* UTIL.C * * Purpose: * Implementation of various useful utility functions * * Author: * alexgo (4/25/95) * * Copyright (c) 1995-2000, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. */
#include "_common.h"
#include "_rtfconv.h"
// Author revision color table
const COLORREF rgcrRevisions[] = { RGB(0, 0, 255), RGB(0, 128, 0), RGB(255, 0, 0), RGB(0, 128, 128), RGB(128, 0, 128), RGB(0, 0, 128), RGB(128, 0, 0), RGB(255, 0, 255) };
#if REVMASK != 7
#pragma message ("WARNING, Revision mask not equal to table!");
* DuplicateHGlobal * * Purpose: * duplicates the passed in hglobal */
UINT flags; DWORD size; HGLOBAL hNew; BYTE * pSrc; BYTE * pDest;
if( hglobal == NULL ) { return NULL; }
flags = GlobalFlags(hglobal); size = GlobalSize(hglobal); hNew = GlobalAlloc(flags, size);
if( hNew ) { pDest = (BYTE *)GlobalLock(hNew); pSrc = (BYTE *)GlobalLock(hglobal);
if( pDest == NULL || pSrc == NULL ) { GlobalUnlock(hNew); GlobalUnlock(hglobal); GlobalFree(hNew);
return NULL; }
memcpy(pDest, pSrc, size);
GlobalUnlock(hNew); GlobalUnlock(hglobal); }
return hNew; }
* CountMatchingBits (*pA, *pB, n) * * @mfunc * Count matching bit fields * * @comm * This is used to help decide how good the match is between * code page bit fields. Mainly for KB/font switching support. * * Author: * Jon Matousek */ INT CountMatchingBits( const DWORD *pA, //@parm Array A to be matched
const DWORD *pB, //@parm Array B to be matched
INT n) //@parm # DWORDs to be matched
{ TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSUTIL, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CountMatchingBits"); //0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
static INT bitCount[] = {0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 4 }; INT c = 0; // Bit count to return
DWORD matchBits; // Next DWORD match
while(n--) { //matchBits = ~(*pA++ ^ *pB++); // 1 and 0's
matchBits = *pA++ & *pB++; // 1 only
for( ; matchBits; matchBits >>= 4) // Early out
c += bitCount[matchBits & 15]; } return c; }
* mysqrt(num) * * @func * Pass in a number, and it will very simply calculate its integer * square root. This isn't fast but it can be helpful. * */ int mysqrt(int num) { for (int pow = 1;pow * pow < num; pow++) { } return pow - 1; }
* FindPrimeLessThan(num) * * @func * Pass in a number, and it will return the greatest prime number less * than num using a simple Sieve of Eratosthenes. * * This is suitable for hashing functions. * If you are worried about space, make this use bits. * Also, we shouldn't waste our time with even numbers. * * @rdesc * prime number, or 0 if couldn't alloc mem. */ int FindPrimeLessThan(int num) { BYTE *pb = new BYTE[num]; if (!pb) return 0;
int squareroot = mysqrt(num);
//Mark all non-prime numbers.
for (int i = 2; i <= squareroot;) { for (int j = i * 2; j < num; j += i) pb[j] = 1; //Mark as composite
i++; while (pb[i] == 1) //Find next prime factor
i++; }
//Find first prime walking backwards
for (i = num - 1; i >= 0 ;i--) { if (pb[i] == 0) break; } delete[]pb; return i; }
// Object Stabilization classes
// Member: CSafeRefCount::CSafeRefCount
// Synopsis: constructor for the safe ref count class
// Effects:
// Arguments: none
// Requires:
// Returns: none
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Derivation:
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 28-Jul-94 alexgo author
// Notes:
CSafeRefCount::CSafeRefCount() { m_cRefs = 0; m_cNest = 0; m_fInDelete = FALSE; m_fForceZombie = FALSE; }
// Member: CSafeRefCount::CSafeRefCount (virtual)
// Synopsis:
// Effects:
// Arguments:
// Requires:
// Returns:
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Derivation:
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 28-Jul-94 alexgo author
// Notes:
CSafeRefCount::~CSafeRefCount() { Assert(m_cRefs == 0 && m_cNest == 0 && m_fInDelete == TRUE); }
// Member: CSafeRefCount::SafeAddRef
// Synopsis: increments the reference count on the object
// Effects:
// Arguments: none
// Requires:
// Returns: ULONG -- the reference count after the increment
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Derivation:
// Algorithm: increments the reference count.
