* Module Name: fntsweep.c * * Copyright (c) 1985 - 1999, Microsoft Corporation * Author: Bodin Dresevic [BodinD] * * Copyright (c) 1990 Microsoft Corporation * * This file contains font sweeper related stuff. * On the boot of ths system, i.e. initialization of userk, the * [Fonts] section of win.ini is checked to * find out if any new fonts have been added by any font installers. * If third party installers have installed fonts in the system directory * those are copied to fonts directory. Any fot entries are replaced * by appropriate *.ttf entries, any fot files are deleted if they were * ever installed. * \**************************************************************************/
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <setupbat.h> // in sdkinc
CONST WCHAR pwszType1Key[] = L"\\Registry\\Machine\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Type 1 Installer\\Type 1 Fonts"; CONST WCHAR pwszSweepType1Key[] = L"\\Registry\\Machine\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Type 1 Installer\\LastType1Sweep"; CONST WCHAR pwszUpdType1Key[] = L"\\Registry\\Machine\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Type 1 Installer\\Upgraded Type1";
CONST WCHAR pwszFontsKey[] = L"\\Registry\\Machine\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts"; CONST WCHAR pwszSweepKey[] = L"\\Registry\\Machine\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\LastFontSweep"; CONST WCHAR pwszFontDrivers[] = L"\\Registry\\Machine\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Font Drivers";
#define LAST_SWEEP_TIME L"LastSweepTime"
#define UPGRADED_TYPE1 L"UpgradedType1"
#define DWORDALIGN(X) (((X) + 3) & ~3)
WCHAR *gpwcSystemDir; WCHAR *gpwcFontsDir; BOOL gbWin31Upgrade;
BOOL bCheckIfDualBootingWithWin31() { WCHAR Buffer[32]; WCHAR awcWindowsDir[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwRet; UINT cwchWinPath;
awcWindowsDir[0] = L'\0'; // prefix:make sure to zero terminated
cwchWinPath = GetSystemWindowsDirectoryW(awcWindowsDir, MAX_PATH);
if ((cwchWinPath == 0) || (cwchWinPath > MAX_PATH)) return FALSE;
// the cwchWinPath value does not include the terminating zero
if (awcWindowsDir[cwchWinPath - 1] == L'\\') { cwchWinPath -= 1; } awcWindowsDir[cwchWinPath] = L'\0'; // make sure to zero terminated
lstrcatW(awcWindowsDir, L"\\system32\\"); lstrcatW(awcWindowsDir, WINNT_GUI_FILE_W);
dwRet = GetPrivateProfileStringW( WINNT_DATA_W, WINNT_D_WIN31UPGRADE_W, WINNT_A_NO_W, Buffer, sizeof(Buffer)/sizeof(WCHAR), awcWindowsDir );
DbgPrint("\n dwRet = %ld, win31upgrade = %ws\n\n", dwRet, Buffer); #endif
return (BOOL)(dwRet ? (!lstrcmpiW(Buffer,WINNT_A_YES)) : 0); }
* * VOID vNullTermWideString (WCHAR *pwcDest, WCHAR *pwcSrc, ULONG ulLength) * * Given pwcSrc, which is not necessarily null-terminated, copy ulLength characters * the into pwcDest and place a null character after it. * * History: * 03-Feb-99 -by- Donald Chinn [dchinn] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/ VOID vNullTermWideString (WCHAR *pwcDest, WCHAR *pwcSrc, ULONG ulLength) { ULONG index;
for (index = 0; index < ulLength; index++) { *pwcDest++ = *pwcSrc++; } *pwcDest = '\0'; }
* * BOOL bCheckFontEntry(WCHAR *pwcName, WCHAR *pwcExtension) * * This function assumes that both pwcName and pwcExtension are null-terminated. * * History: * 25-Oct-1995 -by- Bodin Dresevic [BodinD] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
BOOL bCheckFontEntry(WCHAR *pwcName, WCHAR *pwcExtension) { BOOL bRet = FALSE; LONG cwc = (LONG)wcslen(pwcName) - (LONG)wcslen(pwcExtension); if (cwc > 0) { bRet = !_wcsicmp(&pwcName[cwc], pwcExtension); } return bRet;
* Process win.ini line * * History: * 24-Oct-1995 -by- Bodin Dresevic [BodinD] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
#define EXT_TRUETYPE L"(TrueType)"
#define EXT_FOT L".FOT"
