* Module Name: help.c * * Copyright (c) 1985 - 1999, Microsoft Corporation * * History: * 23-May-95 BradG Created to consolidate client-side help routines. * \**************************************************************************/
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#define MAX_ATTEMPTS 5 // maximum -1 id controls to search through
char szDefaultHelpFileA[] = "windows.hlp";
CONST WCHAR szEXECHELP[] = TEXT("\\winhlp32.exe"); CONST WCHAR szMS_WINHELP[] = L"MS_WINHELP"; // Application class
CONST WCHAR szMS_TCARDHELP[] = L"MS_TCARDHELP"; // Training card class
CONST WCHAR gawcWinhelpFlags[] = { L'x', // Execute WinHelp as application help
L'p', // Execute WinHelp as a popup
L'c', // Execute WinHelp as a training card
* SendWinHelpMessage * * Attempts to give the winhelp process the right to take the foreground (it * will fail if the calling processs doesn't have the right itself). Then it * sends the WM_WINHELP message. * * History: * 02-10-98 GerardoB Created \***************************************************************************/ LRESULT SendWinHelpMessage( HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { DWORD dwProcessId = 0;
GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, &dwProcessId); AllowSetForegroundWindow(dwProcessId);
return SendMessage(hwnd, WM_WINHELP, wParam, lParam); }
* HFill * * Builds a data block for communicating with help * * LATER 13 Feb 92 GregoryW * This needs to stay ANSI until we have a Unicode help engine * * History: * 04-15-91 JimA Ported. * 03-24-95 BradG - YAP of Win95 code. Added code to prevent memory * overwrite on bad ulData == 0 parameter. \***************************************************************************/ LPHLP HFill( LPCSTR lpszHelp, DWORD ulCommand, // HELP_ constant
ULONG_PTR ulData) { DWORD cb; // Size of the data block
DWORD cbStr; // Length of the help file name
DWORD cbData; // Size of the dwData parameter in bytes (0 if not used)
LPHLP phlp; // Pointer to data block
BYTE bType; // dwData parameter type
* Get the length of the help file name */ cbStr = (lpszHelp) ? strlen(lpszHelp) + 1 : 0;
* Get the length of any dwData parameters */ bType = HIBYTE(LOWORD(ulCommand)); if (ulData) { switch (bType) { case HIBYTE(HELP_HB_STRING): /*
* ulData is an ANSI string, so compute its length */ cbData = strlen((LPSTR)ulData) + 1; break;
* ulData points to a structure who's first member is an int * that contains the size of the structure in bytes. */ cbData = *((int *)ulData); break;
default: /*
* dwData has no parameter. */ cbData = 0; } } else { /*
* No parameter is present. */ cbData = 0; }
* Calculate size. */ cb = sizeof(HLP) + cbStr + cbData;
* Get data block. */ if ((phlp = (LPHLP)UserLocalAlloc(HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, cb)) == NULL) { return NULL; }
* Fill in info. */ phlp->cbData = (WORD)cb; phlp->usCommand = (WORD)ulCommand;
* Fill in file name. */ if (lpszHelp) { phlp->offszHelpFile = sizeof(HLP); strcpy((LPSTR)(phlp + 1), lpszHelp); }
* Fill in data */ switch (bType) { case HIBYTE(HELP_HB_STRING): if (cbData) { phlp->offabData = (WORD)(sizeof(HLP) + cbStr); strcpy((LPSTR)phlp + phlp->offabData, (LPSTR)ulData); } break;
case HIBYTE(HELP_HB_STRUCT): if (cbData) { phlp->offabData = (WORD)(sizeof(HLP) + cbStr); RtlCopyMemory((LPBYTE)phlp + phlp->offabData, (PVOID)ulData, *((int*)ulData)); } break;
default: phlp->ulTopic = ulData; break; }
return phlp; }
* LaunchHelp * * This function launches the WinHlp32 executable with the correct command * line arguments. * * History: * 03/23/1995 BradG YAP of new changes from Win95 * 03/01/2002 JasonSch Changed to only look for winhlp32.exe in %windir%. \***************************************************************************/ BOOL LaunchHelp( DWORD dwType) { WCHAR *pwszPath, wszCommandLine[16]; BOOL bRet; STARTUPINFO StartupInfo; PROCESS_INFORMATION ProcessInformation; ULONG cChars;
