Copyright (c) 1990-1999 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
Module Name:
#include <windows.h>
#include <immdev.h>
#include "imedefs.h"
#include <regstr.h>
/**********************************************************************/ /* GetCompWnd */ /* Return Value : */ /* window handle of composition */ /**********************************************************************/ HWND PASCAL GetCompWnd( HWND hUIWnd) // UI window
{ HGLOBAL hUIPrivate; LPUIPRIV lpUIPrivate; HWND hCompWnd;
hUIPrivate = (HGLOBAL)GetWindowLongPtr(hUIWnd, IMMGWLP_PRIVATE); if (!hUIPrivate) { // can not darw candidate window
return (HWND)NULL; }
lpUIPrivate = (LPUIPRIV)GlobalLock(hUIPrivate); if (!lpUIPrivate) { // can not draw candidate window
return (HWND)NULL; }
hCompWnd = lpUIPrivate->hCompWnd;
GlobalUnlock(hUIPrivate); return (hCompWnd); }
/**********************************************************************/ /* FitInLazyOperation() */ /* Return Value : */ /* TRUE or FALSE */ /**********************************************************************/ BOOL PASCAL FitInLazyOperation( // fit in lazy operation or not
LPPOINT lpptOrg, LPPOINT lpptNearCaret, // the suggested near caret position
LPRECT lprcInputRect, UINT uEsc) { POINT ptDelta, ptTol; RECT rcUIRect, rcInterRect;
ptDelta.x = lpptOrg->x - lpptNearCaret->x;
ptDelta.x = (ptDelta.x >= 0) ? ptDelta.x : -ptDelta.x;
ptTol.x = sImeG.iParaTol * ncUIEsc[uEsc].iParaFacX + sImeG.iPerpTol * ncUIEsc[uEsc].iPerpFacX;
ptTol.x = (ptTol.x >= 0) ? ptTol.x : -ptTol.x;
if (ptDelta.x > ptTol.x) { return (FALSE); }
ptDelta.y = lpptOrg->y - lpptNearCaret->y;
ptDelta.y = (ptDelta.y >= 0) ? ptDelta.y : -ptDelta.y;
ptTol.y = sImeG.iParaTol * ncUIEsc[uEsc].iParaFacY + sImeG.iPerpTol * ncUIEsc[uEsc].iPerpFacY;
ptTol.y = (ptTol.y >= 0) ? ptTol.y : -ptTol.y;
if (ptDelta.y > ptTol.y) { return (FALSE); }
// build up the UI rectangle (composition window)
rcUIRect.left = lpptOrg->x; rcUIRect.top = lpptOrg->y; rcUIRect.right = rcUIRect.left + lpImeL->xCompWi; rcUIRect.bottom = rcUIRect.top + lpImeL->yCompHi;
if (IntersectRect(&rcInterRect, &rcUIRect, lprcInputRect)) { return (FALSE); }
return (TRUE); }
/**********************************************************************/ /* GetNearCaretPosition() */ /**********************************************************************/ void PASCAL GetNearCaretPosition( // decide a near caret position according
// to the caret position
LPPOINT lpptFont, UINT uEsc, UINT uRot, LPPOINT lpptCaret, LPPOINT lpptNearCaret, BOOL fFlags) { LONG lFontSize; LONG xWidthUI, yHeightUI, xBorder, yBorder; RECT rcWorkArea;
if ((uEsc + uRot) & 0x0001) { lFontSize = lpptFont->x; } else { lFontSize = lpptFont->y; }
xWidthUI = lpImeL->xCompWi; yHeightUI = lpImeL->yCompHi; xBorder = lpImeL->cxCompBorder; yBorder = lpImeL->cyCompBorder;
if (fFlags & NEAR_CARET_FIRST_TIME) { lpptNearCaret->x = lpptCaret->x + lFontSize * ncUIEsc[uEsc].iLogFontFacX + sImeG.iPara * ncUIEsc[uEsc].iParaFacX + sImeG.iPerp * ncUIEsc[uEsc].iPerpFacX;
if (ptInputEsc[uEsc].x >= 0) { lpptNearCaret->x += xBorder * 2; } else { lpptNearCaret->x -= xWidthUI - xBorder * 2; }