VOID vProcessFontEntry( HKEY hkey, WCHAR *pwcValueName, ULONG ulValueNameLength, WCHAR *pwcFileName, ULONG ulFileNameLength ) { NTSTATUS Status; UNICODE_STRING UnicodeString; BOOL bFot = FALSE; WCHAR awcTTF[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR awcTmpBuf[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR *pwcTTF; FLONG fl, fl2; FLONG flEmbed; DWORD dwPidTid; WCHAR awcValueName[MAX_PATH]; // null-terminated pwcValueName
WCHAR awcFileName[MAX_PATH]; // null-terminated pwcFileName
// Make sure the ValueName is null-terminated
ulValueNameLength = min(MAX_PATH - 1, ulValueNameLength); vNullTermWideString (awcValueName, pwcValueName, ulValueNameLength); // Make sure the FileName is null-terminated
ulFileNameLength = min(MAX_PATH - 1, ulFileNameLength); vNullTermWideString (awcFileName, pwcFileName, ulFileNameLength); if (bCheckFontEntry(awcValueName, EXT_TRUETYPE)) { // This is a tt entry, either .fot or .ttf
if (bFot = bCheckFontEntry(awcFileName, EXT_FOT)) { // this is an .fot entry, must find ttf pointed to by .fot,
// but first must get the full path to the .fot file
// for cGetTTFFromFOT routine expects it. We will also need
// the full path to the .fot file so that we can delete it
// eventually.
if (bMakePathNameW(awcTmpBuf, awcFileName, NULL, &fl2)) { if (cGetTTFFromFOT(awcTmpBuf, MAX_PATH, awcTTF, &fl, &flEmbed, &dwPidTid, TRUE) && !(fl & FONT_ISNOT_FOT)) { // fix the entry to point to .ttf file. At this point
// awcTTF points to the FULL path to the .ttf file.
// However, we will only need a relative path to the
// .ttf file, when the .ttf file is in the %windir%\system
// or %windir%\fonts directories. In case the file is in the
// %windir%\system directory we shall copy it to %windir%\fonts
// directory and write the relative path to the registry.
// In case it is in the %windir%\fonts directory we do not
// touch the file and also just write the relative path to the
// registry. In any other case we just write the full .ttf
// path to the registry.
// first delete the .fot file, it is no longer needed
if (bFot && !gbWin31Upgrade) { UserVerify(DeleteFileW(awcTmpBuf)); }
if ((fl & (FONT_IN_FONTS_DIR | FONT_IN_SYSTEM_DIR)) == 0) { // if ttf file is not in either the system or the fonts
// directories, just write the full path to the registry
pwcTTF = awcTTF; } else { // find the bare file part, this is what will be written
// in the registry
pwcTTF = &awcTTF[wcslen(awcTTF) - 1]; while ((pwcTTF >= awcTTF) && (*pwcTTF != L'\\') && (*pwcTTF != L':')) pwcTTF--; pwcTTF++;
if (fl & FONT_IN_SYSTEM_DIR) { // need to move the ttf to fonts dir, can reuse the
// buffer on the stack:
wcscpy(awcTmpBuf, gpwcFontsDir); lstrcatW(awcTmpBuf, L"\\"); lstrcatW(awcTmpBuf, pwcTTF);
// note that MoveFile should succeed, for if there was
// a ttf file of the same file name in %windir%\fonts dir
// we would not have been in this code path.
RIPMSG2(RIP_VERBOSE, "Moving %ws to %ws", awcTTF, awcTmpBuf); if (!gbWin31Upgrade) { UserVerify(MoveFileW(awcTTF, awcTmpBuf)); } else { // Boolean value TRUE means "do not copy if target exists"
UserVerify(CopyFileW(awcTTF, awcTmpBuf, TRUE)); } } }
RIPMSG2(RIP_VERBOSE, "writing to the registry:\n %ws=%ws", pwcValueName, pwcTTF); RtlInitUnicodeString(&UnicodeString, awcValueName); Status = NtSetValueKey(hkey, &UnicodeString, 0, REG_SZ, pwcTTF, (wcslen(pwcTTF)+1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); UserAssert(NT_SUCCESS(Status)); } #if DBG
else { RIPMSG1(RIP_WARNING, "Could not locate ttf pointed to by %ws", awcTmpBuf); } #endif
} #if DBG
else { RIPMSG1(RIP_WARNING, "Could not locate .fot: %ws", awcFileName); } #endif
} } else { // not a true type case. little bit simpler,
// we will use awcTTF buffer for the full path name, and pwcTTF
// as local variable even though these TTF names are misnomer
// for these are not tt fonts
if (bMakePathNameW(awcTTF, awcFileName,NULL, &fl)) { // At this point
// awcTTF points to the FULL path to the font file.
