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  1. /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. File: ProcessExtensions.cpp
  3. Comments: implementation of the CProcessExtensions class.
  4. (c) Copyright 1999, Mission Critical Software, Inc., All Rights Reserved
  5. Proprietary and confidential to Mission Critical Software, Inc.
  7. Revision By: Sham Chauthani
  8. Revised on 07/02/99 12:40:00
  9. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10. */
  11. #include "stdafx.h"
  12. #include "Err.hpp"
  13. #include "ErrDct.hpp"
  14. #include "workobj.h"
  15. #include "TReg.hpp"
  16. #include "ProcExts.h"
  17. #include "ResStr.h"
  18. #include "DCTStat.h"
  19. #include "TxtSid.h"
  20. #include "ARExt_i.c"
  21. #include "folders.h"
  22. using namespace nsFolders;
  23. //#import "\bin\AdsProp.tlb" no_namespace
  24. #import "AdsProp.tlb" no_namespace
  25. #ifdef _DEBUG
  26. #define new DEBUG_NEW
  27. #undef THIS_FILE
  28. static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
  29. #endif
  30. const _bstr_t sKeyExtension = REGKEY_EXTENSIONS;
  31. const _bstr_t sKeyBase = REGKEY_ADMT;
  32. extern TErrorDct err;
  33. // Sort function for the list of interface pointers
  34. int TExtNodeSortBySequence(TNode const * t1, TNode const * t2)
  35. {
  36. TNodeInterface const * p1 = (TNodeInterface const *)t1;
  37. TNodeInterface const * p2 = (TNodeInterface const *)t2;
  38. if ( p1->GetSequence() < p2->GetSequence() )
  39. return -1;
  40. else if ( p1->GetSequence() > p2->GetSequence() )
  41. return 1;
  42. else
  43. return 0;
  44. }
  45. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  46. // Construction/Destruction
  47. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  48. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  49. // CONSTRUCTOR : The constructor looks up all the registered COM extensions
  50. // from the registry. For each one it creates a com object and
  51. // puts it into a list as a IExtendAccountMigration *.
  52. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  53. CProcessExtensions::CProcessExtensions(
  54. IVarSetPtr pVs //in -Pointer to the Varset with main settings.
  55. )
  56. {
  57. // Store the varset that has the main settings.
  58. m_pVs = pVs;
  59. // GUI told us to run all the Extensions.
  60. // Now look through the registry to get all the registered extension object ClassIDs
  61. // for each one create a object and store the interface pointer in an array.
  62. TRegKey key;
  63. TCHAR sName[300]; // key name
  64. TCHAR sValue[300]; // value name
  65. DWORD valuelen; // value length
  66. DWORD type; // value type
  67. DWORD retval = 0; // Loop sentinel
  68. CLSID clsid;
  69. HRESULT hr;
  70. IExtendAccountMigration * pExtTemp;
  71. retval = 0;
  72. // Open the Extensions registry key
  73. DWORD rc = key.Open(sKeyExtension);
  74. // if no extensions then we can leave now.
  75. if ( rc != ERROR_SUCCESS )
  76. {
  77. err.SysMsgWrite(ErrE, rc, DCT_MSG_REG_KEY_OPEN_FAILED_SD, (PCWSTR)sKeyExtension, rc);
  78. _com_issue_error(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(rc));
  79. }
  80. valuelen = sizeof(sValue);
  81. // Go through all Name-Value pairs and try to create those objects
  82. // if successful then put it into the list to be processed.
  83. long ndx = 0;
  84. while (!retval)
  85. {
  86. retval = key.ValueEnum(ndx, sName, sizeof(sName)/sizeof(sName[0]), sValue, &valuelen, &type);
  87. if ( !retval )
  88. {
  89. // each name in here is a Object name for the class ID. we are going to use this to
  90. // Create the object and then put the IExtendAccountRepl * in the list member0
  91. ::CLSIDFromProgID(sName, &clsid);
  92. hr = ::CoCreateInstance(clsid, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_IExtendAccountMigration, (void **) &pExtTemp);
  93. if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) )
  94. {
  95. TNodeInterface * pNode = new TNodeInterface(pExtTemp);
  96. long num;
  97. hr = pExtTemp->get_SequenceNumber(&num);
  98. if ((pNode) && (SUCCEEDED(hr)))
  99. {
  100. pNode->SetSequence(num);
  101. }
  102. if (pNode)
  103. {
  104. m_listInterface.InsertBottom(pNode);
  105. }
  106. else
  107. {
  108. pExtTemp->Release();
  109. _com_issue_error(E_OUTOFMEMORY);
  110. }
  111. }
  112. else
  113. {
  114. err.SysMsgWrite(ErrE, hr, DCT_MSG_CANNOT_CREATE_EXTENSION_S, sName);
  115. _com_issue_error(hr);
  116. }
  117. }
  118. if ((retval != ERROR_SUCCESS) && (retval != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS))
  119. {
  120. err.SysMsgWrite(ErrE, retval, DCT_MSG_CANNOT_ENUM_REGISTRY_VALUES_S, (PCWSTR)sKeyExtension);
  121. _com_issue_error(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(retval));
  122. }
  123. ndx++;
  124. }
  125. m_listInterface.Sort(&TExtNodeSortBySequence);
  126. }
  127. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  128. // DESTRUCTOR : Clears the list of interfaces.