* Return value of GetSystemWindowsDirectory does not include the * terminating NULL, so + 1. */ cChars = GetSystemWindowsDirectoryW(NULL, 0) + 1; pwszPath = UserLocalAlloc(0, (cChars + ARRAY_SIZE(szEXECHELP)) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (pwszPath == NULL) { return FALSE; }
GetSystemWindowsDirectoryW(pwszPath, cChars); wcscat(pwszPath, szEXECHELP); wsprintf(wszCommandLine, L"%ws -%wc", szEXECHELP + 1, gawcWinhelpFlags[dwType]);
* Launch winhelp. */ RtlZeroMemory(&StartupInfo, sizeof(StartupInfo)); StartupInfo.cb = sizeof(StartupInfo); StartupInfo.wShowWindow = SW_SHOW; StartupInfo.dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW | STARTF_FORCEONFEEDBACK;
bRet = CreateProcessW(pwszPath, wszCommandLine, NULL, NULL, FALSE, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, NULL, NULL, &StartupInfo, &ProcessInformation); if (bRet) { WaitForInputIdle(ProcessInformation.hProcess, 10000); NtClose(ProcessInformation.hProcess); NtClose(ProcessInformation.hThread); }
return bRet; }
* GetNextDlgHelpItem * * This is a reduced version of the GetNextDlgTabItem function that does not * skip disabled controls. * * History: * 3/25/95 BradG Ported from Win95 \***************************************************************************/ PWND GetNextDlgHelpItem( PWND pwndDlg, PWND pwnd) { PWND pwndSave;
if (pwnd == pwndDlg) { pwnd = NULL; } else { pwnd = _GetChildControl(pwndDlg, pwnd); if (pwnd) { if (!_IsDescendant(pwndDlg, pwnd)) return NULL; } }
* BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY * * Note that the result when there are no tabstops of * IGetNextDlgTabItem(hwndDlg, NULL, FALSE) was the last item, now * will be the first item. We could put a check for fRecurse here * and do the old thing if not set. */
* We are going to bug out if we hit the first child a second time. */ pwndSave = pwnd; pwnd = _NextControl(pwndDlg, pwnd, CWP_SKIPINVISIBLE);
while ((pwnd != pwndSave) && (pwnd != pwndDlg)) { UserAssert(pwnd);
if (!pwndSave) pwndSave = pwnd;
if ((pwnd->style & (WS_TABSTOP | WS_VISIBLE)) == (WS_TABSTOP | WS_VISIBLE)) /*
* Found it. */ break;
pwnd = _NextControl(pwndDlg, pwnd, CWP_SKIPINVISIBLE); }
return pwnd; }
* HelpMenu * * History: * 01-Feb-1994 mikeke Ported. \***************************************************************************/ UINT HelpMenu( HWND hwnd, PPOINT ppt) { INT cmd; HMENU hmenu = LoadMenu( hmodUser, MAKEINTRESOURCE(ID_HELPMENU));
if (hmenu != NULL) { cmd = TrackPopupMenu( GetSubMenu(hmenu, 0), TPM_LEFTALIGN | TPM_TOPALIGN | TPM_RETURNCMD | TPM_RIGHTBUTTON, ppt->x, ppt->y, 0, hwnd, NULL); NtUserDestroyMenu(hmenu); return cmd; }
return (UINT)-1; }
* FindWinHelpWindow * * This function attempts to locate the help window. If it fails, it attempts * to launch WinHlp32.exe and then look for its window. * * History: * 03/24/95 BradG Created by extracting code from xxxWinHelpA \***************************************************************************/ HWND FindWinHelpWindow( LPCWSTR lpwstrHelpWindowClass, DWORD dwType, BOOL bLaunchIt) { HWND hwndHelp;
* Find the current help window. If not found, try and launch * the WinHlp32 application. We are interested only in 32 bit help. * * Note that 16 bit apps don't walk this path, ntvdm takes care of * starting the 16 bit help for them. */ hwndHelp = InternalFindWindowExW(NULL, NULL, lpwstrHelpWindowClass, NULL, FW_32BIT);
if (hwndHelp == NULL) { if (bLaunchIt) { /*
* Can't find it --> see if we want to launch it. */ if (LaunchHelp(dwType) == FALSE || (hwndHelp = FindWindowW(lpwstrHelpWindowClass, NULL)) == NULL) { /*
* Can't find help, or not enough memory to load help. * hwndHelp will be NULL at this point. */ RIPMSG0(RIP_WARNING, "LaunchHelp or FindWindow failed."); } } }
return hwndHelp; }