lpptNearCaret->y = lpptCaret->y + lFontSize * ncUIEsc[uEsc].iLogFontFacY + sImeG.iPara * ncUIEsc[uEsc].iParaFacY + sImeG.iPerp * ncUIEsc[uEsc].iPerpFacY;
if (ptInputEsc[uEsc].y >= 0) { lpptNearCaret->y += yBorder * 2; } else { lpptNearCaret->y -= yHeightUI - yBorder * 2; } } else { lpptNearCaret->x = lpptCaret->x + lFontSize * ncAltUIEsc[uEsc].iLogFontFacX + sImeG.iPara * ncAltUIEsc[uEsc].iParaFacX + sImeG.iPerp * ncAltUIEsc[uEsc].iPerpFacX;
if (ptAltInputEsc[uEsc].x >= 0) { lpptNearCaret->x += xBorder * 2; } else { lpptNearCaret->x -= xWidthUI - xBorder * 2; }
lpptNearCaret->y = lpptCaret->y + lFontSize * ncAltUIEsc[uEsc].iLogFontFacY + sImeG.iPara * ncAltUIEsc[uEsc].iParaFacY + sImeG.iPerp * ncAltUIEsc[uEsc].iPerpFacY;
if (ptAltInputEsc[uEsc].y >= 0) { lpptNearCaret->y += yBorder * 2; } else { lpptNearCaret->y -= yHeightUI - yBorder * 2; } }
rcWorkArea = ImeMonitorWorkAreaFromPoint(*lpptCaret); #else
rcWorkArea = sImeG.rcWorkArea; #endif
if (lpptNearCaret->x < rcWorkArea.left) { lpptNearCaret->x = rcWorkArea.left; } else if (lpptNearCaret->x + xWidthUI > rcWorkArea.right) { lpptNearCaret->x = rcWorkArea.right - xWidthUI; }
if (lpptNearCaret->y < rcWorkArea.top) { lpptNearCaret->y = rcWorkArea.top; } else if (lpptNearCaret->y + yHeightUI > rcWorkArea.bottom) { lpptNearCaret->y = rcWorkArea.bottom - yHeightUI; }
return; }
/**********************************************************************/ /* AdjustCompPosition() */ /* Return Value : */ /* the position of composition window is changed or not */ /**********************************************************************/ BOOL PASCAL AdjustCompPosition( // IME adjust position according to
// composition form
LPINPUTCONTEXT lpIMC, LPPOINT lpptOrg, // original composition window
// and final position
LPPOINT lpptNew) // new expect position
{ POINT ptNearCaret, ptOldNearCaret; UINT uEsc, uRot; RECT rcUIRect, rcInputRect, rcInterRect; POINT ptFont;
// we need to adjust according to font attribute
if (lpIMC->lfFont.A.lfWidth > 0) { ptFont.x = lpIMC->lfFont.A.lfWidth * 2; } else if (lpIMC->lfFont.A.lfWidth < 0) { ptFont.x = -lpIMC->lfFont.A.lfWidth * 2; } else if (lpIMC->lfFont.A.lfHeight > 0) { ptFont.x = lpIMC->lfFont.A.lfHeight; } else if (lpIMC->lfFont.A.lfHeight < 0) { ptFont.x = -lpIMC->lfFont.A.lfHeight; } else { ptFont.x = lpImeL->yCompHi; }
if (lpIMC->lfFont.A.lfHeight > 0) { ptFont.y = lpIMC->lfFont.A.lfHeight; } else if (lpIMC->lfFont.A.lfHeight < 0) { ptFont.y = -lpIMC->lfFont.A.lfHeight; } else { ptFont.y = ptFont.x; }
// if the input char is too big, we don't need to consider so much
if (ptFont.x > lpImeL->yCompHi * 8) { ptFont.x = lpImeL->yCompHi * 8; } if (ptFont.y > lpImeL->yCompHi * 8) { ptFont.y = lpImeL->yCompHi * 8; }
if (ptFont.x < sImeG.xChiCharWi) { ptFont.x = sImeG.xChiCharWi; }
if (ptFont.y < sImeG.yChiCharHi) { ptFont.y = sImeG.yChiCharHi; }
// -450 to 450 index 0
// 450 to 1350 index 1
// 1350 to 2250 index 2
// 2250 to 3150 index 3
uEsc = (UINT)((lpIMC->lfFont.A.lfEscapement + 450) / 900 % 4); uRot = (UINT)((lpIMC->lfFont.A.lfOrientation + 450) / 900 % 4);
