/****************************** Module Header ******************************\
* Module Name: winmgr.c * * Copyright (c) 1985 - 1999, Microsoft Corporation * * This module contains routines common to client and kernel. * * History: * 02-20-92 DarrinM Pulled functions from user\server. * 11-11-94 JimA Separated from client. \***************************************************************************/
* FindNCHit * * History: * 11-09-90 DavidPe Ported. \***************************************************************************/ int FindNCHit( PWND pwnd, LONG lPt) { POINT pt; RECT rcWindow; RECT rcClient; RECT rcClientAdj; int cBorders; int dxButton;
pt.x = GET_X_LPARAM(lPt); pt.y = GET_Y_LPARAM(lPt);
if (!PtInRect(KPRECT_TO_PRECT(&pwnd->rcWindow), pt)) return HTNOWHERE;
if (!PtInRect(&rcWindow, pt)) return HTCAPTION;
goto CaptionHit; }
// Get client rectangle
rcClient = pwnd->rcClient; if (PtInRect(&rcClient, pt)) return HTCLIENT;
// Are we in "pseudo" client, i.e. the client & scrollbars & border
if (TestWF(pwnd, WEFCLIENTEDGE)) CopyInflateRect(&rcClientAdj, &rcClient, SYSMETRTL(CXEDGE), SYSMETRTL(CYEDGE)); else rcClientAdj = rcClient;
if (TestWF(pwnd, WFVPRESENT)) { if ((!!TestWF(pwnd, WEFLEFTSCROLL)) ^ (!!TestWF(pwnd, WEFLAYOUTRTL))) rcClientAdj.left -= SYSMETRTL(CXVSCROLL); else rcClientAdj.right += SYSMETRTL(CXVSCROLL); } if (TestWF(pwnd, WFHPRESENT)) rcClientAdj.bottom += SYSMETRTL(CYHSCROLL);
if (!PtInRect(&rcClientAdj, pt)) { // Subtract out window borders
cBorders = GetWindowBorders(pwnd->style, pwnd->ExStyle, TRUE, FALSE); CopyInflateRect(&rcWindow, KPRECT_TO_PRECT(&pwnd->rcWindow), -cBorders*SYSMETRTL(CXBORDER), -cBorders*SYSMETRTL(CYBORDER));
// Are we on the border?
if (!PtInRect(&rcWindow, pt)) { // On a sizing border?
if (!TestWF(pwnd, WFSIZEBOX)) { //
// Old compatibility thing: For 3.x windows that just had
// a border, we returned HTNOWHERE, believe it or not,
// because our hit-testing code wasn't very good.
if (!TestWF(pwnd, WFWIN40COMPAT) && !TestWF(pwnd, WFDLGFRAME) && !TestWF(pwnd, WEFDLGMODALFRAME)) { return HTNOWHERE;
} else { return HTBORDER; // We are on a dlg frame.
} } else {
int ht;
// Note this improvement. The HT codes are numbered so that
// if you subtract HTSIZEFIRST-1 from them all, they sum up. I.E.,
if (pt.y < rcWindow.top) ht = (HTTOP - HTSIZEFIRST + 1); else if (pt.y >= rcWindow.bottom) ht = (HTBOTTOM - HTSIZEFIRST + 1); else ht = 0;
if (pt.x < rcWindow.left) ht += (HTLEFT - HTSIZEFIRST + 1); else if (pt.x >= rcWindow.right) ht += (HTRIGHT - HTSIZEFIRST + 1);
return (ht + HTSIZEFIRST - 1); } }
// Are we above the client area?
if (pt.y < rcClientAdj.top) { // Are we in the caption?
