Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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@echo off setlocal
if "%MSDEVDIR%"=="" goto Err_EnvVal if "%MSVCDIR%"=="" goto Err_EnvVal
if "%1"=="" goto Err_Parameter echo ----------------------------------------------------- echo Buiding Korean IME DLL echo ----------------------------------------------------- if "%1" == "clean" goto clean if "%1" == "ship" (set CONFIG="IMEKOR - Win32 Release") & shift & goto build if "%1" == "debug" (set CONFIG="IMEKOR - Win32 Debug") & shift & goto build if "%1" == "all" (set CONFIG="IMEKOR - Win32 Debug") & shift & goto buildall if "%1" == "bbt" shift & goto Lego_Start goto Err_Parameter
:build nmake /f imekor.mak CFG=%CONFIG% goto end
:buildall nmake /f imekor.mak CFG="IMEKOR - Win32 Release" nmake /f imekor.mak CFG="IMEKOR - Win32 Debug" goto end
:clean nmake /f imekor.mak CFG="IMEKOR - Win32 Release" clean nmake /f imekor.mak CFG="IMEKOR - Win32 Debug" clean nmake /f imekor.mak CFG="IMEKOR - Win32 BBTRelease" clean goto end
rem ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// rem // Start BBT :Lego_Start nmake /f imekor.mak CFG="IMEKOR - Win32 BBTRelease"
echo copy .\bbtrelease\imekr98u.ime .\BBT directory copy .\BBTRelease\imekr98u.ime .\bbt echo copy .\bbtrelease\imekr98u.pdb .\BBT directory copy .\BBTRelease\imekr98u.pdb .\bbt goto end
:Err_Parameter echo Usage : make [all][debug][ship][bbt][clean] goto end
:Err_EnvVal echo +--------------------------------------------------------- echo + You need to set following environment variable echo + echo + 1. MSDEVDIR - Root of Visual Developer Studio installed files echo + 2. MSVCDIR - Root of Visual C++ installed files echo + echo + Hint: Pls. run Vcvars32.bat echo +---------------------------------------------------------
:end endlocal