// decide the input rectangle
rcInputRect.left = lpptNew->x; rcInputRect.top = lpptNew->y;
// build up an input rectangle from escapemment
rcInputRect.right = rcInputRect.left + ptFont.x * ptInputEsc[uEsc].x; rcInputRect.bottom = rcInputRect.top + ptFont.y * ptInputEsc[uEsc].y;
// be a normal rectangle, not a negative rectangle
if (rcInputRect.left > rcInputRect.right) { LONG tmp;
tmp = rcInputRect.left; rcInputRect.left = rcInputRect.right; rcInputRect.right = tmp; }
if (rcInputRect.top > rcInputRect.bottom) { LONG tmp;
tmp = rcInputRect.top; rcInputRect.top = rcInputRect.bottom; rcInputRect.bottom = tmp; }
GetNearCaretPosition( &ptFont, uEsc, uRot, lpptNew, &ptNearCaret, NEAR_CARET_FIRST_TIME);
// 1st, use the adjust point
// build up the new suggest UI rectangle (composition window)
rcUIRect.left = ptNearCaret.x; rcUIRect.top = ptNearCaret.y; rcUIRect.right = rcUIRect.left + lpImeL->xCompWi; rcUIRect.bottom = rcUIRect.top + lpImeL->yCompHi;
ptOldNearCaret = ptNearCaret;
// OK, no intersect between the near caret position and input char
if (IntersectRect(&rcInterRect, &rcUIRect, &rcInputRect)) { } else if (FitInLazyOperation( lpptOrg, &ptNearCaret, &rcInputRect, uEsc)) { // happy ending!!!, don't change position
return (FALSE); } else { *lpptOrg = ptNearCaret;
// happy ending!!
return (TRUE); }
// unhappy case
GetNearCaretPosition( &ptFont, uEsc, uRot, lpptNew, &ptNearCaret, 0);
// build up the new suggest UI rectangle (composition window)
rcUIRect.left = ptNearCaret.x; rcUIRect.top = ptNearCaret.y; rcUIRect.right = rcUIRect.left + lpImeL->xCompWi; rcUIRect.bottom = rcUIRect.top + lpImeL->yCompHi;
// OK, no intersect between the adjust position and input char
if (IntersectRect(&rcInterRect, &rcUIRect, &rcInputRect)) { } else if (FitInLazyOperation( lpptOrg, &ptNearCaret, &rcInputRect, uEsc)) { return (FALSE); } else { *lpptOrg = ptNearCaret;
return (TRUE); }
*lpptOrg = ptOldNearCaret;
return (TRUE); }
/**********************************************************************/ /* SetCompPosition() */ /**********************************************************************/ void PASCAL SetCompPosition( // set the composition window position
rcWorkArea = ImeMonitorWorkAreaFromWindow(lpIMC->hWnd); #else
rcWorkArea = sImeG.rcWorkArea; #endif
// the client coordinate position (0, 0) of composition window
ptWnd.x = 0; ptWnd.y = 0; // convert to screen coordinates
ClientToScreen(hCompWnd, &ptWnd); ptWnd.x -= lpImeL->cxCompBorder; ptWnd.y -= lpImeL->cyCompBorder; if (!sImeG.IC_Trace) { int Comp_CandWndLen;
ImmGetStatusWindowPos(hIMC, (LPPOINT)&ptSTWPos);
// reset status window for LINE_UI(FIX_UI)
Comp_CandWndLen = 0; if(uStartComp) { Comp_CandWndLen += lpImeL->xCompWi + UI_MARGIN; if(uOpenCand) { Comp_CandWndLen += sImeG.xCandWi + UI_MARGIN; } if(ptSTWPos.x+sImeG.xStatusWi+Comp_CandWndLen>rcWorkArea.right) { ptSTWPos.x=rcWorkArea.right-sImeG.xStatusWi-Comp_CandWndLen; }
SetWindowPos(GetStatusWnd(GetWindow(hCompWnd, GW_OWNER)), NULL, (int)ptSTWPos.x, (int)ptSTWPos.y, 0, 0, SWP_NOACTIVATE|SWP_NOCOPYBITS|SWP_NOSIZE|SWP_NOZORDER); ImmSetStatusWindowPos(hIMC, (LPPOINT)&ptSTWPos); }