if (TestWF(pwnd, WFBORDERMASK) == LOBYTE(WFCAPTION)) { CaptionHit:
if (TestWF(pwnd, WEFLAYOUTRTL)) { pt.x = pwnd->rcWindow.right - (pt.x - pwnd->rcWindow.left); }
if (pt.y >= rcWindow.top) { if (TestWF(pwnd, WEFTOOLWINDOW)) { rcWindow.top += SYSMETRTL(CYSMCAPTION); dxButton = SYSMETRTL(CXSMSIZE); } else { rcWindow.top += SYSMETRTL(CYCAPTION); dxButton = SYSMETRTL(CXSIZE); }
if ((pt.y >= rcWindow.top) && TestWF(pwnd, WFMPRESENT)) return HTMENU;
if ((pt.x >= rcWindow.left) && (pt.x < rcWindow.right) && (pt.y < rcWindow.top)) { // Are we in the window menu?
if (TestWF(pwnd, WFSYSMENU)) { rcWindow.left += dxButton; if (pt.x < rcWindow.left) { if (!_HasCaptionIcon(pwnd)) // iconless windows have no sysmenu hit rect
return HTSYSMENU; } } else if (TestWF(pwnd, WFWIN40COMPAT)) { #ifdef LAME_BUTTON
* The old code assumed that a 4.0 compatible app * would not have "anything" else in the caption if * it doesn't have a system menu. With the lame * button, this is no longer true. The code will * work fine if the else-if block below is removed. * However, if we do that then we do a whole bunch * of unnecessary checks below (looking for the * minimize button, which we know isn't there, for * example). Hence, this quick-and-dirty goto. This * allows lame button hit tracking to work on * windows with no system menu, as well as not * change hit test behavior in the shipped bits * (which we most definitely do NOT want to break!) */ goto LameButtonHitTest; #else
return HTCAPTION; #endif // LAME_BUTTON
// Are we in the close button?
rcWindow.right -= dxButton; if (pt.x >= rcWindow.right) return HTCLOSE;
if ((pt.x < rcWindow.right) && !TestWF(pwnd, WEFTOOLWINDOW)) { // Are we in the maximize/restore button?
if (TestWF(pwnd, (WFMAXBOX | WFMINBOX))) { // Note that sizing buttons are same width for both
// big captions and small captions.
rcWindow.right -= dxButton; if (pt.x >= rcWindow.right) return HTZOOM;
// Are we in the minimize button?
rcWindow.right -= dxButton; if (pt.x >= rcWindow.right) return HTREDUCE; } else if (TestWF(pwnd, WEFCONTEXTHELP)) { rcWindow.right -= dxButton; if (pt.x >= rcWindow.right) return HTHELP; } #ifdef LAME_BUTTON
LameButtonHitTest: if (TestWF(pwnd, WEFLAMEBUTTON)) { rcWindow.right -= (gpsi->ncxLame + 2 * SYSMET(CXEDGE));
if (TestWF(pwnd, WEFRIGHT)) { if (pt.x >= rcWindow.left && pt.x < rcWindow.left + gpsi->ncxLame) { return HTLAMEBUTTON; } } else { if (pt.x >= rcWindow.right && pt.x < rcWindow.right + gpsi->ncxLame) { return HTLAMEBUTTON; } } } #endif // LAME_BUTTON
} } }
// We're in the caption proper
return HTCAPTION; }
// Are we in the menu?
if (TestWF(pwnd, WFMPRESENT)) { return HTMENU; } } } else { //
// NOTE:
// We can only be here if we are on the client edge, horz scroll,
// sizebox, or vert scroll. Hence, if we are not on the first 3,
// we must be on the last one.
// Are we on the client edge?
if (TestWF(pwnd, WEFCLIENTEDGE)) { InflateRect(&rcClientAdj, -SYSMETRTL(CXEDGE), -SYSMETRTL(CYEDGE)); if (!PtInRect(&rcClientAdj, pt)) { return HTBORDER; } }
// Are we on the scrollbars?
if (TestWF(pwnd, WFHPRESENT) && (pt.y >= rcClient.bottom)) { int iHitTest = HTHSCROLL; UserAssert(pt.y < rcClientAdj.bottom);
if (TestWF(pwnd, WFVPRESENT)) { PWND pwndSizeBox = SizeBoxHwnd(pwnd);
if (pt.x >= rcClient.right) { return pwndSizeBox ? HTBOTTOMRIGHT : HTGROWBOX; } else if (TestWF(pwnd, WEFLAYOUTRTL) && (pt.x < rcClient.left)) { //
// Mirror the grip box location so that it becomes
// on the bottom-left side if this is a RTL mirrrored
// windows.
