#include "hwxobj.h"
#include "memmgr.h"
#include "cmnhdr.h"
#ifdef UNDER_CE // Windows CE Stub for unsupported APIs
#include "stub_ce.h"
#endif // UNDER_CE
// implementation of CHwxStroke class
CHwxStroke::CHwxStroke(BOOL bForward,long lSize = 32):CHwxObject(NULL) { m_bForward = bForward; m_nSize = lSize; m_pStroke = NULL; m_pCurStroke = NULL; m_nStroke = 0; m_ppt = NULL; m_cpt = 0; m_max = 0; m_hPen = NULL; }
CHwxStroke::~CHwxStroke() { if ( m_ppt ) { // delete [] m_ppt;
MemFree((void *)m_ppt); m_ppt = NULL; m_cpt = 0; m_max = 0; } DeleteAllStroke(); if ( m_hPen ) { DeleteObject(m_hPen); m_hPen = NULL; } }
BOOL CHwxStroke::Initialize(TCHAR * pClsName) { BOOL bRet = CHwxObject::Initialize(pClsName); if ( bRet ) { m_hPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID,3,GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT)); if ( !m_hPen ) bRet = FALSE; } return bRet; }
BOOL CHwxStroke::ResetPen(VOID) { if(m_hPen) { ::DeleteObject(m_hPen); m_hPen = ::CreatePen(PS_SOLID,3,GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT)); } return TRUE; }
BOOL CHwxStroke::AddPoint(POINT pt) { if ( m_cpt >= m_max ) { if ( !growPointBuffer() ) { return FALSE; } } m_ppt[m_cpt++] = pt; return TRUE; }
BOOL CHwxStroke::AddBoxStroke(int nLogBox,int nCurBox, int nBoxHeight) { // PSTROKE pst = (PSTROKE) new BYTE[sizeof(STROKE) + m_cpt * sizeof(POINT)];
PSTROKE pst = (PSTROKE)MemAlloc(sizeof(STROKE) + m_cpt * sizeof(POINT));
if (!pst) return FALSE;
pst->cpt = m_cpt; pst->iBox = nLogBox; pst->xLeft = nCurBox * nBoxHeight; pst->pNext = NULL;
memcpy(pst->apt, m_ppt, m_cpt*sizeof(POINT)); m_cpt = 0;
if ( m_bForward ) { pst->pNext = m_pStroke; m_pStroke = pst; } else { PSTROKE pstrPrev = m_pStroke; if (pstrPrev == (PSTROKE) NULL) m_pStroke = pst; else { while (pstrPrev->pNext != (PSTROKE) NULL) pstrPrev = pstrPrev->pNext;
pstrPrev->pNext = pst; } } m_pCurStroke = pst; m_nStroke++; return TRUE; }
void CHwxStroke::EraseCurrentStroke() { PSTROKE pstrPrev = (PSTROKE) NULL; PSTROKE pstr = m_pStroke;
if ( !pstr ) return; if ( m_bForward ) { // delete at the beginning of the list
m_pStroke = pstr->pNext; pstr->pNext = (PSTROKE)NULL; m_pCurStroke = m_pStroke; } else { // delete at the end of the list
while (pstr->pNext) { pstrPrev = pstr; pstr = pstr->pNext; } if (pstrPrev == (PSTROKE) NULL) m_pStroke = (PSTROKE) NULL; else pstrPrev->pNext = (PSTROKE) NULL; m_pCurStroke = pstrPrev; } // delete [] pstr;
MemFree((void *)pstr); m_nStroke--; } void CHwxStroke::DeleteAllStroke() { PSTROKE pstr = m_pStroke; PSTROKE ptmp;
m_pStroke = m_pCurStroke = (PSTROKE) NULL; m_nStroke = 0; while( pstr ) { ptmp = pstr->pNext; pstr->pNext = (PSTROKE) NULL; // delete [] pstr;
MemFree((void *)pstr); pstr = ptmp; } }
void CHwxStroke::DrawStroke(HDC hdc,int nPts,BOOL bEntire) { #ifdef UNDER_CE // does not support SPI_SETNONCLIENTMETRICS on WM_SETTINGCHANGE
if(bEntire){ ResetPen(); } #endif // UNDER_CE
PSTROKE pstr; HPEN hOldPen = (HPEN)SelectObject(hdc,m_hPen); if ( bEntire ) { pstr = m_pStroke; while (pstr) { Polyline(hdc, pstr->apt, pstr->cpt); pstr = pstr->pNext; } } else { if ( nPts == -2 ) // draw the current stroke just added
{ if ( m_pCurStroke ) Polyline(hdc, m_pCurStroke->apt, m_pCurStroke->cpt); } else if ( nPts == -1 ) // draw the entire point buffer