ptWnd.x = ptSTWPos.x + sImeG.xStatusWi + UI_MARGIN; ptWnd.y = ptSTWPos.y; lpIMC->cfCompForm.ptCurrentPos = ptWnd; ScreenToClient(lpIMC->hWnd, &lpIMC->cfCompForm.ptCurrentPos); fChange = TRUE;
} else if (lpIMC->cfCompForm.dwStyle & CFS_FORCE_POSITION) { POINT ptNew; // new position of UI
ptNew.x = lpIMC->cfCompForm.ptCurrentPos.x; ptNew.y = lpIMC->cfCompForm.ptCurrentPos.y; ClientToScreen((HWND)lpIMC->hWnd, &ptNew); if (ptWnd.x != ptNew.x) { ptWnd.x = ptNew.x; fChange = TRUE; } if (ptWnd.y != ptNew.y) { ptWnd.y = ptNew.y; fChange = TRUE; } if (fChange) { ptWnd.x -= lpImeL->cxCompBorder; ptWnd.y -= lpImeL->cyCompBorder; } } else if (lpIMC->cfCompForm.dwStyle != CFS_DEFAULT) { POINT ptNew; // new position of UI
ptNew.x = lpIMC->cfCompForm.ptCurrentPos.x; ptNew.y = lpIMC->cfCompForm.ptCurrentPos.y; ClientToScreen((HWND)lpIMC->hWnd, &ptNew); fChange = AdjustCompPosition(lpIMC, &ptWnd, &ptNew); } else { POINT ptNew; // new position of UI
ImmGetStatusWindowPos(hIMC, (LPPOINT)&ptSTWPos); ptNew.x = ptSTWPos.x + sImeG.xStatusWi + UI_MARGIN; if((ptSTWPos.x + sImeG.xStatusWi + sImeG.xCandWi + lpImeL->xCompWi + 2 * UI_MARGIN) >= rcWorkArea.right) { ptNew.x = ptSTWPos.x - lpImeL->xCompWi - UI_MARGIN; } ptNew.y = ptSTWPos.y; if (ptWnd.x != ptNew.x) { ptWnd.x = ptNew.x; fChange = TRUE; }
if (ptWnd.y != ptNew.y) { ptWnd.y = ptNew.y; fChange = TRUE; }
if (fChange) { lpIMC->cfCompForm.ptCurrentPos = ptNew;
ScreenToClient(lpIMC->hWnd, &lpIMC->cfCompForm.ptCurrentPos); } }
if (!fChange) { return; } SetWindowPos(hCompWnd, NULL, ptWnd.x, ptWnd.y, 0, 0, SWP_NOACTIVATE|SWP_NOSIZE|SWP_NOZORDER);
hCandWnd = GetCandWnd(GetWindow(hCompWnd, GW_OWNER));
if (!hCandWnd) { return; }
// decide the position of candidate window by UI's position
CalcCandPos(hIMC, GetWindow(hCompWnd, GW_OWNER), &ptWnd);
ScreenToClient(lpIMC->hWnd, &ptWnd);
lpIMC->cfCandForm[0].dwStyle = CFS_CANDIDATEPOS; lpIMC->cfCandForm[0].ptCurrentPos = ptWnd;
if (!IsWindowVisible(hCandWnd)) { return; }
PostMessage(hCandWnd, WM_IME_NOTIFY, IMN_SETCANDIDATEPOS, 0x0001);
return; }
/**********************************************************************/ /* SetCompWindow() */ /**********************************************************************/ void PASCAL SetCompWindow( // set the position of composition window
hUIWnd = GetWindow(hCompWnd, GW_OWNER); if (!hUIWnd) { return; } hIMC = (HIMC)GetWindowLongPtr(hUIWnd, IMMGWLP_IMC); if (!hIMC) { return; }
lpIMC = (LPINPUTCONTEXT)ImmLockIMC(hIMC); if (!lpIMC) { return; }
SetCompPosition(hCompWnd, hIMC, lpIMC);
return; }
/**********************************************************************/ /* MoveDefaultCompPosition() */ /**********************************************************************/ void PASCAL MoveDefaultCompPosition( // the default comp position
// need to near the caret
hIMC = (HIMC)GetWindowLongPtr(hUIWnd, IMMGWLP_IMC); if (!hIMC) { return; }
hCompWnd = GetCompWnd(hUIWnd); if (!hCompWnd) { return; }
lpIMC = (LPINPUTCONTEXT)ImmLockIMC(hIMC); if (!lpIMC) { return; }
