* Module Name: region.c * * Client region support * * Created: 15-Jun-1995 * Author: Mark Enstrom [marke] * * Copyright (c) 1995-1999 Microsoft Corporation \**************************************************************************/
#include "precomp.h"
void OrderRects(LPRECT lpR, int nRects) { RECT R; int i,j;
//Sort Left to right
for (i=0; i<nRects; i++){ for (j=i+1; (j<nRects) && ((lpR+j)->top == (lpR+i)->top); j++){ if (((lpR+j)->left < (lpR+i)->left)) { R = *(lpR+i); *(lpR+i) = *(lpR+j); *(lpR+j) = R; } } }
* MirrorRgnByWidth * Mirror a region (hrgn) according a specific width (cx) * hrgn : region to get mirrored. * cx : width used to mirror the region. * phrgn : If it is not NULL the hrgn will not be touched and the new mirrored region will be returned in phrgn * But if it is NULL the mirrored region will be copied to hrgn. * * WORRNING: * if phrng is not NULL it is the caller responsibility to free *phrgn latter. * * returns: * TRUE : if the region get mirrored * FALSE : otherwise. * See the comment about phrng. * \**************************************************************************/ BOOL MirrorRgnByWidth(HRGN hrgn, int cx, HRGN *phrgn) { int nRects, i, nDataSize; HRGN hrgn2 = NULL; RECT *lpR; int Saveleft; RGNDATA *lpRgnData; BOOL bRet = FALSE;
nDataSize = GetRegionData(hrgn, 0, NULL); if (nDataSize && (lpRgnData = (RGNDATA *)LocalAlloc(0, nDataSize * sizeof(DWORD)))) { if (GetRegionData(hrgn, nDataSize, lpRgnData)) { nRects = lpRgnData->rdh.nCount; lpR = (RECT *)lpRgnData->Buffer;
Saveleft = lpRgnData->rdh.rcBound.left; lpRgnData->rdh.rcBound.left = cx - lpRgnData->rdh.rcBound.right; lpRgnData->rdh.rcBound.right = cx - Saveleft;
for (i=0; i<nRects; i++){ Saveleft = lpR->left; lpR->left = cx - lpR->right; lpR->right = cx - Saveleft;
lpR++; }
OrderRects((RECT *)lpRgnData->Buffer, nRects); hrgn2 = ExtCreateRegion(NULL, nDataSize, lpRgnData); if (hrgn2) { if (phrgn == NULL) { CombineRgn(hrgn, hrgn2, NULL, RGN_COPY); DeleteObject((HGDIOBJ)hrgn2); } else { *phrgn = hrgn2; }
bRet = TRUE; } }
//Free mem.
LocalFree(lpRgnData); } return bRet; }
BOOL WINAPI MirrorRgn(HWND hwnd, HRGN hrgn) { RECT rc;
GetWindowRect(hwnd, &rc); rc.right -= rc.left; return MirrorRgnByWidth(hrgn, rc.right, NULL); }
BOOL MirrorRgnDC(HDC hdc, HRGN hrgn, HRGN *phrgn) { FIXUP_HANDLE(hdc); if(!IS_ALTDC_TYPE(hdc)) { PDC_ATTR pdcattr; PSHARED_GET_VALIDATE((PVOID)pdcattr,hdc,DC_TYPE);
if (pdcattr) { return MirrorRgnByWidth(hrgn, NtGdiGetDeviceWidth(hdc), phrgn); } } return FALSE; }
* iRectRelation * * returns: * CONTAINS where prcl1 contains prcl2 * CONTAINED where prcl1 contained by prcl2 * 0 - otherwise * * History: * 19-Nov-1993 -by- Eric Kutter [erick] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
int iRectRelation( PRECTL prcl1, PRECTL prcl2 ) { int iRet = 0;
if ((prcl1->left <= prcl2->left) && (prcl1->right >= prcl2->right) && (prcl1->top <= prcl2->top) && (prcl1->bottom >= prcl2->bottom)) { iRet = CONTAINS; } else if ( (prcl2->left <= prcl1->left) && (prcl2->right >= prcl1->right) && (prcl2->top <= prcl1->top) && (prcl2->bottom >= prcl1->bottom)) { iRet = CONTAINED; } else if ( (prcl1->left >= prcl2->right) || (prcl1->right <= prcl2->left) || (prcl1->top >= prcl2->bottom) || (prcl1->bottom <= prcl2->top)) { iRet = DISJOINT; } return(iRet); }