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 28-Jul-94 alexgo author
// Notes:
ULONG CSafeRefCount::SafeAddRef() { m_cRefs++;
//AssertSz(m_fInDelete == FALSE, "AddRef called on deleted object!");
// this *could* be really bad. If we are deleting the object,
// it means that during the destructor, somebody made an outgoing
// call eventually ended up with another addref to ourselves
// (even though all pointers to us had been 'Released').
// this is usually caused by code like the following:
// m_pFoo->Release();
// m_pFoo = NULL;
// If the the Release may cause Foo to be deleted, which may cause
// the object to get re-entered during Foo's destructor. However,
// 'this' object has not yet set m_pFoo to NULL, so it may
// try to continue to use m_pFoo.
// However, the May '94 aggregation rules REQUIRE this behaviour
// In your destructor, you have to addref the outer unknown before
// releasing cached interface pointers on your aggregatee. We
// can't put an assert here because we do this all the time now.
return m_cRefs; }
// Member: CSafeRefCount::SafeRelease
// Synopsis: decrements the reference count on the object
// Effects: May delete the object!
// Arguments:
// Requires:
// Returns: ULONG -- the reference count after decrement
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Derivation:
// Algorithm: decrements the reference count. If the reference count
// is zero AND the nest count is zero AND we are not currently
// trying to delete our object, then it is safe to delete.
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 28-Jul-94 alexgo author
// Notes:
ULONG CSafeRefCount::SafeRelease() { ULONG cRefs;
if( m_cRefs > 0 ) { cRefs = --m_cRefs;
if( m_cRefs == 0 && m_cNest == 0 && m_fInDelete == FALSE ) { m_fInDelete = TRUE; delete this; } } else { // somebody is releasing a non-addrefed pointer!!
AssertSz(0, "Release called on a non-addref'ed pointer!\n");
cRefs = 0; }
return cRefs; }
// Member: CSafeRefCount::IncrementNestCount
// Synopsis: increments the nesting count of the object
// Effects:
// Arguments: none
// Requires:
// Returns: ULONG; the nesting count after increment
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Derivation:
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 28-Jul-94 alexgo author
// Notes: The nesting count is the count of how many times an
// an object has been re-entered. For example, suppose
// somebody calls pFoo->Bar1(), which makes some calls that
// eventually call pFoo->Bar2();. On entrace to Bar2, the
// nest count of the object should be 2 (since the invocation
// of Bar1 is still on the stack above us).
// It is important to keep track of the nest count so we do
// not accidentally delete ourselves during a nested invocation.
// If we did, then when the stack unwinds to the original
// top level call, it could try to access a non-existent member
// variable and crash.
ULONG CSafeRefCount::IncrementNestCount() {
#ifdef DEBUG
if( m_fInDelete ) { TRACEWARNSZ("WARNING: CSafeRefCount, object " "re-entered during delete!\n"); } #endif
return m_cNest; }
// Member: CSafeRefCount::DecrementNestCount
// Synopsis: decrements the nesting count and deletes the object
// (if necessary)
// Effects: may delete 'this' object!
// Arguments: none
// Requires:
// Returns: ULONG, the nesting count after decrement
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Derivation:
// Algorithm: decrements the nesting count. If the nesting count is zero
// AND the reference count is zero AND we are not currently
// trying to delete ourselves, then delete 'this' object
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 28-Jul-94 alexgo author
// Notes:
ULONG CSafeRefCount::DecrementNestCount() { ULONG cNest;
if( m_cNest > 0 ) { cNest = --m_cNest;
if( m_cRefs == 0 && m_cNest == 0 && m_fInDelete == FALSE ) { m_fInDelete = TRUE; delete this; } } else { // somebody forget to increment the nest count!!