* HWND version of Enumeration function to find controls while * ignoring group boxes but not disabled controls. */ BOOL CALLBACK EnumHwndDlgChildProc( HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam) { PWND pwnd; BOOL bResult;
if (pwnd = ValidateHwnd(hwnd)) { bResult = EnumPwndDlgChildProc(pwnd, lParam); } else { bResult = TRUE; }
return bResult; }
* WinHelp * * Displays help * * History: * 04-15-91 JimA Ported. * 01-29-92 GregoryW Neutral version. * 05-22-92 SanfordS Added support for help structures * 03-24-95 BradG Moved from Client side WinHelpA to server side * xxxWinHelpA because of changes in Win95. The * function xxxServerWinHelp was merged. \***************************************************************************/ BOOL WinHelpA( HWND hwnd, LPCSTR lpszHelp, UINT uCommand, ULONG_PTR dwData) { LPCWSTR lpwstrHelpWindowClass; LPHLP lpHlp = NULL; DWORD dwType; PWND pwnd; HWND hwndHelp = NULL; /* Handle of help's main window */ PWND pwndTop = NULL; /* Top level window that WinHelp uses. */ PWND pwndMain; /* pointer to main help control */ LRESULT lResult; POINT ptCur; BOOL bResult = TRUE;
pwnd = ValidateHwnd(hwnd);
if (uCommand & HELP_TCARD) { /*
* For Training Cards, the HELP_TCARD bit is set. We need to * set our help window class to szMS_TCARDHELP and then remove * the HELP_TCARD bit. */ lpwstrHelpWindowClass = szMS_TCARDHELP; uCommand &= ~HELP_TCARD; // mask out the tcard flag
dwType = TYPE_TCARD; } else { if (uCommand == HELP_CONTEXTMENU || uCommand == HELP_CONTEXTPOPUP || uCommand == HELP_SETPOPUP_POS || uCommand == HELP_WM_HELP) { /*
* Popups should be connected to a valid window. pwndMain has * already been validated as a real window handle or NULL, so we * just need to check the NULL case here. */ if (pwnd == NULL) { RIPERR1(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, RIP_WARNING, "WinHelpA: NULL hWnd invalid for this type of help command (0x%x)", uCommand);
bResult = FALSE; goto Exit_WinHelp; } dwType = TYPE_POPUP; lpwstrHelpWindowClass = szMS_POPUPHELP; } else { dwType = TYPE_NORMAL; lpwstrHelpWindowClass = szMS_WINHELP; } }
* Get the cursor's current location This is where we assume the user * clicked. We will use this position to search for a child window and * to set the context sensitive help popup window's location. * * If the last input was a keyboard one, use the point in the center * of the focus window rectangle. MCostea #249270 */ if (TEST_SRVIF(SRVIF_LASTRITWASKEYBOARD)) { HWND hWndFocus = GetFocus(); RECT rcWindow;
if (GetWindowRect(hWndFocus, &rcWindow)) { ptCur.x = (rcWindow.left + rcWindow.right)/2; ptCur.y = (rcWindow.top + rcWindow.bottom)/2; } else { goto getCursorPos; } } else { getCursorPos: GetCursorPos(&ptCur); }
* If we are handling the HELP_CONTEXTMENU command, see if we * can determine the correct child window. */ if (uCommand == HELP_CONTEXTMENU && FIsParentDude(pwnd)) { LONG lPt; int nHit; DLGENUMDATA DlgEnumData;
* If the user really clicked on the caption or the system menu, * then we want the context menu for the window, not help for a * control. This makes it consistent across all 3.x and 4.0 * windows. */ lPt = MAKELONG(ptCur.x,ptCur.y); nHit = FindNCHit(pwnd, lPt); if ((nHit == HTCAPTION) || (nHit == HTSYSMENU)) DefWindowProc(hwnd, WM_CONTEXTMENU, (WPARAM)hwnd, lPt);
* If this is a dialog class, then one of three things has * happened: * * o This is a disabled control * o This is a static text control * o This is the background of the dialog box. * * What we do is enumerate the child windows and see if * any of them contain the current cursor point. If they do, * change our window handle and continue on. Otherwise, * return doing nothing -- we don't want context-sensitive * help for a dialog background. * * If this is a group box, then we might have clicked on a * disabled control, so we enumerate child windows to see * if we get another control. */ DlgEnumData.pwndDialog = pwnd; DlgEnumData.pwndControl = NULL; DlgEnumData.ptCurHelp = ptCur; EnumChildWindows(hwnd, (WNDENUMPROC)EnumHwndDlgChildProc, (LPARAM)&DlgEnumData); if (DlgEnumData.pwndControl == NULL) { /*