* * CreateRectRgn gets an hrgn with user-mode PRGNATTR pointer and * sets the type to SIMPLEREGION. * * Arguments: * * x1 * y1 * x2 * y2 * * Return Value: * * HRGN or NULL * * History: * * 15-Jun-1995 -by- Mark Enstrom [marke] * \**************************************************************************/
#define MIN_REGION_COORD ((LONG) 0xF8000000)
HRGN WINAPI CreateRectRgn( int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2 ) { //
// get a region handle, allocate memory for the
// region and associate handle with memory
PRGNATTR prRegion; HRGN hrgn;
// rectangle must be ordered
if ((x1 > x2) || (y1 > y2)) { WARNING("CreateRectRgn called with badly ordered region");
x1 = 0; x2 = 0; y1 = 0; y2 = 0; }
if (x1 > x2) { int t = x1; x1 = x2; x2 = t; }
if (y1 > y2) { int t = y1; y1 = y2; y2 = t; }
// make sure ordered coordinates are legal
if ((x1 < MIN_REGION_COORD) || (y1 < MIN_REGION_COORD) || (x2 > MAX_REGION_COORD) || (y2 > MAX_REGION_COORD)) { GdiSetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return((HRGN) 0); }
// get a handle for the new region
hrgn = (HRGN)hGetPEBHandle(RegionHandle,0);
if (hrgn == NULL) { hrgn = NtGdiCreateRectRgn(0,0,1,1); }
if (prRegion) { if ((x1 == x2) || (y1 == y2)) { prRegion->Flags = NULLREGION;
prRegion->Rect.left = 0; prRegion->Rect.top = 0; prRegion->Rect.right = 0; prRegion->Rect.bottom = 0; } else { prRegion->Flags = SIMPLEREGION;
// assign region rectangle
prRegion->Rect.left = x1; prRegion->Rect.top = y1; prRegion->Rect.right = x2; prRegion->Rect.bottom = y2; }
// mark user-mode region as valid, not cached
prRegion->AttrFlags = ATTR_RGN_VALID | ATTR_RGN_DIRTY; } else { if (hrgn != NULL) { WARNING("Shared hrgn handle has no valid PRGNATTR"); DeleteRegion(hrgn); hrgn = NULL; } }
return(hrgn); }
* CreateRectRgnIndirect * * * * Client side stub. * * * * Tue 04-Jun-1991 16:58:01 -by- Charles Whitmer [chuckwh] * * Wrote it. * \**************************************************************************/
HRGN WINAPI CreateRectRgnIndirect(CONST RECT *prcl) { return CreateRectRgn ( prcl->left, prcl->top, prcl->right, prcl->bottom ); }
* * The PtInRegion function determines whether the specified point is * inside the specified region. * * Arguments: * * hrgn - app region handle * x - point x * y - point y * * Return Value: * * If the specified point is in the region, the return value is TRUE. * If the function fails, the return value is FALSE. * * History: * * 21-Jun-1995 -by- Mark Enstrom [marke] * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL WINAPI PtInRegion( HRGN hrgn, int x, int y ) { BOOL bRet = FALSE; BOOL bUserMode = FALSE; PRECTL prcl; PRGNATTR prRegion;
if (prRegion != NULL) { if (prRegion->Flags == NULLREGION) { bRet = FALSE; bUserMode = TRUE; } else if (prRegion->Flags == SIMPLEREGION) { prcl = &prRegion->Rect;
