#include "stdafx.h"
#include "MsPwdMig.h"
#include "PasswordMigration.h"
#include <NtSecApi.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <winioctl.h>
#include <lm.h>
#include <eh.h>
#include <ActiveDS.h>
#include <Dsrole.h>
#include "TReg.hpp"
#include "pwdfuncs.h"
#include "PWGen.hpp"
#include "UString.hpp"
#include "PwRpcUtl.h"
#include "PwdSvc.h"
#include "PwdSvc_c.c"
#include "Error.h"
#include "GetDcName.h"
#pragma comment(lib, "netapi32.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "adsiid.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "activeds.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "commonlib.lib")
using namespace _com_util;
namespace {
struct SSeException { SSeException(UINT uCode) : uCode(uCode) { }
UINT uCode; };
void SeTranslator(unsigned int u, EXCEPTION_POINTERS* pepExceptions) { throw SSeException(u); }
void _cdecl ADMTTRACE(LPCTSTR pszFormat, ...) { if (pszFormat) { _TCHAR szMessage[2048]; va_list args; va_start(args, pszFormat); _vsntprintf(szMessage, 2048, pszFormat, args); va_end(args); OutputDebugString(szMessage); } } #else
inline void _cdecl ADMTTRACE(LPCTSTR pszFormat, ...) { } #endif
#ifndef IADsPtr
#ifndef IADsGroupPtr
#ifndef IADsMembersPtr
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IADsMembers, IID_IADsMembers); #endif
} // namespace
// CPasswordMigration
// Constructor
CPasswordMigration::CPasswordMigration() : m_bSessionEstablished(false), m_hBinding(NULL), m_sBinding(NULL), m_pTargetCrypt(NULL) { }
// Destructor
CPasswordMigration::~CPasswordMigration() { delete m_pTargetCrypt;
if (m_bSessionEstablished) { _se_translator_function pfnSeTranslatorOld = _set_se_translator((_se_translator_function)SeTranslator);
try { PwdBindDestroy(&m_hBinding,&m_sBinding); } catch (SSeException& e) { ADMTTRACE(_T("PwdBindDestroy: %s (%u)\n"), _com_error(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(e.uCode)).ErrorMessage(), e.uCode); }
_set_se_translator(pfnSeTranslatorOld); } }
// IPasswordMigration Implementation ----------------------------------------
// EstablishSession Method
STDMETHODIMP CPasswordMigration::EstablishSession(BSTR bstrSourceServer, BSTR bstrTargetServer) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
LPCWSTR pszSourceServer = OLE2CW(bstrSourceServer); LPCWSTR pszTargetServer = OLE2CW(bstrTargetServer);
ADMTTRACE(_T("E CPasswordMigration::EstablishSession(SourceServer='%s', TargetServer='%s')\n"), pszSourceServer, pszTargetServer);
try { m_bSessionEstablished = false;
CheckPasswordDC(pszSourceServer, pszTargetServer);
m_bSessionEstablished = true; } catch (_com_error& ce) { hr = SetError(ce, IDS_E_CANNOT_ESTABLISH_SESSION); } catch (...) { hr = SetError(E_UNEXPECTED, IDS_E_CANNOT_ESTABLISH_SESSION); }
ADMTTRACE(_T("L CPasswordMigration::EstablishSession() : %s 0x%08lX\n"), _com_error(hr).ErrorMessage(), hr);
return hr; }
// CopyPassword Method
STDMETHODIMP CPasswordMigration::CopyPassword(BSTR bstrSourceAccount, BSTR bstrTargetAccount, BSTR bstrTargetPassword) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
LPCTSTR pszSourceAccount = OLE2CT(bstrSourceAccount); LPCTSTR pszTargetAccount = OLE2CT(bstrTargetAccount); LPCTSTR pszTargetPassword = OLE2CT(bstrTargetPassword);
ADMTTRACE(_T("E CPasswordMigration::CopyPassword(SourceAccount='%s', TargetAccount='%s', TargetPassword='%s')\n"), pszSourceAccount, pszTargetAccount, pszTargetPassword);
try { // if session established then...
