetColorTransform
  413. XFORMOBJ_bApplyXform
  414. XFORMOBJ_iGetXform
  415. FONTOBJ_vGetInfo
  416. FONTOBJ_pxoGetXform
  417. FONTOBJ_cGetGlyphs
  418. FONTOBJ_pifi
  419. FONTOBJ_pfdg
  420. FONTOBJ_pvTrueTypeFontFile
  421. FONTOBJ_cGetAllGlyphHandles
  422. STROBJ_bEnum
  423. STROBJ_bEnumPositionsOnly
  424. STROBJ_vEnumStart
  425. STROBJ_dwGetCodePage
  426. STROBJ_bGetAdvanceWidths
  427. PATHOBJ_vGetBounds
  428. PATHOBJ_bEnum
  429. PATHOBJ_vEnumStart
  430. PATHOBJ_vEnumStartClipLines
  431. PATHOBJ_bEnumClipLines
  432. EngLoadModule
  433. EngFreeModule
  434. EngFindResource
  435. EngMultiByteToUnicodeN
  436. EngUnicodeToMultiByteN
  437. EngMultiByteToWideChar
  438. EngWideCharToMultiByte
  439. EngGetCurrentCodePage
  440. EngComputeGlyphSet
  441. EngQueryLocalTime
  442. EngCreateSemaphore
  443. EngAcquireSemaphore
  444. EngReleaseSemaphore
  445. EngDeleteSemaphore
  446. EngGetPrinterDataFileName
  447. EngGetDriverName
  448. EngCheckAbort
  449. HT_Get8BPPFormatPalette
  450. HT_Get8BPPMaskPalette