* Module Name: cleanup.cxx * * Process termination - this file cleans up objects when a process * terminates. * * Created: 22-Jul-1991 12:24:52 * Author: Eric Kutter [erick] * * Copyright (c) 1990-1999 Microsoft Corporation \**************************************************************************/
#include "precomp.hxx"
#include "muclean.hxx"
extern BOOL bDeleteBrush(HBRUSH,BOOL); // brushobj.cxx
extern VOID vCleanupPrivateFonts(); // pftobj.cxx
extern HCOLORSPACE ghStockColorSpace; // icmapi.cxx
#if DBG
ULONG DbgPrint( PCH Format, ... ); #define DBGPRINT(x) DbgPrint(x)
#define DBGPRINT(x)
ULONG gInitialBatchCount = 0x14;
* * History: * 24-Jul-1991 -by- Eric Kutter [erick] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
VOID vCleanupDCs(W32PID pid) { HOBJ hobj = HmgNextOwned((HOBJ) 0, pid);
for (;(hobj != (HOBJ) NULL);hobj = HmgNextOwned(hobj, pid)) { if (HmgObjtype(hobj) == DC_TYPE) { HmgSetLock(hobj, 0); bDeleteDCInternal((HDC)hobj,TRUE,TRUE); } } }
* * History: * Sat 20-Jun-1992 -by- Patrick Haluptzok [patrickh] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
VOID vCleanupBrushes(W32PID pid) { HOBJ hobj = HmgNextOwned((HOBJ) 0, pid);
for (;(hobj != (HOBJ) NULL);hobj = HmgNextOwned(hobj, pid)) { if (HmgObjtype(hobj) == BRUSH_TYPE) { bDeleteBrush((HBRUSH)hobj,TRUE); } } }
* * History: * Sat 20-Jun-1992 -by- Patrick Haluptzok [patrickh] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
VOID vCleanupSurfaces(W32PID pid, CLEANUPTYPE cutype) { HOBJ hobj = HmgNextOwned((HOBJ) 0, pid);
for (;(hobj != (HOBJ) NULL);hobj = HmgNextOwned(hobj, pid)) { if (HmgObjtype(hobj) == SURF_TYPE) { SURFREF so((HSURF)hobj);
// Skip PDEV surfaces; they are cleaned up with the PDEV
// (see PDEVOBJ::vUnreferencePdev and PDEVOBJ::vDisableSurface).
// Also cleanup if this is a UMPD surface. This is to handle the
// case when a DrvDisableSurface call to usermode printer driver
// is nuked due to a terminate APC and we start process GDI cleanup.
// If we did not have the || so.ps->bUMPD() we will leak the handle.
if (!so.ps->bPDEVSurface() || so.ps->bUMPD()) so.bDeleteSurface(cutype); } } }
* * History: * 24-Jul-1991 -by- Eric Kutter [erick] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
VOID vCleanupFonts(W32PID pid) { HOBJ hobj = HmgNextOwned((HOBJ) 0, pid);
for (;(hobj != (HOBJ) NULL);hobj = HmgNextOwned(hobj, pid)) { if (HmgObjtype(hobj) == LFONT_TYPE) { bDeleteFont((HLFONT) hobj, FALSE); } } }
* vCleanupLCSPs * * History: * * 9/20/1996 Mark Enstrom [marke] * \**************************************************************************/
VOID vCleanupLCSPs(W32PID pid) { HOBJ hobj = HmgNextOwned((HOBJ) 0, pid);
for (;(hobj != (HOBJ) NULL);hobj = HmgNextOwned(hobj, pid)) { if (HmgObjtype(hobj) == ICMLCS_TYPE) { bDeleteColorSpace((HCOLORSPACE)hobj); } } }
* * Eliminate user pregion to make sure delete succceds * \**************************************************************************/
VOID vCleanupRegions(W32PID pid) { HOBJ hobj = HmgNextOwned((HOBJ) 0, pid);
for (;(hobj != (HOBJ) NULL);hobj = HmgNextOwned(hobj, pid)) { if (HmgObjtype(hobj) == RGN_TYPE) { RGNOBJ ro;
ro.prgn = (PREGION)HmgLock(hobj,RGN_TYPE);
if (ro.prgn) { PENTRY pent = PENTRY_FROM_POBJ(ro.prgn);
if (pent) { pent->pUser = NULL; }
DEC_EXCLUSIVE_REF_CNT(ro.prgn); } else { WARNING("vCleanupRegions: locked region has bad pEntry"); }
bDeleteRegion((HRGN)hobj); } } }
* * History: * 01-Feb-2001 -by- Xudong Wu [tessiew] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