if (!(lpIMC->cfCompForm.dwStyle & CFS_FORCE_POSITION)) { SetCompPosition(hCompWnd, hIMC, lpIMC); }
return; }
/**********************************************************************/ /* ShowComp() */ /**********************************************************************/ void PASCAL ShowComp( // Show the composition window
HWND hUIWnd, int nShowCompCmd) { HGLOBAL hUIPrivate; LPUIPRIV lpUIPrivate;
// show or hid the UI window
hUIPrivate = (HGLOBAL)GetWindowLongPtr(hUIWnd, IMMGWLP_PRIVATE); if (!hUIPrivate) { return; }
lpUIPrivate = (LPUIPRIV)GlobalLock(hUIPrivate); if (!lpUIPrivate) { return; }
if (lpUIPrivate->nShowCompCmd == nShowCompCmd) { goto SwCompNoChange; }
if (nShowCompCmd == SW_HIDE) { lpUIPrivate->fdwSetContext &= ~(ISC_HIDE_COMP_WINDOW); }
if (lpUIPrivate->hCompWnd) { if(nShowCompCmd == SW_HIDE) { uStartComp = 0; } else { uStartComp = 1; } ShowWindow(lpUIPrivate->hCompWnd, nShowCompCmd); lpUIPrivate->nShowCompCmd = nShowCompCmd; }
SwCompNoChange: GlobalUnlock(hUIPrivate); return; }
/**********************************************************************/ /* StartComp() */ /**********************************************************************/ void PASCAL StartComp( HWND hUIWnd) { HIMC hIMC; HGLOBAL hUIPrivate; LPINPUTCONTEXT lpIMC; LPUIPRIV lpUIPrivate;
hIMC = (HIMC)GetWindowLongPtr(hUIWnd, IMMGWLP_IMC); if (!hIMC) { return; }
hUIPrivate = (HGLOBAL)GetWindowLongPtr(hUIWnd, IMMGWLP_PRIVATE); if (!hUIPrivate) { return; }
lpIMC = (LPINPUTCONTEXT)ImmLockIMC(hIMC); if (!lpIMC) { return; }
lpUIPrivate = (LPUIPRIV)GlobalLock(hUIPrivate); if (!lpUIPrivate) { // can not draw composition window
ImmUnlockIMC(hIMC); return; }
if(!lpUIPrivate->hCompWnd) { lpUIPrivate->hCompWnd = CreateWindowEx( WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE|WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME, szCompClassName, NULL, WS_POPUP|WS_DISABLED, 0, 0, lpImeL->xCompWi, lpImeL->yCompHi, hUIWnd, (HMENU)NULL, hInst, NULL);
if ( lpUIPrivate->hCompWnd ) { SetWindowLong(lpUIPrivate->hCompWnd, UI_MOVE_OFFSET, WINDOW_NOT_DRAG); SetWindowLong(lpUIPrivate->hCompWnd, UI_MOVE_XY, lpImeL->nMaxKey); } }
uStartComp = 1; // try to set the position of composition UI window near the caret
SetCompPosition(lpUIPrivate->hCompWnd, hIMC, lpIMC);
return; }
/**********************************************************************/ /* EndComp() */ /**********************************************************************/ void PASCAL EndComp( HWND hUIWnd) { ShowComp(hUIWnd, SW_HIDE);
return; }
/**********************************************************************/ /* DestroyCompWindow() */ /**********************************************************************/ void PASCAL DestroyCompWindow( // destroy composition window
HWND hCompWnd) { HGLOBAL hUIPrivate; LPUIPRIV lpUIPrivate;
if (GetWindowLong(hCompWnd, UI_MOVE_OFFSET) != WINDOW_NOT_DRAG) { // undo the drag border
DrawDragBorder(hCompWnd, GetWindowLong(hCompWnd, UI_MOVE_XY), GetWindowLong(hCompWnd, UI_MOVE_OFFSET)); }
hUIPrivate = (HGLOBAL)GetWindowLongPtr(GetWindow(hCompWnd, GW_OWNER), IMMGWLP_PRIVATE); if (!hUIPrivate) { return; }