// If the font is in the system subdirectory we will just move it
// to the fonts subdirectory. If the path in the registry is relative
// we will leave it alone. If it is an absolute path, we shall
// fix the registry entry to only contain relative path, the
// absolute path is redundant.
if (fl & (FONT_IN_SYSTEM_DIR | FONT_IN_FONTS_DIR)) { // find the bare file part, this is what will be written
// in the registry
pwcTTF = &awcTTF[wcslen(awcTTF) - 1]; while ((pwcTTF >= awcTTF) && (*pwcTTF != L'\\') && (*pwcTTF != L':')) pwcTTF--; pwcTTF++;
if (fl & FONT_IN_SYSTEM_DIR) { // need to move the font to fonts dir, can reuse the
// buffer on the stack to build the full destination path
wcscpy(awcTmpBuf, gpwcFontsDir); lstrcatW(awcTmpBuf, L"\\"); lstrcatW(awcTmpBuf, pwcTTF);
// note that MoveFile should succeed, for if there was
// a font file of the same file name in %windir%\fonts dir
// we would not have been in this code path. The only time
// it could fail if the path in the registry is absolute.
RIPMSG2(RIP_VERBOSE, "Moving %ws to %ws", awcTTF, awcTmpBuf); if (!gbWin31Upgrade) { UserVerify(MoveFileW(awcTTF, awcTmpBuf)); } else { // Boolean value TRUE means "do not copy if target exists"
UserVerify(CopyFileW(awcTTF, awcTmpBuf, TRUE)); } }
// check if the file path in the registry is absolute,
// if so make it relative:
if (!(fl & FONT_RELATIVE_PATH)) { RIPMSG2(RIP_VERBOSE, "writing to the registry:\n %ws=%ws", pwcValueName, pwcTTF); RtlInitUnicodeString(&UnicodeString, awcValueName); Status = NtSetValueKey(hkey, &UnicodeString, 0, REG_SZ, pwcTTF, (wcslen(pwcTTF)+1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); UserAssert(NT_SUCCESS(Status)); } } } } }
* * VOID vMoveFileFromSystemToFontsDir(WCHAR *pwcFile) * * History: * 24-Apr-1996 -by- Bodin Dresevic [BodinD] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
VOID vMoveFileFromSystemToFontsDir(WCHAR *pwcFile) { WCHAR awcTmpBuf[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR awcTmp[MAX_PATH]; FLONG fl; WCHAR *pwcTmp;
#if DBG
BOOL bOk; #endif
if (bMakePathNameW(awcTmp, pwcFile,NULL, &fl)) { // If the font is in the system subdirectory we will just move it
// to the fonts subdirectory. The path in the registry is relative
// and we will leave it alone.
if ( (fl & (FONT_IN_SYSTEM_DIR | FONT_RELATIVE_PATH)) == (FONT_IN_SYSTEM_DIR | FONT_RELATIVE_PATH) ) { // find the bare file part, this is what will be written
// in the registry
pwcTmp = &awcTmp[wcslen(awcTmp) - 1]; while ((pwcTmp >= awcTmp) && (*pwcTmp != L'\\') && (*pwcTmp != L':')) pwcTmp--;
if (pwcTmp > awcTmp) pwcTmp++;
// need to move the font to fonts dir, can reuse the
// buffer on the stack to build the full destination path
wcscpy(awcTmpBuf, gpwcFontsDir); lstrcatW(awcTmpBuf, L"\\"); lstrcatW(awcTmpBuf, pwcTmp);
// note that MoveFile should succeed, for if there was
// a font file of the same file name in %windir%\fonts dir
// we would not have been in this code path.
