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// McsDebugUtil.h
// The MCS Debug utility classes are declared in this file.
// The utility classes are:
// McsDebugException:
// This class is the exception class that is thrown by
// MCSEXCEPTION(SZ) macros and MCSASSERT(SZ) macros in
// test mode.
// McsDebugCritSec:
// Critical section class to support multi-threaded calls
// to the logger classes.
// McsDebugLog:
// Writes to ostream object.
// (c) Copyright 1995-1998, Mission Critical Software, Inc., All Rights Reserved
// Proprietary and confidential to Mission Critical Software, Inc.
#ifndef MCSINC_McsDebugUtil_h
#define MCSINC_McsDebugUtil_h
#ifdef __cplusplus /* C++ */
#ifndef WIN16_VERSION /* Not WIN16_VERSION */
#include <iostream.h>
#include <fstream.h>
namespace McsDebugUtil { // ---------------
// McsDebugCritSec
// ---------------
class McsDebugCritSec { public: McsDebugCritSec (void); ~McsDebugCritSec (void); void enter (void); void leave (void);
private: McsDebugCritSec (const McsDebugCritSec&); McsDebugCritSec& operator= (const McsDebugCritSec&);
private: CRITICAL_SECTION m_section; };
// -----------
// McsDebugLog
// -----------
class McsDebugLog { public: McsDebugLog (void); ~McsDebugLog (void); bool isLogSet (void) const; void changeLog (ostream *outStreamIn); void write (const char *messageIn);
private: // Do not allow copy ctor & operator=.
McsDebugLog (const McsDebugLog&); McsDebugLog& operator= (const McsDebugLog&);
private: ostream *m_outStream; };
// --- INLINES ---
// ---------------------
// McsDebugCritSec
// ---------------------
inline McsDebugCritSec::McsDebugCritSec (void){ ::InitializeCriticalSection (&m_section); }
inline McsDebugCritSec::~McsDebugCritSec (void) { ::DeleteCriticalSection (&m_section); }
inline void McsDebugCritSec::enter (void) { ::EnterCriticalSection (&m_section); }
inline void McsDebugCritSec::leave (void) { ::LeaveCriticalSection (&m_section); }
// -----------
// McsDebugLog
// -----------
inline McsDebugLog::McsDebugLog (void) : m_outStream (NULL) { /* EMPTY */ }
// outStream object is set and owned by the
// user of this class do not delete.
inline McsDebugLog::~McsDebugLog (void) { /* EMPTY */ }
inline bool McsDebugLog::isLogSet (void) const { return m_outStream != NULL; }
inline void McsDebugLog::changeLog (ostream *outStreamIn) { m_outStream = outStreamIn; } }
#endif /* Not WIN16_VERSION */
#endif /* C++ */
#endif /* MCSINC_Mcs_Debug_Util_h */