lpUIPrivate = (LPUIPRIV)GlobalLock(hUIPrivate); if (!lpUIPrivate) { return; }
lpUIPrivate->nShowCompCmd = SW_HIDE;
lpUIPrivate->hCompWnd = (HWND)NULL;
GlobalUnlock(hUIPrivate); return; }
/**********************************************************************/ /* CompSetCursor() */ /**********************************************************************/ void PASCAL CompSetCursor( HWND hCompWnd, LPARAM lParam) { POINT ptCursor; RECT rcWnd;
SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_SIZEALL));
if (GetWindowLong(hCompWnd, UI_MOVE_OFFSET) != WINDOW_NOT_DRAG) { return; }
if (HIWORD(lParam) != WM_LBUTTONDOWN) { return; }
// start dragging
SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETWORKAREA, 0, &sImeG.rcWorkArea, 0);
SetCapture(hCompWnd); GetCursorPos(&ptCursor); SetWindowLong(hCompWnd, UI_MOVE_XY, MAKELONG(ptCursor.x, ptCursor.y)); GetWindowRect(hCompWnd, &rcWnd); SetWindowLong(hCompWnd, UI_MOVE_OFFSET, MAKELONG(ptCursor.x - rcWnd.left, ptCursor.y - rcWnd.top));
DrawDragBorder(hCompWnd, MAKELONG(ptCursor.x, ptCursor.y), GetWindowLong(hCompWnd, UI_MOVE_OFFSET));
return; }
/**********************************************************************/ /* CompButtonUp() */ /**********************************************************************/ BOOL PASCAL CompButtonUp( // finish drag, set comp window to this
// position
HWND hCompWnd) { LONG lTmpCursor, lTmpOffset; POINT pt; HWND hUIWnd; HIMC hIMC; LPINPUTCONTEXT lpIMC; RECT rcWorkArea;
if (GetWindowLong(hCompWnd, UI_MOVE_OFFSET) == WINDOW_NOT_DRAG) { return (FALSE); }
lTmpCursor = GetWindowLong(hCompWnd, UI_MOVE_XY);
// calculate the org by the offset
lTmpOffset = GetWindowLong(hCompWnd, UI_MOVE_OFFSET);
pt.x = (*(LPPOINTS)&lTmpCursor).x - (*(LPPOINTS)&lTmpOffset).x; pt.y = (*(LPPOINTS)&lTmpCursor).y - (*(LPPOINTS)&lTmpOffset).y;
DrawDragBorder(hCompWnd, lTmpCursor, lTmpOffset); SetWindowLong(hCompWnd, UI_MOVE_OFFSET, WINDOW_NOT_DRAG);
SetWindowLong(hCompWnd, UI_MOVE_XY, lpImeL->nMaxKey);
hUIWnd = GetWindow(hCompWnd, GW_OWNER);
hIMC = (HIMC)GetWindowLongPtr(hUIWnd, IMMGWLP_IMC); if (!hIMC) { return (FALSE); }
lpIMC = (LPINPUTCONTEXT)ImmLockIMC(hIMC); if (!lpIMC) { return (FALSE); }
rcWorkArea = ImeMonitorWorkAreaFromWindow(lpIMC->hWnd); #else
rcWorkArea = sImeG.rcWorkArea; #endif
if (pt.x < rcWorkArea.left) { pt.x = rcWorkArea.left; } else if (pt.x + lpImeL->xCompWi > rcWorkArea.right) { pt.x = rcWorkArea.right - lpImeL->xCompWi; }
if (pt.y < rcWorkArea.top) { pt.y = rcWorkArea.top; } else if (pt.y + lpImeL->yCompHi > rcWorkArea.bottom) { pt.y = rcWorkArea.bottom - lpImeL->yCompHi; }
lpIMC->cfCompForm.dwStyle = CFS_FORCE_POSITION; lpIMC->cfCompForm.ptCurrentPos.x = pt.x + lpImeL->cxCompBorder; lpIMC->cfCompForm.ptCurrentPos.y = pt.y + lpImeL->cyCompBorder;
ScreenToClient(lpIMC->hWnd, &lpIMC->cfCompForm.ptCurrentPos);
// set composition window to the new poosition
return (TRUE); }
/**********************************************************************/ /* PaintCompWindow() */ /**********************************************************************/ void PASCAL PaintCompWindow( HWND hUIWnd, HWND hCompWnd, HDC hDC) { HIMC hIMC; LPINPUTCONTEXT lpIMC; HGDIOBJ hOldFont; LPCOMPOSITIONSTRING lpCompStr; LPGUIDELINE lpGuideLine; BOOL fShowString;