if ((x >= prcl->left) && (x < prcl->right) && (y >= prcl->top) && (y < prcl->bottom)) { bRet = TRUE; }
bUserMode = TRUE; } }
if (!bUserMode) { bRet = NtGdiPtInRegion(hrgn,x,y); }
return(bRet); }
* * The RectInRegion function determines whether any part of the specified * rectangle is within the boundaries of a region. * * Arguments: * * hrgn - app region handle * prcl - app rectangle * * Return Value: * * If any part of the specified rectangle lies within the boundaries * of the region, the return value is TRUE. * * If the function fails, the return value is FALSE. * * History: * * 21-Jun-1995 -by- Mark Enstrom [marke] * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL WINAPI RectInRegion( HRGN hrgn, CONST RECT *prcl ) { PRGNATTR prRegion; BOOL bRet = FALSE; RECTL TempRect; LONG iRelation; BOOL bUserMode = FALSE;
if (prRegion != NULL) { if (prRegion->Flags == NULLREGION) { bRet = FALSE; bUserMode = TRUE; } else if (prRegion->Flags == SIMPLEREGION) { TempRect = *((PRECTL)prcl); ORDER_PRECTL((&TempRect));
iRelation = iRectRelation(&prRegion->Rect,&TempRect);
if (iRelation != DISJOINT) { bRet = TRUE; }
bUserMode = TRUE; } }
if (!bUserMode) { bRet = NtGdiRectInRegion(hrgn, (PRECT)prcl); }
return(bRet); }
* * The CombineRgn function combines two regions and stores the result in * a third region. The two regions are combined according to the specified * mode. * * Arguments: * * hrgnDst - destination region * hrgnSrc1 - source region * hrgnSrc2 - source region * iMode - destination region * * Return Value: * * The resulting type of region or ERROR * * History: * * 21-Jun-1995 -by- Mark Enstrom [marke] * \**************************************************************************/
int WINAPI CombineRgn( HRGN hrgnDst, HRGN hrgnSrc1, HRGN hrgnSrc2, int iMode ) {
LONG ResultComplexity = COMPLEXREGION; int iRet = ERROR;
// Check if this operation can be completed in user-mode.
// hrgnDst must have a user mode RGNATTR. hrgnSrc1 must
// also have a user mode RGNATTR. If iMode is not RGN_COPY
// then hrgnSrc2 must have a user mode RGNATTR except for certain
// combinations.
PRGNATTR prRegionDst; PRGNATTR prRegionSrc1; PRGNATTR prRegionSrc2; PRECTL prclRes; PRECTL prclSrc1; PRECTL prclSrc2; LONG ComplexSrc1; LONG ComplexSrc2;
if ((prRegionDst != (PRGNATTR)NULL) && (prRegionSrc1 != (PRGNATTR)NULL)) {
// region Src1 must me NULL or SIMPLE for current
// user-mode optimizations. If Rect is the region
// bounding box, then it will be possible for
// some combinations with regionC to become
prclSrc1 = &prRegionSrc1->Rect; ComplexSrc1 = prRegionSrc1->Flags;
if (ComplexSrc1 > SIMPLEREGION) { goto CombineRgnKernelMode; }
if (iMode == RGN_COPY) { prclRes = prclSrc1; ResultComplexity = ComplexSrc1; } else { LONG iRelation;
// validate regionSrc2
if ( (prRegionSrc2 == (PRGNATTR)NULL) || (prRegionSrc2->Flags > SIMPLEREGION) ) { goto CombineRgnKernelMode; }
prclSrc2 = &prRegionSrc2->Rect; ComplexSrc2 = prRegionSrc2->Flags;
switch (iMode) { case RGN_AND:
// Creates the intersection of the two
// combined regions.