AssertSz(0, "Unbalanced nest count!!");
cNest = 0; }
return cNest; }
// Member: CSafeRefCount::IsZombie
// Synopsis: determines whether or not the object is in a zombie state
// (i.e. all references gone, but we are still on the stack
// somewhere).
// Effects:
// Arguments: none
// Requires:
// Returns: TRUE if in a zombie state
// FALSE otherwise
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Derivation:
// Algorithm: If we are in the middle of a delete, or if the ref count
// is zero and the nest count is greater than zero, then we
// are a zombie
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 28-Jul-94 alexgo author
// Notes:
BOOL CSafeRefCount::IsZombie() { BOOL fIsZombie;
if( (m_cRefs == 0 && m_cNest > 0) || m_fInDelete == TRUE || m_fForceZombie == TRUE) { fIsZombie = TRUE; } else { fIsZombie = FALSE; }
return fIsZombie; }
// Member: CSafeRefCount::Zombie
// Synopsis: Forces the object into a zombie state. This is called
// when the object is still around but shouldn't be. It
// flags us so we behave safely while we are in this state.
// Effects:
// Arguments: none
// Requires:
// Returns: none
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Derivation:
// Algorithm:
// History:
// Notes:
VOID CSafeRefCount::Zombie() { m_fForceZombie = TRUE; }
/* OleStdSwitchDisplayAspect
** ** @mfunc ** Switch the currently cached display aspect between DVASPECT_ICON ** and DVASPECT_CONTENT. ** ** NOTE: when setting up icon aspect, any currently cached content ** cache is discarded and any advise connections for content aspect ** are broken. ** ** @rdesc ** S_OK -- new display aspect setup successfully ** E_INVALIDARG -- IOleCache interface is NOT supported (this is ** required). ** <other SCODE> -- any SCODE that can be returned by ** IOleCache::Cache method. ** NOTE: if an error occurs then the current display aspect and ** cache contents unchanged. */ HRESULT OleStdSwitchDisplayAspect( LPOLEOBJECT lpOleObj, LPDWORD lpdwCurAspect, DWORD dwNewAspect, HGLOBAL hMetaPict, BOOL fDeleteOldAspect, BOOL fSetupViewAdvise, LPADVISESINK lpAdviseSink, BOOL FAR* lpfMustUpdate) { LPOLECACHE lpOleCache = NULL; LPVIEWOBJECT lpViewObj = NULL; LPENUMSTATDATA lpEnumStatData = NULL; STATDATA StatData; FORMATETC FmtEtc; STGMEDIUM Medium; DWORD dwAdvf; DWORD dwNewConnection; DWORD dwOldAspect = *lpdwCurAspect; HRESULT hrErr;
if (lpfMustUpdate) *lpfMustUpdate = FALSE;
if (hrErr = lpOleObj->QueryInterface(IID_IOleCache, (void**)&lpOleCache)) { return hrErr; }
// Setup new cache with the new aspect
FmtEtc.cfFormat = 0; // whatever is needed to draw
FmtEtc.ptd = NULL; FmtEtc.dwAspect = dwNewAspect; FmtEtc.lindex = -1; FmtEtc.tymed = TYMED_NULL;
/* NOTE: if we are setting up Icon aspect with a custom icon
** then we do not want DataAdvise notifications to ever change ** the contents of the data cache. thus we set up a NODATA ** advise connection. otherwise we set up a standard DataAdvise ** connection. */ if (dwNewAspect == DVASPECT_ICON && hMetaPict) dwAdvf = ADVF_NODATA; else dwAdvf = ADVF_PRIMEFIRST;
hrErr = lpOleCache->Cache( (LPFORMATETC)&FmtEtc, dwAdvf, (LPDWORD)&dwNewConnection );