hIMC = (HIMC)GetWindowLongPtr(hUIWnd, IMMGWLP_IMC); if (!hIMC) { return; }
lpIMC = (LPINPUTCONTEXT)ImmLockIMC(hIMC); if (!lpIMC) { return; }
if (sImeG.fDiffSysCharSet) { LOGFONT lfFont; ZeroMemory(&lfFont, sizeof(lfFont)); hOldFont = GetCurrentObject(hDC, OBJ_FONT); lfFont.lfHeight = -MulDiv(12, GetDeviceCaps(hDC, LOGPIXELSY), 72); lfFont.lfCharSet = NATIVE_CHARSET; lstrcpy(lfFont.lfFaceName, TEXT("Simsun")); SelectObject(hDC, CreateFontIndirect(&lfFont)); }
lpCompStr = (LPCOMPOSITIONSTRING)ImmLockIMCC(lpIMC->hCompStr); if (!lpCompStr) { return; }
lpGuideLine = (LPGUIDELINE)ImmLockIMCC(lpIMC->hGuideLine); if (!lpGuideLine) { return; }
// draw CompWnd Layout
{ RECT rcWnd;
GetClientRect(hCompWnd, &rcWnd); DrawConcaveRect(hDC, rcWnd.left, rcWnd.top, rcWnd.right - 1, rcWnd.bottom - 1); } SetBkColor(hDC, RGB(0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0));
fShowString = (BOOL)0;
if (!lpGuideLine) { } else if (lpGuideLine->dwLevel == GL_LEVEL_NOGUIDELINE) { } else if (!lpGuideLine->dwStrLen) { if (lpGuideLine->dwLevel == GL_LEVEL_ERROR) { fShowString |= IME_STR_ERROR; } } else { // if there is information string, we will show the information
// string
if (lpGuideLine->dwLevel == GL_LEVEL_ERROR) { // red text for error
SetTextColor(hDC, RGB(0xFF, 0, 0)); // light gray background for error
SetBkColor(hDC, RGB(0x80, 0x80, 0x80)); }
ExtTextOut(hDC, lpImeL->rcCompText.left, lpImeL->rcCompText.top, ETO_OPAQUE, &lpImeL->rcCompText, (LPCTSTR)((LPBYTE)lpGuideLine + lpGuideLine->dwStrOffset), (UINT)lpGuideLine->dwStrLen, NULL); fShowString |= IME_STR_SHOWED; }
if (fShowString & IME_STR_SHOWED) { // already show it, don't need to show
} else if (lpCompStr->dwCompStrLen > 0) { ExtTextOut(hDC, lpImeL->rcCompText.left, lpImeL->rcCompText.top, ETO_OPAQUE, &lpImeL->rcCompText, (LPTSTR)NULL, 0, NULL); DrawText(hDC, (LPTSTR)((LPBYTE)lpCompStr + lpCompStr->dwCompStrOffset), (int)lpCompStr->dwCompStrLen, &lpImeL->rcCompText, DT_LEFT | DT_VCENTER | DT_SINGLELINE); if (fShowString & IME_STR_ERROR) { // red text for error
//SetTextColor(hDC, RGB(0xFF, 0, 0));
// light gray background for error
SetBkColor(hDC, RGB(0x80, 0x80, 0x80)); ExtTextOut(hDC, lpImeL->rcCompText.left + lpCompStr->dwCursorPos * sImeG.xChiCharWi/ 2, lpImeL->rcCompText.top, ETO_CLIPPED, &lpImeL->rcCompText, (LPTSTR)((LPBYTE)lpCompStr + lpCompStr->dwCompStrOffset + lpCompStr->dwCursorPos), (UINT)lpCompStr->dwCompStrLen - lpCompStr->dwCursorPos, NULL); } else if (lpCompStr->dwCursorPos < lpCompStr->dwCompStrLen) { // light gray background for cursor start
SetBkColor(hDC, RGB(0x80, 0x80, 0x80)); ExtTextOut(hDC, lpImeL->rcCompText.left + lpCompStr->dwCursorPos * sImeG.xChiCharWi/ 2, lpImeL->rcCompText.top, ETO_CLIPPED, &lpImeL->rcCompText, (LPTSTR)((LPBYTE)lpCompStr + lpCompStr->dwCompStrOffset + lpCompStr->dwCursorPos), (UINT)lpCompStr->dwCompStrLen - lpCompStr->dwCursorPos, NULL); } else { } } else { #ifdef CROSSREF