* Can't find a control, so nothing to do. */ goto Exit_WinHelp; } else { /*
* Remember this control because it will be used as the * control for context sensitive help. */ pwndMain = DlgEnumData.pwndControl; } } else { /*
* We will use pwnd as our main control. No need to lock it * because it is already locked. */ pwndMain = pwnd; }
* For HELP_CONTEXTPOPUP and HELP_WM_HELP, see if we can derive the * context id by looking at the array of double word ID pairs that * have been passed in in dwData. */ if (uCommand == HELP_CONTEXTMENU || uCommand == HELP_WM_HELP) { int id; int i; LPDWORD pid;
* Be careful about the cast below. We need the ID, which is stored * in the LOWORD of spmenu to be sign extended to an int. * Don't sign extend so IDs like 8008 work */ id = (DWORD)(PTR_TO_ID(pwndMain->spmenu)); // get control id
pid = (LPDWORD) dwData;
* Is the control's ID -1? */ if ((SHORT)id == -1) { /*
* This is a static (i.e., ID'less) control */ PWND pwndCtrl; int cAttempts = 0;
* If the control is a group box, with an ID of -1, bail out * as the UI specs decided to have no context help * for these cases. MCostea */ if ((TestWF(pwndMain, BFTYPEMASK) == BS_GROUPBOX) && IS_BUTTON(pwndMain)) { goto Exit_WinHelp; }
* For non-id controls (typically static controls), step * through to the next tab item. Keep finding the next tab * item until we find a valid id, or we have tried * MAX_ATTEMPTS times. */ do { pwndCtrl = GetNextDlgHelpItem(REBASEPWND(pwndMain,spwndParent), pwndMain);
* pwndCtrl will be NULL if hwndMain doesn't have a parent, * or if there are no tab stops. */ if (!pwndCtrl) { /*
* Remember to unlock the control */ bResult = FALSE; goto Exit_WinHelp; }
* Be careful about the cast below. We need the ID, which is * stored in the LOWORD of spmenu to be sign extended to an int. * Don't sign extend so IDs like 8008 work */ id = (DWORD)(PTR_TO_ID(pwndCtrl->spmenu));
} while (((SHORT)id == -1) && (++cAttempts < MAX_ATTEMPTS)); }
if ((SHORT)id == -1) { id = -1; }
* Find the id value in array of id/help context values */ for (i = 0; pid[i]; i += 2) { if ((int)pid[i] == id) { break; } }
* Since no help was specified for the found control, see if * the control is one of the known ID (i.e., OK, Cancel...) */ if (!pid[i]) { /*
* Help for the standard controls is in the default * help file windows.hlp. Switch to this file. */ lpszHelp = szDefaultHelpFileA;
switch (id) { case IDOK: dwData = IDH_OK; break;
case IDCANCEL: dwData = IDH_CANCEL; break;
case IDHELP: dwData = IDH_HELP; break;
default: /*
* Unknown control, give a generic missing context info * popup message in windows.hlp. */ dwData = IDH_MISSING_CONTEXT; } } else { dwData = pid[i + 1]; if (dwData == (DWORD)-1) { /*
* Remember, to unlock the control */ goto Exit_WinHelp; // caller doesn't want help after all
} }
* Now that we know the caller wants help for this control, display * the help menu. */ if (uCommand == HELP_CONTEXTMENU) { int cmd;
cmd = HelpMenu(HW(pwndMain), &ptCur); if (cmd <= 0) { /*
* Probably means user cancelled the menu. */ goto Exit_WinHelp; } }
* Create WM_WINHELP's HLP data structure for HELP_SETPOPUP_POS */ if (!(lpHlp = HFill(lpszHelp, HELP_SETPOPUP_POS, MAKELONG(pwndMain->rcWindow.left, pwndMain->rcWindow.top)))) { bResult = FALSE; goto Exit_WinHelp; }
* Tell WinHelp where to put the popup. This is different than Win95 * because we try and avoid a recursive call here. So, we find the * WinHlp32 window and send the HELP_SETPOPUP_POS. No recursion. */ hwndHelp = FindWinHelpWindow(lpwstrHelpWindowClass, dwType, TRUE); if (hwndHelp == NULL) { /*