return pwndSizeBox ? HTBOTTOMLEFT : HTGROWBOX; } }
return iHitTest; } else { UserAssert(TestWF(pwnd, WFVPRESENT)); if ((!!TestWF(pwnd, WEFLEFTSCROLL)) ^ (!!TestWF(pwnd, WEFLAYOUTRTL))) { UserAssert(pt.x < rcClient.left); UserAssert(pt.x >= rcClientAdj.left); } else { UserAssert(pt.x >= rcClient.right); UserAssert(pt.x < rcClientAdj.right); }
return HTVSCROLL; } }
// We give up.
// Win31 returned HTNOWHERE in this case; For compatibility, we will
// keep it that way.
BOOL _FChildVisible( PWND pwnd) { while (TestwndChild(pwnd)) { pwnd = REBASEPWND(pwnd, spwndParent); if (pwnd == NULL) { break; } else if (!TestWF(pwnd, WFVISIBLE)) { return FALSE; } }
return TRUE; }
* _MapWindowPoints * * * History: * 03-03-92 JimA Ported from Win 3.1 sources. \***************************************************************************/ int _MapWindowPoints( PWND pwndFrom, PWND pwndTo, LPPOINT lppt, DWORD cpt) { int dx = 0, dy = 0; int SaveLeft, Sign = 1; RECT *pR = (RECT *)lppt; BOOL bMirrored = FALSE;
* If a window is NULL, use the desktop window. * If the window is the desktop, don't offset by * the client rect, since it won't work if the screen * origin is not (0,0) - use zero instead. */
* Compute deltas */ if (pwndFrom && GETFNID(pwndFrom) != FNID_DESKTOP) { if (TestWF(pwndFrom, WEFLAYOUTRTL)) { Sign = -Sign; dx = -pwndFrom->rcClient.right; bMirrored = (cpt == 2); } else { dx = pwndFrom->rcClient.left; } dy = pwndFrom->rcClient.top; }
if (pwndTo && GETFNID(pwndTo) != FNID_DESKTOP) { if (TestWF(pwndTo, WEFLAYOUTRTL)) { Sign = -Sign; dx = dx + Sign * pwndTo->rcClient.right; bMirrored = (cpt == 2); } else { dx = dx - Sign * pwndTo->rcClient.left; } dy = dy - pwndTo->rcClient.top; }
* Map the points */ while (cpt--) { lppt->x += dx; lppt->x *= Sign; lppt->y += dy; ++lppt; }
if (bMirrored) { //Special case for Rect
SaveLeft = min (pR->left, pR->right); pR->right = max (pR->left, pR->right); pR->left = SaveLeft; }
return MAKELONG(dx, dy); }
* * GetRealClientRect() * * Gets real client rectangle, inc. scrolls and excl. one row or column * of minimized windows. * * If hwndParent is the desktop, then * * If pMonitor is NULL, use the primary monitor * * Otherwise use the appropriate monitor's rectangles * \***************************************************************************/ VOID GetRealClientRect( PWND pwnd, LPRECT prc, UINT uFlags, PMONITOR pMonitor) { if (GETFNID(pwnd) == FNID_DESKTOP) { if (!pMonitor) { pMonitor = GetPrimaryMonitor(); } *prc = (uFlags & GRC_FULLSCREEN) ? pMonitor->rcMonitor : pMonitor->rcWork; } else { GetRect(pwnd, prc, GRECT_CLIENT | GRECT_CLIENTCOORDS); if (uFlags & GRC_SCROLLS) { if (TestWF(pwnd, WFHPRESENT)) { prc->bottom += SYSMETRTL(CYHSCROLL); }
if (TestWF(pwnd, WFVPRESENT)) { prc->right += SYSMETRTL(CXVSCROLL); } } }
// Leave space on top for one row of min windows
prc->top += SYSMETRTL(CYMINSPACING); break;
// Leave space on left for one column of min windows
prc->left += SYSMETRTL(CXMINSPACING); break;
// Leave space on right for one column of min windows
prc->right -= SYSMETRTL(CXMINSPACING); break;
// Leave space on bottom for one row of min windows
prc->bottom -= SYSMETRTL(CYMINSPACING); break; } } }
* _GetLastActivePopup (API) * * * * History: * 11-27-90 darrinm Ported from Win 3.0 sources. * 02-19-91 JimA Added enum access check \***************************************************************************/ PWND _GetLastActivePopup( PWND pwnd) { if (pwnd->spwndLastActive == NULL) return pwnd;
return REBASEPWND(pwnd, spwndLastActive); }