if (m_bSessionEstablished) { // copy password
CopyPasswordImpl(pszSourceAccount, pszTargetAccount, pszTargetPassword); } else { // else return error
ThrowError(PM_E_SESSION_NOT_ESTABLISHED, IDS_E_SESSION_NOT_ESTABLISHED); } } catch (_com_error& ce) { hr = SetError(ce, IDS_E_CANNOT_COPY_PASSWORD); } catch (...) { hr = SetError(E_UNEXPECTED, IDS_E_CANNOT_COPY_PASSWORD); }
ADMTTRACE(_T("L CPasswordMigration::CopyPassword() : %s 0x%08lX\n"), _com_error(hr).ErrorMessage(), hr);
return hr; }
// GenerateKey Method
STDMETHODIMP CPasswordMigration::GenerateKey(BSTR bstrSourceDomainName, BSTR bstrKeyFilePath, BSTR bstrPassword) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
LPCTSTR pszSourceDomainName = OLE2CT(bstrSourceDomainName); LPCTSTR pszKeyFilePath = OLE2CT(bstrKeyFilePath); LPCTSTR pszPassword = OLE2CT(bstrPassword);
ADMTTRACE(_T("E CPasswordMigration::GenerateKey(SourceDomainName='%s', KeyFilePath='%s', Password='%s')\n"), pszSourceDomainName, pszKeyFilePath, pszPassword);
try { //
// Retrieve flat (NetBIOS) name of domain and use it for storing the key. The flat
// name is used because the registry supports a maximum key name length of 256
// Unicode characters. The combination of a DNS name and GUID string to uniquely
// identify the key as belonging to this component could exceed this maximum length.
_bstr_t strFlatName; _bstr_t strDnsName;
DWORD dwError = GetDomainNames5(pszSourceDomainName, strFlatName, strDnsName);
if (dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { _com_issue_error(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwError)); }
// The only reason the flat name would be empty at this point would be if
// the _bstr_t object was unable to allocate the internal Data_t object.
if (!strFlatName) { _com_issue_error(E_OUTOFMEMORY); }
// Generate key.
GenerateKeyImpl(strFlatName, pszKeyFilePath, pszPassword); } catch (_com_error& ce) { hr = SetError(ce, IDS_E_CANNOT_GENERATE_KEY); } catch (...) { hr = SetError(E_UNEXPECTED, IDS_E_CANNOT_GENERATE_KEY); }
ADMTTRACE(_T("L CPasswordMigration::GenerateKey() : %s 0x%08lX\n"), _com_error(hr).ErrorMessage(), hr);
return hr; }
// Implementation -----------------------------------------------------------
// GenerateKeyImpl Method
void CPasswordMigration::GenerateKeyImpl(LPCTSTR pszDomain, LPCTSTR pszFile, LPCTSTR pszPassword) { //
// validate source domain name
if ((pszDomain == NULL) || (pszDomain[0] == NULL)) { ThrowError(E_INVALIDARG, IDS_E_KEY_DOMAIN_NOT_SPECIFIED); }
// validate key file path
if ((pszFile == NULL) || (pszFile[0] == NULL)) { ThrowError(E_INVALIDARG, IDS_E_KEY_FILE_NOT_SPECIFIED); }
_tsplitpath(pszFile, szDrive, NULL, NULL, szExt);
// verify drive is a local drive
_TCHAR szDrivePath[_MAX_PATH]; _tmakepath(szDrivePath, szDrive, _T("\\"), NULL, NULL);
if (GetDriveType(szDrivePath) == DRIVE_REMOTE) { ThrowError(E_INVALIDARG, IDS_E_KEY_FILE_NOT_LOCAL_DRIVE, pszFile); }
// verify file extension is correct
if (_tcsicmp(szExt, _T(".pes")) != 0) { ThrowError(E_INVALIDARG, IDS_E_KEY_FILE_EXTENSION_INVALID, szExt); }
// create encryption key and write to specified file
// create encryption key
_variant_t vntKey;
try { CTargetCrypt crypt;
vntKey = crypt.CreateEncryptionKey(pszDomain, pszPassword); } catch (_com_error& ce) { //
// The message 'keyset not defined' is returned when
// the enhanced provider (128 bit) is not available
// therefore return a more meaningful message to user.