VOID vRemoveRefPalettes(W32PID pid) { HOBJ hobj = HmgNextOwned((HOBJ) 0, pid);
for (;(hobj != (HOBJ) NULL);hobj = HmgNextOwned(hobj, pid)) { if (HmgObjtype(hobj) == PAL_TYPE) { SEMOBJ semo(ghsemPalette);
EPALOBJ palobj((HPALETTE)hobj); palobj.apalResetColorTable(); } } }
* * History: * 07-Aug-1992 -by- Gilman Wong [gilmanw] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
BOOL bEnumFontClose(ULONG_PTR ulEnum) { EFSOBJ efso((HEFS) ulEnum);
if (!efso.bValid()) { WARNING("gdisrv!bDeleteFontEnumState(): bad HEFS handle\n"); return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
* NtGdiInit() * * This routine must be called before any other GDI routines. Currently * it doesn't actualy do anything, just forces a kernel mode transition * which will cause GdiProcessCallout to get called. * * History: * 07-Sep-1995 -by- Eric Kutter [erick] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
BOOL NtGdiInit() { return(TRUE); }
* NtGdiCloseProcess * * Release the resources held by the specified process. * * The cutype is set to CLEANUP_SESSION only for MultiUserGreCleanup * (Hydra) processing. It is used to do extra work to allow cleanup * of cross-process data not normally cleaned up on process termination, * just GRE termination (e.g., global and default data such as the * default bitmap and the public font tables). * * History: * 03-Feb-1998 -by- Gilman Wong [gilmanw] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
BOOL FASTCALL NtGdiCloseProcess(W32PID W32Pid, CLEANUPTYPE cutype) { BOOL bRes = TRUE;
ASSERTGDI(cutype != CLEANUP_NONE, "NtGdiCloseProcess: illegal cutype\n");
// Enum all the objects for the process and kill them.
// For MultiUserGreCleanup, MultiUserGreCleanupHmgRemoveAllLocks is
// called for each object type to force all such objects in the
// handle manager to be unlocked and deletable.
// Cleanup DCs.
// Cleanup fonts.
if (cutype == CLEANUP_SESSION) MultiUserGreCleanupHmgRemoveAllLocks((OBJTYPE)LFONT_TYPE); else if (cutype == CLEANUP_PROCESS) MultiUserGreCleanupHmgOwnRemoveAllLocks((OBJTYPE)LFONT_TYPE); vCleanupFonts(W32Pid);
// Cleanup brushes.
if (cutype == CLEANUP_SESSION) MultiUserGreCleanupHmgRemoveAllLocks((OBJTYPE)BRUSH_TYPE); else if(cutype == CLEANUP_PROCESS) MultiUserGreCleanupHmgOwnRemoveAllLocks((OBJTYPE)BRUSH_TYPE); vCleanupBrushes(W32Pid);
// Clean up the ddraw & d3d types
// Cleanup surfaces.
if (cutype == CLEANUP_SESSION) { //
// Need to forget about some global/default objects so they
// can be deleted.
SURFACE::pdibDefault = NULL; ppalDefault = NULL; ppalMono = NULL; hpalMono = (HPALETTE) 0;
MultiUserGreCleanupHmgRemoveAllLocks((OBJTYPE)SURF_TYPE); } else if (cutype == CLEANUP_PROCESS) MultiUserGreCleanupHmgOwnRemoveAllLocks((OBJTYPE)SURF_TYPE);
vCleanupSurfaces(W32Pid, cutype);
// Cleanup regions.
if (cutype == CLEANUP_SESSION) { //
// Need to forget about some global/default objects so they
// can be deleted.
hrgnDefault = NULL; prgnDefault = NULL;
MultiUserGreCleanupHmgRemoveAllLocks((OBJTYPE)RGN_TYPE); } else if (cutype == CLEANUP_PROCESS) MultiUserGreCleanupHmgOwnRemoveAllLocks((OBJTYPE)RGN_TYPE);
// Cleanup ICM color spaces.
if (cutype == CLEANUP_SESSION) { //
// Need to forget about some global/default objects so they
// can be deleted.
ghStockColorSpace = NULL;
MultiUserGreCleanupHmgRemoveAllLocks((OBJTYPE)ICMLCS_TYPE); } else if (cutype == CLEANUP_PROCESS) MultiUserGreCleanupHmgOwnRemoveAllLocks((OBJTYPE)ICMLCS_TYPE);
// Cleanup private fonts.
if (cutype == CLEANUP_SESSION) { //
// Relinquish locks on ALL remaining objects in handle manager.