if ((ComplexSrc1 == NULLREGION) || (ComplexSrc2 == NULLREGION)) { //
// intersection with NULL is NULL
ResultComplexity = NULLREGION; } else { iRelation = iRectRelation(prclSrc1,prclSrc2);
if (iRelation == DISJOINT) { ResultComplexity = NULLREGION; } else if (iRelation == CONTAINED) { //
// Src1 is contained in Src2
ResultComplexity = SIMPLEREGION; prclRes = prclSrc1; } else if (iRelation == CONTAINS) { //
// Src1 is contains Src2
ResultComplexity = SIMPLEREGION; prclRes = prclSrc2; } }
case RGN_OR: case RGN_XOR:
// RGN_OR: Creates the union of two combined regions.
// RGN_XOR: Creates the union of two combined regions
// except for any overlapping areas.
if (ComplexSrc1 == NULLREGION) { if (ComplexSrc2 == NULLREGION) { ResultComplexity = NULLREGION; } else { ResultComplexity = SIMPLEREGION; prclRes = prclSrc2; } } else if (ComplexSrc2 == NULLREGION) { ResultComplexity = SIMPLEREGION; prclRes = prclSrc1; } else if (iMode == RGN_OR) { iRelation = iRectRelation(prclSrc1,prclSrc2);
if (iRelation == CONTAINED) { //
// Src1 contained in Src2
ResultComplexity = SIMPLEREGION; prclRes = prclSrc2; } else if (iRelation == CONTAINS) { //
// Src1 contains Src2
ResultComplexity = SIMPLEREGION; prclRes = prclSrc1; } }
case RGN_DIFF:
// Combines the parts of hrgnSrc1 that are not
// part of hrgnSrc2.
if (ComplexSrc1 == NULLREGION) { ResultComplexity = NULLREGION; } else if (ComplexSrc2 == NULLREGION) { ResultComplexity = SIMPLEREGION; prclRes = prclSrc1; } else { iRelation = iRectRelation(prclSrc1,prclSrc2);
if (iRelation == DISJOINT) { //
// don't intersect so don't subtract anything
ResultComplexity = SIMPLEREGION; prclRes = prclSrc1; } else if (iRelation == CONTAINED) { ResultComplexity = NULLREGION; } }
break; } }
// try to combine
if (ResultComplexity == NULLREGION) { if (SetRectRgn(hrgnDst,0,0,0,0)) { iRet = NULLREGION; } } else if (ResultComplexity == SIMPLEREGION) { if (SetRectRgn(hrgnDst, prclRes->left, prclRes->top, prclRes->right, prclRes->bottom)) { iRet = SIMPLEREGION; } }
if (ResultComplexity != COMPLEXREGION) { prRegionDst->AttrFlags |= ATTR_RGN_DIRTY; }
if (ResultComplexity == COMPLEXREGION) { iRet = NtGdiCombineRgn(hrgnDst,hrgnSrc1,hrgnSrc2,iMode); }
return(iRet); }
* * OffsetRgn checks for user-mode region data, if it exits the the * rectregio is offset, otherwise the kernel is called * * Arguments: * * hrgn - app region handle * x - offset in x * y - offset in y * * Return Value: * * * * History: * * 21-Jun-1995 -by- Mark Enstrom [marke] * \**************************************************************************/
int WINAPI OffsetRgn( HRGN hrgn, int x, int y ) { int iRet; BOOL bClientRegion = FALSE;
PRGNATTR prRegion;
if (prRegion != NULL) { iRet = prRegion->Flags;
if (iRet == NULLREGION) { bClientRegion = TRUE; } else if (iRet == SIMPLEREGION) { RECTL rcl = prRegion->Rect;
bClientRegion = TRUE;
// try to offset the region, check for overflow
if ( !((rcl.left >= rcl.right) || (rcl.top >= rcl.bottom))) { rcl.left += x; rcl.top += y; rcl.right += x; rcl.bottom += y;
if (VALID_SCRRC(rcl)) { prRegion->Rect = rcl; prRegion->AttrFlags |= ATTR_RGN_DIRTY; } else { //
// over/underflow
iRet = ERROR; } } } }
if (!bClientRegion) { iRet = NtGdiOffsetRgn(hrgn,x,y); }
return(iRet); }
