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  1. /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. File: TAcctReplNode.hpp
  3. Comments: implementation/Definition of the TAcctReplNode class.
  4. (c) Copyright 1999, Mission Critical Software, Inc., All Rights Reserved
  5. Proprietary and confidential to Mission Critical Software, Inc.
  7. Revision By: Sham Chauthani
  8. Revised on 07/02/99 12:40:00
  9. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10. */
  11. #ifndef __TACCTREPLNODE_HPP__
  12. #define __TACCTREPLNODE_HPP__
  13. //#pragma title("TAcctReplNode.hpp- class definitions for Account replication code")
  14. #include <lmcons.h>
  15. #include "Common.hpp"
  16. #include "EaLen.hpp"
  17. #include "Err.hpp"
  18. #include "UString.hpp"
  19. #include "CommaLog.hpp"
  20. #include "WorkObj.h"
  21. #include <COMDEF.h>
  22. #include <map>
  23. #define AR_Status_Created (0x00000001)
  24. #define AR_Status_Replaced (0x00000002)
  25. #define AR_Status_AlreadyExisted (0x00000004)
  26. #define AR_Status_RightsUpdated (0x00000008)
  27. #define AR_Status_DomainChanged (0x00000010)
  28. #define AR_Status_Rebooted (0x00000020)
  29. #define AR_Status_Special (0x00000040)
  30. #define AR_Status_Critical (0x00000080)
  31. #define AR_Status_GroupScopeChanged (0x00000100)
  32. #define AR_Status_PasswordCopied (0x00000200)
  33. #define AR_Status_PasswordError (0x00000400)
  34. #define AR_Status_Warning (0x40000000)
  35. #define AR_Status_Error (0x80000000)
  36. // Opertation flags to be performed on the Account
  37. #define OPS_Create_Account (0x00000001)
  38. #define OPS_Copy_Properties (0x00000002)
  39. #define OPS_Process_Members (0x00000004)
  40. #define OPS_Process_MemberOf (0x00000008)
  41. #define OPS_Call_Extensions (0x00000010)
  42. #define OPS_Move_Object (0x00000020)
  43. #define OPS_All OPS_Create_Account | OPS_Copy_Properties | OPS_Process_Members | OPS_Process_MemberOf | OPS_Call_Extensions
  44. #define OPS_Copy OPS_Create_Account | OPS_Copy_Properties
  45. typedef std::map<_bstr_t,_bstr_t> CGroupMemberMap;
  46. class TAcctReplNode:public TNode
  47. {
  48. _bstr_t name;
  49. _bstr_t newName;
  50. _bstr_t sourcePath;
  51. _bstr_t targetPath;
  52. _bstr_t type; // Account Type
  53. DWORD status;
  54. DWORD ridSrc;
  55. DWORD ridTgt;
  56. _bstr_t sSourceSamName;
  57. _bstr_t sTargetSamName;
  58. _bstr_t sSrcProfilePath;
  59. _bstr_t sTgtProfilePath;
  60. _bstr_t sTargetGUID;
  61. _bstr_t sSourceUPN;
  62. PSID srcSid;
  63. HRESULT hr;
  64. long lGroupType;
  65. public:
  66. DWORD operations; // BitMask Specifies what operations to perform on a pirticular account
  67. bool IsFilled; // Tells us if we need to process this account node any further to fill in required info
  68. bool IsProfPathFilled;
  69. bool bExpanded;
  70. bool bChangedType;
  71. // following map property is added to support UpdateMemberToGroups function to just be able to add
  72. // migrated objects to the groups that they belong to. This map contains all member name\type pair that are
  73. // members of this group account node
  74. CGroupMemberMap mapGrpMember;
  75. long lFlags;
  76. long lExpDate;
  77. BOOL bUPNConflicted;
  78. SAFEARRAY* psaUserRights;
  79. public:
  80. TAcctReplNode() :
  81. status(0),
  82. ridSrc(0),
  83. ridTgt(0),
  84. srcSid(NULL),
  85. hr(-1),
  86. lGroupType(0),
  87. operations(OPS_All),
  88. IsFilled(false),
  89. IsProfPathFilled(false),
  90. bExpanded(false),
  91. bChangedType(false),
  92. lFlags(0),
  93. lExpDate(0),
  94. bUPNConflicted(FALSE),
  95. psaUserRights(NULL)
  96. {
  97. //make sure the member map is empty
  98. mapGrpMember.clear();
  99. }
  100. TAcctReplNode(const TAcctReplNode *pAcctNode) :
  101. name(pAcctNode->name),
  102. newName(pAcctNode->newName),
  103. sourcePath(pAcctNode->sourcePath),
  104. targetPath(pAcctNode->targetPath),
  105. type(pAcctNode->type),
  106. status(pAcctNode->status),
  107. ridSrc(pAcctNode->ridSrc),
  108. ridTgt(pAcctNode->ridTgt),
  109. sSourceSamName(pAcctNode->sSourceSamName),
  110. sTargetSamName(pAcctNode->sTargetSamName),
  111. sSrcProfilePath(pAcctNode->sSrcProfilePath),
  112. sTgtProfilePath(pAcctNode->sTgtProfilePath),
  113. sTargetGUID(pAcctNode->sTargetGUID),
  114. sSourceUPN(pAcctNode->sSourceUPN),
  115. srcSid(pAcctNode->srcSid),
  116. hr(pAcctNode->hr),