if (! SUCCEEDED(hrErr)) { lpOleCache->Release(); return hrErr; }
*lpdwCurAspect = dwNewAspect;
/* NOTE: if we are setting up Icon aspect with a custom icon,
** then stuff the icon into the cache. otherwise the cache must ** be forced to be updated. set the *lpfMustUpdate flag to tell ** caller to force the object to Run so that the cache will be ** updated. */ if (dwNewAspect == DVASPECT_ICON && hMetaPict) {
FmtEtc.cfFormat = CF_METAFILEPICT; FmtEtc.ptd = NULL; FmtEtc.dwAspect = DVASPECT_ICON; FmtEtc.lindex = -1; FmtEtc.tymed = TYMED_MFPICT;
Medium.tymed = TYMED_MFPICT; Medium.hGlobal = hMetaPict; Medium.pUnkForRelease = NULL;
hrErr = lpOleCache->SetData( (LPFORMATETC)&FmtEtc, (LPSTGMEDIUM)&Medium, FALSE /* fRelease */ ); } else { if (lpfMustUpdate) *lpfMustUpdate = TRUE; }
if (fSetupViewAdvise && lpAdviseSink) { /* NOTE: re-establish the ViewAdvise connection */ lpOleObj->QueryInterface(IID_IViewObject, (void**)&lpViewObj);
if (lpViewObj) {
lpViewObj->SetAdvise( dwNewAspect, 0, lpAdviseSink );
lpViewObj->Release(); } }
/* NOTE: remove any existing caches that are set up for the old
** display aspect. It WOULD be possible to retain the caches set ** up for the old aspect, but this would increase the storage ** space required for the object and possibly require additional ** overhead to maintain the unused cachaes. For these reasons the ** strategy to delete the previous caches is prefered. if it is a ** requirement to quickly switch between Icon and Content ** display, then it would be better to keep both aspect caches. */
if (fDeleteOldAspect) { hrErr = lpOleCache->EnumCache( (LPENUMSTATDATA FAR*)&lpEnumStatData );
while(hrErr == NOERROR) { hrErr = lpEnumStatData->Next( 1, (LPSTATDATA)&StatData, NULL ); if (hrErr != NOERROR) break; // DONE! no more caches.
if (StatData.formatetc.dwAspect == dwOldAspect) {
// Remove previous cache with old aspect
lpOleCache->Uncache(StatData.dwConnection); } }
if (lpEnumStatData) lpEnumStatData->Release(); }
if (lpOleCache) lpOleCache->Release();
return NOERROR; }
* ObjectReadSiteFlags * * @mfunc * Read the dwFlags, dwUser, & dvaspect bytes from a container * specific stream. * * Arguments: * preobj The REOBJ in which to copy the flags. * * @rdesc * HRESULT */ HRESULT ObjectReadSiteFlags(REOBJECT * preobj) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; LPSTREAM pstm = NULL; OLECHAR StreamName[] = OLESTR("RichEditFlags");
// Make sure we have a storage to read from
if (!preobj->pstg) return E_INVALIDARG;
// Open the stream
if (hr = preobj->pstg->OpenStream(StreamName, 0, STGM_READ | STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE, 0, &pstm)) { goto Cleanup; }
if ((hr = pstm->Read(&preobj->dwFlags, sizeof(preobj->dwFlags), NULL)) || (hr = pstm->Read(&preobj->dwUser, sizeof(preobj->dwUser), NULL)) || (hr = pstm->Read(&preobj->dvaspect, sizeof(preobj->dvaspect), NULL))) { goto Cleanup; }
Cleanup: if (pstm) pstm->Release(); return hr; }
//Used for EnumMetafileCheckIcon & FIsIconMetafilePict