MultiUserGreCleanupHmgRemoveAllLocks((OBJTYPE)DEF_TYPE); } else if (cutype == CLEANUP_PROCESS) { MultiUserGreCleanupHmgOwnRemoveAllLocks((OBJTYPE)DEF_TYPE); }
if (cutype == CLEANUP_PROCESS) { // Private fonts should be cleaned up when a process goes away.
vCleanupPrivateFonts(); } //
// Remove the ppalColor reference in the palettes
// Clean up the rest
HOBJ hobj = HmgNextOwned((HOBJ) 0, W32Pid);
for (;(hobj != (HOBJ) NULL);hobj = HmgNextOwned(hobj, W32Pid)) { switch (HmgObjtype(hobj)) { case PAL_TYPE: bRes = bDeletePalette((HPAL)hobj, TRUE, cutype); break;
case EFSTATE_TYPE: bRes = bEnumFontClose((ULONG_PTR)hobj); break;
case DRVOBJ_TYPE: { HmgSetLock(hobj, 0);
// Free the DRIVEROBJ.
DRIVEROBJ *pdriv = EngLockDriverObj((HDRVOBJ)hobj);
PDEVOBJ po(pdriv->hdev);
ASSERTGDI(po.bValid(), "ERROR invalid PDEV in DRIVEROBJ");
BOOL bRet = EngDeleteDriverObj((HDRVOBJ)hobj, TRUE, TRUE);
ASSERTGDI(bRet, "Cleanup driver objects failed in process termination"); } break;
case CLIENTOBJ_TYPE: GreDeleteClientObj(hobj); break;
default: bRes = FALSE; break; }
#if DBG
if (bRes == FALSE) { //
// During shutdown, fonts are handled later so that public
// fonts and tables can be safely deleted (see function
// MultiUserGreCleanupAllFonts).
if ((cutype != CLEANUP_SESSION) || ((HmgObjtype(hobj) != PFE_TYPE) && (HmgObjtype(hobj) != PFT_TYPE))) { DbgPrint("GDI ERROR: vCleanup couldn't delete " "obj = %lx, type j=%lx\n", hobj, HmgObjtype(hobj)); DbgBreakPoint(); } } #endif
return bRes; }
* * History: * 24-Jul-1991 -by- Eric Kutter [erick] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
extern "C" NTSTATUS GdiProcessCallout( IN PW32PROCESS Process, IN BOOLEAN Initialize ) {
if (Initialize) { NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; PPEB Peb;
RtlInitializeGenericTableAvl(&Process->GDIEngUserMemAllocTable, GDIEngUserMemAllocNodeCompare, GDIEngUserMemAllocNodeAlloc, GDIEngUserMemAllocNodeFree, 0);
InitializeListHead(&Process->GDIDcAttrFreeList); InitializeListHead(&Process->GDIBrushAttrFreeList);
// check if the PEB is valid, if not then this is the SYSTEM process
// and has a NULL PEB. This process has no user-mode access so it
// is not neccessary to map in the shared handle table.
Peb = PsGetProcessPeb(Process->Process); if (Peb != NULL) { //
// Temporary entry to allow setting GDI
// batch limit before each process startup.
Peb->GdiDCAttributeList = gInitialBatchCount;
ASSERTGDI(sizeof(Peb->GdiHandleBuffer) >= sizeof(GDIHANDLECACHE), "Handle cache not large enough");
RtlZeroMemory(Peb->GdiHandleBuffer, sizeof(GDIHANDLECACHE));
// map a READ_ONLY view of the hmgr shared handle table into the
// process's address space
PVOID BaseAddress = NULL; SIZE_T CommitSize = 0; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes; UNICODE_STRING UnicodeString; HANDLE SectionHandle = NULL;
ntStatus = ObOpenObjectByPointer( gpHmgrSharedHandleSection, OBJ_KERNEL_HANDLE, (PACCESS_STATE) NULL, SECTION_ALL_ACCESS, (POBJECT_TYPE) NULL, KernelMode, &SectionHandle);
if (NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { ntStatus = ZwMapViewOfSection( SectionHandle, NtCurrentProcess(), &BaseAddress, 0L, 0L, NULL, &CommitSize, ViewUnmap, 0L, PAGE_READONLY );
if (NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { //
// set table address
// we must set the GdiSharedHandleTable value
// to the shared table pointer so that if GDI32 gets
// unloaded and re-loaded it can still get the pointer.
// NOTE: we also depend on this pointer being initialized
// *BEFORE* we make any GDI or USER call to the kernel
// (which has the automatic side-effect of calling this
// routine.
Peb->GdiSharedHandleTable = (PVOID)BaseAddress; } else { KdPrint(("ZwMapViewOfSection fails, status = 0x%lx\n",ntStatus)); ntStatus = STATUS_DLL_INIT_FAILED; }
ZwClose(SectionHandle); } else { KdPrint(("ObOpenObjectByPointer fails, status = 0x%lx\n",ntStatus)); ntStatus = STATUS_DLL_INIT_FAILED; } }
return ntStatus; } else { //
// This call takes place when the last thread of a process goes away.