  129. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  130. CProcessExtensions::~CProcessExtensions()
  131. {
  132. TNodeInterface * pNode;
  133. TNodeInterface * tempNode;
  134. pNode = (TNodeInterface *) m_listInterface.Head();
  135. while ( pNode )
  136. {
  137. tempNode = (TNodeInterface *)pNode->Next();
  138. delete pNode;
  139. pNode = tempNode;
  140. }
  141. }
  142. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  143. // Process: This function is called by the account replicator for every
  144. // object that is copied. This function sets up the parameters and
  145. // for every registered extension object it calls the Process method
  146. // on that extension.
  147. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  148. HRESULT CProcessExtensions::Process(
  149. TAcctReplNode * pAcctNode, //in- Account replication node
  150. _bstr_t sTargetDomain, //in- Name of the target domain
  151. Options * pOptions, //in- Options as set by the user
  152. BOOL bPreMigration //in- Flag, whether to call pre or post task
  153. )
  154. {
  155. IExtendAccountMigration * pExt;
  156. TNodeInterface * pNode = NULL;
  157. HRESULT hr;
  158. IUnknown * pSUnk = NULL;
  159. IUnknown * pTUnk = NULL;
  160. IUnknown * pMain = NULL;
  161. IUnknown * pProps = NULL;
  162. IVarSetPtr pVar(__uuidof(VarSet));
  163. IObjPropBuilderPtr pProp(__uuidof(ObjPropBuilder));
  164. IADs * pSource = NULL;
  165. IADs * pTarget = NULL;
  166. _variant_t var;
  167. IDispatch * pDisp = NULL;
  168. // Get the IADs to both source and target accounts.
  169. hr = ADsGetObject(const_cast<WCHAR *>(pAcctNode->GetSourcePath()), IID_IADs, (void**) &pSource);
  170. if ( FAILED(hr))
  171. pSource = NULL;
  172. hr = ADsGetObject(const_cast<WCHAR *>(pAcctNode->GetTargetPath()), IID_IADs, (void**) &pTarget);
  173. if ( FAILED(hr))
  174. pTarget = NULL;
  175. // Get IUnknown * s to everything... Need to marshal it that way
  176. if ( pSource != NULL )
  177. pSource->QueryInterface(IID_IUnknown, (void **) &pSUnk);
  178. else
  179. pSUnk = NULL;
  180. if ( pTarget != NULL )
  181. pTarget->QueryInterface(IID_IUnknown, (void **) &pTUnk);
  182. else
  183. pTUnk = NULL;
  184. pVar->QueryInterface(IID_IUnknown, (void **) &pProps);
  185. m_pVs->QueryInterface(IID_IUnknown, (void **) &pMain);
  186. if ( pOptions->bSameForest )
  187. m_pVs->put(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_IsIntraforest),GET_BSTR(IDS_YES));
  188. else
  189. m_pVs->put(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_IsIntraforest),GET_BSTR(IDS_No));
  190. m_pVs->put(L"Options.SourceDomainVersion",(long)pOptions->srcDomainVer);
  191. m_pVs->put(L"Options.TargetDomainVersion",(long)pOptions->tgtDomainVer);
  192. // AccountNode into the Varset.