typedef struct _walkmetafile { BOOL fAND; BOOL fPastIcon; BOOL fHasIcon; } WALKMETAFILE;
static CHAR szIconOnly[] = "IconOnly";
* EnumMetafileCheckIcon * * @mfunc * Stripped down version of EnumMetafileExtractIcon and * EnumMetafileExtractIconSource from the OLE2UI library. * * EnumMetaFile callback function that walks a metafile looking for * StretchBlt (3.1) and BitBlt (3.0) records. We expect to see two * of them, the first being the AND mask and the second being the XOR * data. * * Once we find the icon, we confirm this find by looking for the "IconOnly" * comment block found in standard OLE iconic metafiles. * * Arguments: * hDC HDC into which the metafile should be played. * phTable HANDLETABLE FAR * providing handles selected into the DC. * pMFR METARECORD FAR * giving the enumerated record. * pIE LPICONEXTRACT providing the destination buffer and length. * * @rdesc * int 0 to stop enumeration, 1 to continue. */
int CALLBACK EnumMetafileCheckIcon(HDC hdc, HANDLETABLE *phTable, METARECORD *pMFR, int cObj, LPARAM lparam) { WALKMETAFILE * pwmf = (WALKMETAFILE *) lparam;
switch (pMFR->rdFunction) { case META_DIBBITBLT: // Win30
// If this is the first pass (pIE->fAND==TRUE) then save the memory
// of the AND bits for the next pass.
if (pwmf->fAND) pwmf->fAND = FALSE; else pwmf->fPastIcon = TRUE; break;
case META_ESCAPE: if (pwmf->fPastIcon && pMFR->rdParm[0] == MFCOMMENT && !lstrcmpiA(szIconOnly, (LPSTR)&pMFR->rdParm[2])) { pwmf->fHasIcon = TRUE; return 0; } break; } return 1; } #endif
* FIsIconMetafilePict(hmfp) * * @mfunc * Detect whether the metafile contains an iconic presentation. We do this * by getting a screen DC and walking the metafile records until we find * the landmarks denoting an icon. * * Arguments: * hmfp The metafile to test * * @rdesc * BOOL TRUE if the metafile contains an iconic view */ BOOL FIsIconMetafilePict(HGLOBAL hmfp) { #ifndef NOMETAFILES
wmf.fAND = TRUE; if (!hmfp || !(pmfp = (LPMETAFILEPICT)GlobalLock(hmfp))) goto CleanUp;
// We get information back in the ICONEXTRACT structure.
hdc = GetDC(NULL); EnumMetaFile(hdc, pmfp->hMF, EnumMetafileCheckIcon, (LPARAM) &wmf); ReleaseDC(NULL, hdc); GlobalUnlock(hmfp);
CleanUp: return wmf.fHasIcon; #else
return TRUE; #endif
* AllocObjectDescriptor (clsID, dwAspect, szl, ptl, dwMisc, pszName, pszSrc) * * @func * Allocate and fill an OBJECTDESCRIPTOR structure * * @rdesc * HBGLOBAL Handle to OBJECTDESCRIPTOR structure. */ static HGLOBAL AllocObjectDescriptor( CLSID clsID, // CLSID to store
DWORD dwAspect, // Display aspect
SIZEL szl, // Optional extents container uses to display object
POINTL ptl, // Upper-left corner of obj where mouse went down for D&D
DWORD dwMisc, // MiscStatus flags
LPTSTR pszName, // Name of object to copy
LPTSTR pszSrc) // Source of object
if (NULL!=pszSrc) cchSrc=wcslen(pszSrc)+1; else { cchSrc=cchName; pszSrc=pszName; }
* Note: CFSTR_OBJECTDESCRIPTOR is an ANSI structure. * That means strings in it must be ANSI. OLE will do * internal conversions back to Unicode as necessary, * but we have to put ANSI strings in it ourselves. */ cbStruct=sizeof(OBJECTDESCRIPTOR); cb=cbStruct+(sizeof(WCHAR)*(cchName+cchSrc)); //HACK