{ if ( m_ppt ) Polyline(hdc, m_ppt, m_cpt); } else { // draw the partial of the point buffer
if ( m_ppt && nPts < m_cpt ) Polyline(hdc,&m_ppt[m_cpt-nPts],nPts); } } SelectObject(hdc,hOldPen); } void CHwxStroke::GetUpdateRect(RECT * prc) { if ( prc && m_ppt ) { RECT rc; int x,y; if (m_cpt < 2) x = 0, y = 0; else x = m_cpt - 2, y = m_cpt - 1;
if (m_ppt[x].x < m_ppt[y].x) rc.left = m_ppt[x].x, rc.right = m_ppt[y].x; else rc.left = m_ppt[y].x, rc.right = m_ppt[x].x;
if (m_ppt[x].y < m_ppt[y].y) rc.top = m_ppt[x].y, rc.bottom = m_ppt[y].y; else rc.top = m_ppt[y].y, rc.bottom = m_ppt[x].y;
rc.left -= 1; rc.top -= 1; rc.right += 1; rc.bottom += 1; *prc = rc; } }
PSTROKE CHwxStroke::CopyCurrentStroke() { if ( !m_pCurStroke ) return NULL; // PSTROKE pst = (PSTROKE) new BYTE[sizeof(STROKE) + m_pCurStroke->cpt * sizeof(POINT)];
PSTROKE pst = (PSTROKE)MemAlloc(sizeof(STROKE) + m_pCurStroke->cpt * sizeof(POINT)); if ( !pst ) return NULL; pst->cpt = m_pCurStroke->cpt; pst->iBox = m_pCurStroke->iBox; pst->xLeft = m_pCurStroke->xLeft;
memcpy(pst->apt, m_pCurStroke->apt, m_pCurStroke->cpt*sizeof(POINT)); pst->pNext = NULL; return pst; }
// This function is used to copy ink from MB to CAC.
// Their stroke orders are different.
CHwxStroke & CHwxStroke::operator=(CHwxStroke & stroke) { // if ( *this != stroke )
// {
this->DeleteAllStroke(); this->resetPointBuffer(); if ( m_pStroke = stroke.dupStroke() ) { if ( m_bForward ) { m_pCurStroke = m_pStroke; } else { PSTROKE pst = m_pStroke; while ( pst->pNext ) pst = pst->pNext; m_pCurStroke = pst; } m_nStroke = stroke.GetNumStrokes(); } else { m_pCurStroke = (PSTROKE)NULL; m_nStroke = 0; } // }
return *this; }
BOOL CHwxStroke::growPointBuffer() {
// POINT *ppnt = (POINT *) new BYTE[sizeof(POINT) * (m_nSize + m_max)];
POINT *ppnt = (POINT *)MemAlloc(sizeof(POINT) * (m_nSize + m_max)); if (ppnt == (POINT *) NULL) return FALSE;
if (m_ppt != (POINT *) NULL) { memcpy(ppnt, m_ppt, m_max * sizeof(POINT)); // delete [] m_ppt;
MemFree((void *)m_ppt); } m_ppt = ppnt; m_max += m_nSize; return TRUE; }
void CHwxStroke::resetPointBuffer() { if ( m_max && m_ppt ) memset(m_ppt, '\0', m_max * sizeof(POINT)); m_cpt = 0; }
// This function copies the ink in reverse order
// and only supports the transition from MB to CAC.
PSTROKE CHwxStroke::dupStroke() { PSTROKE pstr = (PSTROKE)NULL; PSTROKE pstrHead = (PSTROKE)NULL; PSTROKE pCurr; if ( m_pStroke ) { pCurr = m_pStroke; while (pCurr) { // if ((pstr = (PSTROKE) new BYTE[sizeof(STROKE) + pCurr->cpt * sizeof(POINT)]) == (PSTROKE) NULL)
if ((pstr = (PSTROKE)MemAlloc(sizeof(STROKE) + pCurr->cpt * sizeof(POINT))) == (PSTROKE) NULL) { break; } pstr->pNext = (STROKE *) NULL; pstr->cpt = pCurr->cpt; pstr->iBox = pCurr->iBox; pstr->xLeft = pCurr->xLeft; memcpy(pstr->apt, pCurr->apt, pCurr->cpt * sizeof(POINT)); pstr->pNext = pstrHead; pstrHead = pstr; pCurr = pCurr->pNext; } } return pstrHead; }
// This function adjusts points relative to the box
// when copying ink from MB to CAC.
void CHwxStroke::ScaleInkXY(long x,long y) { if ( m_pStroke ) { PSTROKE pCurr; int i; pCurr = m_pStroke; if ( x ) { while (pCurr) { for( i = 0; i < pCurr->cpt; i++ ) { pCurr->apt[i].x -= x; } pCurr = pCurr->pNext; } } if ( y ) { pCurr = m_pStroke; while (pCurr) { for( i = 0; i < pCurr->cpt; i++ ) { pCurr->apt[i].y -= y; } pCurr = pCurr->pNext; } } } }