* Uable to communicate with WinHlp32.exe. * Remember to unlock the control */ bResult = FALSE; goto Exit_WinHelp; }
* Send the WM_WINHELP message to WinHlp32's window. */ lResult = SendWinHelpMessage(hwndHelp, (WPARAM)HW(pwndMain), (LPARAM)lpHlp); UserLocalFree(lpHlp); lpHlp = NULL;
if (!lResult) { /*
* WinHlp32 couldn't process the command. Bail out! */ bResult = FALSE; goto Exit_WinHelp; }
if (uCommand == HELP_CONTEXTPOPUP) { /*
* If no help file was specified, use windows.hlp */ if (lpszHelp == NULL || *lpszHelp == '\0') { lpszHelp = szDefaultHelpFileA; // default: use windows.hlp
* WINHELP.EXE will call SetForegroundWindow on the hwnd that we pass * to it below. We really want to pass the parent dialog hwnd of the * control so that focus will properly be restored to the dialog and * not the control that wants help. */ pwndTop = GetTopLevelWindow(pwndMain); } else { pwndTop = pwndMain; }
* Move Help file name to a handle. */ if (!(lpHlp = HFill(lpszHelp, uCommand, dwData))) { /*
* Can't allocate memory. */ bResult = FALSE; goto Exit_WinHelp; }
* Get a pointer to the help window. */ hwndHelp = FindWinHelpWindow(lpwstrHelpWindowClass, dwType, (uCommand != HELP_QUIT)); if (hwndHelp == NULL) { if (uCommand != HELP_QUIT) /*
* Can't find Winhlp. */ bResult = FALSE; goto Exit_WinHelp; }
* Send the WM_WINHELP message to WinHlp32's window * Must ThreadLock pwndHelp AND pwndMain (because pwndMain may have been * reassigned above). */ SendWinHelpMessage(hwndHelp, (WPARAM)HW(pwndTop), (LPARAM)lpHlp);
* Free the help info data structure (if not already free). */ Exit_WinHelp: if (lpHlp != NULL) { UserLocalFree(lpHlp); }
return bResult; }
* WinHelpW * * Calls WinHelpA after doing any necessary translation. Our help engine is * ASCII only. \***************************************************************************/ BOOL WinHelpW( HWND hwndMain, LPCWSTR lpwszHelp, UINT uCommand, ULONG_PTR dwData) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; LPSTR lpAnsiHelp = NULL; LPSTR lpAnsiKey = NULL; PMULTIKEYHELPA pmkh = NULL; PHELPWININFOA phwi = NULL; NTSTATUS Status;
* First convert the string. */ if (lpwszHelp != NULL && !WCSToMB(lpwszHelp, -1, &lpAnsiHelp, -1, TRUE)) { return FALSE; }
* Then convert dwData if needed */ switch (uCommand) { case HELP_MULTIKEY: if (!WCSToMB(((PMULTIKEYHELPW)dwData)->szKeyphrase, -1, &lpAnsiKey, -1, TRUE)) { goto FreeAnsiHelp; }
pmkh = UserLocalAlloc(HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(MULTIKEYHELPA) + strlen(lpAnsiKey)); if (pmkh == NULL) { goto FreeAnsiKeyAndHelp; }
pmkh->mkSize = sizeof(MULTIKEYHELPA) + strlen(lpAnsiKey); Status = RtlUnicodeToMultiByteN((LPSTR)&pmkh->mkKeylist, sizeof(CHAR), NULL, (LPWSTR)&((PMULTIKEYHELPW)dwData)->mkKeylist, sizeof(WCHAR)); strcpy(pmkh->szKeyphrase, lpAnsiKey); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto FreeAnsiKeyAndHelp; }
dwData = (ULONG_PTR)pmkh; break;
case HELP_SETWINPOS: if (!WCSToMB(((PHELPWININFOW)dwData)->rgchMember, -1, &lpAnsiKey, -1, TRUE)) { goto FreeAnsiKeyAndHelp; }
phwi = UserLocalAlloc(HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, ((PHELPWININFOW)dwData)->wStructSize); if (phwi == NULL) { goto FreeAnsiKeyAndHelp; }
*phwi = *((PHELPWININFOA)dwData); // copies identical parts
strcpy(phwi->rgchMember, lpAnsiKey); dwData = (ULONG_PTR)phwi; break;
case HELP_KEY: case HELP_PARTIALKEY: case HELP_COMMAND: if (!WCSToMB((LPCTSTR)dwData, -1, &lpAnsiKey, -1, TRUE)) { goto FreeAnsiKeyAndHelp; }
dwData = (ULONG_PTR)lpAnsiKey; break; }
* Call the Ansi version */ fSuccess = WinHelpA(hwndMain, lpAnsiHelp, uCommand, dwData);
if (pmkh) { UserLocalFree(pmkh); }
if (phwi) { UserLocalFree(phwi); }
FreeAnsiKeyAndHelp: if (lpAnsiKey) { UserLocalFree(lpAnsiKey); }
FreeAnsiHelp: if (lpAnsiHelp) { UserLocalFree(lpAnsiHelp); }
return fSuccess; }