  193. PutAccountNodeInVarset(pAcctNode, pTarget, m_pVs);
  194. // Put the DB manager into the Varset
  195. pOptions->pDb->QueryInterface(IID_IDispatch, (void**)&pDisp);
  196. var.vt = VT_DISPATCH;
  197. var.pdispVal = pDisp;
  198. m_pVs->putObject(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_DBManager), var);
  199. // Call the Process Object method on all registered objects.that we created
  200. pNode = (TNodeInterface *) m_listInterface.Head();
  201. while ( pNode )
  202. {
  203. try
  204. {
  205. if ( pOptions->pStatus )
  206. {
  207. LONG status = 0;
  208. HRESULT hr = pOptions->pStatus->get_Status(&status);
  209. if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) && status == DCT_STATUS_ABORTING )
  210. break;
  211. }
  212. pExt = pNode->GetInterface();
  213. if ( pOptions->bUndo )
  214. {
  215. EAMAccountStats eamAccountStats = { 0 };
  216. hr = pExt->ProcessUndo(pSUnk, pTUnk, pMain, &pProps, &eamAccountStats);
  217. BatchMark(eamAccountStats);
  218. }
  219. else
  220. {
  221. BSTR sName;
  222. pExt->get_sName(&sName);
  223. if ( bPreMigration )
  224. {
  225. EAMAccountStats eamAccountStats = { 0 };
  226. hr = pExt->PreProcessObject(pSUnk, pTUnk, pMain, &pProps, &eamAccountStats);
  227. BatchMark(eamAccountStats);
  229. pAcctNode->SetHr(hr);
  230. }
  231. else
  232. {
  233. /* we need to run the DisAcct extension last, so don't run it in this loop
  234. run it in the next loop by itself */
  235. //if not DisAcct extension, process this extension
  236. if (wcscmp((WCHAR*)sName, L"Disable Accounts")) {
  237. EAMAccountStats eamAccountStats = { 0 };
  238. hr = pExt->ProcessObject(pSUnk, pTUnk, pMain, &pProps, &eamAccountStats);
  239. BatchMark(eamAccountStats);
  240. }
  241. }
  242. }
  243. }
  244. catch (...)
  245. {
  246. BSTR sName;
  247. pExt->get_sName(&sName);
  248. err.LogOpen(pOptions->logFile,1);
  249. err.MsgWrite(ErrE, DCT_MSG_Extension_Exception_SS, (WCHAR*) sName, pAcctNode->GetTargetName());
  250. err.LogClose();
  251. hr = S_OK;
  252. }
  253. pNode = (TNodeInterface *)pNode->Next();
  254. }
  255. /* now run the DisAcct extension here to ensure it is run last, if not undo or premigration */
  256. if ((!pOptions->bUndo) && (!bPreMigration))
  257. {
  258. bool bDone = false;
  259. pNode = (TNodeInterface *) m_listInterface.Head();
  260. while ((pNode) && (!bDone))
  261. {
  262. try
  263. {
  264. if ( pOptions->pStatus )
  265. {
  266. LONG status = 0;
  267. HRESULT hr = pOptions->pStatus->get_Status(&status);
  268. if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) && status == DCT_STATUS_ABORTING )
  269. break;
  270. }
  271. pExt = pNode->GetInterface();
  272. BSTR sName;
  273. pExt->get_sName(&sName);
  274. if (!wcscmp((WCHAR*)sName, L"Disable Accounts"))
  275. {
  276. bDone = true;
  277. EAMAccountStats eamAccountStats = { 0 };
  278. hr = pExt->ProcessObject(pSUnk, pTUnk, pMain, &pProps, &eamAccountStats);
  279. BatchMark(eamAccountStats);
  280. }
  281. }
  282. catch (...)
  283. {
  284. BSTR sName;
  285. pExt->get_sName(&sName);
  286. err.LogOpen(pOptions->logFile,1);
  287. err.MsgWrite(ErrE, DCT_MSG_Extension_Exception_SS, (WCHAR*) sName, pAcctNode->GetTargetName());
  288. err.LogClose();
  289. hr = S_OK;
  290. }
  291. pNode = (TNodeInterface *)pNode->Next();
  292. }//end while not done and more
  293. }//end if not undo or premigration
  294. // Now we have the varset with all the settings that the user wants us to set.
  295. // So we can call the SetPropsFromVarset method in out GetProps object to set these
  296. // properties.
  297. hr = pProp->SetPropertiesFromVarset(pAcctNode->GetTargetPath(), /*sTargetDomain,*/ pProps, ADS_ATTR_UPDATE);
  298. // Update the AccountNode with any changes made by the extensions
  299. UpdateAccountNodeFromVarset(pAcctNode, pTarget, m_pVs);
  300. // Cleanup time ...
  301. if ( pSUnk ) pSUnk->Release();
  302. if ( pTUnk ) pTUnk->Release();
  303. if ( pProps ) pProps->Release();
  304. if ( pMain ) pMain->Release();
  305. if ( pSource ) pSource->Release();
  306. if ( pTarget ) pTarget->Release();
  307. return hr;
  308. }
  309. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  310. // PutAccountNodeInVarset : Transfers all the account node info into the
  311. // varset.