* * GetRgnBox tries to return user-mode rectregion data, otherwies * make kernel mode transition to get region data. * * Arguments: * * hrgn - app region handle * prcl - app rect pointer * * Return Value: * * region complexity, if the hrgn parameter does not identify a * valid region, the return value is zero. * * History: * * 21-Jun-1995 -by- Mark Enstrom [marke] * \**************************************************************************/
int WINAPI GetRgnBox( HRGN hrgn, LPRECT prcl ) { int iRet; BOOL bClientRegion = FALSE;
// check for user-mode region data
PRGNATTR prRegion;
if (prRegion != NULL) { iRet = prRegion->Flags;
if (iRet == NULLREGION) { bClientRegion = TRUE; prcl->left = 0; prcl->top = 0; prcl->right = 0; prcl->bottom = 0; } else if (iRet == SIMPLEREGION) { bClientRegion = TRUE; prcl->left = prRegion->Rect.left; prcl->top = prRegion->Rect.top; prcl->right = prRegion->Rect.right; prcl->bottom = prRegion->Rect.bottom; } }
if (!bClientRegion) { iRet = NtGdiGetRgnBox(hrgn, prcl); }
return(iRet); }
* PtVisible * * * * Client side stub. * * * * Thu 06-Jun-1991 00:58:46 -by- Charles Whitmer [chuckwh] * * Wrote it. * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL WINAPI PtVisible( HDC hdc, int x, int y ) { FIXUP_HANDLE(hdc);
return(NtGdiPtVisible(hdc,x,y)); }
* RectVisible * * * * Client side stub. * * * * Thu 06-Jun-1991 00:58:46 -by- Charles Whitmer [chuckwh] * * Wrote it. * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL WINAPI RectVisible( HDC hdc, CONST RECT *prcl ) { FIXUP_HANDLE(hdc);
return(NtGdiRectVisible(hdc,(LPRECT)prcl)); }
* * SetRectRgn checks for a user-mode portion of the region. If the * User-mode data is valid, the region is set to rect locally, otherwise * a kernel mode call is made to set the region * * Arguments: * * hrgn - app region handle * x1,y1,x2,y2 - app region data * * Return Value: * * BOOL status * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL WINAPI SetRectRgn( HRGN hrgn, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2 ) { BOOL bStatus; PRGNATTR prRegion;
// if hrgn has a user-mode rectregion, then set
if (prRegion != NULL) { PRECTL prcl = &prRegion->Rect;
if ((x1 == x2) || (y1 == y2)) { prRegion->Flags = NULLREGION;
prcl->left = 0; prcl->top = 0; prcl->right = 0; prcl->bottom = 0; } else { //
// assign and order rectangle
prcl->left = x1; prcl->top = y1; prcl->right = x2; prcl->bottom = y2;
// set region flag
prRegion->Flags = SIMPLEREGION; } prRegion->AttrFlags |= ATTR_RGN_DIRTY;
bStatus = TRUE; } else { bStatus = NtGdiSetRectRgn(hrgn,x1,y1,x2,y2); }
return(bStatus); }
* GetRandomRgn * * Client side stub. * * 10-Mar-1992 -by- Donald Sidoroff [donalds] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
int APIENTRY GetRandomRgn(HDC hdc,HRGN hrgn,int iNum) { FIXUP_HANDLE(hdc); FIXUP_HANDLE(hrgn);
* GetClipRgn * * * * Client side stub. * * * * Sat 08-Jun-1991 17:38:18 -by- Charles Whitmer [chuckwh] * * Wrote it. * \**************************************************************************/
int WINAPI GetClipRgn(HDC hdc,HRGN hrgn) { BOOL bRet;
bRet = NtGdiGetRandomRgn(hdc, hrgn, 1);
if (hrgn && MIRRORED_HDC(hdc)) { MirrorRgnDC(hdc, hrgn, NULL); }
return(bRet); }
* GetRegionData * * Download a region from the server * * History: * 29-Oct-1991 -by- Donald Sidoroff [donalds] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
DWORD WINAPI GetRegionData( HRGN hrgn, DWORD nCount, LPRGNDATA lpRgnData ) { DWORD iRet;
// If this is just an inquiry, pass over dummy parameters.