* IsDescendant * * Internal version if IsChild that is a bit faster and ignores the WFCHILD * business. * * Returns TRUE if pwndChild == pwndParent (IsChild doesn't). * * History: * 07-22-91 darrinm Translated from Win 3.1 ASM code. * 03-03-94 Johnl Moved from server \***************************************************************************/
BOOL _IsDescendant( PWND pwndParent, PWND pwndChild) { while (1) { if (pwndParent == pwndChild) return TRUE; if (GETFNID(pwndChild) == FNID_DESKTOP) break; pwndChild = REBASEPWND(pwndChild, spwndParent); }
return FALSE; }
* IsVisible * * Return whether or not a given window can be drawn in or not. * * History: * 07-22-91 darrinm Translated from Win 3.1 ASM code. \***************************************************************************/
BOOL IsVisible( PWND pwnd) { PWND pwndT;
for (pwndT = pwnd; pwndT; pwndT = REBASEPWND(pwndT, spwndParent)) {
* Invisible windows are always invisible */ if (!TestWF(pwndT, WFVISIBLE)) return FALSE;
if (TestWF(pwndT, WFMINIMIZED)) {
* Children of minimized windows are always invisible. */ if (pwndT != pwnd) return FALSE; }
* If we're at the desktop, then we don't want to go any further. */ if (GETFNID(pwndT) == FNID_DESKTOP) break; }
return TRUE; }
* * Function: GetWindowBorders * * Synopsis: Calculates # of borders around window * * Algorithm: Calculate # of window borders and # of client borders * * This routine is ported from Chicago wmclient.c -- FritzS * \***************************************************************************/
int GetWindowBorders(LONG lStyle, DWORD dwExStyle, BOOL fWindow, BOOL fClient) { int cBorders = 0;
if (fWindow) { //
// Is there a 3D border around the window?
if (dwExStyle & WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE) cBorders += 2; else if (dwExStyle & WS_EX_STATICEDGE) ++cBorders;
// Is there a single flat border around the window? This is true for
if ( (lStyle & WS_CAPTION) || (dwExStyle & WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME) ) ++cBorders;
// Is there a sizing flat border around the window?
if (lStyle & WS_SIZEBOX) cBorders += gpsi->gclBorder; }
if (fClient) { //
// Is there a 3D border around the client?
if (dwExStyle & WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE) cBorders += 2; }
return cBorders; }
* SizeBoxHwnd() * * Returns the HWND that will be sized if the user drags in the given window's * sizebox -- If NULL, then the sizebox is not needed * * Criteria for choosing what window will be sized: * find first sizeable parent; if that parent is not maximized and the child's * bottom, right corner is within a scroll bar height and width of the parent's * bottom, right corner, that parent will be sized. * * From Chicago \***************************************************************************/
PWND SizeBoxHwnd( PWND pwnd) { BOOL bMirroredSizeBox = (BOOL) TestWF(pwnd, WEFLAYOUTRTL);
int xbrChild; int ybrChild = pwnd->rcWindow.bottom;
if (bMirroredSizeBox) { xbrChild = pwnd->rcWindow.left; } else { xbrChild = pwnd->rcWindow.right; }
while (GETFNID(pwnd) != FNID_DESKTOP) { if (TestWF(pwnd, WFSIZEBOX)) { // First sizeable parent found
int xbrParent; int ybrParent;
if (TestWF(pwnd, WFMAXIMIZED)) return NULL;
if (bMirroredSizeBox) { xbrParent = pwnd->rcClient.left; } else { xbrParent = pwnd->rcClient.right; } ybrParent = pwnd->rcClient.bottom;
/* If the sizebox dude is within an EDGE of the client's bottom
* right corner (left corner for mirrored windows), let this succeed. * That way people who draw their own sunken clients will be happy. */ if (bMirroredSizeBox) { if ((xbrChild - SYSMETRTL(CXEDGE) > xbrParent) || (ybrChild + SYSMETRTL(CYEDGE) < ybrParent)) { //
// Child's bottom, left corner of SIZEBOX isn't close enough
// to bottom left of parent's client.