if (ce.Error() == NTE_KEYSET_NOT_DEF) { ThrowError(ce, IDS_E_HIGH_ENCRYPTION_NOT_INSTALLED); } else { throw; } }
// write encrypted key bytes to file
if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ThrowError(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()), IDS_E_KEY_CANT_CREATE_FILE, pszFile); }
DWORD dwWritten;
BOOL bWritten = WriteFile(hFile, vntKey.parray->pvData, vntKey.parray->rgsabound[0].cElements, &dwWritten, NULL);
if (!bWritten) { ThrowError(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()), IDS_E_KEY_CANT_WRITE_FILE, pszFile); }
SecureZeroMemory(GET_BYTE_ARRAY_DATA(vntKey), GET_BYTE_ARRAY_SIZE(vntKey)); }
#pragma optimize ("", off)
* * * Written by: Paul Thompson * * Date: 15 DEC 2000 * * * * This function is a wrapper around a password DC "CheckConfig" * * call that can be used by the GUI and scripting to test the given * * DC. * * First we connect to a remote Lsa notification package dll, * * which should be installed on a DC in the source domain. The * * connect will be encrypted RPC. The configuration check, which * * establishes a temporary session for this check. * * We will also check anonymous user right access on the target * * domain. * * * * 2001-04-19 Mark Oluper - updated for client component * *********************************************************************/
//BEGIN CheckPasswordDC
void CPasswordMigration::CheckPasswordDC(LPCWSTR srcServer, LPCWSTR tgtServer) { ADMTTRACE(_T("E CPasswordMigration::CheckPasswordDC(srcServer='%s', tgtServer='%s')\n"), srcServer, tgtServer);
/* local constants */ const DWORD c_dwMinUC = 3; const DWORD c_dwMinLC = 3; const DWORD c_dwMinDigits = 3; const DWORD c_dwMinSpecial = 3; const DWORD c_dwMaxAlpha = 0; const DWORD c_dwMinLen = 14;
/* local variables */ DWORD rc = 0; WCHAR testPwd[PASSWORD_BUFFER_SIZE]; WCHAR tempPwd[PASSWORD_BUFFER_SIZE]; _variant_t varSession; _variant_t varTestPwd;
/* function body */ // USES_CONVERSION;
if ((srcServer == NULL) || (srcServer[0] == NULL)) { ThrowError(E_INVALIDARG, IDS_E_SOURCE_SERVER_NOT_SPECIFIED); }
if ((tgtServer == NULL) || (tgtServer[0] == NULL)) { ThrowError(E_INVALIDARG, IDS_E_TARGET_SERVER_NOT_SPECIFIED); }
//make sure the server names start with "\\"
if ((srcServer[0] != L'\\') && (srcServer[1] != L'\\')) { m_strSourceServer = L"\\\\"; m_strSourceServer += srcServer; } else m_strSourceServer = srcServer; if ((tgtServer[0] != L'\\') && (tgtServer[1] != L'\\')) { m_strTargetServer = L"\\\\"; m_strTargetServer += tgtServer; } else m_strTargetServer = tgtServer;
//get the password DC's domain NETBIOS name
GetDomainName(m_strSourceServer, m_strSourceDomainDNS, m_strSourceDomainFlat);
//get the target DC's domain DNS name
GetDomainName(m_strTargetServer, m_strTargetDomainDNS, m_strTargetDomainFlat);
// Verify that target domain allows anonymous access.
// Windows 2000 Server
// 'Everyone' must be a member of the 'Pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access' group.