#if DBG
bOk = #endif
MoveFileW(awcTmp, awcTmpBuf);
RIPMSG3(RIP_VERBOSE, "move %ws to %ws %s", awcTmp, awcTmpBuf, (bOk) ? "succeeded" : "failed"); } #if DBG
else { RIPMSG2(RIP_WARNING, "File %ws not in system directory, fl = 0x%lx\n", awcTmp, fl); } #endif
} #if DBG
else { RIPMSG1(RIP_WARNING, "Could not locate %ws", pwcFile); } #endif
* * VOID vProcessType1FontEntry * * * Effects: All this routine does is to check if pwcPFM and pwcPFB pointed to * by pwcValueData point to files in the %windir%system directory * and if so copies these type 1 files to %windir%\fonts directory * * History: * 20-Nov-1995 -by- Bodin Dresevic [BodinD] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
VOID vProcessType1FontEntry( HKEY hkey, WCHAR *pwcValueName, ULONG ulValueNameLength, WCHAR *pwcValueData, ULONG ulValueDataLength ) { WCHAR *pwcPFM, *pwcPFB;
// skip unused boolean value in this multi reg_sz string:
if ((pwcValueData[0] != L'\0') && (pwcValueData[1] == L'\0')) { pwcPFM = &pwcValueData[2]; pwcPFB = pwcPFM + wcslen(pwcPFM) + 1; // add 1 for zero separator
vMoveFileFromSystemToFontsDir(pwcPFM); vMoveFileFromSystemToFontsDir(pwcPFB); } }
* * VOID vAddRemote/LocalType1Font * * History: * 25-Apr-1996 -by- Bodin Dresevic [BodinD] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
VOID vAddType1Font( WCHAR *pwcValueData, DWORD dwFlags ) { WCHAR *pwcPFM, *pwcPFB, *pwcMMM;
#if DBG
int iRet; #endif
// skip unused boolean value in this multi reg_sz string:
if ((pwcValueData[0] != L'\0') && (pwcValueData[1] == L'\0')) { pwcPFM = &pwcValueData[2]; pwcPFB = pwcPFM + wcslen(pwcPFM) + 1; // add 1 for zero separator
pwcMMM = pwcPFB + wcslen(pwcPFB) + 1; // may of may not be there.
// replace space by separator and call addfontresourcew
// if this is a multiple master font, need one more separator:
if (pwcMMM[0] != L'\0') pwcMMM[-1] = PATH_SEPARATOR;
#if DBG
iRet = #endif
GdiAddFontResourceW(pwcPFM, dwFlags, NULL);
DbgPrint("%ld = GdiAddFontResourceW(%ws, 0x%lx);\n", iRet, pwcPFM, dwFlags); #endif
} }
VOID vAddRemoteType1Font( HKEY hkey, WCHAR *pwcValueName, ULONG ulValueNameLength, WCHAR *pwcValueData, ULONG ulValueDataLength ) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(hkey); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pwcValueName); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(ulValueNameLength); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(ulValueDataLength); vAddType1Font(pwcValueData, AFRW_ADD_REMOTE_FONT); }
VOID vAddLocalType1Font( HKEY hkey, WCHAR *pwcValueName, ULONG ulValueNameLength, WCHAR *pwcValueData, ULONG ulValueDataLength ) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(hkey); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pwcValueName); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(ulValueNameLength); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(ulValueDataLength); vAddType1Font(pwcValueData, AFRW_ADD_LOCAL_FONT); }
* * VOID vFontSweep() * * This is the main routine in this module. Checks if the fonts need to be * "sweeped" and does so if need be. * * History: * 27-Oct-1995 -by- Bodin Dresevic [BodinD] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
VOID vSweepFonts( PCWSTR pwszFontListKey, // font list key
PCWSTR pwszFontSweepKey, // the corresponding sweep key
PFNENTRY pfnProcessFontEntry, // function that processes individual entry
BOOL bForceEnum // force enumeration
HKEY hkeyLastSweep; DWORD cjData;
if (!bForceEnum) { // first check if anything needs to be done, that is, if anybody
// touched the [Fonts] section of the registry since the last time we sweeped it.