hMem=GlobalAlloc(GHND, cb);
if (NULL==hMem) return NULL;
pOD->cbSize=cb; pOD->clsid=clsID; pOD->dwDrawAspect=dwAspect; pOD->sizel=szl; pOD->pointl=ptl; pOD->dwStatus=dwMisc;
if (pszName) { pOD->dwFullUserTypeName=cbStruct; wcscpy((LPTSTR)((LPBYTE)pOD+pOD->dwFullUserTypeName) , pszName); } else pOD->dwFullUserTypeName=0; //No string
if (pszSrc) { pOD->dwSrcOfCopy=cbStruct+(cchName*sizeof(WCHAR));
wcscpy((LPTSTR)((LPBYTE)pOD+pOD->dwSrcOfCopy), pszSrc); } else pOD->dwSrcOfCopy=0; //No string
GlobalUnlock(hMem); return hMem; }
HGLOBAL OleGetObjectDescriptorDataFromOleObject( LPOLEOBJECT pObj, DWORD dwAspect, POINTL ptl, LPSIZEL pszl ) { CLSID clsID; LPTSTR pszName=NULL; LPTSTR pszSrc=NULL; BOOL fLink=FALSE; IOleLink *pLink; TCHAR szName[512]; DWORD dwMisc=0; SIZEL szl = {0,0}; HGLOBAL hMem; HRESULT hr;
if (SUCCEEDED(pObj->QueryInterface(IID_IOleLink , (void **)&pLink))) fLink=TRUE;
if (FAILED(pObj->GetUserClassID(&clsID))) ZeroMemory(&clsID, sizeof(CLSID));
//Get user string, expand to "Linked %s" if this is link
pObj->GetUserType(USERCLASSTYPE_FULL, &pszName); if (fLink && NULL!=pszName) { // NB!! we do these two lines of code below instead
// wcscat because we don't use wcscat anywhere else
// in the product at the moment. The string "Linked "
// should never change either.
wcscpy(szName, TEXT("Linked ")); wcscpy(&(szName[7]), pszName); } else if (pszName) wcscpy(szName, pszName); else szName[0] = 0; CoTaskMemFree(pszName);
* Get the source name of this object using either the * link display name (for link) or a moniker display * name. */
if (fLink) { hr=pLink->GetSourceDisplayName(&pszSrc); } else { IMoniker *pmk;
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { IBindCtx *pbc; CreateBindCtx(0, &pbc);
pmk->GetDisplayName(pbc, NULL, &pszSrc); pbc->Release(); pmk->Release(); } }
if (fLink) pLink->Release();
//Get MiscStatus bits
hr=pObj->GetMiscStatus(dwAspect, &dwMisc);
if (pszl) { szl.cx = pszl->cx; szl.cy = pszl->cy; } //Get OBJECTDESCRIPTOR
hMem=AllocObjectDescriptor(clsID, dwAspect, szl, ptl, dwMisc, szName, pszSrc);
return hMem; }
* OleStdGetMetafilePictFromOleObject() * * @mfunc: * Generate a MetafilePict from the OLE object. * Parameters: * lpOleObj LPOLEOBJECT pointer to OLE Object * dwDrawAspect DWORD Display Aspect of object * lpSizelHim SIZEL (optional) If the object is being scaled in its * container, then the container should pass the extents * that it is using to display the object. * May be NULL if the object is NOT being scaled. in this * case, IViewObject2::GetExtent will be called to get the * extents from the object. * ptd TARGETDEVICE FAR* (optional) target device to render * metafile for. May be NULL. * * @rdesc * HANDLE -- handle of allocated METAFILEPICT */ HANDLE OleStdGetMetafilePictFromOleObject( LPOLEOBJECT lpOleObj, DWORD dwDrawAspect, LPSIZEL lpSizelHim, DVTARGETDEVICE FAR* ptd ) { #ifndef NOMETAFILES
// First try the easy way,
// pull out the cache's version of things.