return NULL; } } else { if ((xbrChild + SYSMETRTL(CXEDGE) < xbrParent) || (ybrChild + SYSMETRTL(CYEDGE) < ybrParent)) { //
// Child's bottom, right corner of SIZEBOX isn't close enough
// to bottom right of parent's client.
return NULL; } }
return pwnd; }
if (!TestWF(pwnd, WFCHILD) || TestWF(pwnd, WFCPRESENT)) break;
pwnd = REBASEPWND(pwnd, spwndParent); } return NULL; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// NeedsWindowEdge()
// Modifies style/extended style to enforce WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE when we want
// it.
// When do we want WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE on a window?
// (1) If the window has a caption
// (2) If the window has the WS_DLGFRAME or WS_EX_DLGFRAME style (note
// that this takes care of (1))
// (3) If the window has WS_THICKFRAME
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL NeedsWindowEdge( DWORD dwStyle, DWORD dwExStyle, BOOL fNewApp) { BOOL fGetsWindowEdge = FALSE;
if (dwExStyle & WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME) { fGetsWindowEdge = TRUE; } else if (dwExStyle & WS_EX_STATICEDGE) { fGetsWindowEdge = FALSE; } else if (dwStyle & WS_THICKFRAME) { fGetsWindowEdge = TRUE; } else { switch (dwStyle & WS_CAPTION) { case WS_DLGFRAME: fGetsWindowEdge = TRUE; break;
case WS_CAPTION: fGetsWindowEdge = fNewApp; break; } }
return fGetsWindowEdge; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// HasCaptionIcon()
// TRUE if this is a window that should have an icon drawn in its caption
// FALSE otherwise
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL _HasCaptionIcon( PWND pwnd) { HICON hIcon; PCLS pcls;
if (TestWF(pwnd, WEFTOOLWINDOW)) { // it's a tool window -- it doesn't get an icon
return FALSE; }
if ((TestWF(pwnd, WFBORDERMASK) != (BYTE)LOBYTE(WFDLGFRAME)) && !TestWF(pwnd, WEFDLGMODALFRAME)) { // they are not trying to look like a dialog, they get an icon
return TRUE; }
if (!TestWF(pwnd, WFWIN40COMPAT) && (((PCLS)REBASEALWAYS(pwnd, pcls))->atomClassName == (ATOM)(ULONG_PTR)DIALOGCLASS)) { /*
* It's an older REAL dialog -- it doesn't get an icon. */ return FALSE; }
hIcon = (HICON) _GetProp(pwnd, MAKEINTATOM(gpsi->atomIconSmProp), TRUE);
if (hIcon) { // It's a 4.0 dialog with a small icon -- if that small icon is
// something other than the generic small windows icon, it gets an icon.
return hIcon != gpsi->hIconSmWindows; } hIcon = (HICON) _GetProp(pwnd, MAKEINTATOM(gpsi->atomIconProp), TRUE);
if (hIcon && (hIcon != gpsi->hIcoWindows)) { // It's a 4.0 dialog with no small icon, but instead a large icon
// that's not the generic windows icon -- it gets an icon.
return TRUE; }
pcls = REBASEALWAYS(pwnd, pcls); if (pcls->spicnSm) { if (pcls->spicnSm != HMObjectFromHandle(gpsi->hIconSmWindows)) { // It's a 4.0 dialog with a class icon that's not the generic
// windows icon -- it gets an icon.