// get the time of the last sweep of the fonts section of the registry:
RtlInitUnicodeString(&UnicodeString, pwszFontSweepKey); InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjA, &UnicodeString, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL); Status = NtOpenKey(&hkeyLastSweep, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, &ObjA);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DWORD dwDisposition;
// We are running for the first time, we need to create the key
// for it does not exist as yet at this time
bSweep = TRUE;
// Create the key, open it for writing, since we will have to
// store the time when the [Fonts] section of the registry was last swept
Status = NtCreateKey(&hkeyLastSweep, KEY_WRITE, &ObjA, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, &dwDisposition);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) return; } else { RtlInitUnicodeString(&UnicodeString, LAST_SWEEP_TIME); Status = NtQueryValueKey(hkeyLastSweep, &UnicodeString, KeyValuePartialInformation, &SweepValueInfo, sizeof(SweepValueInfo), &dwReturnLength); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { bSweep = TRUE; // force sweep, something is suspicious
} else { UserAssert(SweepValueInfo.Type == REG_BINARY); UserAssert(SweepValueInfo.DataLength == sizeof(LastSweepTime)); RtlCopyMemory(&LastSweepTime, &SweepValueInfo.Data, sizeof(LastSweepTime)); } } } else { bSweep = TRUE; }
// now open the Fonts key and get the time the key last changed:
// now get the time of the time of the last change is bigger than
// the time of last sweep, must sweep again:
RtlInitUnicodeString(&UnicodeString, pwszFontListKey); InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjA, &UnicodeString, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL); Status = NtOpenKey(&hkey, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, &ObjA);
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { // get the number of entries in the [Fonts] section
Status = NtQueryKey(hkey, KeyFullInformation, &KeyInfo, sizeof(KeyInfo), &dwReturnLength);
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status) && KeyInfo.Values) { UserAssert(!(KeyInfo.ClassLength | KeyInfo.SubKeys | KeyInfo.MaxNameLen | KeyInfo.MaxClassLen));
// now let us check if the fonts need to be sweeped. This is the case
// when the registry last write time is bigger than the last sweep time
if (!bSweep) { if (KeyInfo.LastWriteTime.QuadPart != LastSweepTime.QuadPart ) { bSweep = TRUE; } }
// init system dir, we will need it:
if (bSweep && bInitSystemAndFontsDirectoriesW(&gpwcSystemDir, &gpwcFontsDir)) { // alloc buffer big enough to hold the biggest ValueName and ValueData
cjMaxValueName = DWORDALIGN(KeyInfo.MaxValueNameLen + sizeof(WCHAR));
// allocate temporary buffer into which we are going to pull the contents
// of the registry
KeyInfo.MaxValueDataLen = DWORDALIGN(KeyInfo.MaxValueDataLen); cjData = cjMaxValueName + // space for the value name
KeyInfo.MaxValueDataLen ; // space for the value data
if (KeyValueInfo = UserLocalAlloc(0, sizeof(*KeyValueInfo) + cjData)) { for (iFont = 0; iFont < KeyInfo.Values; iFont++) { Status = NtEnumerateValueKey( hkey, iFont, KeyValueFullInformation, KeyValueInfo, sizeof(*KeyValueInfo) + cjData, &dwReturnLength);
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { UserAssert(KeyValueInfo->NameLength <= KeyInfo.MaxValueNameLen); UserAssert(KeyValueInfo->DataLength <= KeyInfo.MaxValueDataLen); UserAssert((KeyValueInfo->Type == REG_SZ) || (KeyValueInfo->Type == REG_MULTI_SZ));
// data goes into the second half of the buffer
pjValueData = (BYTE *)KeyValueInfo + KeyValueInfo->DataOffset;
// see if the font files are where the registry claims they are.
// It is unfortunate we have to do this because SearchPathW
// is slow because it touches the disk.
(*pfnProcessFontEntry)(hkey, KeyValueInfo->Name, KeyValueInfo->NameLength / sizeof(WCHAR), (WCHAR *)pjValueData, KeyValueInfo->DataLength / sizeof(WCHAR)); } }
if (!bForceEnum) { // now that the sweep is completed, get the last write time
// and store it as the LastSweepTime at the appropriate location
Status = NtQueryKey(hkey, KeyFullInformation, &KeyInfo, sizeof(KeyInfo), &dwReturnLength); UserAssert(NT_SUCCESS(Status));
// now remember the result
RtlInitUnicodeString(&UnicodeString, LAST_SWEEP_TIME); Status = NtSetValueKey(hkeyLastSweep, &UnicodeString, 0, REG_BINARY, &KeyInfo.LastWriteTime, sizeof(KeyInfo.LastWriteTime)); UserAssert(NT_SUCCESS(Status)); }
// free the memory that will be no longer needed
UserLocalFree(KeyValueInfo); } } } NtClose(hkey); }
if (!bForceEnum) { NtClose(hkeyLastSweep); } }
* * BOOL bLoadableFontDrivers() * * open the font drivers key and check if there are any entries, if so * return true. If that is the case we will call AddFontResourceW on * Type 1 fonts at boot time, right after user had logged on * PostScript printer drivers are not initialized at this time yet, * it is safe to do it at this time. * Effects: * * Warnings: * * History: * 24-Apr-1996 -by- Bodin Dresevic [BodinD] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
BOOL bLoadableFontDrivers() { NTSTATUS Status; UNICODE_STRING UnicodeString; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjA; KEY_FULL_INFORMATION KeyInfo; DWORD dwReturnLength; HKEY hkey = NULL; BOOL bRet = FALSE;
// open the font drivers key and check if there are any entries, if so
// return true. If that is the case we will call AddFontResourceW on
// Type 1 fonts at boot time, right after user had logged on
// PostScript printer drivers are not initialized at this time yet,
// it is safe to do it at this time.