if (lpRgnData == (LPRGNDATA) NULL) { nCount = 0; }
return(NtGdiGetRegionData(hrgn,nCount,lpRgnData)); }
* * Try to cache regions with user-mode rectregion defined * * Arguments: * * h - region handle * * Return Value: * * BOOL * * History: * * 21-Jun-1995 -by- Mark Enstrom [marke] * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL DeleteRegion( HRGN hRgn ) { PRGNATTR pRgnattr = NULL; BOOL bRet = FALSE;
if (pRgnattr) { pBatch->hregion = hRgn; bRet = TRUE; } else { goto UNBATCHED_COMMAND; }
// All other cases
if (!bRet) { bRet = NtGdiDeleteObjectApp(hRgn); }
return(bRet); }
* SelectClipRgn * * Client side stub. * * History: * 01-Nov-1991 12:53:47 -by- Donald Sidoroff [donalds] * Now just call ExtSelectClipRgn \**************************************************************************/
int META WINAPI SelectClipRgn(HDC hdc,HRGN hrgn) { return(ExtSelectClipRgn(hdc, hrgn, RGN_COPY)); }
* * The ExtSelectClipRgn function combines the specified region with the * current clipping region by using the specified mode. * * Arguments: * * hdc - app DC handle * hrgn - app region handle * iMode - Select mode * * Return Value: * * If the function succeeds, the return value specifies the new clipping * region's complexity and can be any one of the following values: * * Value Meaning * NULLREGION Region is empty. * SIMPLEREGION Region is a single rectangle. * COMPLEXREGION Region is more than one rectangle. * ERROR An error occurred * * History: * * 21-Jun-1995 -by- Mark Enstrom [marke] * \**************************************************************************/
int META WINAPI ExtSelectClipRgn( HDC hdc, HRGN hrgn, int iMode ) { int iRet = RGN_ERROR; HRGN hrgnMirror = NULL;
// Check Metafile
if (IS_ALTDC_TYPE(hdc)) { PLDC pldc;
if (IS_METADC16_TYPE(hdc)) { return(MF16_SelectClipRgn(hdc,hrgn,iMode)); }
if (pldc->iType == LO_METADC) { if (!MF_ExtSelectClipRgn(hdc,hrgn,iMode)) { return(iRet); } } }
// Attempt to batch ExtSelectClipRgn:
// The DC_ATTR structure has a copy of the current vis region
// bounding rectangle, and the handle table has a flag indicating
// whether this region is valid.
// Calls can be batched when the iMode is RGN_COPY and either
// hrgn is NULL, or hrgn complexity is SIMPLE. (and the DC is not
// A check is made to determine if the region being selected
// is the same as the last selected region. In this case, only the
// correct return value needs to be calculated, no region changes
// are needed.