  117. lGroupType(pAcctNode->lGroupType),
  118. operations(pAcctNode->operations),
  119. IsFilled(pAcctNode->IsFilled),
  120. IsProfPathFilled(pAcctNode->IsProfPathFilled),
  121. bExpanded(pAcctNode->bExpanded),
  122. bChangedType(pAcctNode->bChangedType),
  123. lFlags(pAcctNode->lFlags),
  124. lExpDate(pAcctNode->lExpDate),
  125. bUPNConflicted(pAcctNode->bUPNConflicted),
  126. psaUserRights(NULL)
  127. {
  128. //copy the member map
  129. mapGrpMember = pAcctNode->mapGrpMember;
  130. if (pAcctNode->psaUserRights)
  131. {
  132. SafeArrayCopy(pAcctNode->psaUserRights, &psaUserRights);
  133. }
  134. }
  135. ~TAcctReplNode()
  136. {
  137. if (psaUserRights)
  138. {
  139. SafeArrayDestroy(psaUserRights);
  140. }
  141. }
  142. WCHAR const * GetName() const { return !name ? L"" : name; }
  143. WCHAR const * GetTargetName() const { return !newName ? !name ? L"" : name : newName; }
  144. WCHAR const * GetTargetPath() const { return !targetPath ? L"" : targetPath; }
  145. WCHAR const * GetSourcePath() const { return !sourcePath ? L"" : sourcePath; }
  146. WCHAR const * GetType() const { return !type ? L"" : type; }
  147. WCHAR const * GetSourceSam() const { return !sSourceSamName ? L"" : sSourceSamName; }
  148. WCHAR const * GetTargetSam() const { return !sTargetSamName ? L"" : sTargetSamName; }
  149. WCHAR const * GetTargetProfile() const { return !sTgtProfilePath ? L"" : sTgtProfilePath; }
  150. WCHAR const * GetSourceProfile() const { return !sSrcProfilePath ? L"" : sSrcProfilePath; }
  151. WCHAR const * GetTargetGUID() const { return !sTargetGUID ? L"" : sTargetGUID; }
  152. WCHAR const * GetSourceUPN() const { return !sSourceUPN ? L"" : sSourceUPN; }
  153. PSID GetSourceSid() { return srcSid; }
  154. DWORD GetStatus() const { return status; }
  155. DWORD GetSourceRid() const { return ridSrc; }
  156. DWORD GetTargetRid() const { return ridTgt; }
  157. long GetGroupType() { return lGroupType; }
  158. HRESULT GetHr() const { return hr; }
  159. void SetName(const TCHAR * newname) { name = newname; }
  160. void SetTargetName(const WCHAR * name) { newName = name; }
  161. void SetTargetPath(const WCHAR * sPath) { targetPath = sPath; }
  162. void SetSourcePath(const WCHAR * sPath) { sourcePath = sPath; }
  163. void SetSourceSam(const WCHAR * sName) { sSourceSamName = sName; }
  164. void SetTargetSam(const WCHAR * sName) { sTargetSamName = sName; }
  165. void SetSourceProfile(const WCHAR * sPath) { sSrcProfilePath = sPath; IsProfPathFilled = true; }
  166. void SetTargetProfile(const WCHAR * sPath) { sTgtProfilePath = sPath; }
  167. void SetTargetGUID(const WCHAR * sGUID) { sTargetGUID = sGUID; }
  168. void SetType(const WCHAR * newtype) { type = newtype; }
  169. void SetSourceUPN(const WCHAR * sName) { sSourceUPN = sName; }
  170. void SetSourceSid(PSID sSid) { srcSid = sSid; }
  171. void SetStatus(DWORD val) { status = val; }
  172. void SetGroupType(long type) { lGroupType = type; }
  173. void SetSourceRid(DWORD val) { ridSrc = val; }
  174. void SetTargetRid(DWORD val) { ridTgt = val; }
  175. void SetHr(const HRESULT hrRes) { hr = hrRes; }
  176. void MarkCreated() { status |= AR_Status_Created; }
  177. void MarkReplaced() { status |= AR_Status_Replaced; }
  178. void MarkAlreadyThere() { status |= AR_Status_AlreadyExisted; }
  179. void MarkError() { status |= AR_Status_Error; }
  180. void MarkWarning() { status |= AR_Status_Warning; }
  181. void MarkRightsUpdated() { status |= AR_Status_RightsUpdated; }
  182. void MarkDomainChanged() { status |= AR_Status_DomainChanged; }
  183. void MarkRebooted() { status |= AR_Status_Rebooted; }
  184. void MarkCritical() { status = AR_Status_Critical; }
  185. void MarkGroupScopeChanged() { status |= AR_Status_GroupScopeChanged; }
  186. BOOL WasCreated() { return status & AR_Status_Created; }
  187. BOOL WasReplaced() { return status & AR_Status_Replaced; }
  188. BOOL IsCritical() { return status & AR_Status_Critical; }
  189. BOOL WasGroupScopeChanged() { return status & AR_Status_GroupScopeChanged; }
  190. BOOL CreateAccount() { return operations & OPS_Create_Account; }
  191. BOOL CopyProps() { return operations & OPS_Copy_Properties; }
  192. BOOL ProcessMem() { return operations & OPS_Process_Members; }
  193. BOOL ProcessMemOf() { return operations & OPS_Process_MemberOf; }
  194. BOOL CallExt() { return operations & OPS_Call_Extensions; }
  195. };
  196. #endif