RtlInitUnicodeString(&UnicodeString, pwszFontDrivers); InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjA, &UnicodeString, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL); Status = NtOpenKey(&hkey, KEY_READ, &ObjA);
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { // get the number of entries in the [Fonts] section
Status = NtQueryKey(hkey, KeyFullInformation, &KeyInfo, sizeof(KeyInfo), &dwReturnLength);
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status) && KeyInfo.Values) { UserAssert(!(KeyInfo.ClassLength | KeyInfo.SubKeys | KeyInfo.MaxNameLen | KeyInfo.MaxClassLen));
// externally loadable drivers are present, force sweep
bRet = TRUE; }
NtClose(hkey); } return bRet; }
* * BOOL bCheckAndDeleteTTF() * * Checks whether there is a converted TTF corresponding to * a Type1 font. Delete the TTF file and the reg entry if there is. * * History: * 29-Jan-1998 -by- Xudong Wu [TessieW] * Wrote it. \*******************************************************************/ BOOL bCheckAndDeleteTTF ( HKEY hkey, PKEY_FULL_INFORMATION pKeyInfo, PKEY_VALUE_FULL_INFORMATION KeyValueInfo, PKEY_VALUE_BASIC_INFORMATION KeyValueBasicInfo, DWORD cjData ) { NTSTATUS Status; UNICODE_STRING UnicodeString; DWORD dwReturnLength; ULONG iFont; WCHAR awcTmp[MAX_PATH], *pFontName, *pType1Name, *pwcFile; BOOL bDelTTFfile, bRet = TRUE; FLONG fl; WCHAR awcType1Name[MAX_PATH]; // null-terminated pType1Name
WCHAR awcFontName[MAX_PATH]; // null-terminated pFontName
WCHAR awcFile[MAX_PATH]; // null-terminated pwcFile
// pKeyInfo holds the full info on the key "Fonts"
for (iFont = 0; iFont < pKeyInfo->Values; iFont++) { RtlZeroMemory(KeyValueInfo->Name, cjData); Status = NtEnumerateValueKey( hkey, iFont, KeyValueFullInformation, KeyValueInfo, sizeof(*KeyValueInfo) + cjData, &dwReturnLength);
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { UserAssert(KeyValueInfo->NameLength <= pKeyInfo->MaxValueNameLen); UserAssert(KeyValueInfo->DataLength <= pKeyInfo->MaxValueDataLen); UserAssert(KeyValueInfo->Type == REG_SZ);
bDelTTFfile = FALSE;
// Make sure we use null-terminated strings
vNullTermWideString (awcType1Name, KeyValueBasicInfo->Name, KeyValueBasicInfo->NameLength / sizeof(WCHAR)); vNullTermWideString (awcFontName, KeyValueInfo->Name, KeyValueInfo->NameLength / sizeof(WCHAR)); vNullTermWideString (awcFile, (WCHAR *) ((BYTE *)KeyValueInfo + KeyValueInfo->DataOffset), KeyValueInfo->DataLength / sizeof(WCHAR)); pType1Name = awcType1Name; pFontName = awcFontName; pwcFile = awcFile;
while((*pType1Name) && (*pType1Name++ == *pFontName++)) ;
// if the font name match the type1 name
// check whether this is a ttf font
if ((*pType1Name == 0) && (*pFontName++ == L' ')) { WCHAR *pTrueType = L"(TrueType)";
while(*pTrueType && (*pTrueType++ == *pFontName++)) ; if (*pTrueType == 0) { bDelTTFfile = TRUE; } }
if (bDelTTFfile) { // delete the converted TTF file
if (bRet = bMakePathNameW(awcTmp, pwcFile, NULL, &fl)) { UserVerify((bRet = DeleteFileW(awcTmp))); }
// remove the reg entry
*pFontName = 0; RtlInitUnicodeString(&UnicodeString, awcFontName); Status = NtDeleteValueKey(hkey, (PUNICODE_STRING)&UnicodeString);
// decrement the number of values under [Fonts]
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) pKeyInfo->Values--; else bRet = FALSE;
break; } } else { bRet = FALSE; break; } }
return bRet; }