if (hrgn && MIRRORED_HDC(hdc)) { if (MirrorRgnDC(hdc, hrgn, &hrgnMirror) && hrgnMirror) { hrgn = hrgnMirror; } }
if (iMode == RGN_COPY) { //
// validate DC
BOOL bBatch = FALSE; PRGNATTR prRegion = NULL; PDC_ATTR pdca; PENTRY pDCEntry;
// check if call can be batched. DC must be valid,non-dibsection
// DC and there must be room on the batch and same batch DC
pDCEntry = &pGdiSharedHandleTable[HANDLE_TO_INDEX(hdc)]; ASSERTGDI(pDCEntry,"pDCEntry must be valid when pdcattr is valid");
if (hrgn == NULL) { //
// deleting the clip region, so the return complexity
// will be the vis rgn complexity. Just batch the call.
if (!(pDCEntry->Flags & HMGR_ENTRY_INVALID_VIS)) { bBatch = TRUE; iRet = pdca->VisRectRegion.Flags; } } else { PSHARED_GET_VALIDATE(prRegion,hrgn,RGN_TYPE);
// pDCEntry must be valid because pdcattr is valid.
// In order to batch, the user-mode RectRegion must
// be valid and the complexity must be simple
if ( (prRegion) && (prRegion->Flags == SIMPLEREGION) && (!(prRegion->AttrFlags & ATTR_CACHED)) && !(pDCEntry->Flags & HMGR_ENTRY_INVALID_VIS) ) { //
// Batch the call.
bBatch = TRUE;
// if the new clip region intersects the DC vis region, the
// return value is SIMPLEREGION, otherwise it is NULLREGION
if ( (pdca->VisRectRegion.Rect.left >= prRegion->Rect.right) || (pdca->VisRectRegion.Rect.top >= prRegion->Rect.bottom) || (pdca->VisRectRegion.Rect.right <= prRegion->Rect.left) || (pdca->VisRectRegion.Rect.bottom <= prRegion->Rect.top) ) { iRet = NULLREGION; }
} }
// if the call is to be batched, add to the batch
// and return
if (!bBatch) { goto UNBATCHED_COMMAND; }
if (hrgn == NULL) { iMode |= REGION_NULL_HRGN; } else { pBatch->rclClip.left = prRegion->Rect.left; pBatch->rclClip.top = prRegion->Rect.top; pBatch->rclClip.right = prRegion->Rect.right; pBatch->rclClip.bottom = prRegion->Rect.bottom; }
pBatch->iMode = iMode;
// call kernel on fall-through and error cases
iRet = NtGdiExtSelectClipRgn(hdc,hrgn,iMode);
BATCHED_COMMAND: if (hrgnMirror) { DeleteObject((HGDIOBJ)hrgnMirror); } return(iRet); }
* ExcludeClipRect * * * * Client side stub. * * * * History: * * Thu 06-Jun-1991 23:10:01 -by- Charles Whitmer [chuckwh] * * Wrote it. * \**************************************************************************/
int META WINAPI ExcludeClipRect( HDC hdc, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2 ) { int iRet = RGN_ERROR;
if (IS_ALTDC_TYPE(hdc)) { PLDC pldc;
if (IS_METADC16_TYPE(hdc)) return(MF16_RecordParms5(hdc,x1,y1,x2,y2,META_EXCLUDECLIPRECT));
if (pldc->iType == LO_METADC) { if (!MF_AnyClipRect(hdc,x1,y1,x2,y2,EMR_EXCLUDECLIPRECT)) return(iRet); } }
* IntersectClipRect * * * * Client side stub. * * * * History: * * Thu 06-Jun-1991 23:10:01 -by- Charles Whitmer [chuckwh] * * Wrote it. * \**************************************************************************/
int META WINAPI IntersectClipRect( HDC hdc, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2 ) { int iRet = RGN_ERROR;
if (IS_ALTDC_TYPE(hdc)) { PLDC pldc;
if (IS_METADC16_TYPE(hdc)) return(MF16_RecordParms5(hdc,x1,y1,x2,y2,META_INTERSECTCLIPRECT));
if (pldc->iType == LO_METADC) { if (!MF_AnyClipRect(hdc,x1,y1,x2,y2,EMR_INTERSECTCLIPRECT)) return(iRet); } }