  312. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  313. void CProcessExtensions::PutAccountNodeInVarset(
  314. TAcctReplNode *pNode, //in -Replicated account node to get info
  315. IADs * pTarget, //in -IADs pointer to the target object for the GUID
  316. IVarSet * pVS //out-Varset to put the information in
  317. )
  318. {
  319. _variant_t var = L"";
  320. BSTR sGUID;
  321. DWORD lVal = 0;
  322. HRESULT hr;
  323. WCHAR strSid[MAX_PATH];
  324. DWORD lenStrSid = DIM(strSid);
  325. pVS->put(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_SourceName),pNode->GetName());
  326. pVS->put(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_SourcePath),pNode->GetSourcePath());
  327. pVS->put(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_SourceProfile),pNode->GetSourceProfile());
  328. pVS->put(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_SourceRID),(long)pNode->GetSourceRid());
  329. pVS->put(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_SourceSam),pNode->GetSourceSam());
  330. pVS->put(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_Status),(long)pNode->GetStatus());
  331. pVS->put(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_TargetName),pNode->GetTargetName());
  332. pVS->put(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_TargetPath),pNode->GetTargetPath());
  333. pVS->put(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_TargetProfile),pNode->GetTargetProfile());
  334. pVS->put(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_TargetRID),(long)pNode->GetTargetRid());
  335. pVS->put(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_TargetSam),pNode->GetTargetSam());
  336. pVS->put(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_Type),pNode->GetType());
  337. pVS->put(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_GroupType),(long)pNode->GetGroupType());
  338. pVS->put(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_Operations),(long)pNode->operations);
  339. pVS->put(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_ExpDate),pNode->lExpDate);
  340. pVS->put(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_UserFlags), pNode->lFlags);
  341. pVS->put(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_SourceUPN),pNode->GetSourceUPN());
  342. GetTextualSid(pNode->GetSourceSid(),strSid,&lenStrSid);
  343. pVS->put(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_SourceDomainSid),strSid);
  344. // Get the GUID
  345. if ( pTarget )
  346. {
  347. hr = pTarget->get_GUID(&sGUID);
  348. if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) )
  349. {
  350. var = sGUID;
  351. SysFreeString(sGUID);
  352. }
  353. }
  354. pVS->put(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_GUID), var);
  355. // Get the status
  356. lVal = pNode->GetStatus();
  357. var.Clear();
  358. var.vt = VT_UI4;
  359. var.lVal = lVal;
  360. pVS->put(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_Status), var);
  361. }
  362. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  363. // UpdateAccountNodeFromVarset : Updates the account node info with the data in the Transfers all the account node info into the
  364. // varset.
  365. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  366. void CProcessExtensions::UpdateAccountNodeFromVarset(
  367. TAcctReplNode *pNode, //in -Replicated account node to get info
  368. IADs * pTarget, //in -IADs pointer to the target object for the GUID
  369. IVarSet * pVS //out-Varset to put the information in
  370. )
  371. {
  372. _variant_t var = L"";
  373. DWORD lVal = 0;
  374. _bstr_t text;
  375. long val;
  376. text = pVS->get(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_SourceName));
  377. pNode->SetName(text);
  378. text = pVS->get(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_SourcePath));
  379. pNode->SetSourcePath(text);
  380. text = pVS->get(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_SourceProfile));
  381. pNode->SetSourceProfile(text);
  382. val = pVS->get(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_SourceRID));
  383. pNode->SetSourceRid(val);
  384. text = pVS->get(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_SourceSam));
  385. pNode->SetSourceSam(text);
  386. val = pVS->get(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_Status));
  387. pNode->SetStatus(val);
  388. text = pVS->get(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_TargetName));
  389. pNode->SetTargetName(text);
  390. text = pVS->get(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_TargetPath));
  391. pNode->SetTargetPath(text);
  392. text = pVS->get(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_TargetProfile));
  393. pNode->SetTargetProfile(text);
  394. val = pVS->get(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_TargetRID));
  395. pNode->SetTargetRid(val);
  396. text = pVS->get(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_TargetSam));
  397. pNode->SetTargetSam(text);
  398. text = pVS->get(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_Type));
  399. pNode->SetType(text);
  400. val = pVS->get(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_Operations));
  401. pNode->operations = val;
  402. val = pVS->get(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_ExpDate));
  403. pNode->lExpDate = val;
  404. val = pVS->get(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_UserFlags));
  405. pNode->lFlags = val;
  406. text = pVS->get(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_SourceDomainSid));
  407. pNode->SetSourceSid(SidFromString((WCHAR*)text));
  408. }