* * BOOL bCleanConvertedTTFs() * * Enumerate each entry under "Upgrade Type1" key, call * bCheckAndDeleteTTF() to remove the coverted TTFs. * * History: * 29-Jan-1998 -by- Xudong Wu [TessieW] * Wrote it. \***************************************************************/ BOOL bCleanConvertedTTFs() { UNICODE_STRING UnicodeString; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjA; NTSTATUS Status; HKEY hkeyFonts = NULL, hkeyType1 = NULL; DWORD dwReturnLength; DWORD iFontT1, cjData; DWORD cjMaxValueNameT1, cjMaxValueNameFonts; BOOL bRet = FALSE, bError = FALSE;
// Open and query the value from the "Type1 Fonts" key
// No need to continue if not succeed or no Type1 font listed
RtlInitUnicodeString(&UnicodeString, pwszType1Key); InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjA, &UnicodeString, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL);
Status = NtOpenKey(&hkeyType1, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, &ObjA);
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Status = NtQueryKey(hkeyType1, KeyFullInformation, &KeyInfoType1, sizeof(KeyInfoType1), &dwReturnLength);
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status) && KeyInfoType1.Values) { UserAssert(!(KeyInfoType1.ClassLength | KeyInfoType1.SubKeys | KeyInfoType1.MaxNameLen | KeyInfoType1.MaxClassLen));
cjMaxValueNameT1 = DWORDALIGN(KeyInfoType1.MaxValueNameLen + sizeof(WCHAR));
// Alloc buffer big enough to hold the longest Name
if (KeyValueBasicInfo = UserLocalAlloc(0, sizeof(*KeyValueBasicInfo) + cjMaxValueNameT1)) { RtlInitUnicodeString(&UnicodeString, pwszFontsKey); InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjA, &UnicodeString, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL); Status = NtOpenKey(&hkeyFonts, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, &ObjA); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Status = NtQueryKey(hkeyFonts, KeyFullInformation, &KeyInfoFonts, sizeof(KeyInfoFonts), &dwReturnLength); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status) && KeyInfoFonts.Values) { UserAssert(!(KeyInfoFonts.ClassLength | KeyInfoFonts.SubKeys | KeyInfoFonts.MaxNameLen | KeyInfoFonts.MaxClassLen));
cjMaxValueNameFonts = DWORDALIGN(KeyInfoFonts.MaxValueNameLen + sizeof(WCHAR)); KeyInfoFonts.MaxValueDataLen = DWORDALIGN(KeyInfoFonts.MaxValueDataLen); cjData = cjMaxValueNameFonts + KeyInfoFonts.MaxValueDataLen;
// Alloc buffer big enough to hold the longest Name and Value
if (KeyValueInfo = UserLocalAlloc(0, sizeof(*KeyValueInfo) + cjData)) { // Enum the "Type1 Fonts" key
for (iFontT1 = 0; iFontT1 < KeyInfoType1.Values; iFontT1++) { RtlZeroMemory(KeyValueBasicInfo->Name, cjMaxValueNameT1); Status = NtEnumerateValueKey( hkeyType1, iFontT1, KeyValueBasicInformation, KeyValueBasicInfo, sizeof(*KeyValueBasicInfo) + cjMaxValueNameT1, &dwReturnLength);
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { UserAssert(KeyValueBasicInfo->NameLength <= KeyInfoType1.MaxValueNameLen); UserAssert(KeyValueBasicInfo->Type == REG_MULTI_SZ);
// For each Type1 font, check to see whether
// there is corresponding converted TTF
// Delete the TTF file and reg entry if any
bRet = bCheckAndDeleteTTF(hkeyFonts, &KeyInfoFonts, KeyValueInfo, KeyValueBasicInfo, cjData); if (!bRet) { bError = TRUE; } } } UserLocalFree(KeyValueInfo); // no type1 fonts installed
if (KeyInfoType1.Values == 0) { bRet = TRUE; } } } NtClose(hkeyFonts); } // NtOpenKey (hkeyFonts)
UserLocalFree(KeyValueBasicInfo); } } // NtQueryKey (hkeyType1)
NtClose(hkeyType1); }
return (bRet && !bError); }