// Windows Server
// 'Everyone' must be a member of the 'Pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access' group
// and either 'Anonymous Logon' must be a member of this group or the
// 'Network access: Let everyone permissions apply to anonymous users' must be
// enabled in the 'Security Options' for domain controllers.
bool bEveryoneIsMember; bool bAnonymousIsMember;
CheckPreWindows2000CompatibleAccessGroupMembers(bEveryoneIsMember, bAnonymousIsMember);
if (bEveryoneIsMember == false) { ThrowError( __uuidof(PasswordMigration), __uuidof(IPasswordMigration), PM_E_EVERYONE_NOT_MEMBEROF_COMPATIBILITY_GROUP, IDS_E_EVERYONE_NOT_MEMBEROF_GROUP, (LPCTSTR)m_strTargetDomainDNS ); }
if (!bAnonymousIsMember && !DoesAnonymousHaveEveryoneAccess(m_strTargetServer)) { ThrowError( __uuidof(PasswordMigration), __uuidof(IPasswordMigration), PM_E_EVERYONE_DOES_NOT_INCLUDE_ANONYMOUS, IDS_E_EVERYONE_DOES_NOT_INCLUDE_ANONYMOUS, (LPCTSTR)m_strTargetDomainDNS ); }
//if the high encryption pack has not been installed on this target
//DC, then return that information
try { if (m_pTargetCrypt == NULL) { m_pTargetCrypt = new CTargetCrypt; } } catch (_com_error& ce) { if (ce.Error() == 0x80090019) ThrowError(__uuidof(PasswordMigration), __uuidof(IPasswordMigration), PM_E_HIGH_ENCRYPTION_NOT_INSTALLED, IDS_E_HIGH_ENCRYPTION_NOT_INSTALLED); else throw; }
// Note that PwdBindCreate will destroy the binding if m_hBinding is non-NULL.
rc = PwdBindCreate(m_strSourceServer, &m_hBinding, &m_sBinding, TRUE);
if(rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) { _com_issue_error(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(rc)); }
try { try { //create a session key that will be used to encrypt the user's
//password for this set of accounts
varSession = m_pTargetCrypt->CreateSession(m_strSourceDomainFlat); } catch (_com_error& ce) { if (ce.Error() == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)) { ThrowError(__uuidof(PasswordMigration), __uuidof(IPasswordMigration), PM_E_NO_ENCRYPTION_KEY_FOR_DOMAIN, IDS_E_NO_ENCRYPTION_KEY_FOR_DOMAIN, (LPCTSTR)m_strSourceDomainFlat); } else { ThrowError(ce, IDS_E_GENERATE_SESSION_KEY_FAILED); } }
//now create a complex password used by the "CheckConfig" call in
//a challenge response. If the returned password matches, then
//the source DC has the proper encryption key.
if (EaPasswordGenerate(c_dwMinUC, c_dwMinLC, c_dwMinDigits, c_dwMinSpecial, c_dwMaxAlpha, c_dwMinLen, testPwd, PASSWORD_BUFFER_SIZE)) { ThrowError(__uuidof(PasswordMigration), __uuidof(IPasswordMigration), PM_E_GENERATE_SESSION_PASSWORD_FAILED, IDS_E_GENERATE_SESSION_PASSWORD_FAILED); }
//encrypt the password with the session key
try { varTestPwd = m_pTargetCrypt->Encrypt(_bstr_t(testPwd)); } catch (...) { ThrowError(__uuidof(PasswordMigration), __uuidof(IPasswordMigration), PM_E_GENERATE_SESSION_PASSWORD_FAILED, IDS_E_GENERATE_SESSION_PASSWORD_FAILED); }
_se_translator_function pfnSeTranslatorOld = _set_se_translator((_se_translator_function)SeTranslator);
try { //check to see if the server-side DLL is ready to process
//password migration requests
hr = PwdcCheckConfig( m_hBinding, GET_BYTE_ARRAY_SIZE(varSession), GET_BYTE_ARRAY_DATA(varSession), GET_BYTE_ARRAY_SIZE(varTestPwd), GET_BYTE_ARRAY_DATA(varTestPwd), tempPwd ); } catch (SSeException& e) { if (e.uCode == RPC_S_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE) ThrowError(__uuidof(PasswordMigration), __uuidof(IPasswordMigration), PM_E_PASSWORD_MIGRATION_NOT_RUNNING, IDS_E_PASSWORD_MIGRATION_NOT_RUNNING); else _com_issue_error(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(e.uCode)); }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (UStrICmp(tempPwd,testPwd)) ThrowError(__uuidof(PasswordMigration), __uuidof(IPasswordMigration), PM_E_ENCRYPTION_KEYS_DO_NOT_MATCH, IDS_E_ENCRYPTION_KEYS_DO_NOT_MATCH); } else if (hr == PM_E_PASSWORD_MIGRATION_NOT_ENABLED) { ThrowError(__uuidof(PasswordMigration), __uuidof(IPasswordMigration), PM_E_PASSWORD_MIGRATION_NOT_ENABLED, IDS_E_PASSWORD_MIGRATION_NOT_ENABLED); } else if ((m_strSourceDomainDNS.length() == 0) && ((hr == NTE_FAIL) || (hr == NTE_BAD_DATA))) { //
// This case is only applicable for NT4.