ZeroMemory(&fetc, sizeof(FORMATETC)); fetc.dwAspect = dwDrawAspect; fetc.cfFormat = CF_METAFILEPICT; fetc.lindex = -1; fetc.tymed = TYMED_MFPICT; ZeroMemory(&med, sizeof(STGMEDIUM)); hMetaPict = NULL;
if (!lpOleObj->QueryInterface(IID_IOleCache, (void **)&polecache) && !polecache->QueryInterface(IID_IDataObject, (void **)&pdataobj) && !pdataobj->GetData(&fetc, &med)) { hMetaPict = OleDuplicateData(med.hGlobal, CF_METAFILEPICT, 0); ReleaseStgMedium(&med); }
if (pdataobj) { pdataobj->Release(); }
if (polecache) { polecache->Release(); }
// If all this failed, fall back to the hard way and draw the object
// into a metafile.
if (hMetaPict) return hMetaPict;
if (lpOleObj->QueryInterface(IID_IViewObject2, (void **)&lpViewObj2)) return NULL;
// Get SIZEL
if (lpSizelHim) { // Use extents passed by the caller
sizelHim = *lpSizelHim; } else { // Get the current extents from the object
hrErr = lpViewObj2->GetExtent( dwDrawAspect, -1, /*lindex*/ ptd, /*ptd*/ (LPSIZEL)&sizelHim); if (hrErr != NOERROR) sizelHim.cx = sizelHim.cy = 0; }
hDC = CreateMetaFileA(NULL);
rclHim.left = 0; rclHim.top = 0; rclHim.right = sizelHim.cx; rclHim.bottom = sizelHim.cy;
rcHim.left = (int)rclHim.left; rcHim.top = (int)rclHim.top; rcHim.right = (int)rclHim.right; rcHim.bottom = (int)rclHim.bottom;
SetWindowOrgEx(hDC, rcHim.left, rcHim.top, &point); SetWindowExtEx(hDC, rcHim.right-rcHim.left, rcHim.bottom-rcHim.top,&size);
hrErr = lpViewObj2->Draw( dwDrawAspect, -1, NULL, ptd, NULL, hDC, (LPRECTL)&rclHim, (LPRECTL)&rclHim, NULL, 0 );
hmf = CloseMetaFile(hDC);
if (hrErr != NOERROR) { TRACEERRORHR(hrErr); hMetaPict = NULL; } else { hMetaPict = GlobalAlloc(GHND|GMEM_SHARE, sizeof(METAFILEPICT));
if (hMetaPict && (lpPict = (LPMETAFILEPICT)GlobalLock(hMetaPict))){ lpPict->hMF = hmf; lpPict->xExt = (int)sizelHim.cx ; lpPict->yExt = (int)sizelHim.cy ; lpPict->mm = MM_ANISOTROPIC; GlobalUnlock(hMetaPict); } }
if (!hMetaPict) DeleteMetaFile(hmf);
return hMetaPict; #else
return NULL; #endif
* OleUIDrawShading * * Purpose: * Shade the object when it is in in-place editing. Borders are drawn * on the Object rectangle. The right and bottom edge of the rectangle * are excluded in the drawing. * * Parameters: * lpRect Dimensions of Container Object * hdc HDC for drawing * * Return Value: null * */ void OleUIDrawShading(LPRECT prc, HDC hdc) { HBITMAP hbmp; WORD wHatchBmp[] = {0x11, 0x22, 0x44, 0x88, 0x11, 0x22, 0x44, 0x88}; COLORREF crTextOld; COLORREF crBkOld;
hbmp = CreateBitmap(8, 8, 1, 1, wHatchBmp); if (hbmp) { HBRUSH hbr; hbr = CreatePatternBrush(hbmp); if (hbr) { HBRUSH hbrOld;
hbrOld = (HBRUSH)SelectObject(hdc, hbr);
crTextOld = SetTextColor(hdc, RGB(255, 255, 255)); crBkOld = SetBkColor(hdc, RGB(0, 0, 0));
PatBlt(hdc, prc->left, prc->top, prc->right - prc->left, prc->bottom - prc->top, 0x00A000C9L /* DPa */ );
SetTextColor(hdc, crTextOld); SetBkColor(hdc, crBkOld);
SelectObject(hdc, hbrOld); DeleteObject(hbr); } DeleteObject(hbmp); } }