* * VOID vCleanConvertedTTFs() * * Delete the converted TTFs and clean the registry if there is any * TTFs generated from Type1 fonts. * * History: * 29-Jan-1998 -by- Xudong Wu [TessieW] * Wrote it. \*******************************************************************/ VOID vCleanConvertedTTFs() { BOOL bNeedUpgrade = FALSE; UNICODE_STRING UnicodeString; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjA; DWORD dwReturnLength; NTSTATUS Status; HKEY hkeyUpgradeType1 = NULL;
struct { KEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION; LARGE_INTEGER; } UpgradeValueInfo; DWORD UpgradeValue = 0;
RtlInitUnicodeString(&UnicodeString, pwszUpdType1Key); InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjA, &UnicodeString, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL);
Status = NtOpenKey(&hkeyUpgradeType1, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, &ObjA);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { // Key doesn't exist, run for the first time
// Create the key, open it for writing
DWORD dwDisposition;
Status = NtCreateKey(&hkeyUpgradeType1, KEY_WRITE, &ObjA, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, &dwDisposition); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { bNeedUpgrade = TRUE; } } else { RtlInitUnicodeString(&UnicodeString, UPGRADED_TYPE1); Status = NtQueryValueKey(hkeyUpgradeType1, &UnicodeString, KeyValuePartialInformation, &UpgradeValueInfo, sizeof(UpgradeValueInfo), &dwReturnLength);
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { UserAssert(UpgradeValueInfo.Type == REG_DWORD); UserAssert(UpgradeValueInfo.DataLength == sizeof(UpgradeValue)); RtlCopyMemory(&UpgradeValue, &UpgradeValueInfo.Data, sizeof(UpgradeValue));
// Done if the value is non-zero.
if (UpgradeValue == 0) { bNeedUpgrade = TRUE; } } }
if (bNeedUpgrade) { if (bCleanConvertedTTFs()) { UpgradeValue = 1; }
RtlInitUnicodeString(&UnicodeString, UPGRADED_TYPE1); Status = NtSetValueKey(hkeyUpgradeType1, &UnicodeString, 0, REG_DWORD, &UpgradeValue, sizeof(UpgradeValue)); UserAssert(NT_SUCCESS(Status)); }
if (hkeyUpgradeType1) { NtClose(hkeyUpgradeType1); } }
* * VOID vFontSweep() * * Effects: The main routine, calls vSweepFonts to sweep "regular" fonts * and then to sweep type 1 fonts * * History: * 20-Nov-1995 -by- Bodin Dresevic [BodinD] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/ VOID vFontSweep( VOID) { /*
* Check if shared windows directory installation. */ gbWin31Upgrade = bCheckIfDualBootingWithWin31();
* Before we sweep the files to the Fonts directory, check whether the * 'converted' TTFs have been removed. */ vCleanConvertedTTFs();
* Sweep fonts in the [Fonts] key. */ vSweepFonts(pwszFontsKey, pwszSweepKey, vProcessFontEntry, FALSE);
* Now sweep type 1 fonts, if any. */ vSweepFonts(pwszType1Key, pwszSweepType1Key, vProcessType1FontEntry, FALSE);
if (gpwcSystemDir) { UserLocalFree(gpwcSystemDir); gpwcSystemDir = NULL; } }
* vLoadLT1Fonts * * History: * 30-Apr-1996 -by- Bodin Dresevic [BodinD] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/ VOID vLoadT1Fonts( PFNENTRY pfnProcessFontEntry) { if (bLoadableFontDrivers()) { /*
* Now enum and add remote type1 fonts if any. */ vSweepFonts(pwszType1Key, pwszSweepType1Key, pfnProcessFontEntry, TRUE);
if (gpwcSystemDir) { UserLocalFree(gpwcSystemDir); gpwcSystemDir = NULL; } } }
VOID vLoadLocalT1Fonts( VOID) { vLoadT1Fonts(vAddLocalType1Font); }
VOID vLoadRemoteT1Fonts( VOID) { vLoadT1Fonts(vAddRemoteType1Font); }