ThrowError(__uuidof(PasswordMigration), __uuidof(IPasswordMigration), hr, IDS_E_ENCRYPTION_KEYS_DO_NOT_MATCH); } else { _com_issue_error(hr); } } catch (...) { PwdBindDestroy(&m_hBinding, &m_sBinding); throw; }
SecureZeroMemory(GET_BYTE_ARRAY_DATA(varSession), GET_BYTE_ARRAY_SIZE(varSession));
ADMTTRACE(_T("L CPasswordMigration::CheckPasswordDC()\n")); } //END CheckPasswordDC
#pragma optimize ("", on)
// CopyPassword Method
// Copies password via password migration server component installed on a
// password export server.
// 2001-04-19 Mark Oluper - re-wrote original written by Paul Thompson to
// incorporate changes required for client component
void CPasswordMigration::CopyPasswordImpl(LPCTSTR pszSourceAccount, LPCTSTR pszTargetAccount, LPCTSTR pszPassword) { ADMTTRACE(_T("E CPasswordMigration::CopyPasswordImpl(SourceAccount='%s', TargetAccount='%s', Password='%s')\n"), pszSourceAccount, pszTargetAccount, pszPassword);
if ((pszSourceAccount == NULL) || (pszSourceAccount[0] == NULL)) { ThrowError(E_INVALIDARG, IDS_E_SOURCE_ACCOUNT_NOT_SPECIFIED); }
if ((pszTargetAccount == NULL) || (pszTargetAccount[0] == NULL)) { ThrowError(E_INVALIDARG, IDS_E_TARGET_ACCOUNT_NOT_SPECIFIED); }
// encrypt password
_variant_t vntEncryptedPassword = m_pTargetCrypt->Encrypt(pszPassword);
// copy password
HRESULT hr = PwdcCopyPassword( m_hBinding, m_strTargetServer, pszSourceAccount, pszTargetAccount, GET_BYTE_ARRAY_SIZE(vntEncryptedPassword), GET_BYTE_ARRAY_DATA(vntEncryptedPassword) );
SecureZeroMemory(GET_BYTE_ARRAY_DATA(vntEncryptedPassword), GET_BYTE_ARRAY_SIZE(vntEncryptedPassword));
if (FAILED(hr)) { _com_issue_error(hr); }
ADMTTRACE(_T("L CPasswordMigration::CopyPasswordImpl()\n")); }
// GetDomainName Function
// Retrieves both the domain DNS name if available and the domain flat or
// NetBIOS name for the specified server.
// 2001-04-19 Mark Oluper - initial
void CPasswordMigration::GetDomainName(LPCTSTR pszServer, _bstr_t& strNameDNS, _bstr_t& strNameFlat) { ADMTTRACE(_T("E CPasswordMigration::GetDomainName(Server='%s', ...)\n"), pszServer);
DWORD dwError = DsRoleGetPrimaryDomainInformation(pszServer, DsRolePrimaryDomainInfoBasic, (BYTE**)&ppdib);
if (dwError != NO_ERROR) { ThrowError(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwError), IDS_E_CANNOT_GET_DOMAIN_NAME, pszServer); }
strNameDNS = ppdib->DomainNameDns; strNameFlat = ppdib->DomainNameFlat;
ADMTTRACE(_T("L CPasswordMigration::GetDomainName(..., NameDNS='%s', NameFlat='%s')\n"), (LPCTSTR)strNameDNS, (LPCTSTR)strNameFlat); }
// CheckPreWindows2000CompatibleAccessGroupMembers Method
// Synopsis
// Checks if Everyone and Anonymous Logon are members of the Pre-Windows
// 2000 Compatible Access group.