return TRUE; } }
// It's a 4.0 dialog with no small or large icon -- it doesn't get an icon.
return FALSE; }
* GetTopLevelWindow * * History: * 10-19-90 darrinm Ported from Win 3.0 sources. \***************************************************************************/ PWND GetTopLevelWindow( PWND pwnd) { if (pwnd != NULL) { while (TestwndChild(pwnd)) { pwnd = REBASEPWND(pwnd, spwndParent); } }
return pwnd; }
* GetRect * * Returns a rect from pwnd (client or window) and returns it in * one of these coordinate schemes: * * (a) Own Client * (b) Own Window * (c) Parent Client * * Moreover, it does the right thing for case (d) when pwnd is top level. * In that case, we never want to offset by origin of the parent, which is the * desktop, since that will not work when the virtual screen has a * negative origin. And it does the right thing for cases (b) and (c) * if pwnd is the desktop. * * NOTE: The Win95 version of this function had a flag GRECT_SCREENCOORDS, * which would return the rectangle in screen coords. There's no reason to * call a function to do this, since the smallest and fastest to copy a * rectangle is simple assignment. Therefore, I removed GRECT_SCREENCOORDS. * * History: * 19-Sep-1996 adams Created. \***************************************************************************/ VOID GetRect( PWND pwnd, LPRECT lprc, UINT uCoords) { PWND pwndParent; LPRECT lprcOffset;
UserAssert(lprc); UserAssert((uCoords & ~(GRECT_COORDMASK | GRECT_RECTMASK)) == 0); UserAssert(uCoords & GRECT_COORDMASK); UserAssert(uCoords & GRECT_RECTMASK);
*lprc = (uCoords & GRECT_WINDOW) ? pwnd->rcWindow : pwnd->rcClient;
* If this is the desktop window, we have what we want, whether we * are asking for GRECT_PARENTCOORDS, WINDOWCOORD or CLIENTCOORDS */ if (GETFNID(pwnd) == FNID_DESKTOP) { return; }
switch (uCoords & GRECT_COORDMASK) { case GRECT_PARENTCOORDS: pwndParent = REBASEPWND(pwnd, spwndParent); if (GETFNID(pwndParent) == FNID_DESKTOP) { return; }
lprcOffset = KPRECT_TO_PRECT(&pwndParent->rcClient);
// Let's mirror the edges of the child's window since the parent
// is mirrored, so should the child window be. [samera]
if (TestWF(pwndParent,WEFLAYOUTRTL) && (uCoords & GRECT_WINDOW) && (TestWF(pwnd,WFCHILD))) { int iLeft;
// I am using OffsetRect instead of implementing a new
// OffsetMirrorRect API since this is the only place I am
// doing it in.
// Since screen coordinates are not mirrored, the rect offsetting
// should be done relative to prcOffset->right since it is the
// leading edge for mirrored windows. [samera]
UserVerify(OffsetRect(lprc, -lprcOffset->right, -lprcOffset->top));
iLeft = lprc->left; lprc->left = (lprc->right * -1); lprc->right = (iLeft * -1);
return; } break;
case GRECT_WINDOWCOORDS: lprcOffset = KPRECT_TO_PRECT(&pwnd->rcWindow); break;
case GRECT_CLIENTCOORDS: lprcOffset = KPRECT_TO_PRECT(&pwnd->rcClient); break;
default: RIPMSG1(RIP_ERROR, "Logic error in GetRect - invalid uCoords 0x%x", uCoords); return; }
UserVerify(OffsetRect(lprc, -lprcOffset->left, -lprcOffset->top)); }
#ifdef _USERK_
#if DBG
DWORD GetDbgTagFlags( int tag) { return (gpsi != NULL ? gpsi->adwDBGTAGFlags[tag] : 0); }
DWORD GetRipFlags( VOID) { return (gpsi != NULL ? gpsi->dwRIPFlags : RIPF_DEFAULT); } #endif