lpImcP = (LPPRIVCONTEXT)ImmLockIMCC(lpIMC->hPrivate); if (lpImcP) { if(lpImcP->hRevCandList){ lpRevCandList = (LPCANDIDATELIST)GlobalLock((HGLOBAL)lpImcP->hRevCandList); if (lpRevCandList != NULL && lpRevCandList->dwCount) {
// green text for information
SetTextColor(hDC, RGB(0x00, 0x80, 0x00)); SetBkColor(hDC, RGB(0xc0, 0xc0, 0xc0));
ExtTextOut(hDC, lpImeL->rcCompText.left, lpImeL->rcCompText.top, ETO_OPAQUE, &lpImeL->rcCompText, (LPTSTR)((LPBYTE)lpRevCandList+lpRevCandList->dwOffset[0]), (int)lstrlen((LPTSTR)((LPBYTE)lpRevCandList + lpRevCandList->dwOffset[0])), NULL); GlobalUnlock((HGLOBAL)lpImcP->hRevCandList); GlobalFree((HGLOBAL)lpImcP->hRevCandList); lpImcP->hRevCandList = 0; goto CrossCodeFinish; } } } ExtTextOut(hDC, lpImeL->rcCompText.left, lpImeL->rcCompText.top, ETO_OPAQUE, &lpImeL->rcCompText, (LPTSTR)NULL, 0, NULL); CrossCodeFinish: ImmUnlockIMCC(lpIMC->hPrivate); } #else
ExtTextOut(hDC, lpImeL->rcCompText.left, lpImeL->rcCompText.top, ETO_OPAQUE, &lpImeL->rcCompText, (LPTSTR)NULL, 0, NULL); #endif
if (sImeG.fDiffSysCharSet) { DeleteObject(SelectObject(hDC, hOldFont)); }
ImmUnlockIMCC(lpIMC->hGuideLine); ImmUnlockIMCC(lpIMC->hCompStr); ImmUnlockIMC(hIMC); return; }
/**********************************************************************/ /* UpdateCompWindow() */ /**********************************************************************/ void PASCAL UpdateCompWindow( HWND hUIWnd) { HWND hCompWnd; HDC hDC;
hCompWnd = GetCompWnd(hUIWnd); hDC = GetDC(hCompWnd); PaintCompWindow(hUIWnd, hCompWnd, hDC); ReleaseDC(hCompWnd, hDC); }
/**********************************************************************/ /* CompWndProc() */ /**********************************************************************/ LRESULT CALLBACK CompWndProc( // composition window proc
HWND hCompWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (uMsg) { case WM_DESTROY: DestroyCompWindow(hCompWnd); break; case WM_SETCURSOR: CompSetCursor(hCompWnd, lParam); break; case WM_MOUSEMOVE: if (GetWindowLong(hCompWnd, UI_MOVE_OFFSET) != WINDOW_NOT_DRAG) { POINT ptCursor;
DrawDragBorder(hCompWnd, GetWindowLong(hCompWnd, UI_MOVE_XY), GetWindowLong(hCompWnd, UI_MOVE_OFFSET)); GetCursorPos(&ptCursor); SetWindowLong(hCompWnd, UI_MOVE_XY, MAKELONG(ptCursor.x, ptCursor.y)); DrawDragBorder(hCompWnd, MAKELONG(ptCursor.x, ptCursor.y), GetWindowLong(hCompWnd, UI_MOVE_OFFSET)); } else { return DefWindowProc(hCompWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); } break; case WM_LBUTTONUP: if (!CompButtonUp(hCompWnd)) { return DefWindowProc(hCompWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); } break; case WM_IME_NOTIFY: if (wParam != IMN_SETCOMPOSITIONWINDOW) { // 9.8.del
//} else if (sImeG.IC_Trace) {
// SetCompWindow(hCompWnd);
} else { // 9.8.add
SetCompWindow(hCompWnd); } break; case WM_PAINT: { HDC hDC; PAINTSTRUCT ps;
hDC = BeginPaint(hCompWnd, &ps); PaintCompWindow(GetWindow(hCompWnd, GW_OWNER), hCompWnd, hDC); EndPaint(hCompWnd, &ps); } break; case WM_MOUSEACTIVATE: return (MA_NOACTIVATE); default: return DefWindowProc(hCompWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); } return (0L); }