// Arguments
// OUT bEveryone - set to true if Everyone is a member
// OUT bAnonymous - set to true if Anonymous Logon is a member
void CPasswordMigration::CheckPreWindows2000CompatibleAccessGroupMembers(bool& bEveryone, bool& bAnonymous) { //
// Initialize return values.
bEveryone = false; bAnonymous = false;
// Generate ADsPath to built-in Pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access group.
// Note that the GetPathToPreW2KCAGroup function returns partial DN with trailing comma.
_bstr_t strGroupPath; strGroupPath = _T("LDAP://"); strGroupPath += m_strTargetDomainDNS; strGroupPath += _T("/"); strGroupPath += GetPathToPreW2KCAGroup(); strGroupPath += GetDefaultNamingContext(m_strTargetDomainDNS);
// Bind to the enumerator of the members interface
// of the Pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access group.
IADsGroupPtr spGroup; CheckError(ADsGetObject(strGroupPath, IID_IADsGroup, (VOID**)&spGroup));
IADsMembersPtr spMembers; CheckError(spGroup->Members(&spMembers));
IUnknownPtr spunkEnum; CheckError(spMembers->get__NewEnum(&spunkEnum)); IEnumVARIANTPtr spEnum(spunkEnum);
// Initialize variables used to retrieve SID of each member.
VARIANT varMember; VariantInit(&varMember); ULONG ulFetched; PWSTR pszAttrs[] = { L"objectSid" }; VARIANT varAttrs; VariantInit(&varAttrs); CheckError(ADsBuildVarArrayStr(pszAttrs, sizeof(pszAttrs) / sizeof(pszAttrs[0]), &varAttrs)); _variant_t vntAttrs(varAttrs, false); VARIANT varObjectSid; VariantInit(&varObjectSid);
// Generate well known Everyone and Anonymous Logon SIDs.
PSID pEveryoneSid = NULL; AllocateAndInitializeSid(&siaWorld, 1, SECURITY_WORLD_RID, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &pEveryoneSid);
PSID pAnonymousSid = NULL; AllocateAndInitializeSid(&siaNT, 1, SECURITY_ANONYMOUS_LOGON_RID, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &pAnonymousSid);
if ((pEveryoneSid == NULL) || (pAnonymousSid == NULL)) { if (pAnonymousSid) { FreeSid(pAnonymousSid); }
if (pEveryoneSid) { FreeSid(pEveryoneSid); }
_com_issue_error(E_OUTOFMEMORY); }
// Enumerate members...if Everyone or Anonymous Logon
// is a member then set corresponding parameter to true.
try { while ((spEnum->Next(1ul, &varMember, &ulFetched) == S_OK) && (ulFetched == 1ul)) { IADsPtr spMember(IDispatchPtr(_variant_t(varMember, false))); CheckError(spMember->GetInfoEx(vntAttrs, 0)); CheckError(spMember->Get(pszAttrs[0], &varObjectSid));
if (V_VT(&varObjectSid) == (VT_ARRAY|VT_UI1)) { PSID pSid = (PSID) GET_BYTE_ARRAY_DATA(varObjectSid);
if (pSid && IsValidSid(pSid)) { if (EqualSid(pSid, pEveryoneSid)) { bEveryone = true; } else if (EqualSid(pSid, pAnonymousSid)) { bAnonymous = true; } } }
if (bEveryone && bAnonymous) { break; } } } catch (...) { FreeSid(pAnonymousSid); FreeSid(pEveryoneSid);
throw; }
FreeSid(pAnonymousSid); FreeSid(pEveryoneSid); }
* * * Written by: Paul Thompson * * Date: 12 APR 2001 * * * * This function is responsible for creating a path to the * * "Pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access" builtin group from its well- * * known RID. This path will then be used by * * "IsEveryoneInPW2KCAGroup" to see if "Everyone" is in that group. * * * * 2001-12-09 moluper - updated to return default path instead of * * empty path * *********************************************************************/
//BEGIN GetPathToPreW2KCAGroup
_bstr_t CPasswordMigration::GetPathToPreW2KCAGroup() { /* local constants */ const _TCHAR BUILTIN_RDN[] = _T(",CN=Builtin,"); const _TCHAR PRE_WINDOWS_2000_COMPATIBLE_ACCESS_RDN[] = _T("CN=Pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access");
/* local variables */ SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY siaNtAuthority = SECURITY_NT_AUTHORITY; PSID psidPreW2KCAGroup; _bstr_t sPath = _bstr_t(PRE_WINDOWS_2000_COMPATIBLE_ACCESS_RDN) + BUILTIN_RDN; WCHAR account[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR domain[MAX_PATH]; DWORD lenAccount = MAX_PATH; DWORD lenDomain = MAX_PATH; SID_NAME_USE snu;