* OleSaveSiteFlags * * Purpose: * Save the dwFlags and dwUser bytes into a container specific stream * * Arguments: * pstg The storage to save to * pobsite The site from where to copy the flags * * Returns: * None. */ VOID OleSaveSiteFlags(LPSTORAGE pstg, DWORD dwFlags, DWORD dwUser, DWORD dvAspect) { #ifndef PEGASUS
HRESULT hr; LPSTREAM pstm = NULL; static const OLECHAR szSiteFlagsStm[] = OLESTR("RichEditFlags");
// Create/overwrite the stream
AssertSz(pstg, "Invalid storage"); if (hr = pstg->CreateStream(szSiteFlagsStm, STGM_READWRITE | STGM_CREATE | STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE, 0, 0, &pstm)) { TraceError("OleSaveSiteFlags", GetScode(hr)); goto Cleanup; }
//$ FUTURE: Put a version stamp
// Write out the values
//$ BUG: byte order
if ((hr = pstm->Write(&dwFlags, sizeof(dwFlags), NULL)) || (hr = pstm->Write(&dwUser, sizeof(dwUser), NULL)) || (hr = pstm->Write(&dvAspect, sizeof(dvAspect), NULL))) { TraceError("OleSaveSiteFlags", GetScode(hr)); //$ FUTURE: Wipe the data to make this operation all or nothing
goto Cleanup; }
Cleanup: if (pstm) pstm->Release(); #endif
* AppendString ( szInput, szAppendStr, dBuffSize, dByteUsed ) * * Purpose: * Append new string to original string. Check for size of buffer * and re-allocate a large buffer is necessary * * Arguments: * szInput Original String * szAppendStr String to be appended to szInput * dBuffSize Byte size of the buffer for szInput * dByteUsed Byte used in the buffer for szInput * * Returns: * INT The error code */ INT AppendString( BYTE ** szInput, BYTE * szAppendStr, int * dBuffSize, int * dByteUsed) { BYTE *pch; int cchAppendStr;
pch = *szInput;
// check if we have enough space to append the new string
cchAppendStr = strlen( (char *)szAppendStr ); if ( cchAppendStr + *dByteUsed >= *dBuffSize ) { // re-alloc a bigger buffer
int cchNewSize = *dBuffSize + cchAppendStr + 32; pch = (BYTE *)PvReAlloc( *szInput, cchNewSize ); if ( !pch ) { return ( ecNoMemory ); }
*dBuffSize = cchNewSize; *szInput = pch; }
pch += *dByteUsed; *dByteUsed += cchAppendStr;
while (*pch++ = *szAppendStr++); return ecNoError; }
* CTempBuf::Init * * @mfunc Set object to its initial state using the stack buffer * */ void CTempBuf::Init() { _pv = (void *) &_chBuf[0]; _cb = MAX_STACK_BUF; }
* CTempBuf::FreeBuf * * @mfunc Free an allocated buffer if there is one * */ void CTempBuf::FreeBuf() { if (_pv != &_chBuf[0]) { delete _pv; } }
* CTempBuf::GetBuf * * @mfunc Get a buffer for temporary use * * @rdesc Pointer to buffer if one could be allocated otherwise NULL. * * */ void *CTempBuf::GetBuf( LONG cb) //@parm Size of buffer needed in bytes
{ if (_cb >= cb) { // Currently allocated buffer is big enough so use it
return _pv; }
// Free our current buffer
// Allocate a new buffer if we can
_pv = new BYTE[cb];
if (NULL == _pv) { // Could not allocate a buffer so reset to our initial state and
// return NULL.
Init(); return NULL; }
// Store the size of our new buffer.
_cb = cb;
// Returnt he pointer to the buffer.
return _pv; }