// Note that such thread might not be a w32 thread
// first lets see if this is the spooler and if so, clean him up
W32PID W32Pid = W32GetCurrentPID();
bRes = NtGdiCloseProcess(W32Pid, CLEANUP_PROCESS);
if (bRes) { if(Process->GDIHandleCount != 0) { WARNING("GdiProcessCallout: handle count != 0 at termination\n"); }
for (pNode = (PGDIENGUSERMEMALLOCNODE)RtlEnumerateGenericTableAvl(&Process->GDIEngUserMemAllocTable,TRUE); pNode; pNode = (PGDIENGUSERMEMALLOCNODE)RtlEnumerateGenericTableAvl(&Process->GDIEngUserMemAllocTable,FALSE)) { RtlDeleteElementGenericTableAvl(&Process->GDIEngUserMemAllocTable,pNode); }
PLIST_ENTRY ListHead = &Process->GDIDcAttrFreeList; PLIST_ENTRY NextEntry = ListHead->Flink;
// Note in these loops we check for non NULL NextEntry also.
// Why? Sometimes it seems GDIProcessCallout is called for
// process termination even though it was not called for
// initialization. If this is the case then the NextEntry will
// be NULL instead of pointing to List Anchor. Hence to handle
// this we do this extra check.
if (NextEntry) { while (NextEntry != ListHead) { PLIST_ENTRY pFree = NextEntry; NextEntry = NextEntry->Flink;
VFREEMEM(pFree); } }
ListHead = &Process->GDIBrushAttrFreeList; NextEntry = ListHead->Flink;
if (NextEntry) { while (NextEntry != ListHead) { PLIST_ENTRY pFree = NextEntry; NextEntry = NextEntry->Flink;
VFREEMEM(pFree); } } } }
* GdiThreadCallout * * For Inintialize case, set initial values for W32THREAD elements. * For rundown case, move all thread DCATTR memory blocks to the process * list. * * History: * * 15-May-1995 -by- Mark Enstrom [marke] * \**************************************************************************/
extern "C" VOID GdiThreadCallout( IN PETHREAD pEThread, IN PSW32THREADCALLOUTTYPE CalloutType ) {
switch (CalloutType) { case PsW32ThreadCalloutInitialize: { PW32THREAD pThread; pThread = (PW32THREAD) PsGetThreadWin32Thread(pEThread);
InitializeListHead(&pThread->GdiTmpAllocList); break; } case PsW32ThreadCalloutExit: { PDC_ATTR pdca; PW32THREAD pThread;
// Flush the TEB batch. KiSystemService flushes the batch
// only if the service is a win32k.sys service. During thread
// termination, the transition to kernel mode is not one of
// these, and so we can get here without the batch being
// flushed. Bug #338052 demonstrated this.
// W32 thread execution end. Note that the thread
// object can be locked so it might be used after
// this call returns.
pdca = (PDC_ATTR)((PW32THREAD)PsGetThreadWin32Thread(pEThread))->pgdiDcattr; if (pdca != NULL) {
// Thread->pgdiDcattr is not NULL so HmgFreeDcAttr will
// not put pdca back on thread but will place it on the
// process list.
HmgFreeDcAttr(pdca); }
#if !defined(_GDIPLUS_)
// Clean up user mode printer driver related stuff
pThread = (PW32THREAD) PsGetThreadWin32Thread(pEThread);
{ PUMPDOBJ pumpdobj;
while (pumpdobj = (PUMPDOBJ)pThread->pUMPDObjs) { pumpdobj->Cleanup(); VFREEMEM(pumpdobj); } }
if (pThread->pUMPDHeap != NULL) DestroyUMPDHeap((PUMPDHEAP) pThread->pUMPDHeap);
#if defined(_WIN64)
// Cleanup Proxy port
if(pThread->pProxyPort) { PROXYPORT proxyport((ProxyPort*)pThread->pProxyPort);
proxyport.Close(); pThread->pProxyPort = NULL; } #endif
// Cleanup any debug block that may have been allocated
if(pThread->pSemTable) { VFREEMEM(pThread->pSemTable); pThread->pSemTable = NULL; } #endif
// Cleanup per thread Tmp Allocations
{ PLIST_ENTRY ListHead = &pThread->GdiTmpAllocList; PLIST_ENTRY NextEntry = ListHead->Flink;
while(NextEntry != ListHead) { PLIST_ENTRY pFree = NextEntry; NextEntry = NextEntry->Flink;
VFREEMEM(pFree); } } #endif // !_GDIPLUS_
break; } }