/* function body */ //create the SID for the "Pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access" group
if (!AllocateAndInitializeSid(&siaNtAuthority, 2, SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID, DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_PREW2KCOMPACCESS, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &psidPreW2KCAGroup)) return sPath;
//lookup the name attached to this SID
if (!LookupAccountSid(NULL, psidPreW2KCAGroup, account, &lenAccount, domain, &lenDomain, &snu)) return sPath;
sPath = _bstr_t(L"CN=") + _bstr_t(account) + _bstr_t(BUILTIN_RDN); FreeSid(psidPreW2KCAGroup); //free the SID
return sPath; } //END GetPathToPreW2KCAGroup
* * * Written by: Paul Thompson * * Date: 6 APR 2001 * * * * This function is responsible for checking if anonymous user * * has been granted Everyone access if the target domain is Whistler * * or newer. This function is a helper function for * * "CheckPasswordDC". * * If the "Let Everyone permissions apply to anonymous users" * * security option has been enabled, then the LSA registry value of * * "everyoneincludesanonymous" will be set to 0x1. We will check * * registry value. * * * *********************************************************************/
//BEGIN DoesAnonymousHaveEveryoneAccess
BOOL CPasswordMigration::DoesAnonymousHaveEveryoneAccess(LPCWSTR tgtServer) { /* local constants */ const int WINDOWS_2000_BUILD_NUMBER = 2195;
/* local variables */ TRegKey verKey, lsaKey, regComputer; BOOL bAccess = TRUE; DWORD rc = 0; DWORD rval; WCHAR sBuildNum[MAX_PATH];
/* function body */ //connect to the DC's HKLM registry key
rc = regComputer.Connect(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, tgtServer); if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //see if this machine is running Windows XP or newer by checking the
//build number in the registry. If not, then we don't need to check
//for the new security option
rc = verKey.OpenRead(L"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion",®Computer); if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //get the CurrentBuildNumber string
rc = verKey.ValueGetStr(L"CurrentBuildNumber", sBuildNum, MAX_PATH); if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) { int nBuild = _wtoi(sBuildNum); if (nBuild <= WINDOWS_2000_BUILD_NUMBER) return bAccess; } } //if Windows XP or greater, check for the option being enabled
//open the LSA key
rc = lsaKey.OpenRead(L"System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Lsa",®Computer); if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //get the value of the "everyoneincludesanonymous" value
rc = lsaKey.ValueGetDWORD(L"everyoneincludesanonymous",&rval); if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (rval == 0) bAccess = FALSE; } else bAccess = FALSE; } } return bAccess; } //END DoesAnonymousHaveEveryoneAccess
// GetDefaultNamingContext Method
// Synopsis
// Retrieves the default naming context for the specified domain.
// Arguments
// IN strDomain - name of domain
// Return
// Default naming context for specified domain.
_bstr_t CPasswordMigration::GetDefaultNamingContext(_bstr_t strDomain) { _bstr_t strDefaultNamingContext;
// Bind to rootDSE of specified domain and
// retrieve default naming context.
IADsPtr spRootDse; _bstr_t strPath = _T("LDAP://") + strDomain + _T("/rootDSE"); HRESULT hr = ADsGetObject(strPath, IID_IADs, (VOID**)&spRootDse);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { VARIANT var; VariantInit(&var); hr = spRootDse->Get(_T("defaultNamingContext"), &var);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { strDefaultNamingContext = _variant_t(var, false); } }
return strDefaultNamingContext; }